mod project_panel_settings; mod scrollbar; use client::{ErrorCode, ErrorExt}; use scrollbar::ProjectPanelScrollbar; use settings::{Settings, SettingsStore}; use db::kvp::KEY_VALUE_STORE; use editor::{ items::entry_git_aware_label_color, scroll::{Autoscroll, ScrollbarAutoHide}, Editor, }; use file_icons::FileIcons; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use collections::{hash_map, BTreeSet, HashMap}; use git::repository::GitFileStatus; use gpui::{ actions, anchored, deferred, div, impl_actions, px, uniform_list, Action, AnyElement, AppContext, AssetSource, AsyncWindowContext, ClipboardItem, DismissEvent, Div, DragMoveEvent, EventEmitter, ExternalPaths, FocusHandle, FocusableView, InteractiveElement, KeyContext, ListSizingBehavior, Model, MouseButton, MouseDownEvent, ParentElement, Pixels, Point, PromptLevel, Render, Stateful, Styled, Subscription, Task, UniformListScrollHandle, View, ViewContext, VisualContext as _, WeakView, WindowContext, }; use menu::{Confirm, SelectFirst, SelectLast, SelectNext, SelectPrev}; use project::{Entry, EntryKind, Fs, Project, ProjectEntryId, ProjectPath, Worktree, WorktreeId}; use project_panel_settings::{ProjectPanelDockPosition, ProjectPanelSettings, ShowScrollbar}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ cell::{Cell, OnceCell}, collections::HashSet, ffi::OsStr, ops::Range, path::{Path, PathBuf}, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, time::Duration, }; use theme::ThemeSettings; use ui::{prelude::*, v_flex, ContextMenu, Icon, KeyBinding, Label, ListItem, Tooltip}; use util::{maybe, ResultExt, TryFutureExt}; use workspace::{ dock::{DockPosition, Panel, PanelEvent}, notifications::{DetachAndPromptErr, NotifyTaskExt}, DraggedSelection, OpenInTerminal, SelectedEntry, Workspace, }; use worktree::CreatedEntry; const PROJECT_PANEL_KEY: &str = "ProjectPanel"; const NEW_ENTRY_ID: ProjectEntryId = ProjectEntryId::MAX; pub struct ProjectPanel { project: Model, fs: Arc, scroll_handle: UniformListScrollHandle, focus_handle: FocusHandle, visible_entries: Vec<(WorktreeId, Vec, OnceCell>>)>, last_worktree_root_id: Option, last_external_paths_drag_over_entry: Option, expanded_dir_ids: HashMap>, unfolded_dir_ids: HashSet, // Currently selected entry in a file tree selection: Option, marked_entries: BTreeSet, context_menu: Option<(View, Point, Subscription)>, edit_state: Option, filename_editor: View, clipboard: Option, _dragged_entry_destination: Option>, workspace: WeakView, width: Option, pending_serialization: Task>, show_scrollbar: bool, scrollbar_drag_thumb_offset: Rc>>, hide_scrollbar_task: Option>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct EditState { worktree_id: WorktreeId, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, is_new_entry: bool, is_dir: bool, processing_filename: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum ClipboardEntry { Copied(BTreeSet), Cut(BTreeSet), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct EntryDetails { filename: String, icon: Option, path: Arc, depth: usize, kind: EntryKind, is_ignored: bool, is_expanded: bool, is_selected: bool, is_marked: bool, is_editing: bool, is_processing: bool, is_cut: bool, git_status: Option, is_private: bool, worktree_id: WorktreeId, canonical_path: Option>, } #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Default, Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct Delete { #[serde(default)] pub skip_prompt: bool, } #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Default, Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct Trash { #[serde(default)] pub skip_prompt: bool, } impl_actions!(project_panel, [Delete, Trash]); actions!( project_panel, [ ExpandSelectedEntry, CollapseSelectedEntry, CollapseAllEntries, NewDirectory, NewFile, Copy, CopyPath, CopyRelativePath, Duplicate, RevealInFileManager, Cut, Paste, Rename, Open, OpenPermanent, ToggleFocus, NewSearchInDirectory, UnfoldDirectory, FoldDirectory, SelectParent, ] ); pub fn init_settings(cx: &mut AppContext) { ProjectPanelSettings::register(cx); } pub fn init(assets: impl AssetSource, cx: &mut AppContext) { init_settings(cx); file_icons::init(assets, cx); cx.observe_new_views(|workspace: &mut Workspace, _| { workspace.register_action(|workspace, _: &ToggleFocus, cx| { workspace.toggle_panel_focus::(cx); }); }) .detach(); } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Event { OpenedEntry { entry_id: ProjectEntryId, focus_opened_item: bool, allow_preview: bool, mark_selected: bool, }, SplitEntry { entry_id: ProjectEntryId, }, Focus, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct SerializedProjectPanel { width: Option, } struct DraggedProjectEntryView { selection: SelectedEntry, details: EntryDetails, width: Pixels, selections: Arc>, } impl ProjectPanel { fn new(workspace: &mut Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> View { let project = workspace.project().clone(); let project_panel = cx.new_view(|cx: &mut ViewContext| { let focus_handle = cx.focus_handle(); cx.on_focus(&focus_handle, Self::focus_in).detach(); cx.on_focus_out(&focus_handle, |this, _, cx| { this.hide_scrollbar(cx); }) .detach(); cx.subscribe(&project, |this, project, event, cx| match event { project::Event::ActiveEntryChanged(Some(entry_id)) => { if ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx).auto_reveal_entries { this.reveal_entry(project, *entry_id, true, cx); } } project::Event::RevealInProjectPanel(entry_id) => { this.reveal_entry(project, *entry_id, false, cx); cx.emit(PanelEvent::Activate); } project::Event::ActivateProjectPanel => { cx.emit(PanelEvent::Activate); } project::Event::WorktreeRemoved(id) => { this.expanded_dir_ids.remove(id); this.update_visible_entries(None, cx); cx.notify(); } project::Event::WorktreeUpdatedEntries(_, _) | project::Event::WorktreeAdded | project::Event::WorktreeOrderChanged => { this.update_visible_entries(None, cx); cx.notify(); } _ => {} }) .detach(); let filename_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| Editor::single_line(cx)); cx.subscribe(&filename_editor, |this, _, event, cx| match event { editor::EditorEvent::BufferEdited | editor::EditorEvent::SelectionsChanged { .. } => { this.autoscroll(cx); } editor::EditorEvent::Blurred => { if this .edit_state .as_ref() .map_or(false, |state| state.processing_filename.is_none()) { this.edit_state = None; this.update_visible_entries(None, cx); } } _ => {} }) .detach(); cx.observe_global::(|_, cx| { cx.notify(); }) .detach(); let mut project_panel_settings = *ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx); cx.observe_global::(move |_, cx| { let new_settings = *ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx); if project_panel_settings != new_settings { project_panel_settings = new_settings; cx.notify(); } }) .detach(); let mut this = Self { project: project.clone(), fs: workspace.app_state().fs.clone(), scroll_handle: UniformListScrollHandle::new(), focus_handle, visible_entries: Default::default(), last_worktree_root_id: Default::default(), last_external_paths_drag_over_entry: None, expanded_dir_ids: Default::default(), unfolded_dir_ids: Default::default(), selection: None, marked_entries: Default::default(), edit_state: None, context_menu: None, filename_editor, clipboard: None, _dragged_entry_destination: None, workspace: workspace.weak_handle(), width: None, pending_serialization: Task::ready(None), show_scrollbar: !Self::should_autohide_scrollbar(cx), hide_scrollbar_task: None, scrollbar_drag_thumb_offset: Default::default(), }; this.update_visible_entries(None, cx); this }); cx.subscribe(&project_panel, { let project_panel = project_panel.downgrade(); move |workspace, _, event, cx| match event { &Event::OpenedEntry { entry_id, focus_opened_item, allow_preview, mark_selected } => { if let Some(worktree) =, cx) { if let Some(entry) = { let file_path = entry.path.clone(); let worktree_id =; let entry_id =; project_panel.update(cx, |this, _| { if !mark_selected { this.marked_entries.clear(); } this.marked_entries.insert(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id }); }).ok(); workspace .open_path_preview( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: file_path.clone(), }, None, focus_opened_item, allow_preview, cx, ) .detach_and_prompt_err("Failed to open file", cx, move |e, _| { match e.error_code() { ErrorCode::Disconnected => Some("Disconnected from remote project".to_string()), ErrorCode::UnsharedItem => Some(format!( "{} is not shared by the host. This could be because it has been marked as `private`", file_path.display() )), _ => None, } }); if let Some(project_panel) = project_panel.upgrade() { // Always select the entry, regardless of whether it is opened or not. project_panel.update(cx, |project_panel, _| { project_panel.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id }); }); if !focus_opened_item { let focus_handle =; cx.focus(&focus_handle); } } } } } &Event::SplitEntry { entry_id } => { if let Some(worktree) =, cx) { if let Some(entry) = { workspace .split_path( ProjectPath { worktree_id:, path: entry.path.clone(), }, cx, ) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } } } _ => {} } }) .detach(); project_panel } pub async fn load( workspace: WeakView, mut cx: AsyncWindowContext, ) -> Result> { let serialized_panel = cx .background_executor() .spawn(async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE.read_kvp(PROJECT_PANEL_KEY) }) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to load project panel: {}", e)) .log_err() .flatten() .map(|panel| serde_json::from_str::(&panel)) .transpose() .log_err() .flatten(); workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx); if let Some(serialized_panel) = serialized_panel { panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.width =|px| px.round()); cx.notify(); }); } panel }) } fn serialize(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let width = self.width; self.pending_serialization = cx.background_executor().spawn( async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE .write_kvp( PROJECT_PANEL_KEY.into(), serde_json::to_string(&SerializedProjectPanel { width })?, ) .await?; anyhow::Ok(()) } .log_err(), ); } fn focus_in(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if !self.focus_handle.contains_focused(cx) { cx.emit(Event::Focus); } } fn deploy_context_menu( &mut self, position: Point, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let this = cx.view().clone(); let project =; let worktree_id = if let Some(id) = project.worktree_id_for_entry(entry_id, cx) { id } else { return; }; self.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id, }); if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { let auto_fold_dirs = ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx).auto_fold_dirs; let is_root = Some(entry) == worktree.root_entry(); let is_dir = entry.is_dir(); let is_foldable = auto_fold_dirs && self.is_foldable(entry, worktree); let is_unfoldable = auto_fold_dirs && self.is_unfoldable(entry, worktree); let worktree_id =; let is_read_only = project.is_read_only(); let is_remote = project.is_remote() && project.dev_server_project_id().is_none(); let context_menu = ContextMenu::build(cx, |menu, cx| { menu.context(self.focus_handle.clone()).map(|menu| { if is_read_only { menu.when(is_dir, |menu| { menu.action("Search Inside", Box::new(NewSearchInDirectory)) }) } else { menu.action("New File", Box::new(NewFile)) .action("New Folder", Box::new(NewDirectory)) .separator() .when(cfg!(target_os = "macos"), |menu| { menu.action("Reveal in Finder", Box::new(RevealInFileManager)) }) .when(cfg!(not(target_os = "macos")), |menu| { menu.action("Reveal in File Manager", Box::new(RevealInFileManager)) }) .action("Open in Terminal", Box::new(OpenInTerminal)) .when(is_dir, |menu| { menu.separator() .action("Find in Folder…", Box::new(NewSearchInDirectory)) }) .when(is_unfoldable, |menu| { menu.action("Unfold Directory", Box::new(UnfoldDirectory)) }) .when(is_foldable, |menu| { menu.action("Fold Directory", Box::new(FoldDirectory)) }) .separator() .action("Cut", Box::new(Cut)) .action("Copy", Box::new(Copy)) .action("Duplicate", Box::new(Duplicate)) // TODO: Paste should always be visible, cbut disabled when clipboard is empty .when_some(self.clipboard.as_ref(), |menu, entry| { let entries_for_worktree_id = (SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id: ProjectEntryId::MIN, }) ..(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id: ProjectEntryId::MAX, }); menu.when( entry .items() .range(entries_for_worktree_id) .next() .is_some(), |menu| menu.action("Paste", Box::new(Paste)), ) }) .separator() .action("Copy Path", Box::new(CopyPath)) .action("Copy Relative Path", Box::new(CopyRelativePath)) .separator() .action("Rename", Box::new(Rename)) .when(!is_root, |menu| { menu.action("Trash", Box::new(Trash { skip_prompt: false })) .action("Delete", Box::new(Delete { skip_prompt: false })) }) .when(!is_remote & is_root, |menu| { menu.separator() .action( "Add Folder to Project…", Box::new(workspace::AddFolderToProject), ) .entry( "Remove from Project", None, cx.handler_for(&this, move |this, cx| { this.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.remove_worktree(worktree_id, cx) }); }), ) }) .when(is_root, |menu| { menu.separator() .action("Collapse All", Box::new(CollapseAllEntries)) }) } }) }); cx.focus_view(&context_menu); let subscription = cx.subscribe(&context_menu, |this, _, _: &DismissEvent, cx| { this.context_menu.take(); cx.notify(); }); self.context_menu = Some((context_menu, position, subscription)); } cx.notify(); } fn is_unfoldable(&self, entry: &Entry, worktree: &Worktree) -> bool { if !entry.is_dir() || self.unfolded_dir_ids.contains(& { return false; } if let Some(parent_path) = entry.path.parent() { let snapshot = worktree.snapshot(); let mut child_entries = snapshot.child_entries(&parent_path); if let Some(child) = { if { return child.kind.is_dir(); } } }; false } fn is_foldable(&self, entry: &Entry, worktree: &Worktree) -> bool { if entry.is_dir() { let snapshot = worktree.snapshot(); let mut child_entries = snapshot.child_entries(&entry.path); if let Some(child) = { if { return child.kind.is_dir(); } } } false } fn expand_selected_entry(&mut self, _: &ExpandSelectedEntry, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { if entry.is_dir() { let worktree_id =; let entry_id =; let expanded_dir_ids = if let Some(expanded_dir_ids) = self.expanded_dir_ids.get_mut(&worktree_id) { expanded_dir_ids } else { return; }; match expanded_dir_ids.binary_search(&entry_id) { Ok(_) => self.select_next(&SelectNext, cx), Err(ix) => { self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.expand_entry(worktree_id, entry_id, cx); }); expanded_dir_ids.insert(ix, entry_id); self.update_visible_entries(None, cx); cx.notify(); } } } } } fn collapse_selected_entry(&mut self, _: &CollapseSelectedEntry, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, mut entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { let worktree_id =; let expanded_dir_ids = if let Some(expanded_dir_ids) = self.expanded_dir_ids.get_mut(&worktree_id) { expanded_dir_ids } else { return; }; loop { let entry_id =; match expanded_dir_ids.binary_search(&entry_id) { Ok(ix) => { expanded_dir_ids.remove(ix); self.update_visible_entries(Some((worktree_id, entry_id)), cx); cx.notify(); break; } Err(_) => { if let Some(parent_entry) = entry.path.parent().and_then(|p| worktree.entry_for_path(p)) { entry = parent_entry; } else { break; } } } } } } pub fn collapse_all_entries(&mut self, _: &CollapseAllEntries, cx: &mut ViewContext) { // By keeping entries for fully collapsed worktrees, we avoid expanding them within update_visible_entries // (which is it's default behavior when there's no entry for a worktree in expanded_dir_ids). self.expanded_dir_ids .retain(|_, expanded_entries| expanded_entries.is_empty()); self.update_visible_entries(None, cx); cx.notify(); } fn toggle_expanded(&mut self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(worktree_id) =, cx) { if let Some(expanded_dir_ids) = self.expanded_dir_ids.get_mut(&worktree_id) { self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { match expanded_dir_ids.binary_search(&entry_id) { Ok(ix) => { expanded_dir_ids.remove(ix); } Err(ix) => { project.expand_entry(worktree_id, entry_id, cx); expanded_dir_ids.insert(ix, entry_id); } } }); self.update_visible_entries(Some((worktree_id, entry_id)), cx); cx.focus(&self.focus_handle); cx.notify(); } } } fn select_prev(&mut self, _: &SelectPrev, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(selection) = self.selection { let (mut worktree_ix, mut entry_ix, _) = self.index_for_selection(selection).unwrap_or_default(); if entry_ix > 0 { entry_ix -= 1; } else if worktree_ix > 0 { worktree_ix -= 1; entry_ix = self.visible_entries[worktree_ix].1.len() - 1; } else { return; } let (worktree_id, worktree_entries, _) = &self.visible_entries[worktree_ix]; let selection = SelectedEntry { worktree_id: *worktree_id, entry_id: worktree_entries[entry_ix].id, }; self.selection = Some(selection); if cx.modifiers().shift { self.marked_entries.insert(selection); } self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } else { self.select_first(&SelectFirst {}, cx); } } fn confirm(&mut self, _: &Confirm, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(task) = self.confirm_edit(cx) { task.detach_and_notify_err(cx); } } fn open(&mut self, _: &Open, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.open_internal(false, true, false, cx); } fn open_permanent(&mut self, _: &OpenPermanent, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.open_internal(true, false, true, cx); } fn open_internal( &mut self, mark_selected: bool, allow_preview: bool, focus_opened_item: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { if let Some((_, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { if entry.is_file() { self.open_entry(, mark_selected, focus_opened_item, allow_preview, cx, ); } else { self.toggle_expanded(, cx); } } } fn confirm_edit(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option>> { let edit_state = self.edit_state.as_mut()?; cx.focus(&self.focus_handle); let worktree_id = edit_state.worktree_id; let is_new_entry = edit_state.is_new_entry; let filename =; edit_state.is_dir = edit_state.is_dir || (edit_state.is_new_entry && filename.ends_with(std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR)); let is_dir = edit_state.is_dir; let worktree =, cx)?; let entry =; let path_already_exists = |path|; let edit_task; let edited_entry_id; if is_new_entry { self.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id: NEW_ENTRY_ID, }); let new_path = entry.path.join(&filename.trim_start_matches('/')); if path_already_exists(new_path.as_path()) { return None; } edited_entry_id = NEW_ENTRY_ID; edit_task = self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.create_entry((worktree_id, &new_path), is_dir, cx) }); } else { let new_path = if let Some(parent) = entry.path.clone().parent() { parent.join(&filename) } else { filename.clone().into() }; if path_already_exists(new_path.as_path()) { return None; } edited_entry_id =; edit_task = self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.rename_entry(, new_path.as_path(), cx) }); }; edit_state.processing_filename = Some(filename); cx.notify(); Some(cx.spawn(|project_panel, mut cx| async move { let new_entry = edit_task.await; project_panel.update(&mut cx, |project_panel, cx| { project_panel.edit_state.take(); cx.notify(); })?; match new_entry { Err(e) => { project_panel.update(&mut cx, |project_panel, cx| { project_panel.marked_entries.clear(); project_panel.update_visible_entries(None, cx); }).ok(); Err(e)?; } Ok(CreatedEntry::Included(new_entry)) => { project_panel.update(&mut cx, |project_panel, cx| { if let Some(selection) = &mut project_panel.selection { if selection.entry_id == edited_entry_id { selection.worktree_id = worktree_id; selection.entry_id =; project_panel.marked_entries.clear(); project_panel.expand_to_selection(cx); } } project_panel.update_visible_entries(None, cx); if is_new_entry && !is_dir { project_panel.open_entry(, false, true, false, cx); } cx.notify(); })?; } Ok(CreatedEntry::Excluded { abs_path }) => { if let Some(open_task) = project_panel .update(&mut cx, |project_panel, cx| { project_panel.marked_entries.clear(); project_panel.update_visible_entries(None, cx); if is_dir { project_panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::Notification(format!( "Created an excluded directory at {abs_path:?}.\nAlter `file_scan_exclusions` in the settings to show it in the panel" ))) }); None } else { project_panel .workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.open_abs_path(abs_path, true, cx) }) .ok() } }) .ok() .flatten() { let _ = open_task.await?; } } } Ok(()) })) } fn cancel(&mut self, _: &menu::Cancel, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.edit_state = None; self.update_visible_entries(None, cx); self.marked_entries.clear(); cx.focus(&self.focus_handle); cx.notify(); } fn open_entry( &mut self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, mark_selected: bool, focus_opened_item: bool, allow_preview: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { cx.emit(Event::OpenedEntry { entry_id, focus_opened_item, allow_preview, mark_selected, }); } fn split_entry(&mut self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.emit(Event::SplitEntry { entry_id }); } fn new_file(&mut self, _: &NewFile, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.add_entry(false, cx) } fn new_directory(&mut self, _: &NewDirectory, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.add_entry(true, cx) } fn add_entry(&mut self, is_dir: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id, }) = self.selection { let directory_id; if let Some((worktree, expanded_dir_ids)) = self .project .read(cx) .worktree_for_id(worktree_id, cx) .zip(self.expanded_dir_ids.get_mut(&worktree_id)) { let worktree =; if let Some(mut entry) = worktree.entry_for_id(entry_id) { loop { if entry.is_dir() { if let Err(ix) = expanded_dir_ids.binary_search(& { expanded_dir_ids.insert(ix,; } directory_id =; break; } else { if let Some(parent_path) = entry.path.parent() { if let Some(parent_entry) = worktree.entry_for_path(parent_path) { entry = parent_entry; continue; } } return; } } } else { return; }; } else { return; }; self.marked_entries.clear(); self.edit_state = Some(EditState { worktree_id, entry_id: directory_id, is_new_entry: true, is_dir, processing_filename: None, }); self.filename_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.clear(cx); editor.focus(cx); }); self.update_visible_entries(Some((worktree_id, NEW_ENTRY_ID)), cx); self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } fn rename(&mut self, _: &Rename, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id, }) = self.selection { if let Some(worktree) =, cx) { if let Some(entry) = { self.edit_state = Some(EditState { worktree_id, entry_id, is_new_entry: false, is_dir: entry.is_dir(), processing_filename: None, }); let file_name = entry .path .file_name() .map(|s| s.to_string_lossy()) .unwrap_or_default() .to_string(); let file_stem = entry.path.file_stem().map(|s| s.to_string_lossy()); let selection_end = file_stem.map_or(file_name.len(), |file_stem| file_stem.len()); self.filename_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.set_text(file_name, cx); editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::fit()), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([0..selection_end]) }); editor.focus(cx); }); self.update_visible_entries(None, cx); self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } } } fn trash(&mut self, action: &Trash, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.remove(true, action.skip_prompt, cx); } fn delete(&mut self, action: &Delete, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.remove(false, action.skip_prompt, cx); } fn remove(&mut self, trash: bool, skip_prompt: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, ProjectPanel>) { maybe!({ if self.marked_entries.is_empty() && self.selection.is_none() { return None; } let project =; let items_to_delete = self.marked_entries(); let file_paths = items_to_delete .into_iter() .filter_map(|selection| { Some(( selection.entry_id, project .path_for_entry(selection.entry_id, cx)? .path .file_name()? .to_string_lossy() .into_owned(), )) }) .collect::>(); if file_paths.is_empty() { return None; } let answer = if !skip_prompt { let operation = if trash { "Trash" } else { "Delete" }; let prompt = if let Some((_, path)) = file_paths.first().filter(|_| file_paths.len() == 1) { format!("{operation} {path}?") } else { const CUTOFF_POINT: usize = 10; let names = if file_paths.len() > CUTOFF_POINT { let truncated_path_counts = file_paths.len() - CUTOFF_POINT; let mut paths = file_paths .iter() .map(|(_, path)| path.clone()) .take(CUTOFF_POINT) .collect::>(); paths.truncate(CUTOFF_POINT); if truncated_path_counts == 1 { paths.push(".. 1 file not shown".into()); } else { paths.push(format!(".. {} files not shown", truncated_path_counts)); } paths } else { file_paths.iter().map(|(_, path)| path.clone()).collect() }; format!( "Do you want to {} the following {} files?\n{}", operation.to_lowercase(), file_paths.len(), names.join("\n") ) }; Some(cx.prompt(PromptLevel::Info, &prompt, None, &[operation, "Cancel"])) } else { None }; cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { if let Some(answer) = answer { if answer.await != Ok(0) { return Result::<(), anyhow::Error>::Ok(()); } } for (entry_id, _) in file_paths { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.delete_entry(entry_id, trash, cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no such entry")) })?? .await?; } Result::<(), anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); Some(()) }); } fn unfold_directory(&mut self, _: &UnfoldDirectory, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { self.unfolded_dir_ids.insert(; let snapshot = worktree.snapshot(); let mut parent_path = entry.path.parent(); while let Some(path) = parent_path { if let Some(parent_entry) = worktree.entry_for_path(path) { let mut children_iter = snapshot.child_entries(path); if children_iter.by_ref().take(2).count() > 1 { break; } self.unfolded_dir_ids.insert(; parent_path = path.parent(); } else { break; } } self.update_visible_entries(None, cx); self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } fn fold_directory(&mut self, _: &FoldDirectory, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { self.unfolded_dir_ids.remove(&; let snapshot = worktree.snapshot(); let mut path = &*entry.path; loop { let mut child_entries_iter = snapshot.child_entries(path); if let Some(child) = { if && child.is_dir() { self.unfolded_dir_ids.remove(&; path = &*child.path; } else { break; } } else { break; } } self.update_visible_entries(None, cx); self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } fn select_next(&mut self, _: &SelectNext, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(selection) = self.selection { let (mut worktree_ix, mut entry_ix, _) = self.index_for_selection(selection).unwrap_or_default(); if let Some((_, worktree_entries, _)) = self.visible_entries.get(worktree_ix) { if entry_ix + 1 < worktree_entries.len() { entry_ix += 1; } else { worktree_ix += 1; entry_ix = 0; } } if let Some((worktree_id, worktree_entries, _)) = self.visible_entries.get(worktree_ix) { if let Some(entry) = worktree_entries.get(entry_ix) { let selection = SelectedEntry { worktree_id: *worktree_id, entry_id:, }; self.selection = Some(selection); if cx.modifiers().shift { self.marked_entries.insert(selection); } self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } } else { self.select_first(&SelectFirst {}, cx); } } fn select_parent(&mut self, _: &SelectParent, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { if let Some(parent) = entry.path.parent() { if let Some(parent_entry) = worktree.entry_for_path(parent) { self.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id:, entry_id:, }); self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } } else { self.select_first(&SelectFirst {}, cx); } } fn select_first(&mut self, _: &SelectFirst, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let worktree = self .visible_entries .first() .and_then(|(worktree_id, _, _)| {*worktree_id, cx) }); if let Some(worktree) = worktree { let worktree =; let worktree_id =; if let Some(root_entry) = worktree.root_entry() { let selection = SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id:, }; self.selection = Some(selection); if cx.modifiers().shift { self.marked_entries.insert(selection); } self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } } fn select_last(&mut self, _: &SelectLast, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let worktree = self.visible_entries.last().and_then(|(worktree_id, _, _)| {*worktree_id, cx) }); if let Some(worktree) = worktree { let worktree =; let worktree_id =; if let Some(last_entry) = worktree.entries(true, 0).last() { self.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id:, }); self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } } fn autoscroll(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((_, _, index)) = self.selection.and_then(|s| self.index_for_selection(s)) { self.scroll_handle.scroll_to_item(index); cx.notify(); } } fn cut(&mut self, _: &Cut, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let entries = self.marked_entries(); if !entries.is_empty() { self.clipboard = Some(ClipboardEntry::Cut(entries)); cx.notify(); } } fn copy(&mut self, _: &Copy, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let entries = self.marked_entries(); if !entries.is_empty() { self.clipboard = Some(ClipboardEntry::Copied(entries)); cx.notify(); } } fn create_paste_path( &self, source: &SelectedEntry, (worktree, target_entry): (Model, &Entry), cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option { let mut new_path = target_entry.path.to_path_buf(); // If we're pasting into a file, or a directory into itself, go up one level. if target_entry.is_file() || (target_entry.is_dir() && == source.entry_id) { new_path.pop(); } let clipboard_entry_file_name = self .project .read(cx) .path_for_entry(source.entry_id, cx)? .path .file_name()? .to_os_string(); new_path.push(&clipboard_entry_file_name); let extension = new_path.extension().map(|e| e.to_os_string()); let file_name_without_extension = Path::new(&clipboard_entry_file_name).file_stem()?; let mut ix = 0; { let worktree =; while worktree.entry_for_path(&new_path).is_some() { new_path.pop(); let mut new_file_name = file_name_without_extension.to_os_string(); new_file_name.push(" copy"); if ix > 0 { new_file_name.push(format!(" {}", ix)); } if let Some(extension) = extension.as_ref() { new_file_name.push("."); new_file_name.push(extension); } new_path.push(new_file_name); ix += 1; } } Some(new_path) } fn paste(&mut self, _: &Paste, cx: &mut ViewContext) { maybe!({ let (worktree, entry) = self.selected_entry_handle(cx)?; let entry = entry.clone(); let worktree_id =; let clipboard_entries = self .clipboard .as_ref() .filter(|clipboard| !clipboard.items().is_empty())?; let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for clipboard_entry in clipboard_entries.items() { if clipboard_entry.worktree_id != worktree_id { return None; } let new_path = self.create_paste_path(clipboard_entry, self.selected_entry_handle(cx)?, cx)?; if clipboard_entries.is_cut() { self.project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.rename_entry(clipboard_entry.entry_id, new_path, cx) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } else { let task = self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.copy_entry(clipboard_entry.entry_id, new_path, cx) }); tasks.push(task); } } cx.spawn(|project_panel, mut cx| async move { let entry_ids = futures::future::join_all(tasks).await; if let Some(Some(entry)) = entry_ids .into_iter() .rev() .find_map(|entry_id| entry_id.ok()) { project_panel .update(&mut cx, |project_panel, _cx| { project_panel.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id:, }); }) .ok(); } }) .detach(); self.expand_entry(worktree_id,, cx); Some(()) }); } fn duplicate(&mut self, _: &Duplicate, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.copy(&Copy {}, cx); self.paste(&Paste {}, cx); } fn copy_path(&mut self, _: &CopyPath, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { cx.write_to_clipboard(ClipboardItem::new_string( worktree .abs_path() .join(&entry.path) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), )); } } fn copy_relative_path(&mut self, _: &CopyRelativePath, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((_, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { cx.write_to_clipboard(ClipboardItem::new_string( entry.path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), )); } } fn reveal_in_finder(&mut self, _: &RevealInFileManager, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { cx.reveal_path(&worktree.abs_path().join(&entry.path)); } } fn open_in_terminal(&mut self, _: &OpenInTerminal, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { let abs_path = worktree.abs_path().join(&entry.path); let working_directory = if entry.is_dir() { Some(abs_path) } else { if entry.is_symlink { abs_path.canonicalize().ok() } else { Some(abs_path) } .and_then(|path| Some(path.parent()?.to_path_buf())) }; if let Some(working_directory) = working_directory { cx.dispatch_action(workspace::OpenTerminal { working_directory }.boxed_clone()) } } } pub fn new_search_in_directory( &mut self, _: &NewSearchInDirectory, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { if let Some((worktree, entry)) = self.selected_entry(cx) { if entry.is_dir() { let include_root = > 1; let dir_path = if include_root { let mut full_path = PathBuf::from(worktree.root_name()); full_path.push(&entry.path); Arc::from(full_path) } else { entry.path.clone() }; self.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { search::ProjectSearchView::new_search_in_directory( workspace, &dir_path, cx, ); }) .ok(); } } } fn move_entry( &mut self, entry_to_move: ProjectEntryId, destination: ProjectEntryId, destination_is_file: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { if self .project .read(cx) .entry_is_worktree_root(entry_to_move, cx) { self.move_worktree_root(entry_to_move, destination, cx) } else { self.move_worktree_entry(entry_to_move, destination, destination_is_file, cx) } } fn move_worktree_root( &mut self, entry_to_move: ProjectEntryId, destination: ProjectEntryId, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { let Some(worktree_to_move) = project.worktree_for_entry(entry_to_move, cx) else { return; }; let Some(destination_worktree) = project.worktree_for_entry(destination, cx) else { return; }; let worktree_id =; let destination_id =; project .move_worktree(worktree_id, destination_id, cx) .log_err(); }); return; } fn move_worktree_entry( &mut self, entry_to_move: ProjectEntryId, destination: ProjectEntryId, destination_is_file: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let destination_worktree = self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { let entry_path = project.path_for_entry(entry_to_move, cx)?; let destination_entry_path = project.path_for_entry(destination, cx)?.path.clone(); let mut destination_path = destination_entry_path.as_ref(); if destination_is_file { destination_path = destination_path.parent()?; } let mut new_path = destination_path.to_path_buf(); new_path.push(entry_path.path.file_name()?); if new_path != entry_path.path.as_ref() { let task = project.rename_entry(entry_to_move, new_path, cx); cx.foreground_executor().spawn(task).detach_and_log_err(cx); } project.worktree_id_for_entry(destination, cx) }); if let Some(destination_worktree) = destination_worktree { self.expand_entry(destination_worktree, destination, cx); } } fn index_for_selection(&self, selection: SelectedEntry) -> Option<(usize, usize, usize)> { let mut entry_index = 0; let mut visible_entries_index = 0; for (worktree_index, (worktree_id, worktree_entries, _)) in self.visible_entries.iter().enumerate() { if *worktree_id == selection.worktree_id { for entry in worktree_entries { if == selection.entry_id { return Some((worktree_index, entry_index, visible_entries_index)); } else { visible_entries_index += 1; entry_index += 1; } } break; } else { visible_entries_index += worktree_entries.len(); } } None } // Returns list of entries that should be affected by an operation. // When currently selected entry is not marked, it's treated as the only marked entry. fn marked_entries(&self) -> BTreeSet { let Some(selection) = self.selection else { return Default::default(); }; if self.marked_entries.contains(&selection) { self.marked_entries.clone() } else { BTreeSet::from_iter([selection]) } } pub fn selected_entry<'a>( &self, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> Option<(&'a Worktree, &'a project::Entry)> { let (worktree, entry) = self.selected_entry_handle(cx)?; Some((, entry)) } fn selected_entry_handle<'a>( &self, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> Option<(Model, &'a project::Entry)> { let selection = self.selection?; let project =; let worktree = project.worktree_for_id(selection.worktree_id, cx)?; let entry =; Some((worktree, entry)) } fn expand_to_selection(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option<()> { let (worktree, entry) = self.selected_entry(cx)?; let expanded_dir_ids = self.expanded_dir_ids.entry(; for path in entry.path.ancestors() { let Some(entry) = worktree.entry_for_path(path) else { continue; }; if entry.is_dir() { if let Err(idx) = expanded_dir_ids.binary_search(& { expanded_dir_ids.insert(idx,; } } } Some(()) } fn update_visible_entries( &mut self, new_selected_entry: Option<(WorktreeId, ProjectEntryId)>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let auto_collapse_dirs = ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx).auto_fold_dirs; let project =; self.last_worktree_root_id = project .visible_worktrees(cx) .rev() .next() .and_then(|worktree| .map(|entry|; self.visible_entries.clear(); for worktree in project.visible_worktrees(cx) { let snapshot =; let worktree_id =; let expanded_dir_ids = match self.expanded_dir_ids.entry(worktree_id) { hash_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e.into_mut(), hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => { // The first time a worktree's root entry becomes available, // mark that root entry as expanded. if let Some(entry) = snapshot.root_entry() { e.insert(vec![]).as_slice() } else { &[] } } }; let mut new_entry_parent_id = None; let mut new_entry_kind = EntryKind::Dir; if let Some(edit_state) = &self.edit_state { if edit_state.worktree_id == worktree_id && edit_state.is_new_entry { new_entry_parent_id = Some(edit_state.entry_id); new_entry_kind = if edit_state.is_dir { EntryKind::Dir } else { EntryKind::File }; } } let mut visible_worktree_entries = Vec::new(); let mut entry_iter = snapshot.entries(true, 0); while let Some(entry) = entry_iter.entry() { if auto_collapse_dirs && entry.kind.is_dir() && !self.unfolded_dir_ids.contains(& { if let Some(root_path) = snapshot.root_entry() { let mut child_entries = snapshot.child_entries(&entry.path); if let Some(child) = { if entry.path != root_path.path && && child.kind.is_dir() { entry_iter.advance(); continue; } } } } visible_worktree_entries.push(entry.clone()); if Some( == new_entry_parent_id { visible_worktree_entries.push(Entry { id: NEW_ENTRY_ID, kind: new_entry_kind, path: entry.path.join("\0").into(), inode: 0, mtime: entry.mtime, is_ignored: entry.is_ignored, is_external: false, is_private: false, git_status: entry.git_status, canonical_path: entry.canonical_path.clone(), is_symlink: entry.is_symlink, char_bag: entry.char_bag, }); } if expanded_dir_ids.binary_search(& && entry_iter.advance_to_sibling() { continue; } entry_iter.advance(); } snapshot.propagate_git_statuses(&mut visible_worktree_entries); project::sort_worktree_entries(&mut visible_worktree_entries); self.visible_entries .push((worktree_id, visible_worktree_entries, OnceCell::new())); } if let Some((worktree_id, entry_id)) = new_selected_entry { self.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id, }); if cx.modifiers().shift { self.marked_entries.insert(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id, }); } } } fn expand_entry( &mut self, worktree_id: WorktreeId, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { self.project.update(cx, |project, cx| { if let Some((worktree, expanded_dir_ids)) = project .worktree_for_id(worktree_id, cx) .zip(self.expanded_dir_ids.get_mut(&worktree_id)) { project.expand_entry(worktree_id, entry_id, cx); let worktree =; if let Some(mut entry) = worktree.entry_for_id(entry_id) { loop { if let Err(ix) = expanded_dir_ids.binary_search(& { expanded_dir_ids.insert(ix,; } if let Some(parent_entry) = entry.path.parent().and_then(|p| worktree.entry_for_path(p)) { entry = parent_entry; } else { break; } } } } }); } fn drop_external_files( &mut self, paths: &[PathBuf], entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let mut paths: Vec> = paths .into_iter() .map(|path| Arc::from(path.clone())) .collect(); let open_file_after_drop = paths.len() == 1 && paths[0].is_file(); let Some((target_directory, worktree)) = maybe!({ let worktree =, cx)?; let entry =; let path =; let target_directory = if path.is_dir() { path } else { path.parent()?.to_path_buf() }; Some((target_directory, worktree)) }) else { return; }; let mut paths_to_replace = Vec::new(); for path in &paths { if let Some(name) = path.file_name() { let mut target_path = target_directory.clone(); target_path.push(name); if target_path.exists() { paths_to_replace.push((name.to_string_lossy().to_string(), path.clone())); } } } cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| { async move { for (filename, original_path) in &paths_to_replace { let answer = cx .prompt( PromptLevel::Info, format!("A file or folder with name {filename} already exists in the destination folder. Do you want to replace it?").as_str(), None, &["Replace", "Cancel"], ) .await?; if answer == 1 { if let Some(item_idx) = paths.iter().position(|p| p == original_path) { paths.remove(item_idx); } } } if paths.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let task = worktree.update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree.copy_external_entries(target_directory, paths, true, cx) })?; let opened_entries = task.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { if open_file_after_drop && !opened_entries.is_empty() { this.open_entry(opened_entries[0], true, true, false, cx); } }) } .log_err() }) .detach(); } fn drag_onto( &mut self, selections: &DraggedSelection, target_entry_id: ProjectEntryId, is_file: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let should_copy = cx.modifiers().alt; if should_copy { let _ = maybe!({ let project =; let target_worktree = project.worktree_for_entry(target_entry_id, cx)?; let target_entry = target_worktree .read(cx) .entry_for_id(target_entry_id)? .clone(); for selection in selections.items() { let new_path = self.create_paste_path( &selection, (target_worktree.clone(), &target_entry), cx, )?; self.project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.copy_entry(selection.entry_id, new_path, cx) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx) } Some(()) }); } else { for selection in selections.items() { self.move_entry(selection.entry_id, target_entry_id, is_file, cx); } } } fn for_each_visible_entry( &self, range: Range, cx: &mut ViewContext, mut callback: impl FnMut(ProjectEntryId, EntryDetails, &mut ViewContext), ) { let mut ix = 0; for (worktree_id, visible_worktree_entries, entries_paths) in &self.visible_entries { if ix >= range.end { return; } if ix + visible_worktree_entries.len() <= range.start { ix += visible_worktree_entries.len(); continue; } let end_ix = range.end.min(ix + visible_worktree_entries.len()); let (git_status_setting, show_file_icons, show_folder_icons) = { let settings = ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx); ( settings.git_status, settings.file_icons, settings.folder_icons, ) }; if let Some(worktree) =*worktree_id, cx) { let snapshot =; let root_name = OsStr::new(snapshot.root_name()); let expanded_entry_ids = self .expanded_dir_ids .get(& .map(Vec::as_slice) .unwrap_or(&[]); let entry_range = range.start.saturating_sub(ix)..end_ix - ix; let entries = entries_paths.get_or_init(|| { visible_worktree_entries .iter() .map(|e| (e.path.clone())) .collect() }); for entry in visible_worktree_entries[entry_range].iter() { let status = git_status_setting.then(|| entry.git_status).flatten(); let is_expanded = expanded_entry_ids.binary_search(&; let icon = match entry.kind { EntryKind::File => { if show_file_icons { FileIcons::get_icon(&entry.path, cx) } else { None } } _ => { if show_folder_icons { FileIcons::get_folder_icon(is_expanded, cx) } else { FileIcons::get_chevron_icon(is_expanded, cx) } } }; let (depth, difference) = ProjectPanel::calculate_depth_and_difference(entry, &entries); let filename = match difference { diff if diff > 1 => entry .path .iter() .skip(entry.path.components().count() - diff) .collect::() .to_str() .unwrap_or_default() .to_string(), _ => entry .path .file_name() .map(|name| name.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) .unwrap_or_else(|| root_name.to_string_lossy().to_string()), }; let selection = SelectedEntry { worktree_id:, entry_id:, }; let mut details = EntryDetails { filename, icon, path: entry.path.clone(), depth, kind: entry.kind, is_ignored: entry.is_ignored, is_expanded, is_selected: self.selection == Some(selection), is_marked: self.marked_entries.contains(&selection), is_editing: false, is_processing: false, is_cut: self .clipboard .as_ref() .map_or(false, |e| e.is_cut() && e.items().contains(&selection)), git_status: status, is_private: entry.is_private, worktree_id: *worktree_id, canonical_path: entry.canonical_path.clone(), }; if let Some(edit_state) = &self.edit_state { let is_edited_entry = if edit_state.is_new_entry { == NEW_ENTRY_ID } else { == edit_state.entry_id }; if is_edited_entry { if let Some(processing_filename) = &edit_state.processing_filename { details.is_processing = true; details.filename.clear(); details.filename.push_str(processing_filename); } else { if edit_state.is_new_entry { details.filename.clear(); } details.is_editing = true; } } } callback(, details, cx); } } ix = end_ix; } } fn calculate_depth_and_difference( entry: &Entry, visible_worktree_entries: &HashSet>, ) -> (usize, usize) { let (depth, difference) = entry .path .ancestors() .skip(1) // Skip the entry itself .find_map(|ancestor| { if let Some(parent_entry) = visible_worktree_entries.get(ancestor) { let entry_path_components_count = entry.path.components().count(); let parent_path_components_count = parent_entry.components().count(); let difference = entry_path_components_count - parent_path_components_count; let depth = parent_entry .ancestors() .skip(1) .filter(|ancestor| visible_worktree_entries.contains(*ancestor)) .count(); Some((depth + 1, difference)) } else { None } }) .unwrap_or((0, 0)); (depth, difference) } fn render_entry( &self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, details: EntryDetails, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Stateful
{ let kind = details.kind; let settings = ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx); let show_editor = details.is_editing && !details.is_processing; let selection = SelectedEntry { worktree_id: details.worktree_id, entry_id, }; let is_marked = self.marked_entries.contains(&selection); let is_active = self .selection .map_or(false, |selection| selection.entry_id == entry_id); let width = self.size(cx); let filename_text_color = entry_git_aware_label_color(details.git_status, details.is_ignored, is_marked); let file_name = details.filename.clone(); let mut icon = details.icon.clone(); if settings.file_icons && show_editor && details.kind.is_file() { let filename =; if filename.len() > 2 { icon = FileIcons::get_icon(Path::new(&filename), cx); } } let canonical_path = details .canonical_path .as_ref() .map(|f| f.to_string_lossy().to_string()); let path = details.path.clone(); let depth = details.depth; let worktree_id = details.worktree_id; let selections = Arc::new(self.marked_entries.clone()); let dragged_selection = DraggedSelection { active_selection: selection, marked_selections: selections, }; div() .id(entry_id.to_proto() as usize) .on_drag_move::(cx.listener( move |this, event: &DragMoveEvent, cx| { if event.bounds.contains(&event.event.position) { if this.last_external_paths_drag_over_entry == Some(entry_id) { return; } this.last_external_paths_drag_over_entry = Some(entry_id); this.marked_entries.clear(); let Some((worktree, path, entry)) = maybe!({ let worktree = this .project .read(cx) .worktree_for_id(selection.worktree_id, cx)?; let worktree =; let abs_path = worktree.absolutize(&path).log_err()?; let path = if abs_path.is_dir() { path.as_ref() } else { path.parent()? }; let entry = worktree.entry_for_path(path)?; Some((worktree, path, entry)) }) else { return; }; this.marked_entries.insert(SelectedEntry { entry_id:, worktree_id:, }); for entry in worktree.child_entries(path) { this.marked_entries.insert(SelectedEntry { entry_id:, worktree_id:, }); } cx.notify(); } }, )) .on_drop( cx.listener(move |this, external_paths: &ExternalPaths, cx| { this.last_external_paths_drag_over_entry = None; this.marked_entries.clear(); this.drop_external_files(external_paths.paths(), entry_id, cx); cx.stop_propagation(); }), ) .on_drag(dragged_selection, move |selection, cx| { cx.new_view(|_| DraggedProjectEntryView { details: details.clone(), width, selection: selection.active_selection, selections: selection.marked_selections.clone(), }) }) .drag_over::(|style, _, cx| { }) .on_drop(cx.listener(move |this, selections: &DraggedSelection, cx| { this.drag_onto(selections, entry_id, kind.is_file(), cx); })) .child( ListItem::new(entry_id.to_proto() as usize) .indent_level(depth) .indent_step_size(px(settings.indent_size)) .selected(is_marked || is_active) .when_some(canonical_path, |this, path| { this.end_slot::( div() .id("symlink_icon") .pr_3() .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::text(format!("{path} • Symbolic Link"), cx) }) .child( Icon::new(IconName::ArrowUpRight) .size(IconSize::Indicator) .color(filename_text_color), ) .into_any_element(), ) }) .child(if let Some(icon) = &icon { h_flex().child(Icon::from_path(icon.to_string()).color(filename_text_color)) } else { h_flex() .size(IconSize::default().rems()) .invisible() .flex_none() }) .child( if let (Some(editor), true) = (Some(&self.filename_editor), show_editor) { h_flex().h_6().w_full().child(editor.clone()) } else { h_flex().h_6().child( Label::new(file_name) .single_line() .color(filename_text_color), ) } .ml_1(), ) .on_click(cx.listener(move |this, event: &gpui::ClickEvent, cx| { if event.down.button == MouseButton::Right || event.down.first_mouse { return; } if !show_editor { cx.stop_propagation(); if let Some(selection) = this.selection.filter(|_| event.down.modifiers.shift) { let current_selection = this.index_for_selection(selection); let target_selection = this.index_for_selection(SelectedEntry { entry_id, worktree_id, }); if let Some(((_, _, source_index), (_, _, target_index))) = { let range_start = source_index.min(target_index); let range_end = source_index.max(target_index) + 1; // Make the range inclusive. let mut new_selections = BTreeSet::new(); this.for_each_visible_entry( range_start..range_end, cx, |entry_id, details, _| { new_selections.insert(SelectedEntry { entry_id, worktree_id: details.worktree_id, }); }, ); this.marked_entries = this .marked_entries .union(&new_selections) .cloned() .collect(); this.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { entry_id, worktree_id, }); // Ensure that the current entry is selected. this.marked_entries.insert(SelectedEntry { entry_id, worktree_id, }); } } else if event.down.modifiers.secondary() { if event.down.click_count > 1 { this.split_entry(entry_id, cx); } else if !this.marked_entries.insert(selection) { this.marked_entries.remove(&selection); } } else if kind.is_dir() { this.toggle_expanded(entry_id, cx); } else { let click_count = event.up.click_count; this.open_entry( entry_id, cx.modifiers().secondary(), click_count > 1, click_count == 1, cx, ); } } })) .on_secondary_mouse_down(cx.listener( move |this, event: &MouseDownEvent, cx| { // Stop propagation to prevent the catch-all context menu for the project // panel from being deployed. cx.stop_propagation(); this.deploy_context_menu(event.position, entry_id, cx); }, )), ) .border_1() .border_r_2() .rounded_none() .hover(|style| { if is_active { style } else { let hover_color = cx.theme().colors().ghost_element_hover; } }) .when(is_marked || is_active, |this| { let colors = cx.theme().colors(); this.when(is_marked, |this| .border_color(colors.ghost_element_selected) }) .when( is_active && self.focus_handle.contains_focused(cx), |this| this.border_color(Color::Selected.color(cx)), ) } fn render_scrollbar( &self, items_count: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option> { let settings = ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx); if == ShowScrollbar::Never { return None; } let scroll_handle = self.scroll_handle.0.borrow(); let height = scroll_handle .last_item_height .filter(|_| self.show_scrollbar || self.scrollbar_drag_thumb_offset.get().is_some())?; let total_list_length = height.0 as f64 * items_count as f64; let current_offset = scroll_handle.base_handle.offset().y.0.min(0.).abs() as f64; let mut percentage = current_offset / total_list_length; let end_offset = (current_offset + scroll_handle.base_handle.bounds().size.height.0 as f64) / total_list_length; // Uniform scroll handle might briefly report an offset greater than the length of a list; // in such case we'll adjust the starting offset as well to keep the scrollbar thumb length stable. let overshoot = (end_offset - 1.).clamp(0., 1.); if overshoot > 0. { percentage -= overshoot; } const MINIMUM_SCROLLBAR_PERCENTAGE_HEIGHT: f64 = 0.005; if percentage + MINIMUM_SCROLLBAR_PERCENTAGE_HEIGHT > 1.0 || end_offset > total_list_length { return None; } if total_list_length < scroll_handle.base_handle.bounds().size.height.0 as f64 { return None; } let end_offset = end_offset.clamp(percentage + MINIMUM_SCROLLBAR_PERCENTAGE_HEIGHT, 1.); Some( div() .occlude() .id("project-panel-scroll") .on_mouse_move(cx.listener(|_, _, cx| { cx.notify(); cx.stop_propagation() })) .on_hover(|_, cx| { cx.stop_propagation(); }) .on_any_mouse_down(|_, cx| { cx.stop_propagation(); }) .on_mouse_up( MouseButton::Left, cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { if this.scrollbar_drag_thumb_offset.get().is_none() && !this.focus_handle.contains_focused(cx) { this.hide_scrollbar(cx); cx.notify(); } cx.stop_propagation(); }), ) .on_scroll_wheel(cx.listener(|_, _, cx| { cx.notify(); })) .h_full() .absolute() .right_0() .top_0() .bottom_0() .w(px(12.)) .cursor_default() .child(ProjectPanelScrollbar::new( percentage as f32..end_offset as f32, self.scroll_handle.clone(), self.scrollbar_drag_thumb_offset.clone(), cx.view().clone().into(), items_count, )), ) } fn dispatch_context(&self, cx: &ViewContext) -> KeyContext { let mut dispatch_context = KeyContext::new_with_defaults(); dispatch_context.add("ProjectPanel"); dispatch_context.add("menu"); let identifier = if self.filename_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx) { "editing" } else { "not_editing" }; dispatch_context.add(identifier); dispatch_context } fn should_autohide_scrollbar(cx: &AppContext) -> bool { cx.try_global::() .map_or_else(|| cx.should_auto_hide_scrollbars(), |autohide| autohide.0) } fn hide_scrollbar(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { const SCROLLBAR_SHOW_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); if !Self::should_autohide_scrollbar(cx) { return; } self.hide_scrollbar_task = Some(cx.spawn(|panel, mut cx| async move { cx.background_executor() .timer(SCROLLBAR_SHOW_INTERVAL) .await; panel .update(&mut cx, |panel, cx| { panel.show_scrollbar = false; cx.notify(); }) .log_err(); })) } fn reveal_entry( &mut self, project: Model, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, skip_ignored: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, ProjectPanel>, ) { if let Some(worktree) =, cx) { let worktree =; if skip_ignored && worktree .entry_for_id(entry_id) .map_or(true, |entry| entry.is_ignored) { return; } let worktree_id =; self.marked_entries.clear(); self.expand_entry(worktree_id, entry_id, cx); self.update_visible_entries(Some((worktree_id, entry_id)), cx); self.autoscroll(cx); cx.notify(); } } } impl Render for ProjectPanel { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut gpui::ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let has_worktree = self.visible_entries.len() != 0; let project =; if has_worktree { let items_count = self .visible_entries .iter() .map(|(_, worktree_entries, _)| worktree_entries.len()) .sum(); h_flex() .id("project-panel") .group("project-panel") .size_full() .relative() .on_hover(cx.listener(|this, hovered, cx| { if *hovered { this.show_scrollbar = true; this.hide_scrollbar_task.take(); cx.notify(); } else if !this.focus_handle.contains_focused(cx) { this.hide_scrollbar(cx); } })) .key_context(self.dispatch_context(cx)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::select_next)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::select_prev)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::select_first)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::select_last)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::select_parent)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::expand_selected_entry)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::collapse_selected_entry)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::collapse_all_entries)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::open)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::open_permanent)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::confirm)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::cancel)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::copy_path)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::copy_relative_path)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::new_search_in_directory)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::unfold_directory)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::fold_directory)) .when(!project.is_read_only(), |el| { el.on_action(cx.listener(Self::new_file)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::new_directory)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::rename)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::delete)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::trash)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::cut)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::copy)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::paste)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::duplicate)) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, event: &gpui::ClickEvent, cx| { if event.up.click_count > 1 { if let Some(entry_id) = this.last_worktree_root_id { let project =; let worktree_id = if let Some(worktree) = project.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx) { } else { return; }; this.selection = Some(SelectedEntry { worktree_id, entry_id, }); this.new_file(&NewFile, cx); } } })) }) .when(project.is_local(), |el| { el.on_action(cx.listener(Self::reveal_in_finder)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::open_in_terminal)) }) .on_mouse_down( MouseButton::Right, cx.listener(move |this, event: &MouseDownEvent, cx| { // When deploying the context menu anywhere below the last project entry, // act as if the user clicked the root of the last worktree. if let Some(entry_id) = this.last_worktree_root_id { this.deploy_context_menu(event.position, entry_id, cx); } }), ) .track_focus(&self.focus_handle) .child( uniform_list(cx.view().clone(), "entries", items_count, { |this, range, cx| { let mut items = Vec::new(); this.for_each_visible_entry(range, cx, |id, details, cx| { items.push(this.render_entry(id, details, cx)); }); items } }) .size_full() .with_sizing_behavior(ListSizingBehavior::Infer) .track_scroll(self.scroll_handle.clone()), ) .children(self.render_scrollbar(items_count, cx)) .children(self.context_menu.as_ref().map(|(menu, position, _)| { deferred( anchored() .position(*position) .anchor(gpui::AnchorCorner::TopLeft) .child(menu.clone()), ) .with_priority(1) })) } else { v_flex() .id("empty-project_panel") .size_full() .p_4() .track_focus(&self.focus_handle) .child( Button::new("open_project", "Open a project") .style(ButtonStyle::Filled) .full_width() .key_binding(KeyBinding::for_action(&workspace::Open, cx)) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx|, cx)) .log_err(); })), ) .drag_over::(|style, _, cx| { }) .on_drop( cx.listener(move |this, external_paths: &ExternalPaths, cx| { this.last_external_paths_drag_over_entry = None; this.marked_entries.clear(); if let Some(task) = this .workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.open_workspace_for_paths( true, external_paths.paths().to_owned(), cx, ) }) .log_err() { task.detach_and_log_err(cx); } cx.stop_propagation(); }), ) } } } impl Render for DraggedProjectEntryView { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let settings = ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx); let ui_font = ThemeSettings::get_global(cx).ui_font.clone(); h_flex().font(ui_font).map(|this| { if self.selections.contains(&self.selection) { this.flex_shrink() .p_1() .items_end() .rounded_md() .child(self.selections.len().to_string()) } else { ListItem::new(self.selection.entry_id.to_proto() as usize) .indent_level(self.details.depth) .indent_step_size(px(settings.indent_size)) .child(if let Some(icon) = &self.details.icon { div().child(Icon::from_path(icon.clone())) } else { div() }) .child(Label::new(self.details.filename.clone())), ) } }) } } impl EventEmitter for ProjectPanel {} impl EventEmitter for ProjectPanel {} impl Panel for ProjectPanel { fn position(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> DockPosition { match ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx).dock { ProjectPanelDockPosition::Left => DockPosition::Left, ProjectPanelDockPosition::Right => DockPosition::Right, } } fn position_is_valid(&self, position: DockPosition) -> bool { matches!(position, DockPosition::Left | DockPosition::Right) } fn set_position(&mut self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut ViewContext) { settings::update_settings_file::( self.fs.clone(), cx, move |settings, _| { let dock = match position { DockPosition::Left | DockPosition::Bottom => ProjectPanelDockPosition::Left, DockPosition::Right => ProjectPanelDockPosition::Right, }; settings.dock = Some(dock); }, ); } fn size(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Pixels { self.width .unwrap_or_else(|| ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx).default_width) } fn set_size(&mut self, size: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.width = size; self.serialize(cx); cx.notify(); } fn icon(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx) .button .then(|| IconName::FileTree) } fn icon_tooltip(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str> { Some("Project Panel") } fn toggle_action(&self) -> Box { Box::new(ToggleFocus) } fn persistent_name() -> &'static str { "Project Panel" } fn starts_open(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { let project = &; project.dev_server_project_id().is_some() || project.visible_worktrees(cx).any(|tree| { .root_entry() .map_or(false, |entry| entry.is_dir()) }) } } impl FocusableView for ProjectPanel { fn focus_handle(&self, _cx: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { self.focus_handle.clone() } } impl ClipboardEntry { fn is_cut(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Cut { .. }) } fn items(&self) -> &BTreeSet { match self { ClipboardEntry::Copied(entries) | ClipboardEntry::Cut(entries) => entries, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use collections::HashSet; use gpui::{Empty, TestAppContext, View, VisualTestContext, WindowHandle}; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use project::{FakeFs, WorktreeSettings}; use serde_json::json; use settings::SettingsStore; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use workspace::{ item::{Item, ProjectItem}, register_project_item, AppState, }; #[gpui::test] async fn test_visible_list(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ ".dockerignore": "", ".git": { "HEAD": "", }, "a": { "0": { "q": "", "r": "", "s": "" }, "1": { "t": "", "u": "" }, "2": { "v": "", "w": "", "x": "", "y": "" }, }, "b": { "3": { "Q": "" }, "4": { "R": "", "S": "", "T": "", "U": "" }, }, "C": { "5": {}, "6": { "V": "", "W": "" }, "7": { "X": "" }, "8": { "Y": {}, "Z": "" } } }), ) .await; fs.insert_tree( "/root2", json!({ "d": { "9": "" }, "e": {} }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref(), "/root2".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "root1/b", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b <== selected", " > 3", " > 4", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 6..9, cx), &[ // " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_exclusions_in_visible_list(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); cx.update(|cx| { cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |worktree_settings| { worktree_settings.file_scan_exclusions = Some(vec!["**/.git".to_string(), "**/4/**".to_string()]); }); }); }); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ ".dockerignore": "", ".git": { "HEAD": "", }, "a": { "0": { "q": "", "r": "", "s": "" }, "1": { "t": "", "u": "" }, "2": { "v": "", "w": "", "x": "", "y": "" }, }, "b": { "3": { "Q": "" }, "4": { "R": "", "S": "", "T": "", "U": "" }, }, "C": { "5": {}, "6": { "V": "", "W": "" }, "7": { "X": "" }, "8": { "Y": {}, "Z": "" } } }), ) .await; fs.insert_tree( "/root2", json!({ "d": { "4": "" }, "e": {} }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref(), "/root2".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ "v root1", " > a", " > b", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "root1/b", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ "v root1", " > a", " v b <== selected", " > 3", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "root2/d", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ "v root1", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " v d <== selected", " > e", ] ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "root2/e", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ "v root1", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " v d", " v e <== selected", ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_auto_collapse_dir_paths(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ "dir_1": { "nested_dir_1": { "nested_dir_2": { "nested_dir_3": { "": "// File contents", "": "// File contents", "": "// File contents", "nested_dir_4": { "nested_dir_5": { "": "// File contents", } } } } } } }), ) .await; fs.insert_tree( "/root2", json!({ "dir_2": { "": "// File contents", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref(), "/root2".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); cx.update(|cx| { let settings = *ProjectPanelSettings::get_global(cx); ProjectPanelSettings::override_global( ProjectPanelSettings { auto_fold_dirs: true, ..settings }, cx, ); }); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > dir_1/nested_dir_1/nested_dir_2/nested_dir_3", "v root2", " > dir_2", ] ); toggle_expand_dir( &panel, "root1/dir_1/nested_dir_1/nested_dir_2/nested_dir_3", cx, ); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " v dir_1/nested_dir_1/nested_dir_2/nested_dir_3 <== selected", " > nested_dir_4/nested_dir_5", "", "", "", "v root2", " > dir_2", ] ); toggle_expand_dir( &panel, "root1/dir_1/nested_dir_1/nested_dir_2/nested_dir_3/nested_dir_4/nested_dir_5", cx, ); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " v dir_1/nested_dir_1/nested_dir_2/nested_dir_3", " v nested_dir_4/nested_dir_5 <== selected", "", "", "", "", "v root2", " > dir_2", ] ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "root2/dir_2", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " v dir_1/nested_dir_1/nested_dir_2/nested_dir_3", " v nested_dir_4/nested_dir_5", "", "", "", "", "v root2", " v dir_2 <== selected", "", ] ); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 30)] async fn test_editing_files(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ ".dockerignore": "", ".git": { "HEAD": "", }, "a": { "0": { "q": "", "r": "", "s": "" }, "1": { "t": "", "u": "" }, "2": { "v": "", "w": "", "x": "", "y": "" }, }, "b": { "3": { "Q": "" }, "4": { "R": "", "S": "", "T": "", "U": "" }, }, "C": { "5": {}, "6": { "V": "", "W": "" }, "7": { "X": "" }, "8": { "Y": {}, "Z": "" } } }), ) .await; fs.insert_tree( "/root2", json!({ "d": { "9": "" }, "e": {} }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref(), "/root2".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx); workspace.add_panel(panel.clone(), cx); panel }) .unwrap(); select_path(&panel, "root1", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1 <== selected", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); // Add a file with the root folder selected. The filename editor is placed // before the first file in the root folder. panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_file(&NewFile, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); let confirm = panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("the-new-filename", cx)); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " [PROCESSING: 'the-new-filename'] <== selected", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); confirm.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " .dockerignore", " the-new-filename <== selected <== marked", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); select_path(&panel, "root1/b", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_file(&NewFile, cx)); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > 4", " [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", " > C", " .dockerignore", " the-new-filename", ] ); panel .update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("another-filename.txt", cx)); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > 4", " another-filename.txt <== selected <== marked", " > C", " .dockerignore", " the-new-filename", ] ); select_path(&panel, "root1/b/another-filename.txt", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.rename(&Rename, cx)); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > 4", " [EDITOR: 'another-filename.txt'] <== selected <== marked", " > C", " .dockerignore", " the-new-filename", ] ); let confirm = panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.filename_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let file_name_selections = editor.selections.all::(cx); assert_eq!(file_name_selections.len(), 1, "File editing should have a single selection, but got: {file_name_selections:?}"); let file_name_selection = &file_name_selections[0]; assert_eq!(file_name_selection.start, 0, "Should select the file name from the start"); assert_eq!(file_name_selection.end, "another-filename".len(), "Should not select file extension"); editor.set_text("a-different-filename.tar.gz", cx) }); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > 4", " [PROCESSING: 'a-different-filename.tar.gz'] <== selected <== marked", " > C", " .dockerignore", " the-new-filename", ] ); confirm.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > 4", " a-different-filename.tar.gz <== selected", " > C", " .dockerignore", " the-new-filename", ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.rename(&Rename, cx)); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3", " > 4", " [EDITOR: 'a-different-filename.tar.gz'] <== selected", " > C", " .dockerignore", " the-new-filename", ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.filename_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let file_name_selections = editor.selections.all::(cx); assert_eq!(file_name_selections.len(), 1, "File editing should have a single selection, but got: {file_name_selections:?}"); let file_name_selection = &file_name_selections[0]; assert_eq!(file_name_selection.start, 0, "Should select the file name from the start"); assert_eq!(file_name_selection.end, "a-different-filename.tar".len(), "Should not select file extension, but still may select anything up to the last dot.."); }); panel.cancel(&menu::Cancel, cx) }); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_directory(&NewDirectory, cx)); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", " > 3", " > 4", " a-different-filename.tar.gz", " > C", " .dockerignore", ] ); let confirm = panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("new-dir", cx)); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.select_next(&Default::default(), cx)); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > [PROCESSING: 'new-dir']", " > 3 <== selected", " > 4", " a-different-filename.tar.gz", " > C", " .dockerignore", ] ); confirm.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3 <== selected", " > 4", " > new-dir", " a-different-filename.tar.gz", " > C", " .dockerignore", ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.rename(&Default::default(), cx)); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > [EDITOR: '3'] <== selected", " > 4", " > new-dir", " a-different-filename.tar.gz", " > C", " .dockerignore", ] ); // Dismiss the rename editor when it loses focus. workspace.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.blur()).unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " v b", " > 3 <== selected", " > 4", " > new-dir", " a-different-filename.tar.gz", " > C", " .dockerignore", ] ); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_adding_directories_via_file(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ ".dockerignore": "", ".git": { "HEAD": "", }, "a": { "0": { "q": "", "r": "", "s": "" }, "1": { "t": "", "u": "" }, "2": { "v": "", "w": "", "x": "", "y": "" }, }, "b": { "3": { "Q": "" }, "4": { "R": "", "S": "", "T": "", "U": "" }, }, "C": { "5": {}, "6": { "V": "", "W": "" }, "7": { "X": "" }, "8": { "Y": {}, "Z": "" } } }), ) .await; fs.insert_tree( "/root2", json!({ "d": { "9": "" }, "e": {} }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref(), "/root2".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx); workspace.add_panel(panel.clone(), cx); panel }) .unwrap(); select_path(&panel, "root1", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1 <== selected", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); // Add a file with the root folder selected. The filename editor is placed // before the first file in the root folder. panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_file(&NewFile, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); let confirm = panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.filename_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.set_text("/bdir1/dir2/the-new-filename", cx) }); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " > C", " [PROCESSING: '/bdir1/dir2/the-new-filename'] <== selected", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); confirm.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..13, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " > a", " > b", " v bdir1", " v dir2", " the-new-filename <== selected <== marked", " > C", " .dockerignore", "v root2", " > d", " > e", ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_adding_directory_via_file(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ ".dockerignore": "", ".git": { "HEAD": "", }, }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx); workspace.add_panel(panel.clone(), cx); panel }) .unwrap(); select_path(&panel, "root1", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v root1 <== selected", " > .git", " .dockerignore",] ); // Add a file with the root folder selected. The filename editor is placed // before the first file in the root folder. panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_file(&NewFile, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", " .dockerignore", ] ); let confirm = panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("/new_dir/", cx)); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " [PROCESSING: '/new_dir/'] <== selected", " .dockerignore", ] ); confirm.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..13, cx), &[ "v root1", " > .git", " v new_dir <== selected", " .dockerignore", ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_copy_paste(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ "one.two.txt": "", "one.txt": "" }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.select_next(&Default::default(), cx); panel.select_next(&Default::default(), cx); }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ // "v root1", " one.two.txt <== selected", " one.txt", ] ); // Regression test - file name is created correctly when // the copied file's name contains multiple dots. panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.copy(&Default::default(), cx); panel.paste(&Default::default(), cx); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ // "v root1", " one.two copy.txt <== selected", " one.two.txt", " one.txt", ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.paste(&Default::default(), cx); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ // "v root1", " one.two copy 1.txt <== selected", " one.two copy.txt", " one.two.txt", " one.txt", ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_copy_paste_directory(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "a": { "one.txt": "", "two.txt": "", "inner_dir": { "three.txt": "", "four.txt": "", } }, "b": {} }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); select_path(&panel, "root/a", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.copy(&Default::default(), cx); panel.select_next(&Default::default(), cx); panel.paste(&Default::default(), cx); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let pasted_dir = find_project_entry(&panel, "root/b/a", cx); assert_ne!(pasted_dir, None, "Pasted directory should have an entry"); let pasted_dir_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "root/b/a/one.txt", cx); assert_ne!( pasted_dir_file, None, "Pasted directory file should have an entry" ); let pasted_dir_inner_dir = find_project_entry(&panel, "root/b/a/inner_dir", cx); assert_ne!( pasted_dir_inner_dir, None, "Directories inside pasted directory should have an entry" ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "root/b/a", cx); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "root/b/a/inner_dir", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ // "v root", " > a", " v b", " v a", " v inner_dir <== selected", " four.txt", " three.txt", " one.txt", " two.txt", ] ); select_path(&panel, "root", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.paste(&Default::default(), cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.paste(&Default::default(), cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..50, cx), &[ // "v root", " > a", " v a copy", " > a <== selected", " > inner_dir", " one.txt", " two.txt", " v b", " v a", " v inner_dir", " four.txt", " three.txt", " one.txt", " two.txt" ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_remove_opened_file(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test_with_editor(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", "": "// Third Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "src/test", cx); select_path(&panel, "src/test/", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx|, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", " <== selected", "", "" ] ); ensure_single_file_is_opened(&workspace, "test/", cx); submit_deletion(&panel, cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", "", "" ], "Project panel should have no deleted file, no other file is selected in it" ); ensure_no_open_items_and_panes(&workspace, cx); select_path(&panel, "src/test/", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx|, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", " <== selected", "" ] ); ensure_single_file_is_opened(&workspace, "test/", cx); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let active_items = workspace .panes() .iter() .filter_map(|pane| .collect::>(); assert_eq!(active_items.len(), 1); let open_editor = active_items .into_iter() .next() .unwrap() .downcast::() .expect("Open item should be an editor"); open_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("Another text!", cx)); }) .unwrap(); submit_deletion_skipping_prompt(&panel, cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v src", " v test", ""], "Project panel should have no deleted file, with one last file remaining" ); ensure_no_open_items_and_panes(&workspace, cx); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_create_duplicate_items(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test_with_editor(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/src", json!({ "test": { "": "// First Rust file", "": "// Second Rust file", "": "// Third Rust file", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/src".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx); workspace.add_panel(panel.clone(), cx); panel }) .unwrap(); select_path(&panel, "src/", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.confirm(&Confirm, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ // "v src <== selected", " > test" ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_directory(&NewDirectory, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ // "v src", " > [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", " > test" ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("test", cx)); assert!( panel.confirm_edit(cx).is_none(), "Should not allow to confirm on conflicting new directory name" ) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ // "v src", " > test" ], "File list should be unchanged after failed folder create confirmation" ); select_path(&panel, "src/test/", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.confirm(&Confirm, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ // "v src", " > test <== selected" ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_file(&NewFile, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", " [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", "", "", "" ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("", cx)); assert!( panel.confirm_edit(cx).is_none(), "Should not allow to confirm on conflicting new file name" ) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", "", "", "" ], "File list should be unchanged after failed file create confirmation" ); select_path(&panel, "src/test/", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.confirm(&Confirm, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", " <== selected", "", "" ], ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.rename(&Rename, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", " [EDITOR: ''] <== selected", "", "" ] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("", cx)); assert!( panel.confirm_edit(cx).is_none(), "Should not allow to confirm on conflicting file rename" ) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v src", " v test", " <== selected", "", "" ], "File list should be unchanged after failed rename confirmation" ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_dir_toggle_collapse(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test_with_editor(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/project_root", json!({ "dir_1": { "nested_dir": { "": "# File contents", } }, "": "# File contents", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/project_root".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx|, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); select_path(&panel, "project_root/dir_1", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx|, cx)); select_path(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/nested_dir", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx|, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx|, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " > nested_dir <== selected", "", ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_collapse_all_entries(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test_with_editor(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/project_root", json!({ "dir_1": { "nested_dir": { "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", }, "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", }, "dir_2": { "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/project_root".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.collapse_all_entries(&CollapseAllEntries, cx) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v project_root", " > dir_1", " > dir_2",] ); // Open dir_1 and make sure nested_dir was collapsed when running collapse_all_entries toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1", cx); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1 <== selected", " > nested_dir", "", "", "", " > dir_2", ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_new_file_move(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.as_fake().insert_tree("/root", json!({})).await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/root".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); // Make a new buffer with no backing file workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Editor::new_file(workspace, &Default::default(), cx) }) .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); // "Save as" the buffer, creating a new backing file for it let save_task = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.save_active_item(workspace::SaveIntent::Save, cx) }) .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); cx.simulate_new_path_selection(|_| Some(PathBuf::from("/root/new"))); save_task.await.unwrap(); // Rename the file select_path(&panel, "root/new", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v root", " new <== selected"] ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.rename(&Rename, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text("newer", cx)); }); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.confirm(&Confirm, cx)); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v root", " newer <== selected"] ); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.save_active_item(workspace::SaveIntent::Save, cx) }) .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); // assert that saving the file doesn't restore "new" assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v root", " newer <== selected"] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_multiple_marked_entries(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test_with_editor(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/project_root", json!({ "dir_1": { "nested_dir": { "": "# File contents", } }, "": "# File contents", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/project_root".as_ref()], cx).await; let worktree_id = cx.update(|cx|; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_next(&Default::default(), cx); this.expand_selected_entry(&Default::default(), cx); this.expand_selected_entry(&Default::default(), cx); this.select_next(&Default::default(), cx); this.expand_selected_entry(&Default::default(), cx); this.select_next(&Default::default(), cx); }) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir", " <== selected", "", ] ); let modifiers_with_shift = gpui::Modifiers { shift: true, ..Default::default() }; cx.simulate_modifiers_change(modifiers_with_shift); cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_next(&Default::default(), cx); }) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir", "", " <== selected <== marked", ] ); cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_prev(&Default::default(), cx); }) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir", " <== selected <== marked", " <== marked", ] ); cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { let drag = DraggedSelection { active_selection: this.selection.unwrap(), marked_selections: Arc::new(this.marked_entries.clone()), }; let target_entry = this .project .read(cx) .entry_for_path(&(worktree_id, "").into(), cx) .unwrap(); this.drag_onto(&drag,, false, cx); }); }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir", " <== marked", " <== selected <== marked", ] ); // ESC clears out all marks cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.cancel(&menu::Cancel, cx); }) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir", "", " <== selected", ] ); // ESC clears out all marks cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_prev(&SelectPrev, cx); this.select_next(&SelectNext, cx); }) }); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir", " <== marked", " <== selected <== marked", ] ); cx.simulate_modifiers_change(Default::default()); cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.cut(&Cut, cx); this.select_prev(&SelectPrev, cx); this.select_prev(&SelectPrev, cx); this.paste(&Paste, cx); // this.expand_selected_entry(&ExpandSelectedEntry, cx); }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &[ "v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir <== selected", " <== marked", " <== marked", ] ); cx.simulate_modifiers_change(modifiers_with_shift); cx.update(|cx| { panel.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.expand_selected_entry(&Default::default(), cx); this.select_next(&SelectNext, cx); this.select_next(&SelectNext, cx); }) }); submit_deletion(&panel, cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v project_root", " v dir_1", " v nested_dir",] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_autoreveal_and_gitignored_files(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test_with_editor(cx); cx.update(|cx| { cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |worktree_settings| { worktree_settings.file_scan_exclusions = Some(Vec::new()); }); store.update_user_settings::(cx, |project_panel_settings| { project_panel_settings.auto_reveal_entries = Some(false) }); }) }); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/project_root", json!({ ".git": {}, ".gitignore": "**/gitignored_dir", "dir_1": { "": "# File 1_1 contents", "": "# File 1_2 contents", "": "# File 1_3 contents", "gitignored_dir": { "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", }, }, "dir_2": { "": "# File 2_1 contents", "": "# File 2_2 contents", "": "# File 2_3 contents", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/project_root".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " > dir_1", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ] ); let dir_1_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/", cx) .expect("dir 1 file is not ignored and should have an entry"); let dir_2_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_2/", cx) .expect("dir 2 file is not ignored and should have an entry"); let gitignored_dir_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir/", cx); assert_eq!( gitignored_dir_file, None, "File in the gitignored dir should not have an entry before its dir is toggled" ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1", cx); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir", cx); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " v gitignored_dir <== selected", "", "", "", "", "", "", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "Should show gitignored dir file list in the project panel" ); let gitignored_dir_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir/", cx) .expect("after gitignored dir got opened, a file entry should be present"); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir", cx); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " > dir_1 <== selected", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "Should hide all dir contents again and prepare for the auto reveal test" ); for file_entry in [dir_1_file, dir_2_file, gitignored_dir_file] { panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::ActiveEntryChanged(Some(file_entry))) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " > dir_1 <== selected", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "When no auto reveal is enabled, the selected entry should not be revealed in the project panel" ); } cx.update(|cx| { cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |project_panel_settings| { project_panel_settings.auto_reveal_entries = Some(true) }); }) }); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::ActiveEntryChanged(Some(dir_1_file))) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " > gitignored_dir", " <== selected", "", "", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "When auto reveal is enabled, not ignored dir_1 entry should be revealed" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::ActiveEntryChanged(Some(dir_2_file))) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " > gitignored_dir", "", "", "", " v dir_2", " <== selected", "", "", " .gitignore", ], "When auto reveal is enabled, not ignored dir_2 entry should be revealed" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::ActiveEntryChanged(Some( gitignored_dir_file, ))) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " > gitignored_dir", "", "", "", " v dir_2", " <== selected", "", "", " .gitignore", ], "When auto reveal is enabled, a gitignored selected entry should not be revealed in the project panel" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::RevealInProjectPanel(gitignored_dir_file)) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " v gitignored_dir", " <== selected", "", "", "", "", "", " v dir_2", "", "", "", " .gitignore", ], "When a gitignored entry is explicitly revealed, it should be shown in the project tree" ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_explicit_reveal(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test_with_editor(cx); cx.update(|cx| { cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |worktree_settings| { worktree_settings.file_scan_exclusions = Some(Vec::new()); }); store.update_user_settings::(cx, |project_panel_settings| { project_panel_settings.auto_reveal_entries = Some(false) }); }) }); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/project_root", json!({ ".git": {}, ".gitignore": "**/gitignored_dir", "dir_1": { "": "# File 1_1 contents", "": "# File 1_2 contents", "": "# File 1_3 contents", "gitignored_dir": { "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", "": "# File contents", }, }, "dir_2": { "": "# File 2_1 contents", "": "# File 2_2 contents", "": "# File 2_3 contents", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/project_root".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " > dir_1", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ] ); let dir_1_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/", cx) .expect("dir 1 file is not ignored and should have an entry"); let dir_2_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_2/", cx) .expect("dir 2 file is not ignored and should have an entry"); let gitignored_dir_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir/", cx); assert_eq!( gitignored_dir_file, None, "File in the gitignored dir should not have an entry before its dir is toggled" ); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1", cx); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir", cx); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " v gitignored_dir <== selected", "", "", "", "", "", "", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "Should show gitignored dir file list in the project panel" ); let gitignored_dir_file = find_project_entry(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir/", cx) .expect("after gitignored dir got opened, a file entry should be present"); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1/gitignored_dir", cx); toggle_expand_dir(&panel, "project_root/dir_1", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " > dir_1 <== selected", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "Should hide all dir contents again and prepare for the explicit reveal test" ); for file_entry in [dir_1_file, dir_2_file, gitignored_dir_file] { panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::ActiveEntryChanged(Some(file_entry))) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " > dir_1 <== selected", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "When no auto reveal is enabled, the selected entry should not be revealed in the project panel" ); } panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::RevealInProjectPanel(dir_1_file)) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " > gitignored_dir", " <== selected", "", "", " > dir_2", " .gitignore", ], "With no auto reveal, explicit reveal should show the dir_1 entry in the project panel" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::RevealInProjectPanel(dir_2_file)) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " > gitignored_dir", "", "", "", " v dir_2", " <== selected", "", "", " .gitignore", ], "With no auto reveal, explicit reveal should show the dir_2 entry in the project panel" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.project.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(project::Event::RevealInProjectPanel(gitignored_dir_file)) }) }); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..20, cx), &[ "v project_root", " > .git", " v dir_1", " v gitignored_dir", " <== selected", "", "", "", "", "", " v dir_2", "", "", "", " .gitignore", ], "With no auto reveal, explicit reveal should show the gitignored entry in the project panel" ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_creating_excluded_entries(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); cx.update(|cx| { cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |project_settings| { project_settings.file_scan_exclusions = Some(vec!["excluded_dir".to_string(), "**/.git".to_string()]); }); }); }); cx.update(|cx| { register_project_item::(cx); }); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.executor().clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/root1", json!({ ".dockerignore": "", ".git": { "HEAD": "", }, }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/root1".as_ref()], cx).await; let workspace = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project.clone(), cx)); let cx = &mut VisualTestContext::from_window(*workspace, cx); let panel = workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = ProjectPanel::new(workspace, cx); workspace.add_panel(panel.clone(), cx); panel }) .unwrap(); select_path(&panel, "root1", cx); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..10, cx), &["v root1 <== selected", " .dockerignore",] ); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { assert!( workspace.active_item(cx).is_none(), "Should have no active items in the beginning" ); }) .unwrap(); let excluded_file_path = ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG"; let excluded_dir_path = "excluded_dir"; panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_file(&NewFile, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); panel .update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text(excluded_file_path, cx)); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..13, cx), &["v root1", " .dockerignore"], "Excluded dir should not be shown after opening a file in it" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!( !, "Should have closed the file name editor" ); }); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let active_entry_path = workspace .active_item(cx) .expect("should have opened and activated the excluded item") .act_as::(cx) .expect( "should have opened the corresponding project item for the excluded item", ) .read(cx) .path .clone(); assert_eq!( active_entry_path.path.as_ref(), Path::new(excluded_file_path), "Should open the excluded file" ); assert!( workspace.notification_ids().is_empty(), "Should have no notifications after opening an excluded file" ); }) .unwrap(); assert!( fs.is_file(Path::new("/root1/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG")).await, "Should have created the excluded file" ); select_path(&panel, "root1", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_directory(&NewDirectory, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); panel .update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text(excluded_file_path, cx)); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..13, cx), &["v root1", " .dockerignore"], "Should not change the project panel after trying to create an excluded directorya directory with the same name as the excluded file" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!( !, "Should have closed the file name editor" ); }); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let notifications = workspace.notification_ids(); assert_eq!( notifications.len(), 1, "Should receive one notification with the error message" ); workspace.dismiss_notification(notifications.first().unwrap(), cx); assert!(workspace.notification_ids().is_empty()); }) .unwrap(); select_path(&panel, "root1", cx); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| panel.new_directory(&NewDirectory, cx)); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!(; }); panel .update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .filename_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text(excluded_dir_path, cx)); panel.confirm_edit(cx).unwrap() }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( visible_entries_as_strings(&panel, 0..13, cx), &["v root1", " .dockerignore"], "Should not change the project panel after trying to create an excluded directory" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { assert!( !, "Should have closed the file name editor" ); }); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let notifications = workspace.notification_ids(); assert_eq!( notifications.len(), 1, "Should receive one notification explaining that no directory is actually shown" ); workspace.dismiss_notification(notifications.first().unwrap(), cx); assert!(workspace.notification_ids().is_empty()); }) .unwrap(); assert!( fs.is_dir(Path::new("/root1/excluded_dir")).await, "Should have created the excluded directory" ); } fn toggle_expand_dir( panel: &View, path: impl AsRef, cx: &mut VisualTestContext, ) { let path = path.as_ref(); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { for worktree in>() { let worktree =; if let Ok(relative_path) = path.strip_prefix(worktree.root_name()) { let entry_id = worktree.entry_for_path(relative_path).unwrap().id; panel.toggle_expanded(entry_id, cx); return; } } panic!("no worktree for path {:?}", path); }); } fn select_path(panel: &View, path: impl AsRef, cx: &mut VisualTestContext) { let path = path.as_ref(); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { for worktree in>() { let worktree =; if let Ok(relative_path) = path.strip_prefix(worktree.root_name()) { let entry_id = worktree.entry_for_path(relative_path).unwrap().id; panel.selection = Some(crate::SelectedEntry { worktree_id:, entry_id, }); return; } } panic!("no worktree for path {:?}", path); }); } fn find_project_entry( panel: &View, path: impl AsRef, cx: &mut VisualTestContext, ) -> Option { let path = path.as_ref(); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { for worktree in>() { let worktree =; if let Ok(relative_path) = path.strip_prefix(worktree.root_name()) { return worktree.entry_for_path(relative_path).map(|entry|; } } panic!("no worktree for path {path:?}"); }) } fn visible_entries_as_strings( panel: &View, range: Range, cx: &mut VisualTestContext, ) -> Vec { let mut result = Vec::new(); let mut project_entries = HashSet::default(); let mut has_editor = false; panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.for_each_visible_entry(range, cx, |project_entry, details, _| { if details.is_editing { assert!(!has_editor, "duplicate editor entry"); has_editor = true; } else { assert!( project_entries.insert(project_entry), "duplicate project entry {:?} {:?}", project_entry, details ); } let indent = " ".repeat(details.depth); let icon = if details.kind.is_dir() { if details.is_expanded { "v " } else { "> " } } else { " " }; let name = if details.is_editing { format!("[EDITOR: '{}']", details.filename) } else if details.is_processing { format!("[PROCESSING: '{}']", details.filename) } else { details.filename.clone() }; let selected = if details.is_selected { " <== selected" } else { "" }; let marked = if details.is_marked { " <== marked" } else { "" }; result.push(format!("{indent}{icon}{name}{selected}{marked}")); }); }); result } fn init_test(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.update(|cx| { let settings_store = SettingsStore::test(cx); cx.set_global(settings_store); init_settings(cx); theme::init(theme::LoadThemes::JustBase, cx); language::init(cx); editor::init_settings(cx); crate::init((), cx); workspace::init_settings(cx); client::init_settings(cx); Project::init_settings(cx); cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |project_panel_settings| { project_panel_settings.auto_fold_dirs = Some(false); }); store.update_user_settings::(cx, |worktree_settings| { worktree_settings.file_scan_exclusions = Some(Vec::new()); }); }); }); } fn init_test_with_editor(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.update(|cx| { let app_state = AppState::test(cx); theme::init(theme::LoadThemes::JustBase, cx); init_settings(cx); language::init(cx); editor::init(cx); crate::init((), cx); workspace::init(app_state.clone(), cx); Project::init_settings(cx); cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |project_panel_settings| { project_panel_settings.auto_fold_dirs = Some(false); }); store.update_user_settings::(cx, |worktree_settings| { worktree_settings.file_scan_exclusions = Some(Vec::new()); }); }); }); } fn ensure_single_file_is_opened( window: &WindowHandle, expected_path: &str, cx: &mut TestAppContext, ) { window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let worktrees = workspace.worktrees(cx).collect::>(); assert_eq!(worktrees.len(), 1); let worktree_id = worktrees[0].read(cx).id(); let open_project_paths = workspace .panes() .iter() .filter_map(|pane| .collect::>(); assert_eq!( open_project_paths, vec![ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Arc::from(Path::new(expected_path)) }], "Should have opened file, selected in project panel" ); }) .unwrap(); } fn submit_deletion(panel: &View, cx: &mut VisualTestContext) { assert!( !cx.has_pending_prompt(), "Should have no prompts before the deletion" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.delete(&Delete { skip_prompt: false }, cx) }); assert!( cx.has_pending_prompt(), "Should have a prompt after the deletion" ); cx.simulate_prompt_answer(0); assert!( !cx.has_pending_prompt(), "Should have no prompts after prompt was replied to" ); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); } fn submit_deletion_skipping_prompt(panel: &View, cx: &mut VisualTestContext) { assert!( !cx.has_pending_prompt(), "Should have no prompts before the deletion" ); panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.delete(&Delete { skip_prompt: true }, cx) }); assert!(!cx.has_pending_prompt(), "Should have received no prompts"); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); } fn ensure_no_open_items_and_panes( workspace: &WindowHandle, cx: &mut VisualTestContext, ) { assert!( !cx.has_pending_prompt(), "Should have no prompts after deletion operation closes the file" ); workspace .read_with(cx, |workspace, cx| { let open_project_paths = workspace .panes() .iter() .filter_map(|pane| .collect::>(); assert!( open_project_paths.is_empty(), "Deleted file's buffer should be closed, but got open files: {open_project_paths:?}" ); }) .unwrap(); } struct TestProjectItemView { focus_handle: FocusHandle, path: ProjectPath, } struct TestProjectItem { path: ProjectPath, } impl project::Item for TestProjectItem { fn try_open( _project: &Model, path: &ProjectPath, cx: &mut AppContext, ) -> Option>>> { let path = path.clone(); Some(cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { cx.new_model(|_| Self { path }) })) } fn entry_id(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Option { None } fn project_path(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Option { Some(self.path.clone()) } } impl ProjectItem for TestProjectItemView { type Item = TestProjectItem; fn for_project_item( _: Model, project_item: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self where Self: Sized, { Self { path: project_item.update(cx, |project_item, _| project_item.path.clone()), focus_handle: cx.focus_handle(), } } } impl Item for TestProjectItemView { type Event = (); } impl EventEmitter<()> for TestProjectItemView {} impl FocusableView for TestProjectItemView { fn focus_handle(&self, _: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { self.focus_handle.clone() } } impl Render for TestProjectItemView { fn render(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { Empty } } }