use anyhow::Result; use call::report_call_event_for_channel; use channel::{Channel, ChannelBuffer, ChannelBufferEvent, ChannelStore}; use client::{ proto::{self, PeerId}, ChannelId, Collaborator, ParticipantIndex, }; use collections::HashMap; use editor::{ display_map::ToDisplayPoint, scroll::Autoscroll, CollaborationHub, DisplayPoint, Editor, EditorEvent, }; use gpui::{ actions, AnyView, AppContext, ClipboardItem, Entity as _, EventEmitter, FocusableView, Model, Pixels, Point, Render, Subscription, Task, View, ViewContext, VisualContext as _, WeakView, WindowContext, }; use project::Project; use rpc::proto::ChannelVisibility; use std::{ any::{Any, TypeId}, sync::Arc, }; use ui::prelude::*; use util::ResultExt; use workspace::item::TabContentParams; use workspace::{item::Dedup, notifications::NotificationId}; use workspace::{ item::{FollowableItem, Item, ItemEvent, ItemHandle}, searchable::SearchableItemHandle, ItemNavHistory, Pane, SaveIntent, Toast, ViewId, Workspace, WorkspaceId, }; actions!(collab, [CopyLink]); pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { workspace::FollowableViewRegistry::register::(cx) } pub struct ChannelView { pub editor: View, workspace: WeakView, project: Model, channel_store: Model, channel_buffer: Model, remote_id: Option, _editor_event_subscription: Subscription, _reparse_subscription: Option, } impl ChannelView { pub fn open( channel_id: ChannelId, link_position: Option, workspace: View, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task>> { let pane =; let channel_view = Self::open_in_pane( channel_id, link_position, pane.clone(), workspace.clone(), cx, ); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let channel_view = channel_view.await?; pane.update(&mut cx, |pane, cx| { report_call_event_for_channel( "open channel notes", channel_id, &, cx, ); pane.add_item(Box::new(channel_view.clone()), true, true, None, cx); })?; anyhow::Ok(channel_view) }) } pub fn open_in_pane( channel_id: ChannelId, link_position: Option, pane: View, workspace: View, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task>> { let channel_view = Self::load(channel_id, workspace, cx); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let channel_view = channel_view.await?; pane.update(&mut cx, |pane, cx| { let buffer_id =; let existing_view = pane .items_of_type::() .find(|view| == buffer_id); // If this channel buffer is already open in this pane, just return it. if let Some(existing_view) = existing_view.clone() { if == { if let Some(link_position) = link_position { existing_view.update(cx, |channel_view, cx| { channel_view.focus_position_from_link(link_position, true, cx) }); } return existing_view; } } // If the pane contained a disconnected view for this channel buffer, // replace that. if let Some(existing_item) = existing_view { if let Some(ix) = pane.index_for_item(&existing_item) { pane.close_item_by_id(existing_item.entity_id(), SaveIntent::Skip, cx) .detach(); pane.add_item(Box::new(channel_view.clone()), true, true, Some(ix), cx); } } if let Some(link_position) = link_position { channel_view.update(cx, |channel_view, cx| { channel_view.focus_position_from_link(link_position, true, cx) }); } channel_view }) }) } pub fn load( channel_id: ChannelId, workspace: View, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task>> { let weak_workspace = workspace.downgrade(); let workspace =; let project = workspace.project().to_owned(); let channel_store = ChannelStore::global(cx); let language_registry = workspace.app_state().languages.clone(); let markdown = language_registry.language_for_name("Markdown"); let channel_buffer = channel_store.update(cx, |store, cx| store.open_channel_buffer(channel_id, cx)); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let channel_buffer = channel_buffer.await?; let markdown = markdown.await.log_err(); channel_buffer.update(&mut cx, |channel_buffer, cx| { channel_buffer.buffer().update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.set_language_registry(language_registry); let Some(markdown) = markdown else { return; }; buffer.set_language(Some(markdown), cx); }) })?; cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut this = Self::new(project, weak_workspace, channel_store, channel_buffer, cx); this.acknowledge_buffer_version(cx); this }) }) } pub fn new( project: Model, workspace: WeakView, channel_store: Model, channel_buffer: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { let buffer =; let this = cx.view().downgrade(); let editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::for_buffer(buffer, None, cx); editor.set_collaboration_hub(Box::new(ChannelBufferCollaborationHub( channel_buffer.clone(), ))); editor.set_custom_context_menu(move |_, position, cx| { let this = this.clone(); Some(ui::ContextMenu::build(cx, move |menu, _| { menu.entry("Copy link to section", None, move |cx| { this.update(cx, |this, cx| this.copy_link_for_position(position, cx)) .ok(); }) })) }); editor }); let _editor_event_subscription = cx.subscribe(&editor, |_, _, e: &EditorEvent, cx| cx.emit(e.clone())); cx.subscribe(&channel_buffer, Self::handle_channel_buffer_event) .detach(); Self { editor, workspace, project, channel_store, channel_buffer, remote_id: None, _editor_event_subscription, _reparse_subscription: None, } } fn focus_position_from_link( &mut self, position: String, first_attempt: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let position = Channel::slug(&position).to_lowercase(); let snapshot = self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.snapshot(cx)); if let Some(outline) = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.outline(None) { if let Some(item) = outline .items .iter() .find(|item| &Channel::slug(&item.text).to_lowercase() == &position) { self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::focused()), cx, |s| { s.replace_cursors_with(|map| vec![item.range.start.to_display_point(&map)]) }) }); return; } } if !first_attempt { return; } self._reparse_subscription = Some(cx.subscribe( &self.editor, move |this, _, e: &EditorEvent, cx| { match e { EditorEvent::Reparsed(_) => { this.focus_position_from_link(position.clone(), false, cx); this._reparse_subscription.take(); } EditorEvent::Edited { .. } | EditorEvent::SelectionsChanged { local: true } => { this._reparse_subscription.take(); } _ => {} }; }, )); } fn copy_link(&mut self, _: &CopyLink, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let position = self .editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selections.newest_display(cx).start); self.copy_link_for_position(position, cx) } fn copy_link_for_position(&self, position: DisplayPoint, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let snapshot = self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.snapshot(cx)); let mut closest_heading = None; if let Some(outline) = snapshot.buffer_snapshot.outline(None) { for item in outline.items { if item.range.start.to_display_point(&snapshot) > position { break; } closest_heading = Some(item); } } let Some(channel) = else { return; }; let link = channel.notes_link(|heading| heading.text), cx); cx.write_to_clipboard(ClipboardItem::new(link)); self.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { struct CopyLinkForPositionToast; workspace.show_toast( Toast::new( NotificationId::unique::(), "Link copied to clipboard", ), cx, ); }) .ok(); } pub fn channel(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { } fn handle_channel_buffer_event( &mut self, _: Model, event: &ChannelBufferEvent, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { match event { ChannelBufferEvent::Disconnected => self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.set_read_only(true); cx.notify(); }), ChannelBufferEvent::ChannelChanged => { self.editor.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(editor::EditorEvent::TitleChanged); cx.notify() }); } ChannelBufferEvent::BufferEdited => { if { self.acknowledge_buffer_version(cx); } else { self.channel_store.update(cx, |store, cx| { let channel_buffer =; store.update_latest_notes_version( channel_buffer.channel_id, channel_buffer.epoch(), &channel_buffer.buffer().read(cx).version(), cx, ) }); } } ChannelBufferEvent::CollaboratorsChanged => {} } } fn acknowledge_buffer_version(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.channel_store.update(cx, |store, cx| { let channel_buffer =; store.acknowledge_notes_version( channel_buffer.channel_id, channel_buffer.epoch(), &channel_buffer.buffer().read(cx).version(), cx, ) }); self.channel_buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.acknowledge_buffer_version(cx); }); } } impl EventEmitter for ChannelView {} impl Render for ChannelView { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { div() .size_full() .on_action(cx.listener(Self::copy_link)) .child(self.editor.clone()) } } impl FocusableView for ChannelView { fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> gpui::FocusHandle { } } impl Item for ChannelView { type Event = EditorEvent; fn act_as_type<'a>( &'a self, type_id: TypeId, self_handle: &'a View, _: &'a AppContext, ) -> Option { if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some(self_handle.to_any()) } else if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some(self.editor.to_any()) } else { None } } fn tab_icon(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { let channel =; let icon = match channel.visibility { ChannelVisibility::Public => IconName::Public, ChannelVisibility::Members => IconName::Hash, }; Some(Icon::new(icon)) } fn tab_content(&self, params: TabContentParams, cx: &WindowContext) -> gpui::AnyElement { let (channel_name, status) = if let Some(channel) = { let status = match (,, ) { (false, true) => None, (true, true) => Some("read-only"), (_, false) => Some("disconnected"), }; (, status) } else { ("".into(), Some("disconnected")) }; h_flex() .gap_2() .child( Label::new(channel_name) .color(params.text_color()) .italic(params.preview), ) .when_some(status, |element, status| { element.child( Label::new(status) .size(LabelSize::XSmall) .color(Color::Muted), ) }) .into_any_element() } fn telemetry_event_text(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { None } fn clone_on_split( &self, _: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option> { Some(cx.new_view(|cx| { Self::new( self.project.clone(), self.workspace.clone(), self.channel_store.clone(), self.channel_buffer.clone(), cx, ) })) } fn is_singleton(&self, _cx: &AppContext) -> bool { false } fn navigate(&mut self, data: Box, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> bool { self.editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.navigate(data, cx)) } fn deactivated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| Item::deactivated(editor, cx)) } fn set_nav_history(&mut self, history: ItemNavHistory, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| Item::set_nav_history(editor, history, cx)) } fn as_searchable(&self, _: &View) -> Option> { Some(Box::new(self.editor.clone())) } fn show_toolbar(&self) -> bool { true } fn pixel_position_of_cursor(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { } fn to_item_events(event: &EditorEvent, f: impl FnMut(ItemEvent)) { Editor::to_item_events(event, f) } } impl FollowableItem for ChannelView { fn remote_id(&self) -> Option { self.remote_id } fn to_state_proto(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { let channel_buffer =; if !channel_buffer.is_connected() { return None; } Some(proto::view::Variant::ChannelView( proto::view::ChannelView { channel_id: channel_buffer.channel_id.0, editor: if let Some(proto::view::Variant::Editor(proto)) = { Some(proto) } else { None }, }, )) } fn from_state_proto( workspace: View, remote_id: workspace::ViewId, state: &mut Option, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Option>>> { let Some(proto::view::Variant::ChannelView(_)) = state else { return None; }; let Some(proto::view::Variant::ChannelView(state)) = state.take() else { unreachable!() }; let open = ChannelView::load(ChannelId(state.channel_id), workspace, cx); Some(cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let this = open.await?; let task = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.remote_id = Some(remote_id); if let Some(state) = state.editor { Some(this.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.apply_update_proto( &this.project, proto::update_view::Variant::Editor(proto::update_view::Editor { selections: state.selections, pending_selection: state.pending_selection, scroll_top_anchor: state.scroll_top_anchor, scroll_x: state.scroll_x, scroll_y: state.scroll_y, ..Default::default() }), cx, ) })) } else { None } })?; if let Some(task) = task { task.await?; } Ok(this) })) } fn add_event_to_update_proto( &self, event: &EditorEvent, update: &mut Option, cx: &WindowContext, ) -> bool { self.editor .read(cx) .add_event_to_update_proto(event, update, cx) } fn apply_update_proto( &mut self, project: &Model, message: proto::update_view::Variant, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> gpui::Task> { self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.apply_update_proto(project, message, cx) }) } fn set_leader_peer_id(&mut self, leader_peer_id: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.set_leader_peer_id(leader_peer_id, cx) }) } fn is_project_item(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { false } fn to_follow_event(event: &Self::Event) -> Option { Editor::to_follow_event(event) } fn dedup(&self, existing: &Self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { let existing =; if == existing.channel_id { if existing.is_connected() { Some(Dedup::KeepExisting) } else { Some(Dedup::ReplaceExisting) } } else { None } } } struct ChannelBufferCollaborationHub(Model); impl CollaborationHub for ChannelBufferCollaborationHub { fn collaborators<'a>(&self, cx: &'a AppContext) -> &'a HashMap { } fn user_participant_indices<'a>( &self, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> &'a HashMap { } fn user_names(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> HashMap { let user_ids = self.collaborators(cx).values().map(|c| c.user_id); self.0 .read(cx) .user_store() .read(cx) .participant_names(user_ids, cx) } }