use std::{ops::RangeInclusive, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail}; use bitflags::bitflags; use client::Client; use db::kvp::KEY_VALUE_STORE; use editor::{Editor, EditorEvent}; use futures::AsyncReadExt; use gpui::{ div, rems, AppContext, DismissEvent, EventEmitter, FocusHandle, FocusableView, Model, PromptLevel, Render, Task, View, ViewContext, }; use http_client::HttpClient; use isahc::Request; use language::Buffer; use project::Project; use regex::Regex; use serde_derive::Serialize; use ui::{prelude::*, Button, ButtonStyle, IconPosition, Tooltip}; use util::ResultExt; use workspace::notifications::NotificationId; use workspace::{DismissDecision, ModalView, Toast, Workspace}; use crate::{system_specs::SystemSpecs, GiveFeedback, OpenZedRepo}; // For UI testing purposes const SEND_SUCCESS_IN_DEV_MODE: bool = true; const SEND_TIME_IN_DEV_MODE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2); // Temporary, until tests are in place #[cfg(debug_assertions)] const DEV_MODE: bool = true; #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] const DEV_MODE: bool = false; const DATABASE_KEY_NAME: &str = "email_address"; const EMAIL_REGEX: &str = r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b"; const FEEDBACK_CHAR_LIMIT: RangeInclusive = 10..=5000; const FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION_ERROR_TEXT: &str = "Feedback failed to submit, see error log for details."; #[derive(Serialize)] struct FeedbackRequestBody<'a> { feedback_text: &'a str, email: Option, metrics_id: Option>, installation_id: Option>, system_specs: SystemSpecs, is_staff: bool, } bitflags! { #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] struct InvalidStateFlags: u8 { const EmailAddress = 0b00000001; const CharacterCount = 0b00000010; } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] enum CannotSubmitReason { InvalidState { flags: InvalidStateFlags }, AwaitingSubmission, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] enum SubmissionState { CanSubmit, CannotSubmit { reason: CannotSubmitReason }, } pub struct FeedbackModal { system_specs: SystemSpecs, feedback_editor: View, email_address_editor: View, submission_state: Option, dismiss_modal: bool, character_count: i32, } impl FocusableView for FeedbackModal { fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { self.feedback_editor.focus_handle(cx) } } impl EventEmitter for FeedbackModal {} impl ModalView for FeedbackModal { fn on_before_dismiss(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> DismissDecision { self.update_email_in_store(cx); if self.dismiss_modal { return DismissDecision::Dismiss(true); } let has_feedback =; if !has_feedback { return DismissDecision::Dismiss(true); } let answer = cx.prompt(PromptLevel::Info, "Discard feedback?", None, &["Yes", "No"]); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { if answer.await.ok() == Some(0) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.dismiss_modal = true; cx.emit(DismissEvent) }) .log_err(); } }) .detach(); DismissDecision::Pending } } impl FeedbackModal { pub fn register(workspace: &mut Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let _handle = cx.view().downgrade(); workspace.register_action(move |workspace, _: &GiveFeedback, cx| { let markdown = workspace .app_state() .languages .language_for_name("Markdown"); let project = workspace.project().clone(); let is_local_project =; if !is_local_project { struct FeedbackInRemoteProject; workspace.show_toast( Toast::new( NotificationId::unique::(), "You can only submit feedback in your own project.", ), cx, ); return; } let system_specs = SystemSpecs::new(cx); cx.spawn(|workspace, mut cx| async move { let markdown = markdown.await.log_err(); let buffer = project.update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.create_local_buffer("", markdown, cx) })?; let system_specs = system_specs.await; workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.toggle_modal(cx, move |cx| { FeedbackModal::new(system_specs, project, buffer, cx) }); })?; anyhow::Ok(()) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); }); } pub fn new( system_specs: SystemSpecs, project: Model, buffer: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { let email_address_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::single_line(cx); editor.set_placeholder_text("Email address (optional)", cx); if let Ok(Some(email_address)) = KEY_VALUE_STORE.read_kvp(DATABASE_KEY_NAME) { editor.set_text(email_address, cx) } editor }); let feedback_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::for_buffer(buffer, Some(project.clone()), cx); editor.set_placeholder_text( "You can use markdown to organize your feedback with code and links.", cx, ); editor.set_show_gutter(false, cx); editor.set_show_indent_guides(false, cx); editor.set_show_inline_completions(false); editor.set_vertical_scroll_margin(5, cx); editor.set_use_modal_editing(false); editor }); cx.subscribe(&feedback_editor, |this, editor, event: &EditorEvent, cx| { if matches!(event, EditorEvent::Edited { .. }) { this.character_count = editor .read(cx) .buffer() .read(cx) .as_singleton() .expect("Feedback editor is never a multi-buffer") .read(cx) .len() as i32; cx.notify(); } }) .detach(); Self { system_specs: system_specs.clone(), feedback_editor, email_address_editor, submission_state: None, dismiss_modal: false, character_count: 0, } } pub fn submit(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Task> { let feedback_text =; let email =; let answer = cx.prompt( PromptLevel::Info, "Ready to submit your feedback?", None, &["Yes, Submit!", "No"], ); let client = Client::global(cx).clone(); let specs = self.system_specs.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let answer = answer.await.ok(); if answer == Some(0) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.submission_state = Some(SubmissionState::CannotSubmit { reason: CannotSubmitReason::AwaitingSubmission, }); cx.notify(); }) .log_err(); let res = FeedbackModal::submit_feedback(&feedback_text, email, client, specs).await; match res { Ok(_) => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.dismiss_modal = true; cx.notify(); cx.emit(DismissEvent) }) .ok(); } Err(error) => { log::error!("{}", error); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let prompt = cx.prompt( PromptLevel::Critical, FEEDBACK_SUBMISSION_ERROR_TEXT, None, &["OK"], ); cx.spawn(|_, _cx| async move { prompt.await.ok(); }) .detach(); this.submission_state = Some(SubmissionState::CanSubmit); cx.notify(); }) .log_err(); } } } }) .detach(); Task::ready(Ok(())) } async fn submit_feedback( feedback_text: &str, email: Option, zed_client: Arc, system_specs: SystemSpecs, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if DEV_MODE { smol::Timer::after(SEND_TIME_IN_DEV_MODE).await; if SEND_SUCCESS_IN_DEV_MODE { return Ok(()); } else { return Err(anyhow!("Error submitting feedback")); } } let telemetry = zed_client.telemetry(); let metrics_id = telemetry.metrics_id(); let installation_id = telemetry.installation_id(); let is_staff = telemetry.is_staff(); let http_client = zed_client.http_client(); let feedback_endpoint = http_client.build_url("/api/feedback"); let request = FeedbackRequestBody { feedback_text: &feedback_text, email, metrics_id, installation_id, system_specs, is_staff: is_staff.unwrap_or(false), }; let json_bytes = serde_json::to_vec(&request)?; let request = Request::post(feedback_endpoint) .header("content-type", "application/json") .body(json_bytes.into())?; let mut response = http_client.send(request).await?; let mut body = String::new(); response.body_mut().read_to_string(&mut body).await?; let response_status = response.status(); if !response_status.is_success() { bail!("Feedback API failed with error: {}", response_status) } Ok(()) } fn update_submission_state(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if self.awaiting_submission() { return; } let mut invalid_state_flags = InvalidStateFlags::empty(); let valid_email_address = match { Some(email_address) => Regex::new(EMAIL_REGEX).unwrap().is_match(&email_address), None => true, }; if !valid_email_address { invalid_state_flags |= InvalidStateFlags::EmailAddress; } if !FEEDBACK_CHAR_LIMIT.contains(&self.character_count) { invalid_state_flags |= InvalidStateFlags::CharacterCount; } if invalid_state_flags.is_empty() { self.submission_state = Some(SubmissionState::CanSubmit); } else { self.submission_state = Some(SubmissionState::CannotSubmit { reason: CannotSubmitReason::InvalidState { flags: invalid_state_flags, }, }); } } fn update_email_in_store(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let email =; cx.spawn(|_, _| async move { match email { Some(email) => { KEY_VALUE_STORE .write_kvp(DATABASE_KEY_NAME.to_string(), email) .await .ok(); } None => { KEY_VALUE_STORE .delete_kvp(DATABASE_KEY_NAME.to_string()) .await .ok(); } } }) .detach(); } fn valid_email_address(&self) -> bool { !self.in_invalid_state(InvalidStateFlags::EmailAddress) } fn valid_character_count(&self) -> bool { !self.in_invalid_state(InvalidStateFlags::CharacterCount) } fn in_invalid_state(&self, flag: InvalidStateFlags) -> bool { match self.submission_state { Some(SubmissionState::CannotSubmit { reason: CannotSubmitReason::InvalidState { ref flags }, }) => flags.contains(flag), _ => false, } } fn awaiting_submission(&self) -> bool { matches!( self.submission_state, Some(SubmissionState::CannotSubmit { reason: CannotSubmitReason::AwaitingSubmission }) ) } fn can_submit(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.submission_state, Some(SubmissionState::CanSubmit)) } fn cancel(&mut self, _: &menu::Cancel, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.emit(DismissEvent) } } impl Render for FeedbackModal { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { self.update_submission_state(cx); let submit_button_text = if self.awaiting_submission() { "Submitting..." } else { "Submit" }; let open_zed_repo = cx.listener(|_, _, cx| cx.dispatch_action(Box::new(OpenZedRepo))); v_flex() .elevation_3(cx) .key_context("GiveFeedback") .on_action(cx.listener(Self::cancel)) .min_w(rems(40.)) .max_w(rems(96.)) .h(rems(32.)) .p_4() .gap_2() .child(Headline::new("Give Feedback")) .child( Label::new(if self.character_count < *FEEDBACK_CHAR_LIMIT.start() { format!( "Feedback must be at least {} characters.", FEEDBACK_CHAR_LIMIT.start() ) } else { format!( "Characters: {}", *FEEDBACK_CHAR_LIMIT.end() - self.character_count ) }) .color(if self.valid_character_count() { Color::Success } else { Color::Error }), ) .child( div() .flex_1() .bg(cx.theme().colors().editor_background) .p_2() .border_1() .rounded_md() .border_color(cx.theme().colors().border) .child(self.feedback_editor.clone()), ) .child( v_flex() .gap_1() .child( h_flex() .bg(cx.theme().colors().editor_background) .p_2() .border_1() .rounded_md() .border_color(if self.valid_email_address() { cx.theme().colors().border } else { cx.theme().status().error_border }) .child(self.email_address_editor.clone()), ) .child( Label::new("Provide an email address if you want us to be able to reply.") .size(LabelSize::Small) .color(Color::Muted), ), ) .child( h_flex() .justify_between() .gap_1() .child( Button::new("zed_repository", "Zed Repository") .style(ButtonStyle::Transparent) .icon(IconName::ExternalLink) .icon_position(IconPosition::End) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .on_click(open_zed_repo), ) .child( h_flex() .gap_1() .child( Button::new("cancel_feedback", "Cancel") .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .color(Color::Muted) .on_click(cx.listener(move |_, _, cx| { cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { this.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.emit(DismissEvent)) .ok(); }) .detach(); })), ) .child( Button::new("submit_feedback", submit_button_text) .color(Color::Accent) .style(ButtonStyle::Filled) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.submit(cx).detach(); })) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::text("Submit feedback to the Zed team.", cx) }) .when(!self.can_submit(), |this| this.disabled(true)), ), ), ) } } // TODO: Testing of various button states, dismissal prompts, etc. :)