use crate::{Channel, ChannelId, ChannelStore}; use anyhow::Result; use client::Client; use gpui::{AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Entity, ModelContext, ModelHandle, Task}; use rpc::{proto, TypedEnvelope}; use std::sync::Arc; use util::ResultExt; pub(crate) fn init(client: &Arc) { client.add_model_message_handler(ChannelBuffer::handle_update_channel_buffer); client.add_model_message_handler(ChannelBuffer::handle_add_channel_buffer_collaborator); client.add_model_message_handler(ChannelBuffer::handle_remove_channel_buffer_collaborator); } pub struct ChannelBuffer { channel_id: ChannelId, collaborators: Vec, buffer: ModelHandle, channel_store: ModelHandle, client: Arc, _subscription: client::Subscription, } impl Entity for ChannelBuffer { type Event = (); fn release(&mut self, _: &mut AppContext) { self.client .send(proto::LeaveChannelBuffer { channel_id: self.channel_id, }) .log_err(); } } impl ChannelBuffer { pub(crate) fn new( channel_store: ModelHandle, channel_id: ChannelId, client: Arc, cx: &mut AppContext, ) -> Task>> { cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::JoinChannelBuffer { channel_id }) .await?; let base_text = response.base_text; let operations = response .operations .into_iter() .map(language::proto::deserialize_operation) .collect::, _>>()?; let collaborators = response.collaborators; let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| language::Buffer::new(response.replica_id as u16, base_text, cx)); buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.apply_ops(operations, cx))?; let subscription = client.subscribe_to_entity(channel_id)?; anyhow::Ok(cx.add_model(|cx| { cx.subscribe(&buffer, Self::on_buffer_update).detach(); Self { buffer, client, channel_id, channel_store, collaborators, _subscription: subscription.set_model(&cx.handle(), &mut cx.to_async()), } })) }) } async fn handle_update_channel_buffer( this: ModelHandle, update_channel_buffer: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let ops = update_channel_buffer .payload .operations .into_iter() .map(language::proto::deserialize_operation) .collect::, _>>()?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { cx.notify(); this.buffer .update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.apply_ops(ops, cx)) })?; Ok(()) } async fn handle_add_channel_buffer_collaborator( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let collaborator = envelope.payload.collaborator.ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!( "Should have gotten a collaborator in the AddChannelBufferCollaborator message" ) })?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.collaborators.push(collaborator); cx.notify(); }); Ok(()) } async fn handle_remove_channel_buffer_collaborator( this: ModelHandle, message: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.collaborators.retain(|collaborator| { if collaborator.peer_id == message.payload.peer_id { this.buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.remove_peer(collaborator.replica_id as u16, cx) }); false } else { true } }); cx.notify(); }); Ok(()) } fn on_buffer_update( &mut self, _: ModelHandle, event: &language::Event, _: &mut ModelContext, ) { if let language::Event::Operation(operation) = event { let operation = language::proto::serialize_operation(operation); self.client .send(proto::UpdateChannelBuffer { channel_id: self.channel_id, operations: vec![operation], }) .log_err(); } } pub fn buffer(&self) -> ModelHandle { self.buffer.clone() } pub fn collaborators(&self) -> &[proto::Collaborator] { &self.collaborators } pub fn channel(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { self.channel_store .read(cx) .channel_for_id(self.channel_id) .cloned() } }