use std::{cmp, ops::ControlFlow, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use crate::{ default_working_directory, persistence::{ deserialize_terminal_panel, serialize_pane_group, SerializedItems, SerializedTerminalPanel, }, TerminalView, }; use breadcrumbs::Breadcrumbs; use collections::HashMap; use db::kvp::KEY_VALUE_STORE; use futures::future::join_all; use gpui::{ actions, Action, AnyView, AppContext, AsyncWindowContext, Corner, Entity, EventEmitter, ExternalPaths, FocusHandle, FocusableView, IntoElement, Model, ParentElement, Pixels, Render, Styled, Task, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, WindowContext, }; use itertools::Itertools; use project::{terminals::TerminalKind, Fs, Project, ProjectEntryId}; use search::{buffer_search::DivRegistrar, BufferSearchBar}; use settings::Settings; use task::{RevealStrategy, RevealTarget, ShellBuilder, SpawnInTerminal, TaskId}; use terminal::{ terminal_settings::{TerminalDockPosition, TerminalSettings}, Terminal, }; use ui::{ prelude::*, ButtonCommon, Clickable, ContextMenu, FluentBuilder, PopoverMenu, Toggleable, Tooltip, }; use util::{ResultExt, TryFutureExt}; use workspace::{ dock::{DockPosition, Panel, PanelEvent, PanelHandle}, item::SerializableItem, move_active_item, move_item, pane, ui::IconName, ActivateNextPane, ActivatePane, ActivatePaneInDirection, ActivatePreviousPane, DraggedTab, ItemId, MoveItemToPane, MoveItemToPaneInDirection, NewTerminal, Pane, PaneGroup, SplitDirection, SplitDown, SplitLeft, SplitRight, SplitUp, SwapPaneInDirection, ToggleZoom, Workspace, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use zed_actions::InlineAssist; const TERMINAL_PANEL_KEY: &str = "TerminalPanel"; actions!(terminal_panel, [ToggleFocus]); pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.observe_new_views( |workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &mut ViewContext| { workspace.register_action(TerminalPanel::new_terminal); workspace.register_action(TerminalPanel::open_terminal); workspace.register_action(|workspace, _: &ToggleFocus, cx| { if is_enabled_in_workspace(workspace, cx) { workspace.toggle_panel_focus::(cx); } }); }, ) .detach(); } pub struct TerminalPanel { pub(crate) active_pane: View, pub(crate) center: PaneGroup, fs: Arc, workspace: WeakView, pub(crate) width: Option, pub(crate) height: Option, pending_serialization: Task>, pending_terminals_to_add: usize, deferred_tasks: HashMap>, assistant_enabled: bool, assistant_tab_bar_button: Option, active: bool, } impl TerminalPanel { pub fn new(workspace: &Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { let project = workspace.project(); let pane = new_terminal_pane(workspace.weak_handle(), project.clone(), false, cx); let center = PaneGroup::new(pane.clone()); let terminal_panel = Self { center, active_pane: pane, fs: workspace.app_state().fs.clone(), workspace: workspace.weak_handle(), pending_serialization: Task::ready(None), width: None, height: None, pending_terminals_to_add: 0, deferred_tasks: HashMap::default(), assistant_enabled: false, assistant_tab_bar_button: None, active: false, }; terminal_panel.apply_tab_bar_buttons(&terminal_panel.active_pane, cx); terminal_panel } pub fn set_assistant_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.assistant_enabled = enabled; if enabled { let focus_handle = self .active_pane .read(cx) .active_item() .map(|item| item.focus_handle(cx)) .unwrap_or(self.focus_handle(cx)); self.assistant_tab_bar_button = Some( cx.new_view(move |_| InlineAssistTabBarButton { focus_handle }) .into(), ); } else { self.assistant_tab_bar_button = None; } for pane in { self.apply_tab_bar_buttons(pane, cx); } } fn apply_tab_bar_buttons(&self, terminal_pane: &View, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let assistant_tab_bar_button = self.assistant_tab_bar_button.clone(); terminal_pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.set_render_tab_bar_buttons(cx, move |pane, cx| { let split_context = pane .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) .map(|terminal_view|; if !pane.has_focus(cx) && !pane.context_menu_focused(cx) { return (None, None); } let focus_handle = pane.focus_handle(cx); let right_children = h_flex() .gap(DynamicSpacing::Base02.rems(cx)) .child( PopoverMenu::new("terminal-tab-bar-popover-menu") .trigger( IconButton::new("plus", IconName::Plus) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::text("New…", cx)), ) .anchor(Corner::TopRight) .with_handle(pane.new_item_context_menu_handle.clone()) .menu(move |cx| { let focus_handle = focus_handle.clone(); let menu = ContextMenu::build(cx, |menu, _| { menu.context(focus_handle.clone()) .action( "New Terminal", workspace::NewTerminal.boxed_clone(), ) // We want the focus to go back to terminal panel once task modal is dismissed, // hence we focus that first. Otherwise, we'd end up without a focused element, as // context menu will be gone the moment we spawn the modal. .action( "Spawn task", zed_actions::Spawn::modal().boxed_clone(), ) }); Some(menu) }), ) .children(assistant_tab_bar_button.clone()) .child( PopoverMenu::new("terminal-pane-tab-bar-split") .trigger( IconButton::new("terminal-pane-split", IconName::Split) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::text("Split Pane", cx)), ) .anchor(Corner::TopRight) .with_handle(pane.split_item_context_menu_handle.clone()) .menu({ let split_context = split_context.clone(); move |cx| { ContextMenu::build(cx, |menu, _| { menu.when_some( split_context.clone(), |menu, split_context| menu.context(split_context), ) .action("Split Right", SplitRight.boxed_clone()) .action("Split Left", SplitLeft.boxed_clone()) .action("Split Up", SplitUp.boxed_clone()) .action("Split Down", SplitDown.boxed_clone()) }) .into() } }), ) .child({ let zoomed = pane.is_zoomed(); IconButton::new("toggle_zoom", IconName::Maximize) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .toggle_state(zoomed) .selected_icon(IconName::Minimize) .on_click(cx.listener(|pane, _, cx| { pane.toggle_zoom(&workspace::ToggleZoom, cx); })) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::for_action( if zoomed { "Zoom Out" } else { "Zoom In" }, &ToggleZoom, cx, ) }) }) .into_any_element() .into(); (None, right_children) }); }); } pub async fn load( workspace: WeakView, mut cx: AsyncWindowContext, ) -> Result> { let serialized_panel = cx .background_executor() .spawn(async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE.read_kvp(TERMINAL_PANEL_KEY) }) .await .log_err() .flatten() .map(|panel| serde_json::from_str::(&panel)) .transpose() .log_err() .flatten(); let terminal_panel = workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { match { Some((serialized_panel, database_id)) => deserialize_terminal_panel( workspace.weak_handle(), workspace.project().clone(), database_id, serialized_panel, cx, ), None => Task::ready(Ok(cx.new_view(|cx| TerminalPanel::new(workspace, cx)))), } })? .await?; if let Some(workspace) = workspace.upgrade() { terminal_panel .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.subscribe(&workspace, |terminal_panel, _, e, cx| { if let workspace::Event::SpawnTask { action: spawn_in_terminal, } = e { terminal_panel.spawn_task(spawn_in_terminal, cx); }; }) .detach(); }) .ok(); } // Since panels/docks are loaded outside from the workspace, we cleanup here, instead of through the workspace. if let Some(workspace) = workspace.upgrade() { let cleanup_task = workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { let alive_item_ids = terminal_panel .read(cx) .center .panes() .into_iter() .flat_map(|pane| .map(|item| item.item_id().as_u64() as ItemId) .collect(); workspace .database_id() .map(|workspace_id| TerminalView::cleanup(workspace_id, alive_item_ids, cx)) })?; if let Some(task) = cleanup_task { task.await.log_err(); } } if let Some(workspace) = workspace.upgrade() { let should_focus = workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.active_item(cx).is_none() && workspace.is_dock_at_position_open(terminal_panel.position(cx), cx) }) .unwrap_or(false); if should_focus { terminal_panel .update(&mut cx, |panel, cx| { panel.active_pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.focus_active_item(cx); }); }) .ok(); } } Ok(terminal_panel) } fn handle_pane_event( &mut self, pane: View, event: &pane::Event, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { match event { pane::Event::ActivateItem { .. } => self.serialize(cx), pane::Event::RemovedItem { .. } => self.serialize(cx), pane::Event::Remove { focus_on_pane } => { let pane_count_before_removal =; let _removal_result =; if pane_count_before_removal == 1 {, |pane, cx| { pane.set_zoomed(false, cx); }); cx.emit(PanelEvent::Close); } else { if let Some(focus_on_pane) = focus_on_pane.as_ref().or_else(|| { focus_on_pane.focus_handle(cx).focus(cx); } } } pane::Event::ZoomIn => { for pane in { pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.set_zoomed(true, cx); }) } cx.emit(PanelEvent::ZoomIn); cx.notify(); } pane::Event::ZoomOut => { for pane in { pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.set_zoomed(false, cx); }) } cx.emit(PanelEvent::ZoomOut); cx.notify(); } pane::Event::AddItem { item } => { if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade() { workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { item.added_to_pane(workspace, pane.clone(), cx) }) } self.serialize(cx); } pane::Event::Split(direction) => { let Some(new_pane) = self.new_pane_with_cloned_active_terminal(cx) else { return; }; let pane = pane.clone(); let direction = *direction;, &new_pane, direction).log_err(); cx.focus_view(&new_pane); } pane::Event::Focus => { self.active_pane = pane.clone(); } _ => {} } } fn new_pane_with_cloned_active_terminal( &mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option> { let workspace = self.workspace.upgrade()?; let workspace =; let database_id = workspace.database_id(); let weak_workspace = self.workspace.clone(); let project = workspace.project().clone(); let (working_directory, python_venv_directory) = self .active_pane .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) .map(|terminal_view| { let terminal =; ( terminal .working_directory() .or_else(|| default_working_directory(workspace, cx)), terminal.python_venv_directory.clone(), ) }) .unwrap_or((None, None)); let kind = TerminalKind::Shell(working_directory); let window = cx.window_handle(); let terminal = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.create_terminal_with_venv(kind, python_venv_directory, window, cx) }) .ok()?; let terminal_view = Box::new(cx.new_view(|cx| { TerminalView::new( terminal.clone(), weak_workspace.clone(), database_id, project.downgrade(), cx, ) })); let pane = new_terminal_pane( weak_workspace, project,, cx, ); self.apply_tab_bar_buttons(&pane, cx); pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.add_item(terminal_view, true, true, None, cx); }); Some(pane) } pub fn open_terminal( workspace: &mut Workspace, action: &workspace::OpenTerminal, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let Some(terminal_panel) = workspace.panel::(cx) else { return; }; terminal_panel .update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.add_terminal( TerminalKind::Shell(Some(action.working_directory.clone())), RevealStrategy::Always, cx, ) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } fn spawn_task(&mut self, task: &SpawnInTerminal, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let Ok(is_local) = self .workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| workspace.project().read(cx).is_local()) else { return; }; let builder = ShellBuilder::new(is_local, &; let command_label = builder.command_label(&task.command_label); let (command, args) =, &task.args); let task = SpawnInTerminal { command_label, command, args, ..task.clone() }; if task.allow_concurrent_runs && task.use_new_terminal { self.spawn_in_new_terminal(task, cx).detach_and_log_err(cx); return; } let mut terminals_for_task = self.terminals_for_task(&task.full_label, cx); let Some(existing) = terminals_for_task.pop() else { self.spawn_in_new_terminal(task, cx).detach_and_log_err(cx); return; }; let (existing_item_index, task_pane, existing_terminal) = existing; if task.allow_concurrent_runs { self.replace_terminal(task, task_pane, existing_item_index, existing_terminal, cx) .detach(); return; } self.deferred_tasks.insert(, cx.spawn(|terminal_panel, mut cx| async move { wait_for_terminals_tasks(terminals_for_task, &mut cx).await; let task = terminal_panel.update(&mut cx, |terminal_panel, cx| { if task.use_new_terminal { terminal_panel .spawn_in_new_terminal(task, cx) .detach_and_log_err(cx); None } else { Some(terminal_panel.replace_terminal( task, task_pane, existing_item_index, existing_terminal, cx, )) } }); if let Ok(Some(task)) = task { task.await; } }), ); } pub fn spawn_in_new_terminal( &mut self, spawn_task: SpawnInTerminal, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>> { let reveal = spawn_task.reveal; let reveal_target = spawn_task.reveal_target; let kind = TerminalKind::Task(spawn_task); match reveal_target { RevealTarget::Center => self .workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Self::add_center_terminal(workspace, kind, cx) }) .unwrap_or_else(|e| Task::ready(Err(e))), RevealTarget::Dock => self.add_terminal(kind, reveal, cx), } } /// Create a new Terminal in the current working directory or the user's home directory fn new_terminal( workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &workspace::NewTerminal, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let Some(terminal_panel) = workspace.panel::(cx) else { return; }; let kind = TerminalKind::Shell(default_working_directory(workspace, cx)); terminal_panel .update(cx, |this, cx| { this.add_terminal(kind, RevealStrategy::Always, cx) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } fn terminals_for_task( &self, label: &str, cx: &mut AppContext, ) -> Vec<(usize, View, View)> { let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade() else { return Vec::new(); }; let pane_terminal_views = |pane: View| { .items() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(index, item)| Some((index, item.act_as::(cx)?))) .filter_map(|(index, terminal_view)| { let task_state =; if &task_state.full_label == label { Some((index, terminal_view)) } else { None } }) .map(move |(index, terminal_view)| (index, pane.clone(), terminal_view)) }; .panes() .into_iter() .cloned() .flat_map(pane_terminal_views) .chain( workspace .read(cx) .panes() .into_iter() .cloned() .flat_map(pane_terminal_views), ) .sorted_by_key(|(_, _, terminal_view)| terminal_view.entity_id()) .collect() } fn activate_terminal_view( &self, pane: &View, item_index: usize, focus: bool, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) { pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.activate_item(item_index, true, focus, cx) }) } pub fn add_center_terminal( workspace: &mut Workspace, kind: TerminalKind, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>> { if !is_enabled_in_workspace(workspace, cx) { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!( "terminal not yet supported for remote projects" ))); } let window = cx.window_handle(); let project = workspace.project().downgrade(); cx.spawn(move |workspace, mut cx| async move { let terminal = project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.create_terminal(kind, window, cx) })? .await?; workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { let view = cx.new_view(|cx| { TerminalView::new( terminal.clone(), workspace.weak_handle(), workspace.database_id(), workspace.project().downgrade(), cx, ) }); workspace.add_item_to_active_pane(Box::new(view), None, true, cx); })?; Ok(terminal) }) } fn add_terminal( &mut self, kind: TerminalKind, reveal_strategy: RevealStrategy, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>> { let workspace = self.workspace.clone(); cx.spawn(|terminal_panel, mut cx| async move { if workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { !is_enabled_in_workspace(workspace, cx) })? { anyhow::bail!("terminal not yet supported for remote projects"); } let pane = terminal_panel.update(&mut cx, |terminal_panel, _| { terminal_panel.pending_terminals_to_add += 1; terminal_panel.active_pane.clone() })?; let project = workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, _| workspace.project().clone())?; let window = cx.window_handle(); let terminal = project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.create_terminal(kind, window, cx) })? .await?; let result = workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { let terminal_view = Box::new(cx.new_view(|cx| { TerminalView::new( terminal.clone(), workspace.weak_handle(), workspace.database_id(), workspace.project().downgrade(), cx, ) })); match reveal_strategy { RevealStrategy::Always => { workspace.focus_panel::(cx); } RevealStrategy::NoFocus => { workspace.open_panel::(cx); } RevealStrategy::Never => {} } pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { let focus = pane.has_focus(cx) || matches!(reveal_strategy, RevealStrategy::Always); pane.add_item(terminal_view, true, focus, None, cx); }); Ok(terminal) })?; terminal_panel.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.pending_terminals_to_add = this.pending_terminals_to_add.saturating_sub(1); this.serialize(cx) })?; result }) } fn serialize(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let height = self.height; let width = self.width; self.pending_serialization = cx.spawn(|terminal_panel, mut cx| async move { cx.background_executor() .timer(Duration::from_millis(50)) .await; let terminal_panel = terminal_panel.upgrade()?; let items = terminal_panel .update(&mut cx, |terminal_panel, cx| { SerializedItems::WithSplits(serialize_pane_group( &, &terminal_panel.active_pane, cx, )) }) .ok()?; cx.background_executor() .spawn( async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE .write_kvp( TERMINAL_PANEL_KEY.into(), serde_json::to_string(&SerializedTerminalPanel { items, active_item_id: None, height, width, })?, ) .await?; anyhow::Ok(()) } .log_err(), ) .await; Some(()) }); } fn replace_terminal( &self, spawn_task: SpawnInTerminal, task_pane: View, terminal_item_index: usize, terminal_to_replace: View, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { let reveal = spawn_task.reveal; let reveal_target = spawn_task.reveal_target; let window = cx.window_handle(); let task_workspace = self.workspace.clone(); cx.spawn(move |terminal_panel, mut cx| async move { let project = terminal_panel .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.project().clone()) .ok() }) .ok() .flatten()?; let new_terminal = project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.create_terminal(TerminalKind::Task(spawn_task), window, cx) }) .ok()? .await .log_err()?; terminal_to_replace .update(&mut cx, |terminal_to_replace, cx| { terminal_to_replace.set_terminal(new_terminal, cx); }) .ok()?; match reveal { RevealStrategy::Always => match reveal_target { RevealTarget::Center => { task_workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace .active_item(cx) .context("retrieving active terminal item in the workspace") .log_err()? .focus_handle(cx) .focus(cx); Some(()) }) .ok()??; } RevealTarget::Dock => { terminal_panel .update(&mut cx, |terminal_panel, cx| { terminal_panel.activate_terminal_view( &task_pane, terminal_item_index, true, cx, ) }) .ok()?; cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { task_workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| workspace.focus_panel::(cx)) .ok() }) .detach(); } }, RevealStrategy::NoFocus => match reveal_target { RevealTarget::Center => { task_workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.active_pane().focus_handle(cx).focus(cx); }) .ok()?; } RevealTarget::Dock => { terminal_panel .update(&mut cx, |terminal_panel, cx| { terminal_panel.activate_terminal_view( &task_pane, terminal_item_index, false, cx, ) }) .ok()?; cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { task_workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| workspace.open_panel::(cx)) .ok() }) .detach(); } }, RevealStrategy::Never => {} } Some(()) }) } fn has_no_terminals(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { == 0 && self.pending_terminals_to_add == 0 } pub fn assistant_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.assistant_enabled } fn is_enabled(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { self.workspace.upgrade().map_or(false, |workspace| { is_enabled_in_workspace(, cx) }) } } fn is_enabled_in_workspace(workspace: &Workspace, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { workspace.project().read(cx).supports_terminal(cx) } pub fn new_terminal_pane( workspace: WeakView, project: Model, zoomed: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> View { let is_local =; let terminal_panel = cx.view().clone(); let pane = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut pane = Pane::new( workspace.clone(), project.clone(), Default::default(), None, NewTerminal.boxed_clone(), cx, ); pane.set_zoomed(zoomed, cx); pane.set_can_navigate(false, cx); pane.display_nav_history_buttons(None); pane.set_should_display_tab_bar(|_| true); pane.set_zoom_out_on_close(false); let split_closure_terminal_panel = terminal_panel.downgrade(); pane.set_can_split(Some(Arc::new(move |pane, dragged_item, cx| { if let Some(tab) = dragged_item.downcast_ref::() { let is_current_pane = &tab.pane == cx.view(); let Some(can_drag_away) = split_closure_terminal_panel .update(cx, |terminal_panel, _| { let current_panes =; !current_panes.contains(&&tab.pane) || current_panes.len() > 1 || (!is_current_pane || pane.items_len() > 1) }) .ok() else { return false; }; if can_drag_away { let item = if is_current_pane { pane.item_for_index(tab.ix) } else { }; if let Some(item) = item { return item.downcast::().is_some(); } } } false }))); let buffer_search_bar = cx.new_view(search::BufferSearchBar::new); let breadcrumbs = cx.new_view(|_| Breadcrumbs::new()); pane.toolbar().update(cx, |toolbar, cx| { toolbar.add_item(buffer_search_bar, cx); toolbar.add_item(breadcrumbs, cx); }); let drop_closure_project = project.downgrade(); let drop_closure_terminal_panel = terminal_panel.downgrade(); pane.set_custom_drop_handle(cx, move |pane, dropped_item, cx| { let Some(project) = drop_closure_project.upgrade() else { return ControlFlow::Break(()); }; if let Some(tab) = dropped_item.downcast_ref::() { let this_pane = cx.view().clone(); let item = if tab.pane == this_pane { pane.item_for_index(tab.ix) } else { }; if let Some(item) = item { if item.downcast::().is_some() { let source = tab.pane.clone(); let item_id_to_move = item.item_id(); let Ok(new_split_pane) = pane .drag_split_direction() .map(|split_direction| { drop_closure_terminal_panel.update(cx, |terminal_panel, cx| { let is_zoomed = if terminal_panel.active_pane == this_pane { pane.is_zoomed() } else { }; let new_pane = new_terminal_pane( workspace.clone(), project.clone(), is_zoomed, cx, ); terminal_panel.apply_tab_bar_buttons(&new_pane, cx); &this_pane, &new_pane, split_direction, )?; anyhow::Ok(new_pane) }) }) .transpose() else { return ControlFlow::Break(()); }; match new_split_pane.transpose() { // Source pane may be the one currently updated, so defer the move. Ok(Some(new_pane)) => cx .spawn(|_, mut cx| async move { cx.update(|cx| { move_item( &source, &new_pane, item_id_to_move,, cx, ); }) .ok(); }) .detach(), // If we drop into existing pane or current pane, // regular pane drop handler will take care of it, // using the right tab index for the operation. Ok(None) => return ControlFlow::Continue(()), err @ Err(_) => { err.log_err(); return ControlFlow::Break(()); } }; } else if let Some(project_path) = item.project_path(cx) { if let Some(entry_path) =, cx) { add_paths_to_terminal(pane, &[entry_path], cx); } } } } else if let Some(&entry_id) = dropped_item.downcast_ref::() { if let Some(entry_path) = project .read(cx) .path_for_entry(entry_id, cx) .and_then(|project_path|, cx)) { add_paths_to_terminal(pane, &[entry_path], cx); } } else if is_local { if let Some(paths) = dropped_item.downcast_ref::() { add_paths_to_terminal(pane, paths.paths(), cx); } } ControlFlow::Break(()) }); pane }); cx.subscribe(&pane, TerminalPanel::handle_pane_event) .detach(); cx.observe(&pane, |_, _, cx| cx.notify()).detach(); pane } async fn wait_for_terminals_tasks( terminals_for_task: Vec<(usize, View, View)>, cx: &mut AsyncWindowContext, ) { let pending_tasks = terminals_for_task.iter().filter_map(|(_, _, terminal)| { terminal .update(cx, |terminal_view, cx| { terminal_view .terminal() .update(cx, |terminal, cx| terminal.wait_for_completed_task(cx)) }) .ok() }); let _: Vec<()> = join_all(pending_tasks).await; } fn add_paths_to_terminal(pane: &mut Pane, paths: &[PathBuf], cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(terminal_view) = pane .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) { cx.focus_view(&terminal_view); let mut new_text = paths.iter().map(|path| format!(" {path:?}")).join(""); new_text.push(' '); terminal_view.update(cx, |terminal_view, cx| { terminal_view.terminal().update(cx, |terminal, _| { terminal.paste(&new_text); }); }); } } impl EventEmitter for TerminalPanel {} impl Render for TerminalPanel { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let mut registrar = DivRegistrar::new( |panel, cx| { panel .active_pane .read(cx) .toolbar() .read(cx) .item_of_type::() }, cx, ); BufferSearchBar::register(&mut registrar); let registrar = registrar.into_div(); self.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { registrar.size_full().child( workspace.project(), &HashMap::default(), None, &self.active_pane, workspace.zoomed_item(), workspace.app_state(), cx, )) }) .ok() .map(|div| { div.on_action({ cx.listener(|terminal_panel, action: &ActivatePaneInDirection, cx| { if let Some(pane) = &terminal_panel.active_pane, action.0, cx, ) { cx.focus_view(&pane); } else { terminal_panel .workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.activate_pane_in_direction(action.0, cx) }) .ok(); } }) }) .on_action( cx.listener(|terminal_panel, _action: &ActivateNextPane, cx| { let panes =; if let Some(ix) = panes .iter() .position(|pane| **pane == terminal_panel.active_pane) { let next_ix = (ix + 1) % panes.len(); cx.focus_view(&panes[next_ix]); } }), ) .on_action( cx.listener(|terminal_panel, _action: &ActivatePreviousPane, cx| { let panes =; if let Some(ix) = panes .iter() .position(|pane| **pane == terminal_panel.active_pane) { let prev_ix = cmp::min(ix.wrapping_sub(1), panes.len() - 1); cx.focus_view(&panes[prev_ix]); } }), ) .on_action(cx.listener(|terminal_panel, action: &ActivatePane, cx| { let panes =; if let Some(&pane) = panes.get(action.0) { cx.focus_view(pane); } else { if let Some(new_pane) = terminal_panel.new_pane_with_cloned_active_terminal(cx) { terminal_panel .center .split( &terminal_panel.active_pane, &new_pane, SplitDirection::Right, ) .log_err(); cx.focus_view(&new_pane); } } })) .on_action( cx.listener(|terminal_panel, action: &SwapPaneInDirection, cx| { if let Some(to) = terminal_panel .center .find_pane_in_direction(&terminal_panel.active_pane, action.0, cx) .cloned() {, &to); cx.notify(); } }), ) .on_action(cx.listener(|terminal_panel, action: &MoveItemToPane, cx| { let Some(&target_pane) = else { return; }; move_active_item( &terminal_panel.active_pane, target_pane, action.focus, true, cx, ); })) .on_action(cx.listener( |terminal_panel, action: &MoveItemToPaneInDirection, cx| { let source_pane = &terminal_panel.active_pane; if let Some(destination_pane) = terminal_panel .center .find_pane_in_direction(source_pane, action.direction, cx) { move_active_item(source_pane, destination_pane, action.focus, true, cx); }; }, )) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| div()) } } impl FocusableView for TerminalPanel { fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { self.active_pane.focus_handle(cx) } } impl Panel for TerminalPanel { fn position(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> DockPosition { match TerminalSettings::get_global(cx).dock { TerminalDockPosition::Left => DockPosition::Left, TerminalDockPosition::Bottom => DockPosition::Bottom, TerminalDockPosition::Right => DockPosition::Right, } } fn position_is_valid(&self, _: DockPosition) -> bool { true } fn set_position(&mut self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut ViewContext) { settings::update_settings_file::( self.fs.clone(), cx, move |settings, _| { let dock = match position { DockPosition::Left => TerminalDockPosition::Left, DockPosition::Bottom => TerminalDockPosition::Bottom, DockPosition::Right => TerminalDockPosition::Right, }; settings.dock = Some(dock); }, ); } fn size(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Pixels { let settings = TerminalSettings::get_global(cx); match self.position(cx) { DockPosition::Left | DockPosition::Right => { self.width.unwrap_or(settings.default_width) } DockPosition::Bottom => self.height.unwrap_or(settings.default_height), } } fn set_size(&mut self, size: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { match self.position(cx) { DockPosition::Left | DockPosition::Right => self.width = size, DockPosition::Bottom => self.height = size, } self.serialize(cx); cx.notify(); } fn is_zoomed(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { } fn set_zoomed(&mut self, zoomed: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { for pane in { pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.set_zoomed(zoomed, cx); }) } cx.notify(); } fn set_active(&mut self, active: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let old_active =; = active; if !active || old_active == active || !self.has_no_terminals(cx) { return; } cx.defer(|this, cx| { let Ok(kind) = this.workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { TerminalKind::Shell(default_working_directory(workspace, cx)) }) else { return; }; this.add_terminal(kind, RevealStrategy::Always, cx) .detach_and_log_err(cx) }) } fn icon_label(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { let count = self .center .panes() .into_iter() .map(|pane| .sum::(); if count == 0 { None } else { Some(count.to_string()) } } fn persistent_name() -> &'static str { "TerminalPanel" } fn icon(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { if (self.is_enabled(cx) || !self.has_no_terminals(cx)) && TerminalSettings::get_global(cx).button { Some(IconName::Terminal) } else { None } } fn icon_tooltip(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str> { Some("Terminal Panel") } fn toggle_action(&self) -> Box { Box::new(ToggleFocus) } fn pane(&self) -> Option> { Some(self.active_pane.clone()) } fn activation_priority(&self) -> u32 { 1 } } struct InlineAssistTabBarButton { focus_handle: FocusHandle, } impl Render for InlineAssistTabBarButton { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let focus_handle = self.focus_handle.clone(); IconButton::new("terminal_inline_assistant", IconName::ZedAssistant) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .on_click(cx.listener(|_, _, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(InlineAssist::default().boxed_clone()); })) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::for_action_in("Inline Assist", &InlineAssist::default(), &focus_handle, cx) }) } }