use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use async_task::Runnable; use backtrace::{Backtrace, BacktraceFmt, BytesOrWideString}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use postage::{barrier, prelude::Stream as _}; use rand::prelude::*; use smol::{channel, prelude::*, Executor, Timer}; use std::{ any::Any, fmt::{self, Debug, Display}, marker::PhantomData, mem, ops::RangeInclusive, pin::Pin, rc::Rc, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering::SeqCst}, Arc, }, task::{Context, Poll}, thread, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use waker_fn::waker_fn; use crate::{ platform::{self, Dispatcher}, util, MutableAppContext, }; pub enum Foreground { Platform { dispatcher: Arc, _not_send_or_sync: PhantomData>, }, Test(smol::LocalExecutor<'static>), Deterministic(Arc), } pub enum Background { Deterministic { executor: Arc, }, Production { executor: Arc>, _stop: channel::Sender<()>, }, } type AnyLocalFuture = Pin>>>; type AnyFuture = Pin>>>; type AnyTask = async_task::Task>; type AnyLocalTask = async_task::Task>; #[must_use] pub enum Task { Ready(Option), Local { any_task: AnyLocalTask, result_type: PhantomData, }, Send { any_task: AnyTask, result_type: PhantomData, }, } unsafe impl Send for Task {} struct DeterministicState { rng: StdRng, seed: u64, scheduled_from_foreground: Vec<(Runnable, Backtrace)>, scheduled_from_background: Vec<(Runnable, Backtrace)>, spawned_from_foreground: Vec<(Runnable, Backtrace)>, forbid_parking: bool, block_on_ticks: RangeInclusive, now: Instant, pending_timers: Vec<(Instant, barrier::Sender)>, waiting_backtrace: Option, } pub struct Deterministic { state: Arc>, parker: Mutex, } impl Deterministic { fn new(seed: u64) -> Self { Self { state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(DeterministicState { rng: StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed), seed, scheduled_from_foreground: Default::default(), scheduled_from_background: Default::default(), spawned_from_foreground: Default::default(), forbid_parking: false, block_on_ticks: 0..=1000, now: Instant::now(), pending_timers: Default::default(), waiting_backtrace: None, })), parker: Default::default(), } } fn spawn_from_foreground(&self, future: AnyLocalFuture) -> AnyLocalTask { let backtrace = Backtrace::new_unresolved(); let scheduled_once = AtomicBool::new(false); let state = self.state.clone(); let unparker = self.parker.lock().unparker(); let (runnable, task) = async_task::spawn_local(future, move |runnable| { let mut state = state.lock(); let backtrace = backtrace.clone(); if scheduled_once.fetch_or(true, SeqCst) { state.scheduled_from_foreground.push((runnable, backtrace)); } else { state.spawned_from_foreground.push((runnable, backtrace)); } unparker.unpark(); }); runnable.schedule(); task } fn spawn(&self, future: AnyFuture) -> AnyTask { let backtrace = Backtrace::new_unresolved(); let state = self.state.clone(); let unparker = self.parker.lock().unparker(); let (runnable, task) = async_task::spawn(future, move |runnable| { let mut state = state.lock(); state .scheduled_from_background .push((runnable, backtrace.clone())); unparker.unpark(); }); runnable.schedule(); task } fn run(&self, mut future: AnyLocalFuture) -> Box { let woken = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); loop { if let Some(result) = self.run_internal(woken.clone(), &mut future) { return result; } if !woken.load(SeqCst) { self.state.lock().will_park(); }, SeqCst); self.parker.lock().park(); } } fn run_until_parked(&self) { let woken = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let mut future = any_local_future(std::future::pending::<()>()); self.run_internal(woken, &mut future); } fn run_internal( &self, woken: Arc, future: &mut AnyLocalFuture, ) -> Option> { let unparker = self.parker.lock().unparker(); let waker = waker_fn(move || {, SeqCst); unparker.unpark(); }); let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker); let mut trace = Trace::default(); loop { let mut state = self.state.lock(); let runnable_count = state.scheduled_from_foreground.len() + state.scheduled_from_background.len() + state.spawned_from_foreground.len(); let ix = state.rng.gen_range(0..=runnable_count); if ix < state.scheduled_from_foreground.len() { let (_, backtrace) = &state.scheduled_from_foreground[ix]; trace.record(&state, backtrace.clone()); let runnable = state.scheduled_from_foreground.remove(ix).0; drop(state);; } else if ix - state.scheduled_from_foreground.len() < state.scheduled_from_background.len() { let ix = ix - state.scheduled_from_foreground.len(); let (_, backtrace) = &state.scheduled_from_background[ix]; trace.record(&state, backtrace.clone()); let runnable = state.scheduled_from_background.remove(ix).0; drop(state);; } else if ix < runnable_count { let (_, backtrace) = &state.spawned_from_foreground[0]; trace.record(&state, backtrace.clone()); let runnable = state.spawned_from_foreground.remove(0).0; drop(state);; } else { drop(state); if let Poll::Ready(result) = future.poll(&mut cx) { return Some(result); } let state = self.state.lock(); if state.scheduled_from_foreground.is_empty() && state.scheduled_from_background.is_empty() && state.spawned_from_foreground.is_empty() { return None; } } } } fn block_on(&self, future: &mut AnyLocalFuture) -> Option> { let unparker = self.parker.lock().unparker(); let waker = waker_fn(move || { unparker.unpark(); }); let max_ticks = { let mut state = self.state.lock(); let range = state.block_on_ticks.clone(); state.rng.gen_range(range) }; let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker); let mut trace = Trace::default(); for _ in 0..max_ticks { let mut state = self.state.lock(); let runnable_count = state.scheduled_from_background.len(); let ix = state.rng.gen_range(0..=runnable_count); if ix < state.scheduled_from_background.len() { let (_, backtrace) = &state.scheduled_from_background[ix]; trace.record(&state, backtrace.clone()); let runnable = state.scheduled_from_background.remove(ix).0; drop(state);; } else { drop(state); if let Poll::Ready(result) = future.as_mut().poll(&mut cx) { return Some(result); } let mut state = self.state.lock(); if state.scheduled_from_background.is_empty() { state.will_park(); drop(state); self.parker.lock().park(); } continue; } } None } } impl DeterministicState { fn will_park(&mut self) { if self.forbid_parking { let mut backtrace_message = String::new(); if let Some(backtrace) = self.waiting_backtrace.as_mut() { backtrace.resolve(); backtrace_message = format!( "\nbacktrace of waiting future:\n{:?}", CwdBacktrace::new(backtrace) ); } panic!( "deterministic executor parked after a call to forbid_parking{}", backtrace_message ); } } } #[derive(Default)] struct Trace { executed: Vec, scheduled: Vec>, spawned_from_foreground: Vec>, } impl Trace { fn record(&mut self, state: &DeterministicState, executed: Backtrace) { self.scheduled.push( state .scheduled_from_foreground .iter() .map(|(_, backtrace)| backtrace.clone()) .collect(), ); self.spawned_from_foreground.push( state .spawned_from_foreground .iter() .map(|(_, backtrace)| backtrace.clone()) .collect(), ); self.executed.push(executed); } fn resolve(&mut self) { for backtrace in &mut self.executed { backtrace.resolve(); } for backtraces in &mut self.scheduled { for backtrace in backtraces { backtrace.resolve(); } } for backtraces in &mut self.spawned_from_foreground { for backtrace in backtraces { backtrace.resolve(); } } } } struct CwdBacktrace<'a> { backtrace: &'a Backtrace, first_frame_only: bool, } impl<'a> CwdBacktrace<'a> { fn new(backtrace: &'a Backtrace) -> Self { Self { backtrace, first_frame_only: false, } } fn first_frame(backtrace: &'a Backtrace) -> Self { Self { backtrace, first_frame_only: true, } } } impl<'a> Debug for CwdBacktrace<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); let mut print_path = |fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, path: BytesOrWideString<'_>| { fmt::Display::fmt(&path, fmt) }; let mut fmt = BacktraceFmt::new(f, backtrace::PrintFmt::Full, &mut print_path); for frame in self.backtrace.frames() { let mut formatted_frame = fmt.frame(); if frame .symbols() .iter() .any(|s| s.filename().map_or(false, |f| f.starts_with(&cwd))) { formatted_frame.backtrace_frame(frame)?; if self.first_frame_only { break; } } } fmt.finish() } } impl Debug for Trace { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { for ((backtrace, scheduled), spawned_from_foreground) in self .executed .iter() .zip(&self.scheduled) .zip(&self.spawned_from_foreground) { writeln!(f, "Scheduled")?; for backtrace in scheduled { writeln!(f, "- {:?}", CwdBacktrace::first_frame(backtrace))?; } if scheduled.is_empty() { writeln!(f, "None")?; } writeln!(f, "==========")?; writeln!(f, "Spawned from foreground")?; for backtrace in spawned_from_foreground { writeln!(f, "- {:?}", CwdBacktrace::first_frame(backtrace))?; } if spawned_from_foreground.is_empty() { writeln!(f, "None")?; } writeln!(f, "==========")?; writeln!(f, "Run: {:?}", CwdBacktrace::first_frame(backtrace))?; writeln!(f, "+++++++++++++++++++")?; } Ok(()) } } impl Drop for Trace { fn drop(&mut self) { let trace_on_panic = if let Ok(trace_on_panic) = std::env::var("EXECUTOR_TRACE_ON_PANIC") { trace_on_panic == "1" || trace_on_panic == "true" } else { false }; let trace_always = if let Ok(trace_always) = std::env::var("EXECUTOR_TRACE_ALWAYS") { trace_always == "1" || trace_always == "true" } else { false }; if trace_always || (trace_on_panic && thread::panicking()) { self.resolve(); dbg!(self); } } } impl Foreground { pub fn platform(dispatcher: Arc) -> Result { if dispatcher.is_main_thread() { Ok(Self::Platform { dispatcher, _not_send_or_sync: PhantomData, }) } else { Err(anyhow!("must be constructed on main thread")) } } pub fn test() -> Self { Self::Test(smol::LocalExecutor::new()) } pub fn spawn(&self, future: impl Future + 'static) -> Task { let future = any_local_future(future); let any_task = match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => executor.spawn_from_foreground(future), Self::Platform { dispatcher, .. } => { fn spawn_inner( future: AnyLocalFuture, dispatcher: &Arc, ) -> AnyLocalTask { let dispatcher = dispatcher.clone(); let schedule = move |runnable: Runnable| dispatcher.run_on_main_thread(runnable); let (runnable, task) = async_task::spawn_local(future, schedule); runnable.schedule(); task } spawn_inner(future, dispatcher) } Self::Test(executor) => executor.spawn(future), }; Task::local(any_task) } pub fn run(&self, future: impl 'static + Future) -> T { let future = any_local_future(future); let any_value = match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) =>, Self::Platform { .. } => panic!("you can't call run on a platform foreground executor"), Self::Test(executor) => smol::block_on(, }; *any_value.downcast().unwrap() } pub fn parking_forbidden(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => executor.state.lock().forbid_parking, _ => panic!("this method can only be called on a deterministic executor"), } } pub fn start_waiting(&self) { match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => { executor.state.lock().waiting_backtrace = Some(Backtrace::new_unresolved()); } _ => panic!("this method can only be called on a deterministic executor"), } } pub fn finish_waiting(&self) { match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => { executor.state.lock().waiting_backtrace.take(); } _ => panic!("this method can only be called on a deterministic executor"), } } pub fn forbid_parking(&self) { match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => { let mut state = executor.state.lock(); state.forbid_parking = true; state.rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(state.seed); } _ => panic!("this method can only be called on a deterministic executor"), } } pub async fn timer(&self, duration: Duration) { match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => { let (tx, mut rx) = barrier::channel(); { let mut state = executor.state.lock(); let wakeup_at = + duration; state.pending_timers.push((wakeup_at, tx)); } rx.recv().await; } _ => { Timer::after(duration).await; } } } pub fn advance_clock(&self, duration: Duration) { match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => { executor.run_until_parked(); let mut state = executor.state.lock(); += duration; let now =; let mut pending_timers = mem::take(&mut state.pending_timers); drop(state); pending_timers.retain(|(wakeup, _)| *wakeup > now); executor.state.lock().pending_timers.extend(pending_timers); } _ => panic!("this method can only be called on a deterministic executor"), } } pub fn set_block_on_ticks(&self, range: RangeInclusive) { match self { Self::Deterministic(executor) => executor.state.lock().block_on_ticks = range, _ => panic!("this method can only be called on a deterministic executor"), } } } impl Background { pub fn new() -> Self { let executor = Arc::new(Executor::new()); let stop = channel::unbounded::<()>(); for i in 0..2 * num_cpus::get() { let executor = executor.clone(); let stop = stop.1.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name(format!("background-executor-{}", i)) .spawn(move || smol::block_on( .unwrap(); } Self::Production { executor, _stop: stop.0, } } pub fn num_cpus(&self) -> usize { num_cpus::get() } pub fn spawn(&self, future: F) -> Task where T: 'static + Send, F: Send + Future + 'static, { let future = any_future(future); let any_task = match self { Self::Production { executor, .. } => executor.spawn(future), Self::Deterministic { executor, .. } => executor.spawn(future), }; Task::send(any_task) } pub fn block_with_timeout( &self, timeout: Duration, future: F, ) -> Result> where T: 'static, F: 'static + Unpin + Future, { let mut future = any_local_future(future); if !timeout.is_zero() { let output = match self { Self::Production { .. } => smol::block_on(util::timeout(timeout, &mut future)).ok(), Self::Deterministic { executor, .. } => executor.block_on(&mut future), }; if let Some(output) = output { return Ok(*output.downcast().unwrap()); } } Err(async { *future.await.downcast().unwrap() }) } pub async fn scoped<'scope, F>(&self, scheduler: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut Scope<'scope>), { let mut scope = Scope { futures: Default::default(), _phantom: PhantomData, }; (scheduler)(&mut scope); let spawned = scope .futures .into_iter() .map(|f| self.spawn(f)) .collect::>(); for task in spawned { task.await; } } } pub struct Scope<'a> { futures: Vec + Send + 'static>>>, _phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>, } impl<'a> Scope<'a> { pub fn spawn(&mut self, f: F) where F: Future + Send + 'a, { let f = unsafe { mem::transmute::< Pin + Send + 'a>>, Pin + Send + 'static>>, >(Box::pin(f)) }; self.futures.push(f); } } pub fn deterministic(seed: u64) -> (Rc, Arc) { let executor = Arc::new(Deterministic::new(seed)); ( Rc::new(Foreground::Deterministic(executor.clone())), Arc::new(Background::Deterministic { executor }), ) } impl Task { pub fn ready(value: T) -> Self { Self::Ready(Some(value)) } fn local(any_task: AnyLocalTask) -> Self { Self::Local { any_task, result_type: PhantomData, } } pub fn detach(self) { match self { Task::Ready(_) => {} Task::Local { any_task, .. } => any_task.detach(), Task::Send { any_task, .. } => any_task.detach(), } } } impl Task> { pub fn detach_and_log_err(self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { cx.spawn(|_| async move { if let Err(err) = self.await { log::error!("{}", err); } }) .detach(); } } impl Task { fn send(any_task: AnyTask) -> Self { Self::Send { any_task, result_type: PhantomData, } } } impl fmt::Debug for Task { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Task::Ready(value) => value.fmt(f), Task::Local { any_task, .. } => any_task.fmt(f), Task::Send { any_task, .. } => any_task.fmt(f), } } } impl Future for Task { type Output = T; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { match unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() } { Task::Ready(value) => Poll::Ready(value.take().unwrap()), Task::Local { any_task, .. } => { any_task.poll(cx).map(|value| *value.downcast().unwrap()) } Task::Send { any_task, .. } => { any_task.poll(cx).map(|value| *value.downcast().unwrap()) } } } } fn any_future(future: F) -> AnyFuture where T: 'static + Send, F: Future + Send + 'static, { async { Box::new(future.await) as Box }.boxed() } fn any_local_future(future: F) -> AnyLocalFuture where T: 'static, F: Future + 'static, { async { Box::new(future.await) as Box }.boxed_local() }