use crate::{ parsing::{Span, SpanDigest}, SEMANTIC_INDEX_VERSION, }; use ai::embedding::Embedding; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use collections::HashMap; use futures::channel::oneshot; use gpui::executor; use ndarray::{Array1, Array2}; use ordered_float::OrderedFloat; use project::{search::PathMatcher, Fs}; use rpc::proto::Timestamp; use rusqlite::params; use rusqlite::types::Value; use std::{ future::Future, ops::Range, path::{Path, PathBuf}, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, time::SystemTime, }; use util::TryFutureExt; pub fn argsort(data: &[T]) -> Vec { let mut indices = (>(); indices.sort_by_key(|&i| &data[i]); indices.reverse(); indices } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FileRecord { pub id: usize, pub relative_path: String, pub mtime: Timestamp, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct VectorDatabase { path: Arc, transactions: smol::channel::Sender>, } impl VectorDatabase { pub async fn new( fs: Arc, path: Arc, executor: Arc, ) -> Result { if let Some(db_directory) = path.parent() { fs.create_dir(db_directory).await?; } let (transactions_tx, transactions_rx) = smol::channel::unbounded::< Box, >(); executor .spawn({ let path = path.clone(); async move { let mut connection = rusqlite::Connection::open(&path)?; connection.pragma_update(None, "journal_mode", "wal")?; connection.pragma_update(None, "synchronous", "normal")?; connection.pragma_update(None, "cache_size", 1000000)?; connection.pragma_update(None, "temp_store", "MEMORY")?; while let Ok(transaction) = transactions_rx.recv().await { transaction(&mut connection); } anyhow::Ok(()) } .log_err() }) .detach(); let this = Self { transactions: transactions_tx, path, }; this.initialize_database().await?; Ok(this) } pub fn path(&self) -> &Arc { &self.path } fn transact(&self, f: F) -> impl Future> where F: 'static + Send + FnOnce(&rusqlite::Transaction) -> Result, T: 'static + Send, { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let transactions = self.transactions.clone(); async move { if transactions .send(Box::new(|connection| { let result = connection .transaction() .map_err(|err| anyhow!(err)) .and_then(|transaction| { let result = f(&transaction)?; transaction.commit()?; Ok(result) }); let _ = tx.send(result); })) .await .is_err() { return Err(anyhow!("connection was dropped"))?; } rx.await? } } fn initialize_database(&self) -> impl Future> { self.transact(|db| { rusqlite::vtab::array::load_module(&db)?; // Delete existing tables, if SEMANTIC_INDEX_VERSION is bumped let version_query = db.prepare("SELECT version from semantic_index_config"); let version = version_query .and_then(|mut query| query.query_row([], |row| Ok(row.get::<_, i64>(0)?))); if version.map_or(false, |version| version == SEMANTIC_INDEX_VERSION as i64) { log::trace!("vector database schema up to date"); return Ok(()); } log::trace!("vector database schema out of date. updating..."); // We renamed the `documents` table to `spans`, so we want to drop // `documents` without recreating it if it exists. db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS documents", []) .context("failed to drop 'documents' table")?; db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS spans", []) .context("failed to drop 'spans' table")?; db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS files", []) .context("failed to drop 'files' table")?; db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS worktrees", []) .context("failed to drop 'worktrees' table")?; db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS semantic_index_config", []) .context("failed to drop 'semantic_index_config' table")?; // Initialize Vector Databasing Tables db.execute( "CREATE TABLE semantic_index_config ( version INTEGER NOT NULL )", [], )?; db.execute( "INSERT INTO semantic_index_config (version) VALUES (?1)", params![SEMANTIC_INDEX_VERSION], )?; db.execute( "CREATE TABLE worktrees ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, absolute_path VARCHAR NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX worktrees_absolute_path ON worktrees (absolute_path); ", [], )?; db.execute( "CREATE TABLE files ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, worktree_id INTEGER NOT NULL, relative_path VARCHAR NOT NULL, mtime_seconds INTEGER NOT NULL, mtime_nanos INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(worktree_id) REFERENCES worktrees(id) ON DELETE CASCADE )", [], )?; db.execute( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX files_worktree_id_and_relative_path ON files (worktree_id, relative_path)", [], )?; db.execute( "CREATE TABLE spans ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, file_id INTEGER NOT NULL, start_byte INTEGER NOT NULL, end_byte INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR NOT NULL, embedding BLOB NOT NULL, digest BLOB NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(file_id) REFERENCES files(id) ON DELETE CASCADE )", [], )?; db.execute( "CREATE INDEX spans_digest ON spans (digest)", [], )?; log::trace!("vector database initialized with updated schema."); Ok(()) }) } pub fn delete_file( &self, worktree_id: i64, delete_path: Arc, ) -> impl Future> { self.transact(move |db| { db.execute( "DELETE FROM files WHERE worktree_id = ?1 AND relative_path = ?2", params![worktree_id, delete_path.to_str()], )?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn insert_file( &self, worktree_id: i64, path: Arc, mtime: SystemTime, spans: Vec, ) -> impl Future> { self.transact(move |db| { // Return the existing ID, if both the file and mtime match let mtime = Timestamp::from(mtime); db.execute( " REPLACE INTO files (worktree_id, relative_path, mtime_seconds, mtime_nanos) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4) ", params![worktree_id, path.to_str(), mtime.seconds, mtime.nanos], )?; let file_id = db.last_insert_rowid(); let mut query = db.prepare( " INSERT INTO spans (file_id, start_byte, end_byte, name, embedding, digest) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6) ", )?; for span in spans { query.execute(params![ file_id, span.range.start.to_string(), span.range.end.to_string(),, span.embedding, span.digest ])?; } Ok(()) }) } pub fn worktree_previously_indexed( &self, worktree_root_path: &Path, ) -> impl Future> { let worktree_root_path = worktree_root_path.to_string_lossy().into_owned(); self.transact(move |db| { let mut worktree_query = db.prepare("SELECT id FROM worktrees WHERE absolute_path = ?1")?; let worktree_id = worktree_query .query_row(params![worktree_root_path], |row| Ok(row.get::<_, i64>(0)?)); if worktree_id.is_ok() { return Ok(true); } else { return Ok(false); } }) } pub fn embeddings_for_digests( &self, digests: Vec, ) -> impl Future>> { self.transact(move |db| { let mut query = db.prepare( " SELECT digest, embedding FROM spans WHERE digest IN rarray(?) ", )?; let mut embeddings_by_digest = HashMap::default(); let digests = Rc::new( digests .into_iter() .map(|p| Value::Blob(p.0.to_vec())) .collect::>(), ); let rows = query.query_map(params![digests], |row| { Ok((row.get::<_, SpanDigest>(0)?, row.get::<_, Embedding>(1)?)) })?; for row in rows { if let Ok(row) = row { embeddings_by_digest.insert(row.0, row.1); } } Ok(embeddings_by_digest) }) } pub fn embeddings_for_files( &self, worktree_id_file_paths: HashMap>>, ) -> impl Future>> { self.transact(move |db| { let mut query = db.prepare( " SELECT digest, embedding FROM spans LEFT JOIN files ON = spans.file_id WHERE files.worktree_id = ? AND files.relative_path IN rarray(?) ", )?; let mut embeddings_by_digest = HashMap::default(); for (worktree_id, file_paths) in worktree_id_file_paths { let file_paths = Rc::new( file_paths .into_iter() .map(|p| Value::Text(p.to_string_lossy().into_owned())) .collect::>(), ); let rows = query.query_map(params![worktree_id, file_paths], |row| { Ok((row.get::<_, SpanDigest>(0)?, row.get::<_, Embedding>(1)?)) })?; for row in rows { if let Ok(row) = row { embeddings_by_digest.insert(row.0, row.1); } } } Ok(embeddings_by_digest) }) } pub fn find_or_create_worktree( &self, worktree_root_path: Arc, ) -> impl Future> { self.transact(move |db| { let mut worktree_query = db.prepare("SELECT id FROM worktrees WHERE absolute_path = ?1")?; let worktree_id = worktree_query .query_row(params![worktree_root_path.to_string_lossy()], |row| { Ok(row.get::<_, i64>(0)?) }); if worktree_id.is_ok() { return Ok(worktree_id?); } // If worktree_id is Err, insert new worktree db.execute( "INSERT into worktrees (absolute_path) VALUES (?1)", params![worktree_root_path.to_string_lossy()], )?; Ok(db.last_insert_rowid()) }) } pub fn get_file_mtimes( &self, worktree_id: i64, ) -> impl Future>> { self.transact(move |db| { let mut statement = db.prepare( " SELECT relative_path, mtime_seconds, mtime_nanos FROM files WHERE worktree_id = ?1 ORDER BY relative_path", )?; let mut result: HashMap = HashMap::default(); for row in statement.query_map(params![worktree_id], |row| { Ok(( row.get::<_, String>(0)?.into(), Timestamp { seconds: row.get(1)?, nanos: row.get(2)?, } .into(), )) })? { let row = row?; result.insert(row.0, row.1); } Ok(result) }) } pub fn top_k_search( &self, query_embedding: &Embedding, limit: usize, file_ids: &[i64], ) -> impl Future)>>> { let file_ids = file_ids.to_vec(); let query = query_embedding.clone().0; let query = Array1::from_vec(query); self.transact(move |db| { let mut query_statement = db.prepare( " SELECT id, embedding FROM spans WHERE file_id IN rarray(?) ", )?; let deserialized_rows = query_statement .query_map(params![ids_to_sql(&file_ids)], |row| { Ok((row.get::<_, usize>(0)?, row.get::<_, Embedding>(1)?)) })? .filter_map(|row| row.ok()) .collect::>(); if deserialized_rows.len() == 0 { return Ok(Vec::new()); } // Get Length of Embeddings Returned let embedding_len = deserialized_rows[0].1 .0.len(); let batch_n = 1000; let mut batches = Vec::new(); let mut batch_ids = Vec::new(); let mut batch_embeddings: Vec = Vec::new(); deserialized_rows.iter().for_each(|(id, embedding)| { batch_ids.push(id); batch_embeddings.extend(&embedding.0); if batch_ids.len() == batch_n { let embeddings = std::mem::take(&mut batch_embeddings); let ids = std::mem::take(&mut batch_ids); let array = Array2::from_shape_vec((ids.len(), embedding_len.clone()), embeddings); match array { Ok(array) => { batches.push((ids, array)); } Err(err) => log::error!("Failed to deserialize to ndarray: {:?}", err), } } }); if batch_ids.len() > 0 { let array = Array2::from_shape_vec( (batch_ids.len(), embedding_len), batch_embeddings.clone(), ); match array { Ok(array) => { batches.push((batch_ids.clone(), array)); } Err(err) => log::error!("Failed to deserialize to ndarray: {:?}", err), } } let mut ids: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut results = Vec::new(); for (batch_ids, array) in batches { let scores = array .dot(&query.t()) .to_vec() .iter() .map(|score| OrderedFloat(*score)) .collect::>>(); results.extend(scores); ids.extend(batch_ids); } let sorted_idx = argsort(&results); let mut sorted_results = Vec::new(); let last_idx = limit.min(sorted_idx.len()); for idx in &sorted_idx[0..last_idx] { sorted_results.push((ids[*idx] as i64, results[*idx])) } Ok(sorted_results) }) } pub fn retrieve_included_file_ids( &self, worktree_ids: &[i64], includes: &[PathMatcher], excludes: &[PathMatcher], ) -> impl Future>> { let worktree_ids = worktree_ids.to_vec(); let includes = includes.to_vec(); let excludes = excludes.to_vec(); self.transact(move |db| { let mut file_query = db.prepare( " SELECT id, relative_path FROM files WHERE worktree_id IN rarray(?) ", )?; let mut file_ids = Vec::::new(); let mut rows = file_query.query([ids_to_sql(&worktree_ids)])?; while let Some(row) = { let file_id = row.get(0)?; let relative_path = row.get_ref(1)?.as_str()?; let included = includes.is_empty() || includes.iter().any(|glob| glob.is_match(relative_path)); let excluded = excludes.iter().any(|glob| glob.is_match(relative_path)); if included && !excluded { file_ids.push(file_id); } } anyhow::Ok(file_ids) }) } pub fn spans_for_ids( &self, ids: &[i64], ) -> impl Future)>>> { let ids = ids.to_vec(); self.transact(move |db| { let mut statement = db.prepare( " SELECT, files.worktree_id, files.relative_path, spans.start_byte, spans.end_byte FROM spans, files WHERE spans.file_id = AND in rarray(?) ", )?; let result_iter = statement.query_map(params![ids_to_sql(&ids)], |row| { Ok(( row.get::<_, i64>(0)?, row.get::<_, i64>(1)?, row.get::<_, String>(2)?.into(), row.get(3)?..row.get(4)?, )) })?; let mut values_by_id = HashMap::)>::default(); for row in result_iter { let (id, worktree_id, path, range) = row?; values_by_id.insert(id, (worktree_id, path, range)); } let mut results = Vec::with_capacity(ids.len()); for id in &ids { let value = values_by_id .remove(id) .ok_or(anyhow!("missing span id {}", id))?; results.push(value); } Ok(results) }) } } fn ids_to_sql(ids: &[i64]) -> Rc> { Rc::new( ids.iter() .copied() .map(|v| rusqlite::types::Value::from(v)) .collect::>(), ) }