use crate::{ embedding_queue::EmbeddingQueue, parsing::{subtract_ranges, CodeContextRetriever, Span, SpanDigest}, semantic_index_settings::SemanticIndexSettings, FileToEmbed, JobHandle, SearchResult, SemanticIndex, EMBEDDING_QUEUE_FLUSH_TIMEOUT, }; use ai::test::FakeEmbeddingProvider; use gpui::{Task, TestAppContext}; use language::{Language, LanguageConfig, LanguageRegistry, ToOffset}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use project::{project_settings::ProjectSettings, FakeFs, Fs, Project}; use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng}; use serde_json::json; use settings::{Settings, SettingsStore}; use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc, time::SystemTime}; use unindent::Unindent; use util::{paths::PathMatcher, RandomCharIter}; #[ctor::ctor] fn init_logger() { if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() { env_logger::init(); } } #[gpui::test] async fn test_semantic_index(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/the-root", json!({ "src": { "": " fn aaa() { println!(\"aaaaaaaaaaaa!\"); } fn zzzzz() { println!(\"SLEEPING\"); } ".unindent(), "": " fn bbb() { println!(\"bbbbbbbbbbbbb!\"); } struct pqpqpqp {} ".unindent(), "file3.toml": " ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ = 5 ".unindent(), } }), ) .await; let languages = Arc::new(LanguageRegistry::new(Task::ready(()))); let rust_language = rust_lang(); let toml_language = toml_lang(); languages.add(rust_language); languages.add(toml_language); let db_dir = tempdir::TempDir::new("vector-store").unwrap(); let db_path = db_dir.path().join("db.sqlite"); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let semantic_index = SemanticIndex::new( fs.clone(), db_path, embedding_provider.clone(), languages, cx.to_async(), ) .await .unwrap(); let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/the-root".as_ref()], cx).await; let search_results = semantic_index.update(cx, |store, cx| { store.search_project( project.clone(), "aaaaaabbbbzz".to_string(), 5, vec![], vec![], cx, ) }); let pending_file_count = semantic_index.read_with(cx, |index, _| index.pending_file_count(&project).unwrap()); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!(*pending_file_count.borrow(), 3); cx.background_executor .advance_clock(EMBEDDING_QUEUE_FLUSH_TIMEOUT); assert_eq!(*pending_file_count.borrow(), 0); let search_results = search_results.await.unwrap(); assert_search_results( &search_results, &[ (Path::new("src/").into(), 0), (Path::new("src/").into(), 0), (Path::new("src/file3.toml").into(), 0), (Path::new("src/").into(), 45), (Path::new("src/").into(), 45), ], cx, ); // Test Include Files Functonality let include_files = vec![PathMatcher::new("*.rs").unwrap()]; let exclude_files = vec![PathMatcher::new("*.rs").unwrap()]; let rust_only_search_results = semantic_index .update(cx, |store, cx| { store.search_project( project.clone(), "aaaaaabbbbzz".to_string(), 5, include_files, vec![], cx, ) }) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_results( &rust_only_search_results, &[ (Path::new("src/").into(), 0), (Path::new("src/").into(), 0), (Path::new("src/").into(), 45), (Path::new("src/").into(), 45), ], cx, ); let no_rust_search_results = semantic_index .update(cx, |store, cx| { store.search_project( project.clone(), "aaaaaabbbbzz".to_string(), 5, vec![], exclude_files, cx, ) }) .await .unwrap(); assert_search_results( &no_rust_search_results, &[(Path::new("src/file3.toml").into(), 0)], cx, ); "/the-root/src/".as_ref(), &" fn dddd() { println!(\"ddddd!\"); } struct pqpqpqp {} " .unindent() .into(), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); cx.background_executor .advance_clock(EMBEDDING_QUEUE_FLUSH_TIMEOUT); let prev_embedding_count = embedding_provider.embedding_count(); let index = semantic_index.update(cx, |store, cx| store.index_project(project.clone(), cx)); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!(*pending_file_count.borrow(), 1); cx.background_executor .advance_clock(EMBEDDING_QUEUE_FLUSH_TIMEOUT); assert_eq!(*pending_file_count.borrow(), 0); index.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( embedding_provider.embedding_count() - prev_embedding_count, 1 ); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_embedding_batching(cx: &mut TestAppContext, mut rng: StdRng) { let (outstanding_job_count, _) = postage::watch::channel_with(0); let outstanding_job_count = Arc::new(Mutex::new(outstanding_job_count)); let files = (1..=3) .map(|file_ix| FileToEmbed { worktree_id: 5, path: Path::new(&format!("path-{file_ix}")).into(), mtime: SystemTime::now(), spans: (0..rng.gen_range(4..22)) .map(|document_ix| { let content_len = rng.gen_range(10..100); let content = RandomCharIter::new(&mut rng) .with_simple_text() .take(content_len) .collect::(); let digest = SpanDigest::from(content.as_str()); Span { range: 0..10, embedding: None, name: format!("document {document_ix}"), content, digest, token_count: rng.gen_range(10..30), } }) .collect(), job_handle: JobHandle::new(&outstanding_job_count), }) .collect::>(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut queue = EmbeddingQueue::new(embedding_provider.clone(), cx.background_executor.clone()); for file in &files { queue.push(file.clone()); } queue.flush(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); let finished_files = queue.finished_files(); let mut embedded_files: Vec<_> = files .iter() .map(|_| finished_files.try_recv().expect("no finished file")) .collect(); let expected_files: Vec<_> = files .iter() .map(|file| { let mut file = file.clone(); for doc in &mut file.spans { doc.embedding = Some(embedding_provider.embed_sync(doc.content.as_ref())); } file }) .collect(); embedded_files.sort_by_key(|f| f.path.clone()); assert_eq!(embedded_files, expected_files); } #[track_caller] fn assert_search_results( actual: &[SearchResult], expected: &[(Arc, usize)], cx: &TestAppContext, ) { let actual = actual .iter() .map(|search_result| { search_result.buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _cx| { ( buffer.file().unwrap().path().clone(), search_result.range.start.to_offset(buffer), ) }) }) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_rust() { let language = rust_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = " /// A doc comment /// that spans multiple lines #[gpui::test] fn a() { b } impl C for D { } impl E { // This is also a preceding comment pub fn function_1() -> Option<()> { unimplemented!(); } // This is a preceding comment fn function_2() -> Result<()> { unimplemented!(); } } #[derive(Clone)] struct D { name: String } " .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[ ( " /// A doc comment /// that spans multiple lines #[gpui::test] fn a() { b }" .unindent(), text.find("fn a").unwrap(), ), ( " impl C for D { }" .unindent(), text.find("impl C").unwrap(), ), ( " impl E { // This is also a preceding comment pub fn function_1() -> Option<()> { /* ... */ } // This is a preceding comment fn function_2() -> Result<()> { /* ... */ } }" .unindent(), text.find("impl E").unwrap(), ), ( " // This is also a preceding comment pub fn function_1() -> Option<()> { unimplemented!(); }" .unindent(), text.find("pub fn function_1").unwrap(), ), ( " // This is a preceding comment fn function_2() -> Result<()> { unimplemented!(); }" .unindent(), text.find("fn function_2").unwrap(), ), ( " #[derive(Clone)] struct D { name: String }" .unindent(), text.find("struct D").unwrap(), ), ], ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_json() { let language = json_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = r#" { "array": [1, 2, 3, 4], "string": "abcdefg", "nested_object": { "array_2": [5, 6, 7, 8], "string_2": "hijklmnop", "boolean": true, "none": null } } "# .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[( r#" { "array": [], "string": "", "nested_object": { "array_2": [], "string_2": "", "boolean": true, "none": null } }"# .unindent(), text.find("{").unwrap(), )], ); let text = r#" [ { "name": "somebody", "age": 42 }, { "name": "somebody else", "age": 43 } ] "# .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[( r#" [{ "name": "", "age": 42 }]"# .unindent(), text.find("[").unwrap(), )], ); } fn assert_documents_eq( documents: &[Span], expected_contents_and_start_offsets: &[(String, usize)], ) { assert_eq!( documents .iter() .map(|document| (document.content.clone(), document.range.start)) .collect::>(), expected_contents_and_start_offsets ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_javascript() { let language = js_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = " /* globals importScripts, backend */ function _authorize() {} /** * Sometimes the frontend build is way faster than backend. */ export async function authorizeBank() { _authorize(pushModal, upgradingAccountId, {}); } export class SettingsPage { /* This is a test setting */ constructor(page) { = page; } } /* This is a test comment */ class TestClass {} /* Schema for editor_events in Clickhouse. */ export interface ClickhouseEditorEvent { installation_id: string operation: string } " .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[ ( " /* globals importScripts, backend */ function _authorize() {}" .unindent(), 37, ), ( " /** * Sometimes the frontend build is way faster than backend. */ export async function authorizeBank() { _authorize(pushModal, upgradingAccountId, {}); }" .unindent(), 131, ), ( " export class SettingsPage { /* This is a test setting */ constructor(page) { = page; } }" .unindent(), 225, ), ( " /* This is a test setting */ constructor(page) { = page; }" .unindent(), 290, ), ( " /* This is a test comment */ class TestClass {}" .unindent(), 374, ), ( " /* Schema for editor_events in Clickhouse. */ export interface ClickhouseEditorEvent { installation_id: string operation: string }" .unindent(), 440, ), ], ) } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_lua() { let language = lua_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = r#" -- Creates a new class -- @param baseclass The Baseclass of this class, or nil. -- @return A new class reference. function classes.class(baseclass) -- Create the class definition and metatable. local classdef = {} -- Find the super class, either Object or user-defined. baseclass = baseclass or classes.Object -- If this class definition does not know of a function, it will 'look up' to the Baseclass via the __index of the metatable. setmetatable(classdef, { __index = baseclass }) -- All class instances have a reference to the class object. classdef.class = classdef --- Recursivly allocates the inheritance tree of the instance. -- @param mastertable The 'root' of the inheritance tree. -- @return Returns the instance with the allocated inheritance tree. function classdef.alloc(mastertable) -- All class instances have a reference to a superclass object. local instance = { super = baseclass.alloc(mastertable) } -- Any functions this instance does not know of will 'look up' to the superclass definition. setmetatable(instance, { __index = classdef, __newindex = mastertable }) return instance end end "#.unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[ (r#" -- Creates a new class -- @param baseclass The Baseclass of this class, or nil. -- @return A new class reference. function classes.class(baseclass) -- Create the class definition and metatable. local classdef = {} -- Find the super class, either Object or user-defined. baseclass = baseclass or classes.Object -- If this class definition does not know of a function, it will 'look up' to the Baseclass via the __index of the metatable. setmetatable(classdef, { __index = baseclass }) -- All class instances have a reference to the class object. classdef.class = classdef --- Recursivly allocates the inheritance tree of the instance. -- @param mastertable The 'root' of the inheritance tree. -- @return Returns the instance with the allocated inheritance tree. function classdef.alloc(mastertable) --[ ... ]-- --[ ... ]-- end end"#.unindent(), 114), (r#" --- Recursivly allocates the inheritance tree of the instance. -- @param mastertable The 'root' of the inheritance tree. -- @return Returns the instance with the allocated inheritance tree. function classdef.alloc(mastertable) -- All class instances have a reference to a superclass object. local instance = { super = baseclass.alloc(mastertable) } -- Any functions this instance does not know of will 'look up' to the superclass definition. setmetatable(instance, { __index = classdef, __newindex = mastertable }) return instance end"#.unindent(), 809), ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_elixir() { let language = elixir_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = r#" defmodule File.Stream do @moduledoc """ Defines a `File.Stream` struct returned by `!/3`. The following fields are public: * `path` - the file path * `modes` - the file modes * `raw` - a boolean indicating if bin functions should be used * `line_or_bytes` - if reading should read lines or a given number of bytes * `node` - the node the file belongs to """ defstruct path: nil, modes: [], line_or_bytes: :line, raw: true, node: nil @type t :: %__MODULE__{} @doc false def __build__(path, modes, line_or_bytes) do raw = :lists.keyfind(:encoding, 1, modes) == false modes = case raw do true -> case :lists.keyfind(:read_ahead, 1, modes) do {:read_ahead, false} -> [:raw | :lists.keydelete(:read_ahead, 1, modes)] {:read_ahead, _} -> [:raw | modes] false -> [:raw, :read_ahead | modes] end false -> modes end %File.Stream{path: path, modes: modes, raw: raw, line_or_bytes: line_or_bytes, node: node()} end"# .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[( r#" defmodule File.Stream do @moduledoc """ Defines a `File.Stream` struct returned by `!/3`. The following fields are public: * `path` - the file path * `modes` - the file modes * `raw` - a boolean indicating if bin functions should be used * `line_or_bytes` - if reading should read lines or a given number of bytes * `node` - the node the file belongs to """ defstruct path: nil, modes: [], line_or_bytes: :line, raw: true, node: nil @type t :: %__MODULE__{} @doc false def __build__(path, modes, line_or_bytes) do raw = :lists.keyfind(:encoding, 1, modes) == false modes = case raw do true -> case :lists.keyfind(:read_ahead, 1, modes) do {:read_ahead, false} -> [:raw | :lists.keydelete(:read_ahead, 1, modes)] {:read_ahead, _} -> [:raw | modes] false -> [:raw, :read_ahead | modes] end false -> modes end %File.Stream{path: path, modes: modes, raw: raw, line_or_bytes: line_or_bytes, node: node()} end"# .unindent(), 0, ),(r#" @doc false def __build__(path, modes, line_or_bytes) do raw = :lists.keyfind(:encoding, 1, modes) == false modes = case raw do true -> case :lists.keyfind(:read_ahead, 1, modes) do {:read_ahead, false} -> [:raw | :lists.keydelete(:read_ahead, 1, modes)] {:read_ahead, _} -> [:raw | modes] false -> [:raw, :read_ahead | modes] end false -> modes end %File.Stream{path: path, modes: modes, raw: raw, line_or_bytes: line_or_bytes, node: node()} end"#.unindent(), 574)], ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_cpp() { let language = cpp_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = " /** * @brief Main function * @returns 0 on exit */ int main() { return 0; } /** * This is a test comment */ class MyClass { // The class public: // Access specifier int myNum; // Attribute (int variable) string myString; // Attribute (string variable) }; // This is a test comment enum Color { red, green, blue }; /** This is a preceding block comment * This is the second line */ struct { // Structure declaration int myNum; // Member (int variable) string myString; // Member (string variable) } myStructure; /** * @brief Matrix class. */ template ::value || std::is_floating_point::value, bool>::type> class Matrix2 { std::vector> _mat; public: /** * @brief Constructor * @tparam Integer ensuring integers are being evaluated and not other * data types. * @param size denoting the size of Matrix as size x size */ template ::value, Integer>::type> explicit Matrix(const Integer size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { _mat.emplace_back(std::vector(size, 0)); } } }" .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[ ( " /** * @brief Main function * @returns 0 on exit */ int main() { return 0; }" .unindent(), 54, ), ( " /** * This is a test comment */ class MyClass { // The class public: // Access specifier int myNum; // Attribute (int variable) string myString; // Attribute (string variable) }" .unindent(), 112, ), ( " // This is a test comment enum Color { red, green, blue }" .unindent(), 322, ), ( " /** This is a preceding block comment * This is the second line */ struct { // Structure declaration int myNum; // Member (int variable) string myString; // Member (string variable) } myStructure;" .unindent(), 425, ), ( " /** * @brief Matrix class. */ template ::value || std::is_floating_point::value, bool>::type> class Matrix2 { std::vector> _mat; public: /** * @brief Constructor * @tparam Integer ensuring integers are being evaluated and not other * data types. * @param size denoting the size of Matrix as size x size */ template ::value, Integer>::type> explicit Matrix(const Integer size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { _mat.emplace_back(std::vector(size, 0)); } } }" .unindent(), 612, ), ( " explicit Matrix(const Integer size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { _mat.emplace_back(std::vector(size, 0)); } }" .unindent(), 1226, ), ], ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_ruby() { let language = ruby_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = r#" # This concern is inspired by "sudo mode" on GitHub. It # is a way to re-authenticate a user before allowing them # to see or perform an action. # # Add `before_action :require_challenge!` to actions you # want to protect. # # The user will be shown a page to enter the challenge (which # is either the password, or just the username when no # password exists). Upon passing, there is a grace period # during which no challenge will be asked from the user. # # Accessing challenge-protected resources during the grace # period will refresh the grace period. module ChallengableConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern CHALLENGE_TIMEOUT = 1.hour.freeze def require_challenge! return if skip_challenge? if challenge_passed_recently? session[:challenge_passed_at] = return end @challenge = request.url) if params.key?(:form_challenge) if challenge_passed? session[:challenge_passed_at] = else[:alert] = I18n.t('challenge.invalid_password') render_challenge end else render_challenge end end def challenge_passed? current_user.valid_password?(challenge_params[:current_password]) end end class Animal include Comparable attr_reader :legs def initialize(name, legs) @name, @legs = name, legs end def <=>(other) legs <=> other.legs end end # Singleton method for car object def car.wheels puts "There are four wheels" end"# .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[ ( r#" # This concern is inspired by "sudo mode" on GitHub. It # is a way to re-authenticate a user before allowing them # to see or perform an action. # # Add `before_action :require_challenge!` to actions you # want to protect. # # The user will be shown a page to enter the challenge (which # is either the password, or just the username when no # password exists). Upon passing, there is a grace period # during which no challenge will be asked from the user. # # Accessing challenge-protected resources during the grace # period will refresh the grace period. module ChallengableConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern CHALLENGE_TIMEOUT = 1.hour.freeze def require_challenge! # ... end def challenge_passed? # ... end end"# .unindent(), 558, ), ( r#" def require_challenge! return if skip_challenge? if challenge_passed_recently? session[:challenge_passed_at] = return end @challenge = request.url) if params.key?(:form_challenge) if challenge_passed? session[:challenge_passed_at] = else[:alert] = I18n.t('challenge.invalid_password') render_challenge end else render_challenge end end"# .unindent(), 663, ), ( r#" def challenge_passed? current_user.valid_password?(challenge_params[:current_password]) end"# .unindent(), 1254, ), ( r#" class Animal include Comparable attr_reader :legs def initialize(name, legs) # ... end def <=>(other) # ... end end"# .unindent(), 1363, ), ( r#" def initialize(name, legs) @name, @legs = name, legs end"# .unindent(), 1427, ), ( r#" def <=>(other) legs <=> other.legs end"# .unindent(), 1501, ), ( r#" # Singleton method for car object def car.wheels puts "There are four wheels" end"# .unindent(), 1591, ), ], ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_code_context_retrieval_php() { let language = php_lang(); let embedding_provider = Arc::new(FakeEmbeddingProvider::default()); let mut retriever = CodeContextRetriever::new(embedding_provider); let text = r#" 100) { throw new Exception(message: 'Progress cannot be greater than 100'); } if ($this->achievements()->find($achievement->id)) { throw new Exception(message: 'User already has this Achievement'); } $this->achievements()->attach($achievement, [ 'progress' => $progress ?? null, ]); $this->when(value: ($progress === null) || ($progress === 100), callback: fn (): ?array => event(new AchievementAwarded(achievement: $achievement, user: $this))); } public function achievements(): BelongsToMany { return $this->belongsToMany(related: Achievement::class) ->withPivot(columns: 'progress') ->where('is_secret', false) ->using(AchievementUser::class); } } interface Multiplier { public function qualifies(array $data): bool; public function setMultiplier(): int; } enum AuditType: string { case Add = 'add'; case Remove = 'remove'; case Reset = 'reset'; case LevelUp = 'level_up'; } ?>"# .unindent(); let documents = retriever.parse_file(&text, language.clone()).unwrap(); assert_documents_eq( &documents, &[ ( r#" /* This is a multiple-lines comment block that spans over multiple lines */ function functionName() { echo "Hello world!"; }"# .unindent(), 123, ), ( r#" trait HasAchievements { /** * @throws \Exception */ public function grantAchievement(Achievement $achievement, $progress = null): void {/* ... */} public function achievements(): BelongsToMany {/* ... */} }"# .unindent(), 177, ), (r#" /** * @throws \Exception */ public function grantAchievement(Achievement $achievement, $progress = null): void { if ($progress > 100) { throw new Exception(message: 'Progress cannot be greater than 100'); } if ($this->achievements()->find($achievement->id)) { throw new Exception(message: 'User already has this Achievement'); } $this->achievements()->attach($achievement, [ 'progress' => $progress ?? null, ]); $this->when(value: ($progress === null) || ($progress === 100), callback: fn (): ?array => event(new AchievementAwarded(achievement: $achievement, user: $this))); }"#.unindent(), 245), (r#" public function achievements(): BelongsToMany { return $this->belongsToMany(related: Achievement::class) ->withPivot(columns: 'progress') ->where('is_secret', false) ->using(AchievementUser::class); }"#.unindent(), 902), (r#" interface Multiplier { public function qualifies(array $data): bool; public function setMultiplier(): int; }"#.unindent(), 1146), (r#" enum AuditType: string { case Add = 'add'; case Remove = 'remove'; case Reset = 'reset'; case LevelUp = 'level_up'; }"#.unindent(), 1265) ], ); } fn js_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Javascript".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["js".into()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_typescript::language_tsx()), ) .with_embedding_query( &r#" ( (comment)* @context . [ (export_statement (function_declaration "async"? @name "function" @name name: (_) @name)) (function_declaration "async"? @name "function" @name name: (_) @name) ] @item ) ( (comment)* @context . [ (export_statement (class_declaration "class" @name name: (_) @name)) (class_declaration "class" @name name: (_) @name) ] @item ) ( (comment)* @context . [ (export_statement (interface_declaration "interface" @name name: (_) @name)) (interface_declaration "interface" @name name: (_) @name) ] @item ) ( (comment)* @context . [ (export_statement (enum_declaration "enum" @name name: (_) @name)) (enum_declaration "enum" @name name: (_) @name) ] @item ) ( (comment)* @context . (method_definition [ "get" "set" "async" "*" "static" ]* @name name: (_) @name) @item ) "# .unindent(), ) .unwrap(), ) } fn rust_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".into()], collapsed_placeholder: " /* ... */ ".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ) .with_embedding_query( r#" ( [(line_comment) (attribute_item)]* @context . [ (struct_item name: (_) @name) (enum_item name: (_) @name) (impl_item trait: (_)? @name "for"? @name type: (_) @name) (trait_item name: (_) @name) (function_item name: (_) @name body: (block "{" @keep "}" @keep) @collapse) (macro_definition name: (_) @name) ] @item ) (attribute_item) @collapse (use_declaration) @collapse "#, ) .unwrap(), ) } fn json_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "JSON".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["json".into()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_json::language()), ) .with_embedding_query( r#" (document) @item (array "[" @keep . (object)? @keep "]" @keep) @collapse (pair value: (string "\"" @keep "\"" @keep) @collapse) "#, ) .unwrap(), ) } fn toml_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new(Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "TOML".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["toml".into()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_toml::language()), )) } fn cpp_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "CPP".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["cpp".into()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_cpp::language()), ) .with_embedding_query( r#" ( (comment)* @context . (function_definition (type_qualifier)? @name type: (_)? @name declarator: [ (function_declarator declarator: (_) @name) (pointer_declarator "*" @name declarator: (function_declarator declarator: (_) @name)) (pointer_declarator "*" @name declarator: (pointer_declarator "*" @name declarator: (function_declarator declarator: (_) @name))) (reference_declarator ["&" "&&"] @name (function_declarator declarator: (_) @name)) ] (type_qualifier)? @name) @item ) ( (comment)* @context . (template_declaration (class_specifier "class" @name name: (_) @name) ) @item ) ( (comment)* @context . (class_specifier "class" @name name: (_) @name) @item ) ( (comment)* @context . (enum_specifier "enum" @name name: (_) @name) @item ) ( (comment)* @context . (declaration type: (struct_specifier "struct" @name) declarator: (_) @name) @item ) "#, ) .unwrap(), ) } fn lua_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Lua".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["lua".into()], collapsed_placeholder: "--[ ... ]--".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_lua::language()), ) .with_embedding_query( r#" ( (comment)* @context . (function_declaration "function" @name name: (_) @name (comment)* @collapse body: (block) @collapse ) @item ) "#, ) .unwrap(), ) } fn php_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "PHP".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["php".into()], collapsed_placeholder: "/* ... */".into(), ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_php::language()), ) .with_embedding_query( r#" ( (comment)* @context . [ (function_definition "function" @name name: (_) @name body: (_ "{" @keep "}" @keep) @collapse ) (trait_declaration "trait" @name name: (_) @name) (method_declaration "function" @name name: (_) @name body: (_ "{" @keep "}" @keep) @collapse ) (interface_declaration "interface" @name name: (_) @name ) (enum_declaration "enum" @name name: (_) @name ) ] @item ) "#, ) .unwrap(), ) } fn ruby_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Ruby".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rb".into()], collapsed_placeholder: "# ...".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_ruby::language()), ) .with_embedding_query( r#" ( (comment)* @context . [ (module "module" @name name: (_) @name) (method "def" @name name: (_) @name body: (body_statement) @collapse) (class "class" @name name: (_) @name) (singleton_method "def" @name object: (_) @name "." @name name: (_) @name body: (body_statement) @collapse) ] @item ) "#, ) .unwrap(), ) } fn elixir_lang() -> Arc { Arc::new( Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Elixir".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".into()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_elixir::language()), ) .with_embedding_query( r#" ( (unary_operator operator: "@" operand: (call target: (identifier) @unary (#match? @unary "^(doc)$")) ) @context . (call target: (identifier) @name (arguments [ (identifier) @name (call target: (identifier) @name) (binary_operator left: (call target: (identifier) @name) operator: "when") ]) (#any-match? @name "^(def|defp|defdelegate|defguard|defguardp|defmacro|defmacrop|defn|defnp)$")) @item ) (call target: (identifier) @name (arguments (alias) @name) (#any-match? @name "^(defmodule|defprotocol)$")) @item "#, ) .unwrap(), ) } #[gpui::test] fn test_subtract_ranges() { // collapsed_ranges: Vec>, keep_ranges: Vec> assert_eq!( subtract_ranges(&[0..5, 10..21], &[0..1, 4..5]), vec![1..4, 10..21] ); assert_eq!(subtract_ranges(&[0..5], &[1..2]), &[0..1, 2..5]); } fn init_test(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.update(|cx| { let settings_store = SettingsStore::test(cx); cx.set_global(settings_store); SemanticIndexSettings::register(cx); ProjectSettings::register(cx); }); }