use std::{cmp, mem}; type Edit = text::Edit; #[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Patch(Vec); impl Patch { pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(edits: Vec) -> Self { Self(edits) } pub fn into_inner(self) -> Vec { self.0 } pub fn compose(&self, other: &Self) -> Self { let mut old_edits_iter = self.0.iter().cloned().peekable(); let mut new_edits_iter = other.0.iter().cloned().peekable(); let mut composed = Patch(Vec::new()); let mut old_start = 0; let mut new_start = 0; loop { let old_edit = old_edits_iter.peek_mut(); let new_edit = new_edits_iter.peek_mut(); // Push the old edit if its new end is before the new edit's old start. if let Some(old_edit) = old_edit.as_ref() { let new_edit = new_edit.as_ref(); if new_edit.map_or(true, |new_edit| < new_edit.old.start) { let catchup = old_edit.old.start - old_start; old_start += catchup; new_start += catchup; let old_end = old_start + old_edit.old.len() as u32; let new_end = new_start + as u32; composed.push(Edit { old: old_start..old_end, new: new_start..new_end, }); old_start = old_end; new_start = new_end;; continue; } } // Push the new edit if its old end is before the old edit's new start. if let Some(new_edit) = new_edit.as_ref() { let old_edit = old_edit.as_ref(); if old_edit.map_or(true, |old_edit| new_edit.old.end < { let catchup = - new_start; old_start += catchup; new_start += catchup; let old_end = old_start + new_edit.old.len() as u32; let new_end = new_start + as u32; composed.push(Edit { old: old_start..old_end, new: new_start..new_end, }); old_start = old_end; new_start = new_end;; continue; } } // If we still have edits by this point then they must intersect, so we compose them. if let Some((old_edit, new_edit)) = { if < new_edit.old.start { let catchup = old_edit.old.start - old_start; old_start += catchup; new_start += catchup; let overshoot = new_edit.old.start -; let old_end = cmp::min(old_start + overshoot, old_edit.old.end); let new_end = new_start + overshoot; composed.push(Edit { old: old_start..old_end, new: new_start..new_end, }); old_edit.old.start += overshoot; += overshoot; old_start = old_end; new_start = new_end; } else { let catchup = - new_start; old_start += catchup; new_start += catchup; let overshoot = - new_edit.old.start; let old_end = old_start + overshoot; let new_end = cmp::min(new_start + overshoot,; composed.push(Edit { old: old_start..old_end, new: new_start..new_end, }); new_edit.old.start += overshoot; += overshoot; old_start = old_end; new_start = new_end; } if > new_edit.old.end { let old_end = old_start + cmp::min(old_edit.old.len() as u32, new_edit.old.len() as u32); let new_end = new_start + as u32; composed.push(Edit { old: old_start..old_end, new: new_start..new_end, }); old_edit.old.start = old_end; = new_edit.old.end; old_start = old_end; new_start = new_end;; } else { let old_end = old_start + old_edit.old.len() as u32; let new_end = new_start + cmp::min( as u32, as u32); composed.push(Edit { old: old_start..old_end, new: new_start..new_end, }); new_edit.old.start =; = new_end; old_start = old_end; new_start = new_end;; } } else { break; } } composed } pub fn invert(&mut self) -> &mut Self { for edit in &mut self.0 { mem::swap(&mut edit.old, &mut; } self } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.0.clear(); } fn push(&mut self, edit: Edit) { if edit.old.len() == 0 && == 0 { return; } if let Some(last) = self.0.last_mut() { if last.old.end >= edit.old.start { last.old.end = edit.old.end; =; } else { self.0.push(edit); } } else { self.0.push(edit); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use rand::prelude::*; use std::env; #[gpui::test] fn test_one_disjoint_edit() { assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![Edit { old: 1..3, new: 1..4, }]), Patch(vec![Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..4, }]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..4, }, Edit { old: 1..3, new: 5..8, }, ]), ); assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![Edit { old: 1..3, new: 1..4, }]), Patch(vec![Edit { old: 5..9, new: 5..7, }]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 1..3, new: 1..4, }, Edit { old: 4..8, new: 5..7, }, ]), ); } #[gpui::test] fn test_one_overlapping_edit() { assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![Edit { old: 1..3, new: 1..4, }]), Patch(vec![Edit { old: 3..5, new: 3..6, }]), Patch(vec![Edit { old: 1..4, new: 1..6, }]), ); } #[gpui::test] fn test_two_disjoint_and_overlapping() { assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 1..3, new: 1..4, }, Edit { old: 8..12, new: 9..11, }, ]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..4, }, Edit { old: 3..10, new: 7..9, }, ]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..4, }, Edit { old: 1..12, new: 5..10, }, ]), ); } #[gpui::test] fn test_two_new_edits_overlapping_one_old_edit() { assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..3, }]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..1, }, Edit { old: 1..2, new: 2..2, }, ]), Patch(vec![Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..3, }]), ); assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![Edit { old: 2..3, new: 2..4, }]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 0..2, new: 0..1, }, Edit { old: 3..3, new: 2..5, }, ]), Patch(vec![Edit { old: 0..3, new: 0..6, }]), ); assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..2, }]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 0..0, new: 0..2, }, Edit { old: 2..5, new: 4..4, }, ]), Patch(vec![Edit { old: 0..3, new: 0..4, }]), ); } // #[test] // fn test_compose_edits() { // assert_eq!( // compose_edits( // &Edit { // old: 3..3, // new: 3..6, // }, // &Edit { // old: 2..7, // new: 2..4, // }, // ), // Edit { // old: 2..4, // new: 2..4 // } // ); // } #[gpui::test] fn test_two_new_edits_touching_one_old_edit() { assert_patch_composition( Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 2..3, new: 2..4, }, Edit { old: 7..7, new: 8..11, }, ]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 2..3, new: 2..2, }, Edit { old: 4..4, new: 3..4, }, ]), Patch(vec![ Edit { old: 2..3, new: 2..4, }, Edit { old: 7..7, new: 8..11, }, ]), ); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 100)] fn test_random_patch_compositions(mut rng: StdRng) { let operations = env::var("OPERATIONS") .map(|i| i.parse().expect("invalid `OPERATIONS` variable")) .unwrap_or(20); let initial_chars = (0..rng.gen_range(0..=100)) .map(|_| rng.gen_range(b'a'..=b'z') as char) .collect::>(); log::info!("initial chars: {:?}", initial_chars); // Generate two sequential patches let mut patches = Vec::new(); let mut expected_chars = initial_chars.clone(); for i in 0..2 { log::info!("patch {}:", i); let mut delta = 0i32; let mut last_edit_end = 0; let mut edits = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..operations { if last_edit_end >= expected_chars.len() { break; } let end = rng.gen_range(last_edit_end..=expected_chars.len()); let start = rng.gen_range(last_edit_end..=end); let old_len = end - start; let mut new_len = rng.gen_range(0..=3); if start == end && new_len == 0 { new_len += 1; } last_edit_end = start + new_len + 1; let new_chars = (0..new_len) .map(|_| rng.gen_range(b'A'..=b'Z') as char) .collect::>(); log::info!( " editing {:?}: {:?}", start..end, new_chars.iter().collect::() ); edits.push(Edit { old: (start as i32 - delta) as u32..(end as i32 - delta) as u32, new: start as u32..(start + new_len) as u32, }); expected_chars.splice(start..end, new_chars); delta += new_len as i32 - old_len as i32; } patches.push(Patch(edits)); } log::info!("old patch: {:?}", &patches[0]); log::info!("new patch: {:?}", &patches[1]); log::info!("initial chars: {:?}", initial_chars); log::info!("final chars: {:?}", expected_chars); // Compose the patches, and verify that it has the same effect as applying the // two patches separately. let composed = patches[0].compose(&patches[1]); log::info!("composed patch: {:?}", &composed); let mut actual_chars = initial_chars.clone(); for edit in composed.0 { actual_chars.splice( as as usize + edit.old.len(), expected_chars[ as as usize] .iter() .copied(), ); } assert_eq!(actual_chars, expected_chars); } #[track_caller] fn assert_patch_composition(old: Patch, new: Patch, composed: Patch) { let original = ('a'..'z').collect::>(); let inserted = ('A'..'Z').collect::>(); let mut expected = original.clone(); apply_patch(&mut expected, &old, &inserted); apply_patch(&mut expected, &new, &inserted); let mut actual = original.clone(); apply_patch(&mut actual, &composed, &expected); assert_eq!( actual.into_iter().collect::(), expected.into_iter().collect::(), "expected patch is incorrect" ); assert_eq!(old.compose(&new), composed); } fn apply_patch(text: &mut Vec, patch: &Patch, new_text: &[char]) { for edit in patch.0.iter().rev() { text.splice( edit.old.start as usize..edit.old.end as usize, new_text[ as as usize] .iter() .copied(), ); } } }