mod admin; mod assets; mod auth; mod db; mod env; mod errors; mod expiring; mod github; mod home; mod rpc; mod team; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; use self::errors::TideResultExt as _; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use async_std::{net::TcpListener, sync::RwLock as AsyncRwLock}; use async_trait::async_trait; use auth::RequestExt as _; use db::{Db, DbOptions}; use handlebars::{Handlebars, TemplateRenderError}; use parking_lot::RwLock; use rust_embed::RustEmbed; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::sync::Arc; use surf::http::cookies::SameSite; use tide::{log, sessions::SessionMiddleware}; use tide_compress::CompressMiddleware; use zrpc::Peer; type Request = tide::Request>; #[derive(RustEmbed)] #[folder = "templates"] struct Templates; #[derive(Default, Deserialize)] pub struct Config { pub http_port: u16, pub database_url: String, pub session_secret: String, pub github_app_id: usize, pub github_client_id: String, pub github_client_secret: String, pub github_private_key: String, } pub struct AppState { db: Db, handlebars: RwLock>, auth_client: auth::Client, github_client: Arc, repo_client: github::RepoClient, rpc: AsyncRwLock, config: Config, } impl AppState { async fn new(config: Config) -> tide::Result> { let db = Db(DbOptions::new() .max_connections(5) .connect(&config.database_url) .await .context("failed to connect to postgres database")?); let github_client = github::AppClient::new(config.github_app_id, config.github_private_key.clone()); let repo_client = github_client .repo("zed-industries/zed".into()) .await .context("failed to initialize github client")?; let this = Self { db, handlebars: Default::default(), auth_client: auth::build_client(&config.github_client_id, &config.github_client_secret), github_client, repo_client, rpc: Default::default(), config, }; this.register_partials(); Ok(Arc::new(this)) } fn register_partials(&self) { for path in Templates::iter() { if let Some(partial_name) = path .strip_prefix("partials/") .and_then(|path| path.strip_suffix(".hbs")) { let partial = Templates::get(path.as_ref()).unwrap(); self.handlebars .write() .register_partial(partial_name, std::str::from_utf8(partial.as_ref()).unwrap()) .unwrap() } } } fn render_template( &self, path: &'static str, data: &impl Serialize, ) -> Result { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] self.register_partials(); std::str::from_utf8(Templates::get(path).unwrap().as_ref()).unwrap(), data, ) } } #[async_trait] trait RequestExt { async fn layout_data(&mut self) -> tide::Result>; fn db(&self) -> &Db; } #[async_trait] impl RequestExt for Request { async fn layout_data(&mut self) -> tide::Result> { if self.ext::>().is_none() { self.set_ext(Arc::new(LayoutData { current_user: self.current_user().await?, })); } Ok(self.ext::>().unwrap().clone()) } fn db(&self) -> &Db { &self.state().db } } #[derive(Serialize)] struct LayoutData { current_user: Option, } #[async_std::main] async fn main() -> tide::Result<()> { log::start(); if let Err(error) = env::load_dotenv() { log::error!( "error loading .env.toml (this is expected in production): {}", error ); } let config = envy::from_env::().expect("error loading config"); let state = AppState::new(config).await?; let rpc = Peer::new(); run_server( state.clone(), rpc, TcpListener::bind(&format!("{}", state.config.http_port)).await?, ) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn run_server( state: Arc, rpc: Arc, listener: TcpListener, ) -> tide::Result<()> { let mut web = tide::with_state(state.clone()); web.with(CompressMiddleware::new()); web.with( SessionMiddleware::new( db::SessionStore::new_with_table_name(&state.config.database_url, "sessions") .await .unwrap(), state.config.session_secret.as_bytes(), ) .with_same_site_policy(SameSite::Lax), // Required obtain our session in /auth_callback ); web.with(errors::Middleware); home::add_routes(&mut web); team::add_routes(&mut web); admin::add_routes(&mut web); auth::add_routes(&mut web); assets::add_routes(&mut web); let mut app = tide::with_state(state.clone()); rpc::add_routes(&mut app, &rpc);"/").nest(web); app.listen(listener).await?; Ok(()) }