use crate::{chat_panel::ChatPanel, NotificationPanelSettings}; use anyhow::Result; use channel::ChannelStore; use client::{Client, Notification, User, UserStore}; use collections::HashMap; use db::kvp::KEY_VALUE_STORE; use futures::StreamExt; use gpui::{ actions, div, img, list, px, AnyElement, AppContext, AsyncWindowContext, CursorStyle, DismissEvent, Element, EventEmitter, FocusHandle, FocusableView, InteractiveElement, IntoElement, ListAlignment, ListScrollEvent, ListState, Model, ParentElement, Render, StatefulInteractiveElement, Styled, Task, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, WindowContext, }; use notifications::{NotificationEntry, NotificationEvent, NotificationStore}; use project::Fs; use rpc::proto; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use settings::{Settings, SettingsStore}; use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use time::{OffsetDateTime, UtcOffset}; use ui::{h_stack, prelude::*, v_stack, Avatar, Button, Icon, IconButton, IconName, Label}; use util::{ResultExt, TryFutureExt}; use workspace::{ dock::{DockPosition, Panel, PanelEvent}, Workspace, }; const LOADING_THRESHOLD: usize = 30; const MARK_AS_READ_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); const TOAST_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5); const NOTIFICATION_PANEL_KEY: &'static str = "NotificationPanel"; pub struct NotificationPanel { client: Arc, user_store: Model, channel_store: Model, notification_store: Model, fs: Arc, width: Option, active: bool, notification_list: ListState, pending_serialization: Task>, subscriptions: Vec, workspace: WeakView, current_notification_toast: Option<(u64, Task<()>)>, local_timezone: UtcOffset, focus_handle: FocusHandle, mark_as_read_tasks: HashMap>>, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct SerializedNotificationPanel { width: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Event { DockPositionChanged, Focus, Dismissed, } pub struct NotificationPresenter { pub actor: Option>, pub text: String, pub icon: &'static str, pub needs_response: bool, pub can_navigate: bool, } actions!(notification_panel, [ToggleFocus]); pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.observe_new_views(|workspace: &mut Workspace, _| { workspace.register_action(|workspace, _: &ToggleFocus, cx| { workspace.toggle_panel_focus::(cx); }); }) .detach(); } impl NotificationPanel { pub fn new(workspace: &mut Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> View { let fs = workspace.app_state().fs.clone(); let client = workspace.app_state().client.clone(); let user_store = workspace.app_state().user_store.clone(); let workspace_handle = workspace.weak_handle(); cx.new_view(|cx: &mut ViewContext| { let mut status = client.status(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { while let Some(_) = { if this .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.notify(); }) .is_err() { break; } } }) .detach(); let view = cx.view().downgrade(); let notification_list = ListState::new(0, ListAlignment::Top, px(1000.), move |ix, cx| { view.upgrade() .and_then(|view| { view.update(cx, |this, cx| this.render_notification(ix, cx)) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| div().into_any()) }); notification_list.set_scroll_handler(cx.listener( |this, event: &ListScrollEvent, cx| { if event.count.saturating_sub(event.visible_range.end) < LOADING_THRESHOLD { if let Some(task) = this .notification_store .update(cx, |store, cx| store.load_more_notifications(false, cx)) { task.detach(); } } }, )); let mut this = Self { fs, client, user_store, local_timezone: cx.local_timezone(), channel_store: ChannelStore::global(cx), notification_store: NotificationStore::global(cx), notification_list, pending_serialization: Task::ready(None), workspace: workspace_handle, focus_handle: cx.focus_handle(), current_notification_toast: None, subscriptions: Vec::new(), active: false, mark_as_read_tasks: HashMap::default(), width: None, }; let mut old_dock_position = this.position(cx); this.subscriptions.extend([ cx.observe(&this.notification_store, |_, _, cx| cx.notify()), cx.subscribe(&this.notification_store, Self::on_notification_event), cx.observe_global::(move |this: &mut Self, cx| { let new_dock_position = this.position(cx); if new_dock_position != old_dock_position { old_dock_position = new_dock_position; cx.emit(Event::DockPositionChanged); } cx.notify(); }), ]); this }) } pub fn load( workspace: WeakView, cx: AsyncWindowContext, ) -> Task>> { cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let serialized_panel = if let Some(panel) = cx .background_executor() .spawn(async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE.read_kvp(NOTIFICATION_PANEL_KEY) }) .await .log_err() .flatten() { Some(serde_json::from_str::(&panel)?) } else { None }; workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = Self::new(workspace, cx); if let Some(serialized_panel) = serialized_panel { panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.width = serialized_panel.width; cx.notify(); }); } panel }) }) } fn serialize(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let width = self.width; self.pending_serialization = cx.background_executor().spawn( async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE .write_kvp( NOTIFICATION_PANEL_KEY.into(), serde_json::to_string(&SerializedNotificationPanel { width })?, ) .await?; anyhow::Ok(()) } .log_err(), ); } fn render_notification(&mut self, ix: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option { let entry =; let notification_id =; let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc(); let timestamp = entry.timestamp; let NotificationPresenter { actor, text, needs_response, can_navigate, .. } = self.present_notification(entry, cx)?; let response = entry.response; let notification = entry.notification.clone(); if && !entry.is_read { self.did_render_notification(notification_id, ¬ification, cx); } Some( div() .id(ix) .flex() .flex_row() .size_full() .px_2() .py_1() .gap_2() .when(can_navigate, |el| { el.cursor(CursorStyle::PointingHand).on_click({ let notification = notification.clone(); cx.listener(move |this, _, cx| { this.did_click_notification(¬ification, cx) }) }) }) .children(|actor| { img(actor.avatar_uri.clone()) .flex_none() .w_8() .h_8() .rounded_full() })) .child( v_stack() .gap_1() .size_full() .overflow_hidden() .child(Label::new(text.clone())) .child( h_stack() .child( Label::new(format_timestamp( timestamp, now, self.local_timezone, )) .color(Color::Muted), ) .children(if let Some(is_accepted) = response { Some(div().flex().flex_grow().justify_end().child(Label::new( if is_accepted { "You accepted" } else { "You declined" }, ))) } else if needs_response { Some( h_stack() .flex_grow() .justify_end() .child(Button::new("decline", "Decline").on_click({ let notification = notification.clone(); let view = cx.view().clone(); move |_, cx| { view.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.respond_to_notification( notification.clone(), false, cx, ) }); } })) .child(Button::new("accept", "Accept").on_click({ let notification = notification.clone(); let view = cx.view().clone(); move |_, cx| { view.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.respond_to_notification( notification.clone(), true, cx, ) }); } })), ) } else { None }), ), ) .into_any(), ) } fn present_notification( &self, entry: &NotificationEntry, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option { let user_store =; let channel_store =; match entry.notification { Notification::ContactRequest { sender_id } => { let requester = user_store.get_cached_user(sender_id)?; Some(NotificationPresenter { icon: "icons/plus.svg", text: format!("{} wants to add you as a contact", requester.github_login), needs_response: user_store.has_incoming_contact_request(, actor: Some(requester), can_navigate: false, }) } Notification::ContactRequestAccepted { responder_id } => { let responder = user_store.get_cached_user(responder_id)?; Some(NotificationPresenter { icon: "icons/plus.svg", text: format!("{} accepted your contact invite", responder.github_login), needs_response: false, actor: Some(responder), can_navigate: false, }) } Notification::ChannelInvitation { ref channel_name, channel_id, inviter_id, } => { let inviter = user_store.get_cached_user(inviter_id)?; Some(NotificationPresenter { icon: "icons/hash.svg", text: format!( "{} invited you to join the #{channel_name} channel", inviter.github_login ), needs_response: channel_store.has_channel_invitation(channel_id), actor: Some(inviter), can_navigate: false, }) } Notification::ChannelMessageMention { sender_id, channel_id, message_id, } => { let sender = user_store.get_cached_user(sender_id)?; let channel = channel_store.channel_for_id(channel_id)?; let message = self .notification_store .read(cx) .channel_message_for_id(message_id)?; Some(NotificationPresenter { icon: "icons/conversations.svg", text: format!( "{} mentioned you in #{}:\n{}", sender.github_login,, message.body, ), needs_response: false, actor: Some(sender), can_navigate: true, }) } } } fn did_render_notification( &mut self, notification_id: u64, notification: &Notification, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let should_mark_as_read = match notification { Notification::ContactRequestAccepted { .. } => true, Notification::ContactRequest { .. } | Notification::ChannelInvitation { .. } | Notification::ChannelMessageMention { .. } => false, }; if should_mark_as_read { self.mark_as_read_tasks .entry(notification_id) .or_insert_with(|| { let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { cx.background_executor().timer(MARK_AS_READ_DELAY).await; client .request(proto::MarkNotificationRead { notification_id }) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.mark_as_read_tasks.remove(¬ification_id); })?; Ok(()) }) }); } } fn did_click_notification(&mut self, notification: &Notification, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Notification::ChannelMessageMention { message_id, channel_id, .. } = notification.clone() { if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade() { cx.window_context().defer(move |cx| { workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { if let Some(panel) = workspace.focus_panel::(cx) { panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel .select_channel(channel_id, Some(message_id), cx) .detach_and_log_err(cx); }); } }); }); } } } fn is_showing_notification(&self, notification: &Notification, cx: &ViewContext) -> bool { if let Notification::ChannelMessageMention { channel_id, .. } = ¬ification { if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade() { return if let Some(panel) = { let panel =; panel.is_scrolled_to_bottom() && panel .active_chat() .map_or(false, |chat| == *channel_id) } else { false }; } } false } fn on_notification_event( &mut self, _: Model, event: &NotificationEvent, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { match event { NotificationEvent::NewNotification { entry } => self.add_toast(entry, cx), NotificationEvent::NotificationRemoved { entry } | NotificationEvent::NotificationRead { entry } => self.remove_toast(, cx), NotificationEvent::NotificationsUpdated { old_range, new_count, } => { self.notification_list.splice(old_range.clone(), *new_count); cx.notify(); } } } fn add_toast(&mut self, entry: &NotificationEntry, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if self.is_showing_notification(&entry.notification, cx) { return; } let Some(NotificationPresenter { actor, text, .. }) = self.present_notification(entry, cx) else { return; }; let notification_id =; self.current_notification_toast = Some(( notification_id, cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { cx.background_executor().timer(TOAST_DURATION).await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.remove_toast(notification_id, cx)) .ok(); }), )); self.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.dismiss_notification::(0, cx); workspace.show_notification(0, cx, |cx| { let workspace = cx.view().downgrade(); cx.new_view(|_| NotificationToast { notification_id, actor, text, workspace, }) }) }) .ok(); } fn remove_toast(&mut self, notification_id: u64, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((current_id, _)) = &self.current_notification_toast { if *current_id == notification_id { self.current_notification_toast.take(); self.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.dismiss_notification::(0, cx) }) .ok(); } } } fn respond_to_notification( &mut self, notification: Notification, response: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { self.notification_store.update(cx, |store, cx| { store.respond_to_notification(notification, response, cx); }); } } impl Render for NotificationPanel { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { v_stack() .size_full() .child( h_stack() .justify_between() .px_2() .py_1() // Match the height of the tab bar so they line up. .h(rems(ui::Tab::HEIGHT_IN_REMS)) .border_b_1() .border_color(cx.theme().colors().border) .child(Label::new("Notifications")) .child(Icon::new(IconName::Envelope)), ) .map(|this| { if self.client.user_id().is_none() { this.child( v_stack() .gap_2() .p_4() .child( Button::new("sign_in_prompt_button", "Sign in") .icon_color(Color::Muted) .icon(IconName::Github) .icon_position(IconPosition::Start) .style(ButtonStyle::Filled) .full_width() .on_click({ let client = self.client.clone(); move |_, cx| { let client = client.clone(); cx.spawn(move |cx| async move { client .authenticate_and_connect(true, &cx) .log_err() .await; }) .detach() } }), ) .child( div().flex().w_full().items_center().child( Label::new("Sign in to view notifications.") .color(Color::Muted) .size(LabelSize::Small), ), ), ) } else if self.notification_list.item_count() == 0 { this.child( v_stack().p_4().child( div().flex().w_full().items_center().child( Label::new("You have no notifications.") .color(Color::Muted) .size(LabelSize::Small), ), ), ) } else { this.child(list(self.notification_list.clone()).size_full()) } }) } } impl FocusableView for NotificationPanel { fn focus_handle(&self, _: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { self.focus_handle.clone() } } impl EventEmitter for NotificationPanel {} impl EventEmitter for NotificationPanel {} impl Panel for NotificationPanel { fn persistent_name() -> &'static str { "NotificationPanel" } fn position(&self, cx: &gpui::WindowContext) -> DockPosition { NotificationPanelSettings::get_global(cx).dock } fn position_is_valid(&self, position: DockPosition) -> bool { matches!(position, DockPosition::Left | DockPosition::Right) } fn set_position(&mut self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut ViewContext) { settings::update_settings_file::( self.fs.clone(), cx, move |settings| settings.dock = Some(position), ); } fn size(&self, cx: &gpui::WindowContext) -> Pixels { self.width .unwrap_or_else(|| NotificationPanelSettings::get_global(cx).default_width) } fn set_size(&mut self, size: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.width = size; self.serialize(cx); cx.notify(); } fn set_active(&mut self, active: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { = active; if == 0 { cx.emit(Event::Dismissed); } } fn icon(&self, cx: &gpui::WindowContext) -> Option { (NotificationPanelSettings::get_global(cx).button && > 0) .then(|| IconName::Bell) } fn icon_tooltip(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str> { Some("Notification Panel") } fn icon_label(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { let count =; if count == 0 { None } else { Some(count.to_string()) } } fn toggle_action(&self) -> Box { Box::new(ToggleFocus) } } pub struct NotificationToast { notification_id: u64, actor: Option>, text: String, workspace: WeakView, } impl NotificationToast { fn focus_notification_panel(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let workspace = self.workspace.clone(); let notification_id = self.notification_id; cx.window_context().defer(move |cx| { workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { if let Some(panel) = workspace.focus_panel::(cx) { panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { let store =; if let Some(entry) = store.notification_for_id(notification_id) { panel.did_click_notification(&entry.clone().notification, cx); } }); } }) .ok(); }) } } impl Render for NotificationToast { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let user =; h_stack() .id("notification_panel_toast") .children(|user| Avatar::new(user.avatar_uri.clone()))) .child(Label::new(self.text.clone())) .child( IconButton::new("close", IconName::Close) .on_click(cx.listener(|_, _, cx| cx.emit(DismissEvent))), ) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.focus_notification_panel(cx); cx.emit(DismissEvent); })) } } impl EventEmitter for NotificationToast {} fn format_timestamp( mut timestamp: OffsetDateTime, mut now: OffsetDateTime, local_timezone: UtcOffset, ) -> String { timestamp = timestamp.to_offset(local_timezone); now = now.to_offset(local_timezone); let today =; let date =; if date == today { let difference = now - timestamp; if difference >= Duration::from_secs(3600) { format!("{}h", difference.whole_seconds() / 3600) } else if difference >= Duration::from_secs(60) { format!("{}m", difference.whole_seconds() / 60) } else { "just now".to_string() } } else if date.next_day() == Some(today) { format!("yesterday") } else { format!("{:02}/{}/{}", date.month() as u32,, date.year()) } }