use anyhow::bail; use collections::HashMap; use serde::Deserialize; use util::ResultExt; use crate::{TaskTemplate, TaskTemplates, VariableName}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct TaskOptions { cwd: Option, #[serde(default)] env: HashMap, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: String, #[serde(flatten)] command: Option, #[serde(flatten)] other_attributes: HashMap, options: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] #[serde(tag = "type")] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] enum Command { Npm { script: String, }, Shell { command: String, #[serde(default)] args: Vec, }, Gulp { task: String, }, } type VsCodeEnvVariable = String; type ZedEnvVariable = String; struct EnvVariableReplacer { variables: HashMap, } impl EnvVariableReplacer { fn new(variables: HashMap) -> Self { Self { variables } } // Replaces occurrences of VsCode-specific environment variables with Zed equivalents. fn replace(&self, input: &str) -> String { shellexpand::env_with_context_no_errors(&input, |var: &str| { // Colons denote a default value in case the variable is not set. We want to preserve that default, as otherwise shellexpand will substitute it for us. let colon_position = var.find(':').unwrap_or(var.len()); let (variable_name, default) = var.split_at(colon_position); let append_previous_default = |ret: &mut String| { if !default.is_empty() { ret.push_str(default); } }; if let Some(substitution) = self.variables.get(variable_name) { // Got a VSCode->Zed hit, perform a substitution let mut name = format!("${{{substitution}"); append_previous_default(&mut name); name.push_str("}"); return Some(name); } // This is an unknown variable. // We should not error out, as they may come from user environment (e.g. $PATH). That means that the variable substitution might not be perfect. // If there's a default, we need to return the string verbatim as otherwise shellexpand will apply that default for us. if !default.is_empty() { return Some(format!("${{{var}}}")); } // Else we can just return None and that variable will be left as is. None }) .into_owned() } } impl VsCodeTaskDefinition { fn to_zed_format(self, replacer: &EnvVariableReplacer) -> anyhow::Result { if self.other_attributes.contains_key("dependsOn") { bail!("Encountered unsupported `dependsOn` key during deserialization"); } // `type` might not be set in e.g. tasks that use `dependsOn`; we still want to deserialize the whole object though (hence command is an Option), // as that way we can provide more specific description of why deserialization failed. // E.g. if the command is missing due to `dependsOn` presence, we can check other_attributes first before doing this (and provide nice error message) // catch-all if on value.command presence. let Some(command) = self.command else { bail!("Missing `type` field in task"); }; let (command, args) = match command { Command::Npm { script } => ("npm".to_owned(), vec!["run".to_string(), script]), Command::Shell { command, args } => (command, args), Command::Gulp { task } => ("gulp".to_owned(), vec![task]), }; // Per VSC docs, only `command`, `args` and `options` support variable substitution. let command = replacer.replace(&command); let args = args.into_iter().map(|arg| replacer.replace(&arg)).collect(); let mut ret = TaskTemplate { label: self.label, command, args, ..Default::default() }; if let Some(options) = self.options { ret.cwd =|cwd| replacer.replace(&cwd)); ret.env = options.env; } Ok(ret) } } /// [`VsCodeTaskFile`] is a superset of Code's task definition format. #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct VsCodeTaskFile { tasks: Vec, } impl TryFrom for TaskTemplates { type Error = anyhow::Error; fn try_from(value: VsCodeTaskFile) -> Result { let replacer = EnvVariableReplacer::new(HashMap::from_iter([ ( "workspaceFolder".to_owned(), VariableName::WorktreeRoot.to_string(), ), ("file".to_owned(), VariableName::File.to_string()), ("lineNumber".to_owned(), VariableName::Row.to_string()), ( "selectedText".to_owned(), VariableName::SelectedText.to_string(), ), ])); let templates = value .tasks .into_iter() .filter_map(|vscode_definition| vscode_definition.to_zed_format(&replacer).log_err()) .collect(); Ok(Self(templates)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::collections::HashMap; use crate::{ vscode_format::{Command, VsCodeTaskDefinition}, TaskTemplate, TaskTemplates, VsCodeTaskFile, }; use super::EnvVariableReplacer; fn compare_without_other_attributes(lhs: VsCodeTaskDefinition, rhs: VsCodeTaskDefinition) { assert_eq!( VsCodeTaskDefinition { other_attributes: Default::default(), ..lhs }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { other_attributes: Default::default(), ..rhs }, ); } #[test] fn test_variable_substitution() { let replacer = EnvVariableReplacer::new(Default::default()); assert_eq!(replacer.replace("Food"), "Food"); // Unknown variables are left in tact. assert_eq!( replacer.replace("$PATH is an environment variable"), "$PATH is an environment variable" ); assert_eq!(replacer.replace("${PATH}"), "${PATH}"); assert_eq!(replacer.replace("${PATH:food}"), "${PATH:food}"); // And now, the actual replacing let replacer = EnvVariableReplacer::new(HashMap::from_iter([( "PATH".to_owned(), "ZED_PATH".to_owned(), )])); assert_eq!(replacer.replace("Food"), "Food"); assert_eq!( replacer.replace("$PATH is an environment variable"), "${ZED_PATH} is an environment variable" ); assert_eq!(replacer.replace("${PATH}"), "${ZED_PATH}"); assert_eq!(replacer.replace("${PATH:food}"), "${ZED_PATH:food}"); } #[test] fn can_deserialize_ts_tasks() { static TYPESCRIPT_TASKS: &'static str = include_str!("../test_data/typescript.json"); let vscode_definitions: VsCodeTaskFile = serde_json_lenient::from_str(&TYPESCRIPT_TASKS).unwrap(); let expected = vec![ VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "gulp: tests".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Npm { script: "build:tests:notypecheck".to_string(), }), other_attributes: Default::default(), options: None, }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "tsc: watch ./src".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Shell { command: "node".to_string(), args: vec![ "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsc.js".to_string(), "--build".to_string(), "${workspaceFolder}/src".to_string(), "--watch".to_string(), ], }), other_attributes: Default::default(), options: None, }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "npm: build:compiler".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Npm { script: "build:compiler".to_string(), }), other_attributes: Default::default(), options: None, }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "npm: build:tests".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Npm { script: "build:tests:notypecheck".to_string(), }), other_attributes: Default::default(), options: None, }, ]; assert_eq!(vscode_definitions.tasks.len(), expected.len()); vscode_definitions .tasks .iter() .zip(expected) .for_each(|(lhs, rhs)| compare_without_other_attributes(lhs.clone(), rhs)); let expected = vec![ TaskTemplate { label: "gulp: tests".to_string(), command: "npm".to_string(), args: vec!["run".to_string(), "build:tests:notypecheck".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, TaskTemplate { label: "tsc: watch ./src".to_string(), command: "node".to_string(), args: vec![ "${ZED_WORKTREE_ROOT}/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsc.js".to_string(), "--build".to_string(), "${ZED_WORKTREE_ROOT}/src".to_string(), "--watch".to_string(), ], ..Default::default() }, TaskTemplate { label: "npm: build:compiler".to_string(), command: "npm".to_string(), args: vec!["run".to_string(), "build:compiler".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, TaskTemplate { label: "npm: build:tests".to_string(), command: "npm".to_string(), args: vec!["run".to_string(), "build:tests:notypecheck".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, ]; let tasks: TaskTemplates = vscode_definitions.try_into().unwrap(); assert_eq!(tasks.0, expected); } #[test] fn can_deserialize_rust_analyzer_tasks() { static RUST_ANALYZER_TASKS: &'static str = include_str!("../test_data/rust-analyzer.json"); let vscode_definitions: VsCodeTaskFile = serde_json_lenient::from_str(&RUST_ANALYZER_TASKS).unwrap(); let expected = vec![ VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "Build Extension in Background".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Npm { script: "watch".to_string(), }), options: None, other_attributes: Default::default(), }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "Build Extension".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Npm { script: "build".to_string(), }), options: None, other_attributes: Default::default(), }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "Build Server".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Shell { command: "cargo build --package rust-analyzer".to_string(), args: Default::default(), }), options: None, other_attributes: Default::default(), }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "Build Server (Release)".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Shell { command: "cargo build --release --package rust-analyzer".to_string(), args: Default::default(), }), options: None, other_attributes: Default::default(), }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "Pretest".to_string(), command: Some(Command::Npm { script: "pretest".to_string(), }), options: None, other_attributes: Default::default(), }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "Build Server and Extension".to_string(), command: None, options: None, other_attributes: Default::default(), }, VsCodeTaskDefinition { label: "Build Server (Release) and Extension".to_string(), command: None, options: None, other_attributes: Default::default(), }, ]; assert_eq!(vscode_definitions.tasks.len(), expected.len()); vscode_definitions .tasks .iter() .zip(expected) .for_each(|(lhs, rhs)| compare_without_other_attributes(lhs.clone(), rhs)); let expected = vec![ TaskTemplate { label: "Build Extension in Background".to_string(), command: "npm".to_string(), args: vec!["run".to_string(), "watch".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, TaskTemplate { label: "Build Extension".to_string(), command: "npm".to_string(), args: vec!["run".to_string(), "build".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, TaskTemplate { label: "Build Server".to_string(), command: "cargo build --package rust-analyzer".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, TaskTemplate { label: "Build Server (Release)".to_string(), command: "cargo build --release --package rust-analyzer".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, TaskTemplate { label: "Pretest".to_string(), command: "npm".to_string(), args: vec!["run".to_string(), "pretest".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, ]; let tasks: TaskTemplates = vscode_definitions.try_into().unwrap(); assert_eq!(tasks.0, expected); } }