use crate::{ DisplayPoint, Editor, EditorMode, FindAllReferences, GoToDefinition, GoToTypeDefinition, Rename, RevealInFinder, SelectMode, ToggleCodeActions, }; use context_menu::ContextMenuItem; use gpui::{elements::AnchorCorner, geometry::vector::Vector2F, ViewContext}; pub fn deploy_context_menu( editor: &mut Editor, position: Vector2F, point: DisplayPoint, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { if !editor.focused { cx.focus_self(); } // Don't show context menu for inline editors if editor.mode() != EditorMode::Full { return; } // Don't show the context menu if there isn't a project associated with this editor if editor.project.is_none() { return; } // Move the cursor to the clicked location so that dispatched actions make sense editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| { s.clear_disjoint(); s.set_pending_display_range(point..point, SelectMode::Character); }); editor.mouse_context_menu.update(cx, |menu, cx| { position, AnchorCorner::TopLeft, vec![ ContextMenuItem::action("Rename Symbol", Rename), ContextMenuItem::action("Go to Definition", GoToDefinition), ContextMenuItem::action("Go to Type Definition", GoToTypeDefinition), ContextMenuItem::action("Find All References", FindAllReferences), ContextMenuItem::action( "Code Actions", ToggleCodeActions { deployed_from_indicator: false, }, ), ContextMenuItem::Separator, ContextMenuItem::action("Reveal in Finder", RevealInFinder), ], cx, ); }); cx.notify(); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{editor_tests::init_test, test::editor_lsp_test_context::EditorLspTestContext}; use indoc::indoc; #[gpui::test] async fn test_mouse_context_menu(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |_| {}); let mut cx = EditorLspTestContext::new_rust( lsp::ServerCapabilities { hover_provider: Some(lsp::HoverProviderCapability::Simple(true)), ..Default::default() }, cx, ) .await; cx.set_state(indoc! {" fn teˇst() { do_work(); } "}); let point = cx.display_point(indoc! {" fn test() { do_wˇork(); } "}); cx.update_editor(|editor, cx| deploy_context_menu(editor, Default::default(), point, cx)); cx.assert_editor_state(indoc! {" fn test() { do_wˇork(); } "}); cx.editor(|editor, app| assert!(; } }