use crate::face_pile::FacePile; use auto_update::AutoUpdateStatus; use call::{ActiveCall, ParticipantLocation, Room}; use client::{proto::PeerId, Client, ParticipantIndex, User, UserStore}; use gpui::{ actions, canvas, div, point, px, rems, Action, AnyElement, AppContext, Element, Hsla, InteractiveElement, IntoElement, Model, ParentElement, Path, Render, StatefulInteractiveElement, Styled, Subscription, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, WindowBounds, }; use project::{Project, RepositoryEntry}; use recent_projects::RecentProjects; use rpc::proto; use std::sync::Arc; use theme::{ActiveTheme, PlayerColors}; use ui::{ h_stack, popover_menu, prelude::*, Avatar, Button, ButtonLike, ButtonStyle, ContextMenu, Icon, IconButton, IconName, TintColor, Tooltip, }; use util::ResultExt; use vcs_menu::{build_branch_list, BranchList, OpenRecent as ToggleVcsMenu}; use workspace::{notifications::NotifyResultExt, Workspace}; const MAX_PROJECT_NAME_LENGTH: usize = 40; const MAX_BRANCH_NAME_LENGTH: usize = 40; actions!( collab, [ ShareProject, UnshareProject, ToggleUserMenu, ToggleProjectMenu, SwitchBranch ] ); pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.observe_new_views(|workspace: &mut Workspace, cx| { let titlebar_item = cx.new_view(|cx| CollabTitlebarItem::new(workspace, cx)); workspace.set_titlebar_item(titlebar_item.into(), cx) }) .detach(); } pub struct CollabTitlebarItem { project: Model, user_store: Model, client: Arc, workspace: WeakView, _subscriptions: Vec, } impl Render for CollabTitlebarItem { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let room = ActiveCall::global(cx).read(cx).room().cloned(); let current_user =; let client = self.client.clone(); let project_id =; h_stack() .id("titlebar") .justify_between() .w_full() .h(rems(1.75)) // Set a non-scaling min-height here to ensure the titlebar is // always at least the height of the traffic lights. .min_h(px(32.)) .map(|this| { if matches!(cx.window_bounds(), WindowBounds::Fullscreen) { this.pl_2() } else { // Use pixels here instead of a rem-based size because the macOS traffic // lights are a static size, and don't scale with the rest of the UI. } }) .bg(cx.theme().colors().title_bar_background) .on_click(|event, cx| { if event.up.click_count == 2 { cx.zoom_window(); } }) // left side .child( h_stack() .gap_1() .children(self.render_project_host(cx)) .child(self.render_project_name(cx)) .child(div().pr_1().children(self.render_project_branch(cx))) .when_some( current_user.clone().zip(client.peer_id()).zip(room.clone()), |this, ((current_user, peer_id), room)| { let player_colors = cx.theme().players(); let room =; let mut remote_participants = room.remote_participants().values().collect::>(); remote_participants.sort_by_key(|p| p.participant_index.0); this.children(self.render_collaborator( ¤t_user, peer_id, true, room.is_speaking(), room.is_muted(cx), &room, project_id, ¤t_user, cx, )) .children( remote_participants.iter().filter_map(|collaborator| { let is_present = project_id.map_or(false, |project_id| { collaborator.location == ParticipantLocation::SharedProject { project_id } }); let face_pile = self.render_collaborator( &collaborator.user, collaborator.peer_id, is_present, collaborator.speaking, collaborator.muted, &room, project_id, ¤t_user, cx, )?; Some( v_stack() .id(("collaborator", .child(face_pile) .child(render_color_ribbon( collaborator.participant_index, player_colors, )) .cursor_pointer() .on_click({ let peer_id = collaborator.peer_id; cx.listener(move |this, _, cx| { this.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.follow(peer_id, cx); }) .ok(); }) }) .tooltip({ let login = collaborator.user.github_login.clone(); move |cx| { Tooltip::text(format!("Follow {login}"), cx) } }), ) }), ) }, ), ) // right side .child( h_stack() .gap_1() .pr_1() .when_some(room, |this, room| { let room =; let project =; let is_local = project.is_local(); let is_shared = is_local && project.is_shared(); let is_muted = room.is_muted(cx); let is_deafened = room.is_deafened().unwrap_or(false); let is_screen_sharing = room.is_screen_sharing(); let read_only = room.read_only(); this.when(is_local && !read_only, |this| { this.child( Button::new( "toggle_sharing", if is_shared { "Unshare" } else { "Share" }, ) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::text( if is_shared { "Stop sharing project with call participants" } else { "Share project with call participants" }, cx, ) }) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .selected_style(ButtonStyle::Tinted(TintColor::Accent)) .selected(is_shared) .label_size(LabelSize::Small) .on_click(cx.listener( move |this, _, cx| { if is_shared { this.unshare_project(&Default::default(), cx); } else { this.share_project(&Default::default(), cx); } }, )), ) }) .child( div() .child( IconButton::new("leave-call", ui::IconName::Exit) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::text("Leave call", cx)) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .on_click(move |_, cx| { ActiveCall::global(cx) .update(cx, |call, cx| call.hang_up(cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); }), ) .pr_2(), ) .when(!read_only, |this| { this.child( IconButton::new( "mute-microphone", if is_muted { ui::IconName::MicMute } else { ui::IconName::Mic }, ) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::text( if is_muted { "Unmute microphone" } else { "Mute microphone" }, cx, ) }) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .selected(is_muted) .selected_style(ButtonStyle::Tinted(TintColor::Negative)) .on_click(move |_, cx| crate::toggle_mute(&Default::default(), cx)), ) }) .child( IconButton::new( "mute-sound", if is_deafened { ui::IconName::AudioOff } else { ui::IconName::AudioOn }, ) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .selected_style(ButtonStyle::Tinted(TintColor::Negative)) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .selected(is_deafened) .tooltip(move |cx| { if !read_only { Tooltip::with_meta( "Deafen Audio", None, "Mic will be muted", cx, ) } else { Tooltip::text("Deafen Audio", cx) } }) .on_click(move |_, cx| crate::toggle_deafen(&Default::default(), cx)), ) .when(!read_only, |this| { this.child( IconButton::new("screen-share", ui::IconName::Screen) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .selected(is_screen_sharing) .selected_style(ButtonStyle::Tinted(TintColor::Accent)) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::text( if is_screen_sharing { "Stop Sharing Screen" } else { "Share Screen" }, cx, ) }) .on_click(move |_, cx| { crate::toggle_screen_sharing(&Default::default(), cx) }), ) }) .child(div().pr_2()) }) .map(|el| { let status = self.client.status(); let status = &*status.borrow(); if matches!(status, client::Status::Connected { .. }) { el.child(self.render_user_menu_button(cx)) } else { el.children(self.render_connection_status(status, cx)) .child(self.render_sign_in_button(cx)) .child(self.render_user_menu_button(cx)) } }), ) } } fn render_color_ribbon(participant_index: ParticipantIndex, colors: &PlayerColors) -> gpui::Canvas { let color = colors.color_for_participant(participant_index.0).cursor; canvas(move |bounds, cx| { let height = bounds.size.height; let horizontal_offset = height; let vertical_offset = px(height.0 / 2.0); let mut path = Path::new(bounds.lower_left()); path.curve_to( bounds.origin + point(horizontal_offset, vertical_offset), bounds.origin + point(px(0.0), vertical_offset), ); path.line_to(bounds.upper_right() + point(-horizontal_offset, vertical_offset)); path.curve_to( bounds.lower_right(), bounds.upper_right() + point(px(0.0), vertical_offset), ); path.line_to(bounds.lower_left()); cx.paint_path(path, color); }) .h_1() .w_full() } impl CollabTitlebarItem { pub fn new(workspace: &Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { let project = workspace.project().clone(); let user_store = workspace.app_state().user_store.clone(); let client = workspace.app_state().client.clone(); let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); let mut subscriptions = Vec::new(); subscriptions.push( cx.observe(&workspace.weak_handle().upgrade().unwrap(), |_, _, cx| { cx.notify() }), ); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&project, |_, _, cx| cx.notify())); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&active_call, |this, _, cx| this.active_call_changed(cx))); subscriptions.push(cx.observe_window_activation(Self::window_activation_changed)); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&user_store, |_, _, cx| cx.notify())); Self { workspace: workspace.weak_handle(), project, user_store, client, _subscriptions: subscriptions, } } // resolve if you are in a room -> render_project_owner // render_project_owner -> resolve if you are in a room -> Option pub fn render_project_host(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option { let host =; let host_user =; let participant_index = self .user_store .read(cx) .participant_indices() .get(&; Some( Button::new("project_owner_trigger", host_user.github_login.clone()) .color(Color::Player(participant_index.0)) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .label_size(LabelSize::Small) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::text( format!( "{} is sharing this project. Click to follow.", host_user.github_login.clone() ), cx, ) }) .on_click({ let host_peer_id = host.peer_id.clone(); cx.listener(move |this, _, cx| { this.workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.follow(host_peer_id, cx); }) .log_err(); }) }), ) } pub fn render_project_name(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl Element { let name = { let mut names =|worktree| { let worktree =; worktree.root_name() });"") }; let name = util::truncate_and_trailoff(name, MAX_PROJECT_NAME_LENGTH); let workspace = self.workspace.clone(); popover_menu("project_name_trigger") .trigger( Button::new("project_name_trigger", name) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .label_size(LabelSize::Small) .tooltip(move |cx| Tooltip::text("Recent Projects", cx)), ) .menu(move |cx| Some(Self::render_project_popover(workspace.clone(), cx))) } pub fn render_project_branch(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option { let entry = { let mut names_and_branches =|worktree| { let worktree =; worktree.root_git_entry() }); }; let workspace = self.workspace.upgrade()?; let branch_name = entry .as_ref() .and_then(RepositoryEntry::branch) .map(|branch| util::truncate_and_trailoff(&branch, MAX_BRANCH_NAME_LENGTH))?; Some( popover_menu("project_branch_trigger") .trigger( Button::new("project_branch_trigger", branch_name) .color(Color::Muted) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .label_size(LabelSize::Small) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::with_meta( "Recent Branches", Some(&ToggleVcsMenu), "Local branches only", cx, ) }), ) .menu(move |cx| Self::render_vcs_popover(workspace.clone(), cx)), ) } fn render_collaborator( &self, user: &Arc, peer_id: PeerId, is_present: bool, is_speaking: bool, is_muted: bool, room: &Room, project_id: Option, current_user: &Arc, cx: &ViewContext, ) -> Option { if room.role_for_user( == Some(proto::ChannelRole::Guest) { return None; } let followers = project_id.map_or(&[] as &[_], |id| room.followers_for(peer_id, id)); let pile = FacePile::default() .child( Avatar::new(user.avatar_uri.clone()) .grayscale(!is_present) .border_color(if is_speaking { cx.theme().status().info_border } else if is_muted { cx.theme().status().error_border } else { Hsla::default() }), ) .children(followers.iter().filter_map(|follower_peer_id| { let follower = room .remote_participants() .values() .find_map(|p| (p.peer_id == *follower_peer_id).then_some(&p.user)) .or_else(|| { (self.client.peer_id() == Some(*follower_peer_id)).then_some(current_user) })? .clone(); Some(Avatar::new(follower.avatar_uri.clone())) })); Some(pile) } fn window_activation_changed(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let project = if cx.is_window_active() { Some(self.project.clone()) } else { None }; ActiveCall::global(cx) .update(cx, |call, cx| call.set_location(project.as_ref(), cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } fn active_call_changed(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.notify(); } fn share_project(&mut self, _: &ShareProject, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); let project = self.project.clone(); active_call .update(cx, |call, cx| call.share_project(project, cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } fn unshare_project(&mut self, _: &UnshareProject, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let active_call = ActiveCall::global(cx); let project = self.project.clone(); active_call .update(cx, |call, cx| call.unshare_project(project, cx)) .log_err(); } pub fn render_vcs_popover( workspace: View, cx: &mut WindowContext<'_>, ) -> Option> { let view = build_branch_list(workspace, cx).log_err()?; let focus_handle = view.focus_handle(cx); cx.focus(&focus_handle); Some(view) } pub fn render_project_popover( workspace: WeakView, cx: &mut WindowContext<'_>, ) -> View { let view = RecentProjects::open_popover(workspace, cx); let focus_handle = view.focus_handle(cx); cx.focus(&focus_handle); view } fn render_connection_status( &self, status: &client::Status, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option { match status { client::Status::ConnectionError | client::Status::ConnectionLost | client::Status::Reauthenticating { .. } | client::Status::Reconnecting { .. } | client::Status::ReconnectionError { .. } => Some( div() .id("disconnected") .child(Icon::new(IconName::Disconnected).size(IconSize::Small)) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::text("Disconnected", cx)) .into_any_element(), ), client::Status::UpgradeRequired => { let auto_updater = auto_update::AutoUpdater::get(cx); let label = match|auto_update| { Some(AutoUpdateStatus::Updated) => "Please restart Zed to Collaborate", Some(AutoUpdateStatus::Installing) | Some(AutoUpdateStatus::Downloading) | Some(AutoUpdateStatus::Checking) => "Updating...", Some(AutoUpdateStatus::Idle) | Some(AutoUpdateStatus::Errored) | None => { "Please update Zed to Collaborate" } }; Some( Button::new("connection-status", label) .label_size(LabelSize::Small) .on_click(|_, cx| { if let Some(auto_updater) = auto_update::AutoUpdater::get(cx) { if == AutoUpdateStatus::Updated { workspace::restart(&Default::default(), cx); return; } } auto_update::check(&Default::default(), cx); }) .into_any_element(), ) } _ => None, } } pub fn render_sign_in_button(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) -> Button { let client = self.client.clone(); Button::new("sign_in", "Sign in") .label_size(LabelSize::Small) .on_click(move |_, cx| { let client = client.clone(); cx.spawn(move |mut cx| async move { client .authenticate_and_connect(true, &cx) .await .notify_async_err(&mut cx); }) .detach(); }) } pub fn render_user_menu_button(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl Element { if let Some(user) = { popover_menu("user-menu") .menu(|cx| { ContextMenu::build(cx, |menu, _| { menu.action("Settings", zed_actions::OpenSettings.boxed_clone()) .action("Theme", theme_selector::Toggle.boxed_clone()) .separator() .action("Share Feedback", feedback::GiveFeedback.boxed_clone()) .action("Sign Out", client::SignOut.boxed_clone()) }) .into() }) .trigger( ButtonLike::new("user-menu") .child( h_stack() .gap_0p5() .child(Avatar::new(user.avatar_uri.clone())) .child(Icon::new(IconName::ChevronDown).color(Color::Muted)), ) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .tooltip(move |cx| Tooltip::text("Toggle User Menu", cx)), ) .anchor(gpui::AnchorCorner::TopRight) } else { popover_menu("user-menu") .menu(|cx| { ContextMenu::build(cx, |menu, _| { menu.action("Settings", zed_actions::OpenSettings.boxed_clone()) .action("Theme", theme_selector::Toggle.boxed_clone()) .separator() .action("Share Feedback", feedback::GiveFeedback.boxed_clone()) }) .into() }) .trigger( ButtonLike::new("user-menu") .child( h_stack() .gap_0p5() .child(Icon::new(IconName::ChevronDown).color(Color::Muted)), ) .style(ButtonStyle::Subtle) .tooltip(move |cx| Tooltip::text("Toggle User Menu", cx)), ) } } }