use gpui::*; use prelude::FluentBuilder; struct WindowShadow {} /* Things to do: 1. We need a way of calculating which edge or corner the mouse is on, and then dispatch on that 2. We need to improve the shadow rendering significantly 3. We need to implement the techniques in here in Zed */ impl Render for WindowShadow { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let decorations = cx.window_decorations(); let rounding = px(10.0); let shadow_size = px(10.0); let border_size = px(1.0); let grey = rgb(0x808080); cx.set_client_inset(shadow_size); div() .id("window-backdrop") .bg(transparent_black()) .map(|div| match decorations { Decorations::Server => div, Decorations::Client { tiling, .. } => div .bg(gpui::transparent_black()) .child( canvas( |_bounds, cx| { cx.insert_hitbox( Bounds::new( point(px(0.0), px(0.0)), cx.window_bounds().get_bounds().size, ), false, ) }, move |_bounds, hitbox, cx| { let mouse = cx.mouse_position(); let size = cx.window_bounds().get_bounds().size; let Some(edge) = resize_edge(mouse, shadow_size, size) else { return; }; cx.set_cursor_style( match edge { ResizeEdge::Top | ResizeEdge::Bottom => { CursorStyle::ResizeUpDown } ResizeEdge::Left | ResizeEdge::Right => { CursorStyle::ResizeLeftRight } ResizeEdge::TopLeft | ResizeEdge::BottomRight => { CursorStyle::ResizeUpLeftDownRight } ResizeEdge::TopRight | ResizeEdge::BottomLeft => { CursorStyle::ResizeUpRightDownLeft } }, &hitbox, ); }, ) .size_full() .absolute(), ) .when(!( || tiling.right), |div| { div.rounded_tr(rounding) }) .when(!( || tiling.left), |div| div.rounded_tl(rounding)) .when(!, |div| .when(!tiling.bottom, |div| div.pb(shadow_size)) .when(!tiling.left, |div| .when(!tiling.right, |div| .on_mouse_move(|_e, cx| cx.refresh()) .on_mouse_down(MouseButton::Left, move |e, cx| { let size = cx.window_bounds().get_bounds().size; let pos = e.position; match resize_edge(pos, shadow_size, size) { Some(edge) => cx.start_window_resize(edge), None => cx.start_window_move(), }; }), }) .size_full() .child( div() .cursor(CursorStyle::Arrow) .map(|div| match decorations { Decorations::Server => div, Decorations::Client { tiling } => div .border_color(grey) .when(!( || tiling.right), |div| { div.rounded_tr(rounding) }) .when(!( || tiling.left), |div| div.rounded_tl(rounding)) .when(!, |div| div.border_t(border_size)) .when(!tiling.bottom, |div| div.border_b(border_size)) .when(!tiling.left, |div| div.border_l(border_size)) .when(!tiling.right, |div| div.border_r(border_size)) .when(!tiling.is_tiled(), |div| { div.shadow(smallvec::smallvec![gpui::BoxShadow { color: Hsla { h: 0., s: 0., l: 0., a: 0.4, }, blur_radius: shadow_size / 2., spread_radius: px(0.), offset: point(px(0.0), px(0.0)), }]) }), }) .on_mouse_move(|_e, cx| { cx.stop_propagation(); }) .bg(gpui::rgb(0xCCCCFF)) .size_full() .flex() .flex_col() .justify_around() .child( div().w_full().flex().flex_row().justify_around().child( div() .flex() .bg(white()) .size(Length::Definite(Pixels(300.0).into())) .justify_center() .items_center() .shadow_lg() .border_1() .border_color(rgb(0x0000ff)) .text_xl() .text_color(rgb(0xffffff)) .child( div() .id("hello") .w(px(200.0)) .h(px(100.0)) .bg(green()) .shadow(smallvec::smallvec![gpui::BoxShadow { color: Hsla { h: 0., s: 0., l: 0., a: 1.0, }, blur_radius: px(20.0), spread_radius: px(0.0), offset: point(px(0.0), px(0.0)), }]) .map(|div| match decorations { Decorations::Server => div, Decorations::Client { .. } => div .on_mouse_down(MouseButton::Left, |_e, cx| { cx.start_window_move(); }) .on_click(|e, cx| { if e.down.button == MouseButton::Right { cx.show_window_menu(e.up.position); } }) .text_color(black()) .child("this is the custom titlebar"), }), ), ), ), ) } } fn resize_edge(pos: Point, shadow_size: Pixels, size: Size) -> Option { let edge = if pos.y < shadow_size && pos.x < shadow_size { ResizeEdge::TopLeft } else if pos.y < shadow_size && pos.x > size.width - shadow_size { ResizeEdge::TopRight } else if pos.y < shadow_size { ResizeEdge::Top } else if pos.y > size.height - shadow_size && pos.x < shadow_size { ResizeEdge::BottomLeft } else if pos.y > size.height - shadow_size && pos.x > size.width - shadow_size { ResizeEdge::BottomRight } else if pos.y > size.height - shadow_size { ResizeEdge::Bottom } else if pos.x < shadow_size { ResizeEdge::Left } else if pos.x > size.width - shadow_size { ResizeEdge::Right } else { return None; }; Some(edge) } fn main() { App::new().run(|cx: &mut AppContext| { let bounds = Bounds::centered(None, size(px(600.0), px(600.0)), cx); cx.open_window( WindowOptions { window_bounds: Some(WindowBounds::Windowed(bounds)), window_background: WindowBackgroundAppearance::Opaque, window_decorations: Some(WindowDecorations::Client), ..Default::default() }, |cx| { cx.new_view(|cx| { cx.observe_window_appearance(|_, cx| { cx.refresh(); }) .detach(); WindowShadow {} }) }, ) .unwrap(); }); }