use std::ffi::{c_int, CStr, CString}; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::{ptr, slice, str}; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use libsqlite3_sys::*; use crate::bindable::{Bind, Column}; use crate::connection::Connection; pub struct Statement<'a> { raw_statements: Vec<*mut sqlite3_stmt>, current_statement: usize, connection: &'a Connection, phantom: PhantomData, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum StepResult { Row, Done, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum SqlType { Text, Integer, Blob, Float, Null, } impl<'a> Statement<'a> { pub fn prepare>(connection: &'a Connection, query: T) -> Result { let mut statement = Self { raw_statements: Default::default(), current_statement: 0, connection, phantom: PhantomData, }; unsafe { let sql = CString::new(query.as_ref()).context("Error creating cstr")?; let mut remaining_sql = sql.as_c_str(); while { let remaining_sql_str = remaining_sql .to_str() .context("Parsing remaining sql")? .trim(); remaining_sql_str != ";" && !remaining_sql_str.is_empty() } { let mut raw_statement = ptr::null_mut::(); let mut remaining_sql_ptr = ptr::null(); sqlite3_prepare_v2( connection.sqlite3, remaining_sql.as_ptr(), -1, &mut raw_statement, &mut remaining_sql_ptr, ); remaining_sql = CStr::from_ptr(remaining_sql_ptr); statement.raw_statements.push(raw_statement); connection.last_error().with_context(|| { format!("Prepare call failed for query:\n{}", query.as_ref()) })?; if !connection.can_write() && sqlite3_stmt_readonly(raw_statement) == 0 { let sql = CStr::from_ptr(sqlite3_sql(raw_statement)); bail!( "Write statement prepared with connection that is not write capable. SQL:\n{} ", sql.to_str()?) } } } Ok(statement) } fn current_statement(&self) -> *mut sqlite3_stmt { *self.raw_statements.get(self.current_statement).unwrap() } pub fn reset(&mut self) { unsafe { for raw_statement in self.raw_statements.iter() { sqlite3_reset(*raw_statement); } } self.current_statement = 0; } pub fn parameter_count(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { self.raw_statements .iter() .map(|raw_statement| sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(*raw_statement)) .max() .unwrap_or(0) } } fn bind_index_with(&self, index: i32, bind: impl Fn(&*mut sqlite3_stmt)) -> Result<()> { let mut any_succeed = false; unsafe { for raw_statement in self.raw_statements.iter() { if index <= sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(*raw_statement) { bind(raw_statement); self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to bind value at index {index}"))?; any_succeed = true; } else { continue; } } } if any_succeed { Ok(()) } else { Err(anyhow!("Failed to bind parameters")) } } pub fn bind_blob(&self, index: i32, blob: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { let index = index as c_int; let blob_pointer = blob.as_ptr() as *const _; let len = blob.len() as c_int; self.bind_index_with(index, |raw_statement| unsafe { sqlite3_bind_blob(*raw_statement, index, blob_pointer, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT()); }) } pub fn column_blob(&mut self, index: i32) -> Result<&[u8]> { let index = index as c_int; let pointer = unsafe { sqlite3_column_blob(self.current_statement(), index) }; self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read blob at index {index}"))?; if pointer.is_null() { return Ok(&[]); } let len = unsafe { sqlite3_column_bytes(self.current_statement(), index) as usize }; self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read length of blob at index {index}"))?; unsafe { Ok(slice::from_raw_parts(pointer as *const u8, len)) } } pub fn bind_double(&self, index: i32, double: f64) -> Result<()> { let index = index as c_int; self.bind_index_with(index, |raw_statement| unsafe { sqlite3_bind_double(*raw_statement, index, double); }) } pub fn column_double(&self, index: i32) -> Result { let index = index as c_int; let result = unsafe { sqlite3_column_double(self.current_statement(), index) }; self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read double at index {index}"))?; Ok(result) } pub fn bind_int(&self, index: i32, int: i32) -> Result<()> { let index = index as c_int; self.bind_index_with(index, |raw_statement| unsafe { sqlite3_bind_int(*raw_statement, index, int); }) } pub fn column_int(&self, index: i32) -> Result { let index = index as c_int; let result = unsafe { sqlite3_column_int(self.current_statement(), index) }; self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read int at index {index}"))?; Ok(result) } pub fn bind_int64(&self, index: i32, int: i64) -> Result<()> { let index = index as c_int; self.bind_index_with(index, |raw_statement| unsafe { sqlite3_bind_int64(*raw_statement, index, int); }) } pub fn column_int64(&self, index: i32) -> Result { let index = index as c_int; let result = unsafe { sqlite3_column_int64(self.current_statement(), index) }; self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read i64 at index {index}"))?; Ok(result) } pub fn bind_null(&self, index: i32) -> Result<()> { let index = index as c_int; self.bind_index_with(index, |raw_statement| unsafe { sqlite3_bind_null(*raw_statement, index); }) } pub fn bind_text(&self, index: i32, text: &str) -> Result<()> { let index = index as c_int; let text_pointer = text.as_ptr() as *const _; let len = text.len() as c_int; self.bind_index_with(index, |raw_statement| unsafe { sqlite3_bind_text(*raw_statement, index, text_pointer, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT()); }) } pub fn column_text(&mut self, index: i32) -> Result<&str> { let index = index as c_int; let pointer = unsafe { sqlite3_column_text(self.current_statement(), index) }; self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read text from column {index}"))?; if pointer.is_null() { return Ok(""); } let len = unsafe { sqlite3_column_bytes(self.current_statement(), index) as usize }; self.connection .last_error() .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read text length at {index}"))?; let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(pointer as *const u8, len) }; Ok(str::from_utf8(slice)?) } pub fn bind(&self, value: &T, index: i32) -> Result { debug_assert!(index > 0); Ok(value.bind(self, index)?) } pub fn column(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(T::column(self, 0)?.0) } pub fn column_type(&mut self, index: i32) -> Result { let result = unsafe { sqlite3_column_type(self.current_statement(), index) }; self.connection.last_error()?; match result { SQLITE_INTEGER => Ok(SqlType::Integer), SQLITE_FLOAT => Ok(SqlType::Float), SQLITE_TEXT => Ok(SqlType::Text), SQLITE_BLOB => Ok(SqlType::Blob), SQLITE_NULL => Ok(SqlType::Null), _ => Err(anyhow!("Column type returned was incorrect ")), } } pub fn with_bindings(&mut self, bindings: &impl Bind) -> Result<&mut Self> { self.bind(bindings, 1)?; Ok(self) } fn step(&mut self) -> Result { unsafe { match sqlite3_step(self.current_statement()) { SQLITE_ROW => Ok(StepResult::Row), SQLITE_DONE => { if self.current_statement >= self.raw_statements.len() - 1 { Ok(StepResult::Done) } else { self.current_statement += 1; self.step() } } SQLITE_MISUSE => Err(anyhow!("Statement step returned SQLITE_MISUSE")), _other_error => { self.connection.last_error()?; unreachable!("Step returned error code and last error failed to catch it"); } } } } pub fn exec(&mut self) -> Result<()> { fn logic(this: &mut Statement) -> Result<()> { while this.step()? == StepResult::Row {} Ok(()) } let result = logic(self); self.reset(); result } pub fn map(&mut self, callback: impl FnMut(&mut Statement) -> Result) -> Result> { fn logic( this: &mut Statement, mut callback: impl FnMut(&mut Statement) -> Result, ) -> Result> { let mut mapped_rows = Vec::new(); while this.step()? == StepResult::Row { mapped_rows.push(callback(this)?); } Ok(mapped_rows) } let result = logic(self, callback); self.reset(); result } pub fn rows(&mut self) -> Result> {|s| s.column::()) } pub fn single(&mut self, callback: impl FnOnce(&mut Statement) -> Result) -> Result { fn logic( this: &mut Statement, callback: impl FnOnce(&mut Statement) -> Result, ) -> Result { if this.step()? != StepResult::Row { return Err(anyhow!("single called with query that returns no rows.")); } let result = callback(this)?; if this.step()? != StepResult::Done { return Err(anyhow!( "single called with a query that returns more than one row." )); } Ok(result) } let result = logic(self, callback); self.reset(); result } pub fn row(&mut self) -> Result { self.single(|this| this.column::()) } pub fn maybe( &mut self, callback: impl FnOnce(&mut Statement) -> Result, ) -> Result> { fn logic( this: &mut Statement, callback: impl FnOnce(&mut Statement) -> Result, ) -> Result> { if this.step().context("Failed on step call")? != StepResult::Row { return Ok(None); } let result = callback(this) .map(|r| Some(r)) .context("Failed to parse row result")?; if this.step().context("Second step call")? != StepResult::Done { return Err(anyhow!( "maybe called with a query that returns more than one row." )); } Ok(result) } let result = logic(self, callback); self.reset(); result } pub fn maybe_row(&mut self) -> Result> { self.maybe(|this| this.column::()) } } impl<'a> Drop for Statement<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { for raw_statement in self.raw_statements.iter() { sqlite3_finalize(*raw_statement); } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use indoc::indoc; use crate::{ connection::Connection, statement::{Statement, StepResult}, }; #[test] fn binding_multiple_statements_with_parameter_gaps() { let connection = Connection::open_memory(Some("binding_multiple_statements_with_parameter_gaps")); connection .exec(indoc! {" CREATE TABLE test ( col INTEGER )"}) .unwrap()() .unwrap(); let statement = Statement::prepare( &connection, indoc! {" INSERT INTO test(col) VALUES (?3); SELECT * FROM test WHERE col = ?1"}, ) .unwrap(); statement .bind_int(1, 1) .expect("Could not bind parameter to first index"); statement .bind_int(2, 2) .expect("Could not bind parameter to second index"); statement .bind_int(3, 3) .expect("Could not bind parameter to third index"); } #[test] fn blob_round_trips() { let connection1 = Connection::open_memory(Some("blob_round_trips")); connection1 .exec(indoc! {" CREATE TABLE blobs ( data BLOB )"}) .unwrap()() .unwrap(); let blob = &[0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]; let mut write = Statement::prepare(&connection1, "INSERT INTO blobs (data) VALUES (?)").unwrap(); write.bind_blob(1, blob).unwrap(); assert_eq!(write.step().unwrap(), StepResult::Done); // Read the blob from the let connection2 = Connection::open_memory(Some("blob_round_trips")); let mut read = Statement::prepare(&connection2, "SELECT * FROM blobs").unwrap(); assert_eq!(read.step().unwrap(), StepResult::Row); assert_eq!(read.column_blob(0).unwrap(), blob); assert_eq!(read.step().unwrap(), StepResult::Done); // Delete the added blob and verify its deleted on the other side connection2.exec("DELETE FROM blobs").unwrap()().unwrap(); let mut read = Statement::prepare(&connection1, "SELECT * FROM blobs").unwrap(); assert_eq!(read.step().unwrap(), StepResult::Done); } #[test] pub fn maybe_returns_options() { let connection = Connection::open_memory(Some("maybe_returns_options")); connection .exec(indoc! {" CREATE TABLE texts ( text TEXT )"}) .unwrap()() .unwrap(); assert!(connection .select_row::("SELECT text FROM texts") .unwrap()() .unwrap() .is_none()); let text_to_insert = "This is a test"; connection .exec_bound("INSERT INTO texts VALUES (?)") .unwrap()(text_to_insert) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( connection.select_row("SELECT text FROM texts").unwrap()().unwrap(), Some(text_to_insert.to_string()) ); } }