use crate::{ active_match_index, match_index_for_direction, Direction, SearchOption, SelectMatch, ToggleSearchOption, }; use collections::HashMap; use editor::{Anchor, Autoscroll, Editor, MultiBuffer, SelectAll}; use gpui::{ action, elements::*, keymap::Binding, platform::CursorStyle, AppContext, ElementBox, Entity, ModelContext, ModelHandle, MutableAppContext, RenderContext, Task, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, WeakModelHandle, }; use postage::watch; use project::{search::SearchQuery, Project}; use std::{ any::{Any, TypeId}, ops::Range, path::PathBuf, }; use util::ResultExt as _; use workspace::{Item, ItemHandle, ItemNavHistory, ItemView, Settings, Workspace}; action!(Deploy); action!(Search); action!(SearchInNew); action!(ToggleFocus); const MAX_TAB_TITLE_LEN: usize = 24; #[derive(Default)] struct ActiveSearches(HashMap, WeakModelHandle>); pub fn init(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { cx.add_app_state(ActiveSearches::default()); cx.add_bindings([ Binding::new("cmd-shift-F", ToggleFocus, Some("ProjectSearchView")), Binding::new("cmd-f", ToggleFocus, Some("ProjectSearchView")), Binding::new("cmd-shift-F", Deploy, Some("Workspace")), Binding::new("enter", Search, Some("ProjectSearchView")), Binding::new("cmd-enter", SearchInNew, Some("ProjectSearchView")), Binding::new( "cmd-g", SelectMatch(Direction::Next), Some("ProjectSearchView"), ), Binding::new( "cmd-shift-G", SelectMatch(Direction::Prev), Some("ProjectSearchView"), ), ]); cx.add_action(ProjectSearchView::deploy); cx.add_action(ProjectSearchView::search); cx.add_action(ProjectSearchView::search_in_new); cx.add_action(ProjectSearchView::toggle_search_option); cx.add_action(ProjectSearchView::select_match); cx.add_action(ProjectSearchView::toggle_focus); cx.capture_action(ProjectSearchView::tab); } struct ProjectSearch { project: ModelHandle, excerpts: ModelHandle, pending_search: Option>>, match_ranges: Vec>, active_query: Option, } struct ProjectSearchView { model: ModelHandle, query_editor: ViewHandle, results_editor: ViewHandle, case_sensitive: bool, whole_word: bool, regex: bool, query_contains_error: bool, active_match_index: Option, settings: watch::Receiver, } impl Entity for ProjectSearch { type Event = (); } impl ProjectSearch { fn new(project: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Self { let replica_id =; Self { project, excerpts: cx.add_model(|_| MultiBuffer::new(replica_id)), pending_search: Default::default(), match_ranges: Default::default(), active_query: None, } } fn clone(&self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> ModelHandle { cx.add_model(|cx| Self { project: self.project.clone(), excerpts: self .excerpts .update(cx, |excerpts, cx| cx.add_model(|cx| excerpts.clone(cx))), pending_search: Default::default(), match_ranges: self.match_ranges.clone(), active_query: self.active_query.clone(), }) } fn search(&mut self, query: SearchQuery, cx: &mut ModelContext) { let search = self .project .update(cx, |project, cx|, cx)); self.active_query = Some(query); self.match_ranges.clear(); self.pending_search = Some(cx.spawn_weak(|this, mut cx| async move { let matches = search.await.log_err()?; if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.match_ranges.clear(); let mut matches = matches.into_iter().collect::>(); matches .sort_by_key(|(buffer, _)||file| file.path())); this.excerpts.update(cx, |excerpts, cx| { excerpts.clear(cx); for (buffer, buffer_matches) in matches { let ranges_to_highlight = excerpts.push_excerpts_with_context_lines( buffer, buffer_matches.clone(), 1, cx, ); this.match_ranges.extend(ranges_to_highlight); } }); this.pending_search.take(); cx.notify(); }); } None })); cx.notify(); } } impl Item for ProjectSearch { type View = ProjectSearchView; fn build_view( model: ModelHandle, workspace: &Workspace, nav_history: ItemNavHistory, cx: &mut gpui::ViewContext, ) -> Self::View { ProjectSearchView::new(model, Some(nav_history), workspace.settings(), cx) } fn project_path(&self) -> Option { None } } enum ViewEvent { UpdateTab, } impl Entity for ProjectSearchView { type Event = ViewEvent; } impl View for ProjectSearchView { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "ProjectSearchView" } fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut RenderContext) -> ElementBox { let model = &; let results = if model.match_ranges.is_empty() { let theme = &self.settings.borrow().theme; let text = if { "" } else if model.pending_search.is_some() { "Searching..." } else { "No results" }; Label::new(text.to_string(), .aligned() .contained() .with_background_color(theme.editor.background) .flexible(1., true) .boxed() } else { ChildView::new(&self.results_editor) .flexible(1., true) .boxed() }; Flex::column() .with_child(self.render_query_editor(cx)) .with_child(results) .boxed() } fn on_focus(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.update_app_state(|state: &mut ActiveSearches, cx| { state.0.insert(, self.model.downgrade(), ) }); if { cx.focus(&self.query_editor); } else { self.focus_results_editor(cx); } } } impl ItemView for ProjectSearchView { fn act_as_type( &self, type_id: TypeId, self_handle: &ViewHandle, _: &gpui::AppContext, ) -> Option { if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some(self_handle.into()) } else if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some((&self.results_editor).into()) } else { None } } fn deactivated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.deactivated(cx)); } fn item(&self, _: &gpui::AppContext) -> Box { Box::new(self.model.clone()) } fn tab_content(&self, tab_theme: &theme::Tab, cx: &gpui::AppContext) -> ElementBox { let settings = self.settings.borrow(); let search_theme = &; Flex::row() .with_child( Svg::new("icons/magnifier.svg") .with_color(tab_theme.label.text.color) .constrained() .with_width(search_theme.tab_icon_width) .aligned() .boxed(), ) .with_children(|query| { let query_text = if query.as_str().len() > MAX_TAB_TITLE_LEN { query.as_str()[..MAX_TAB_TITLE_LEN].to_string() + "…" } else { query.as_str().to_string() }; Label::new(query_text, tab_theme.label.clone()) .aligned() .contained() .with_margin_left(search_theme.tab_icon_spacing) .boxed() })) .boxed() } fn project_path(&self, _: &gpui::AppContext) -> Option { None } fn can_save(&self, _: &gpui::AppContext) -> bool { true } fn is_dirty(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn has_conflict(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn save( &mut self, project: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx|, cx)) } fn can_save_as(&self, _: &gpui::AppContext) -> bool { false } fn save_as( &mut self, _: ModelHandle, _: PathBuf, _: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { unreachable!("save_as should not have been called") } fn clone_on_split( &self, nav_history: ItemNavHistory, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option where Self: Sized, { let model = self.model.update(cx, |model, cx| model.clone(cx)); Some(Self::new( model, Some(nav_history), self.settings.clone(), cx, )) } fn navigate(&mut self, data: Box, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.navigate(data, cx)); } fn should_update_tab_on_event(event: &ViewEvent) -> bool { matches!(event, ViewEvent::UpdateTab) } } impl ProjectSearchView { fn new( model: ModelHandle, nav_history: Option, settings: watch::Receiver, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { let project; let excerpts; let mut query_text = String::new(); let mut regex = false; let mut case_sensitive = false; let mut whole_word = false; { let model =; project = model.project.clone(); excerpts = model.excerpts.clone(); if let Some(active_query) = model.active_query.as_ref() { query_text = active_query.as_str().to_string(); regex = active_query.is_regex(); case_sensitive = active_query.case_sensitive(); whole_word = active_query.whole_word(); } } cx.observe(&model, |this, _, cx| this.model_changed(true, cx)) .detach(); let query_editor = cx.add_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::single_line( settings.clone(), Some(|theme|, cx, ); editor.set_text(query_text, cx); editor }); let results_editor = cx.add_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::for_buffer(excerpts, Some(project), settings.clone(), cx); editor.set_searchable(false); editor.set_nav_history(nav_history); editor }); cx.observe(&results_editor, |_, _, cx| cx.emit(ViewEvent::UpdateTab)) .detach(); cx.subscribe(&results_editor, |this, _, event, cx| { if matches!(event, editor::Event::SelectionsChanged) { this.update_match_index(cx); } }) .detach(); let mut this = ProjectSearchView { model, query_editor, results_editor, case_sensitive, whole_word, regex, query_contains_error: false, active_match_index: None, settings, }; this.model_changed(false, cx); this } // Re-activate the most recently activated search or the most recent if it has been closed. // If no search exists in the workspace, create a new one. fn deploy(workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &Deploy, cx: &mut ViewContext) { // Clean up entries for dropped projects cx.update_app_state(|state: &mut ActiveSearches, cx| { state.0.retain(|project, _| project.is_upgradable(cx)) }); let active_search = cx .app_state::() .0 .get(&workspace.project().downgrade()); let existing = active_search .and_then(|active_search| { workspace .items_of_type::(cx) .find(|search| search == active_search) }) .or_else(|| workspace.item_of_type::(cx)); if let Some(existing) = existing { workspace.activate_item(&existing, cx); } else { let model = cx.add_model(|cx| ProjectSearch::new(workspace.project().clone(), cx)); workspace.open_item(model, cx); } } fn search(&mut self, _: &Search, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(query) = self.build_search_query(cx) { self.model.update(cx, |model, cx|, cx)); } } fn search_in_new(workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &SearchInNew, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search_view) = workspace .active_item(cx) .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) { let new_query = search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { let new_query = search_view.build_search_query(cx); if new_query.is_some() { if let Some(old_query) = { search_view.query_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.set_text(old_query.as_str(), cx); }); search_view.regex = old_query.is_regex(); search_view.whole_word = old_query.whole_word(); search_view.case_sensitive = old_query.case_sensitive(); } } new_query }); if let Some(new_query) = new_query { let model = cx.add_model(|cx| { let mut model = ProjectSearch::new(workspace.project().clone(), cx);, cx); model }); workspace.open_item(model, cx); } } } fn build_search_query(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option { let text =; if self.regex { match SearchQuery::regex(text, self.whole_word, self.case_sensitive) { Ok(query) => Some(query), Err(_) => { self.query_contains_error = true; cx.notify(); None } } } else { Some(SearchQuery::text( text, self.whole_word, self.case_sensitive, )) } } fn toggle_search_option( &mut self, ToggleSearchOption(option): &ToggleSearchOption, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let value = match option { SearchOption::WholeWord => &mut self.whole_word, SearchOption::CaseSensitive => &mut self.case_sensitive, SearchOption::Regex => &mut self.regex, }; *value = !*value;, cx); cx.notify(); } fn select_match(&mut self, &SelectMatch(direction): &SelectMatch, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(index) = self.active_match_index { let model =; let results_editor =; let new_index = match_index_for_direction( &model.match_ranges, &results_editor.newest_anchor_selection().head(), index, direction, &results_editor.buffer().read(cx).read(cx), ); let range_to_select = model.match_ranges[new_index].clone(); self.results_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.select_ranges([range_to_select], Some(Autoscroll::Fit), cx); }); } } fn toggle_focus(&mut self, _: &ToggleFocus, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if self.query_editor.is_focused(cx) { if ! { self.focus_results_editor(cx); } } else { self.focus_query_editor(cx); } } fn tab(&mut self, _: &editor::Tab, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if self.query_editor.is_focused(cx) { if ! { self.focus_results_editor(cx); } } else { cx.propagate_action() } } fn focus_query_editor(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.query_editor.update(cx, |query_editor, cx| { query_editor.select_all(&SelectAll, cx); }); cx.focus(&self.query_editor); } fn focus_results_editor(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.query_editor.update(cx, |query_editor, cx| { let cursor = query_editor.newest_anchor_selection().head(); query_editor.select_ranges([cursor.clone()..cursor], None, cx); }); cx.focus(&self.results_editor); } fn model_changed(&mut self, reset_selections: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let match_ranges =; if match_ranges.is_empty() { self.active_match_index = None; } else { let theme = &self.settings.borrow(); self.results_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { if reset_selections { editor.select_ranges(match_ranges.first().cloned(), Some(Autoscroll::Fit), cx); } editor.highlight_ranges::(match_ranges, theme.match_background, cx); }); if self.query_editor.is_focused(cx) { self.focus_results_editor(cx); } } cx.emit(ViewEvent::UpdateTab); cx.notify(); } fn update_match_index(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let results_editor =; let new_index = active_match_index( &, &results_editor.newest_anchor_selection().head(), &results_editor.buffer().read(cx).read(cx), ); if self.active_match_index != new_index { self.active_match_index = new_index; cx.notify(); } } fn render_query_editor(&self, cx: &mut RenderContext) -> ElementBox { let theme = &self.settings.borrow().theme; let editor_container = if self.query_contains_error { } else { }; Flex::row() .with_child( ChildView::new(&self.query_editor) .contained() .with_style(editor_container) .aligned() .constrained() .with_max_width( .boxed(), ) .with_child( Flex::row() .with_child(self.render_option_button("Case", SearchOption::CaseSensitive, cx)) .with_child(self.render_option_button("Word", SearchOption::WholeWord, cx)) .with_child(self.render_option_button("Regex", SearchOption::Regex, cx)) .contained() .with_style( .aligned() .boxed(), ) .with_children({ self.active_match_index.into_iter().flat_map(|match_ix| { [ Flex::row() .with_child(self.render_nav_button("<", Direction::Prev, cx)) .with_child(self.render_nav_button(">", Direction::Next, cx)) .aligned() .boxed(), Label::new( format!( "{}/{}", match_ix + 1, ),, ) .contained() .with_style( .aligned() .boxed(), ] }) }) .contained() .with_style( .constrained() .with_height(theme.workspace.toolbar.height) .named("project search") } fn render_option_button( &self, icon: &str, option: SearchOption, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> ElementBox { let theme = &self.settings.borrow(); let is_active = self.is_option_enabled(option); MouseEventHandler::new::(option as usize, cx, |state, _| { let style = match (is_active, state.hovered) { (false, false) => &theme.option_button, (false, true) => &theme.hovered_option_button, (true, false) => &theme.active_option_button, (true, true) => &theme.active_hovered_option_button, }; Label::new(icon.to_string(), style.text.clone()) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .boxed() }) .on_click(move |cx| cx.dispatch_action(ToggleSearchOption(option))) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .boxed() } fn is_option_enabled(&self, option: SearchOption) -> bool { match option { SearchOption::WholeWord => self.whole_word, SearchOption::CaseSensitive => self.case_sensitive, SearchOption::Regex => self.regex, } } fn render_nav_button( &self, icon: &str, direction: Direction, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> ElementBox { let theme = &self.settings.borrow(); enum NavButton {} MouseEventHandler::new::(direction as usize, cx, |state, _| { let style = if state.hovered { &theme.hovered_option_button } else { &theme.option_button }; Label::new(icon.to_string(), style.text.clone()) .contained() .with_style(style.container) .boxed() }) .on_click(move |cx| cx.dispatch_action(SelectMatch(direction))) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .boxed() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use editor::DisplayPoint; use gpui::{color::Color, TestAppContext}; use project::FakeFs; use serde_json::json; use std::sync::Arc; #[gpui::test] async fn test_project_search(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { let fonts = cx.font_cache(); let mut theme = gpui::fonts::with_font_cache(fonts.clone(), || theme::Theme::default()); = Color::red(); let settings = Settings::new("Courier", &fonts, Arc::new(theme)).unwrap(); let settings = watch::channel_with(settings).1; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "": "const THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;", "": "const FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), cx); let (tree, _) = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree("/dir", true, cx) }) .await .unwrap();|cx| .await; let search = cx.add_model(|cx| ProjectSearch::new(project, cx)); let search_view = cx.add_view(Default::default(), |cx| { ProjectSearchView::new(search.clone(), None, settings, cx) }); search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("TWO", cx));, cx); }); search_view.next_notification(&cx).await; search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;\n\n\nconst TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;" ); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.all_highlighted_ranges(cx)), &[ ( DisplayPoint::new(2, 32)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 35), Color::red() ), ( DisplayPoint::new(2, 37)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 40), Color::red() ), ( DisplayPoint::new(5, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(5, 9), Color::red() ) ] ); assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(0)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selected_display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 32)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 35)] ); search_view.select_match(&SelectMatch(Direction::Next), cx); }); search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(1)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selected_display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 37)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 40)] ); search_view.select_match(&SelectMatch(Direction::Next), cx); }); search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(2)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selected_display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(5, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(5, 9)] ); search_view.select_match(&SelectMatch(Direction::Next), cx); }); search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(0)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selected_display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 32)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 35)] ); search_view.select_match(&SelectMatch(Direction::Prev), cx); }); search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(2)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selected_display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(5, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(5, 9)] ); search_view.select_match(&SelectMatch(Direction::Prev), cx); }); search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(1)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selected_display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 37)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 40)] ); }); } }