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Nathan joined GitHub in late 2011 to build the Atom text editor, and he led the Atom team until 2018. He also co-led development of Teletype for Atom, pioneering one of the first production uses of conflict-free replicated data types for collaborative text editing. He's been dreaming about building the world’s best text editor since he graduated from college, and is excited to finally have the knowledge, tools, and resources to achieve this vision.
Antonio joined the Atom team in 2014 while still in university after his outstanding open source contributions caught the attention of the team. He later joined Nathan in architecting Teletype for Atom and researching the foundations of what has turned into Zed. For the last two years, he’s become an expert in distributed systems and conflict-free replicated data types through the development of a real-time, distributed, conflict-free database implemented in Rust for Ditto.
Max joined the Atom team in 2013 after working at Pivotal Labs. While driving Atom towards its 1.0 launch during the day, Max spent nights and weekends building Tree-sitter, a blazing-fast and expressive incremental parsing framework that currently powers all code analysis at GitHub. Before leaving to start Zed, Max helped GitHub's semantic analysis team integrate Tree-sitter to support syntax highlighting and code navigation on github.com.