
# Notes for fixing this script if it's broken:
# - if you see an error about "can't find perf_6.1" you need to install `linux-perf` from the
#   version of Debian that matches the host (e.g. apt-get -t bookworm-backports install linux-perf)
# - if you see an error about `addr2line` you may need to install binutils

set -euo pipefail

source script/lib/deploy-helpers.sh

if [[ $# != 1 ]]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <production|staging>"
  exit 1


# 5s in production is ~200Mb..., in staging you probably want to bump this up.
echo "Running perf on collab, collecting 5s of data..."

kubectl -n $environment exec -it deployments/collab -- perf record -p 1 -g -m 64 --call-graph dwarf -- sleep 5

run="collab-$environment-$(date -Iseconds)"
echo "Processing data and downloading to '$run.perf'..."

kubectl -n $environment exec -it deployments/collab -- perf --no-pager script > "$run.perf"

which inferno-flamegraph 2>/dev/null || (echo "installing inferno..."; cargo install inferno)

inferno-collapse-perf "$run.perf" | inferno-flamegraph > "$run.svg"
open "./$run.svg"