use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use fsevent::EventStream; use futures::{Stream, StreamExt}; use smol::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}; use std::{ io, os::unix::fs::MetadataExt, path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}, pin::Pin, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; use text::Rope; #[async_trait::async_trait] pub trait Fs: Send + Sync { async fn create_dir(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<()>; async fn create_file(&self, path: &Path, options: CreateOptions) -> Result<()>; async fn copy(&self, source: &Path, target: &Path, options: CopyOptions) -> Result<()>; async fn rename(&self, source: &Path, target: &Path, options: RenameOptions) -> Result<()>; async fn remove_dir(&self, path: &Path, options: RemoveOptions) -> Result<()>; async fn remove_file(&self, path: &Path, options: RemoveOptions) -> Result<()>; async fn open_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> Result>; async fn load(&self, path: &Path) -> Result; async fn save(&self, path: &Path, text: &Rope) -> Result<()>; async fn canonicalize(&self, path: &Path) -> Result; async fn is_file(&self, path: &Path) -> bool; async fn metadata(&self, path: &Path) -> Result>; async fn read_dir( &self, path: &Path, ) -> Result>>>>; async fn watch( &self, path: &Path, latency: Duration, ) -> Pin>>>; fn is_fake(&self) -> bool; #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] fn as_fake(&self) -> &FakeFs; } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct CreateOptions { pub overwrite: bool, pub ignore_if_exists: bool, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct CopyOptions { pub overwrite: bool, pub ignore_if_exists: bool, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct RenameOptions { pub overwrite: bool, pub ignore_if_exists: bool, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)] pub struct RemoveOptions { pub recursive: bool, pub ignore_if_not_exists: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Metadata { pub inode: u64, pub mtime: SystemTime, pub is_symlink: bool, pub is_dir: bool, } pub struct RealFs; #[async_trait::async_trait] impl Fs for RealFs { async fn create_dir(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { Ok(smol::fs::create_dir_all(path).await?) } async fn create_file(&self, path: &Path, options: CreateOptions) -> Result<()> { let mut open_options = smol::fs::OpenOptions::new(); open_options.write(true).create(true); if options.overwrite { open_options.truncate(true); } else if !options.ignore_if_exists { open_options.create_new(true); }; Ok(()) } async fn copy(&self, source: &Path, target: &Path, options: CopyOptions) -> Result<()> { if !options.overwrite && smol::fs::metadata(target).await.is_ok() { if options.ignore_if_exists { return Ok(()); } else { return Err(anyhow!("{target:?} already exists")); } } let metadata = smol::fs::metadata(source).await?; let _ = smol::fs::remove_dir_all(target).await; if metadata.is_dir() { self.create_dir(target).await?; let mut children = smol::fs::read_dir(source).await?; while let Some(child) = { if let Ok(child) = child { let child_source_path = child.path(); let child_target_path = target.join(child.file_name()); self.copy(&child_source_path, &child_target_path, options) .await?; } } } else { smol::fs::copy(source, target).await?; } Ok(()) } async fn rename(&self, source: &Path, target: &Path, options: RenameOptions) -> Result<()> { if !options.overwrite && smol::fs::metadata(target).await.is_ok() { if options.ignore_if_exists { return Ok(()); } else { return Err(anyhow!("{target:?} already exists")); } } smol::fs::rename(source, target).await?; Ok(()) } async fn remove_dir(&self, path: &Path, options: RemoveOptions) -> Result<()> { let result = if options.recursive { smol::fs::remove_dir_all(path).await } else { smol::fs::remove_dir(path).await }; match result { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound && options.ignore_if_not_exists => { Ok(()) } Err(err) => Err(err)?, } } async fn remove_file(&self, path: &Path, options: RemoveOptions) -> Result<()> { match smol::fs::remove_file(path).await { Ok(()) => Ok(()), Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound && options.ignore_if_not_exists => { Ok(()) } Err(err) => Err(err)?, } } async fn open_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> Result> { Ok(Box::new(std::fs::File::open(path)?)) } async fn load(&self, path: &Path) -> Result { let mut file = smol::fs::File::open(path).await?; let mut text = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut text).await?; Ok(text) } async fn save(&self, path: &Path, text: &Rope) -> Result<()> { let buffer_size = text.summary().bytes.min(10 * 1024); let file = smol::fs::File::create(path).await?; let mut writer = smol::io::BufWriter::with_capacity(buffer_size, file); for chunk in text.chunks() { writer.write_all(chunk.as_bytes()).await?; } writer.flush().await?; Ok(()) } async fn canonicalize(&self, path: &Path) -> Result { Ok(smol::fs::canonicalize(path).await?) } async fn is_file(&self, path: &Path) -> bool { smol::fs::metadata(path) .await .map_or(false, |metadata| metadata.is_file()) } async fn metadata(&self, path: &Path) -> Result> { let symlink_metadata = match smol::fs::symlink_metadata(path).await { Ok(metadata) => metadata, Err(err) => { return match (err.kind(), err.raw_os_error()) { (io::ErrorKind::NotFound, _) => Ok(None), (io::ErrorKind::Other, Some(libc::ENOTDIR)) => Ok(None), _ => Err(anyhow::Error::new(err)), } } }; let is_symlink = symlink_metadata.file_type().is_symlink(); let metadata = if is_symlink { smol::fs::metadata(path).await? } else { symlink_metadata }; Ok(Some(Metadata { inode: metadata.ino(), mtime: metadata.modified().unwrap(), is_symlink, is_dir: metadata.file_type().is_dir(), })) } async fn read_dir( &self, path: &Path, ) -> Result>>>> { let result = smol::fs::read_dir(path).await?.map(|entry| match entry { Ok(entry) => Ok(entry.path()), Err(error) => Err(anyhow!("failed to read dir entry {:?}", error)), }); Ok(Box::pin(result)) } async fn watch( &self, path: &Path, latency: Duration, ) -> Pin>>> { let (tx, rx) = smol::channel::unbounded(); let (stream, handle) = EventStream::new(&[path], latency); std::mem::forget(handle); std::thread::spawn(move || { |events| smol::block_on(tx.send(events)).is_ok()); }); Box::pin(rx) } fn is_fake(&self) -> bool { false } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] fn as_fake(&self) -> &FakeFs { panic!("called `RealFs::as_fake`") } } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct FakeFsEntry { metadata: Metadata, content: Option, } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] struct FakeFsState { entries: std::collections::BTreeMap, next_inode: u64, event_txs: Vec>>, } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] impl FakeFsState { fn validate_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { if path.is_absolute() && path .parent() .and_then(|path| self.entries.get(path)) .map_or(false, |e| e.metadata.is_dir) { Ok(()) } else { Err(anyhow!("invalid path {:?}", path)) } } async fn emit_event(&mut self, paths: I) where I: IntoIterator, T: Into, { let events = paths .into_iter() .map(|path| fsevent::Event { event_id: 0, flags: fsevent::StreamFlags::empty(), path: path.into(), }) .collect::>(); self.event_txs.retain(|tx| { let _ = tx.try_send(events.clone()); !tx.is_closed() }); } } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub struct FakeFs { // Use an unfair lock to ensure tests are deterministic. state: futures::lock::Mutex, executor: std::sync::Weak, } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] impl FakeFs { pub fn new(executor: std::sync::Arc) -> std::sync::Arc { let mut entries = std::collections::BTreeMap::new(); entries.insert( Path::new("/").to_path_buf(), FakeFsEntry { metadata: Metadata { inode: 0, mtime: SystemTime::now(), is_dir: true, is_symlink: false, }, content: None, }, ); std::sync::Arc::new(Self { executor: std::sync::Arc::downgrade(&executor), state: futures::lock::Mutex::new(FakeFsState { entries, next_inode: 1, event_txs: Default::default(), }), }) } pub async fn insert_dir(&self, path: impl AsRef) { let mut state = self.state.lock().await; let path = path.as_ref(); state.validate_path(path).unwrap(); let inode = state.next_inode; state.next_inode += 1; state.entries.insert( path.to_path_buf(), FakeFsEntry { metadata: Metadata { inode, mtime: SystemTime::now(), is_dir: true, is_symlink: false, }, content: None, }, ); state.emit_event(&[path]).await; } pub async fn insert_file(&self, path: impl AsRef, content: String) { let mut state = self.state.lock().await; let path = path.as_ref(); state.validate_path(path).unwrap(); let inode = state.next_inode; state.next_inode += 1; state.entries.insert( path.to_path_buf(), FakeFsEntry { metadata: Metadata { inode, mtime: SystemTime::now(), is_dir: false, is_symlink: false, }, content: Some(content), }, ); state.emit_event(&[path]).await; } #[must_use] pub fn insert_tree<'a>( &'a self, path: impl 'a + AsRef + Send, tree: serde_json::Value, ) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'a, ()> { use futures::FutureExt as _; use serde_json::Value::*; async move { let path = path.as_ref(); match tree { Object(map) => { self.insert_dir(path).await; for (name, contents) in map { let mut path = PathBuf::from(path); path.push(name); self.insert_tree(&path, contents).await; } } Null => { self.insert_dir(&path).await; } String(contents) => { self.insert_file(&path, contents).await; } _ => { panic!("JSON object must contain only objects, strings, or null"); } } } .boxed() } pub async fn files(&self) -> Vec { self.state .lock() .await .entries .iter() .filter_map(|(path, entry)| entry.content.as_ref().map(|_| path.clone())) .collect() } async fn simulate_random_delay(&self) { self.executor .upgrade() .expect("executor has been dropped") .simulate_random_delay() .await; } } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] #[async_trait::async_trait] impl Fs for FakeFs { async fn create_dir(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { self.simulate_random_delay().await; let state = &mut *self.state.lock().await; let path = normalize_path(path); let mut ancestor_path = PathBuf::new(); let mut created_dir_paths = Vec::new(); for component in path.components() { ancestor_path.push(component); let entry = state .entries .entry(ancestor_path.clone()) .or_insert_with(|| { let inode = state.next_inode; state.next_inode += 1; created_dir_paths.push(ancestor_path.clone()); FakeFsEntry { metadata: Metadata { inode, mtime: SystemTime::now(), is_dir: true, is_symlink: false, }, content: None, } }); if !entry.metadata.is_dir { return Err(anyhow!( "cannot create directory because {:?} is a file", ancestor_path )); } } state.emit_event(&created_dir_paths).await; Ok(()) } async fn create_file(&self, path: &Path, options: CreateOptions) -> Result<()> { self.simulate_random_delay().await; let mut state = self.state.lock().await; let path = normalize_path(path); state.validate_path(&path)?; if let Some(entry) = state.entries.get_mut(&path) { if entry.metadata.is_dir || entry.metadata.is_symlink { return Err(anyhow!( "cannot create file because {:?} is a dir or a symlink", path )); } if options.overwrite { entry.metadata.mtime = SystemTime::now(); entry.content = Some(Default::default()); } else if !options.ignore_if_exists { return Err(anyhow!( "cannot create file because {:?} already exists", &path )); } } else { let inode = state.next_inode; state.next_inode += 1; let entry = FakeFsEntry { metadata: Metadata { inode, mtime: SystemTime::now(), is_dir: false, is_symlink: false, }, content: Some(Default::default()), }; state.entries.insert(path.to_path_buf(), entry); } state.emit_event(&[path]).await; Ok(()) } async fn rename(&self, source: &Path, target: &Path, options: RenameOptions) -> Result<()> { let source = normalize_path(source); let target = normalize_path(target); let mut state = self.state.lock().await; state.validate_path(&source)?; state.validate_path(&target)?; if !options.overwrite && state.entries.contains_key(&target) { if options.ignore_if_exists { return Ok(()); } else { return Err(anyhow!("{target:?} already exists")); } } let mut removed = Vec::new(); state.entries.retain(|path, entry| { if let Ok(relative_path) = path.strip_prefix(&source) { removed.push((relative_path.to_path_buf(), entry.clone())); false } else { true } }); for (relative_path, entry) in removed { let new_path = normalize_path(&target.join(relative_path)); state.entries.insert(new_path, entry); } state.emit_event(&[source, target]).await; Ok(()) } async fn copy(&self, source: &Path, target: &Path, options: CopyOptions) -> Result<()> { let source = normalize_path(source); let target = normalize_path(target); let mut state = self.state.lock().await; state.validate_path(&source)?; state.validate_path(&target)?; if !options.overwrite && state.entries.contains_key(&target) { if options.ignore_if_exists { return Ok(()); } else { return Err(anyhow!("{target:?} already exists")); } } let mut new_entries = Vec::new(); for (path, entry) in &state.entries { if let Ok(relative_path) = path.strip_prefix(&source) { new_entries.push((relative_path.to_path_buf(), entry.clone())); } } let mut events = Vec::new(); for (relative_path, entry) in new_entries { let new_path = normalize_path(&target.join(relative_path)); events.push(new_path.clone()); state.entries.insert(new_path, entry); } state.emit_event(&events).await; Ok(()) } async fn remove_dir(&self, dir_path: &Path, options: RemoveOptions) -> Result<()> { let dir_path = normalize_path(dir_path); let mut state = self.state.lock().await; state.validate_path(&dir_path)?; if let Some(entry) = state.entries.get(&dir_path) { if !entry.metadata.is_dir { return Err(anyhow!( "cannot remove {dir_path:?} because it is not a dir" )); } if !options.recursive { let descendants = state .entries .keys() .filter(|path| path.starts_with(path)) .count(); if descendants > 1 { return Err(anyhow!("{dir_path:?} is not empty")); } } state.entries.retain(|path, _| !path.starts_with(&dir_path)); state.emit_event(&[dir_path]).await; } else if !options.ignore_if_not_exists { return Err(anyhow!("{dir_path:?} does not exist")); } Ok(()) } async fn remove_file(&self, path: &Path, options: RemoveOptions) -> Result<()> { let path = normalize_path(path); let mut state = self.state.lock().await; state.validate_path(&path)?; if let Some(entry) = state.entries.get(&path) { if entry.metadata.is_dir { return Err(anyhow!("cannot remove {path:?} because it is not a file")); } state.entries.remove(&path); state.emit_event(&[path]).await; } else if !options.ignore_if_not_exists { return Err(anyhow!("{path:?} does not exist")); } Ok(()) } async fn open_sync(&self, path: &Path) -> Result> { let text = self.load(path).await?; Ok(Box::new(io::Cursor::new(text))) } async fn load(&self, path: &Path) -> Result { let path = normalize_path(path); self.simulate_random_delay().await; let state = self.state.lock().await; let text = state .entries .get(&path) .and_then(|e| e.content.as_ref()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("file {:?} does not exist", path))?; Ok(text.clone()) } async fn save(&self, path: &Path, text: &Rope) -> Result<()> { self.simulate_random_delay().await; let mut state = self.state.lock().await; let path = normalize_path(path); state.validate_path(&path)?; if let Some(entry) = state.entries.get_mut(&path) { if entry.metadata.is_dir { Err(anyhow!("cannot overwrite a directory with a file")) } else { entry.content = Some(text.chunks().collect()); entry.metadata.mtime = SystemTime::now(); state.emit_event(&[path]).await; Ok(()) } } else { let inode = state.next_inode; state.next_inode += 1; let entry = FakeFsEntry { metadata: Metadata { inode, mtime: SystemTime::now(), is_dir: false, is_symlink: false, }, content: Some(text.chunks().collect()), }; state.entries.insert(path.to_path_buf(), entry); state.emit_event(&[path]).await; Ok(()) } } async fn canonicalize(&self, path: &Path) -> Result { self.simulate_random_delay().await; Ok(normalize_path(path)) } async fn is_file(&self, path: &Path) -> bool { let path = normalize_path(path); self.simulate_random_delay().await; let state = self.state.lock().await; state .entries .get(&path) .map_or(false, |entry| !entry.metadata.is_dir) } async fn metadata(&self, path: &Path) -> Result> { self.simulate_random_delay().await; let state = self.state.lock().await; let path = normalize_path(path); Ok(state.entries.get(&path).map(|entry| entry.metadata.clone())) } async fn read_dir( &self, abs_path: &Path, ) -> Result>>>> { use futures::{future, stream}; self.simulate_random_delay().await; let state = self.state.lock().await; let abs_path = normalize_path(abs_path); Ok(Box::pin(stream::iter(state.entries.clone()).filter_map( move |(child_path, _)| { future::ready(if child_path.parent() == Some(&abs_path) { Some(Ok(child_path)) } else { None }) }, ))) } async fn watch( &self, path: &Path, _: Duration, ) -> Pin>>> { let mut state = self.state.lock().await; self.simulate_random_delay().await; let (tx, rx) = smol::channel::unbounded(); state.event_txs.push(tx); let path = path.to_path_buf(); let executor = self.executor.clone(); Box::pin(futures::StreamExt::filter(rx, move |events| { let result = events.iter().any(|event| event.path.starts_with(&path)); let executor = executor.clone(); async move { if let Some(executor) = executor.clone().upgrade() { executor.simulate_random_delay().await; } result } })) } fn is_fake(&self) -> bool { true } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] fn as_fake(&self) -> &FakeFs { self } } pub fn normalize_path(path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let mut components = path.components().peekable(); let mut ret = if let Some(c @ Component::Prefix(..)) = components.peek().cloned() {; PathBuf::from(c.as_os_str()) } else { PathBuf::new() }; for component in components { match component { Component::Prefix(..) => unreachable!(), Component::RootDir => { ret.push(component.as_os_str()); } Component::CurDir => {} Component::ParentDir => { ret.pop(); } Component::Normal(c) => { ret.push(c); } } } ret }