{ // The name of the Zed theme to use for the UI "theme": "One Dark", // The name of a base set of key bindings to use. // This setting can take four values, each named after another // text editor: // // 1. "VSCode" // 2. "JetBrains" // 3. "SublimeText" // 4. "Atom" "base_keymap": "VSCode", // Features that can be globally enabled or disabled "features": { // Which inline completion provider to use. "inline_completion_provider": "copilot" }, // The name of a font to use for rendering text in the editor "buffer_font_family": "Zed Mono", // The OpenType features to enable for text in the editor. "buffer_font_features": { // Disable ligatures: // "calt": false }, // The default font size for text in the editor "buffer_font_size": 15, // Set the buffer's line height. // May take 3 values: // 1. Use a line height that's comfortable for reading (1.618) // "line_height": "comfortable" // 2. Use a standard line height, (1.3) // "line_height": "standard", // 3. Use a custom line height // "line_height": { // "custom": 2 // }, "buffer_line_height": "comfortable", // The name of a font to use for rendering text in the UI "ui_font_family": ".SystemUIFont", // The OpenType features to enable for text in the UI "ui_font_features": { // Disable ligatures: "calt": false }, // The default font size for text in the UI "ui_font_size": 16, // The factor to grow the active pane by. Defaults to 1.0 // which gives the same size as all other panes. "active_pane_magnification": 1.0, // Centered layout related settings. "centered_layout": { // The relative width of the left padding of the central pane from the // workspace when the centered layout is used. "left_padding": 0.2, // The relative width of the right padding of the central pane from the // workspace when the centered layout is used. "right_padding": 0.2 }, // The key to use for adding multiple cursors // Currently "alt" or "cmd_or_ctrl" (also aliased as // "cmd" and "ctrl") are supported. "multi_cursor_modifier": "alt", // Whether to enable vim modes and key bindings. "vim_mode": false, // Whether to show the informational hover box when moving the mouse // over symbols in the editor. "hover_popover_enabled": true, // Whether to confirm before quitting Zed. "confirm_quit": false, // Whether to restore last closed project when fresh Zed instance is opened. "restore_on_startup": "last_workspace", // Size of the drop target in the editor. "drop_target_size": 0.2, // Whether the cursor blinks in the editor. "cursor_blink": true, // Whether to pop the completions menu while typing in an editor without // explicitly requesting it. "show_completions_on_input": true, // Whether to display inline and alongside documentation for items in the // completions menu "show_completion_documentation": true, // The debounce delay before re-querying the language server for completion // documentation when not included in original completion list. "completion_documentation_secondary_query_debounce": 300, // Whether to show wrap guides in the editor. Setting this to true will // show a guide at the 'preferred_line_length' value if 'soft_wrap' is set to // 'preferred_line_length', and will show any additional guides as specified // by the 'wrap_guides' setting. "show_wrap_guides": true, // Character counts at which to show wrap guides in the editor. "wrap_guides": [], // Hide the values of in variables from visual display in private files "redact_private_values": false, // Globs to match against file paths to determine if a file is private. "private_files": [ "**/.env*", "**/*.pem", "**/*.key", "**/*.cert", "**/*.crt", "**/secrets.yml" ], // Whether to use additional LSP queries to format (and amend) the code after // every "trigger" symbol input, defined by LSP server capabilities. "use_on_type_format": true, // Whether to automatically add matching closing characters when typing // opening parenthesis, bracket, brace, single or double quote characters. // For example, when you type (, Zed will add a closing ) at the correct position. "use_autoclose": true, // Controls how the editor handles the autoclosed characters. // When set to `false`(default), skipping over and auto-removing of the closing characters // happen only for auto-inserted characters. // Otherwise(when `true`), the closing characters are always skipped over and auto-removed // no matter how they were inserted. "always_treat_brackets_as_autoclosed": false, // Controls whether copilot provides suggestion immediately // or waits for a `copilot::Toggle` "show_copilot_suggestions": true, // Whether to show tabs and spaces in the editor. // This setting can take three values: // // 1. Draw tabs and spaces only for the selected text (default): // "selection" // 2. Do not draw any tabs or spaces: // "none" // 3. Draw all invisible symbols: // "all" "show_whitespaces": "selection", // Settings related to calls in Zed "calls": { // Join calls with the microphone live by default "mute_on_join": false, // Share your project when you are the first to join a channel "share_on_join": true }, // Toolbar related settings "toolbar": { // Whether to show breadcrumbs. "breadcrumbs": true, // Whether to show quick action buttons. "quick_actions": true }, // Scrollbar related settings "scrollbar": { // When to show the scrollbar in the editor. // This setting can take four values: // // 1. Show the scrollbar if there's important information or // follow the system's configured behavior (default): // "auto" // 2. Match the system's configured behavior: // "system" // 3. Always show the scrollbar: // "always" // 4. Never show the scrollbar: // "never" "show": "auto", // Whether to show cursor positions in the scrollbar. "cursors": true, // Whether to show git diff indicators in the scrollbar. "git_diff": true, // Whether to show buffer search results in the scrollbar. "search_results": true, // Whether to show selected symbol occurrences in the scrollbar. "selected_symbol": true, // Whether to show diagnostic indicators in the scrollbar. "diagnostics": true }, // What to do when multibuffer is double clicked in some of its excerpts // (parts of singleton buffers). // May take 2 values: // 1. Behave as a regular buffer and select the whole word (default). // "double_click_in_multibuffer": "select" // 2. Open the excerpt clicked as a new buffer in the new tab. // "double_click_in_multibuffer": "open", // For the case of "open", regular selection behavior can be achieved by holding `alt` when double clicking. "double_click_in_multibuffer": "select", "gutter": { // Whether to show line numbers in the gutter. "line_numbers": true, // Whether to show code action buttons in the gutter. "code_actions": true, // Whether to show fold buttons in the gutter. "folds": true }, // The number of lines to keep above/below the cursor when scrolling. "vertical_scroll_margin": 3, // Scroll sensitivity multiplier. This multiplier is applied // to both the horizontal and vertical delta values while scrolling. "scroll_sensitivity": 1.0, "relative_line_numbers": false, // When to populate a new search's query based on the text under the cursor. // This setting can take the following three values: // // 1. Always populate the search query with the word under the cursor (default). // "always" // 2. Only populate the search query when there is text selected // "selection" // 3. Never populate the search query // "never" "seed_search_query_from_cursor": "always", // Inlay hint related settings "inlay_hints": { // Global switch to toggle hints on and off, switched off by default. "enabled": false, // Toggle certain types of hints on and off, all switched on by default. "show_type_hints": true, "show_parameter_hints": true, // Corresponds to null/None LSP hint type value. "show_other_hints": true, // Time to wait after editing the buffer, before requesting the hints, // set to 0 to disable debouncing. "edit_debounce_ms": 700, // Time to wait after scrolling the buffer, before requesting the hints, // set to 0 to disable debouncing. "scroll_debounce_ms": 50 }, "project_panel": { // Whether to show the project panel button in the status bar "button": true, // Default width of the project panel. "default_width": 240, // Where to dock the project panel. Can be 'left' or 'right'. "dock": "left", // Whether to show file icons in the project panel. "file_icons": true, // Whether to show folder icons or chevrons for directories in the project panel. "folder_icons": true, // Whether to show the git status in the project panel. "git_status": true, // Amount of indentation for nested items. "indent_size": 20, // Whether to reveal it in the project panel automatically, // when a corresponding project entry becomes active. // Gitignored entries are never auto revealed. "auto_reveal_entries": true, /// Whether to fold directories automatically /// when a directory has only one directory inside. "auto_fold_dirs": false }, "collaboration_panel": { // Whether to show the collaboration panel button in the status bar. "button": true, // Where to dock the collaboration panel. Can be 'left' or 'right'. "dock": "left", // Default width of the collaboration panel. "default_width": 240 }, "chat_panel": { // Whether to show the chat panel button in the status bar. "button": true, // Where to the chat panel. Can be 'left' or 'right'. "dock": "right", // Default width of the chat panel. "default_width": 240 }, "message_editor": { // Whether to automatically replace emoji shortcodes with emoji characters. // For example: typing `:wave:` gets replaced with `👋`. "auto_replace_emoji_shortcode": true }, "notification_panel": { // Whether to show the notification panel button in the status bar. "button": true, // Where to dock the notification panel. Can be 'left' or 'right'. "dock": "right", // Default width of the notification panel. "default_width": 380 }, "assistant": { // Version of this setting. "version": "1", // Whether the assistant is enabled. "enabled": true, // Whether to show the assistant panel button in the status bar. "button": true, // Where to dock the assistant panel. Can be 'left', 'right' or 'bottom'. "dock": "right", // Default width when the assistant is docked to the left or right. "default_width": 640, // Default height when the assistant is docked to the bottom. "default_height": 320, // AI provider. "provider": { "name": "openai", // The default model to use when starting new conversations. This // setting can take three values: // // 1. "gpt-3.5-turbo" // 2. "gpt-4" // 3. "gpt-4-turbo-preview" "default_model": "gpt-4-turbo-preview" } }, // Whether the screen sharing icon is shown in the os status bar. "show_call_status_icon": true, // Whether to use language servers to provide code intelligence. "enable_language_server": true, // The list of language servers to use (or disable) for all languages. // // This is typically customized on a per-language basis. "language_servers": [ "..." ], // When to automatically save edited buffers. This setting can // take four values. // // 1. Never automatically save: // "autosave": "off", // 2. Save when changing focus away from the Zed window: // "autosave": "on_window_change", // 3. Save when changing focus away from a specific buffer: // "autosave": "on_focus_change", // 4. Save when idle for a certain amount of time: // "autosave": { "after_delay": {"milliseconds": 500} }, "autosave": "off", // Settings related to the editor's tab bar. "tab_bar": { // Whether or not to show the navigation history buttons. "show_nav_history_buttons": true }, // Settings related to the editor's tabs "tabs": { // Show git status colors in the editor tabs. "git_status": false, // Position of the close button on the editor tabs. "close_position": "right" }, // Settings related to preview tabs. "preview_tabs": { // Whether preview tabs should be enabled. // Preview tabs allow you to open files in preview mode, where they close automatically // when you switch to another file unless you explicitly pin them. // This is useful for quickly viewing files without cluttering your workspace. "enabled": true, // Whether to open tabs in preview mode when selected from the file finder. "enable_preview_from_file_finder": false, // Whether a preview tab gets replaced when code navigation is used to navigate away from the tab. "enable_preview_from_code_navigation": false }, // Whether or not to remove any trailing whitespace from lines of a buffer // before saving it. "remove_trailing_whitespace_on_save": true, // Whether to start a new line with a comment when a previous line is a comment as well. "extend_comment_on_newline": true, // Whether or not to ensure there's a single newline at the end of a buffer // when saving it. "ensure_final_newline_on_save": true, // Whether or not to perform a buffer format before saving "format_on_save": "on", // How to perform a buffer format. This setting can take 4 values: // // 1. Format code using the current language server: // "formatter": "language_server" // 2. Format code using an external command: // "formatter": { // "external": { // "command": "prettier", // "arguments": ["--stdin-filepath", "{buffer_path}"] // } // } // 3. Format code using Zed's Prettier integration: // "formatter": "prettier" // 4. Default. Format files using Zed's Prettier integration (if applicable), // or falling back to formatting via language server: // "formatter": "auto" "formatter": "auto", // How to soft-wrap long lines of text. This setting can take // three values: // // 1. Do not soft wrap. // "soft_wrap": "none", // 2. Prefer a single line generally, unless an overly long line is encountered. // "soft_wrap": "prefer_line", // 3. Soft wrap lines that overflow the editor: // "soft_wrap": "editor_width", // 4. Soft wrap lines at the preferred line length // "soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length", "soft_wrap": "prefer_line", // The column at which to soft-wrap lines, for buffers where soft-wrap // is enabled. "preferred_line_length": 80, // Whether to indent lines using tab characters, as opposed to multiple // spaces. "hard_tabs": false, // How many columns a tab should occupy. "tab_size": 4, // Control what info is collected by Zed. "telemetry": { // Send debug info like crash reports. "diagnostics": true, // Send anonymized usage data like what languages you're using Zed with. "metrics": true }, // Automatically update Zed "auto_update": true, // Diagnostics configuration. "diagnostics": { // Whether to show warnings or not by default. "include_warnings": true }, // Add files or globs of files that will be excluded by Zed entirely: // they will be skipped during FS scan(s), file tree and file search // will lack the corresponding file entries. "file_scan_exclusions": [ "**/.git", "**/.svn", "**/.hg", "**/CVS", "**/.DS_Store", "**/Thumbs.db", "**/.classpath", "**/.settings" ], // Git gutter behavior configuration. "git": { // Control whether the git gutter is shown. May take 2 values: // 1. Show the gutter // "git_gutter": "tracked_files" // 2. Hide the gutter // "git_gutter": "hide" "git_gutter": "tracked_files", // Control whether the git blame information is shown inline, // in the currently focused line. "inline_blame": { "enabled": true // Sets a delay after which the inline blame information is shown. // Delay is restarted with every cursor movement. // "delay_ms": 600 } }, "copilot": { // The set of glob patterns for which copilot should be disabled // in any matching file. "disabled_globs": [ ".env" ] }, // Settings specific to journaling "journal": { // The path of the directory where journal entries are stored "path": "~", // What format to display the hours in // May take 2 values: // 1. hour12 // 2. hour24 "hour_format": "hour12" }, // Settings specific to the terminal "terminal": { // What shell to use when opening a terminal. May take 3 values: // 1. Use the system's default terminal configuration in /etc/passwd // "shell": "system" // 2. A program: // "shell": { // "program": "sh" // } // 3. A program with arguments: // "shell": { // "with_arguments": { // "program": "/bin/bash", // "arguments": ["--login"] // } // } "shell": "system", // Where to dock terminals panel. Can be 'left', 'right', 'bottom'. "dock": "bottom", // Default width when the terminal is docked to the left or right. "default_width": 640, // Default height when the terminal is docked to the bottom. "default_height": 320, // What working directory to use when launching the terminal. // May take 4 values: // 1. Use the current file's project directory. Will Fallback to the // first project directory strategy if unsuccessful // "working_directory": "current_project_directory" // 2. Use the first project in this workspace's directory // "working_directory": "first_project_directory" // 3. Always use this platform's home directory (if we can find it) // "working_directory": "always_home" // 4. Always use a specific directory. This value will be shell expanded. // If this path is not a valid directory the terminal will default to // this platform's home directory (if we can find it) // "working_directory": { // "always": { // "directory": "~/zed/projects/" // } // } "working_directory": "current_project_directory", // Set the cursor blinking behavior in the terminal. // May take 3 values: // 1. Never blink the cursor, ignoring the terminal mode // "blinking": "off", // 2. Default the cursor blink to off, but allow the terminal to // set blinking // "blinking": "terminal_controlled", // 3. Always blink the cursor, ignoring the terminal mode // "blinking": "on", "blinking": "terminal_controlled", // Set whether Alternate Scroll mode (code: ?1007) is active by default. // Alternate Scroll mode converts mouse scroll events into up / down key // presses when in the alternate screen (e.g. when running applications // like vim or less). The terminal can still set and unset this mode. // May take 2 values: // 1. Default alternate scroll mode to on // "alternate_scroll": "on", // 2. Default alternate scroll mode to off // "alternate_scroll": "off", "alternate_scroll": "off", // Set whether the option key behaves as the meta key. // May take 2 values: // 1. Rely on default platform handling of option key, on macOS // this means generating certain unicode characters // "option_to_meta": false, // 2. Make the option keys behave as a 'meta' key, e.g. for emacs // "option_to_meta": true, "option_as_meta": false, // Whether or not selecting text in the terminal will automatically // copy to the system clipboard. "copy_on_select": false, // Whether to show the terminal button in the status bar "button": true, // Any key-value pairs added to this list will be added to the terminal's // environment. Use `:` to separate multiple values. "env": { // "KEY": "value1:value2" }, // Set the terminal's line height. // May take 3 values: // 1. Use a line height that's comfortable for reading, 1.618 // "line_height": "comfortable" // 2. Use a standard line height, 1.3. This option is useful for TUIs, // particularly if they use box characters // "line_height": "standard", // 3. Use a custom line height. // "line_height": { // "custom": 2 // }, "line_height": "comfortable", // Activate the python virtual environment, if one is found, in the // terminal's working directory (as resolved by the working_directory // setting). Set this to "off" to disable this behavior. "detect_venv": { "on": { // Default directories to search for virtual environments, relative // to the current working directory. We recommend overriding this // in your project's settings, rather than globally. "directories": [ ".env", "env", ".venv", "venv" ], // Can also be 'csh', 'fish', and `nushell` "activate_script": "default" } }, "toolbar": { // Whether to display the terminal title in its toolbar. "title": true } // Set the terminal's font size. If this option is not included, // the terminal will default to matching the buffer's font size. // "font_size": 15, // Set the terminal's font family. If this option is not included, // the terminal will default to matching the buffer's font family. // "font_family": "Zed Mono", // Sets the maximum number of lines in the terminal's scrollback buffer. // Default: 10_000, maximum: 100_000 (all bigger values set will be treated as 100_000), 0 disables the scrolling. // Existing terminals will not pick up this change until they are recreated. // "max_scroll_history_lines": 10000, }, "code_actions_on_format": {}, // An object whose keys are language names, and whose values // are arrays of filenames or extensions of files that should // use those languages. // // For example, to treat files like `foo.notjs` as JavaScript, // and 'Embargo.lock' as TOML: // // { // "JavaScript": ["notjs"], // "TOML": ["Embargo.lock"] // } // "file_types": {}, // The extensions that Zed should automatically install on startup. // // If you don't want any of these extensions, add this field to your settings // and change the value to `false`. "auto_install_extensions": { "html": true }, // Different settings for specific languages. "languages": { "C++": { "format_on_save": "off" }, "C": { "format_on_save": "off" }, "Elixir": { "language_servers": [ "elixir-ls", "!next-ls", "!lexical", "..." ] }, "Gleam": { "tab_size": 2 }, "Go": { "code_actions_on_format": { "source.organizeImports": true } }, "HEEX": { "language_servers": [ "elixir-ls", "!next-ls", "!lexical", "..." ] }, "Make": { "hard_tabs": true }, "Prisma": { "tab_size": 2 } }, // Zed's Prettier integration settings. // If Prettier is enabled, Zed will use this for its Prettier instance for any applicable file, if // project has no other Prettier installed. "prettier": { // Use regular Prettier json configuration: // "trailingComma": "es5", // "tabWidth": 4, // "semi": false, // "singleQuote": true }, // LSP Specific settings. "lsp": { // Specify the LSP name as a key here. // "rust-analyzer": { // // These initialization options are merged into Zed's defaults // "initialization_options": { // "check": { // "command": "clippy" // rust-analyzer.check.command (default: "check") // } // } // } }, // Vim settings "vim": { "use_system_clipboard": "always", "use_multiline_find": false, "use_smartcase_find": false }, // The server to connect to. If the environment variable // ZED_SERVER_URL is set, it will override this setting. "server_url": "https://zed.dev", // Settings overrides to use when using Zed Preview. // Mostly useful for developers who are managing multiple instances of Zed. "preview": { // "theme": "Andromeda" }, // Settings overrides to use when using Zed Nightly. // Mostly useful for developers who are managing multiple instances of Zed. "nightly": { // "theme": "Andromeda" }, // Settings overrides to use when using Zed Stable. // Mostly useful for developers who are managing multiple instances of Zed. "stable": { // "theme": "Andromeda" }, // Settings overrides to use when using Zed Dev. // Mostly useful for developers who are managing multiple instances of Zed. "dev": { // "theme": "Andromeda" }, // Task-related settings. "task": { // Whether to show task status indicator in the status bar. Default: true "show_status_indicator": true }, // Whether to show full labels in line indicator or short ones // // Values: // - `short`: "2 s, 15 l, 32 c" // - `long`: "2 selections, 15 lines, 32 characters" // Default: long "line_indicator_format": "long" }