use crate::{ elements::ElementBox, executor, keymap::{self, Keystroke}, platform::{self, Platform, PromptLevel, WindowOptions}, presenter::Presenter, util::{post_inc, timeout}, AssetCache, AssetSource, ClipboardItem, EventContext, FontCache, PathPromptOptions, TextLayoutCache, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use async_task::Task; use keymap::MatchResult; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock}; use pathfinder_geometry::{rect::RectF, vector::vec2f}; use platform::Event; use postage::{mpsc, sink::Sink as _, stream::Stream as _}; use smol::prelude::*; use std::{ any::{type_name, Any, TypeId}, cell::RefCell, collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}, fmt::{self, Debug}, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, marker::PhantomData, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, rc::{self, Rc}, sync::{Arc, Weak}, time::Duration, }; pub trait Entity: 'static + Send + Sync { type Event; fn release(&mut self, _: &mut MutableAppContext) {} } pub trait View: Entity { fn ui_name() -> &'static str; fn render<'a>(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> ElementBox; fn on_focus(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) {} fn on_blur(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) {} fn keymap_context(&self, _: &AppContext) -> keymap::Context { Self::default_keymap_context() } fn default_keymap_context() -> keymap::Context { let mut cx = keymap::Context::default(); cx.set.insert(Self::ui_name().into()); cx } } pub trait ReadModel { fn read_model(&self, handle: &ModelHandle) -> &T; } pub trait ReadModelWith { fn read_model_with T, T>( &self, handle: &ModelHandle, read: F, ) -> T; } pub trait UpdateModel { fn update_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, update: F) -> S where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext) -> S; } pub trait ReadView { fn read_view(&self, handle: &ViewHandle) -> &T; } pub trait ReadViewWith { fn read_view_with(&self, handle: &ViewHandle, read: F) -> T where V: View, F: FnOnce(&V, &AppContext) -> T; } pub trait UpdateView { fn update_view(&mut self, handle: &ViewHandle, update: F) -> S where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ViewContext) -> S; } pub struct Menu<'a> { pub name: &'a str, pub items: Vec>, } pub enum MenuItem<'a> { Action { name: &'a str, keystroke: Option<&'a str>, action: &'a str, arg: Option>, }, Separator, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct App(Rc>); #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AsyncAppContext(Rc>); pub struct BackgroundAppContext(*const RefCell); #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TestAppContext { cx: Rc>, foreground_platform: Rc, } impl App { pub fn test T>( foreground_platform: Rc, platform: Arc, font_cache: Arc, f: F, ) -> T { let foreground = Rc::new(executor::Foreground::test()); let cx = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MutableAppContext::new( foreground, Arc::new(executor::Background::new()), platform, foreground_platform, font_cache, (), ))); cx.borrow_mut().weak_self = Some(Rc::downgrade(&cx)); let mut cx = cx.borrow_mut(); f(&mut *cx) } pub fn new(asset_source: impl AssetSource) -> Result { let platform = platform::current::platform(); let foreground_platform = platform::current::foreground_platform(); let foreground = Rc::new(executor::Foreground::platform(platform.dispatcher())?); let app = Self(Rc::new(RefCell::new(MutableAppContext::new( foreground, Arc::new(executor::Background::new()), platform.clone(), foreground_platform.clone(), Arc::new(FontCache::new(platform.fonts())), asset_source, )))); let cx = app.0.clone(); foreground_platform.on_menu_command(Box::new(move |command, arg| { let mut cx = cx.borrow_mut(); if let Some(key_window_id) = { if let Some((presenter, _)) = cx.presenters_and_platform_windows.get(&key_window_id) { let presenter = presenter.clone(); let path = presenter.borrow().dispatch_path(cx.as_ref()); cx.dispatch_action_any(key_window_id, &path, command, arg.unwrap_or(&())); } else { cx.dispatch_global_action_any(command, arg.unwrap_or(&())); } } else { cx.dispatch_global_action_any(command, arg.unwrap_or(&())); } })); app.0.borrow_mut().weak_self = Some(Rc::downgrade(&app.0)); Ok(app) } pub fn on_become_active(self, mut callback: F) -> Self where F: 'static + FnMut(&mut MutableAppContext), { let cx = self.0.clone(); self.0 .borrow_mut() .foreground_platform .on_become_active(Box::new(move || callback(&mut *cx.borrow_mut()))); self } pub fn on_resign_active(self, mut callback: F) -> Self where F: 'static + FnMut(&mut MutableAppContext), { let cx = self.0.clone(); self.0 .borrow_mut() .foreground_platform .on_resign_active(Box::new(move || callback(&mut *cx.borrow_mut()))); self } pub fn on_event(self, mut callback: F) -> Self where F: 'static + FnMut(Event, &mut MutableAppContext) -> bool, { let cx = self.0.clone(); self.0 .borrow_mut() .foreground_platform .on_event(Box::new(move |event| { callback(event, &mut *cx.borrow_mut()) })); self } pub fn on_open_files(self, mut callback: F) -> Self where F: 'static + FnMut(Vec, &mut MutableAppContext), { let cx = self.0.clone(); self.0 .borrow_mut() .foreground_platform .on_open_files(Box::new(move |paths| { callback(paths, &mut *cx.borrow_mut()) })); self } pub fn run(self, on_finish_launching: F) where F: 'static + FnOnce(&mut MutableAppContext), { let platform = self.0.borrow().foreground_platform.clone(); || { let mut cx = self.0.borrow_mut(); on_finish_launching(&mut *cx); })) } pub fn font_cache(&self) -> Arc { self.0.borrow().cx.font_cache.clone() } fn update T>(&mut self, callback: F) -> T { let mut state = self.0.borrow_mut(); state.pending_flushes += 1; let result = callback(&mut *state); state.flush_effects(); result } } impl TestAppContext { pub fn new( foreground_platform: Rc, platform: Arc, foreground: Rc, background: Arc, font_cache: Arc, first_entity_id: usize, ) -> Self { let mut cx = MutableAppContext::new( foreground.clone(), background, platform, foreground_platform.clone(), font_cache, (), ); cx.next_entity_id = first_entity_id; let cx = TestAppContext { cx: Rc::new(RefCell::new(cx)), foreground_platform, }; = Some(Rc::downgrade(&; cx } pub fn dispatch_action( &self, window_id: usize, responder_chain: Vec, name: &str, arg: T, ) { window_id, &responder_chain, name, Box::new(arg).as_ref(), ); } pub fn dispatch_global_action(&self, name: &str, arg: T) {, arg); } pub fn dispatch_keystroke( &self, window_id: usize, responder_chain: Vec, keystroke: &Keystroke, ) -> Result { let mut state =; state.dispatch_keystroke(window_id, responder_chain, keystroke) } pub fn add_model(&mut self, build_model: F) -> ModelHandle where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut ModelContext) -> T, { let mut state =; state.pending_flushes += 1; let handle = state.add_model(build_model); state.flush_effects(); handle } pub fn add_window(&mut self, build_root_view: F) -> (usize, ViewHandle) where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> T, { } pub fn window_ids(&self) -> Vec { } pub fn root_view(&self, window_id: usize) -> Option> { } pub fn add_view(&mut self, window_id: usize, build_view: F) -> ViewHandle where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> T, { let mut state =; state.pending_flushes += 1; let handle = state.add_view(window_id, build_view); state.flush_effects(); handle } pub fn add_option_view( &mut self, window_id: usize, build_view: F, ) -> Option> where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> Option, { let mut state =; state.pending_flushes += 1; let handle = state.add_option_view(window_id, build_view); state.flush_effects(); handle } pub fn read T>(&self, callback: F) -> T { callback( } pub fn update T>(&mut self, callback: F) -> T { let mut state =; // Don't increment pending flushes in order to effects to be flushed before the callback // completes, which is helpful in tests. let result = callback(&mut *state); // Flush effects after the callback just in case there are any. This can happen in edge // cases such as the closure dropping handles. state.flush_effects(); result } pub fn to_async(&self) -> AsyncAppContext { AsyncAppContext( } pub fn font_cache(&self) -> Arc { } pub fn platform(&self) -> Arc { } pub fn foreground(&self) -> Rc { } pub fn background(&self) -> Arc { } pub fn simulate_new_path_selection(&self, result: impl FnOnce(PathBuf) -> Option) { self.foreground_platform.simulate_new_path_selection(result); } pub fn did_prompt_for_new_path(&self) -> bool { self.foreground_platform.as_ref().did_prompt_for_new_path() } pub fn simulate_prompt_answer(&self, window_id: usize, answer: usize) { let mut state =; let (_, window) = state .presenters_and_platform_windows .get_mut(&window_id) .unwrap(); let test_window = window .as_any_mut() .downcast_mut::() .unwrap(); let callback = test_window .last_prompt .take() .expect("prompt was not called"); (callback)(answer); } } impl AsyncAppContext { pub fn spawn(&self, f: F) -> Task where F: FnOnce(AsyncAppContext) -> Fut, Fut: 'static + Future, T: 'static, { self.0.borrow().foreground.spawn(f(self.clone())) } pub fn read T>(&mut self, callback: F) -> T { callback(self.0.borrow().as_ref()) } pub fn update T>(&mut self, callback: F) -> T { let mut state = self.0.borrow_mut(); state.pending_flushes += 1; let result = callback(&mut *state); state.flush_effects(); result } pub fn add_model(&mut self, build_model: F) -> ModelHandle where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut ModelContext) -> T, { self.update(|cx| cx.add_model(build_model)) } pub fn platform(&self) -> Arc { self.0.borrow().platform() } pub fn foreground(&self) -> Rc { self.0.borrow().foreground.clone() } pub fn background(&self) -> Arc { self.0.borrow().cx.background.clone() } } impl UpdateModel for AsyncAppContext { fn update_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, update: F) -> S where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext) -> S, { let mut state = self.0.borrow_mut(); state.pending_flushes += 1; let result = state.update_model(handle, update); state.flush_effects(); result } } impl ReadModelWith for AsyncAppContext { fn read_model_with T, T>( &self, handle: &ModelHandle, read: F, ) -> T { let cx = self.0.borrow(); let cx = cx.as_ref(); read(, cx) } } impl UpdateView for AsyncAppContext { fn update_view(&mut self, handle: &ViewHandle, update: F) -> S where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ViewContext) -> S, { let mut state = self.0.borrow_mut(); state.pending_flushes += 1; let result = state.update_view(handle, update); state.flush_effects(); result } } impl ReadViewWith for AsyncAppContext { fn read_view_with(&self, handle: &ViewHandle, read: F) -> T where V: View, F: FnOnce(&V, &AppContext) -> T, { let cx = self.0.borrow(); let cx = cx.as_ref(); read(, cx) } } impl UpdateModel for TestAppContext { fn update_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, update: F) -> S where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext) -> S, { let mut state =; state.pending_flushes += 1; let result = state.update_model(handle, update); state.flush_effects(); result } } impl ReadModelWith for TestAppContext { fn read_model_with T, T>( &self, handle: &ModelHandle, read: F, ) -> T { let cx =; let cx = cx.as_ref(); read(, cx) } } impl UpdateView for TestAppContext { fn update_view(&mut self, handle: &ViewHandle, update: F) -> S where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ViewContext) -> S, { let mut state =; state.pending_flushes += 1; let result = state.update_view(handle, update); state.flush_effects(); result } } impl ReadViewWith for TestAppContext { fn read_view_with(&self, handle: &ViewHandle, read: F) -> T where V: View, F: FnOnce(&V, &AppContext) -> T, { let cx =; let cx = cx.as_ref(); read(, cx) } } type ActionCallback = dyn FnMut(&mut dyn AnyView, &dyn Any, &mut MutableAppContext, usize, usize) -> bool; type GlobalActionCallback = dyn FnMut(&dyn Any, &mut MutableAppContext); pub struct MutableAppContext { weak_self: Option>>, foreground_platform: Rc, assets: Arc, cx: AppContext, actions: HashMap>>>, global_actions: HashMap>>, keystroke_matcher: keymap::Matcher, next_entity_id: usize, next_window_id: usize, subscriptions: HashMap>, model_observations: HashMap>, view_observations: HashMap>, presenters_and_platform_windows: HashMap>, Box)>, debug_elements_callbacks: HashMap crate::json::Value>>, foreground: Rc, pending_effects: VecDeque, pending_flushes: usize, flushing_effects: bool, } impl MutableAppContext { fn new( foreground: Rc, background: Arc, platform: Arc, foreground_platform: Rc, font_cache: Arc, asset_source: impl AssetSource, ) -> Self { Self { weak_self: None, foreground_platform, assets: Arc::new(AssetCache::new(asset_source)), cx: AppContext { models: Default::default(), views: Default::default(), windows: Default::default(), values: Default::default(), ref_counts: Arc::new(Mutex::new(RefCounts::default())), background, font_cache, platform, }, actions: HashMap::new(), global_actions: HashMap::new(), keystroke_matcher: keymap::Matcher::default(), next_entity_id: 0, next_window_id: 0, subscriptions: HashMap::new(), model_observations: HashMap::new(), view_observations: HashMap::new(), presenters_and_platform_windows: HashMap::new(), debug_elements_callbacks: HashMap::new(), foreground, pending_effects: VecDeque::new(), pending_flushes: 0, flushing_effects: false, } } pub fn upgrade(&self) -> App { App(self.weak_self.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap()) } pub fn platform(&self) -> Arc { } pub fn font_cache(&self) -> &Arc { & } pub fn foreground(&self) -> &Rc { &self.foreground } pub fn background(&self) -> &Arc { & } pub fn on_debug_elements(&mut self, window_id: usize, callback: F) where F: 'static + Fn(&AppContext) -> crate::json::Value, { self.debug_elements_callbacks .insert(window_id, Box::new(callback)); } pub fn debug_elements(&self, window_id: usize) -> Option { self.debug_elements_callbacks .get(&window_id) .map(|debug_elements| debug_elements(& } pub fn add_action(&mut self, name: S, mut handler: F) where S: Into, V: View, T: Any, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut V, &T, &mut ViewContext), { let name = name.into(); let name_clone = name.clone(); let handler = Box::new( move |view: &mut dyn AnyView, arg: &dyn Any, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, window_id: usize, view_id: usize| { match arg.downcast_ref() { Some(arg) => { let mut cx = ViewContext::new(cx, window_id, view_id); handler( view.as_any_mut() .downcast_mut() .expect("downcast is type safe"), arg, &mut cx, ); cx.halt_action_dispatch } None => { log::error!("Could not downcast argument for action {}", name_clone); false } } }, ); self.actions .entry(TypeId::of::()) .or_default() .entry(name) .or_default() .push(handler); } pub fn add_global_action(&mut self, name: S, mut handler: F) where S: Into, T: 'static + Any, F: 'static + FnMut(&T, &mut MutableAppContext), { let name = name.into(); let name_clone = name.clone(); let handler = Box::new(move |arg: &dyn Any, cx: &mut MutableAppContext| { if let Some(arg) = arg.downcast_ref() { handler(arg, cx); } else { log::error!("Could not downcast argument for global action {}", name_clone); } }); self.global_actions.entry(name).or_default().push(handler); } pub fn window_ids(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { } pub fn root_view(&self, window_id: usize) -> Option> { .windows .get(&window_id) .and_then(|window| window.root_view.clone().downcast::()) } pub fn root_view_id(&self, window_id: usize) -> Option { } pub fn focused_view_id(&self, window_id: usize) -> Option { } pub fn render_view(&self, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) -> Result {, view_id) } pub fn render_views(&self, window_id: usize) -> HashMap { } pub fn update T>(&mut self, callback: F) -> T { self.pending_flushes += 1; let result = callback(); self.flush_effects(); result } pub fn set_menus(&mut self, menus: Vec) { self.foreground_platform.set_menus(menus); } fn prompt( &self, window_id: usize, level: PromptLevel, msg: &str, answers: &[&str], done_fn: F, ) where F: 'static + FnOnce(usize, &mut MutableAppContext), { let app = self.weak_self.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap(); let foreground = self.foreground.clone(); let (_, window) = &self.presenters_and_platform_windows[&window_id]; window.prompt( level, msg, answers, Box::new(move |answer| { foreground .spawn(async move { (done_fn)(answer, &mut *app.borrow_mut()) }) .detach(); }), ); } pub fn prompt_for_paths(&self, options: PathPromptOptions, done_fn: F) where F: 'static + FnOnce(Option>, &mut MutableAppContext), { let app = self.weak_self.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap(); let foreground = self.foreground.clone(); self.foreground_platform.prompt_for_paths( options, Box::new(move |paths| { foreground .spawn(async move { (done_fn)(paths, &mut *app.borrow_mut()) }) .detach(); }), ); } pub fn prompt_for_new_path(&self, directory: &Path, done_fn: F) where F: 'static + FnOnce(Option, &mut MutableAppContext), { let app = self.weak_self.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap(); let foreground = self.foreground.clone(); self.foreground_platform.prompt_for_new_path( directory, Box::new(move |path| { foreground .spawn(async move { (done_fn)(path, &mut *app.borrow_mut()) }) .detach(); }), ); } pub(crate) fn notify_view(&mut self, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) { self.pending_effects .push_back(Effect::ViewNotification { window_id, view_id }); } pub fn dispatch_action( &mut self, window_id: usize, responder_chain: Vec, name: &str, arg: T, ) { self.dispatch_action_any(window_id, &responder_chain, name, Box::new(arg).as_ref()); } pub(crate) fn dispatch_action_any( &mut self, window_id: usize, path: &[usize], name: &str, arg: &dyn Any, ) -> bool { self.pending_flushes += 1; let mut halted_dispatch = false; for view_id in path.iter().rev() { if let Some(mut view) =, *view_id)) { let type_id = view.as_any().type_id(); if let Some((name, mut handlers)) = self .actions .get_mut(&type_id) .and_then(|h| h.remove_entry(name)) { for handler in handlers.iter_mut().rev() { let halt_dispatch = handler(view.as_mut(), arg, self, window_id, *view_id); if halt_dispatch { halted_dispatch = true; break; } } self.actions .get_mut(&type_id) .unwrap() .insert(name, handlers); }, *view_id), view); if halted_dispatch { break; } } } if !halted_dispatch { self.dispatch_global_action_any(name, arg); } self.flush_effects(); halted_dispatch } pub fn dispatch_global_action(&mut self, name: &str, arg: T) { self.dispatch_global_action_any(name, Box::new(arg).as_ref()); } fn dispatch_global_action_any(&mut self, name: &str, arg: &dyn Any) { if let Some((name, mut handlers)) = self.global_actions.remove_entry(name) { self.pending_flushes += 1; for handler in handlers.iter_mut().rev() { handler(arg, self); } self.global_actions.insert(name, handlers); self.flush_effects(); } } pub fn add_bindings>(&mut self, bindings: T) { self.keystroke_matcher.add_bindings(bindings); } pub fn dispatch_keystroke( &mut self, window_id: usize, responder_chain: Vec, keystroke: &Keystroke, ) -> Result { let mut context_chain = Vec::new(); let mut context = keymap::Context::default(); for view_id in &responder_chain { if let Some(view) =, *view_id)) { context.extend(view.keymap_context(self.as_ref())); context_chain.push(context.clone()); } else { return Err(anyhow!( "View {} in responder chain does not exist", view_id )); } } let mut pending = false; for (i, cx) in context_chain.iter().enumerate().rev() { match self .keystroke_matcher .push_keystroke(keystroke.clone(), responder_chain[i], cx) { MatchResult::None => {} MatchResult::Pending => pending = true, MatchResult::Action { name, arg } => { if self.dispatch_action_any( window_id, &responder_chain[0..=i], &name, arg.as_ref().map(|arg| arg.as_ref()).unwrap_or(&()), ) { return Ok(true); } } } } Ok(pending) } pub fn add_model(&mut self, build_model: F) -> ModelHandle where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut ModelContext) -> T, { self.pending_flushes += 1; let model_id = post_inc(&mut self.next_entity_id); let handle = ModelHandle::new(model_id, &; let mut cx = ModelContext::new(self, model_id); let model = build_model(&mut cx);, Box::new(model)); self.flush_effects(); handle } pub fn add_window(&mut self, build_root_view: F) -> (usize, ViewHandle) where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> T, { self.pending_flushes += 1; let window_id = post_inc(&mut self.next_window_id); let root_view = self.add_view(window_id, build_root_view); window_id, Window { root_view: root_view.clone().into(), focused_view_id:, invalidation: None, }, ); self.open_platform_window(window_id); root_view.update(self, |view, cx| { view.on_focus(cx); cx.notify(); }); self.flush_effects(); (window_id, root_view) } pub fn remove_window(&mut self, window_id: usize) {; self.presenters_and_platform_windows.remove(&window_id); self.remove_dropped_entities(); } fn open_platform_window(&mut self, window_id: usize) { let mut window = window_id, WindowOptions { bounds: RectF::new(vec2f(0., 0.), vec2f(1024., 768.)), title: "Zed".into(), }, self.foreground.clone(), ); let text_layout_cache = TextLayoutCache::new(; let presenter = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Presenter::new( window_id,, text_layout_cache, self.assets.clone(), self, ))); { let mut app = self.upgrade(); let presenter = presenter.clone(); window.on_event(Box::new(move |event| { app.update(|cx| { if let Event::KeyDown { keystroke, .. } = &event { if cx .dispatch_keystroke( window_id, presenter.borrow().dispatch_path(cx.as_ref()), keystroke, ) .unwrap() { return; } } presenter.borrow_mut().dispatch_event(event, cx); }) })); } { let mut app = self.upgrade(); let presenter = presenter.clone(); window.on_resize(Box::new(move |window| { app.update(|cx| { let scene = presenter.borrow_mut().build_scene( window.size(), window.scale_factor(), cx, ); window.present_scene(scene); }) })); } { let mut app = self.upgrade(); window.on_close(Box::new(move || { app.update(|cx| cx.remove_window(window_id)); })); } self.presenters_and_platform_windows .insert(window_id, (presenter.clone(), window)); self.on_debug_elements(window_id, move |cx| { presenter.borrow().debug_elements(cx).unwrap() }); } pub fn add_view(&mut self, window_id: usize, build_view: F) -> ViewHandle where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> T, { self.add_option_view(window_id, |cx| Some(build_view(cx))) .unwrap() } pub fn add_option_view( &mut self, window_id: usize, build_view: F, ) -> Option> where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> Option, { let view_id = post_inc(&mut self.next_entity_id); self.pending_flushes += 1; let handle = ViewHandle::new(window_id, view_id, &; let mut cx = ViewContext::new(self, window_id, view_id); let handle = if let Some(view) = build_view(&mut cx) {, view_id), Box::new(view)); if let Some(window) = { window .invalidation .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .updated .insert(view_id); } Some(handle) } else { None }; self.flush_effects(); handle } fn remove_dropped_entities(&mut self) { loop { let (dropped_models, dropped_views, dropped_values) =; if dropped_models.is_empty() && dropped_views.is_empty() && dropped_values.is_empty() { break; } for model_id in dropped_models { self.subscriptions.remove(&model_id); self.model_observations.remove(&model_id); let mut model =; model.release(self); } for (window_id, view_id) in dropped_views { self.subscriptions.remove(&view_id); self.model_observations.remove(&view_id); let mut view =, view_id)).unwrap(); view.release(self); let change_focus_to =|window| { window .invalidation .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .removed .push(view_id); if window.focused_view_id == view_id { Some( } else { None } }); if let Some(view_id) = change_focus_to { self.focus(window_id, view_id); } } let mut values =; for key in dropped_values { values.remove(&key); } } } fn flush_effects(&mut self) { self.pending_flushes = self.pending_flushes.saturating_sub(1); if !self.flushing_effects && self.pending_flushes == 0 { self.flushing_effects = true; loop { if let Some(effect) = self.pending_effects.pop_front() { match effect { Effect::Event { entity_id, payload } => self.emit_event(entity_id, payload), Effect::ModelNotification { model_id } => { self.notify_model_observers(model_id) } Effect::ViewNotification { window_id, view_id } => { self.notify_view_observers(window_id, view_id) } Effect::Focus { window_id, view_id } => { self.focus(window_id, view_id); } } self.remove_dropped_entities(); } else { self.remove_dropped_entities(); self.update_windows(); if self.pending_effects.is_empty() { self.flushing_effects = false; break; } } } } } fn update_windows(&mut self) { let mut invalidations = HashMap::new(); for (window_id, window) in &mut { if let Some(invalidation) = window.invalidation.take() { invalidations.insert(*window_id, invalidation); } } for (window_id, invalidation) in invalidations { if let Some((presenter, mut window)) = self.presenters_and_platform_windows.remove(&window_id) { { let mut presenter = presenter.borrow_mut(); presenter.invalidate(invalidation, self.as_ref()); let scene = presenter.build_scene(window.size(), window.scale_factor(), self); window.present_scene(scene); } self.presenters_and_platform_windows .insert(window_id, (presenter, window)); } } } fn emit_event(&mut self, entity_id: usize, payload: Box) { if let Some(subscriptions) = self.subscriptions.remove(&entity_id) { for mut subscription in subscriptions { let alive = match &mut subscription { Subscription::FromModel { model_id, callback } => { if let Some(mut model) = { callback(model.as_any_mut(), payload.as_ref(), self, *model_id);*model_id, model); true } else { false } } Subscription::FromView { window_id, view_id, callback, } => { if let Some(mut view) =*window_id, *view_id)) { callback( view.as_any_mut(), payload.as_ref(), self, *window_id, *view_id, );*window_id, *view_id), view); true } else { false } } }; if alive { self.subscriptions .entry(entity_id) .or_default() .push(subscription); } } } } fn notify_model_observers(&mut self, observed_id: usize) { if let Some(observations) = self.model_observations.remove(&observed_id) { if { for mut observation in observations { let alive = match &mut observation { ModelObservation::FromModel { model_id, callback } => { if let Some(mut model) = { callback(model.as_any_mut(), observed_id, self, *model_id);*model_id, model); true } else { false } } ModelObservation::FromView { window_id, view_id, callback, } => { if let Some(mut view) =*window_id, *view_id)) { callback( view.as_any_mut(), observed_id, self, *window_id, *view_id, );*window_id, *view_id), view); true } else { false } } }; if alive { self.model_observations .entry(observed_id) .or_default() .push(observation); } } } } } fn notify_view_observers(&mut self, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) { if let Some(window) = { window .invalidation .get_or_insert_with(Default::default) .updated .insert(view_id); } if let Some(observations) = self.view_observations.remove(&view_id) { if, view_id)) { for mut observation in observations { let alive = if let Some(mut view) = self .cx .views .remove(&(observation.window_id, observation.view_id)) { (observation.callback)( view.as_any_mut(), view_id, window_id, self, observation.window_id, observation.view_id, ); .views .insert((observation.window_id, observation.view_id), view); true } else { false }; if alive { self.view_observations .entry(view_id) .or_default() .push(observation); } } } } } fn focus(&mut self, window_id: usize, focused_id: usize) { if self .cx .windows .get(&window_id) .map(|w| w.focused_view_id) .map_or(false, |cur_focused| cur_focused == focused_id) { return; } self.pending_flushes += 1; let blurred_id =|window| { let blurred_id = window.focused_view_id; window.focused_view_id = focused_id; blurred_id }); if let Some(blurred_id) = blurred_id { if let Some(mut blurred_view) =, blurred_id)) { blurred_view.on_blur(self, window_id, blurred_id);, blurred_id), blurred_view); } } if let Some(mut focused_view) =, focused_id)) { focused_view.on_focus(self, window_id, focused_id);, focused_id), focused_view); } self.flush_effects(); } pub fn spawn(&self, f: F) -> Task where F: FnOnce(AsyncAppContext) -> Fut, Fut: 'static + Future, T: 'static, { let cx = self.to_async(); self.foreground.spawn(f(cx)) } pub fn to_async(&self) -> AsyncAppContext { AsyncAppContext(self.weak_self.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap()) } pub fn write_to_clipboard(&self, item: ClipboardItem) {; } pub fn read_from_clipboard(&self) -> Option { } } impl ReadModel for MutableAppContext { fn read_model(&self, handle: &ModelHandle) -> &T { if let Some(model) = { model .as_any() .downcast_ref() .expect("downcast is type safe") } else { panic!("circular model reference"); } } } impl UpdateModel for MutableAppContext { fn update_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, update: F) -> S where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext) -> S, { if let Some(mut model) = { self.pending_flushes += 1; let mut cx = ModelContext::new(self, handle.model_id); let result = update( model .as_any_mut() .downcast_mut() .expect("downcast is type safe"), &mut cx, );, model); self.flush_effects(); result } else { panic!("circular model update"); } } } impl ReadView for MutableAppContext { fn read_view(&self, handle: &ViewHandle) -> &T { if let Some(view) =, handle.view_id)) { view.as_any().downcast_ref().expect("downcast is type safe") } else { panic!("circular view reference"); } } } impl UpdateView for MutableAppContext { fn update_view(&mut self, handle: &ViewHandle, update: F) -> S where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ViewContext) -> S, { self.pending_flushes += 1; let mut view = self .cx .views .remove(&(handle.window_id, handle.view_id)) .expect("circular view update"); let mut cx = ViewContext::new(self, handle.window_id, handle.view_id); let result = update( view.as_any_mut() .downcast_mut() .expect("downcast is type safe"), &mut cx, ); .views .insert((handle.window_id, handle.view_id), view); self.flush_effects(); result } } impl AsRef for MutableAppContext { fn as_ref(&self) -> &AppContext { & } } impl Deref for MutableAppContext { type Target = AppContext; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & } } pub struct AppContext { models: HashMap>, views: HashMap<(usize, usize), Box>, windows: HashMap, values: RwLock>>, background: Arc, ref_counts: Arc>, font_cache: Arc, platform: Arc, } impl AppContext { pub fn root_view_id(&self, window_id: usize) -> Option { .get(&window_id) .map(|window| } pub fn focused_view_id(&self, window_id: usize) -> Option { .get(&window_id) .map(|window| window.focused_view_id) } pub fn render_view(&self, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) -> Result { self.views .get(&(window_id, view_id)) .map(|v| v.render(self)) .ok_or(anyhow!("view not found")) } pub fn render_views(&self, window_id: usize) -> HashMap { self.views .iter() .filter_map(|((win_id, view_id), view)| { if *win_id == window_id { Some((*view_id, view.render(self))) } else { None } }) .collect::>() } pub fn background(&self) -> &Arc { &self.background } pub fn font_cache(&self) -> &Arc { &self.font_cache } pub fn platform(&self) -> &Arc { &self.platform } pub fn value(&self, id: usize) -> ValueHandle { let key = (TypeId::of::(), id); self.values .write() .entry(key) .or_insert_with(|| Box::new(T::default())); ValueHandle::new(TypeId::of::(), id, &self.ref_counts) } } impl ReadModel for AppContext { fn read_model(&self, handle: &ModelHandle) -> &T { if let Some(model) = self.models.get(&handle.model_id) { model .as_any() .downcast_ref() .expect("downcast should be type safe") } else { panic!("circular model reference"); } } } impl ReadView for AppContext { fn read_view(&self, handle: &ViewHandle) -> &T { if let Some(view) = self.views.get(&(handle.window_id, handle.view_id)) { view.as_any() .downcast_ref() .expect("downcast should be type safe") } else { panic!("circular view reference"); } } } struct Window { root_view: AnyViewHandle, focused_view_id: usize, invalidation: Option, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct WindowInvalidation { pub updated: HashSet, pub removed: Vec, } pub enum Effect { Event { entity_id: usize, payload: Box, }, ModelNotification { model_id: usize, }, ViewNotification { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, }, Focus { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, }, } impl Debug for Effect { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Effect::Event { entity_id, .. } => f .debug_struct("Effect::Event") .field("entity_id", entity_id) .finish(), Effect::ModelNotification { model_id } => f .debug_struct("Effect::ModelNotification") .field("model_id", model_id) .finish(), Effect::ViewNotification { window_id, view_id } => f .debug_struct("Effect::ViewNotification") .field("window_id", window_id) .field("view_id", view_id) .finish(), Effect::Focus { window_id, view_id } => f .debug_struct("Effect::Focus") .field("window_id", window_id) .field("view_id", view_id) .finish(), } } } pub trait AnyModel: Send + Sync { fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any; fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any; fn release(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext); } impl AnyModel for T where T: Entity, { fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any { self } fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any { self } fn release(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { self.release(cx); } } pub trait AnyView: Send + Sync { fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any; fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any; fn release(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext); fn ui_name(&self) -> &'static str; fn render<'a>(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> ElementBox; fn on_focus(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, window_id: usize, view_id: usize); fn on_blur(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, window_id: usize, view_id: usize); fn keymap_context(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> keymap::Context; } impl AnyView for T where T: View, { fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any { self } fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any { self } fn release(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { self.release(cx); } fn ui_name(&self) -> &'static str { T::ui_name() } fn render<'a>(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { View::render(self, cx) } fn on_focus(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) { let mut cx = ViewContext::new(cx, window_id, view_id); View::on_focus(self, &mut cx); } fn on_blur(&mut self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) { let mut cx = ViewContext::new(cx, window_id, view_id); View::on_blur(self, &mut cx); } fn keymap_context(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> keymap::Context { View::keymap_context(self, cx) } } pub struct ModelContext<'a, T: ?Sized> { app: &'a mut MutableAppContext, model_id: usize, model_type: PhantomData, halt_stream: bool, } impl<'a, T: Entity> ModelContext<'a, T> { fn new(app: &'a mut MutableAppContext, model_id: usize) -> Self { Self { app, model_id, model_type: PhantomData, halt_stream: false, } } pub fn background(&self) -> &Arc { & } pub fn halt_stream(&mut self) { self.halt_stream = true; } pub fn model_id(&self) -> usize { self.model_id } pub fn add_model(&mut self, build_model: F) -> ModelHandle where S: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut ModelContext) -> S, { } pub fn subscribe(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, mut callback: F) where S::Event: 'static, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut T, &S::Event, &mut ModelContext), { .subscriptions .entry(handle.model_id) .or_default() .push(Subscription::FromModel { model_id: self.model_id, callback: Box::new(move |model, payload, app, model_id| { let model = model.downcast_mut().expect("downcast is type safe"); let payload = payload.downcast_ref().expect("downcast is type safe"); let mut cx = ModelContext::new(app, model_id); callback(model, payload, &mut cx); }), }); } pub fn emit(&mut self, payload: T::Event) { { entity_id: self.model_id, payload: Box::new(payload), }); } pub fn observe(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, mut callback: F) where S: Entity, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut T, ModelHandle, &mut ModelContext), { .model_observations .entry(handle.model_id) .or_default() .push(ModelObservation::FromModel { model_id: self.model_id, callback: Box::new(move |model, observed_id, app, model_id| { let model = model.downcast_mut().expect("downcast is type safe"); let observed = ModelHandle::new(observed_id, &; let mut cx = ModelContext::new(app, model_id); callback(model, observed, &mut cx); }), }); } pub fn notify(&mut self) { .pending_effects .push_back(Effect::ModelNotification { model_id: self.model_id, }); } pub fn handle(&self) -> ModelHandle { ModelHandle::new(self.model_id, & } pub fn spawn(&self, f: F) -> Task where F: FnOnce(ModelHandle, AsyncAppContext) -> Fut, Fut: 'static + Future, S: 'static, { let handle = self.handle();|cx| f(handle, cx)) } pub fn spawn_weak(&self, f: F) -> Task where F: FnOnce(WeakModelHandle, AsyncAppContext) -> Fut, Fut: 'static + Future, S: 'static, { let handle = self.handle().downgrade();|cx| f(handle, cx)) } } impl AsRef for ModelContext<'_, M> { fn as_ref(&self) -> &AppContext { & } } impl AsMut for ModelContext<'_, M> { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MutableAppContext { } } impl ReadModel for ModelContext<'_, M> { fn read_model(&self, handle: &ModelHandle) -> &T { } } impl UpdateModel for ModelContext<'_, M> { fn update_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, update: F) -> S where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext) -> S, {, update) } } impl Deref for ModelContext<'_, M> { type Target = MutableAppContext; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & } } impl DerefMut for ModelContext<'_, M> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut } } pub struct ViewContext<'a, T: ?Sized> { app: &'a mut MutableAppContext, window_id: usize, view_id: usize, view_type: PhantomData, halt_action_dispatch: bool, } impl<'a, T: View> ViewContext<'a, T> { fn new(app: &'a mut MutableAppContext, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) -> Self { Self { app, window_id, view_id, view_type: PhantomData, halt_action_dispatch: true, } } pub fn handle(&self) -> ViewHandle { ViewHandle::new(self.window_id, self.view_id, & } pub fn window_id(&self) -> usize { self.window_id } pub fn view_id(&self) -> usize { self.view_id } pub fn foreground(&self) -> &Rc { } pub fn background_executor(&self) -> &Arc { & } pub fn platform(&self) -> Arc { } pub fn prompt(&self, level: PromptLevel, msg: &str, answers: &[&str], done_fn: F) where F: 'static + FnOnce(usize, &mut MutableAppContext), { .prompt(self.window_id, level, msg, answers, done_fn) } pub fn prompt_for_paths(&self, options: PathPromptOptions, done_fn: F) where F: 'static + FnOnce(Option>, &mut MutableAppContext), {, done_fn) } pub fn prompt_for_new_path(&self, directory: &Path, done_fn: F) where F: 'static + FnOnce(Option, &mut MutableAppContext), {, done_fn) } pub fn debug_elements(&self) -> crate::json::Value { } pub fn focus(&mut self, handle: S) where S: Into, { let handle = handle.into(); { window_id: handle.window_id, view_id: handle.view_id, }); } pub fn focus_self(&mut self) { { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, }); } pub fn add_model(&mut self, build_model: F) -> ModelHandle where S: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut ModelContext) -> S, { } pub fn add_view(&mut self, build_view: F) -> ViewHandle where S: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> S, {, build_view) } pub fn add_option_view(&mut self, build_view: F) -> Option> where S: View, F: FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> Option, {, build_view) } pub fn subscribe_to_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, mut callback: F) where E: Entity, E::Event: 'static, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut T, ModelHandle, &E::Event, &mut ViewContext), { let emitter_handle = handle.downgrade(); self.subscribe(handle, move |model, payload, cx| { if let Some(emitter_handle) = emitter_handle.upgrade(cx.as_ref()) { callback(model, emitter_handle, payload, cx); } }); } pub fn subscribe_to_view(&mut self, handle: &ViewHandle, mut callback: F) where V: View, V::Event: 'static, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut T, ViewHandle, &V::Event, &mut ViewContext), { let emitter_handle = handle.downgrade(); self.subscribe(handle, move |view, payload, cx| { if let Some(emitter_handle) = emitter_handle.upgrade(cx.as_ref()) { callback(view, emitter_handle, payload, cx); } }); } pub fn subscribe(&mut self, handle: &impl Handle, mut callback: F) where E: Entity, E::Event: 'static, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut T, &E::Event, &mut ViewContext), { .subscriptions .entry( .or_default() .push(Subscription::FromView { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, callback: Box::new(move |entity, payload, app, window_id, view_id| { let entity = entity.downcast_mut().expect("downcast is type safe"); let payload = payload.downcast_ref().expect("downcast is type safe"); let mut cx = ViewContext::new(app, window_id, view_id); callback(entity, payload, &mut cx); }), }); } pub fn emit(&mut self, payload: T::Event) { { entity_id: self.view_id, payload: Box::new(payload), }); } pub fn observe_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, mut callback: F) where S: Entity, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut T, ModelHandle, &mut ViewContext), { .model_observations .entry( .or_default() .push(ModelObservation::FromView { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, callback: Box::new(move |view, observed_id, app, window_id, view_id| { let view = view.downcast_mut().expect("downcast is type safe"); let observed = ModelHandle::new(observed_id, &; let mut cx = ViewContext::new(app, window_id, view_id); callback(view, observed, &mut cx); }), }); } pub fn observe_view(&mut self, handle: &ViewHandle, mut callback: F) where S: View, F: 'static + FnMut(&mut T, ViewHandle, &mut ViewContext), { .view_observations .entry( .or_default() .push(ViewObservation { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, callback: Box::new( move |view, observed_view_id, observed_window_id, app, observing_window_id, observing_view_id| { let view = view.downcast_mut().expect("downcast is type safe"); let observed_handle = ViewHandle::new( observed_view_id, observed_window_id, &, ); let mut cx = ViewContext::new(app, observing_window_id, observing_view_id); callback(view, observed_handle, &mut cx); }, ), }); } pub fn notify(&mut self) {, self.view_id); } pub fn propagate_action(&mut self) { self.halt_action_dispatch = false; } pub fn spawn(&self, f: F) -> Task where F: FnOnce(ViewHandle, AsyncAppContext) -> Fut, Fut: 'static + Future, S: 'static, { let handle = self.handle();|cx| f(handle, cx)) } } impl AsRef for &AppContext { fn as_ref(&self) -> &AppContext { self } } impl AsRef for ViewContext<'_, M> { fn as_ref(&self) -> &AppContext { & } } impl Deref for ViewContext<'_, M> { type Target = MutableAppContext; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & } } impl DerefMut for ViewContext<'_, M> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut } } impl AsMut for ViewContext<'_, M> { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MutableAppContext { } } impl ReadModel for ViewContext<'_, V> { fn read_model(&self, handle: &ModelHandle) -> &T { } } impl UpdateModel for ViewContext<'_, V> { fn update_model(&mut self, handle: &ModelHandle, update: F) -> S where T: Entity, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext) -> S, {, update) } } impl ReadView for ViewContext<'_, V> { fn read_view(&self, handle: &ViewHandle) -> &T { } } impl UpdateView for ViewContext<'_, V> { fn update_view(&mut self, handle: &ViewHandle, update: F) -> S where T: View, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ViewContext) -> S, {, update) } } pub trait Handle { fn id(&self) -> usize; fn location(&self) -> EntityLocation; } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum EntityLocation { Model(usize), View(usize, usize), } pub struct ModelHandle { model_id: usize, model_type: PhantomData, ref_counts: Arc>, } impl ModelHandle { fn new(model_id: usize, ref_counts: &Arc>) -> Self { ref_counts.lock().inc_model(model_id); Self { model_id, model_type: PhantomData, ref_counts: ref_counts.clone(), } } pub fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakModelHandle { WeakModelHandle::new(self.model_id) } pub fn id(&self) -> usize { self.model_id } pub fn read<'a, C: ReadModel>(&self, cx: &'a C) -> &'a T { cx.read_model(self) } pub fn read_with<'a, C, F, S>(&self, cx: &C, read: F) -> S where C: ReadModelWith, F: FnOnce(&T, &AppContext) -> S, { cx.read_model_with(self, read) } pub fn update(&self, cx: &mut C, update: F) -> S where C: UpdateModel, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ModelContext) -> S, { cx.update_model(self, update) } pub fn condition( &self, cx: &TestAppContext, mut predicate: impl FnMut(&T, &AppContext) -> bool, ) -> impl Future { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1024); let mut cx =; self.update(&mut *cx, |_, cx| { cx.observe(self, { let mut tx = tx.clone(); move |_, _, _| { tx.blocking_send(()).ok(); } }); cx.subscribe(self, { let mut tx = tx.clone(); move |_, _, _| { tx.blocking_send(()).ok(); } }) }); let cx = cx.weak_self.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap(); let handle = self.downgrade(); let duration = if std::env::var("CI").is_ok() { Duration::from_secs(5) } else { Duration::from_secs(1) }; async move { timeout(duration, async move { loop { { let cx = cx.borrow(); let cx = cx.as_ref(); if predicate( handle .upgrade(cx) .expect("model dropped with pending condition") .read(cx), cx, ) { break; } } rx.recv() .await .expect("model dropped with pending condition"); } }) .await .expect("condition timed out"); } } } impl Clone for ModelHandle { fn clone(&self) -> Self { self.ref_counts.lock().inc_model(self.model_id); Self { model_id: self.model_id, model_type: PhantomData, ref_counts: self.ref_counts.clone(), } } } impl PartialEq for ModelHandle { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.model_id == other.model_id } } impl Eq for ModelHandle {} impl Hash for ModelHandle { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.model_id.hash(state); } } impl std::borrow::Borrow for ModelHandle { fn borrow(&self) -> &usize { &self.model_id } } impl Debug for ModelHandle { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_tuple(&format!("ModelHandle<{}>", type_name::())) .field(&self.model_id) .finish() } } unsafe impl Send for ModelHandle {} unsafe impl Sync for ModelHandle {} impl Drop for ModelHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { self.ref_counts.lock().dec_model(self.model_id); } } impl Handle for ModelHandle { fn id(&self) -> usize { self.model_id } fn location(&self) -> EntityLocation { EntityLocation::Model(self.model_id) } } pub struct WeakModelHandle { model_id: usize, model_type: PhantomData, } impl WeakModelHandle { fn new(model_id: usize) -> Self { Self { model_id, model_type: PhantomData, } } pub fn upgrade(&self, cx: impl AsRef) -> Option> { let cx = cx.as_ref(); if cx.models.contains_key(&self.model_id) { Some(ModelHandle::new(self.model_id, &cx.ref_counts)) } else { None } } } impl Hash for WeakModelHandle { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.model_id.hash(state) } } impl PartialEq for WeakModelHandle { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.model_id == other.model_id } } impl Eq for WeakModelHandle {} impl Clone for WeakModelHandle { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { model_id: self.model_id, model_type: PhantomData, } } } pub struct ViewHandle { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, view_type: PhantomData, ref_counts: Arc>, } impl ViewHandle { fn new(window_id: usize, view_id: usize, ref_counts: &Arc>) -> Self { ref_counts.lock().inc_view(window_id, view_id); Self { window_id, view_id, view_type: PhantomData, ref_counts: ref_counts.clone(), } } pub fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakViewHandle { WeakViewHandle::new(self.window_id, self.view_id) } pub fn window_id(&self) -> usize { self.window_id } pub fn id(&self) -> usize { self.view_id } pub fn read<'a, C: ReadView>(&self, cx: &'a C) -> &'a T { cx.read_view(self) } pub fn read_with(&self, cx: &C, read: F) -> S where C: ReadViewWith, F: FnOnce(&T, &AppContext) -> S, { cx.read_view_with(self, read) } pub fn update(&self, cx: &mut C, update: F) -> S where C: UpdateView, F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut ViewContext) -> S, { cx.update_view(self, update) } pub fn is_focused(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { cx.focused_view_id(self.window_id) .map_or(false, |focused_id| focused_id == self.view_id) } pub fn condition( &self, cx: &TestAppContext, mut predicate: impl FnMut(&T, &AppContext) -> bool, ) -> impl Future { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1024); let mut cx =; self.update(&mut *cx, |_, cx| { cx.observe_view(self, { let mut tx = tx.clone(); move |_, _, _| { tx.blocking_send(()).ok(); } }); cx.subscribe(self, { let mut tx = tx.clone(); move |_, _, _| { tx.blocking_send(()).ok(); } }) }); let cx = cx.weak_self.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap(); let handle = self.downgrade(); let duration = if std::env::var("CI").is_ok() { Duration::from_secs(2) } else { Duration::from_millis(500) }; async move { timeout(duration, async move { loop { { let cx = cx.borrow(); let cx = cx.as_ref(); if predicate( handle .upgrade(cx) .expect("view dropped with pending condition") .read(cx), cx, ) { break; } } rx.recv() .await .expect("view dropped with pending condition"); } }) .await .expect("condition timed out"); } } } impl Clone for ViewHandle { fn clone(&self) -> Self { self.ref_counts .lock() .inc_view(self.window_id, self.view_id); Self { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, view_type: PhantomData, ref_counts: self.ref_counts.clone(), } } } impl PartialEq for ViewHandle { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.window_id == other.window_id && self.view_id == other.view_id } } impl Eq for ViewHandle {} impl Debug for ViewHandle { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct(&format!("ViewHandle<{}>", type_name::())) .field("window_id", &self.window_id) .field("view_id", &self.view_id) .finish() } } impl Drop for ViewHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { self.ref_counts .lock() .dec_view(self.window_id, self.view_id); } } impl Handle for ViewHandle { fn id(&self) -> usize { self.view_id } fn location(&self) -> EntityLocation { EntityLocation::View(self.window_id, self.view_id) } } pub struct AnyViewHandle { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, view_type: TypeId, ref_counts: Arc>, } impl AnyViewHandle { pub fn id(&self) -> usize { self.view_id } pub fn is(&self) -> bool { TypeId::of::() == self.view_type } pub fn downcast(self) -> Option> { if { let result = Some(ViewHandle { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, ref_counts: self.ref_counts.clone(), view_type: PhantomData, }); unsafe { Arc::decrement_strong_count(&self.ref_counts); } std::mem::forget(self); result } else { None } } } impl Clone for AnyViewHandle { fn clone(&self) -> Self { self.ref_counts .lock() .inc_view(self.window_id, self.view_id); Self { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, view_type: self.view_type, ref_counts: self.ref_counts.clone(), } } } impl From<&ViewHandle> for AnyViewHandle { fn from(handle: &ViewHandle) -> Self { handle .ref_counts .lock() .inc_view(handle.window_id, handle.view_id); AnyViewHandle { window_id: handle.window_id, view_id: handle.view_id, view_type: TypeId::of::(), ref_counts: handle.ref_counts.clone(), } } } impl From> for AnyViewHandle { fn from(handle: ViewHandle) -> Self { let any_handle = AnyViewHandle { window_id: handle.window_id, view_id: handle.view_id, view_type: TypeId::of::(), ref_counts: handle.ref_counts.clone(), }; unsafe { Arc::decrement_strong_count(&handle.ref_counts); } std::mem::forget(handle); any_handle } } impl Drop for AnyViewHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { self.ref_counts .lock() .dec_view(self.window_id, self.view_id); } } pub struct AnyModelHandle { model_id: usize, ref_counts: Arc>, } impl From> for AnyModelHandle { fn from(handle: ModelHandle) -> Self { handle.ref_counts.lock().inc_model(handle.model_id); Self { model_id: handle.model_id, ref_counts: handle.ref_counts.clone(), } } } impl Drop for AnyModelHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { self.ref_counts.lock().dec_model(self.model_id); } } pub struct WeakViewHandle { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, view_type: PhantomData, } impl WeakViewHandle { fn new(window_id: usize, view_id: usize) -> Self { Self { window_id, view_id, view_type: PhantomData, } } pub fn upgrade(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { if cx.ref_counts.lock().is_entity_alive(self.view_id) { Some(ViewHandle::new( self.window_id, self.view_id, &cx.ref_counts, )) } else { None } } } impl Clone for WeakViewHandle { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { window_id: self.window_id, view_id: self.view_id, view_type: PhantomData, } } } pub struct ValueHandle { value_type: PhantomData, tag_type_id: TypeId, id: usize, ref_counts: Weak>, } impl ValueHandle { fn new(tag_type_id: TypeId, id: usize, ref_counts: &Arc>) -> Self { ref_counts.lock().inc_value(tag_type_id, id); Self { value_type: PhantomData, tag_type_id, id, ref_counts: Arc::downgrade(ref_counts), } } pub fn read(&self, cx: &AppContext, f: impl FnOnce(&T) -> R) -> R { f(cx.values .read() .get(&(self.tag_type_id, .unwrap() .downcast_ref() .unwrap()) } pub fn update( &self, cx: &mut EventContext, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T, &mut EventContext) -> R, ) -> R { let mut value = cx .app .cx .values .write() .remove(&(self.tag_type_id, .unwrap(); let result = f(value.downcast_mut().unwrap(), cx); .cx .values .write() .insert((self.tag_type_id,, value); result } } impl Drop for ValueHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(ref_counts) = self.ref_counts.upgrade() { ref_counts.lock().dec_value(self.tag_type_id,; } } } #[derive(Default)] struct RefCounts { entity_counts: HashMap, value_counts: HashMap<(TypeId, usize), usize>, dropped_models: HashSet, dropped_views: HashSet<(usize, usize)>, dropped_values: HashSet<(TypeId, usize)>, } impl RefCounts { fn inc_model(&mut self, model_id: usize) { match self.entity_counts.entry(model_id) { Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => *entry.get_mut() += 1, Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(1); self.dropped_models.remove(&model_id); } } } fn inc_view(&mut self, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) { match self.entity_counts.entry(view_id) { Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => *entry.get_mut() += 1, Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(1); self.dropped_views.remove(&(window_id, view_id)); } } } fn inc_value(&mut self, tag_type_id: TypeId, id: usize) { *self.value_counts.entry((tag_type_id, id)).or_insert(0) += 1; } fn dec_model(&mut self, model_id: usize) { let count = self.entity_counts.get_mut(&model_id).unwrap(); *count -= 1; if *count == 0 { self.entity_counts.remove(&model_id); self.dropped_models.insert(model_id); } } fn dec_view(&mut self, window_id: usize, view_id: usize) { let count = self.entity_counts.get_mut(&view_id).unwrap(); *count -= 1; if *count == 0 { self.entity_counts.remove(&view_id); self.dropped_views.insert((window_id, view_id)); } } fn dec_value(&mut self, tag_type_id: TypeId, id: usize) { let key = (tag_type_id, id); let count = self.value_counts.get_mut(&key).unwrap(); *count -= 1; if *count == 0 { self.value_counts.remove(&key); self.dropped_values.insert(key); } } fn is_entity_alive(&self, entity_id: usize) -> bool { self.entity_counts.contains_key(&entity_id) } fn take_dropped( &mut self, ) -> ( HashSet, HashSet<(usize, usize)>, HashSet<(TypeId, usize)>, ) { let mut dropped_models = HashSet::new(); let mut dropped_views = HashSet::new(); let mut dropped_values = HashSet::new(); std::mem::swap(&mut self.dropped_models, &mut dropped_models); std::mem::swap(&mut self.dropped_views, &mut dropped_views); std::mem::swap(&mut self.dropped_values, &mut dropped_values); (dropped_models, dropped_views, dropped_values) } } enum Subscription { FromModel { model_id: usize, callback: Box, }, FromView { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, callback: Box, }, } enum ModelObservation { FromModel { model_id: usize, callback: Box, }, FromView { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, callback: Box, }, } struct ViewObservation { window_id: usize, view_id: usize, callback: Box, } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::elements::*; use smol::future::poll_once; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst}; #[crate::test(self)] fn test_model_handles(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct Model { other: Option>, events: Vec, } impl Entity for Model { type Event = usize; } impl Model { fn new(other: Option>, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Self { if let Some(other) = other.as_ref() { cx.observe(other, |me, _, _| {"notified".into()); }); cx.subscribe(other, |me, event, _| {!("observed event {}", event)); }); } Self { other, events: Vec::new(), } } } let handle_1 = cx.add_model(|cx| Model::new(None, cx)); let handle_2 = cx.add_model(|cx| Model::new(Some(handle_1.clone()), cx)); assert_eq!(, 2); handle_1.update(cx, |model, cx| {"updated".into()); cx.emit(1); cx.notify(); cx.emit(2); }); assert_eq!(, vec!["updated".to_string()]); assert_eq!(, vec![ "observed event 1".to_string(), "notified".to_string(), "observed event 2".to_string(), ] ); handle_2.update(cx, |model, _| { drop(handle_1); model.other.take(); }); assert_eq!(, 1); assert!(cx.subscriptions.is_empty()); assert!(cx.model_observations.is_empty()); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_subscribe_and_emit_from_model(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { #[derive(Default)] struct Model { events: Vec, } impl Entity for Model { type Event = usize; } let handle_1 = cx.add_model(|_| Model::default()); let handle_2 = cx.add_model(|_| Model::default()); let handle_2b = handle_2.clone(); handle_1.update(cx, |_, c| { c.subscribe(&handle_2, move |model: &mut Model, event, c| {*event); c.subscribe(&handle_2b, |model, event, _| {*event * 2); }); }); }); handle_2.update(cx, |_, c| c.emit(7)); assert_eq!(, vec![7]); handle_2.update(cx, |_, c| c.emit(5)); assert_eq!(, vec![7, 10, 5]); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_observe_and_notify_from_model(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { #[derive(Default)] struct Model { count: usize, events: Vec, } impl Entity for Model { type Event = (); } let handle_1 = cx.add_model(|_| Model::default()); let handle_2 = cx.add_model(|_| Model::default()); let handle_2b = handle_2.clone(); handle_1.update(cx, |_, c| { c.observe(&handle_2, move |model, observed, c| {; c.observe(&handle_2b, |model, observed, c| { * 2); }); }); }); handle_2.update(cx, |model, c| { model.count = 7; c.notify() }); assert_eq!(, vec![7]); handle_2.update(cx, |model, c| { model.count = 5; c.notify() }); assert_eq!(, vec![7, 10, 5]) } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_view_handles(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct View { other: Option>, events: Vec, } impl Entity for View { type Event = usize; } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } impl View { fn new(other: Option>, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { if let Some(other) = other.as_ref() { cx.subscribe_to_view(other, |me, _, event, _| {!("observed event {}", event)); }); } Self { other, events: Vec::new(), } } } let (window_id, _) = cx.add_window(|cx| View::new(None, cx)); let handle_1 = cx.add_view(window_id, |cx| View::new(None, cx)); let handle_2 = cx.add_view(window_id, |cx| View::new(Some(handle_1.clone()), cx)); assert_eq!(, 3); handle_1.update(cx, |view, cx| {"updated".into()); cx.emit(1); cx.emit(2); }); assert_eq!(, vec!["updated".to_string()]); assert_eq!(, vec![ "observed event 1".to_string(), "observed event 2".to_string(), ] ); handle_2.update(cx, |view, _| { drop(handle_1); view.other.take(); }); assert_eq!(, 2); assert!(cx.subscriptions.is_empty()); assert!(cx.model_observations.is_empty()); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_add_window(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct View { mouse_down_count: Arc, } impl Entity for View { type Event = (); } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { let mouse_down_count = self.mouse_down_count.clone(); EventHandler::new(Empty::new().boxed()) .on_mouse_down(move |_| { mouse_down_count.fetch_add(1, SeqCst); true }) .boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } let mouse_down_count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let (window_id, _) = cx.add_window(|_| View { mouse_down_count: mouse_down_count.clone(), }); let presenter = cx.presenters_and_platform_windows[&window_id].0.clone(); // Ensure window's root element is in a valid lifecycle state. presenter.borrow_mut().dispatch_event( Event::LeftMouseDown { position: Default::default(), cmd: false, }, cx, ); assert_eq!(mouse_down_count.load(SeqCst), 1); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_entity_release_hooks(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct Model { released: Arc>, } struct View { released: Arc>, } impl Entity for Model { type Event = (); fn release(&mut self, _: &mut MutableAppContext) { *self.released.lock() = true; } } impl Entity for View { type Event = (); fn release(&mut self, _: &mut MutableAppContext) { *self.released.lock() = true; } } impl super::View for View { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } } let model_released = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)); let view_released = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)); let model = cx.add_model(|_| Model { released: model_released.clone(), }); let (window_id, _) = cx.add_window(|_| View { released: view_released.clone(), }); assert!(!*model_released.lock()); assert!(!*view_released.lock()); cx.update(move || { drop(model); }); assert!(*model_released.lock()); drop(cx.remove_window(window_id)); assert!(*view_released.lock()); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_subscribe_and_emit_from_view(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { #[derive(Default)] struct View { events: Vec, } impl Entity for View { type Event = usize; } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } struct Model; impl Entity for Model { type Event = usize; } let (window_id, handle_1) = cx.add_window(|_| View::default()); let handle_2 = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| View::default()); let handle_2b = handle_2.clone(); let handle_3 = cx.add_model(|_| Model); handle_1.update(cx, |_, c| { c.subscribe_to_view(&handle_2, move |me, _, event, c| {*event); c.subscribe_to_view(&handle_2b, |me, _, event, _| {*event * 2); }); }); c.subscribe_to_model(&handle_3, |me, _, event, _| {*event); }) }); handle_2.update(cx, |_, c| c.emit(7)); assert_eq!(, vec![7]); handle_2.update(cx, |_, c| c.emit(5)); assert_eq!(, vec![7, 10, 5]); handle_3.update(cx, |_, c| c.emit(9)); assert_eq!(, vec![7, 10, 5, 9]); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_dropping_subscribers(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct View; impl Entity for View { type Event = (); } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } struct Model; impl Entity for Model { type Event = (); } let (window_id, _) = cx.add_window(|_| View); let observing_view = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| View); let emitting_view = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| View); let observing_model = cx.add_model(|_| Model); let observed_model = cx.add_model(|_| Model); observing_view.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.subscribe_to_view(&emitting_view, |_, _, _, _| {}); cx.subscribe_to_model(&observed_model, |_, _, _, _| {}); }); observing_model.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.subscribe(&observed_model, |_, _, _| {}); }); cx.update(|| { drop(observing_view); drop(observing_model); }); emitting_view.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.emit(())); observed_model.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.emit(())); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_observe_and_notify_from_view(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { #[derive(Default)] struct View { events: Vec, } impl Entity for View { type Event = usize; } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } #[derive(Default)] struct Model { count: usize, } impl Entity for Model { type Event = (); } let (_, view) = cx.add_window(|_| View::default()); let model = cx.add_model(|_| Model::default()); view.update(cx, |_, c| { c.observe_model(&model, |me, observed, c| { }); }); model.update(cx, |model, c| { model.count = 11; c.notify(); }); assert_eq!(, vec![11]); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_dropping_observers(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct View; impl Entity for View { type Event = (); } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } struct Model; impl Entity for Model { type Event = (); } let (window_id, _) = cx.add_window(|_| View); let observing_view = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| View); let observing_model = cx.add_model(|_| Model); let observed_model = cx.add_model(|_| Model); observing_view.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.observe_model(&observed_model, |_, _, _| {}); }); observing_model.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.observe(&observed_model, |_, _, _| {}); }); cx.update(|| { drop(observing_view); drop(observing_model); }); observed_model.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_focus(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct View { name: String, events: Arc>>, } impl Entity for View { type Event = (); } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } fn on_focus(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) {!("{} focused", &; } fn on_blur(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) {!("{} blurred", &; } } let events: Arc>> = Default::default(); let (window_id, view_1) = cx.add_window(|_| View { events: events.clone(), name: "view 1".to_string(), }); let view_2 = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| View { events: events.clone(), name: "view 2".to_string(), }); view_1.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.focus(&view_2)); view_1.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.focus(&view_1)); view_1.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.focus(&view_2)); view_1.update(cx, |_, _| drop(view_2)); assert_eq!( *events.lock(), [ "view 1 focused".to_string(), "view 1 blurred".to_string(), "view 2 focused".to_string(), "view 2 blurred".to_string(), "view 1 focused".to_string(), "view 1 blurred".to_string(), "view 2 focused".to_string(), "view 1 focused".to_string(), ], ); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_dispatch_action(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { struct ViewA { id: usize, } impl Entity for ViewA { type Event = (); } impl View for ViewA { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } struct ViewB { id: usize, } impl Entity for ViewB { type Event = (); } impl View for ViewB { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } } struct ActionArg { foo: String, } let actions = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())); let actions_clone = actions.clone(); cx.add_global_action("action", move |_: &ActionArg, _: &mut MutableAppContext| { actions_clone.borrow_mut().push("global a".to_string()); }); let actions_clone = actions.clone(); cx.add_global_action("action", move |_: &ActionArg, _: &mut MutableAppContext| { actions_clone.borrow_mut().push("global b".to_string()); }); let actions_clone = actions.clone(); cx.add_action("action", move |view: &mut ViewA, arg: &ActionArg, cx| { assert_eq!(, "bar"); cx.propagate_action(); actions_clone.borrow_mut().push(format!("{} a",; }); let actions_clone = actions.clone(); cx.add_action("action", move |view: &mut ViewA, _: &ActionArg, cx| { if != 1 { cx.propagate_action(); } actions_clone.borrow_mut().push(format!("{} b",; }); let actions_clone = actions.clone(); cx.add_action("action", move |view: &mut ViewB, _: &ActionArg, cx| { cx.propagate_action(); actions_clone.borrow_mut().push(format!("{} c",; }); let actions_clone = actions.clone(); cx.add_action("action", move |view: &mut ViewB, _: &ActionArg, cx| { cx.propagate_action(); actions_clone.borrow_mut().push(format!("{} d",; }); let (window_id, view_1) = cx.add_window(|_| ViewA { id: 1 }); let view_2 = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| ViewB { id: 2 }); let view_3 = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| ViewA { id: 3 }); let view_4 = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| ViewB { id: 4 }); cx.dispatch_action( window_id, vec![,,,], "action", ActionArg { foo: "bar".into() }, ); assert_eq!( *actions.borrow(), vec!["4 d", "4 c", "3 b", "3 a", "2 d", "2 c", "1 b"] ); // Remove view_1, which doesn't propagate the action actions.borrow_mut().clear(); cx.dispatch_action( window_id, vec![,,], "action", ActionArg { foo: "bar".into() }, ); assert_eq!( *actions.borrow(), vec!["4 d", "4 c", "3 b", "3 a", "2 d", "2 c", "global b", "global a"] ); } #[crate::test(self)] fn test_dispatch_keystroke(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { use std::cell::Cell; #[derive(Clone)] struct ActionArg { key: String, } struct View { id: usize, keymap_context: keymap::Context, } impl Entity for View { type Event = (); } impl super::View for View { fn render<'a>(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "View" } fn keymap_context(&self, _: &AppContext) -> keymap::Context { self.keymap_context.clone() } } impl View { fn new(id: usize) -> Self { View { id, keymap_context: keymap::Context::default(), } } } let mut view_1 = View::new(1); let mut view_2 = View::new(2); let mut view_3 = View::new(3); view_1.keymap_context.set.insert("a".into()); view_2.keymap_context.set.insert("b".into()); view_3.keymap_context.set.insert("c".into()); let (window_id, view_1) = cx.add_window(|_| view_1); let view_2 = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| view_2); let view_3 = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| view_3); // This keymap's only binding dispatches an action on view 2 because that view will have // "a" and "b" in its context, but not "c". let binding = keymap::Binding::new("a", "action", Some("a && b && !c")) .with_arg(ActionArg { key: "a".into() }); cx.add_bindings(vec![binding]); let handled_action = Rc::new(Cell::new(false)); let handled_action_clone = handled_action.clone(); cx.add_action("action", move |view: &mut View, arg: &ActionArg, _| { handled_action_clone.set(true); assert_eq!(, 2); assert_eq!(arg.key, "a"); }); cx.dispatch_keystroke( window_id, vec![,,], &Keystroke::parse("a").unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); assert!(handled_action.get()); } #[crate::test(self)] async fn test_model_condition(mut cx: TestAppContext) { struct Counter(usize); impl super::Entity for Counter { type Event = (); } impl Counter { fn inc(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) { self.0 += 1; cx.notify(); } } let model = cx.add_model(|_| Counter(0)); let condition1 = model.condition(&cx, |model, _| model.0 == 2); let condition2 = model.condition(&cx, |model, _| model.0 == 3); smol::pin!(condition1, condition2); model.update(&mut cx, |model, cx|; assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition1).await, None); assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition2).await, None); model.update(&mut cx, |model, cx|; assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition1).await, Some(())); assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition2).await, None); model.update(&mut cx, |model, cx|; assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition2).await, Some(())); model.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); } #[crate::test(self)] #[should_panic] async fn test_model_condition_timeout(mut cx: TestAppContext) { struct Model; impl super::Entity for Model { type Event = (); } let model = cx.add_model(|_| Model); model.condition(&cx, |_, _| false).await; } #[crate::test(self)] #[should_panic(expected = "model dropped with pending condition")] async fn test_model_condition_panic_on_drop(mut cx: TestAppContext) { struct Model; impl super::Entity for Model { type Event = (); } let model = cx.add_model(|_| Model); let condition = model.condition(&cx, |_, _| false); cx.update(|_| drop(model)); condition.await; } #[crate::test(self)] async fn test_view_condition(mut cx: TestAppContext) { struct Counter(usize); impl super::Entity for Counter { type Event = (); } impl super::View for Counter { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "test view" } fn render(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } } impl Counter { fn inc(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.0 += 1; cx.notify(); } } let (_, view) = cx.add_window(|_| Counter(0)); let condition1 = view.condition(&cx, |view, _| view.0 == 2); let condition2 = view.condition(&cx, |view, _| view.0 == 3); smol::pin!(condition1, condition2); view.update(&mut cx, |view, cx|; assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition1).await, None); assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition2).await, None); view.update(&mut cx, |view, cx|; assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition1).await, Some(())); assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition2).await, None); view.update(&mut cx, |view, cx|; assert_eq!(poll_once(&mut condition2).await, Some(())); view.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); } #[crate::test(self)] #[should_panic] async fn test_view_condition_timeout(mut cx: TestAppContext) { struct View; impl super::Entity for View { type Event = (); } impl super::View for View { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "test view" } fn render(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } } let (_, view) = cx.add_window(|_| View); view.condition(&cx, |_, _| false).await; } #[crate::test(self)] #[should_panic(expected = "view dropped with pending condition")] async fn test_view_condition_panic_on_drop(mut cx: TestAppContext) { struct View; impl super::Entity for View { type Event = (); } impl super::View for View { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "test view" } fn render(&self, _: &AppContext) -> ElementBox { Empty::new().boxed() } } let window_id = cx.add_window(|_| View).0; let view = cx.add_view(window_id, |_| View); let condition = view.condition(&cx, |_, _| false); cx.update(|_| drop(view)); condition.await; } }