pub mod components; mod theme_registry; mod theme_settings; pub mod ui; use components::{ action_button::ButtonStyle, disclosure::DisclosureStyle, IconButtonStyle, ToggleIconButtonStyle, }; use gpui::{ color::Color, elements::{Border, ContainerStyle, ImageStyle, LabelStyle, Shadow, SvgStyle, TooltipStyle}, fonts::{HighlightStyle, TextStyle}, platform, AppContext, AssetSource, MouseState, }; use parking_lot::Mutex; use schemars::JsonSchema; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize}; use serde_json::Value; use settings::SettingsStore; use std::{any::Any, collections::HashMap, ops::Deref, sync::Arc}; use ui::{CheckboxStyle, CopilotCTAButton, IconStyle, ModalStyle}; pub use theme_registry::*; pub use theme_settings::*; pub fn current(cx: &AppContext) -> Arc { settings::get::(cx).theme.clone() } pub fn init(source: impl AssetSource, cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.set_global(ThemeRegistry::new(source, cx.font_cache().clone())); settings::register::(cx); let mut prev_buffer_font_size = settings::get::(cx).buffer_font_size; cx.observe_global::(move |cx| { let buffer_font_size = settings::get::(cx).buffer_font_size; if buffer_font_size != prev_buffer_font_size { prev_buffer_font_size = buffer_font_size; reset_font_size(cx); } }) .detach(); } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Theme { #[serde(default)] pub meta: ThemeMeta, pub workspace: Workspace, pub context_menu: ContextMenu, pub toolbar_dropdown_menu: DropdownMenu, pub copilot: Copilot, pub collab_panel: CollabPanel, pub project_panel: ProjectPanel, pub chat_panel: ChatPanel, pub command_palette: CommandPalette, pub picker: Picker, pub editor: Editor, pub search: Search, pub project_diagnostics: ProjectDiagnostics, pub shared_screen: ContainerStyle, pub contact_notification: ContactNotification, pub update_notification: UpdateNotification, pub simple_message_notification: MessageNotification, pub project_shared_notification: ProjectSharedNotification, pub incoming_call_notification: IncomingCallNotification, pub tooltip: TooltipStyle, pub terminal: TerminalStyle, pub assistant: AssistantStyle, pub feedback: FeedbackStyle, pub welcome: WelcomeStyle, pub titlebar: Titlebar, pub component_test: ComponentTest, // Nathan: New elements are styled in Rust, directly from the base theme. // We store it on the legacy theme so we can mix both kinds of elements during the transition. #[schemars(skip)] pub base_theme: serde_json::Value, // A place to cache deserialized base theme. #[serde(skip_deserializing)] #[schemars(skip)] pub deserialized_base_theme: Mutex>>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, JsonSchema)] pub struct ThemeMeta { #[serde(skip_deserializing)] pub id: usize, pub name: String, pub is_light: bool, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Workspace { pub background: Color, pub blank_pane: BlankPaneStyle, pub tab_bar: TabBar, pub pane_divider: Border, pub leader_border_opacity: f32, pub leader_border_width: f32, pub dock: Dock, pub status_bar: StatusBar, pub toolbar: Toolbar, pub disconnected_overlay: ContainedText, pub modal: ContainerStyle, pub zoomed_panel_foreground: ContainerStyle, pub zoomed_pane_foreground: ContainerStyle, pub zoomed_background: ContainerStyle, pub notification: ContainerStyle, pub notifications: Notifications, pub joining_project_avatar: ImageStyle, pub joining_project_message: ContainedText, pub external_location_message: ContainedText, pub drop_target_overlay_color: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct BlankPaneStyle { pub logo: SvgStyle, pub logo_shadow: SvgStyle, pub logo_container: ContainerStyle, pub keyboard_hints: ContainerStyle, pub keyboard_hint: Interactive, pub keyboard_hint_width: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Titlebar { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub height: f32, pub menu: TitlebarMenu, pub project_menu_button: Toggleable>, pub git_menu_button: Toggleable>, pub item_spacing: f32, pub face_pile_spacing: f32, pub avatar_ribbon: AvatarRibbon, pub follower_avatar_overlap: f32, pub leader_selection: ContainerStyle, pub offline_icon: OfflineIcon, pub leader_avatar: AvatarStyle, pub follower_avatar: AvatarStyle, pub inactive_avatar_grayscale: bool, pub sign_in_button: Toggleable>, pub outdated_warning: ContainedText, pub share_button: Toggleable>, pub muted: Color, pub speaking: Color, pub screen_share_button: Toggleable>, pub toggle_contacts_button: Toggleable>, pub toggle_microphone_button: Toggleable>, pub toggle_speakers_button: Toggleable>, pub leave_call_button: Interactive, pub toggle_contacts_badge: ContainerStyle, pub user_menu: UserMenu, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct TitlebarMenu { pub width: f32, pub height: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct UserMenu { pub user_menu_button_online: UserMenuButton, pub user_menu_button_offline: UserMenuButton, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct UserMenuButton { pub user_menu: Toggleable>, pub avatar: AvatarStyle, pub icon: Icon, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct AvatarStyle { #[serde(flatten)] pub image: ImageStyle, pub outer_width: f32, pub outer_corner_radius: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, JsonSchema)] pub struct Copilot { pub out_link_icon: Interactive, pub modal: ModalStyle, pub auth: CopilotAuth, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, JsonSchema)] pub struct CopilotAuth { pub content_width: f32, pub prompting: CopilotAuthPrompting, pub not_authorized: CopilotAuthNotAuthorized, pub authorized: CopilotAuthAuthorized, pub cta_button: CopilotCTAButton, pub header: IconStyle, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, JsonSchema)] pub struct CopilotAuthPrompting { pub subheading: ContainedText, pub hint: ContainedText, pub device_code: DeviceCode, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, JsonSchema)] pub struct DeviceCode { pub text: TextStyle, pub cta: CopilotCTAButton, pub left: f32, pub left_container: ContainerStyle, pub right: f32, pub right_container: Interactive, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, JsonSchema)] pub struct CopilotAuthNotAuthorized { pub subheading: ContainedText, pub warning: ContainedText, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, JsonSchema)] pub struct CopilotAuthAuthorized { pub subheading: ContainedText, pub hint: ContainedText, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct CollabPanel { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub disclosure: DisclosureStyle<()>, pub list_empty_state: Toggleable>, pub list_empty_icon: Icon, pub list_empty_label_container: ContainerStyle, pub log_in_button: Interactive, pub channel_editor: ContainerStyle, pub channel_hash: Icon, pub tabbed_modal: TabbedModal, pub contact_finder: ContactFinder, pub channel_modal: ChannelModal, pub user_query_editor: FieldEditor, pub user_query_editor_height: f32, pub leave_call_button: Toggleable>, pub add_contact_button: Toggleable>, pub add_channel_button: Toggleable>, pub header_row: ContainedText, pub subheader_row: Toggleable>, pub leave_call: Interactive, pub contact_row: Toggleable>, pub channel_row: Toggleable>, pub channel_name: ContainedText, pub row_height: f32, pub project_row: Toggleable>, pub tree_branch: Toggleable>, pub contact_avatar: ImageStyle, pub channel_avatar: ImageStyle, pub extra_participant_label: ContainedText, pub contact_status_free: ContainerStyle, pub contact_status_busy: ContainerStyle, pub contact_username: ContainedText, pub contact_button: Interactive, pub contact_button_spacing: f32, pub channel_indent: f32, pub disabled_button: IconButton, pub section_icon_size: f32, pub calling_indicator: ContainedText, pub face_overlap: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ComponentTest { pub button: Interactive>, pub toggle: Toggleable>>, pub disclosure: DisclosureStyle, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct TabbedModal { pub tab_button: Toggleable>, pub modal: ContainerStyle, pub header: ContainerStyle, pub body: ContainerStyle, pub title: ContainedText, pub picker: Picker, pub max_height: f32, pub max_width: f32, pub row_height: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ChannelModal { pub contact_avatar: ImageStyle, pub contact_username: ContainerStyle, pub remove_member_button: ContainedText, pub cancel_invite_button: ContainedText, pub member_icon: IconButton, pub invitee_icon: IconButton, pub member_tag: ContainedText, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ProjectRow { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub icon: Icon, pub name: ContainedText, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, Copy, JsonSchema)] pub struct TreeBranch { pub width: f32, pub color: Color, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ContactFinder { pub contact_avatar: ImageStyle, pub contact_username: ContainerStyle, pub contact_button: IconButton, pub disabled_contact_button: IconButton, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct DropdownMenu { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub header: Interactive, pub section_header: ContainedText, pub item: Toggleable>, pub row_height: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct DropdownMenuItem { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, #[serde(flatten)] pub text: TextStyle, pub secondary_text: Option, #[serde(default)] pub secondary_text_spacing: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct TabBar { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub pane_button: Toggleable>, pub pane_button_container: ContainerStyle, pub active_pane: TabStyles, pub inactive_pane: TabStyles, pub dragged_tab: Tab, pub height: f32, pub nav_button: Interactive, } impl TabBar { pub fn tab_style(&self, pane_active: bool, tab_active: bool) -> &Tab { let tabs = if pane_active { &self.active_pane } else { &self.inactive_pane }; if tab_active { &tabs.active_tab } else { &tabs.inactive_tab } } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct TabStyles { pub active_tab: Tab, pub inactive_tab: Tab, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct AvatarRibbon { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub width: f32, pub height: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct OfflineIcon { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub width: f32, pub color: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Tab { pub height: f32, #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, #[serde(flatten)] pub label: LabelStyle, pub description: ContainedText, pub spacing: f32, pub close_icon_width: f32, pub type_icon_width: f32, pub icon_close: Color, pub icon_close_active: Color, pub icon_dirty: Color, pub icon_conflict: Color, pub git: GitProjectStatus, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Toolbar { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub height: f32, pub item_spacing: f32, pub toggleable_tool: Toggleable>, pub toggleable_text_tool: Toggleable>, pub breadcrumb_height: f32, pub breadcrumbs: Interactive, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Notifications { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub width: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Search { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub editor: FindEditor, pub invalid_editor: ContainerStyle, pub option_button_group: ContainerStyle, pub include_exclude_editor: FindEditor, pub invalid_include_exclude_editor: ContainerStyle, pub include_exclude_inputs: ContainedText, pub option_button_component: ToggleIconButtonStyle, pub match_background: Color, pub match_index: ContainedText, pub major_results_status: TextStyle, pub minor_results_status: TextStyle, pub editor_icon: IconStyle, pub mode_button: Toggleable>, pub nav_button: Toggleable>, pub search_bar_row_height: f32, pub search_row_spacing: f32, pub option_button_height: f32, pub modes_container: ContainerStyle, pub replace_icon: IconStyle, // Used for filters and replace pub option_button: Toggleable>, pub action_button: IconButtonStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct FindEditor { #[serde(flatten)] pub input: FieldEditor, pub min_width: f32, pub max_width: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct StatusBar { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub height: f32, pub item_spacing: f32, pub cursor_position: TextStyle, pub vim_mode_indicator: ContainedText, pub active_language: Interactive, pub auto_update_progress_message: TextStyle, pub auto_update_done_message: TextStyle, pub lsp_status: Interactive, pub panel_buttons: StatusBarPanelButtons, pub diagnostic_summary: Interactive, pub diagnostic_message: Interactive, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct StatusBarPanelButtons { pub group_left: ContainerStyle, pub group_bottom: ContainerStyle, pub group_right: ContainerStyle, pub button: Toggleable>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct StatusBarDiagnosticSummary { pub container_ok: ContainerStyle, pub container_warning: ContainerStyle, pub container_error: ContainerStyle, pub text: TextStyle, pub icon_color_ok: Color, pub icon_color_warning: Color, pub icon_color_error: Color, pub height: f32, pub icon_width: f32, pub icon_spacing: f32, pub summary_spacing: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct StatusBarLspStatus { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub height: f32, pub icon_spacing: f32, pub icon_color: Color, pub icon_width: f32, pub message: TextStyle, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Dock { pub left: ContainerStyle, pub bottom: ContainerStyle, pub right: ContainerStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct PanelButton { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub icon_color: Color, pub icon_size: f32, pub label: ContainedText, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ProjectPanel { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub entry: Toggleable>, pub dragged_entry: ProjectPanelEntry, pub ignored_entry: Toggleable>, pub cut_entry: Toggleable>, pub filename_editor: FieldEditor, pub indent_width: f32, pub open_project_button: Interactive, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ProjectPanelEntry { pub height: f32, #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub text: TextStyle, pub icon_size: f32, pub icon_color: Color, pub chevron_color: Color, pub chevron_size: f32, pub icon_spacing: f32, pub status: EntryStatus, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct EntryStatus { pub git: GitProjectStatus, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct GitProjectStatus { pub modified: Color, pub inserted: Color, pub conflict: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ContextMenu { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub item: Toggleable>, pub keystroke_margin: f32, pub separator: ContainerStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ContextMenuItem { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub label: TextStyle, pub keystroke: ContainedText, pub icon_width: f32, pub icon_spacing: f32, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct CommandPalette { pub key: Toggleable, pub keystroke_spacing: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct InviteLink { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, #[serde(flatten)] pub label: LabelStyle, pub icon: Icon, } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Copy, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Icon { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub color: Color, pub width: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Copy, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct IconButton { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub color: Color, pub icon_width: f32, pub button_width: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ChatPanel { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub list: ContainerStyle, pub channel_select: ChannelSelect, pub input_editor: FieldEditor, pub message: ChatMessage, pub pending_message: ChatMessage, pub sign_in_prompt: Interactive, pub icon_button: Interactive, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ChatMessage { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub body: TextStyle, pub sender: ContainedText, pub timestamp: ContainedText, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ChannelSelect { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub header: ChannelName, pub item: ChannelName, pub active_item: ChannelName, pub hovered_item: ChannelName, pub menu: ContainerStyle, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ChannelName { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub hash: ContainedText, pub name: TextStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Picker { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub empty_container: ContainerStyle, pub input_editor: FieldEditor, pub empty_input_editor: FieldEditor, pub no_matches: ContainedLabel, pub item: Toggleable>, pub header: ContainedLabel, pub footer: Interactive, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ContainedText { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, #[serde(flatten)] pub text: TextStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ContainedLabel { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, #[serde(flatten)] pub label: LabelStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ProjectDiagnostics { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub empty_message: TextStyle, pub tab_icon_width: f32, pub tab_icon_spacing: f32, pub tab_summary_spacing: f32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ContactNotification { pub header_avatar: ImageStyle, pub header_message: ContainedText, pub header_height: f32, pub body_message: ContainedText, pub button: Interactive, pub dismiss_button: Interactive, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct UpdateNotification { pub message: ContainedText, pub action_message: Interactive, pub dismiss_button: Interactive, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct MessageNotification { pub message: ContainedText, pub action_message: Interactive, pub dismiss_button: Interactive, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ProjectSharedNotification { pub window_height: f32, pub window_width: f32, #[serde(default)] pub background: Color, pub owner_container: ContainerStyle, pub owner_avatar: ImageStyle, pub owner_metadata: ContainerStyle, pub owner_username: ContainedText, pub message: ContainedText, pub worktree_roots: ContainedText, pub button_width: f32, pub open_button: ContainedText, pub dismiss_button: ContainedText, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct IncomingCallNotification { pub window_height: f32, pub window_width: f32, #[serde(default)] pub background: Color, pub caller_container: ContainerStyle, pub caller_avatar: ImageStyle, pub caller_metadata: ContainerStyle, pub caller_username: ContainedText, pub caller_message: ContainedText, pub worktree_roots: ContainedText, pub button_width: f32, pub accept_button: ContainedText, pub decline_button: ContainedText, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Editor { pub text_color: Color, #[serde(default)] pub background: Color, pub selection: SelectionStyle, pub gutter_background: Color, pub gutter_padding_factor: f32, pub active_line_background: Color, pub highlighted_line_background: Color, pub rename_fade: f32, pub document_highlight_read_background: Color, pub document_highlight_write_background: Color, pub diff: DiffStyle, pub wrap_guide: Color, pub active_wrap_guide: Color, pub line_number: Color, pub line_number_active: Color, pub guest_selections: Vec, pub absent_selection: SelectionStyle, pub syntax: Arc, pub hint: HighlightStyle, pub suggestion: HighlightStyle, pub diagnostic_path_header: DiagnosticPathHeader, pub diagnostic_header: DiagnosticHeader, pub error_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub invalid_error_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub warning_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub invalid_warning_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub information_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub invalid_information_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub hint_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub invalid_hint_diagnostic: DiagnosticStyle, pub autocomplete: AutocompleteStyle, pub code_actions: CodeActions, pub folds: Folds, pub unnecessary_code_fade: f32, pub hover_popover: HoverPopover, pub link_definition: HighlightStyle, pub composition_mark: HighlightStyle, pub jump_icon: Interactive, pub scrollbar: Scrollbar, pub whitespace: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Scrollbar { pub track: ContainerStyle, pub thumb: ContainerStyle, pub width: f32, pub min_height_factor: f32, pub git: BufferGitDiffColors, pub selections: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct BufferGitDiffColors { pub inserted: Color, pub modified: Color, pub deleted: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct DiagnosticPathHeader { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub filename: ContainedText, pub path: ContainedText, pub text_scale_factor: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct DiagnosticHeader { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub source: ContainedLabel, pub message: ContainedLabel, pub code: ContainedText, pub text_scale_factor: f32, pub icon_width_factor: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct DiagnosticStyle { pub message: LabelStyle, #[serde(default)] pub header: ContainerStyle, pub text_scale_factor: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct AutocompleteStyle { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub item: ContainerStyle, pub selected_item: ContainerStyle, pub hovered_item: ContainerStyle, pub match_highlight: HighlightStyle, pub server_name_container: ContainerStyle, pub server_name_color: Color, pub server_name_size_percent: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Deserialize, JsonSchema)] pub struct SelectionStyle { pub cursor: Color, pub selection: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct FieldEditor { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub text: TextStyle, #[serde(default)] pub placeholder_text: Option, pub selection: SelectionStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct InteractiveColor { pub color: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct CodeActions { #[serde(default)] pub indicator: Toggleable>, pub vertical_scale: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Folds { pub indicator: Toggleable>, pub ellipses: FoldEllipses, pub fold_background: Color, pub icon_margin_scale: f32, pub folded_icon: String, pub foldable_icon: String, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct FoldEllipses { pub text_color: Color, pub background: Interactive, pub corner_radius_factor: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct DiffStyle { pub inserted: Color, pub modified: Color, pub deleted: Color, pub removed_width_em: f32, pub width_em: f32, pub corner_radius: f32, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, JsonSchema)] pub struct Interactive { pub default: T, pub hovered: Option, pub clicked: Option, pub disabled: Option, } impl Deref for Interactive { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.default } } impl Interactive<()> { pub fn new_blank() -> Self { Self { default: (), hovered: None, clicked: None, disabled: None, } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Deserialize, JsonSchema)] pub struct Toggleable { active: T, inactive: T, } impl Deref for Toggleable { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.inactive } } impl Toggleable<()> { pub fn new_blank() -> Self { Self { active: (), inactive: (), } } } impl Toggleable { pub fn new(active: T, inactive: T) -> Self { Self { active, inactive } } pub fn in_state(&self, active: bool) -> &T { if active { & } else { &self.inactive } } pub fn active_state(&self) -> &T { self.in_state(true) } pub fn inactive_state(&self) -> &T { self.in_state(false) } } impl Interactive { pub fn style_for(&self, state: &mut MouseState) -> &T { if state.clicked() == Some(platform::MouseButton::Left) && self.clicked.is_some() { self.clicked.as_ref().unwrap() } else if state.hovered() { self.hovered.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.default) } else { &self.default } } pub fn disabled_style(&self) -> &T { self.disabled.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.default) } } impl Toggleable> { pub fn style_for(&self, active: bool, state: &mut MouseState) -> &T { self.in_state(active).style_for(state) } pub fn default_style(&self) -> &T { &self.inactive.default } } impl<'de, T: DeserializeOwned> Deserialize<'de> for Interactive { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Helper { default: Value, hovered: Option, clicked: Option, disabled: Option, } let json = Helper::deserialize(deserializer)?; let deserialize_state = |state_json: Option| -> Result, D::Error> { if let Some(mut state_json) = state_json { if let Value::Object(state_json) = &mut state_json { if let Value::Object(default) = &json.default { for (key, value) in default { if !state_json.contains_key(key) { state_json.insert(key.clone(), value.clone()); } } } } Ok(Some( serde_json::from_value::(state_json).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)?, )) } else { Ok(None) } }; let hovered = deserialize_state(json.hovered)?; let clicked = deserialize_state(json.clicked)?; let disabled = deserialize_state(json.disabled)?; let default = serde_json::from_value(json.default).map_err(serde::de::Error::custom)?; Ok(Interactive { default, hovered, clicked, disabled, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ColorIndex(pub u32); impl Editor { pub fn replica_selection_style(&self, color_index: ColorIndex) -> SelectionStyle { if self.guest_selections.is_empty() { return SelectionStyle::default(); } let style_ix = color_index.0 as usize % self.guest_selections.len(); self.guest_selections[style_ix] } } #[derive(Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct SyntaxTheme { pub highlights: Vec<(String, HighlightStyle)>, } impl SyntaxTheme { pub fn new(highlights: Vec<(String, HighlightStyle)>) -> Self { Self { highlights } } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SyntaxTheme { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { let syntax_data: HashMap = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?; let mut result = Self::new(Vec::new()); for (key, style) in syntax_data { match result .highlights .binary_search_by(|(needle, _)| needle.cmp(&key)) { Ok(i) | Err(i) => { result.highlights.insert(i, (key, style)); } } } Ok(result) } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct HoverPopover { pub container: ContainerStyle, pub info_container: ContainerStyle, pub warning_container: ContainerStyle, pub error_container: ContainerStyle, pub block_style: ContainerStyle, pub prose: TextStyle, pub diagnostic_source_highlight: HighlightStyle, pub highlight: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct TerminalStyle { pub black: Color, pub red: Color, pub green: Color, pub yellow: Color, pub blue: Color, pub magenta: Color, pub cyan: Color, pub white: Color, pub bright_black: Color, pub bright_red: Color, pub bright_green: Color, pub bright_yellow: Color, pub bright_blue: Color, pub bright_magenta: Color, pub bright_cyan: Color, pub bright_white: Color, pub foreground: Color, pub background: Color, pub modal_background: Color, pub cursor: Color, pub dim_black: Color, pub dim_red: Color, pub dim_green: Color, pub dim_yellow: Color, pub dim_blue: Color, pub dim_magenta: Color, pub dim_cyan: Color, pub dim_white: Color, pub bright_foreground: Color, pub dim_foreground: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct AssistantStyle { pub container: ContainerStyle, pub hamburger_button: Interactive, pub split_button: Interactive, pub assist_button: Interactive, pub quote_button: Interactive, pub zoom_in_button: Interactive, pub zoom_out_button: Interactive, pub plus_button: Interactive, pub title: ContainedText, pub message_header: ContainerStyle, pub sent_at: ContainedText, pub user_sender: Interactive, pub assistant_sender: Interactive, pub system_sender: Interactive, pub model: Interactive, pub remaining_tokens: ContainedText, pub low_remaining_tokens: ContainedText, pub no_remaining_tokens: ContainedText, pub error_icon: Icon, pub api_key_editor: FieldEditor, pub api_key_prompt: ContainedText, pub saved_conversation: SavedConversation, pub inline: InlineAssistantStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct InlineAssistantStyle { #[serde(flatten)] pub container: ContainerStyle, pub editor: FieldEditor, pub disabled_editor: FieldEditor, pub pending_edit_background: Color, pub include_conversation: ToggleIconButtonStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Contained { container: ContainerStyle, contained: T, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct SavedConversation { pub container: Interactive, pub saved_at: ContainedText, pub title: ContainedText, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct FeedbackStyle { pub submit_button: Interactive, pub button_margin: f32, pub info_text_default: ContainedText, pub link_text_default: ContainedText, pub link_text_hover: ContainedText, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct WelcomeStyle { pub page_width: f32, pub logo: SvgStyle, pub logo_subheading: ContainedText, pub usage_note: ContainedText, pub checkbox: CheckboxStyle, pub checkbox_container: ContainerStyle, pub button: Interactive, pub button_group: ContainerStyle, pub heading_group: ContainerStyle, pub checkbox_group: ContainerStyle, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct ColorScheme { pub name: String, pub is_light: bool, pub ramps: RampSet, pub lowest: Layer, pub middle: Layer, pub highest: Layer, pub popover_shadow: Shadow, pub modal_shadow: Shadow, pub players: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Player { pub cursor: Color, pub selection: Color, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct RampSet { pub neutral: Vec, pub red: Vec, pub orange: Vec, pub yellow: Vec, pub green: Vec, pub cyan: Vec, pub blue: Vec, pub violet: Vec, pub magenta: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Layer { pub base: StyleSet, pub variant: StyleSet, pub on: StyleSet, pub accent: StyleSet, pub positive: StyleSet, pub warning: StyleSet, pub negative: StyleSet, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct StyleSet { pub default: Style, pub active: Style, pub disabled: Style, pub hovered: Style, pub pressed: Style, pub inverted: Style, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Default, JsonSchema)] pub struct Style { pub background: Color, pub border: Color, pub foreground: Color, }