# Developing Zed's Backend Zed's backend consists of the following components: - The Zed.dev web site - implemented in the [`zed.dev`](https://github.com/zed-industries/zed.dev) repository - hosted on [Vercel](https://vercel.com/zed-industries/zed-dev). - The Zed Collaboration server - implemented in the [`crates/collab`](https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/tree/main/crates/collab) directory of the main `zed` repository - hosted on [DigitalOcean](https://cloud.digitalocean.com/projects/6c680a82-9d3b-4f1a-91e5-63a6ca4a8611), using Kubernetes - The Zed Postgres database - defined via migrations in the [`crates/collab/migrations`](https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/tree/main/crates/collab/migrations) directory - hosted on DigitalOcean --- ## Local Development Here's some things you need to develop backend code locally. ### Dependencies - **Postgres** - download [Postgres.app](https://postgresapp.com). ### Setup 1. Check out the `zed` and `zed.dev` repositories into a common parent directory 2. Set the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable to one of your GitHub personal access tokens (PATs). - You can create a PAT [here](https://github.com/settings/tokens). - You may want to add something like this to your `~/.zshrc`: ``` export GITHUB_TOKEN= ``` 3. In the `zed.dev` directory, run `npm install` to install dependencies. 4. In the `zed directory`, run `script/bootstrap` to set up the database 5. In the `zed directory`, run `foreman start` to start both servers --- ## Production Debugging ### Datadog Zed uses Datadog to collect metrics and logs from backend services. The Zed organization lives within Datadog's _US5_ [site](https://docs.datadoghq.com/getting_started/site/), so it can be accessed at [us5.datadoghq.com](https://us5.datadoghq.com). Useful things to look at in Datadog: - The [Logs](https://us5.datadoghq.com/logs) page shows logs from Zed.dev and the Collab server, and the internals of Zed's Kubernetes cluster. - The [collab metrics dashboard](https://us5.datadoghq.com/dashboard/y2d-gxz-h4h/collab?from_ts=1660517946462&to_ts=1660604346462&live=true) shows metrics about the running collab server