use crate::{ display_map::ToDisplayPoint, link_go_to_definition::hide_link_definition, movement::surrounding_word, persistence::DB, scroll::ScrollAnchor, Anchor, Autoscroll, Editor, Event, ExcerptId, ExcerptRange, MultiBuffer, MultiBufferSnapshot, NavigationData, ToPoint as _, }; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use collections::HashSet; use futures::future::try_join_all; use gpui::{ elements::*, geometry::vector::vec2f, AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Entity, ModelHandle, Subscription, Task, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, WeakViewHandle, }; use language::{ proto::serialize_anchor as serialize_text_anchor, Bias, Buffer, OffsetRangeExt, Point, SelectionGoal, }; use project::{FormatTrigger, Item as _, Project, ProjectPath}; use rpc::proto::{self, update_view}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::{ borrow::Cow, cmp::{self, Ordering}, fmt::Write, iter, ops::Range, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use text::Selection; use util::{paths::FILE_ROW_COLUMN_DELIMITER, ResultExt, TryFutureExt}; use workspace::item::{BreadcrumbText, FollowableItemHandle}; use workspace::{ item::{FollowableItem, Item, ItemEvent, ItemHandle, ProjectItem}, searchable::{Direction, SearchEvent, SearchableItem, SearchableItemHandle}, ItemId, ItemNavHistory, Pane, StatusItemView, ToolbarItemLocation, ViewId, Workspace, WorkspaceId, }; pub const MAX_TAB_TITLE_LEN: usize = 24; impl FollowableItem for Editor { fn remote_id(&self) -> Option { self.remote_id } fn from_state_proto( pane: ViewHandle, project: ModelHandle, remote_id: ViewId, state: &mut Option, cx: &mut AppContext, ) -> Option>>> { let Some(proto::view::Variant::Editor(_)) = state else { return None }; let Some(proto::view::Variant::Editor(state)) = state.take() else { unreachable!() }; let client =; let replica_id =; let buffer_ids = state .excerpts .iter() .map(|excerpt| excerpt.buffer_id) .collect::>(); let buffers = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { buffer_ids .iter() .map(|id| project.open_buffer_by_id(*id, cx)) .collect::>() }); let pane = pane.downgrade(); Some(cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let mut buffers = futures::future::try_join_all(buffers).await?; let editor = pane.read_with(&cx, |pane, cx| { let mut editors = pane.items_of_type::(); editors.find(|editor| { let ids_match = editor.remote_id(&client, cx) == Some(remote_id); let singleton_buffer_matches = state.singleton && buffers.first() ==; ids_match || singleton_buffer_matches }) })?; let editor = if let Some(editor) = editor { editor } else { pane.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { let multibuffer = cx.add_model(|cx| { let mut multibuffer; if state.singleton && buffers.len() == 1 { multibuffer = MultiBuffer::singleton(buffers.pop().unwrap(), cx) } else { multibuffer = MultiBuffer::new(replica_id); let mut excerpts = state.excerpts.into_iter().peekable(); while let Some(excerpt) = excerpts.peek() { let buffer_id = excerpt.buffer_id; let buffer_excerpts = iter::from_fn(|| { let excerpt = excerpts.peek()?; (excerpt.buffer_id == buffer_id) .then(|| }); let buffer = buffers.iter().find(|b| == buffer_id); if let Some(buffer) = buffer { multibuffer.push_excerpts( buffer.clone(), buffer_excerpts.filter_map(deserialize_excerpt_range), cx, ); } } }; if let Some(title) = &state.title { multibuffer = multibuffer.with_title(title.clone()) } multibuffer }); cx.add_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::for_multibuffer(multibuffer, Some(project.clone()), cx); editor.remote_id = Some(remote_id); editor }) })? }; update_editor_from_message( editor.downgrade(), project, proto::update_view::Editor { selections: state.selections, pending_selection: state.pending_selection, scroll_top_anchor: state.scroll_top_anchor, scroll_x: state.scroll_x, scroll_y: state.scroll_y, ..Default::default() }, &mut cx, ) .await?; Ok(editor) })) } fn set_leader_replica_id( &mut self, leader_replica_id: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { self.leader_replica_id = leader_replica_id; if self.leader_replica_id.is_some() { self.buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.remove_active_selections(cx); }); } else { self.buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { if self.focused { buffer.set_active_selections( &self.selections.disjoint_anchors(), self.selections.line_mode, self.cursor_shape, cx, ); } }); } cx.notify(); } fn to_state_proto(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { let buffer =; let scroll_anchor = self.scroll_manager.anchor(); let excerpts = buffer .read(cx) .excerpts() .map(|(id, buffer, range)| proto::Excerpt { id: id.to_proto(), buffer_id: buffer.remote_id(), context_start: Some(serialize_text_anchor(&range.context.start)), context_end: Some(serialize_text_anchor(&range.context.end)), primary_start: range .primary .as_ref() .map(|range| serialize_text_anchor(&range.start)), primary_end: range .primary .as_ref() .map(|range| serialize_text_anchor(&range.end)), }) .collect(); Some(proto::view::Variant::Editor(proto::view::Editor { singleton: buffer.is_singleton(), title: (!buffer.is_singleton()).then(|| buffer.title(cx).into()), excerpts, scroll_top_anchor: Some(serialize_anchor(&scroll_anchor.anchor)), scroll_x: scroll_anchor.offset.x(), scroll_y: scroll_anchor.offset.y(), selections: self .selections .disjoint_anchors() .iter() .map(serialize_selection) .collect(), pending_selection: self .selections .pending_anchor() .as_ref() .map(serialize_selection), })) } fn add_event_to_update_proto( &self, event: &Self::Event, update: &mut Option, cx: &AppContext, ) -> bool { let update = update.get_or_insert_with(|| proto::update_view::Variant::Editor(Default::default())); match update { proto::update_view::Variant::Editor(update) => match event { Event::ExcerptsAdded { buffer, predecessor, excerpts, } => { let buffer_id =; let mut excerpts = excerpts.iter(); if let Some((id, range)) = { update.inserted_excerpts.push(proto::ExcerptInsertion { previous_excerpt_id: Some(predecessor.to_proto()), excerpt: serialize_excerpt(buffer_id, id, range), }); update.inserted_excerpts.extend(|(id, range)| { proto::ExcerptInsertion { previous_excerpt_id: None, excerpt: serialize_excerpt(buffer_id, id, range), } })) } true } Event::ExcerptsRemoved { ids } => { update .deleted_excerpts .extend(ids.iter().map(ExcerptId::to_proto)); true } Event::ScrollPositionChanged { .. } => { let scroll_anchor = self.scroll_manager.anchor(); update.scroll_top_anchor = Some(serialize_anchor(&scroll_anchor.anchor)); update.scroll_x = scroll_anchor.offset.x(); update.scroll_y = scroll_anchor.offset.y(); true } Event::SelectionsChanged { .. } => { update.selections = self .selections .disjoint_anchors() .iter() .map(serialize_selection) .collect(); update.pending_selection = self .selections .pending_anchor() .as_ref() .map(serialize_selection); true } _ => false, }, } } fn apply_update_proto( &mut self, project: &ModelHandle, message: update_view::Variant, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { let update_view::Variant::Editor(message) = message; let project = project.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { update_editor_from_message(this, project, message, &mut cx).await }) } fn should_unfollow_on_event(event: &Self::Event, _: &AppContext) -> bool { match event { Event::Edited => true, Event::SelectionsChanged { local } => *local, Event::ScrollPositionChanged { local, .. } => *local, _ => false, } } } async fn update_editor_from_message( this: WeakViewHandle, project: ModelHandle, message: proto::update_view::Editor, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { // Open all of the buffers of which excerpts were added to the editor. let inserted_excerpt_buffer_ids = message .inserted_excerpts .iter() .filter_map(|insertion| Some(insertion.excerpt.as_ref()?.buffer_id)) .collect::>(); let inserted_excerpt_buffers = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { inserted_excerpt_buffer_ids .into_iter() .map(|id| project.open_buffer_by_id(id, cx)) .collect::>() }); let _inserted_excerpt_buffers = try_join_all(inserted_excerpt_buffers).await?; // Update the editor's excerpts. this.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.buffer.update(cx, |multibuffer, cx| { let mut removed_excerpt_ids = message .deleted_excerpts .into_iter() .map(ExcerptId::from_proto) .collect::>(); removed_excerpt_ids.sort_by({ let multibuffer =; move |a, b| a.cmp(&b, &multibuffer) }); let mut insertions = message.inserted_excerpts.into_iter().peekable(); while let Some(insertion) = { let Some(excerpt) = insertion.excerpt else { continue }; let Some(previous_excerpt_id) = insertion.previous_excerpt_id else { continue }; let buffer_id = excerpt.buffer_id; let Some(buffer) =, cx) else { continue }; let adjacent_excerpts = iter::from_fn(|| { let insertion = insertions.peek()?; if insertion.previous_excerpt_id.is_none() && insertion.excerpt.as_ref()?.buffer_id == buffer_id { } else { None } }); multibuffer.insert_excerpts_with_ids_after( ExcerptId::from_proto(previous_excerpt_id), buffer, [excerpt] .into_iter() .chain(adjacent_excerpts) .filter_map(|excerpt| { Some(( ExcerptId::from_proto(, deserialize_excerpt_range(excerpt)?, )) }), cx, ); } multibuffer.remove_excerpts(removed_excerpt_ids, cx); }); })?; // Deserialize the editor state. let (selections, pending_selection, scroll_top_anchor) = this.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let buffer =; let selections = message .selections .into_iter() .filter_map(|selection| deserialize_selection(&buffer, selection)) .collect::>(); let pending_selection = message .pending_selection .and_then(|selection| deserialize_selection(&buffer, selection)); let scroll_top_anchor = message .scroll_top_anchor .and_then(|anchor| deserialize_anchor(&buffer, anchor)); anyhow::Ok((selections, pending_selection, scroll_top_anchor)) })??; // Wait until the buffer has received all of the operations referenced by // the editor's new state. this.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.wait_for_anchors( selections .iter() .chain(pending_selection.as_ref()) .flat_map(|selection| [selection.start, selection.end]) .chain(scroll_top_anchor), cx, ) }) })? .await?; // Update the editor's state. this.update(cx, |editor, cx| { if !selections.is_empty() || pending_selection.is_some() { editor.set_selections_from_remote(selections, pending_selection, cx); editor.request_autoscroll_remotely(Autoscroll::newest(), cx); } else if let Some(scroll_top_anchor) = scroll_top_anchor { editor.set_scroll_anchor_remote( ScrollAnchor { anchor: scroll_top_anchor, offset: vec2f(message.scroll_x, message.scroll_y), }, cx, ); } })?; Ok(()) } fn serialize_excerpt( buffer_id: u64, id: &ExcerptId, range: &ExcerptRange, ) -> Option { Some(proto::Excerpt { id: id.to_proto(), buffer_id, context_start: Some(serialize_text_anchor(&range.context.start)), context_end: Some(serialize_text_anchor(&range.context.end)), primary_start: range .primary .as_ref() .map(|r| serialize_text_anchor(&r.start)), primary_end: range .primary .as_ref() .map(|r| serialize_text_anchor(&r.end)), }) } fn serialize_selection(selection: &Selection) -> proto::Selection { proto::Selection { id: as u64, start: Some(serialize_anchor(&selection.start)), end: Some(serialize_anchor(&selection.end)), reversed: selection.reversed, } } fn serialize_anchor(anchor: &Anchor) -> proto::EditorAnchor { proto::EditorAnchor { excerpt_id: anchor.excerpt_id.to_proto(), anchor: Some(serialize_text_anchor(&anchor.text_anchor)), } } fn deserialize_excerpt_range(excerpt: proto::Excerpt) -> Option> { let context = { let start = language::proto::deserialize_anchor(excerpt.context_start?)?; let end = language::proto::deserialize_anchor(excerpt.context_end?)?; start..end }; let primary = excerpt .primary_start .zip(excerpt.primary_end) .and_then(|(start, end)| { let start = language::proto::deserialize_anchor(start)?; let end = language::proto::deserialize_anchor(end)?; Some(start..end) }); Some(ExcerptRange { context, primary }) } fn deserialize_selection( buffer: &MultiBufferSnapshot, selection: proto::Selection, ) -> Option> { Some(Selection { id: as usize, start: deserialize_anchor(buffer, selection.start?)?, end: deserialize_anchor(buffer, selection.end?)?, reversed: selection.reversed, goal: SelectionGoal::None, }) } fn deserialize_anchor(buffer: &MultiBufferSnapshot, anchor: proto::EditorAnchor) -> Option { let excerpt_id = ExcerptId::from_proto(anchor.excerpt_id); Some(Anchor { excerpt_id, text_anchor: language::proto::deserialize_anchor(anchor.anchor?)?, buffer_id: buffer.buffer_id_for_excerpt(excerpt_id), }) } impl Item for Editor { fn navigate(&mut self, data: Box, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> bool { if let Ok(data) = data.downcast::() { let newest_selection = self.selections.newest::(cx); let buffer =; let offset = if buffer.can_resolve(&data.cursor_anchor) { data.cursor_anchor.to_point(&buffer) } else { buffer.clip_point(data.cursor_position, Bias::Left) }; let mut scroll_anchor = data.scroll_anchor; if !buffer.can_resolve(&scroll_anchor.anchor) { scroll_anchor.anchor = buffer.anchor_before( buffer.clip_point(Point::new(data.scroll_top_row, 0), Bias::Left), ); } drop(buffer); if newest_selection.head() == offset { false } else { let nav_history = self.nav_history.take(); self.set_scroll_anchor(scroll_anchor, cx); self.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::fit()), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([offset..offset]) }); self.nav_history = nav_history; true } } else { false } } fn tab_tooltip_text(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { let file_path = self .buffer() .read(cx) .as_singleton()? .read(cx) .file() .and_then(|f| f.as_local())? .abs_path(cx); let file_path = util::paths::compact(&file_path) .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); Some(file_path.into()) } fn tab_description<'a>(&'a self, detail: usize, cx: &'a AppContext) -> Option> { match path_for_buffer(&self.buffer, detail, true, cx)? { Cow::Borrowed(path) => Some(path.to_string_lossy()), Cow::Owned(path) => Some(path.to_string_lossy().to_string().into()), } } fn tab_content( &self, detail: Option, style: &theme::Tab, cx: &AppContext, ) -> AnyElement { Flex::row() .with_child(Label::new(self.title(cx).to_string(), style.label.clone()).into_any()) .with_children(detail.and_then(|detail| { let path = path_for_buffer(&self.buffer, detail, false, cx)?; let description = path.to_string_lossy(); Some( Label::new( util::truncate_and_trailoff(&description, MAX_TAB_TITLE_LEN), style.description.text.clone(), ) .contained() .with_style(style.description.container) .aligned(), ) })) .align_children_center() .into_any() } fn for_each_project_item(&self, cx: &AppContext, f: &mut dyn FnMut(usize, &dyn project::Item)) { self.buffer .read(cx) .for_each_buffer(|buffer| f(,; } fn is_singleton(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn clone_on_split(&self, _workspace_id: WorkspaceId, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option where Self: Sized, { Some(self.clone(cx)) } fn set_nav_history(&mut self, history: ItemNavHistory, _: &mut ViewContext) { self.nav_history = Some(history); } fn deactivated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let selection = self.selections.newest_anchor(); self.push_to_nav_history(selection.head(), None, cx); } fn workspace_deactivated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { hide_link_definition(self, cx); self.link_go_to_definition_state.last_mouse_location = None; } fn is_dirty(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { self.buffer().read(cx).read(cx).is_dirty() } fn has_conflict(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { self.buffer().read(cx).read(cx).has_conflict() } fn can_save(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { let buffer = &self.buffer().read(cx); if let Some(buffer) = buffer.as_singleton() { } else { true } } fn save( &mut self, project: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { self.report_editor_event("save", None, cx); let format = self.perform_format(project.clone(), FormatTrigger::Save, cx); let buffers = self.buffer().clone().read(cx).all_buffers(); cx.spawn(|_, mut cx| async move { format.await?; if buffers.len() == 1 { project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| project.save_buffers(buffers, cx)) .await?; } else { // For multi-buffers, only save those ones that contain changes. For clean buffers // we simulate saving by calling `Buffer::did_save`, so that language servers or // other downstream listeners of save events get notified. let (dirty_buffers, clean_buffers) = buffers.into_iter().partition(|buffer| { buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.is_dirty() || buffer.has_conflict()) }); project .update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.save_buffers(dirty_buffers, cx) }) .await?; for buffer in clean_buffers { buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| { let version = buffer.saved_version().clone(); let fingerprint = buffer.saved_version_fingerprint(); let mtime = buffer.saved_mtime(); buffer.did_save(version, fingerprint, mtime, cx); }); } } Ok(()) }) } fn save_as( &mut self, project: ModelHandle, abs_path: PathBuf, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { let buffer = self .buffer() .read(cx) .as_singleton() .expect("cannot call save_as on an excerpt list"); let file_extension = abs_path .extension() .map(|a| a.to_string_lossy().to_string()); self.report_editor_event("save", file_extension, cx); project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.save_buffer_as(buffer, abs_path, cx) }) } fn reload( &mut self, project: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { let buffer = self.buffer().clone(); let buffers =; let reload_buffers = project.update(cx, |project, cx| project.reload_buffers(buffers, true, cx)); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let transaction = reload_buffers.log_err().await; this.update(&mut cx, |editor, cx| { editor.request_autoscroll(Autoscroll::fit(), cx) })?; buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| { if let Some(transaction) = transaction { if !buffer.is_singleton() { buffer.push_transaction(&transaction.0, cx); } } }); Ok(()) }) } fn to_item_events(event: &Self::Event) -> SmallVec<[ItemEvent; 2]> { let mut result = SmallVec::new(); match event { Event::Closed => result.push(ItemEvent::CloseItem), Event::Saved | Event::TitleChanged => { result.push(ItemEvent::UpdateTab); result.push(ItemEvent::UpdateBreadcrumbs); } Event::Reparsed => { result.push(ItemEvent::UpdateBreadcrumbs); } Event::SelectionsChanged { local } if *local => { result.push(ItemEvent::UpdateBreadcrumbs); } Event::DirtyChanged => { result.push(ItemEvent::UpdateTab); } Event::BufferEdited => { result.push(ItemEvent::Edit); result.push(ItemEvent::UpdateBreadcrumbs); } _ => {} } result } fn as_searchable(&self, handle: &ViewHandle) -> Option> { Some(Box::new(handle.clone())) } fn breadcrumb_location(&self) -> ToolbarItemLocation { ToolbarItemLocation::PrimaryLeft { flex: None } } fn breadcrumbs(&self, theme: &theme::Theme, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { let cursor = self.selections.newest_anchor().head(); let multibuffer = &self.buffer().read(cx); let (buffer_id, symbols) = multibuffer.symbols_containing(cursor, Some(&theme.editor.syntax), cx)?; let buffer = multibuffer.buffer(buffer_id)?; let buffer =; let filename = buffer .snapshot() .resolve_file_path( cx, self.project .as_ref() .map(|project| > 1) .unwrap_or_default(), ) .map(|path| path.to_string_lossy().to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "untitled".to_string()); let mut breadcrumbs = vec![BreadcrumbText { text: filename, highlights: None, }]; breadcrumbs.extend(symbols.into_iter().map(|symbol| BreadcrumbText { text: symbol.text, highlights: Some(symbol.highlight_ranges), })); Some(breadcrumbs) } fn added_to_workspace(&mut self, workspace: &mut Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let workspace_id = workspace.database_id(); let item_id = cx.view_id(); self.workspace = Some((workspace.weak_handle(), workspace.database_id())); fn serialize( buffer: ModelHandle, workspace_id: WorkspaceId, item_id: ItemId, cx: &mut AppContext, ) { if let Some(file) =|file| file.as_local()) { let path = file.abs_path(cx); cx.background() .spawn(async move { DB.save_path(item_id, workspace_id, path.clone()) .await .log_err() }) .detach(); } } if let Some(buffer) = self.buffer().read(cx).as_singleton() { serialize(buffer.clone(), workspace_id, item_id, cx); cx.subscribe(&buffer, |this, buffer, event, cx| { if let Some((_, workspace_id)) = this.workspace.as_ref() { if let language::Event::FileHandleChanged = event { serialize(buffer, *workspace_id, cx.view_id(), cx); } } }) .detach(); } } fn serialized_item_kind() -> Option<&'static str> { Some("Editor") } fn deserialize( project: ModelHandle, _workspace: WeakViewHandle, workspace_id: workspace::WorkspaceId, item_id: ItemId, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>> { let project_item: Result<_> = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { // Look up the path with this key associated, create a self with that path let path = DB .get_path(item_id, workspace_id)? .context("No path stored for this editor")?; let (worktree, path) = project .find_local_worktree(&path, cx) .with_context(|| format!("No worktree for path: {path:?}"))?; let project_path = ProjectPath { worktree_id:, path: path.into(), }; Ok(project.open_path(project_path, cx)) }); project_item .map(|project_item| { cx.spawn(|pane, mut cx| async move { let (_, project_item) = project_item.await?; let buffer = project_item .downcast::() .context("Project item at stored path was not a buffer")?; Ok(pane.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.add_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::for_buffer(buffer, Some(project), cx); editor.read_scroll_position_from_db(item_id, workspace_id, cx); editor }) })?) }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|error| Task::ready(Err(error))) } } impl ProjectItem for Editor { type Item = Buffer; fn for_project_item( project: ModelHandle, buffer: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self { Self::for_buffer(buffer, Some(project), cx) } } enum BufferSearchHighlights {} impl SearchableItem for Editor { type Match = Range; fn to_search_event(event: &Self::Event) -> Option { match event { Event::BufferEdited => Some(SearchEvent::MatchesInvalidated), Event::SelectionsChanged { .. } => Some(SearchEvent::ActiveMatchChanged), _ => None, } } fn clear_matches(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.clear_background_highlights::(cx); } fn update_matches(&mut self, matches: Vec>, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.highlight_background::( matches, |theme|, cx, ); } fn query_suggestion(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> String { let display_map = self.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot; let selection = self.selections.newest::(cx); if selection.start == selection.end { let point = selection.start.to_display_point(&display_map); let range = surrounding_word(&display_map, point); let range = range.start.to_offset(&display_map, Bias::Left) ..range.end.to_offset(&display_map, Bias::Right); let text: String = display_map.buffer_snapshot.text_for_range(range).collect(); if text.trim().is_empty() { String::new() } else { text } } else { display_map .buffer_snapshot .text_for_range(selection.start..selection.end) .collect() } } fn activate_match( &mut self, index: usize, matches: Vec>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { self.unfold_ranges([matches[index].clone()], false, true, cx); self.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::fit()), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([matches[index].clone()]) }); } fn match_index_for_direction( &mut self, matches: &Vec>, mut current_index: usize, direction: Direction, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> usize { let buffer = self.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx); let cursor = self.selections.newest_anchor().head(); if matches[current_index].start.cmp(&cursor, &buffer).is_gt() { if direction == Direction::Prev { if current_index == 0 { current_index = matches.len() - 1; } else { current_index -= 1; } } } else if matches[current_index].end.cmp(&cursor, &buffer).is_lt() { if direction == Direction::Next { current_index = 0; } } else if direction == Direction::Prev { if current_index == 0 { current_index = matches.len() - 1; } else { current_index -= 1; } } else if direction == Direction::Next { if current_index == matches.len() - 1 { current_index = 0 } else { current_index += 1; } }; current_index } fn find_matches( &mut self, query: project::search::SearchQuery, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>> { let buffer = self.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx); cx.background().spawn(async move { let mut ranges = Vec::new(); if let Some((_, _, excerpt_buffer)) = buffer.as_singleton() { ranges.extend( query .search(excerpt_buffer.as_rope()) .await .into_iter() .map(|range| { buffer.anchor_after(range.start)..buffer.anchor_before(range.end) }), ); } else { for excerpt in buffer.excerpt_boundaries_in_range(0..buffer.len()) { let excerpt_range = excerpt.range.context.to_offset(&excerpt.buffer); let rope = excerpt.buffer.as_rope().slice(excerpt_range.clone()); ranges.extend(|range| { let start = excerpt .buffer .anchor_after(excerpt_range.start + range.start); let end = excerpt .buffer .anchor_before(excerpt_range.start + range.end); buffer.anchor_in_excerpt(, start) ..buffer.anchor_in_excerpt(, end) })); } } ranges }) } fn active_match_index( &mut self, matches: Vec>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option { active_match_index( &matches, &self.selections.newest_anchor().head(), &self.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx), ) } } pub fn active_match_index( ranges: &[Range], cursor: &Anchor, buffer: &MultiBufferSnapshot, ) -> Option { if ranges.is_empty() { None } else { match ranges.binary_search_by(|probe| { if probe.end.cmp(cursor, &*buffer).is_lt() { Ordering::Less } else if probe.start.cmp(cursor, &*buffer).is_gt() { Ordering::Greater } else { Ordering::Equal } }) { Ok(i) | Err(i) => Some(cmp::min(i, ranges.len() - 1)), } } } pub struct CursorPosition { position: Option, selected_count: usize, _observe_active_editor: Option, } impl Default for CursorPosition { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl CursorPosition { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { position: None, selected_count: 0, _observe_active_editor: None, } } fn update_position(&mut self, editor: ViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let editor =; let buffer = editor.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx); self.selected_count = 0; let mut last_selection: Option> = None; for selection in editor.selections.all::(cx) { self.selected_count += selection.end - selection.start; if last_selection .as_ref() .map_or(true, |last_selection| > { last_selection = Some(selection); } } self.position =|s| s.head().to_point(&buffer)); cx.notify(); } } impl Entity for CursorPosition { type Event = (); } impl View for CursorPosition { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "CursorPosition" } fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> AnyElement { if let Some(position) = self.position { let theme = &theme::current(cx).workspace.status_bar; let mut text = format!( "{}{FILE_ROW_COLUMN_DELIMITER}{}", position.row + 1, position.column + 1 ); if self.selected_count > 0 { write!(text, " ({} selected)", self.selected_count).unwrap(); } Label::new(text, theme.cursor_position.clone()).into_any() } else { Empty::new().into_any() } } } impl StatusItemView for CursorPosition { fn set_active_pane_item( &mut self, active_pane_item: Option<&dyn ItemHandle>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { if let Some(editor) = active_pane_item.and_then(|item| item.act_as::(cx)) { self._observe_active_editor = Some(cx.observe(&editor, Self::update_position)); self.update_position(editor, cx); } else { self.position = None; self._observe_active_editor = None; } cx.notify(); } } fn path_for_buffer<'a>( buffer: &ModelHandle, height: usize, include_filename: bool, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> Option> { let file =; path_for_file(file.as_ref(), height, include_filename, cx) } fn path_for_file<'a>( file: &'a dyn language::File, mut height: usize, include_filename: bool, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> Option> { // Ensure we always render at least the filename. height += 1; let mut prefix = file.path().as_ref(); while height > 0 { if let Some(parent) = prefix.parent() { prefix = parent; height -= 1; } else { break; } } // Here we could have just always used `full_path`, but that is very // allocation-heavy and so we try to use a `Cow` if we haven't // traversed all the way up to the worktree's root. if height > 0 { let full_path = file.full_path(cx); if include_filename { Some(full_path.into()) } else { Some(full_path.parent()?.to_path_buf().into()) } } else { let mut path = file.path().strip_prefix(prefix).ok()?; if !include_filename { path = path.parent()?; } Some(path.into()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use gpui::AppContext; use std::{ path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, time::SystemTime, }; #[gpui::test] fn test_path_for_file(cx: &mut AppContext) { let file = TestFile { path: Path::new("").into(), full_path: PathBuf::from(""), }; assert_eq!(path_for_file(&file, 0, false, cx), None); } struct TestFile { path: Arc, full_path: PathBuf, } impl language::File for TestFile { fn path(&self) -> &Arc { &self.path } fn full_path(&self, _: &gpui::AppContext) -> PathBuf { self.full_path.clone() } fn as_local(&self) -> Option<&dyn language::LocalFile> { unimplemented!() } fn mtime(&self) -> SystemTime { unimplemented!() } fn file_name<'a>(&'a self, _: &'a gpui::AppContext) -> &'a std::ffi::OsStr { unimplemented!() } fn worktree_id(&self) -> usize { 0 } fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool { unimplemented!() } fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn std::any::Any { unimplemented!() } fn to_proto(&self) -> rpc::proto::File { unimplemented!() } } }