#!/usr/bin/env node const HELP = ` USAGE zed-local [options] [zed args] OPTIONS --help Print this help message --release Build Zed in release mode -2, -3, -4 Spawn 2, 3, or 4 Zed instances, with their windows tiled. --top Arrange the Zed windows so they take up the top half of the screen. `.trim(); const { spawn, execFileSync } = require("child_process"); const RESOLUTION_REGEX = /(\d+) x (\d+)/; const DIGIT_FLAG_REGEX = /^--?(\d+)$/; let instanceCount = 1; let isReleaseMode = false; let isTop = false; const args = process.argv.slice(2); while (args.length > 0) { const arg = args[0]; const digitMatch = arg.match(DIGIT_FLAG_REGEX); if (digitMatch) { instanceCount = parseInt(digitMatch[1]); } else if (arg === "--release") { isReleaseMode = true; } else if (arg === "--top") { isTop = true; } else if (arg === "--help") { console.log(HELP); process.exit(0); } else { break; } args.shift(); } // Parse the resolution of the main screen const displayInfo = JSON.parse( execFileSync("system_profiler", ["SPDisplaysDataType", "-json"], { encoding: "utf8", }), ); const mainDisplayResolution = displayInfo?.SPDisplaysDataType[0]?.spdisplays_ndrvs ?.find((entry) => entry.spdisplays_main === "spdisplays_yes") ?._spdisplays_resolution?.match(RESOLUTION_REGEX); if (!mainDisplayResolution) { throw new Error("Could not parse screen resolution"); } const screenWidth = parseInt(mainDisplayResolution[1]); let screenHeight = parseInt(mainDisplayResolution[2]); if (isTop) { screenHeight = Math.floor(screenHeight / 2); } // Determine the window size for each instance let instanceWidth = screenWidth; let instanceHeight = screenHeight; if (instanceCount > 1) { instanceWidth = Math.floor(screenWidth / 2); if (instanceCount > 2) { instanceHeight = Math.floor(screenHeight / 2); } } let users = ["nathansobo", "as-cii", "maxbrunsfeld", "iamnbutler"]; const RUST_LOG = process.env.RUST_LOG || "info"; // If a user is specified, make sure it's first in the list const user = process.env.ZED_IMPERSONATE; if (user) { users = [user].concat(users.filter((u) => u !== user)); } const positions = [ "0,0", `${instanceWidth},0`, `0,${instanceHeight}`, `${instanceWidth},${instanceHeight}`, ]; const buildArgs = (() => { const buildArgs = ["build"]; if (isReleaseMode) { buildArgs.push("--release"); } return buildArgs; })(); const zedBinary = (() => { const target = isReleaseMode ? "release" : "debug"; return `target/${target}/Zed`; })(); execFileSync("cargo", buildArgs, { stdio: "inherit" }); setTimeout(() => { for (let i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++) { spawn(zedBinary, i == 0 ? args : [], { stdio: "inherit", env: { ZED_IMPERSONATE: users[i], ZED_WINDOW_POSITION: positions[i], ZED_STATELESS: "1", ZED_ALWAYS_ACTIVE: "1", ZED_SERVER_URL: "http://localhost:8080", ZED_ADMIN_API_TOKEN: "secret", ZED_WINDOW_SIZE: `${instanceWidth},${instanceHeight}`, PATH: process.env.PATH, RUST_LOG, }, }); } }, 0.1);