use super::{ItemHandle, SplitDirection}; use crate::{ dock::{icon_for_dock_anchor, AnchorDockBottom, AnchorDockRight, ExpandDock, HideDock}, toolbar::Toolbar, Item, NewFile, NewSearch, NewTerminal, WeakItemHandle, Workspace, }; use anyhow::Result; use collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque}; use context_menu::{ContextMenu, ContextMenuItem}; use drag_and_drop::{DragAndDrop, Draggable}; use futures::StreamExt; use gpui::{ actions, color::Color, elements::*, geometry::{ rect::RectF, vector::{vec2f, Vector2F}, }, impl_actions, impl_internal_actions, platform::{CursorStyle, NavigationDirection}, Action, AnyViewHandle, AnyWeakViewHandle, AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Entity, EventContext, ModelHandle, MouseButton, MutableAppContext, PromptLevel, Quad, RenderContext, Task, View, ViewContext, ViewHandle, WeakViewHandle, }; use project::{Project, ProjectEntryId, ProjectPath}; use serde::Deserialize; use settings::{Autosave, DockAnchor, Settings}; use std::{any::Any, cell::RefCell, cmp, mem, path::Path, rc::Rc}; use theme::Theme; use util::ResultExt; #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct ActivateItem(pub usize); actions!( pane, [ ActivatePrevItem, ActivateNextItem, ActivateLastItem, CloseActiveItem, CloseInactiveItems, ReopenClosedItem, SplitLeft, SplitUp, SplitRight, SplitDown, ] ); #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct CloseItem { pub item_id: usize, pub pane: WeakViewHandle, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct MoveItem { pub item_id: usize, pub from: WeakViewHandle, pub to: WeakViewHandle, pub destination_index: usize, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct GoBack { #[serde(skip_deserializing)] pub pane: Option>, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct GoForward { #[serde(skip_deserializing)] pub pane: Option>, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct DeploySplitMenu { position: Vector2F, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct DeployDockMenu { position: Vector2F, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct DeployNewMenu { position: Vector2F, } impl_actions!(pane, [GoBack, GoForward, ActivateItem]); impl_internal_actions!( pane, [ CloseItem, DeploySplitMenu, DeployNewMenu, DeployDockMenu, MoveItem ] ); const MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN: usize = 1024; pub fn init(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, action: &ActivateItem, cx| { pane.activate_item(action.0, true, true, cx); }); cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &ActivateLastItem, cx| { pane.activate_item(pane.items.len() - 1, true, true, cx); }); cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &ActivatePrevItem, cx| { pane.activate_prev_item(cx); }); cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &ActivateNextItem, cx| { pane.activate_next_item(cx); }); cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_active_item); cx.add_async_action(Pane::close_inactive_items); cx.add_async_action(|workspace: &mut Workspace, action: &CloseItem, cx| { let pane = action.pane.upgrade(cx)?; let task = Pane::close_item(workspace, pane, action.item_id, cx); Some(cx.foreground().spawn(async move { task.await?; Ok(()) })) }); cx.add_action( |workspace, MoveItem { from, to, item_id, destination_index, }, cx| { // Get item handle to move let from = if let Some(from) = from.upgrade(cx) { from } else { return; }; // Add item to new pane at given index let to = if let Some(to) = to.upgrade(cx) { to } else { return; }; Pane::move_item(workspace, from, to, *item_id, *destination_index, cx) }, ); cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitLeft, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Left, cx)); cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitUp, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Up, cx)); cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitRight, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Right, cx)); cx.add_action(|pane: &mut Pane, _: &SplitDown, cx| pane.split(SplitDirection::Down, cx)); cx.add_action(Pane::deploy_split_menu); cx.add_action(Pane::deploy_new_menu); cx.add_action(Pane::deploy_dock_menu); cx.add_action(|workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &ReopenClosedItem, cx| { Pane::reopen_closed_item(workspace, cx).detach(); }); cx.add_action(|workspace: &mut Workspace, action: &GoBack, cx| { Pane::go_back( workspace, action .pane .as_ref() .and_then(|weak_handle| weak_handle.upgrade(cx)), cx, ) .detach(); }); cx.add_action(|workspace: &mut Workspace, action: &GoForward, cx| { Pane::go_forward( workspace, action .pane .as_ref() .and_then(|weak_handle| weak_handle.upgrade(cx)), cx, ) .detach(); }); } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Event { Focused, ActivateItem { local: bool }, Remove, RemoveItem { item_id: usize }, Split(SplitDirection), ChangeItemTitle, } pub struct Pane { items: Vec>, is_active: bool, active_item_index: usize, last_focused_view: Option, autoscroll: bool, nav_history: Rc>, toolbar: ViewHandle, tab_bar_context_menu: ViewHandle, docked: Option, } pub struct ItemNavHistory { history: Rc>, item: Rc, } struct NavHistory { mode: NavigationMode, backward_stack: VecDeque, forward_stack: VecDeque, closed_stack: VecDeque, paths_by_item: HashMap, pane: WeakViewHandle, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] enum NavigationMode { Normal, GoingBack, GoingForward, ClosingItem, ReopeningClosedItem, Disabled, } impl Default for NavigationMode { fn default() -> Self { Self::Normal } } pub struct NavigationEntry { pub item: Rc, pub data: Option>, } struct DraggedItem { item: Box, pane: WeakViewHandle, } pub enum ReorderBehavior { None, MoveAfterActive, MoveToIndex(usize), } impl Pane { pub fn new(docked: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { let handle = cx.weak_handle(); let context_menu = cx.add_view(ContextMenu::new); Self { items: Vec::new(), is_active: true, active_item_index: 0, last_focused_view: None, autoscroll: false, nav_history: Rc::new(RefCell::new(NavHistory { mode: NavigationMode::Normal, backward_stack: Default::default(), forward_stack: Default::default(), closed_stack: Default::default(), paths_by_item: Default::default(), pane: handle.clone(), })), toolbar: cx.add_view(|_| Toolbar::new(handle)), tab_bar_context_menu: context_menu, docked, } } pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { self.is_active } pub fn set_active(&mut self, is_active: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.is_active = is_active; cx.notify(); } pub fn set_docked(&mut self, docked: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.docked = docked; cx.notify(); } pub fn nav_history_for_item(&self, item: &ViewHandle) -> ItemNavHistory { ItemNavHistory { history: self.nav_history.clone(), item: Rc::new(item.downgrade()), } } pub fn go_back( workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: Option>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task<()> { Self::navigate_history( workspace, pane.unwrap_or_else(|| workspace.active_pane().clone()), NavigationMode::GoingBack, cx, ) } pub fn go_forward( workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: Option>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task<()> { Self::navigate_history( workspace, pane.unwrap_or_else(|| workspace.active_pane().clone()), NavigationMode::GoingForward, cx, ) } pub fn reopen_closed_item( workspace: &mut Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task<()> { Self::navigate_history( workspace, workspace.active_pane().clone(), NavigationMode::ReopeningClosedItem, cx, ) } pub fn disable_history(&mut self) { self.nav_history.borrow_mut().disable(); } pub fn enable_history(&mut self) { self.nav_history.borrow_mut().enable(); } pub fn can_navigate_backward(&self) -> bool { !self.nav_history.borrow().backward_stack.is_empty() } pub fn can_navigate_forward(&self) -> bool { !self.nav_history.borrow().forward_stack.is_empty() } fn history_updated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.toolbar.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); } fn navigate_history( workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: ViewHandle, mode: NavigationMode, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task<()> { cx.focus(pane.clone()); let to_load = pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { loop { // Retrieve the weak item handle from the history. let entry = pane.nav_history.borrow_mut().pop(mode, cx)?; // If the item is still present in this pane, then activate it. if let Some(index) = entry .item .upgrade(cx) .and_then(|v| pane.index_for_item(v.as_ref())) { let prev_active_item_index = pane.active_item_index; pane.nav_history.borrow_mut().set_mode(mode); pane.activate_item(index, true, true, cx); pane.nav_history .borrow_mut() .set_mode(NavigationMode::Normal); let mut navigated = prev_active_item_index != pane.active_item_index; if let Some(data) = { navigated |= pane.active_item()?.navigate(data, cx); } if navigated { break None; } } // If the item is no longer present in this pane, then retrieve its // project path in order to reopen it. else { break pane .nav_history .borrow() .paths_by_item .get(& .cloned() .map(|project_path| (project_path, entry)); } } }); if let Some((project_path, entry)) = to_load { // If the item was no longer present, then load it again from its previous path. let pane = pane.downgrade(); let task = workspace.load_path(project_path, cx); cx.spawn(|workspace, mut cx| async move { let task = task.await; if let Some(pane) = pane.upgrade(&cx) { let mut navigated = false; if let Some((project_entry_id, build_item)) = task.log_err() { let prev_active_item_id = pane.update(&mut cx, |pane, _| { pane.nav_history.borrow_mut().set_mode(mode); pane.active_item().map(|p| }); let item = workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { Self::open_item( workspace, pane.clone(), project_entry_id, true, cx, build_item, ) }); pane.update(&mut cx, |pane, cx| { navigated |= Some( != prev_active_item_id; pane.nav_history .borrow_mut() .set_mode(NavigationMode::Normal); if let Some(data) = { navigated |= item.navigate(data, cx); } }); } if !navigated { workspace .update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { Self::navigate_history(workspace, pane, mode, cx) }) .await; } } }) } else { Task::ready(()) } } pub(crate) fn open_item( workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: ViewHandle, project_entry_id: ProjectEntryId, focus_item: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, build_item: impl FnOnce(&mut ViewContext) -> Box, ) -> Box { let existing_item = pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { for item in pane.items.iter() { if item.project_path(cx).is_some() && item.project_entry_ids(cx).as_slice() == [project_entry_id] { let item = item.boxed_clone(); return Some(item); } } None }); // Even if the item exists, we re-add it to reorder it after the active item. // We may revisit this behavior after adding an "activation history" for pane items. let item = existing_item.unwrap_or_else(|| pane.update(cx, |_, cx| build_item(cx))); Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, item.clone(), true, focus_item, None, cx); item } pub(crate) fn add_item( workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: &ViewHandle, item: Box, activate_pane: bool, focus_item: bool, destination_index: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { // If no destination index is specified, add or move the item after the active item. let mut insertion_index = { let pane =; cmp::min( if let Some(destination_index) = destination_index { destination_index } else { pane.active_item_index + 1 }, pane.items.len(), ) }; item.added_to_pane(workspace, pane.clone(), cx); // Does the item already exist? let project_entry_id = if item.is_singleton(cx) { item.project_entry_ids(cx).get(0).copied() } else { None }; let existing_item_index =|existing_item| { if == { true } else if existing_item.is_singleton(cx) { existing_item .project_entry_ids(cx) .get(0) .map_or(false, |existing_entry_id| { Some(existing_entry_id) == project_entry_id.as_ref() }) } else { false } }); if let Some(existing_item_index) = existing_item_index { // If the item already exists, move it to the desired destination and activate it pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { if existing_item_index != insertion_index { cx.reparent(&item); let existing_item_is_active = existing_item_index == pane.active_item_index; // If the caller didn't specify a destination and the added item is already // the active one, don't move it if existing_item_is_active && destination_index.is_none() { insertion_index = existing_item_index; } else { pane.items.remove(existing_item_index); if existing_item_index < pane.active_item_index { pane.active_item_index -= 1; } insertion_index = insertion_index.min(pane.items.len()); pane.items.insert(insertion_index, item.clone()); if existing_item_is_active { pane.active_item_index = insertion_index; } else if insertion_index <= pane.active_item_index { pane.active_item_index += 1; } } cx.notify(); } pane.activate_item(insertion_index, activate_pane, focus_item, cx); }); } else { pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { cx.reparent(&item); pane.items.insert(insertion_index, item); if insertion_index <= pane.active_item_index { pane.active_item_index += 1; } pane.activate_item(insertion_index, activate_pane, focus_item, cx); cx.notify(); }); } } pub fn items(&self) -> impl Iterator> { self.items.iter() } pub fn items_of_type(&self) -> impl '_ + Iterator> { self.items .iter() .filter_map(|item| item.to_any().downcast()) } pub fn active_item(&self) -> Option> { self.items.get(self.active_item_index).cloned() } pub fn item_for_entry( &self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option> { self.items.iter().find_map(|item| { if item.is_singleton(cx) && item.project_entry_ids(cx).as_slice() == [entry_id] { Some(item.boxed_clone()) } else { None } }) } pub fn index_for_item(&self, item: &dyn ItemHandle) -> Option { self.items.iter().position(|i| == } pub fn activate_item( &mut self, index: usize, activate_pane: bool, focus_item: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { use NavigationMode::{GoingBack, GoingForward}; if index < self.items.len() { let prev_active_item_ix = mem::replace(&mut self.active_item_index, index); if prev_active_item_ix != self.active_item_index || matches!(self.nav_history.borrow().mode, GoingBack | GoingForward) { if let Some(prev_item) = self.items.get(prev_active_item_ix) { prev_item.deactivated(cx); } cx.emit(Event::ActivateItem { local: activate_pane, }); } self.update_toolbar(cx); if focus_item { self.focus_active_item(cx); } if activate_pane { cx.emit(Event::Focused); } self.autoscroll = true; cx.notify(); } } pub fn activate_prev_item(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let mut index = self.active_item_index; if index > 0 { index -= 1; } else if !self.items.is_empty() { index = self.items.len() - 1; } self.activate_item(index, true, true, cx); } pub fn activate_next_item(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let mut index = self.active_item_index; if index + 1 < self.items.len() { index += 1; } else { index = 0; } self.activate_item(index, true, true, cx); } pub fn close_active_item( workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &CloseActiveItem, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option>> { let pane_handle = workspace.active_pane().clone(); let pane =; if pane.items.is_empty() { None } else { let item_id_to_close = pane.items[pane.active_item_index].id(); let task = Self::close_items(workspace, pane_handle, cx, move |item_id| { item_id == item_id_to_close }); Some(cx.foreground().spawn(async move { task.await?; Ok(()) })) } } pub fn close_inactive_items( workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &CloseInactiveItems, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option>> { let pane_handle = workspace.active_pane().clone(); let pane =; if pane.items.is_empty() { None } else { let active_item_id = pane.items[pane.active_item_index].id(); let task = Self::close_items(workspace, pane_handle, cx, move |id| id != active_item_id); Some(cx.foreground().spawn(async move { task.await?; Ok(()) })) } } pub fn close_item( workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: ViewHandle, item_id_to_close: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { Self::close_items(workspace, pane, cx, move |view_id| { view_id == item_id_to_close }) } pub fn close_items( workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: ViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext, should_close: impl 'static + Fn(usize) -> bool, ) -> Task> { let project = workspace.project().clone(); // Find the items to close. let mut items_to_close = Vec::new(); for item in & { if should_close( { items_to_close.push(item.boxed_clone()); } } // If a buffer is open both in a singleton editor and in a multibuffer, make sure // to focus the singleton buffer when prompting to save that buffer, as opposed // to focusing the multibuffer, because this gives the user a more clear idea // of what content they would be saving. items_to_close.sort_by_key(|item| !item.is_singleton(cx)); cx.spawn(|workspace, mut cx| async move { let mut saved_project_entry_ids = HashSet::default(); for item in items_to_close.clone() { // Find the item's current index and its set of project entries. Avoid // storing these in advance, in case they have changed since this task // was started. let (item_ix, mut project_entry_ids) = pane.read_with(&cx, |pane, cx| { (pane.index_for_item(&*item), item.project_entry_ids(cx)) }); let item_ix = if let Some(ix) = item_ix { ix } else { continue; }; // If an item hasn't yet been associated with a project entry, then always // prompt to save it before closing it. Otherwise, check if the item has // any project entries that are not open anywhere else in the workspace, // AND that the user has not already been prompted to save. If there are // any such project entries, prompt the user to save this item. let should_save = if project_entry_ids.is_empty() { true } else { workspace.read_with(&cx, |workspace, cx| { for item in workspace.items(cx) { if !items_to_close .iter() .any(|item_to_close| == { let other_project_entry_ids = item.project_entry_ids(cx); project_entry_ids .retain(|id| !other_project_entry_ids.contains(id)); } } }); project_entry_ids .iter() .any(|id| saved_project_entry_ids.insert(*id)) }; if should_save && !Self::save_item(project.clone(), &pane, item_ix, &*item, true, &mut cx) .await? { break; } // Remove the item from the pane. pane.update(&mut cx, |pane, cx| { if let Some(item_ix) = pane.items.iter().position(|i| == { pane.remove_item(item_ix, cx); } }); } pane.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); Ok(()) }) } fn remove_item(&mut self, item_ix: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if item_ix == self.active_item_index { // Activate the previous item if possible. // This returns the user to the previously opened tab if they closed // a new item they just navigated to. if item_ix > 0 { self.activate_prev_item(cx); } else if item_ix + 1 < self.items.len() { self.activate_next_item(cx); } } let item = self.items.remove(item_ix); cx.emit(Event::RemoveItem { item_id: }); if self.items.is_empty() { item.deactivated(cx); self.update_toolbar(cx); cx.emit(Event::Remove); } if item_ix < self.active_item_index { self.active_item_index -= 1; } self.nav_history .borrow_mut() .set_mode(NavigationMode::ClosingItem); item.deactivated(cx); self.nav_history .borrow_mut() .set_mode(NavigationMode::Normal); if let Some(path) = item.project_path(cx) { self.nav_history .borrow_mut() .paths_by_item .insert(, path); } else { self.nav_history .borrow_mut() .paths_by_item .remove(&; } cx.notify(); } pub async fn save_item( project: ModelHandle, pane: &ViewHandle, item_ix: usize, item: &dyn ItemHandle, should_prompt_for_save: bool, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { const CONFLICT_MESSAGE: &str = "This file has changed on disk since you started editing it. Do you want to overwrite it?"; const DIRTY_MESSAGE: &str = "This file contains unsaved edits. Do you want to save it?"; let (has_conflict, is_dirty, can_save, is_singleton) =|cx| { ( item.has_conflict(cx), item.is_dirty(cx), item.can_save(cx), item.is_singleton(cx), ) }); if has_conflict && can_save { let mut answer = pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.activate_item(item_ix, true, true, cx); cx.prompt( PromptLevel::Warning, CONFLICT_MESSAGE, &["Overwrite", "Discard", "Cancel"], ) }); match { Some(0) => cx.update(|cx|, cx)).await?, Some(1) => cx.update(|cx| item.reload(project, cx)).await?, _ => return Ok(false), } } else if is_dirty && (can_save || is_singleton) { let will_autosave =|cx| { matches!(, Autosave::OnFocusChange | Autosave::OnWindowChange ) && Self::can_autosave_item(&*item, cx) }); let should_save = if should_prompt_for_save && !will_autosave { let mut answer = pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.activate_item(item_ix, true, true, cx); cx.prompt( PromptLevel::Warning, DIRTY_MESSAGE, &["Save", "Don't Save", "Cancel"], ) }); match { Some(0) => true, Some(1) => false, _ => return Ok(false), } } else { true }; if should_save { if can_save { cx.update(|cx|, cx)).await?; } else if is_singleton { let start_abs_path = project .read_with(cx, |project, cx| { let worktree = project.visible_worktrees(cx).next()?; Some( }) .unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("").into()); let mut abs_path = cx.update(|cx| cx.prompt_for_new_path(&start_abs_path)); if let Some(abs_path) = { cx.update(|cx| item.save_as(project, abs_path, cx)).await?; } else { return Ok(false); } } } } Ok(true) } fn can_autosave_item(item: &dyn ItemHandle, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { let is_deleted = item.project_entry_ids(cx).is_empty(); item.is_dirty(cx) && !item.has_conflict(cx) && item.can_save(cx) && !is_deleted } pub fn autosave_item( item: &dyn ItemHandle, project: ModelHandle, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, ) -> Task> { if Self::can_autosave_item(item, cx) {, cx) } else { Task::ready(Ok(())) } } pub fn focus_active_item(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(active_item) = self.active_item() { cx.focus(active_item); } } fn move_item( workspace: &mut Workspace, from: ViewHandle, to: ViewHandle, item_to_move: usize, destination_index: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let item_to_move = from .read(cx) .items() .enumerate() .find(|(_, item_handle)| == item_to_move); if item_to_move.is_none() { log::warn!("Tried to move item handle which was not in `from` pane. Maybe tab was closed during drop"); return; } let (item_ix, item_handle) = item_to_move.unwrap(); // This automatically removes duplicate items in the pane Pane::add_item( workspace, &to, item_handle.clone(), true, true, Some(destination_index), cx, ); if from != to { // Close item from previous pane from.update(cx, |from, cx| { from.remove_item(item_ix, cx); }); } cx.focus(to); } pub fn split(&mut self, direction: SplitDirection, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.emit(Event::Split(direction)); } fn deploy_split_menu(&mut self, action: &DeploySplitMenu, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.tab_bar_context_menu.update(cx, |menu, cx| { action.position, AnchorCorner::TopRight, vec![ ContextMenuItem::item("Split Right", SplitRight), ContextMenuItem::item("Split Left", SplitLeft), ContextMenuItem::item("Split Up", SplitUp), ContextMenuItem::item("Split Down", SplitDown), ], cx, ); }); } fn deploy_dock_menu(&mut self, action: &DeployDockMenu, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.tab_bar_context_menu.update(cx, |menu, cx| { action.position, AnchorCorner::TopRight, vec![ ContextMenuItem::item("Anchor Dock Right", AnchorDockRight), ContextMenuItem::item("Anchor Dock Bottom", AnchorDockBottom), ContextMenuItem::item("Expand Dock", ExpandDock), ], cx, ); }); } fn deploy_new_menu(&mut self, action: &DeployNewMenu, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.tab_bar_context_menu.update(cx, |menu, cx| { action.position, AnchorCorner::TopRight, vec![ ContextMenuItem::item("New File", NewFile), ContextMenuItem::item("New Terminal", NewTerminal), ContextMenuItem::item("New Search", NewSearch), ], cx, ); }); } pub fn toolbar(&self) -> &ViewHandle { &self.toolbar } fn update_toolbar(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let active_item = self .items .get(self.active_item_index) .map(|item| item.as_ref()); self.toolbar.update(cx, |toolbar, cx| { toolbar.set_active_pane_item(active_item, cx); }); } fn render_tabs(&mut self, cx: &mut RenderContext) -> impl Element { let theme =; let filler_index = self.items.len(); enum Tabs {} enum Tab {} enum Filler {} let pane = cx.handle(); MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |_, cx| { let autoscroll = if mem::take(&mut self.autoscroll) { Some(self.active_item_index) } else { None }; let pane_active = self.is_active; let mut row = Flex::row().scrollable::(1, autoscroll, cx); for (ix, (item, detail)) in self .items .iter() .cloned() .zip(self.tab_details(cx)) .enumerate() { let detail = if detail == 0 { None } else { Some(detail) }; let tab_active = ix == self.active_item_index; row.add_child({ MouseEventHandler::::new(ix, cx, { let item = item.clone(); let pane = pane.clone(); let detail = detail.clone(); let theme =; move |mouse_state, cx| { let tab_style = theme.workspace.tab_bar.tab_style(pane_active, tab_active); let hovered = mouse_state.hovered; Self::render_tab( &item, pane, ix == 0, detail, hovered, Self::tab_overlay_color(hovered, theme.as_ref(), cx), tab_style, cx, ) } }) .with_cursor_style(if pane_active && tab_active { CursorStyle::Arrow } else { CursorStyle::PointingHand }) .on_down(MouseButton::Left, move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ActivateItem(ix)); }) .on_click(MouseButton::Middle, { let item = item.clone(); let pane = pane.clone(); move |_, cx: &mut EventContext| { cx.dispatch_action(CloseItem { item_id:, pane: pane.clone(), }) } }) .on_up(MouseButton::Left, { let pane = pane.clone(); move |_, cx: &mut EventContext| Pane::handle_dropped_item(&pane, ix, cx) }) .as_draggable( DraggedItem { item, pane: pane.clone(), }, { let theme =; let detail = detail.clone(); move |dragged_item, cx: &mut RenderContext| { let tab_style = &theme.workspace.tab_bar.dragged_tab; Self::render_tab( &dragged_item.item, dragged_item.pane.clone(), false, detail, false, None, &tab_style, cx, ) } }, ) .boxed() }) } // Use the inactive tab style along with the current pane's active status to decide how to render // the filler let filler_style = theme.workspace.tab_bar.tab_style(pane_active, false); row.add_child( MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |mouse_state, cx| { let mut filler = Empty::new() .contained() .with_style(filler_style.container) .with_border(filler_style.container.border); if let Some(overlay) = Self::tab_overlay_color(mouse_state.hovered, &theme, cx) { filler = filler.with_overlay_color(overlay); } filler.boxed() }) .flex(1., true) .named("filler"), ); row.boxed() }) .on_up(MouseButton::Left, move |_, cx| { Pane::handle_dropped_item(&pane, filler_index, cx) }) } fn tab_details(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Vec { let mut tab_details = (0..self.items.len()).map(|_| 0).collect::>(); let mut tab_descriptions = HashMap::default(); let mut done = false; while !done { done = true; // Store item indices by their tab description. for (ix, (item, detail)) in self.items.iter().zip(&tab_details).enumerate() { if let Some(description) = item.tab_description(*detail, cx) { if *detail == 0 || Some(&description) != item.tab_description(detail - 1, cx).as_ref() { tab_descriptions .entry(description) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push(ix); } } } // If two or more items have the same tab description, increase their level // of detail and try again. for (_, item_ixs) in tab_descriptions.drain() { if item_ixs.len() > 1 { done = false; for ix in item_ixs { tab_details[ix] += 1; } } } } tab_details } fn render_tab( item: &Box, pane: WeakViewHandle, first: bool, detail: Option, hovered: bool, overlay: Option, tab_style: &theme::Tab, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> ElementBox { let title = item.tab_content(detail, &tab_style, cx); let mut container = tab_style.container.clone(); if first { container.border.left = false; } let mut tab = Flex::row() .with_child( Align::new({ let diameter = 7.0; let icon_color = if item.has_conflict(cx) { Some(tab_style.icon_conflict) } else if item.is_dirty(cx) { Some(tab_style.icon_dirty) } else { None }; ConstrainedBox::new( Canvas::new(move |bounds, _, cx| { if let Some(color) = icon_color { let square = RectF::new(bounds.origin(), vec2f(diameter, diameter)); cx.scene.push_quad(Quad { bounds: square, background: Some(color), border: Default::default(), corner_radius: diameter / 2., }); } }) .boxed(), ) .with_width(diameter) .with_height(diameter) .boxed() }) .boxed(), ) .with_child( Container::new(Align::new(title).boxed()) .with_style(ContainerStyle { margin: Margin { left: tab_style.spacing, right: tab_style.spacing, ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() }) .boxed(), ) .with_child( Align::new( ConstrainedBox::new(if hovered { let item_id =; enum TabCloseButton {} let icon = Svg::new("icons/x_mark_thin_8.svg"); MouseEventHandler::::new(item_id, cx, |mouse_state, _| { if mouse_state.hovered { icon.with_color(tab_style.icon_close_active).boxed() } else { icon.with_color(tab_style.icon_close).boxed() } }) .with_padding(Padding::uniform(4.)) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, { let pane = pane.clone(); move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(CloseItem { item_id, pane: pane.clone(), }) } }) .on_click(MouseButton::Middle, |_, cx| cx.propogate_event()) .named("close-tab-icon") } else { Empty::new().boxed() }) .with_width(tab_style.icon_width) .boxed(), ) .boxed(), ) .contained() .with_style(container); if let Some(overlay) = overlay { tab = tab.with_overlay_color(overlay); } tab.constrained().with_height(tab_style.height).boxed() } fn handle_dropped_item(pane: &WeakViewHandle, index: usize, cx: &mut EventContext) { if let Some((_, dragged_item)) = cx .global::>() .currently_dragged::(cx.window_id) { cx.dispatch_action(MoveItem { item_id:, from: dragged_item.pane.clone(), to: pane.clone(), destination_index: index, }) } else { cx.propogate_event(); } } fn tab_overlay_color( hovered: bool, theme: &Theme, cx: &mut RenderContext, ) -> Option { if hovered && cx .global::>() .currently_dragged::(cx.window_id()) .is_some() { Some(theme.workspace.tab_bar.drop_target_overlay_color) } else { None } } } impl Entity for Pane { type Event = Event; } impl View for Pane { fn ui_name() -> &'static str { "Pane" } fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut RenderContext) -> ElementBox { let this = cx.handle(); enum MouseNavigationHandler {} Stack::new() .with_child( MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |_, cx| { if let Some(active_item) = self.active_item() { Flex::column() .with_child({ let mut tab_row = Flex::row() .with_child(self.render_tabs(cx).flex(1.0, true).named("tabs")); // Render pane buttons let theme =; if self.is_active { tab_row.add_child( Flex::row() // New menu .with_child(tab_bar_button( 0, "icons/plus_12.svg", cx, |position| DeployNewMenu { position }, )) .with_child( self.docked .map(|anchor| { // Add the dock menu button if this pane is a dock let dock_icon = icon_for_dock_anchor(anchor); tab_bar_button( 1, dock_icon, cx, |position| DeployDockMenu { position }, ) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { // Add the split menu if this pane is not a dock tab_bar_button( 2, "icons/split_12.svg", cx, |position| DeploySplitMenu { position }, ) }), ) // Add the close dock button if this pane is a dock .with_children(|_| { tab_bar_button( 3, "icons/x_mark_thin_8.svg", cx, |_| HideDock, ) })) .contained() .with_style( theme.workspace.tab_bar.pane_button_container, ) .flex(1., false) .boxed(), ) } tab_row .constrained() .with_height(theme.workspace.tab_bar.height) .contained() .with_style(theme.workspace.tab_bar.container) .flex(1., false) .named("tab bar") }) .with_child(ChildView::new(&self.toolbar).expanded().boxed()) .with_child(ChildView::new(active_item).flex(1., true).boxed()) .boxed() } else { enum EmptyPane {} let theme =; MouseEventHandler::::new(0, cx, |_, _| { Empty::new() .contained() .with_background_color(theme.workspace.background) .boxed() }) .on_down(MouseButton::Left, |_, cx| { cx.focus_parent_view(); }) .on_up(MouseButton::Left, { let pane = this.clone(); move |_, cx: &mut EventContext| Pane::handle_dropped_item(&pane, 0, cx) }) .boxed() } }) .on_down(MouseButton::Navigate(NavigationDirection::Back), { let this = this.clone(); move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(GoBack { pane: Some(this.clone()), }); } }) .on_down(MouseButton::Navigate(NavigationDirection::Forward), { let this = this.clone(); move |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(GoForward { pane: Some(this.clone()), }) } }) .boxed(), ) .with_child(ChildView::new(&self.tab_bar_context_menu).boxed()) .named("pane") } fn on_focus_in(&mut self, focused: AnyViewHandle, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if cx.is_self_focused() { if let Some(last_focused_view) = self .last_focused_view .as_ref() .and_then(|handle| handle.upgrade(cx)) .filter(|handle| != { cx.focus(last_focused_view); } else { self.focus_active_item(cx); } } else { self.last_focused_view = Some(focused.downgrade()); } cx.emit(Event::Focused); } } fn tab_bar_button( index: usize, icon: &'static str, cx: &mut RenderContext, action_builder: impl 'static + Fn(Vector2F) -> A, ) -> ElementBox { enum TabBarButton {} MouseEventHandler::::new(index, cx, |mouse_state, cx| { let theme = &; let style = theme.pane_button.style_for(mouse_state, false); Svg::new(icon) .with_color(style.color) .constrained() .with_width(style.icon_width) .aligned() .constrained() .with_width(style.button_width) .with_height(style.button_width) // .aligned() .boxed() }) .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand) .on_click(MouseButton::Left, move |e, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(action_builder(e.region.lower_right())); }) .flex(1., false) .boxed() } impl ItemNavHistory { pub fn push(&self, data: Option, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { self.history.borrow_mut().push(data, self.item.clone(), cx); } pub fn pop_backward(&self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) -> Option { self.history.borrow_mut().pop(NavigationMode::GoingBack, cx) } pub fn pop_forward(&self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) -> Option { self.history .borrow_mut() .pop(NavigationMode::GoingForward, cx) } } impl NavHistory { fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: NavigationMode) { self.mode = mode; } fn disable(&mut self) { self.mode = NavigationMode::Disabled; } fn enable(&mut self) { self.mode = NavigationMode::Normal; } fn pop(&mut self, mode: NavigationMode, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) -> Option { let entry = match mode { NavigationMode::Normal | NavigationMode::Disabled | NavigationMode::ClosingItem => { return None } NavigationMode::GoingBack => &mut self.backward_stack, NavigationMode::GoingForward => &mut self.forward_stack, NavigationMode::ReopeningClosedItem => &mut self.closed_stack, } .pop_back(); if entry.is_some() { self.did_update(cx); } entry } fn push( &mut self, data: Option, item: Rc, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, ) { match self.mode { NavigationMode::Disabled => {} NavigationMode::Normal | NavigationMode::ReopeningClosedItem => { if self.backward_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN { self.backward_stack.pop_front(); } self.backward_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry { item, data:|data| Box::new(data) as Box), }); self.forward_stack.clear(); } NavigationMode::GoingBack => { if self.forward_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN { self.forward_stack.pop_front(); } self.forward_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry { item, data:|data| Box::new(data) as Box), }); } NavigationMode::GoingForward => { if self.backward_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN { self.backward_stack.pop_front(); } self.backward_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry { item, data:|data| Box::new(data) as Box), }); } NavigationMode::ClosingItem => { if self.closed_stack.len() >= MAX_NAVIGATION_HISTORY_LEN { self.closed_stack.pop_front(); } self.closed_stack.push_back(NavigationEntry { item, data:|data| Box::new(data) as Box), }); } } self.did_update(cx); } fn did_update(&self, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { if let Some(pane) = self.pane.upgrade(cx) { cx.defer(move |cx| pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| pane.history_updated(cx))); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::tests::TestItem; use gpui::TestAppContext; use project::FakeFs; #[gpui::test] async fn test_add_item_with_new_item(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); Settings::test_async(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await; let (_, workspace) = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::new(project, |_, _| unimplemented!(), cx)); let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone()); // 1. Add with a destination index // a. Add before the active item set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))), false, false, Some(0), cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["D*", "A", "B", "C"], cx); // b. Add after the active item set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))), false, false, Some(2), cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "D*", "C"], cx); // c. Add at the end of the item list (including off the length) set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))), false, false, Some(5), cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx); // 2. Add without a destination index // a. Add with active item at the start of the item list set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A*", "B", "C"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))), false, false, None, cx, ); }); set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "D*", "B", "C"], cx); // b. Add with active item at the end of the item list set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label("D"))), false, false, None, cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_add_item_with_existing_item(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); Settings::test_async(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await; let (_, workspace) = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::new(project, |_, _| unimplemented!(), cx)); let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone()); // 1. Add with a destination index // 1a. Add before the active item let [_, _, _, d] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C", "D"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, d, false, false, Some(0), cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["D*", "A", "B", "C"], cx); // 1b. Add after the active item let [_, _, _, d] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C", "D"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, d, false, false, Some(2), cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "D*", "C"], cx); // 1c. Add at the end of the item list (including off the length) let [a, _, _, _] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C", "D"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, a, false, false, Some(5), cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["B", "C", "D", "A*"], cx); // 1d. Add same item to active index let [_, b, _] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, b, false, false, Some(1), cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx); // 1e. Add item to index after same item in last position let [_, _, c] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B*", "C"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, c, false, false, Some(2), cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx); // 2. Add without a destination index // 2a. Add with active item at the start of the item list let [_, _, _, d] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A*", "B", "C", "D"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, d, false, false, None, cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "D*", "B", "C"], cx); // 2b. Add with active item at the end of the item list let [a, _, _, _] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B", "C", "D*"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, a, false, false, None, cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["B", "C", "D", "A*"], cx); // 2c. Add active item to active item at end of list let [_, _, c] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, c, false, false, None, cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A", "B", "C*"], cx); // 2d. Add active item to active item at start of list let [a, _, _] = set_labeled_items(&workspace, &pane, ["A*", "B", "C"], cx); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { Pane::add_item(workspace, &pane, a, false, false, None, cx); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["A*", "B", "C"], cx); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_add_item_with_same_project_entries(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); Settings::test_async(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); let project = Project::test(fs, None, cx).await; let (_, workspace) = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::new(project, |_, _| unimplemented!(), cx)); let pane = workspace.read_with(cx, |workspace, _| workspace.active_pane().clone()); // singleton view workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let item = TestItem::new() .with_singleton(true) .with_label("buffer 1") .with_project_entry_ids(&[1]); Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1*"], cx); // new singleton view with the same project entry workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let item = TestItem::new() .with_singleton(true) .with_label("buffer 1") .with_project_entry_ids(&[1]); Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1*"], cx); // new singleton view with different project entry workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let item = TestItem::new() .with_singleton(true) .with_label("buffer 2") .with_project_entry_ids(&[2]); Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1", "buffer 2*"], cx); // new multibuffer view with the same project entry workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let item = TestItem::new() .with_singleton(false) .with_label("multibuffer 1") .with_project_entry_ids(&[1]); Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx, ); }); assert_item_labels(&pane, ["buffer 1", "buffer 2", "multibuffer 1*"], cx); // another multibuffer view with the same project entry workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let item = TestItem::new() .with_singleton(false) .with_label("multibuffer 1b") .with_project_entry_ids(&[1]); Pane::add_item( workspace, &pane, Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| item)), false, false, None, cx, ); }); assert_item_labels( &pane, ["buffer 1", "buffer 2", "multibuffer 1", "multibuffer 1b*"], cx, ); } fn set_labeled_items( workspace: &ViewHandle, pane: &ViewHandle, labels: [&str; COUNT], cx: &mut TestAppContext, ) -> [Box>; COUNT] { pane.update(cx, |pane, _| { pane.items.clear(); }); workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { let mut active_item_index = 0; let mut index = 0; let items =|mut label| { if label.ends_with("*") { label = label.trim_end_matches("*"); active_item_index = index; } let labeled_item = Box::new(cx.add_view(|_| TestItem::new().with_label(label))); Pane::add_item( workspace, pane, labeled_item.clone(), false, false, None, cx, ); index += 1; labeled_item }); pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.activate_item(active_item_index, false, false, cx) }); items }) } // Assert the item label, with the active item label suffixed with a '*' fn assert_item_labels( pane: &ViewHandle, expected_states: [&str; COUNT], cx: &mut TestAppContext, ) { pane.read_with(cx, |pane, cx| { let actual_states = pane .items .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(ix, item)| { let mut state = item .to_any() .downcast::() .unwrap() .read(cx) .label .clone(); if ix == pane.active_item_index { state.push('*'); } state }) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( actual_states, expected_states, "pane items do not match expectation" ); }) } }