use std::{fs, path::PathBuf}; use plugin::prelude::*; use serde::Deserialize; #[import] fn command(string: &str) -> Option>; const BIN_PATH: &str = "node_modules/vscode-json-languageserver/bin/vscode-json-languageserver"; #[export] pub fn name() -> &'static str { "vscode-json-languageserver" } #[export] pub fn server_args() -> Vec { vec!["--stdio".into()] } #[export] pub fn fetch_latest_server_version() -> Option { #[derive(Deserialize)] struct NpmInfo { versions: Vec, } let output = command("npm info vscode-json-languageserver --json").expect("could not run command"); let output = String::from_utf8(output).unwrap(); let mut info: NpmInfo = serde_json::from_str(&output).ok()?; info.versions.pop() } #[export] pub fn fetch_server_binary(container_dir: PathBuf, version: String) -> Result { let version_dir = container_dir.join(version.as_str()); fs::create_dir_all(&version_dir) .map_err(|_| "failed to create version directory".to_string())?; let binary_path = version_dir.join(BIN_PATH); if fs::metadata(&binary_path).is_err() { let output = command(&format!( "npm install vscode-json-languageserver@{}", version )); let output =; if output.is_none() { return Err("failed to install vscode-json-languageserver".to_string()); } if let Ok(entries) = fs::read_dir(&container_dir) { for entry in entries.flatten() { let entry_path = entry.path(); if entry_path.as_path() != version_dir { fs::remove_dir_all(&entry_path).ok(); } } } } Ok(binary_path) } #[export] pub fn cached_server_binary(container_dir: PathBuf) -> Option { let mut last_version_dir = None; let entries = fs::read_dir(&container_dir).ok()?; for entry in entries { let entry = entry.ok()?; if entry.file_type().ok()?.is_dir() { last_version_dir = Some(entry.path()); } } let last_version_dir = last_version_dir?; let bin_path = last_version_dir.join(BIN_PATH); if bin_path.exists() { Some(bin_path) } else { println!("no binary found"); None } } #[export] pub fn initialization_options() -> Option { Some("{ \"provideFormatter\": true }".to_string()) } #[export] pub fn language_ids() -> Vec<(String, String)> { vec![("JSON".into(), "jsonc".into())] }