#!/bin/bash # Based on the template in: https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/spaces-api/ # Step 1: Define the parameters for the Space you want to upload to. SPACE="zed-nightly-host" # Find your endpoint in the control panel, under Settings. REGION="nyc3" # Must be "us-east-1" when creating new Spaces. Otherwise, use the region in your endpoint (e.g. nyc3). STORAGETYPE="STANDARD" # Storage type, can be STANDARD, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY, etc. KEY="???????" # Access key pair. You can create access key pairs using the control panel or API. SECRET="$SECRET" # Secret access key defined through an environment variable. # Step 2: Define a function that uploads your object via cURL. function putS3 { path="." # The local path to the file you want to upload. file="hello-world.txt" # The file you want to upload. space_path="/" # The path within your Space where you want to upload the new file. space="${SPACE}" date=$(date +"%a, %d %b %Y %T %z") acl="x-amz-acl:private" # Defines Access-control List (ACL) permissions, such as private or public. content_type="text/plain" # Defines the type of content you are uploading. storage_type="x-amz-storage-class:${STORAGETYPE}" string="PUT\n\n$content_type\n$date\n$acl\n$storage_type\n/$space$space_path$file" signature=$(echo -en "${string}" | openssl sha1 -hmac "${SECRET}" -binary | base64) curl -s -X PUT -T "$path/$file" \ # The cURL command that uploads your file. -H "Host: $space.${REGION}.digitaloceanspaces.com" \ -H "Date: $date" \ -H "Content-Type: $content_type" \ -H "$storage_type" \ -H "$acl" \ -H "Authorization: AWS ${KEY}:$signature" \ "https://$space.${REGION}.digitaloceanspaces.com$space_path$file" } # Step 3: mkdir for file based on release sha # Step 4: Put Zed.dmg in that directory for file in "$path"/*; do putS3 "$path" "${file##*/}" "nyc-tutorial-space/" done # Step 5: Output that directory for next step