use editor::{ char_kind, display_map::{DisplaySnapshot, FoldPoint, ToDisplayPoint}, movement::{self, find_boundary, find_preceding_boundary, FindRange, TextLayoutDetails}, Bias, CharKind, DisplayPoint, ToOffset, }; use gpui::{actions, impl_actions, AppContext, WindowContext}; use language::{Point, Selection, SelectionGoal}; use serde::Deserialize; use workspace::Workspace; use crate::{ normal::normal_motion, state::{Mode, Operator}, visual::visual_motion, Vim, }; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Motion { Left, Backspace, Down { display_lines: bool }, Up { display_lines: bool }, Right, NextWordStart { ignore_punctuation: bool }, NextWordEnd { ignore_punctuation: bool }, PreviousWordStart { ignore_punctuation: bool }, FirstNonWhitespace { display_lines: bool }, CurrentLine, StartOfLine { display_lines: bool }, EndOfLine { display_lines: bool }, StartOfParagraph, EndOfParagraph, StartOfDocument, EndOfDocument, Matching, FindForward { before: bool, char: char }, FindBackward { after: bool, char: char }, NextLineStart, StartOfLineDownward, EndOfLineDownward, GoToColumn, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct NextWordStart { #[serde(default)] ignore_punctuation: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct NextWordEnd { #[serde(default)] ignore_punctuation: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct PreviousWordStart { #[serde(default)] ignore_punctuation: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub(crate) struct Up { #[serde(default)] pub(crate) display_lines: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct Down { #[serde(default)] display_lines: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct FirstNonWhitespace { #[serde(default)] display_lines: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct EndOfLine { #[serde(default)] display_lines: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct StartOfLine { #[serde(default)] pub(crate) display_lines: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] struct RepeatFind { #[serde(default)] backwards: bool, } actions!( vim, [ Left, Backspace, Right, CurrentLine, StartOfParagraph, EndOfParagraph, StartOfDocument, EndOfDocument, Matching, NextLineStart, StartOfLineDownward, EndOfLineDownward, GoToColumn, ] ); impl_actions!( vim, [ NextWordStart, NextWordEnd, PreviousWordStart, RepeatFind, Up, Down, FirstNonWhitespace, EndOfLine, StartOfLine, ] ); pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &Left, cx: _| motion(Motion::Left, cx)); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &Backspace, cx: _| motion(Motion::Backspace, cx)); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, action: &Down, cx: _| { motion( Motion::Down { display_lines: action.display_lines, }, cx, ) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, action: &Up, cx: _| { motion( Motion::Up { display_lines: action.display_lines, }, cx, ) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &Right, cx: _| motion(Motion::Right, cx)); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, action: &FirstNonWhitespace, cx: _| { motion( Motion::FirstNonWhitespace { display_lines: action.display_lines, }, cx, ) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, action: &StartOfLine, cx: _| { motion( Motion::StartOfLine { display_lines: action.display_lines, }, cx, ) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, action: &EndOfLine, cx: _| { motion( Motion::EndOfLine { display_lines: action.display_lines, }, cx, ) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &CurrentLine, cx: _| motion(Motion::CurrentLine, cx)); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &StartOfParagraph, cx: _| { motion(Motion::StartOfParagraph, cx) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &EndOfParagraph, cx: _| { motion(Motion::EndOfParagraph, cx) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &StartOfDocument, cx: _| { motion(Motion::StartOfDocument, cx) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &EndOfDocument, cx: _| motion(Motion::EndOfDocument, cx)); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &Matching, cx: _| motion(Motion::Matching, cx)); cx.add_action( |_: &mut Workspace, &NextWordStart { ignore_punctuation }: &NextWordStart, cx: _| { motion(Motion::NextWordStart { ignore_punctuation }, cx) }, ); cx.add_action( |_: &mut Workspace, &NextWordEnd { ignore_punctuation }: &NextWordEnd, cx: _| { motion(Motion::NextWordEnd { ignore_punctuation }, cx) }, ); cx.add_action( |_: &mut Workspace, &PreviousWordStart { ignore_punctuation }: &PreviousWordStart, cx: _| { motion(Motion::PreviousWordStart { ignore_punctuation }, cx) }, ); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, &NextLineStart, cx: _| motion(Motion::NextLineStart, cx)); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, &StartOfLineDownward, cx: _| { motion(Motion::StartOfLineDownward, cx) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, &EndOfLineDownward, cx: _| { motion(Motion::EndOfLineDownward, cx) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, &GoToColumn, cx: _| motion(Motion::GoToColumn, cx)); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, action: &RepeatFind, cx: _| { repeat_motion(action.backwards, cx) }) } pub(crate) fn motion(motion: Motion, cx: &mut WindowContext) { if let Some(Operator::FindForward { .. }) | Some(Operator::FindBackward { .. }) = Vim::read(cx).active_operator() { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| vim.pop_operator(cx)); } let count = Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| vim.take_count(cx)); let operator = Vim::read(cx).active_operator(); match Vim::read(cx).state().mode { Mode::Normal => normal_motion(motion, operator, count, cx), Mode::Visual | Mode::VisualLine | Mode::VisualBlock => visual_motion(motion, count, cx), Mode::Insert => { // Shouldn't execute a motion in insert mode. Ignoring } } Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| vim.clear_operator(cx)); } fn repeat_motion(backwards: bool, cx: &mut WindowContext) { let find = match Vim::read(cx).workspace_state.last_find.clone() { Some(Motion::FindForward { before, char }) => { if backwards { Motion::FindBackward { after: before, char, } } else { Motion::FindForward { before, char } } } Some(Motion::FindBackward { after, char }) => { if backwards { Motion::FindForward { before: after, char, } } else { Motion::FindBackward { after, char } } } _ => return, }; motion(find, cx) } // Motion handling is specified here: // impl Motion { pub fn linewise(&self) -> bool { use Motion::*; match self { Down { .. } | Up { .. } | StartOfDocument | EndOfDocument | CurrentLine | NextLineStart | StartOfLineDownward | StartOfParagraph | EndOfParagraph => true, EndOfLine { .. } | NextWordEnd { .. } | Matching | FindForward { .. } | Left | Backspace | Right | StartOfLine { .. } | EndOfLineDownward | GoToColumn | NextWordStart { .. } | PreviousWordStart { .. } | FirstNonWhitespace { .. } | FindBackward { .. } => false, } } pub fn infallible(&self) -> bool { use Motion::*; match self { StartOfDocument | EndOfDocument | CurrentLine => true, Down { .. } | Up { .. } | EndOfLine { .. } | NextWordEnd { .. } | Matching | FindForward { .. } | Left | Backspace | Right | StartOfLine { .. } | StartOfParagraph | EndOfParagraph | StartOfLineDownward | EndOfLineDownward | GoToColumn | NextWordStart { .. } | PreviousWordStart { .. } | FirstNonWhitespace { .. } | FindBackward { .. } | NextLineStart => false, } } pub fn inclusive(&self) -> bool { use Motion::*; match self { Down { .. } | Up { .. } | StartOfDocument | EndOfDocument | CurrentLine | EndOfLine { .. } | EndOfLineDownward | NextWordEnd { .. } | Matching | FindForward { .. } | NextLineStart => true, Left | Backspace | Right | StartOfLine { .. } | StartOfLineDownward | StartOfParagraph | EndOfParagraph | GoToColumn | NextWordStart { .. } | PreviousWordStart { .. } | FirstNonWhitespace { .. } | FindBackward { .. } => false, } } pub fn move_point( &self, map: &DisplaySnapshot, point: DisplayPoint, goal: SelectionGoal, maybe_times: Option, text_layout_details: &TextLayoutDetails, ) -> Option<(DisplayPoint, SelectionGoal)> { let times = maybe_times.unwrap_or(1); use Motion::*; let infallible = self.infallible(); let (new_point, goal) = match self { Left => (left(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), Backspace => (backspace(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), Down { display_lines: false, } => up_down_buffer_rows(map, point, goal, times as isize, &text_layout_details), Down { display_lines: true, } => down_display(map, point, goal, times, &text_layout_details), Up { display_lines: false, } => up_down_buffer_rows(map, point, goal, 0 - times as isize, &text_layout_details), Up { display_lines: true, } => up_display(map, point, goal, times, &text_layout_details), Right => (right(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), NextWordStart { ignore_punctuation } => ( next_word_start(map, point, *ignore_punctuation, times), SelectionGoal::None, ), NextWordEnd { ignore_punctuation } => ( next_word_end(map, point, *ignore_punctuation, times), SelectionGoal::None, ), PreviousWordStart { ignore_punctuation } => ( previous_word_start(map, point, *ignore_punctuation, times), SelectionGoal::None, ), FirstNonWhitespace { display_lines } => ( first_non_whitespace(map, *display_lines, point), SelectionGoal::None, ), StartOfLine { display_lines } => ( start_of_line(map, *display_lines, point), SelectionGoal::None, ), EndOfLine { display_lines } => { (end_of_line(map, *display_lines, point), SelectionGoal::None) } StartOfParagraph => ( movement::start_of_paragraph(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None, ), EndOfParagraph => ( map.clip_at_line_end(movement::end_of_paragraph(map, point, times)), SelectionGoal::None, ), CurrentLine => (next_line_end(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), StartOfDocument => (start_of_document(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), EndOfDocument => ( end_of_document(map, point, maybe_times), SelectionGoal::None, ), Matching => (matching(map, point), SelectionGoal::None), FindForward { before, char } => ( find_forward(map, point, *before, *char, times), SelectionGoal::None, ), FindBackward { after, char } => ( find_backward(map, point, *after, *char, times), SelectionGoal::None, ), NextLineStart => (next_line_start(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), StartOfLineDownward => (next_line_start(map, point, times - 1), SelectionGoal::None), EndOfLineDownward => (next_line_end(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), GoToColumn => (go_to_column(map, point, times), SelectionGoal::None), }; (new_point != point || infallible).then_some((new_point, goal)) } // Expands a selection using self motion for an operator pub fn expand_selection( &self, map: &DisplaySnapshot, selection: &mut Selection, times: Option, expand_to_surrounding_newline: bool, text_layout_details: &TextLayoutDetails, ) -> bool { if let Some((new_head, goal)) = self.move_point( map, selection.head(), selection.goal, times, &text_layout_details, ) { selection.set_head(new_head, goal); if self.linewise() { selection.start = map.prev_line_boundary(selection.start.to_point(map)).1; if expand_to_surrounding_newline { if selection.end.row() < map.max_point().row() { *selection.end.row_mut() += 1; *selection.end.column_mut() = 0; selection.end = map.clip_point(selection.end, Bias::Right); // Don't reset the end here return true; } else if selection.start.row() > 0 { *selection.start.row_mut() -= 1; *selection.start.column_mut() = map.line_len(selection.start.row()); selection.start = map.clip_point(selection.start, Bias::Left); } } (_, selection.end) = map.next_line_boundary(selection.end.to_point(map)); } else { // Another special case: When using the "w" motion in combination with an // operator and the last word moved over is at the end of a line, the end of // that word becomes the end of the operated text, not the first word in the // next line. if let Motion::NextWordStart { ignore_punctuation: _, } = self { let start_row = selection.start.to_point(&map).row; if selection.end.to_point(&map).row > start_row { selection.end = Point::new(start_row, map.buffer_snapshot.line_len(start_row)) .to_display_point(&map) } } // If the motion is exclusive and the end of the motion is in column 1, the // end of the motion is moved to the end of the previous line and the motion // becomes inclusive. Example: "}" moves to the first line after a paragraph, // but "d}" will not include that line. let mut inclusive = self.inclusive(); if !inclusive && self != &Motion::Backspace && selection.end.row() > selection.start.row() && selection.end.column() == 0 { inclusive = true; *selection.end.row_mut() -= 1; *selection.end.column_mut() = 0; selection.end = map.clip_point( map.next_line_boundary(selection.end.to_point(map)).1, Bias::Left, ); } if inclusive && selection.end.column() < map.line_len(selection.end.row()) { *selection.end.column_mut() += 1; } } true } else { false } } } fn left(map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, times: usize) -> DisplayPoint { for _ in 0..times { point = movement::saturating_left(map, point); if point.column() == 0 { break; } } point } fn backspace(map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, times: usize) -> DisplayPoint { for _ in 0..times { point = movement::left(map, point); } point } pub(crate) fn start_of_relative_buffer_row( map: &DisplaySnapshot, point: DisplayPoint, times: isize, ) -> DisplayPoint { let start = map.display_point_to_fold_point(point, Bias::Left); let target = start.row() as isize + times; let new_row = (target.max(0) as u32).min(map.fold_snapshot.max_point().row()); map.clip_point( map.fold_point_to_display_point( map.fold_snapshot .clip_point(FoldPoint::new(new_row, 0), Bias::Right), ), Bias::Right, ) } fn up_down_buffer_rows( map: &DisplaySnapshot, point: DisplayPoint, mut goal: SelectionGoal, times: isize, text_layout_details: &TextLayoutDetails, ) -> (DisplayPoint, SelectionGoal) { let start = map.display_point_to_fold_point(point, Bias::Left); let begin_folded_line = map.fold_point_to_display_point( map.fold_snapshot .clip_point(FoldPoint::new(start.row(), 0), Bias::Left), ); let select_nth_wrapped_row = point.row() - begin_folded_line.row(); let (goal_wrap, goal_x) = match goal { SelectionGoal::WrappedHorizontalPosition((row, x)) => (row, x), SelectionGoal::HorizontalRange { end, .. } => (select_nth_wrapped_row, end), SelectionGoal::HorizontalPosition(x) => (select_nth_wrapped_row, x), _ => { let x = map.x_for_point(point, text_layout_details); goal = SelectionGoal::WrappedHorizontalPosition((select_nth_wrapped_row, x)); (select_nth_wrapped_row, x) } }; let target = start.row() as isize + times; let new_row = (target.max(0) as u32).min(map.fold_snapshot.max_point().row()); let mut begin_folded_line = map.fold_point_to_display_point( map.fold_snapshot .clip_point(FoldPoint::new(new_row, 0), Bias::Left), ); let mut i = 0; while i < goal_wrap && begin_folded_line.row() < map.max_point().row() { let next_folded_line = DisplayPoint::new(begin_folded_line.row() + 1, 0); if map .display_point_to_fold_point(next_folded_line, Bias::Right) .row() == new_row { i += 1; begin_folded_line = next_folded_line; } else { break; } } let new_col = if i == goal_wrap { map.column_for_x(begin_folded_line.row(), goal_x, text_layout_details) } else { map.line_len(begin_folded_line.row()) }; ( map.clip_point( DisplayPoint::new(begin_folded_line.row(), new_col), Bias::Left, ), goal, ) } fn down_display( map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, mut goal: SelectionGoal, times: usize, text_layout_details: &TextLayoutDetails, ) -> (DisplayPoint, SelectionGoal) { for _ in 0..times { (point, goal) = movement::down(map, point, goal, true, text_layout_details); } (point, goal) } fn up_display( map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, mut goal: SelectionGoal, times: usize, text_layout_details: &TextLayoutDetails, ) -> (DisplayPoint, SelectionGoal) { for _ in 0..times { (point, goal) = movement::up(map, point, goal, true, &text_layout_details); } (point, goal) } pub(crate) fn right(map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, times: usize) -> DisplayPoint { for _ in 0..times { let new_point = movement::saturating_right(map, point); if point == new_point { break; } point = new_point; } point } pub(crate) fn next_word_start( map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, ignore_punctuation: bool, times: usize, ) -> DisplayPoint { let scope = map.buffer_snapshot.language_scope_at(point.to_point(map)); for _ in 0..times { let mut crossed_newline = false; point = movement::find_boundary(map, point, FindRange::MultiLine, |left, right| { let left_kind = char_kind(&scope, left).coerce_punctuation(ignore_punctuation); let right_kind = char_kind(&scope, right).coerce_punctuation(ignore_punctuation); let at_newline = right == '\n'; let found = (left_kind != right_kind && right_kind != CharKind::Whitespace) || at_newline && crossed_newline || at_newline && left == '\n'; // Prevents skipping repeated empty lines crossed_newline |= at_newline; found }) } point } fn next_word_end( map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, ignore_punctuation: bool, times: usize, ) -> DisplayPoint { let scope = map.buffer_snapshot.language_scope_at(point.to_point(map)); for _ in 0..times { if point.column() < map.line_len(point.row()) { *point.column_mut() += 1; } else if point.row() < map.max_buffer_row() { *point.row_mut() += 1; *point.column_mut() = 0; } point = movement::find_boundary(map, point, FindRange::MultiLine, |left, right| { let left_kind = char_kind(&scope, left).coerce_punctuation(ignore_punctuation); let right_kind = char_kind(&scope, right).coerce_punctuation(ignore_punctuation); left_kind != right_kind && left_kind != CharKind::Whitespace }); // find_boundary clips, so if the character after the next character is a newline or at the end of the document, we know // we have backtracked already if !map .chars_at(point) .nth(1) .map(|(c, _)| c == '\n') .unwrap_or(true) { *point.column_mut() = point.column().saturating_sub(1); } point = map.clip_point(point, Bias::Left); } point } fn previous_word_start( map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, ignore_punctuation: bool, times: usize, ) -> DisplayPoint { let scope = map.buffer_snapshot.language_scope_at(point.to_point(map)); for _ in 0..times { // This works even though find_preceding_boundary is called for every character in the line containing // cursor because the newline is checked only once. point = movement::find_preceding_boundary(map, point, FindRange::MultiLine, |left, right| { let left_kind = char_kind(&scope, left).coerce_punctuation(ignore_punctuation); let right_kind = char_kind(&scope, right).coerce_punctuation(ignore_punctuation); (left_kind != right_kind && !right.is_whitespace()) || left == '\n' }); } point } pub(crate) fn first_non_whitespace( map: &DisplaySnapshot, display_lines: bool, from: DisplayPoint, ) -> DisplayPoint { let mut last_point = start_of_line(map, display_lines, from); let scope = map.buffer_snapshot.language_scope_at(from.to_point(map)); for (ch, point) in map.chars_at(last_point) { if ch == '\n' { return from; } last_point = point; if char_kind(&scope, ch) != CharKind::Whitespace { break; } } map.clip_point(last_point, Bias::Left) } pub(crate) fn start_of_line( map: &DisplaySnapshot, display_lines: bool, point: DisplayPoint, ) -> DisplayPoint { if display_lines { map.clip_point(DisplayPoint::new(point.row(), 0), Bias::Right) } else { map.prev_line_boundary(point.to_point(map)).1 } } pub(crate) fn end_of_line( map: &DisplaySnapshot, display_lines: bool, point: DisplayPoint, ) -> DisplayPoint { if display_lines { map.clip_point( DisplayPoint::new(point.row(), map.line_len(point.row())), Bias::Left, ) } else { map.clip_point(map.next_line_boundary(point.to_point(map)).1, Bias::Left) } } fn start_of_document(map: &DisplaySnapshot, point: DisplayPoint, line: usize) -> DisplayPoint { let mut new_point = Point::new((line - 1) as u32, 0).to_display_point(map); *new_point.column_mut() = point.column(); map.clip_point(new_point, Bias::Left) } fn end_of_document( map: &DisplaySnapshot, point: DisplayPoint, line: Option, ) -> DisplayPoint { let new_row = if let Some(line) = line { (line - 1) as u32 } else { map.max_buffer_row() }; let new_point = Point::new(new_row, point.column()); map.clip_point(new_point.to_display_point(map), Bias::Left) } fn matching(map: &DisplaySnapshot, display_point: DisplayPoint) -> DisplayPoint { // let point = display_point.to_point(map); let offset = point.to_offset(&map.buffer_snapshot); // Ensure the range is contained by the current line. let mut line_end = map.next_line_boundary(point).0; if line_end == point { line_end = map.max_point().to_point(map); } let line_range = map.prev_line_boundary(point).0..line_end; let visible_line_range = line_range.start..Point::new(line_range.end.row, line_range.end.column.saturating_sub(1)); let ranges = map .buffer_snapshot .bracket_ranges(visible_line_range.clone()); if let Some(ranges) = ranges { let line_range = line_range.start.to_offset(&map.buffer_snapshot) ..line_range.end.to_offset(&map.buffer_snapshot); let mut closest_pair_destination = None; let mut closest_distance = usize::MAX; for (open_range, close_range) in ranges { if open_range.start >= offset && line_range.contains(&open_range.start) { let distance = open_range.start - offset; if distance < closest_distance { closest_pair_destination = Some(close_range.start); closest_distance = distance; continue; } } if close_range.start >= offset && line_range.contains(&close_range.start) { let distance = close_range.start - offset; if distance < closest_distance { closest_pair_destination = Some(open_range.start); closest_distance = distance; continue; } } continue; } closest_pair_destination .map(|destination| destination.to_display_point(map)) .unwrap_or(display_point) } else { display_point } } fn find_forward( map: &DisplaySnapshot, from: DisplayPoint, before: bool, target: char, times: usize, ) -> DisplayPoint { let mut to = from; let mut found = false; for _ in 0..times { found = false; to = find_boundary(map, to, FindRange::SingleLine, |_, right| { found = right == target; found }); } if found { if before && to.column() > 0 { *to.column_mut() -= 1; map.clip_point(to, Bias::Left) } else { to } } else { from } } fn find_backward( map: &DisplaySnapshot, from: DisplayPoint, after: bool, target: char, times: usize, ) -> DisplayPoint { let mut to = from; for _ in 0..times { to = find_preceding_boundary(map, to, FindRange::SingleLine, |_, right| right == target); } if map.buffer_snapshot.chars_at(to.to_point(map)).next() == Some(target) { if after { *to.column_mut() += 1; map.clip_point(to, Bias::Right) } else { to } } else { from } } fn next_line_start(map: &DisplaySnapshot, point: DisplayPoint, times: usize) -> DisplayPoint { let correct_line = start_of_relative_buffer_row(map, point, times as isize); first_non_whitespace(map, false, correct_line) } fn go_to_column(map: &DisplaySnapshot, point: DisplayPoint, times: usize) -> DisplayPoint { let correct_line = start_of_relative_buffer_row(map, point, 0); right(map, correct_line, times.saturating_sub(1)) } pub(crate) fn next_line_end( map: &DisplaySnapshot, mut point: DisplayPoint, times: usize, ) -> DisplayPoint { if times > 1 { point = start_of_relative_buffer_row(map, point, times as isize - 1); } end_of_line(map, false, point) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::test::NeovimBackedTestContext; use indoc::indoc; #[gpui::test] async fn test_start_end_of_paragraph(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; let initial_state = indoc! {r"ˇabc def paragraph the second third and final"}; // goes down once cx.set_shared_state(initial_state).await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["}"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state(indoc! {r"abc def ˇ paragraph the second third and final"}) .await; // goes up once cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["{"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state(initial_state).await; // goes down twice cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["2", "}"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state(indoc! {r"abc def paragraph the second ˇ third and final"}) .await; // goes down over multiple blanks cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["}"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state(indoc! {r"abc def paragraph the second third and finaˇl"}) .await; // goes up twice cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["2", "{"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state(indoc! {r"abc def ˇ paragraph the second third and final"}) .await } #[gpui::test] async fn test_matching(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {r"func ˇ(a string) { do(something(with.and_arrays[0, 2])) }"}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["%"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state(indoc! {r"func (a stringˇ) { do(something(with.and_arrays[0, 2])) }"}) .await; // test it works on the last character of the line cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {r"func (a string) ˇ{ do(something(with.and_arrays[0, 2])) }"}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["%"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state(indoc! {r"func (a string) { do(something(with.and_arrays[0, 2])) ˇ}"}) .await; // test it works on immediate nesting cx.set_shared_state("ˇ{()}").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["%"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("{()ˇ}").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["%"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("ˇ{()}").await; // test it works on immediate nesting inside braces cx.set_shared_state("{\n ˇ{()}\n}").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["%"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("{\n {()ˇ}\n}").await; // test it jumps to the next paren on a line cx.set_shared_state("func ˇboop() {\n}").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["%"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("func boop(ˇ) {\n}").await; } #[gpui::test] async fn test_comma_semicolon(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state("ˇone two three four").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["f", "o"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("one twˇo three four").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes([","]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("ˇone two three four").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["2", ";"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("one two three fˇour").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["shift-t", "e"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("one two threeˇ four").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["3", ";"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("oneˇ two three four").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes([","]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("one two thˇree four").await; } #[gpui::test] async fn test_next_line_start(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state("ˇone\n two\nthree").await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(["enter"]).await; cx.assert_shared_state("one\n ˇtwo\nthree").await; } }