use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use async_compression::futures::bufread::GzipDecoder; use async_tar::Archive; use serde::Deserialize; use smol::{fs, io::BufReader, lock::Mutex, process::Command}; use std::process::{Output, Stdio}; use std::{ env::consts, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }; use util::http::HttpClient; const VERSION: &str = "v18.15.0"; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] pub struct NpmInfo { #[serde(default)] dist_tags: NpmInfoDistTags, versions: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default)] pub struct NpmInfoDistTags { latest: Option, } #[async_trait::async_trait] pub trait NodeRuntime: Send + Sync { async fn binary_path(&self) -> Result; async fn run_npm_subcommand( &self, directory: Option<&Path>, subcommand: &str, args: &[&str], ) -> Result; async fn npm_package_latest_version(&self, name: &str) -> Result; async fn npm_install_packages(&self, directory: &Path, packages: &[(&str, &str)]) -> Result<()>; } pub struct RealNodeRuntime { http: Arc, installation_lock: Mutex<()>, } impl RealNodeRuntime { pub fn new(http: Arc) -> Arc { Arc::new(RealNodeRuntime { http, installation_lock: Mutex::new(()), }) } async fn install_if_needed(&self) -> Result { let _lock = self.installation_lock.lock().await; log::info!("Node runtime install_if_needed"); let arch = match consts::ARCH { "x86_64" => "x64", "aarch64" => "arm64", other => bail!("Running on unsupported platform: {other}"), }; let folder_name = format!("node-{VERSION}-darwin-{arch}"); let node_containing_dir = util::paths::SUPPORT_DIR.join("node"); let node_dir = node_containing_dir.join(folder_name); let node_binary = node_dir.join("bin/node"); let npm_file = node_dir.join("bin/npm"); let result = Command::new(&node_binary) .arg(npm_file) .arg("--version") .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .args(["--cache".into(), node_dir.join("cache")]) .args(["--userconfig".into(), node_dir.join("blank_user_npmrc")]) .args(["--globalconfig".into(), node_dir.join("blank_global_npmrc")]) .status() .await; let valid = matches!(result, Ok(status) if status.success()); if !valid { _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&node_containing_dir).await; fs::create_dir(&node_containing_dir) .await .context("error creating node containing dir")?; let file_name = format!("node-{VERSION}-darwin-{arch}.tar.gz"); let url = format!("{VERSION}/{file_name}"); let mut response = self .http .get(&url, Default::default(), true) .await .context("error downloading Node binary tarball")?; let decompressed_bytes = GzipDecoder::new(BufReader::new(response.body_mut())); let archive = Archive::new(decompressed_bytes); archive.unpack(&node_containing_dir).await?; } // Note: Not in the `if !valid {}` so we can populate these for existing installations _ = fs::create_dir(node_dir.join("cache")).await; _ = fs::write(node_dir.join("blank_user_npmrc"), []).await; _ = fs::write(node_dir.join("blank_global_npmrc"), []).await; anyhow::Ok(node_dir) } } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl NodeRuntime for RealNodeRuntime { async fn binary_path(&self) -> Result { let installation_path = self.install_if_needed().await?; Ok(installation_path.join("bin/node")) } async fn run_npm_subcommand( &self, directory: Option<&Path>, subcommand: &str, args: &[&str], ) -> Result { let attempt = || async move { let installation_path = self.install_if_needed().await?; let mut env_path = installation_path.join("bin").into_os_string(); if let Some(existing_path) = std::env::var_os("PATH") { if !existing_path.is_empty() { env_path.push(":"); env_path.push(&existing_path); } } let node_binary = installation_path.join("bin/node"); let npm_file = installation_path.join("bin/npm"); if smol::fs::metadata(&node_binary).await.is_err() { return Err(anyhow!("missing node binary file")); } if smol::fs::metadata(&npm_file).await.is_err() { return Err(anyhow!("missing npm file")); } let mut command = Command::new(node_binary); command.env("PATH", env_path); command.arg(npm_file).arg(subcommand); command.args(["--cache".into(), installation_path.join("cache")]); command.args([ "--userconfig".into(), installation_path.join("blank_user_npmrc"), ]); command.args([ "--globalconfig".into(), installation_path.join("blank_global_npmrc"), ]); command.args(args); if let Some(directory) = directory { command.current_dir(directory); } command.output().await.map_err(|e| anyhow!("{e}")) }; let mut output = attempt().await; if output.is_err() { output = attempt().await; if output.is_err() { return Err(anyhow!( "failed to launch npm subcommand {subcommand} subcommand" )); } } if let Ok(output) = &output { if !output.status.success() { return Err(anyhow!( "failed to execute npm {subcommand} subcommand:\nstdout: {:?}\nstderr: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) )); } } output.map_err(|e| anyhow!("{e}")) } async fn npm_package_latest_version(&self, name: &str) -> Result { let output = self .run_npm_subcommand( None, "info", &[ name, "--json", "-fetch-retry-mintimeout", "2000", "-fetch-retry-maxtimeout", "5000", "-fetch-timeout", "5000", ], ) .await?; let mut info: NpmInfo = serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout)?; info.dist_tags .latest .or_else(|| info.versions.pop()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no version found for npm package {}", name)) } async fn npm_install_packages( &self, directory: &Path, packages: &[(&str, &str)], ) -> Result<()> { let packages: Vec<_> = packages .into_iter() .map(|(name, version)| format!("{name}@{version}")) .collect(); let mut arguments: Vec<_> = packages.iter().map(|p| p.as_str()).collect(); arguments.extend_from_slice(&[ "-fetch-retry-mintimeout", "2000", "-fetch-retry-maxtimeout", "5000", "-fetch-timeout", "5000", ]); self.run_npm_subcommand(Some(directory), "install", &arguments) .await?; Ok(()) } } pub struct FakeNodeRuntime; impl FakeNodeRuntime { pub fn new() -> Arc { Arc::new(Self) } } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl NodeRuntime for FakeNodeRuntime { async fn binary_path(&self) -> anyhow::Result { unreachable!() } async fn run_npm_subcommand( &self, _: Option<&Path>, subcommand: &str, args: &[&str], ) -> anyhow::Result { unreachable!("Should not run npm subcommand '{subcommand}' with args {args:?}") } async fn npm_package_latest_version(&self, name: &str) -> anyhow::Result { unreachable!("Should not query npm package '{name}' for latest version") } async fn npm_install_packages( &self, _: &Path, packages: &[(&str, &str)], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { unreachable!("Should not install packages {packages:?}") } }