//! Elements are the workhorses of GPUI. They are responsible for laying out and painting all of //! the contents of a window. Elements form a tree and are laid out according to the web layout //! standards as implemented by [taffy](https://github.com/DioxusLabs/taffy). Most of the time, //! you won't need to interact with this module or these APIs directly. Elements provide their //! own APIs and GPUI, or other element implementation, uses the APIs in this module to convert //! that element tree into the pixels you see on the screen. //! //! # Element Basics //! //! Elements are constructed by calling [`Render::render()`] on the root view of the window, which //! which recursively constructs the element tree from the current state of the application,. //! These elements are then laid out by Taffy, and painted to the screen according to their own //! implementation of [`Element::paint()`]. Before the start of the next frame, the entire element //! tree and any callbacks they have registered with GPUI are dropped and the process repeats. //! //! But some state is too simple and voluminous to store in every view that needs it, e.g. //! whether a hover has been started or not. For this, GPUI provides the [`Element::State`], associated type. //! If an element returns an [`ElementId`] from [`IntoElement::element_id()`], and that element id //! appears in the same place relative to other views and ElementIds in the frame, then the previous //! frame's state will be passed to the element's layout and paint methods. //! //! # Implementing your own elements //! //! Elements are intended to be the low level, imperative API to GPUI. They are responsible for upholding, //! or breaking, GPUI's features as they deem necessary. As an example, most GPUI elements are expected //! to stay in the bounds that their parent element gives them. But with [`WindowContext::break_content_mask`], //! you can ignore this restriction and paint anywhere inside of the window's bounds. This is useful for overlays //! and popups and anything else that shows up 'on top' of other elements. //! With great power, comes great responsibility. //! //! However, most of the time, you won't need to implement your own elements. GPUI provides a number of //! elements that should cover most common use cases out of the box and it's recommended that you use those //! to construct `components`, using the [`RenderOnce`] trait and the `#[derive(IntoElement)]` macro. Only implement //! elements when you need to take manual control of the layout and painting process, such as when using //! your own custom layout algorithm or rendering a code editor. use crate::{ util::FluentBuilder, ArenaBox, AvailableSpace, Bounds, ElementContext, ElementId, LayoutId, Pixels, Point, Size, ViewContext, WindowContext, ELEMENT_ARENA, }; use derive_more::{Deref, DerefMut}; pub(crate) use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::{any::Any, fmt::Debug, ops::DerefMut}; /// Implemented by types that participate in laying out and painting the contents of a window. /// Elements form a tree and are laid out according to web-based layout rules, as implemented by Taffy. /// You can create custom elements by implementing this trait, see the module-level documentation /// for more details. pub trait Element: 'static + IntoElement { /// The type of state to store for this element between frames. See the module-level documentation /// for details. type State: 'static; /// Before an element can be painted, we need to know where it's going to be and how big it is. /// Use this method to request a layout from Taffy and initialize the element's state. fn request_layout( &mut self, state: Option, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> (LayoutId, Self::State); /// Once layout has been completed, this method will be called to paint the element to the screen. /// The state argument is the same state that was returned from [`Element::request_layout()`]. fn paint(&mut self, bounds: Bounds, state: &mut Self::State, cx: &mut ElementContext); /// Convert this element into a dynamically-typed [`AnyElement`]. fn into_any(self) -> AnyElement { AnyElement::new(self) } } /// Implemented by any type that can be converted into an element. pub trait IntoElement: Sized { /// The specific type of element into which the implementing type is converted. /// Useful for converting other types into elements automatically, like Strings type Element: Element; /// The [`ElementId`] of self once converted into an [`Element`]. /// If present, the resulting element's state will be carried across frames. fn element_id(&self) -> Option; /// Convert self into a type that implements [`Element`]. fn into_element(self) -> Self::Element; /// Convert self into a dynamically-typed [`AnyElement`]. fn into_any_element(self) -> AnyElement { self.into_element().into_any() } /// Convert into an element, then draw in the current window at the given origin. /// The available space argument is provided to the layout engine to determine the size of the // root element. Once the element is drawn, its associated element state is yielded to the // given callback. fn draw_and_update_state( self, origin: Point, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, f: impl FnOnce(&mut ::State, &mut ElementContext) -> R, ) -> R where T: Clone + Default + Debug + Into, { let element = self.into_element(); let element_id = element.element_id(); let element = DrawableElement { element: Some(element), phase: ElementDrawPhase::Start, }; let frame_state = DrawableElement::draw(element, origin, available_space.map(Into::into), cx); if let Some(mut frame_state) = frame_state { f(&mut frame_state, cx) } else { cx.with_element_state(element_id.unwrap(), |element_state, cx| { let mut element_state = element_state.unwrap(); let result = f(&mut element_state, cx); (result, element_state) }) } } } impl FluentBuilder for T {} /// An object that can be drawn to the screen. This is the trait that distinguishes `Views` from /// models. Views are drawn to the screen and care about the current window's state, models are not and do not. pub trait Render: 'static + Sized { /// Render this view into an element tree. fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement; } impl Render for () { fn render(&mut self, _cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement {} } /// You can derive [`IntoElement`] on any type that implements this trait. /// It is used to construct reusable `components` out of plain data. Think of /// components as a recipe for a certain pattern of elements. RenderOnce allows /// you to invoke this pattern, without breaking the fluent builder pattern of /// the element APIs. pub trait RenderOnce: 'static { /// Render this component into an element tree. Note that this method /// takes ownership of self, as compared to [`Render::render()`] method /// which takes a mutable reference. fn render(self, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> impl IntoElement; } /// This is a helper trait to provide a uniform interface for constructing elements that /// can accept any number of any kind of child elements pub trait ParentElement { /// Extend this element's children with the given child elements. fn extend(&mut self, elements: impl Iterator); /// Add a single child element to this element. fn child(mut self, child: impl IntoElement) -> Self where Self: Sized, { self.extend(std::iter::once(child.into_element().into_any())); self } /// Add multiple child elements to this element. fn children(mut self, children: impl IntoIterator) -> Self where Self: Sized, { self.extend(children.into_iter().map(|child| child.into_any_element())); self } } /// An element for rendering components. An implementation detail of the [`IntoElement`] derive macro /// for [`RenderOnce`] #[doc(hidden)] pub struct Component(Option); impl Component { /// Create a new component from the given RenderOnce type. pub fn new(component: C) -> Self { Component(Some(component)) } } impl Element for Component { type State = AnyElement; fn request_layout( &mut self, _: Option, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> (LayoutId, Self::State) { let mut element = self .0 .take() .unwrap() .render(cx.deref_mut()) .into_any_element(); let layout_id = element.request_layout(cx); (layout_id, element) } fn paint(&mut self, _: Bounds, element: &mut Self::State, cx: &mut ElementContext) { element.paint(cx) } } impl IntoElement for Component { type Element = Self; fn element_id(&self) -> Option { None } fn into_element(self) -> Self::Element { self } } /// A globally unique identifier for an element, used to track state across frames. #[derive(Deref, DerefMut, Default, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub(crate) struct GlobalElementId(SmallVec<[ElementId; 32]>); trait ElementObject { fn element_id(&self) -> Option; fn request_layout(&mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext) -> LayoutId; fn paint(&mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext); fn measure( &mut self, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> Size; fn draw( &mut self, origin: Point, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ); } /// A wrapper around an implementer of [`Element`] that allows it to be drawn in a window. pub(crate) struct DrawableElement { element: Option, phase: ElementDrawPhase, } #[derive(Default)] enum ElementDrawPhase { #[default] Start, LayoutRequested { layout_id: LayoutId, frame_state: Option, }, LayoutComputed { layout_id: LayoutId, available_space: Size, frame_state: Option, }, } /// A wrapper around an implementer of [`Element`] that allows it to be drawn in a window. impl DrawableElement { fn new(element: E) -> Self { DrawableElement { element: Some(element), phase: ElementDrawPhase::Start, } } fn element_id(&self) -> Option { self.element.as_ref()?.element_id() } fn request_layout(&mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext) -> LayoutId { let (layout_id, frame_state) = if let Some(id) = self.element.as_ref().unwrap().element_id() { let layout_id = cx.with_element_state(id, |element_state, cx| { self.element .as_mut() .unwrap() .request_layout(element_state, cx) }); (layout_id, None) } else { let (layout_id, frame_state) = self.element.as_mut().unwrap().request_layout(None, cx); (layout_id, Some(frame_state)) }; self.phase = ElementDrawPhase::LayoutRequested { layout_id, frame_state, }; layout_id } fn paint(mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext) -> Option { match self.phase { ElementDrawPhase::LayoutRequested { layout_id, frame_state, } | ElementDrawPhase::LayoutComputed { layout_id, frame_state, .. } => { let bounds = cx.layout_bounds(layout_id); if let Some(mut frame_state) = frame_state { self.element .take() .unwrap() .paint(bounds, &mut frame_state, cx); Some(frame_state) } else { let element_id = self .element .as_ref() .unwrap() .element_id() .expect("if we don't have frame state, we should have element state"); cx.with_element_state(element_id, |element_state, cx| { let mut element_state = element_state.unwrap(); self.element .take() .unwrap() .paint(bounds, &mut element_state, cx); ((), element_state) }); None } } _ => panic!("must call layout before paint"), } } fn measure( &mut self, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> Size { if matches!(&self.phase, ElementDrawPhase::Start) { self.request_layout(cx); } let layout_id = match &mut self.phase { ElementDrawPhase::LayoutRequested { layout_id, frame_state, } => { cx.compute_layout(*layout_id, available_space); let layout_id = *layout_id; self.phase = ElementDrawPhase::LayoutComputed { layout_id, available_space, frame_state: frame_state.take(), }; layout_id } ElementDrawPhase::LayoutComputed { layout_id, available_space: prev_available_space, .. } => { if available_space != *prev_available_space { cx.compute_layout(*layout_id, available_space); *prev_available_space = available_space; } *layout_id } _ => panic!("cannot measure after painting"), }; cx.layout_bounds(layout_id).size } fn draw( mut self, origin: Point, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> Option { self.measure(available_space, cx); cx.with_absolute_element_offset(origin, |cx| self.paint(cx)) } } impl ElementObject for Option> where E: Element, E::State: 'static, { fn element_id(&self) -> Option { self.as_ref().unwrap().element_id() } fn request_layout(&mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext) -> LayoutId { DrawableElement::request_layout(self.as_mut().unwrap(), cx) } fn paint(&mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext) { DrawableElement::paint(self.take().unwrap(), cx); } fn measure( &mut self, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> Size { DrawableElement::measure(self.as_mut().unwrap(), available_space, cx) } fn draw( &mut self, origin: Point, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) { DrawableElement::draw(self.take().unwrap(), origin, available_space, cx); } } /// A dynamically typed element that can be used to store any element type. pub struct AnyElement(ArenaBox); impl AnyElement { pub(crate) fn new(element: E) -> Self where E: 'static + Element, E::State: Any, { let element = ELEMENT_ARENA .with_borrow_mut(|arena| arena.alloc(|| Some(DrawableElement::new(element)))) .map(|element| element as &mut dyn ElementObject); AnyElement(element) } /// Request the layout ID of the element stored in this `AnyElement`. /// Used for laying out child elements in a parent element. pub fn request_layout(&mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext) -> LayoutId { self.0.request_layout(cx) } /// Paints the element stored in this `AnyElement`. pub fn paint(&mut self, cx: &mut ElementContext) { self.0.paint(cx) } /// Initializes this element and performs layout within the given available space to determine its size. pub fn measure( &mut self, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> Size { self.0.measure(available_space, cx) } /// Initializes this element and performs layout in the available space, then paints it at the given origin. pub fn draw( &mut self, origin: Point, available_space: Size, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) { self.0.draw(origin, available_space, cx) } /// Returns the element ID of the element stored in this `AnyElement`, if any. pub fn inner_id(&self) -> Option { self.0.element_id() } } impl Element for AnyElement { type State = (); fn request_layout( &mut self, _: Option, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> (LayoutId, Self::State) { let layout_id = self.request_layout(cx); (layout_id, ()) } fn paint(&mut self, _: Bounds, _: &mut Self::State, cx: &mut ElementContext) { self.paint(cx) } } impl IntoElement for AnyElement { type Element = Self; fn element_id(&self) -> Option { None } fn into_element(self) -> Self::Element { self } fn into_any_element(self) -> AnyElement { self } } /// The empty element, which renders nothing. pub type Empty = (); impl IntoElement for () { type Element = Self; fn element_id(&self) -> Option { None } fn into_element(self) -> Self::Element { self } } impl Element for () { type State = (); fn request_layout( &mut self, _state: Option, cx: &mut ElementContext, ) -> (LayoutId, Self::State) { (cx.request_layout(&crate::Style::default(), None), ()) } fn paint( &mut self, _bounds: Bounds, _state: &mut Self::State, _cx: &mut ElementContext, ) { } }