use crate::{ pane::{self, Pane}, persistence::model::ItemId, searchable::SearchableItemHandle, workspace_settings::{AutosaveSetting, WorkspaceSettings}, DelayedDebouncedEditAction, FollowableItemBuilders, ItemNavHistory, ToolbarItemLocation, ViewId, Workspace, WorkspaceId, }; use anyhow::Result; use client2::{ proto::{self, PeerId}, Client, }; use gpui::{ AnyElement, AnyView, AppContext, Entity, EntityId, EventEmitter, FocusHandle, HighlightStyle, Model, Pixels, Point, Render, SharedString, Task, View, ViewContext, WeakView, WindowContext, }; use project2::{Project, ProjectEntryId, ProjectPath}; use schemars::JsonSchema; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use settings2::Settings; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::{ any::{Any, TypeId}, cell::RefCell, ops::Range, path::PathBuf, rc::Rc, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }, time::Duration, }; use theme2::Theme; #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct ItemSettings { pub git_status: bool, pub close_position: ClosePosition, } #[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub enum ClosePosition { Left, #[default] Right, } impl ClosePosition { pub fn right(&self) -> bool { match self { ClosePosition::Left => false, ClosePosition::Right => true, } } } #[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)] pub struct ItemSettingsContent { git_status: Option, close_position: Option, } impl Settings for ItemSettings { const KEY: Option<&'static str> = Some("tabs"); type FileContent = ItemSettingsContent; fn load( default_value: &Self::FileContent, user_values: &[&Self::FileContent], _: &mut AppContext, ) -> Result { Self::load_via_json_merge(default_value, user_values) } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)] pub enum ItemEvent { CloseItem, UpdateTab, UpdateBreadcrumbs, Edit, } // TODO: Combine this with existing HighlightedText struct? pub struct BreadcrumbText { pub text: String, pub highlights: Option, HighlightStyle)>>, } pub trait Item: Render + EventEmitter { fn focus_handle(&self) -> FocusHandle; fn deactivated(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) {} fn workspace_deactivated(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) {} fn navigate(&mut self, _: Box, _: &mut ViewContext) -> bool { false } fn tab_tooltip_text(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Option { None } fn tab_description(&self, _: usize, _: &AppContext) -> Option { None } fn tab_content(&self, detail: Option, cx: &AppContext) -> AnyElement; fn for_each_project_item( &self, _: &AppContext, _: &mut dyn FnMut(EntityId, &dyn project2::Item), ) { } // (model id, Item) fn is_singleton(&self, _cx: &AppContext) -> bool { false } fn set_nav_history(&mut self, _: ItemNavHistory, _: &mut ViewContext) {} fn clone_on_split( &self, _workspace_id: WorkspaceId, _: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option> where Self: Sized, { None } fn is_dirty(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { false } fn has_conflict(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { false } fn can_save(&self, _cx: &AppContext) -> bool { false } fn save(&mut self, _project: Model, _cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Task> { unimplemented!("save() must be implemented if can_save() returns true") } fn save_as( &mut self, _project: Model, _abs_path: PathBuf, _cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { unimplemented!("save_as() must be implemented if can_save() returns true") } fn reload( &mut self, _project: Model, _cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { unimplemented!("reload() must be implemented if can_save() returns true") } fn to_item_events(_event: &Self::Event) -> SmallVec<[ItemEvent; 2]> { SmallVec::new() } fn should_close_item_on_event(_: &Self::Event) -> bool { false } fn should_update_tab_on_event(_: &Self::Event) -> bool { false } fn act_as_type<'a>( &'a self, type_id: TypeId, self_handle: &'a View, _: &'a AppContext, ) -> Option { if TypeId::of::() == type_id { Some(self_handle.clone().into()) } else { None } } fn as_searchable(&self, _: &View) -> Option> { None } fn breadcrumb_location(&self) -> ToolbarItemLocation { ToolbarItemLocation::Hidden } fn breadcrumbs(&self, _theme: &Theme, _cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { None } fn added_to_workspace(&mut self, _workspace: &mut Workspace, _cx: &mut ViewContext) {} fn serialized_item_kind() -> Option<&'static str> { None } fn deserialize( _project: Model, _workspace: WeakView, _workspace_id: WorkspaceId, _item_id: ItemId, _cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>> { unimplemented!( "deserialize() must be implemented if serialized_item_kind() returns Some(_)" ) } fn show_toolbar(&self) -> bool { true } fn pixel_position_of_cursor(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Option> { None } } pub trait ItemHandle: 'static + Send { fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> FocusHandle; fn subscribe_to_item_events( &self, cx: &mut WindowContext, handler: Box, ) -> gpui::Subscription; fn tab_tooltip_text(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; fn tab_description(&self, detail: usize, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; fn tab_content(&self, detail: Option, cx: &AppContext) -> AnyElement; fn dragged_tab_content(&self, detail: Option, cx: &AppContext) -> AnyElement; fn project_path(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; fn project_entry_ids(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> SmallVec<[ProjectEntryId; 3]>; fn project_item_model_ids(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> SmallVec<[EntityId; 3]>; fn for_each_project_item( &self, _: &AppContext, _: &mut dyn FnMut(EntityId, &dyn project2::Item), ); fn is_singleton(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; fn boxed_clone(&self) -> Box; fn clone_on_split( &self, workspace_id: WorkspaceId, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Option>; fn added_to_pane( &self, workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: View, cx: &mut ViewContext, ); fn deactivated(&self, cx: &mut WindowContext); fn workspace_deactivated(&self, cx: &mut WindowContext); fn navigate(&self, data: Box, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> bool; fn id(&self) -> EntityId; fn to_any(&self) -> AnyView; fn is_dirty(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; fn has_conflict(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; fn can_save(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; fn save(&self, project: Model, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Task>; fn save_as( &self, project: Model, abs_path: PathBuf, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task>; fn reload(&self, project: Model, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Task>; fn act_as_type(&self, type_id: TypeId, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; fn to_followable_item_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option>; fn on_release( &self, cx: &mut AppContext, callback: Box, ) -> gpui::Subscription; fn to_searchable_item_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option>; fn breadcrumb_location(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> ToolbarItemLocation; fn breadcrumbs(&self, theme: &Theme, cx: &AppContext) -> Option>; fn serialized_item_kind(&self) -> Option<&'static str>; fn show_toolbar(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; fn pixel_position_of_cursor(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option>; } pub trait WeakItemHandle: Send + Sync { fn id(&self) -> EntityId; fn upgrade(&self) -> Option>; } impl dyn ItemHandle { pub fn downcast(&self) -> Option> { self.to_any().downcast().ok() } pub fn act_as(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { self.act_as_type(TypeId::of::(), cx) .and_then(|t| t.downcast().ok()) } } impl ItemHandle for View { fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> FocusHandle { } fn subscribe_to_item_events( &self, cx: &mut WindowContext, handler: Box, ) -> gpui::Subscription { cx.subscribe(self, move |_, event, cx| { for item_event in T::to_item_events(event) { handler(item_event, cx) } }) } fn tab_tooltip_text(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { } fn tab_description(&self, detail: usize, cx: &AppContext) -> Option {, cx) } fn tab_content(&self, detail: Option, cx: &AppContext) -> AnyElement {, cx) } fn dragged_tab_content(&self, detail: Option, cx: &AppContext) -> AnyElement {, cx) } fn project_path(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { let this =; let mut result = None; if this.is_singleton(cx) { this.for_each_project_item(cx, &mut |_, item| { result = item.project_path(cx); }); } result } fn project_entry_ids(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> SmallVec<[ProjectEntryId; 3]> { let mut result = SmallVec::new();, &mut |_, item| { if let Some(id) = item.entry_id(cx) { result.push(id); } }); result } fn project_item_model_ids(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> SmallVec<[EntityId; 3]> { let mut result = SmallVec::new();, &mut |id, _| { result.push(id); }); result } fn for_each_project_item( &self, cx: &AppContext, f: &mut dyn FnMut(EntityId, &dyn project2::Item), ) {, f) } fn is_singleton(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn boxed_clone(&self) -> Box { Box::new(self.clone()) } fn clone_on_split( &self, workspace_id: WorkspaceId, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Option> { self.update(cx, |item, cx| item.clone_on_split(workspace_id, cx)) .map(|handle| Box::new(handle) as Box) } fn added_to_pane( &self, workspace: &mut Workspace, pane: View, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let history =; self.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.set_nav_history(history, cx); this.added_to_workspace(workspace, cx); }); if let Some(followed_item) = self.to_followable_item_handle(cx) { if let Some(message) = followed_item.to_state_proto(cx) { workspace.update_followers( followed_item.is_project_item(cx), proto::update_followers::Variant::CreateView(proto::View { id: followed_item .remote_id(&workspace.app_state.client, cx) .map(|id| id.to_proto()), variant: Some(message), leader_id: workspace.leader_for_pane(&pane), }), cx, ); } } if workspace .panes_by_item .insert(, pane.downgrade()) .is_none() { let mut pending_autosave = DelayedDebouncedEditAction::new(); let pending_update = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None)); let pending_update_scheduled = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let mut event_subscription = Some(cx.subscribe(self, move |workspace, item, event, cx| { let pane = if let Some(pane) = workspace .panes_by_item .get(& .and_then(|pane| pane.upgrade()) { pane } else { log::error!("unexpected item event after pane was dropped"); return; }; if let Some(item) = item.to_followable_item_handle(cx) { let is_project_item = item.is_project_item(cx); let leader_id = workspace.leader_for_pane(&pane); if leader_id.is_some() && item.should_unfollow_on_event(event, cx) { workspace.unfollow(&pane, cx); } if item.add_event_to_update_proto( event, &mut *pending_update.borrow_mut(), cx, ) && !pending_update_scheduled.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {, Ordering::SeqCst); cx.on_next_frame({ let pending_update = pending_update.clone(); let pending_update_scheduled = pending_update_scheduled.clone(); move |this, cx| {, Ordering::SeqCst); this.update_followers( is_project_item, proto::update_followers::Variant::UpdateView( proto::UpdateView { id: item .remote_id(&this.app_state.client, cx) .map(|id| id.to_proto()), variant: pending_update.borrow_mut().take(), leader_id, }, ), cx, ); } }); } } for item_event in T::to_item_events(event).into_iter() { match item_event { ItemEvent::CloseItem => { pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.close_item_by_id(, crate::SaveIntent::Close, cx) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); return; } ItemEvent::UpdateTab => { pane.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.emit(pane::Event::ChangeItemTitle); cx.notify(); }); } ItemEvent::Edit => { let autosave = WorkspaceSettings::get_global(cx).autosave; if let AutosaveSetting::AfterDelay { milliseconds } = autosave { let delay = Duration::from_millis(milliseconds); let item = item.clone(); pending_autosave.fire_new(delay, cx, move |workspace, cx| { Pane::autosave_item(&item, workspace.project().clone(), cx) }); } } _ => {} } } })); // todo!() // cx.observe_focus(self, move |workspace, item, focused, cx| { // if !focused // && WorkspaceSettings::get_global(cx).autosave == AutosaveSetting::OnFocusChange // { // Pane::autosave_item(&item, workspace.project.clone(), cx) // .detach_and_log_err(cx); // } // }) // .detach(); let item_id =; cx.observe_release(self, move |workspace, _, _| { workspace.panes_by_item.remove(&item_id); event_subscription.take(); }) .detach(); } cx.defer(|workspace, cx| { workspace.serialize_workspace(cx); }); } fn deactivated(&self, cx: &mut WindowContext) { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.deactivated(cx)); } fn workspace_deactivated(&self, cx: &mut WindowContext) { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.workspace_deactivated(cx)); } fn navigate(&self, data: Box, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> bool { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.navigate(data, cx)) } fn id(&self) -> EntityId { self.entity_id() } fn to_any(&self) -> AnyView { self.clone().into() } fn is_dirty(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn has_conflict(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn can_save(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn save(&self, project: Model, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Task> { self.update(cx, |item, cx|, cx)) } fn save_as( &self, project: Model, abs_path: PathBuf, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task> { self.update(cx, |item, cx| item.save_as(project, abs_path, cx)) } fn reload(&self, project: Model, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Task> { self.update(cx, |item, cx| item.reload(project, cx)) } fn act_as_type<'a>(&'a self, type_id: TypeId, cx: &'a AppContext) -> Option {, self, cx) } fn to_followable_item_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { if cx.has_global::() { let builders =; let item = self.to_any(); Some(builders.get(&item.entity_type())?.1(&item)) } else { None } } fn on_release( &self, cx: &mut AppContext, callback: Box, ) -> gpui::Subscription { cx.observe_release(self, move |_, cx| callback(cx)) } fn to_searchable_item_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { } fn breadcrumb_location(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> ToolbarItemLocation { } fn breadcrumbs(&self, theme: &Theme, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> {, cx) } fn serialized_item_kind(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { T::serialized_item_kind() } fn show_toolbar(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn pixel_position_of_cursor(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { } } impl From> for AnyView { fn from(val: Box) -> Self { val.to_any() } } impl From<&Box> for AnyView { fn from(val: &Box) -> Self { val.to_any() } } impl Clone for Box { fn clone(&self) -> Box { self.boxed_clone() } } impl WeakItemHandle for WeakView { fn id(&self) -> EntityId { self.entity_id() } fn upgrade(&self) -> Option> { self.upgrade().map(|v| Box::new(v) as Box) } } pub trait ProjectItem: Item { type Item: project2::Item; fn for_project_item( project: Model, item: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Self where Self: Sized; } pub trait FollowableItem: Item { fn remote_id(&self) -> Option; fn to_state_proto(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; fn from_state_proto( pane: View, project: View, id: ViewId, state: &mut Option, cx: &mut AppContext, ) -> Option>>>; fn add_event_to_update_proto( &self, event: &Self::Event, update: &mut Option, cx: &AppContext, ) -> bool; fn apply_update_proto( &mut self, project: &Model, message: proto::update_view::Variant, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>; fn is_project_item(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; fn set_leader_peer_id(&mut self, leader_peer_id: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext); fn should_unfollow_on_event(event: &Self::Event, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; } pub trait FollowableItemHandle: ItemHandle { fn remote_id(&self, client: &Arc, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; fn set_leader_peer_id(&self, leader_peer_id: Option, cx: &mut WindowContext); fn to_state_proto(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; fn add_event_to_update_proto( &self, event: &dyn Any, update: &mut Option, cx: &AppContext, ) -> bool; fn apply_update_proto( &self, project: &Model, message: proto::update_view::Variant, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task>; fn should_unfollow_on_event(&self, event: &dyn Any, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; fn is_project_item(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool; } impl FollowableItemHandle for View { fn remote_id(&self, client: &Arc, cx: &AppContext) -> Option {|| { client.peer_id().map(|creator| ViewId { creator, id:, }) }) } fn set_leader_peer_id(&self, leader_peer_id: Option, cx: &mut WindowContext) { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.set_leader_peer_id(leader_peer_id, cx)) } fn to_state_proto(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { } fn add_event_to_update_proto( &self, event: &dyn Any, update: &mut Option, cx: &AppContext, ) -> bool { if let Some(event) = event.downcast_ref() {, update, cx) } else { false } } fn apply_update_proto( &self, project: &Model, message: proto::update_view::Variant, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task> { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.apply_update_proto(project, message, cx)) } fn should_unfollow_on_event(&self, event: &dyn Any, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { if let Some(event) = event.downcast_ref() { T::should_unfollow_on_event(event, cx) } else { false } } fn is_project_item(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } } // #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] // pub mod test { // use super::{Item, ItemEvent}; // use crate::{ItemId, ItemNavHistory, Pane, Workspace, WorkspaceId}; // use gpui::{ // elements::Empty, AnyElement, AppContext, Element, Entity, Model, Task, View, // ViewContext, View, WeakViewHandle, // }; // use project2::{Project, ProjectEntryId, ProjectPath, WorktreeId}; // use smallvec::SmallVec; // use std::{any::Any, borrow::Cow, cell::Cell, path::Path}; // pub struct TestProjectItem { // pub entry_id: Option, // pub project_path: Option, // } // pub struct TestItem { // pub workspace_id: WorkspaceId, // pub state: String, // pub label: String, // pub save_count: usize, // pub save_as_count: usize, // pub reload_count: usize, // pub is_dirty: bool, // pub is_singleton: bool, // pub has_conflict: bool, // pub project_items: Vec>, // pub nav_history: Option, // pub tab_descriptions: Option>, // pub tab_detail: Cell>, // } // impl Entity for TestProjectItem { // type Event = (); // } // impl project2::Item for TestProjectItem { // fn entry_id(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Option { // self.entry_id // } // fn project_path(&self, _: &AppContext) -> Option { // self.project_path.clone() // } // } // pub enum TestItemEvent { // Edit, // } // impl Clone for TestItem { // fn clone(&self) -> Self { // Self { // state: self.state.clone(), // label: self.label.clone(), // save_count: self.save_count, // save_as_count: self.save_as_count, // reload_count: self.reload_count, // is_dirty: self.is_dirty, // is_singleton: self.is_singleton, // has_conflict: self.has_conflict, // project_items: self.project_items.clone(), // nav_history: None, // tab_descriptions: None, // tab_detail: Default::default(), // workspace_id: self.workspace_id, // } // } // } // impl TestProjectItem { // pub fn new(id: u64, path: &str, cx: &mut AppContext) -> Model { // let entry_id = Some(ProjectEntryId::from_proto(id)); // let project_path = Some(ProjectPath { // worktree_id: WorktreeId::from_usize(0), // path: Path::new(path).into(), // }); // cx.add_model(|_| Self { // entry_id, // project_path, // }) // } // pub fn new_untitled(cx: &mut AppContext) -> Model { // cx.add_model(|_| Self { // project_path: None, // entry_id: None, // }) // } // } // impl TestItem { // pub fn new() -> Self { // Self { // state: String::new(), // label: String::new(), // save_count: 0, // save_as_count: 0, // reload_count: 0, // is_dirty: false, // has_conflict: false, // project_items: Vec::new(), // is_singleton: true, // nav_history: None, // tab_descriptions: None, // tab_detail: Default::default(), // workspace_id: 0, // } // } // pub fn new_deserialized(id: WorkspaceId) -> Self { // let mut this = Self::new(); // this.workspace_id = id; // this // } // pub fn with_label(mut self, state: &str) -> Self { // self.label = state.to_string(); // self // } // pub fn with_singleton(mut self, singleton: bool) -> Self { // self.is_singleton = singleton; // self // } // pub fn with_dirty(mut self, dirty: bool) -> Self { // self.is_dirty = dirty; // self // } // pub fn with_conflict(mut self, has_conflict: bool) -> Self { // self.has_conflict = has_conflict; // self // } // pub fn with_project_items(mut self, items: &[Model]) -> Self { // self.project_items.clear(); // self.project_items.extend(items.iter().cloned()); // self // } // pub fn set_state(&mut self, state: String, cx: &mut ViewContext) { // self.push_to_nav_history(cx); // self.state = state; // } // fn push_to_nav_history(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { // if let Some(history) = &mut self.nav_history { // history.push(Some(Box::new(self.state.clone())), cx); // } // } // } // impl Entity for TestItem { // type Event = TestItemEvent; // } // impl View for TestItem { // fn ui_name() -> &'static str { // "TestItem" // } // fn render(&mut self, _: &mut ViewContext) -> AnyElement { // Empty::new().into_any() // } // } // impl Item for TestItem { // fn tab_description(&self, detail: usize, _: &AppContext) -> Option> { // self.tab_descriptions.as_ref().and_then(|descriptions| { // let description = *descriptions.get(detail).or_else(|| descriptions.last())?; // Some(description.into()) // }) // } // fn tab_content( // &self, // detail: Option, // _: &theme2::Tab, // _: &AppContext, // ) -> AnyElement { // self.tab_detail.set(detail); // Empty::new().into_any() // } // fn for_each_project_item( // &self, // cx: &AppContext, // f: &mut dyn FnMut(usize, &dyn project2::Item), // ) { // self.project_items // .iter() // .for_each(|item| f(, // } // fn is_singleton(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { // self.is_singleton // } // fn set_nav_history(&mut self, history: ItemNavHistory, _: &mut ViewContext) { // self.nav_history = Some(history); // } // fn navigate(&mut self, state: Box, _: &mut ViewContext) -> bool { // let state = *state.downcast::().unwrap_or_default(); // if state != self.state { // self.state = state; // true // } else { // false // } // } // fn deactivated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { // self.push_to_nav_history(cx); // } // fn clone_on_split( // &self, // _workspace_id: WorkspaceId, // _: &mut ViewContext, // ) -> Option // where // Self: Sized, // { // Some(self.clone()) // } // fn is_dirty(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { // self.is_dirty // } // fn has_conflict(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { // self.has_conflict // } // fn can_save(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { // !self.project_items.is_empty() // && self // .project_items // .iter() // .all(|item| // } // fn save( // &mut self, // _: Model, // _: &mut ViewContext, // ) -> Task> { // self.save_count += 1; // self.is_dirty = false; // Task::ready(Ok(())) // } // fn save_as( // &mut self, // _: Model, // _: std::path::PathBuf, // _: &mut ViewContext, // ) -> Task> { // self.save_as_count += 1; // self.is_dirty = false; // Task::ready(Ok(())) // } // fn reload( // &mut self, // _: Model, // _: &mut ViewContext, // ) -> Task> { // self.reload_count += 1; // self.is_dirty = false; // Task::ready(Ok(())) // } // fn to_item_events(_: &Self::Event) -> SmallVec<[ItemEvent; 2]> { // [ItemEvent::UpdateTab, ItemEvent::Edit].into() // } // fn serialized_item_kind() -> Option<&'static str> { // Some("TestItem") // } // fn deserialize( // _project: Model, // _workspace: WeakViewHandle, // workspace_id: WorkspaceId, // _item_id: ItemId, // cx: &mut ViewContext, // ) -> Task>> { // let view = cx.add_view(|_cx| Self::new_deserialized(workspace_id)); // Task::Ready(Some(anyhow::Ok(view))) // } // } // }