use std::{path::PathBuf, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use anyhow::Result; use auto_update::AutoUpdater; use editor::Editor; use futures::channel::oneshot; use gpui::AppContext; use gpui::{ percentage, px, Animation, AnimationExt, AnyWindowHandle, AsyncAppContext, DismissEvent, EventEmitter, FocusableView, ParentElement as _, Render, SemanticVersion, SharedString, Task, Transformation, View, }; use release_channel::{AppVersion, ReleaseChannel}; use remote::{SshConnectionOptions, SshPlatform, SshSession}; use schemars::JsonSchema; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use settings::{Settings, SettingsSources}; use ui::{ h_flex, v_flex, FluentBuilder as _, Icon, IconName, IconSize, InteractiveElement, IntoElement, Label, LabelCommon, Styled, StyledExt as _, ViewContext, VisualContext, WindowContext, }; use util::paths::PathWithPosition; use workspace::{AppState, ModalView, Workspace}; #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct SshSettings { pub ssh_connections: Option>, } impl SshSettings { pub fn use_direct_ssh(&self) -> bool { self.ssh_connections.is_some() } pub fn ssh_connections(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.ssh_connections.clone().into_iter().flatten() } } #[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)] pub struct SshConnection { pub host: String, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub username: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub port: Option, pub projects: Vec, } impl From for SshConnectionOptions { fn from(val: SshConnection) -> Self { SshConnectionOptions { host:, username: val.username, port: val.port, password: None, } } } #[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)] pub struct SshProject { pub paths: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema)] pub struct RemoteSettingsContent { pub ssh_connections: Option>, } impl Settings for SshSettings { const KEY: Option<&'static str> = None; type FileContent = RemoteSettingsContent; fn load(sources: SettingsSources, _: &mut AppContext) -> Result { sources.json_merge() } } pub struct SshPrompt { connection_string: SharedString, status_message: Option, prompt: Option<(SharedString, oneshot::Sender>)>, editor: View, } pub struct SshConnectionModal { pub(crate) prompt: View, } impl SshPrompt { pub fn new(connection_options: &SshConnectionOptions, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { let connection_string = connection_options.connection_string().into(); Self { connection_string, status_message: None, prompt: None, editor: cx.new_view(|cx| Editor::single_line(cx)), } } pub fn set_prompt( &mut self, prompt: String, tx: oneshot::Sender>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { if prompt.contains("yes/no") { editor.set_masked(false, cx); } else { editor.set_masked(true, cx); } }); self.prompt = Some((prompt.into(), tx)); self.status_message.take(); cx.focus_view(&self.editor); cx.notify(); } pub fn set_status(&mut self, status: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.status_message =|s| s.into()); cx.notify(); } pub fn confirm(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((_, tx)) = self.prompt.take() { self.editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { tx.send(Ok(editor.text(cx))).ok(); editor.clear(cx); }); } } } impl Render for SshPrompt { fn render(&mut self, _cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { v_flex() .key_context("PasswordPrompt") .p_4() .size_full() .child( h_flex() .gap_2() .child( Icon::new(IconName::ArrowCircle) .size(IconSize::Medium) .with_animation( "arrow-circle", Animation::new(Duration::from_secs(2)).repeat(), |icon, delta| { icon.transform(Transformation::rotate(percentage(delta))) }, ), ) .child( Label::new(format!("ssh {}…", self.connection_string)) .size(ui::LabelSize::Large), ), ) .when_some(self.status_message.as_ref(), |el, status| { el.child(Label::new(status.clone())) }) .when_some(self.prompt.as_ref(), |el, prompt| { el.child(Label::new(prompt.0.clone())) .child(self.editor.clone()) }) } } impl SshConnectionModal { pub fn new(connection_options: &SshConnectionOptions, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { Self { prompt: cx.new_view(|cx| SshPrompt::new(connection_options, cx)), } } fn confirm(&mut self, _: &menu::Confirm, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.prompt.update(cx, |prompt, cx| prompt.confirm(cx)) } fn dismiss(&mut self, _: &menu::Cancel, cx: &mut ViewContext) { cx.remove_window(); } } impl Render for SshConnectionModal { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ui::ViewContext) -> impl ui::IntoElement { v_flex() .elevation_3(cx) .p_4() .gap_2() .on_action(cx.listener(Self::dismiss)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::confirm)) .w(px(400.)) .child(self.prompt.clone()) } } impl FocusableView for SshConnectionModal { fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &gpui::AppContext) -> gpui::FocusHandle { } } impl EventEmitter for SshConnectionModal {} impl ModalView for SshConnectionModal {} #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SshClientDelegate { window: AnyWindowHandle, ui: View, known_password: Option, } impl remote::SshClientDelegate for SshClientDelegate { fn ask_password( &self, prompt: String, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> oneshot::Receiver> { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let mut known_password = self.known_password.clone(); if let Some(password) = known_password.take() { tx.send(Ok(password)).ok(); } else { self.window .update(cx, |_, cx| { self.ui.update(cx, |modal, cx| { modal.set_prompt(prompt, tx, cx); }) }) .ok(); } rx } fn set_status(&self, status: Option<&str>, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext) { self.update_status(status, cx) } fn get_server_binary( &self, platform: SshPlatform, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> oneshot::Receiver> { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let this = self.clone(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { tx.send(this.get_server_binary_impl(platform, &mut cx).await) .ok(); }) .detach(); rx } fn remote_server_binary_path(&self, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext) -> Result { let release_channel = cx.update(|cx| ReleaseChannel::global(cx))?; Ok(format!(".local/zed-remote-server-{}", release_channel.dev_name()).into()) } } impl SshClientDelegate { fn update_status(&self, status: Option<&str>, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext) { self.window .update(cx, |_, cx| { self.ui.update(cx, |modal, cx| { modal.set_status(|s| s.to_string()), cx); }) }) .ok(); } async fn get_server_binary_impl( &self, platform: SshPlatform, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<(PathBuf, SemanticVersion)> { let (version, release_channel) = cx.update(|cx| { let global = AppVersion::global(cx); (global, ReleaseChannel::global(cx)) })?; // In dev mode, build the remote server binary from source #[cfg(debug_assertions)] if release_channel == ReleaseChannel::Dev && platform.arch == std::env::consts::ARCH && platform.os == std::env::consts::OS { use smol::process::{Command, Stdio}; self.update_status(Some("building remote server binary from source"), cx); log::info!("building remote server binary from source"); run_cmd(Command::new("cargo").args(["build", "--package", "remote_server"])).await?; run_cmd(Command::new("strip").args(["target/debug/remote_server"])).await?; run_cmd(Command::new("gzip").args(["-9", "-f", "target/debug/remote_server"])).await?; let path = std::env::current_dir()?.join("target/debug/remote_server.gz"); return Ok((path, version)); async fn run_cmd(command: &mut Command) -> Result<()> { let output = command.stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output().await?; if !output.status.success() { Err(anyhow::anyhow!("failed to run command: {:?}", command))?; } Ok(()) } } self.update_status(Some("checking for latest version of remote server"), cx); let binary_path = AutoUpdater::get_latest_remote_server_release( platform.os, platform.arch, release_channel, cx, ) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("failed to download remote server binary: {}", e))?; Ok((binary_path, version)) } } pub fn connect_over_ssh( connection_options: SshConnectionOptions, ui: View, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) -> Task>> { let window = cx.window_handle(); let known_password = connection_options.password.clone(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { remote::SshSession::client( connection_options, Arc::new(SshClientDelegate { window, ui, known_password, }), &mut cx, ) .await }) } pub async fn open_ssh_project( connection_options: SshConnectionOptions, paths: Vec, app_state: Arc, _open_options: workspace::OpenOptions, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let options = cx.update(|cx| (app_state.build_window_options)(None, cx))?; let window = cx.open_window(options, |cx| { let project = project::Project::local( app_state.client.clone(), app_state.node_runtime.clone(), app_state.user_store.clone(), app_state.languages.clone(), app_state.fs.clone(), cx, ); cx.new_view(|cx| Workspace::new(None, project, app_state.clone(), cx)) })?; let result = window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { cx.activate_window(); workspace.toggle_modal(cx, |cx| SshConnectionModal::new(&connection_options, cx)); let ui = workspace .active_modal::(cx) .unwrap() .read(cx) .prompt .clone(); connect_over_ssh(connection_options, ui, cx) })? .await; if result.is_err() { window.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.remove_window()).ok(); } let session = result?; let project = cx.update(|cx| { project::Project::ssh( session, app_state.client.clone(), app_state.node_runtime.clone(), app_state.user_store.clone(), app_state.languages.clone(), app_state.fs.clone(), cx, ) })?; for path in paths { project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_worktree(&path.path, true, cx) })? .await?; } window.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.replace_root_view(|cx| Workspace::new(None, project, app_state, cx)) })?; window.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.activate_window())?; Ok(()) }