use std::{ cmp, ops::{ControlFlow, Range}, sync::Arc, time::Duration, }; use crate::{ display_map::Inlay, Anchor, Editor, ExcerptId, InlayId, MultiBuffer, MultiBufferSnapshot, }; use anyhow::Context; use clock::Global; use futures::future; use gpui::{Model, ModelContext, Task, ViewContext}; use language::{language_settings::InlayHintKind, Buffer, BufferSnapshot}; use parking_lot::RwLock; use project::{InlayHint, ResolveState}; use collections::{hash_map, HashMap, HashSet}; use language::language_settings::InlayHintSettings; use smol::lock::Semaphore; use sum_tree::Bias; use text::{ToOffset, ToPoint}; use util::post_inc; pub struct InlayHintCache { hints: HashMap>>, allowed_hint_kinds: HashSet>, version: usize, pub(super) enabled: bool, update_tasks: HashMap, lsp_request_limiter: Arc, } #[derive(Debug)] struct TasksForRanges { tasks: Vec>, sorted_ranges: Vec>, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CachedExcerptHints { version: usize, buffer_version: Global, buffer_id: u64, ordered_hints: Vec, hints_by_id: HashMap, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub enum InvalidationStrategy { RefreshRequested, BufferEdited, None, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct InlaySplice { pub to_remove: Vec, pub to_insert: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] struct ExcerptHintsUpdate { excerpt_id: ExcerptId, remove_from_visible: Vec, remove_from_cache: HashSet, add_to_cache: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct ExcerptQuery { buffer_id: u64, excerpt_id: ExcerptId, cache_version: usize, invalidate: InvalidationStrategy, reason: &'static str, } impl InvalidationStrategy { fn should_invalidate(&self) -> bool { matches!( self, InvalidationStrategy::RefreshRequested | InvalidationStrategy::BufferEdited ) } } impl TasksForRanges { fn new(query_ranges: QueryRanges, task: Task<()>) -> Self { let mut sorted_ranges = Vec::new(); sorted_ranges.extend(query_ranges.before_visible); sorted_ranges.extend(query_ranges.visible); sorted_ranges.extend(query_ranges.after_visible); Self { tasks: vec![task], sorted_ranges, } } fn update_cached_tasks( &mut self, buffer_snapshot: &BufferSnapshot, query_ranges: QueryRanges, invalidate: InvalidationStrategy, spawn_task: impl FnOnce(QueryRanges) -> Task<()>, ) { let query_ranges = if invalidate.should_invalidate() { self.tasks.clear(); self.sorted_ranges.clear(); query_ranges } else { let mut non_cached_query_ranges = query_ranges; non_cached_query_ranges.before_visible = non_cached_query_ranges .before_visible .into_iter() .flat_map(|query_range| { self.remove_cached_ranges_from_query(buffer_snapshot, query_range) }) .collect(); non_cached_query_ranges.visible = non_cached_query_ranges .visible .into_iter() .flat_map(|query_range| { self.remove_cached_ranges_from_query(buffer_snapshot, query_range) }) .collect(); non_cached_query_ranges.after_visible = non_cached_query_ranges .after_visible .into_iter() .flat_map(|query_range| { self.remove_cached_ranges_from_query(buffer_snapshot, query_range) }) .collect(); non_cached_query_ranges }; if !query_ranges.is_empty() { self.tasks.push(spawn_task(query_ranges)); } } fn remove_cached_ranges_from_query( &mut self, buffer_snapshot: &BufferSnapshot, query_range: Range, ) -> Vec> { let mut ranges_to_query = Vec::new(); let mut latest_cached_range = None::<&mut Range>; for cached_range in self .sorted_ranges .iter_mut() .skip_while(|cached_range| { cached_range .end .cmp(&query_range.start, buffer_snapshot) .is_lt() }) .take_while(|cached_range| { cached_range .start .cmp(&query_range.end, buffer_snapshot) .is_le() }) { match latest_cached_range { Some(latest_cached_range) => { if latest_cached_range.end.offset.saturating_add(1) < cached_range.start.offset { ranges_to_query.push(latest_cached_range.end..cached_range.start); cached_range.start = latest_cached_range.end; } } None => { if query_range .start .cmp(&cached_range.start, buffer_snapshot) .is_lt() { ranges_to_query.push(query_range.start..cached_range.start); cached_range.start = query_range.start; } } } latest_cached_range = Some(cached_range); } match latest_cached_range { Some(latest_cached_range) => { if latest_cached_range.end.offset.saturating_add(1) < query_range.end.offset { ranges_to_query.push(latest_cached_range.end..query_range.end); latest_cached_range.end = query_range.end; } } None => { ranges_to_query.push(query_range.clone()); self.sorted_ranges.push(query_range); self.sorted_ranges .sort_by(|range_a, range_b| range_a.start.cmp(&range_b.start, buffer_snapshot)); } } ranges_to_query } fn invalidate_range(&mut self, buffer: &BufferSnapshot, range: &Range) { self.sorted_ranges = self .sorted_ranges .drain(..) .filter_map(|mut cached_range| { if cached_range.start.cmp(&range.end, buffer).is_gt() || cached_range.end.cmp(&range.start, buffer).is_lt() { Some(vec![cached_range]) } else if cached_range.start.cmp(&range.start, buffer).is_ge() && cached_range.end.cmp(&range.end, buffer).is_le() { None } else if range.start.cmp(&cached_range.start, buffer).is_ge() && range.end.cmp(&cached_range.end, buffer).is_le() { Some(vec![ cached_range.start..range.start, range.end..cached_range.end, ]) } else if cached_range.start.cmp(&range.start, buffer).is_ge() { cached_range.start = range.end; Some(vec![cached_range]) } else { cached_range.end = range.start; Some(vec![cached_range]) } }) .flatten() .collect(); } } impl InlayHintCache { pub fn new(inlay_hint_settings: InlayHintSettings) -> Self { Self { allowed_hint_kinds: inlay_hint_settings.enabled_inlay_hint_kinds(), enabled: inlay_hint_settings.enabled, hints: HashMap::default(), update_tasks: HashMap::default(), version: 0, lsp_request_limiter: Arc::new(Semaphore::new(MAX_CONCURRENT_LSP_REQUESTS)), } } pub fn update_settings( &mut self, multi_buffer: &Model, new_hint_settings: InlayHintSettings, visible_hints: Vec, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> ControlFlow> { let new_allowed_hint_kinds = new_hint_settings.enabled_inlay_hint_kinds(); match (self.enabled, new_hint_settings.enabled) { (false, false) => { self.allowed_hint_kinds = new_allowed_hint_kinds; ControlFlow::Break(None) } (true, true) => { if new_allowed_hint_kinds == self.allowed_hint_kinds { ControlFlow::Break(None) } else { let new_splice = self.new_allowed_hint_kinds_splice( multi_buffer, &visible_hints, &new_allowed_hint_kinds, cx, ); if new_splice.is_some() { self.version += 1; self.allowed_hint_kinds = new_allowed_hint_kinds; } ControlFlow::Break(new_splice) } } (true, false) => { self.enabled = new_hint_settings.enabled; self.allowed_hint_kinds = new_allowed_hint_kinds; if self.hints.is_empty() { ControlFlow::Break(None) } else { self.clear(); ControlFlow::Break(Some(InlaySplice { to_remove: visible_hints.iter().map(|inlay|, to_insert: Vec::new(), })) } } (false, true) => { self.enabled = new_hint_settings.enabled; self.allowed_hint_kinds = new_allowed_hint_kinds; ControlFlow::Continue(()) } } } pub fn spawn_hint_refresh( &mut self, reason: &'static str, excerpts_to_query: HashMap, Global, Range)>, invalidate: InvalidationStrategy, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option { if !self.enabled { return None; } let mut invalidated_hints = Vec::new(); if invalidate.should_invalidate() { self.update_tasks .retain(|task_excerpt_id, _| excerpts_to_query.contains_key(task_excerpt_id)); self.hints.retain(|cached_excerpt, cached_hints| { let retain = excerpts_to_query.contains_key(cached_excerpt); if !retain { invalidated_hints.extend(; } retain }); } if excerpts_to_query.is_empty() && invalidated_hints.is_empty() { return None; } let cache_version = self.version + 1; cx.spawn(|editor, mut cx| async move { editor .update(&mut cx, |editor, cx| { spawn_new_update_tasks( editor, reason, excerpts_to_query, invalidate, cache_version, cx, ) }) .ok(); }) .detach(); if invalidated_hints.is_empty() { None } else { Some(InlaySplice { to_remove: invalidated_hints, to_insert: Vec::new(), }) } } fn new_allowed_hint_kinds_splice( &self, multi_buffer: &Model, visible_hints: &[Inlay], new_kinds: &HashSet>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option { let old_kinds = &self.allowed_hint_kinds; if new_kinds == old_kinds { return None; } let mut to_remove = Vec::new(); let mut to_insert = Vec::new(); let mut shown_hints_to_remove = visible_hints.iter().fold( HashMap::>::default(), |mut current_hints, inlay| { current_hints .entry(inlay.position.excerpt_id) .or_default() .push((inlay.position,; current_hints }, ); let multi_buffer =; let multi_buffer_snapshot = multi_buffer.snapshot(cx); for (excerpt_id, excerpt_cached_hints) in &self.hints { let shown_excerpt_hints_to_remove = shown_hints_to_remove.entry(*excerpt_id).or_default(); let excerpt_cached_hints =; let mut excerpt_cache = excerpt_cached_hints.ordered_hints.iter().fuse().peekable(); shown_excerpt_hints_to_remove.retain(|(shown_anchor, shown_hint_id)| { let Some(buffer) = shown_anchor .buffer_id .and_then(|buffer_id| multi_buffer.buffer(buffer_id)) else { return false; }; let buffer_snapshot =; loop { match excerpt_cache.peek() { Some(&cached_hint_id) => { let cached_hint = &excerpt_cached_hints.hints_by_id[cached_hint_id]; if cached_hint_id == shown_hint_id {; return !new_kinds.contains(&cached_hint.kind); } match cached_hint .position .cmp(&shown_anchor.text_anchor, &buffer_snapshot) { cmp::Ordering::Less | cmp::Ordering::Equal => { if !old_kinds.contains(&cached_hint.kind) && new_kinds.contains(&cached_hint.kind) { to_insert.push(Inlay::hint(, multi_buffer_snapshot.anchor_in_excerpt( *excerpt_id, cached_hint.position, ), &cached_hint, )); }; } cmp::Ordering::Greater => return true, } } None => return true, } } }); for cached_hint_id in excerpt_cache { let maybe_missed_cached_hint = &excerpt_cached_hints.hints_by_id[cached_hint_id]; let cached_hint_kind = maybe_missed_cached_hint.kind; if !old_kinds.contains(&cached_hint_kind) && new_kinds.contains(&cached_hint_kind) { to_insert.push(Inlay::hint(, multi_buffer_snapshot .anchor_in_excerpt(*excerpt_id, maybe_missed_cached_hint.position), &maybe_missed_cached_hint, )); } } } to_remove.extend( shown_hints_to_remove .into_values() .flatten() .map(|(_, hint_id)| hint_id), ); if to_remove.is_empty() && to_insert.is_empty() { None } else { Some(InlaySplice { to_remove, to_insert, }) } } pub fn remove_excerpts(&mut self, excerpts_removed: Vec) -> Option { let mut to_remove = Vec::new(); for excerpt_to_remove in excerpts_removed { self.update_tasks.remove(&excerpt_to_remove); if let Some(cached_hints) = self.hints.remove(&excerpt_to_remove) { let cached_hints =; to_remove.extend(cached_hints.ordered_hints.iter().copied()); } } if to_remove.is_empty() { None } else { self.version += 1; Some(InlaySplice { to_remove, to_insert: Vec::new(), }) } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { if !self.update_tasks.is_empty() || !self.hints.is_empty() { self.version += 1; } self.update_tasks.clear(); self.hints.clear(); } pub fn hint_by_id(&self, excerpt_id: ExcerptId, hint_id: InlayId) -> Option { self.hints .get(&excerpt_id)? .read() .hints_by_id .get(&hint_id) .cloned() } pub fn hints(&self) -> Vec { let mut hints = Vec::new(); for excerpt_hints in self.hints.values() { let excerpt_hints =; hints.extend( excerpt_hints .ordered_hints .iter() .map(|id| &excerpt_hints.hints_by_id[id]) .cloned(), ); } hints } pub fn version(&self) -> usize { self.version } pub fn spawn_hint_resolve( &self, buffer_id: u64, excerpt_id: ExcerptId, id: InlayId, cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, Editor>, ) { if let Some(excerpt_hints) = self.hints.get(&excerpt_id) { let mut guard = excerpt_hints.write(); if let Some(cached_hint) = guard.hints_by_id.get_mut(&id) { if let ResolveState::CanResolve(server_id, _) = &cached_hint.resolve_state { let hint_to_resolve = cached_hint.clone(); let server_id = *server_id; cached_hint.resolve_state = ResolveState::Resolving; drop(guard); cx.spawn(|editor, mut cx| async move { let resolved_hint_task = editor.update(&mut cx, |editor, cx| { editor .buffer() .read(cx) .buffer(buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| { let project = editor.project.as_ref()?; Some(project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.resolve_inlay_hint( hint_to_resolve, buffer, server_id, cx, ) })) }) })?; if let Some(resolved_hint_task) = resolved_hint_task { let mut resolved_hint = resolved_hint_task.await.context("hint resolve task")?; editor.update(&mut cx, |editor, _| { if let Some(excerpt_hints) = editor.inlay_hint_cache.hints.get(&excerpt_id) { let mut guard = excerpt_hints.write(); if let Some(cached_hint) = guard.hints_by_id.get_mut(&id) { if cached_hint.resolve_state == ResolveState::Resolving { resolved_hint.resolve_state = ResolveState::Resolved; *cached_hint = resolved_hint; } } } })?; } anyhow::Ok(()) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } } } } } fn spawn_new_update_tasks( editor: &mut Editor, reason: &'static str, excerpts_to_query: HashMap, Global, Range)>, invalidate: InvalidationStrategy, update_cache_version: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, Editor>, ) { let visible_hints = Arc::new(editor.visible_inlay_hints(cx)); for (excerpt_id, (excerpt_buffer, new_task_buffer_version, excerpt_visible_range)) in excerpts_to_query { if excerpt_visible_range.is_empty() { continue; } let buffer =; let buffer_id = buffer.remote_id(); let buffer_snapshot = buffer.snapshot(); if buffer_snapshot .version() .changed_since(&new_task_buffer_version) { continue; } let cached_excerpt_hints = editor.inlay_hint_cache.hints.get(&excerpt_id).cloned(); if let Some(cached_excerpt_hints) = &cached_excerpt_hints { let cached_excerpt_hints =; let cached_buffer_version = &cached_excerpt_hints.buffer_version; if cached_excerpt_hints.version > update_cache_version || cached_buffer_version.changed_since(&new_task_buffer_version) { continue; } }; let (multi_buffer_snapshot, Some(query_ranges)) = editor.buffer.update(cx, |multi_buffer, cx| { ( multi_buffer.snapshot(cx), determine_query_ranges( multi_buffer, excerpt_id, &excerpt_buffer, excerpt_visible_range, cx, ), ) }) else { return; }; let query = ExcerptQuery { buffer_id, excerpt_id, cache_version: update_cache_version, invalidate, reason, }; let new_update_task = |query_ranges| { new_update_task( query, query_ranges, multi_buffer_snapshot, buffer_snapshot.clone(), Arc::clone(&visible_hints), cached_excerpt_hints, Arc::clone(&editor.inlay_hint_cache.lsp_request_limiter), cx, ) }; match editor.inlay_hint_cache.update_tasks.entry(excerpt_id) { hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut o) => { o.get_mut().update_cached_tasks( &buffer_snapshot, query_ranges, invalidate, new_update_task, ); } hash_map::Entry::Vacant(v) => { v.insert(TasksForRanges::new( query_ranges.clone(), new_update_task(query_ranges), )); } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct QueryRanges { before_visible: Vec>, visible: Vec>, after_visible: Vec>, } impl QueryRanges { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.before_visible.is_empty() && self.visible.is_empty() && self.after_visible.is_empty() } } fn determine_query_ranges( multi_buffer: &mut MultiBuffer, excerpt_id: ExcerptId, excerpt_buffer: &Model, excerpt_visible_range: Range, cx: &mut ModelContext<'_, MultiBuffer>, ) -> Option { let full_excerpt_range = multi_buffer .excerpts_for_buffer(excerpt_buffer, cx) .into_iter() .find(|(id, _)| id == &excerpt_id) .map(|(_, range)| range.context)?; let buffer =; let snapshot = buffer.snapshot(); let excerpt_visible_len = excerpt_visible_range.end - excerpt_visible_range.start; let visible_range = if excerpt_visible_range.start == excerpt_visible_range.end { return None; } else { vec![ buffer.anchor_before(snapshot.clip_offset(excerpt_visible_range.start, Bias::Left)) ..buffer.anchor_after(snapshot.clip_offset(excerpt_visible_range.end, Bias::Right)), ] }; let full_excerpt_range_end_offset = full_excerpt_range.end.to_offset(&snapshot); let after_visible_range_start = excerpt_visible_range .end .saturating_add(1) .min(full_excerpt_range_end_offset) .min(buffer.len()); let after_visible_range = if after_visible_range_start == full_excerpt_range_end_offset { Vec::new() } else { let after_range_end_offset = after_visible_range_start .saturating_add(excerpt_visible_len) .min(full_excerpt_range_end_offset) .min(buffer.len()); vec![ buffer.anchor_before(snapshot.clip_offset(after_visible_range_start, Bias::Left)) ..buffer.anchor_after(snapshot.clip_offset(after_range_end_offset, Bias::Right)), ] }; let full_excerpt_range_start_offset = full_excerpt_range.start.to_offset(&snapshot); let before_visible_range_end = excerpt_visible_range .start .saturating_sub(1) .max(full_excerpt_range_start_offset); let before_visible_range = if before_visible_range_end == full_excerpt_range_start_offset { Vec::new() } else { let before_range_start_offset = before_visible_range_end .saturating_sub(excerpt_visible_len) .max(full_excerpt_range_start_offset); vec![ buffer.anchor_before(snapshot.clip_offset(before_range_start_offset, Bias::Left)) ..buffer.anchor_after(snapshot.clip_offset(before_visible_range_end, Bias::Right)), ] }; Some(QueryRanges { before_visible: before_visible_range, visible: visible_range, after_visible: after_visible_range, }) } const MAX_CONCURRENT_LSP_REQUESTS: usize = 5; const INVISIBLE_RANGES_HINTS_REQUEST_DELAY_MILLIS: u64 = 400; fn new_update_task( query: ExcerptQuery, query_ranges: QueryRanges, multi_buffer_snapshot: MultiBufferSnapshot, buffer_snapshot: BufferSnapshot, visible_hints: Arc>, cached_excerpt_hints: Option>>, lsp_request_limiter: Arc, cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, Editor>, ) -> Task<()> { cx.spawn(|editor, mut cx| async move { let closure_cx = cx.clone(); let fetch_and_update_hints = |invalidate, range| { fetch_and_update_hints( editor.clone(), multi_buffer_snapshot.clone(), buffer_snapshot.clone(), Arc::clone(&visible_hints), cached_excerpt_hints.as_ref().map(Arc::clone), query, invalidate, range, Arc::clone(&lsp_request_limiter), closure_cx.clone(), ) }; let visible_range_update_results = future::join_all(query_ranges.visible.into_iter().map( |visible_range| async move { ( visible_range.clone(), fetch_and_update_hints(query.invalidate.should_invalidate(), visible_range) .await, ) }, )) .await; let hint_delay = cx.background_executor().timer(Duration::from_millis( INVISIBLE_RANGES_HINTS_REQUEST_DELAY_MILLIS, )); let mut query_range_failed = |range: &Range, e: anyhow::Error| { log::error!("inlay hint update task for range {range:?} failed: {e:#}"); editor .update(&mut cx, |editor, _| { if let Some(task_ranges) = editor .inlay_hint_cache .update_tasks .get_mut(&query.excerpt_id) { task_ranges.invalidate_range(&buffer_snapshot, &range); } }) .ok() }; for (range, result) in visible_range_update_results { if let Err(e) = result { query_range_failed(&range, e); } } hint_delay.await; let invisible_range_update_results = future::join_all( query_ranges .before_visible .into_iter() .chain(query_ranges.after_visible.into_iter()) .map(|invisible_range| async move { ( invisible_range.clone(), fetch_and_update_hints(false, invisible_range).await, ) }), ) .await; for (range, result) in invisible_range_update_results { if let Err(e) = result { query_range_failed(&range, e); } } }) } async fn fetch_and_update_hints( editor: gpui::WeakView, multi_buffer_snapshot: MultiBufferSnapshot, buffer_snapshot: BufferSnapshot, visible_hints: Arc>, cached_excerpt_hints: Option>>, query: ExcerptQuery, invalidate: bool, fetch_range: Range, lsp_request_limiter: Arc, mut cx: gpui::AsyncWindowContext, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (lsp_request_guard, got_throttled) = if query.invalidate.should_invalidate() { (None, false) } else { match lsp_request_limiter.try_acquire() { Some(guard) => (Some(guard), false), None => (Some(lsp_request_limiter.acquire().await), true), } }; let fetch_range_to_log = fetch_range.start.to_point(&buffer_snapshot)..fetch_range.end.to_point(&buffer_snapshot); let inlay_hints_fetch_task = editor .update(&mut cx, |editor, cx| { if got_throttled { let query_not_around_visible_range = match editor.excerpts_for_inlay_hints_query(None, cx).remove(&query.excerpt_id) { Some((_, _, current_visible_range)) => { let visible_offset_length = current_visible_range.len(); let double_visible_range = current_visible_range .start .saturating_sub(visible_offset_length) ..current_visible_range .end .saturating_add(visible_offset_length) .min(buffer_snapshot.len()); !double_visible_range .contains(&fetch_range.start.to_offset(&buffer_snapshot)) && !double_visible_range .contains(&fetch_range.end.to_offset(&buffer_snapshot)) }, None => true, }; if query_not_around_visible_range { log::trace!("Fetching inlay hints for range {fetch_range_to_log:?} got throttled and fell off the current visible range, skipping."); if let Some(task_ranges) = editor .inlay_hint_cache .update_tasks .get_mut(&query.excerpt_id) { task_ranges.invalidate_range(&buffer_snapshot, &fetch_range); } return None; } } editor .buffer() .read(cx) .buffer(query.buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| { let project = editor.project.as_ref()?; Some(project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.inlay_hints(buffer, fetch_range.clone(), cx) })) }) }) .ok() .flatten(); let new_hints = match inlay_hints_fetch_task { Some(fetch_task) => { log::debug!( "Fetching inlay hints for range {fetch_range_to_log:?}, reason: {query_reason}, invalidate: {invalidate}", query_reason = query.reason, ); log::trace!( "Currently visible hints: {visible_hints:?}, cached hints present: {}", cached_excerpt_hints.is_some(), ); fetch_task.await.context("inlay hint fetch task")? } None => return Ok(()), }; drop(lsp_request_guard); log::debug!( "Fetched {} hints for range {fetch_range_to_log:?}", new_hints.len() ); log::trace!("Fetched hints: {new_hints:?}"); let background_task_buffer_snapshot = buffer_snapshot.clone(); let backround_fetch_range = fetch_range.clone(); let new_update = cx .background_executor() .spawn(async move { calculate_hint_updates( query.excerpt_id, invalidate, backround_fetch_range, new_hints, &background_task_buffer_snapshot, cached_excerpt_hints, &visible_hints, ) }) .await; if let Some(new_update) = new_update { log::debug!( "Applying update for range {fetch_range_to_log:?}: remove from editor: {}, remove from cache: {}, add to cache: {}", new_update.remove_from_visible.len(), new_update.remove_from_cache.len(), new_update.add_to_cache.len() ); log::trace!("New update: {new_update:?}"); editor .update(&mut cx, |editor, cx| { apply_hint_update( editor, new_update, query, invalidate, buffer_snapshot, multi_buffer_snapshot, cx, ); }) .ok(); } Ok(()) } fn calculate_hint_updates( excerpt_id: ExcerptId, invalidate: bool, fetch_range: Range, new_excerpt_hints: Vec, buffer_snapshot: &BufferSnapshot, cached_excerpt_hints: Option>>, visible_hints: &[Inlay], ) -> Option { let mut add_to_cache = Vec::::new(); let mut excerpt_hints_to_persist = HashMap::default(); for new_hint in new_excerpt_hints { if !contains_position(&fetch_range, new_hint.position, buffer_snapshot) { continue; } let missing_from_cache = match &cached_excerpt_hints { Some(cached_excerpt_hints) => { let cached_excerpt_hints =; match cached_excerpt_hints .ordered_hints .binary_search_by(|probe| { cached_excerpt_hints.hints_by_id[probe] .position .cmp(&new_hint.position, buffer_snapshot) }) { Ok(ix) => { let mut missing_from_cache = true; for id in &cached_excerpt_hints.ordered_hints[ix..] { let cached_hint = &cached_excerpt_hints.hints_by_id[id]; if new_hint .position .cmp(&cached_hint.position, buffer_snapshot) .is_gt() { break; } if cached_hint == &new_hint { excerpt_hints_to_persist.insert(*id, cached_hint.kind); missing_from_cache = false; } } missing_from_cache } Err(_) => true, } } None => true, }; if missing_from_cache { add_to_cache.push(new_hint); } } let mut remove_from_visible = Vec::new(); let mut remove_from_cache = HashSet::default(); if invalidate { remove_from_visible.extend( visible_hints .iter() .filter(|hint| hint.position.excerpt_id == excerpt_id) .map(|inlay_hint| .filter(|hint_id| !excerpt_hints_to_persist.contains_key(hint_id)), ); if let Some(cached_excerpt_hints) = &cached_excerpt_hints { let cached_excerpt_hints =; remove_from_cache.extend( cached_excerpt_hints .ordered_hints .iter() .filter(|cached_inlay_id| { !excerpt_hints_to_persist.contains_key(cached_inlay_id) }) .copied(), ); } } if remove_from_visible.is_empty() && remove_from_cache.is_empty() && add_to_cache.is_empty() { None } else { Some(ExcerptHintsUpdate { excerpt_id, remove_from_visible, remove_from_cache, add_to_cache, }) } } fn contains_position( range: &Range, position: language::Anchor, buffer_snapshot: &BufferSnapshot, ) -> bool { range.start.cmp(&position, buffer_snapshot).is_le() && range.end.cmp(&position, buffer_snapshot).is_ge() } fn apply_hint_update( editor: &mut Editor, new_update: ExcerptHintsUpdate, query: ExcerptQuery, invalidate: bool, buffer_snapshot: BufferSnapshot, multi_buffer_snapshot: MultiBufferSnapshot, cx: &mut ViewContext<'_, Editor>, ) { let cached_excerpt_hints = editor .inlay_hint_cache .hints .entry(new_update.excerpt_id) .or_insert_with(|| { Arc::new(RwLock::new(CachedExcerptHints { version: query.cache_version, buffer_version: buffer_snapshot.version().clone(), buffer_id: query.buffer_id, ordered_hints: Vec::new(), hints_by_id: HashMap::default(), })) }); let mut cached_excerpt_hints = cached_excerpt_hints.write(); match query.cache_version.cmp(&cached_excerpt_hints.version) { cmp::Ordering::Less => return, cmp::Ordering::Greater | cmp::Ordering::Equal => { cached_excerpt_hints.version = query.cache_version; } } let mut cached_inlays_changed = !new_update.remove_from_cache.is_empty(); cached_excerpt_hints .ordered_hints .retain(|hint_id| !new_update.remove_from_cache.contains(hint_id)); cached_excerpt_hints .hints_by_id .retain(|hint_id, _| !new_update.remove_from_cache.contains(hint_id)); let mut splice = InlaySplice { to_remove: new_update.remove_from_visible, to_insert: Vec::new(), }; for new_hint in new_update.add_to_cache { let insert_position = match cached_excerpt_hints .ordered_hints .binary_search_by(|probe| { cached_excerpt_hints.hints_by_id[probe] .position .cmp(&new_hint.position, &buffer_snapshot) }) { Ok(i) => { let mut insert_position = Some(i); for id in &cached_excerpt_hints.ordered_hints[i..] { let cached_hint = &cached_excerpt_hints.hints_by_id[id]; if new_hint .position .cmp(&cached_hint.position, &buffer_snapshot) .is_gt() { break; } if cached_hint.text() == new_hint.text() { insert_position = None; break; } } insert_position } Err(i) => Some(i), }; if let Some(insert_position) = insert_position { let new_inlay_id = post_inc(&mut editor.next_inlay_id); if editor .inlay_hint_cache .allowed_hint_kinds .contains(&new_hint.kind) { let new_hint_position = multi_buffer_snapshot.anchor_in_excerpt(query.excerpt_id, new_hint.position); splice .to_insert .push(Inlay::hint(new_inlay_id, new_hint_position, &new_hint)); } let new_id = InlayId::Hint(new_inlay_id); cached_excerpt_hints.hints_by_id.insert(new_id, new_hint); cached_excerpt_hints .ordered_hints .insert(insert_position, new_id); cached_inlays_changed = true; } } cached_excerpt_hints.buffer_version = buffer_snapshot.version().clone(); drop(cached_excerpt_hints); if invalidate { let mut outdated_excerpt_caches = HashSet::default(); for (excerpt_id, excerpt_hints) in &editor.inlay_hint_cache().hints { let excerpt_hints =; if excerpt_hints.buffer_id == query.buffer_id && excerpt_id != &query.excerpt_id && buffer_snapshot .version() .changed_since(&excerpt_hints.buffer_version) { outdated_excerpt_caches.insert(*excerpt_id); splice .to_remove .extend(excerpt_hints.ordered_hints.iter().copied()); } } cached_inlays_changed |= !outdated_excerpt_caches.is_empty(); editor .inlay_hint_cache .hints .retain(|excerpt_id, _| !outdated_excerpt_caches.contains(excerpt_id)); } let InlaySplice { to_remove, to_insert, } = splice; let displayed_inlays_changed = !to_remove.is_empty() || !to_insert.is_empty(); if cached_inlays_changed || displayed_inlays_changed { editor.inlay_hint_cache.version += 1; } if displayed_inlays_changed { editor.splice_inlay_hints(to_remove, to_insert, cx) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use crate::{ scroll::{autoscroll::Autoscroll, scroll_amount::ScrollAmount}, ExcerptRange, }; use futures::StreamExt; use gpui::{Context, TestAppContext, WindowHandle}; use itertools::Itertools; use language::{ language_settings::AllLanguageSettingsContent, Capability, FakeLspAdapter, Language, LanguageConfig, }; use lsp::FakeLanguageServer; use parking_lot::Mutex; use project::{FakeFs, Project}; use serde_json::json; use settings::SettingsStore; use text::{Point, ToPoint}; use crate::editor_tests::update_test_language_settings; use super::*; #[gpui::test] async fn test_basic_cache_update_with_duplicate_hints(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let allowed_hint_kinds = HashSet::from_iter([None, Some(InlayHintKind::Type)]); init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Type)), show_parameter_hints: allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)), show_other_hints: allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&None), }) }); let (file_with_hints, editor, fake_server) = prepare_test_objects(cx).await; let lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_count); async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path(file_with_hints).unwrap(), ); let current_call_id = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); let mut new_hints = Vec::with_capacity(2 * current_call_id as usize); for _ in 0..2 { let mut i = current_call_id; loop { new_hints.push(lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, i), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(i.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }); if i == 0 { break; } i -= 1; } } Ok(Some(new_hints)) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let mut edits_made = 1; _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get its first hints when opening the editor" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); let inlay_cache = editor.inlay_hint_cache(); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.allowed_hint_kinds, allowed_hint_kinds, "Cache should use editor settings to get the allowed hint kinds" ); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.version, edits_made, "The editor update the cache version after every cache/view change" ); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| s.select_ranges([13..13])); editor.handle_input("some change", cx); edits_made += 1; }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string(), "1".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get new hints after an edit" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); let inlay_cache = editor.inlay_hint_cache(); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.allowed_hint_kinds, allowed_hint_kinds, "Cache should use editor settings to get the allowed hint kinds" ); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.version, edits_made, "The editor update the cache version after every cache/view change" ); }); fake_server .request::(()) .await .expect("inlay refresh request failed"); edits_made += 1; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string(), "1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get new hints after hint refresh/ request" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); let inlay_cache = editor.inlay_hint_cache(); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.allowed_hint_kinds, allowed_hint_kinds, "Cache should use editor settings to get the allowed hint kinds" ); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.version, edits_made, "The editor update the cache version after every cache/view change" ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_cache_update_on_lsp_completion_tasks(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); let (file_with_hints, editor, fake_server) = prepare_test_objects(cx).await; let lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_count); async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path(file_with_hints).unwrap(), ); let current_call_id = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); Ok(Some(vec![lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, current_call_id), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(current_call_id.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }])) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let mut edits_made = 1; _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get its first hints when opening the editor" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, edits_made, "The editor update the cache version after every cache/view change" ); }); let progress_token = "test_progress_token"; fake_server .request::(lsp::WorkDoneProgressCreateParams { token: lsp::ProgressToken::String(progress_token.to_string()), }) .await .expect("work done progress create request failed"); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); fake_server.notify::(lsp::ProgressParams { token: lsp::ProgressToken::String(progress_token.to_string()), value: lsp::ProgressParamsValue::WorkDone(lsp::WorkDoneProgress::Begin( lsp::WorkDoneProgressBegin::default(), )), }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should not update hints while the work task is running" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, edits_made, "Should not update the cache while the work task is running" ); }); fake_server.notify::(lsp::ProgressParams { token: lsp::ProgressToken::String(progress_token.to_string()), value: lsp::ProgressParamsValue::WorkDone(lsp::WorkDoneProgress::End( lsp::WorkDoneProgressEnd::default(), )), }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); edits_made += 1; _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["1".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "New hints should be queried after the work task is done" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, edits_made, "Cache version should udpate once after the work task is done" ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_no_hint_updates_for_unrelated_language_files(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/a", json!({ "": "fn main() { a } // and some long comment to ensure inlays are not trimmed out", "": "Test md file with some text", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/a".as_ref()], cx).await; let mut rs_fake_servers = None; let mut md_fake_servers = None; for (name, path_suffix) in [("Rust", "rs"), ("Markdown", "md")] { let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: name.into(), path_suffixes: vec![path_suffix.to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { name, capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { inlay_hint_provider: Some(lsp::OneOf::Left(true)), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; match name { "Rust" => rs_fake_servers = Some(fake_servers), "Markdown" => md_fake_servers = Some(fake_servers), _ => unreachable!(), } project.update(cx, |project, _| { project.languages().add(Arc::new(language)); }); } let rs_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/a/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); cx.executor().start_waiting(); let rs_fake_server = rs_fake_servers.unwrap().next().await.unwrap(); let rs_editor = cx.add_window(|cx| Editor::for_buffer(rs_buffer, Some(project.clone()), cx)); let rs_lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); rs_fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&rs_lsp_request_count); async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap(), ); let i = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); Ok(Some(vec![lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, i), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(i.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }])) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = rs_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get its first hints when opening the editor" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 1, "Rust editor update the cache version after every cache/view change" ); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let md_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/a/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); cx.executor().start_waiting(); let md_fake_server = md_fake_servers.unwrap().next().await.unwrap(); let md_editor = cx.add_window(|cx| Editor::for_buffer(md_buffer, Some(project), cx)); let md_lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); md_fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&md_lsp_request_count); async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap(), ); let i = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); Ok(Some(vec![lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, i), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(i.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }])) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = md_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Markdown editor should have a separate verison, repeating Rust editor rules" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 1); }); _ = rs_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| s.select_ranges([13..13])); editor.handle_input("some rs change", cx); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = rs_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["1".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Rust inlay cache should change after the edit" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 2, "Every time hint cache changes, cache version should be incremented" ); }); _ = md_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["0".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Markdown editor should not be affected by Rust editor changes" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 1); }); _ = md_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| s.select_ranges([13..13])); editor.handle_input("some md change", cx); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = md_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["1".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Rust editor should not be affected by Markdown editor changes" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 2); }); _ = rs_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["1".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Markdown editor should also change independently" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 2); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_hint_setting_changes(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let allowed_hint_kinds = HashSet::from_iter([None, Some(InlayHintKind::Type)]); init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Type)), show_parameter_hints: allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)), show_other_hints: allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&None), }) }); let (file_with_hints, editor, fake_server) = prepare_test_objects(cx).await; let lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); let another_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_count); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&another_lsp_request_count); async move { Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path(file_with_hints).unwrap(), ); Ok(Some(vec![ lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, 1), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String("type hint".to_string()), kind: Some(lsp::InlayHintKind::TYPE), text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }, lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, 2), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String("parameter hint".to_string()), kind: Some(lsp::InlayHintKind::PARAMETER), text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }, lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, 3), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String("other hint".to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }, ])) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let mut edits_made = 1; _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 1, "Should query new hints once" ); assert_eq!( vec![ "other hint".to_string(), "parameter hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string(), ], cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get its first hints when opening the editor" ); assert_eq!( vec!["other hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string()], visible_hint_labels(editor, cx) ); let inlay_cache = editor.inlay_hint_cache(); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.allowed_hint_kinds, allowed_hint_kinds, "Cache should use editor settings to get the allowed hint kinds" ); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.version, edits_made, "The editor update the cache version after every cache/view change" ); }); fake_server .request::(()) .await .expect("inlay refresh request failed"); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2, "Should load new hints twice" ); assert_eq!( vec![ "other hint".to_string(), "parameter hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string(), ], cached_hint_labels(editor), "Cached hints should not change due to allowed hint kinds settings update" ); assert_eq!( vec!["other hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string()], visible_hint_labels(editor, cx) ); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, edits_made, "Should not update cache version due to new loaded hints being the same" ); }); for (new_allowed_hint_kinds, expected_visible_hints) in [ (HashSet::from_iter([None]), vec!["other hint".to_string()]), ( HashSet::from_iter([Some(InlayHintKind::Type)]), vec!["type hint".to_string()], ), ( HashSet::from_iter([Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)]), vec!["parameter hint".to_string()], ), ( HashSet::from_iter([None, Some(InlayHintKind::Type)]), vec!["other hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string()], ), ( HashSet::from_iter([None, Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)]), vec!["other hint".to_string(), "parameter hint".to_string()], ), ( HashSet::from_iter([Some(InlayHintKind::Type), Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)]), vec!["parameter hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string()], ), ( HashSet::from_iter([ None, Some(InlayHintKind::Type), Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter), ]), vec![ "other hint".to_string(), "parameter hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string(), ], ), ] { edits_made += 1; update_test_language_settings(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: new_allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Type)), show_parameter_hints: new_allowed_hint_kinds .contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)), show_other_hints: new_allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&None), }) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2, "Should not load new hints on allowed hint kinds change for hint kinds {new_allowed_hint_kinds:?}" ); assert_eq!( vec![ "other hint".to_string(), "parameter hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string(), ], cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get its cached hints unchanged after the settings change for hint kinds {new_allowed_hint_kinds:?}" ); assert_eq!( expected_visible_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx), "Should get its visible hints filtered after the settings change for hint kinds {new_allowed_hint_kinds:?}" ); let inlay_cache = editor.inlay_hint_cache(); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.allowed_hint_kinds, new_allowed_hint_kinds, "Cache should use editor settings to get the allowed hint kinds for hint kinds {new_allowed_hint_kinds:?}" ); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.version, edits_made, "The editor should update the cache version after every cache/view change for hint kinds {new_allowed_hint_kinds:?} due to visible hints change" ); }); } edits_made += 1; let another_allowed_hint_kinds = HashSet::from_iter([Some(InlayHintKind::Type)]); update_test_language_settings(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: false, show_type_hints: another_allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Type)), show_parameter_hints: another_allowed_hint_kinds .contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)), show_other_hints: another_allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&None), }) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2, "Should not load new hints when hints got disabled" ); assert!( cached_hint_labels(editor).is_empty(), "Should clear the cache when hints got disabled" ); assert!( visible_hint_labels(editor, cx).is_empty(), "Should clear visible hints when hints got disabled" ); let inlay_cache = editor.inlay_hint_cache(); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.allowed_hint_kinds, another_allowed_hint_kinds, "Should update its allowed hint kinds even when hints got disabled" ); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.version, edits_made, "The editor should update the cache version after hints got disabled" ); }); fake_server .request::(()) .await .expect("inlay refresh request failed"); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2, "Should not load new hints when they got disabled" ); assert!(cached_hint_labels(editor).is_empty()); assert!(visible_hint_labels(editor, cx).is_empty()); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, edits_made, "The editor should not update the cache version after /refresh query without updates" ); }); let final_allowed_hint_kinds = HashSet::from_iter([Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)]); edits_made += 1; update_test_language_settings(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: final_allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Type)), show_parameter_hints: final_allowed_hint_kinds .contains(&Some(InlayHintKind::Parameter)), show_other_hints: final_allowed_hint_kinds.contains(&None), }) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 3, "Should query for new hints when they got reenabled" ); assert_eq!( vec![ "other hint".to_string(), "parameter hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string(), ], cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get its cached hints fully repopulated after the hints got reenabled" ); assert_eq!( vec!["parameter hint".to_string()], visible_hint_labels(editor, cx), "Should get its visible hints repopulated and filtered after the h" ); let inlay_cache = editor.inlay_hint_cache(); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.allowed_hint_kinds, final_allowed_hint_kinds, "Cache should update editor settings when hints got reenabled" ); assert_eq!( inlay_cache.version, edits_made, "Cache should update its version after hints got reenabled" ); }); fake_server .request::(()) .await .expect("inlay refresh request failed"); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 4, "Should query for new hints again" ); assert_eq!( vec![ "other hint".to_string(), "parameter hint".to_string(), "type hint".to_string(), ], cached_hint_labels(editor), ); assert_eq!( vec!["parameter hint".to_string()], visible_hint_labels(editor, cx), ); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, edits_made); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_hint_request_cancellation(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); let (file_with_hints, editor, fake_server) = prepare_test_objects(cx).await; let fake_server = Arc::new(fake_server); let lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); let another_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_count); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&another_lsp_request_count); async move { let i = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) + 1; assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path(file_with_hints).unwrap(), ); Ok(Some(vec![lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, i), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(i.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }])) } }) .next() .await; let mut expected_changes = Vec::new(); for change_after_opening in [ "initial change #1", "initial change #2", "initial change #3", ] { _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| s.select_ranges([13..13])); editor.handle_input(change_after_opening, cx); }); expected_changes.push(change_after_opening); } cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let current_text = editor.text(cx); for change in &expected_changes { assert!( current_text.contains(change), "Should apply all changes made" ); } assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed), 2, "Should query new hints twice: for editor init and for the last edit that interrupted all others" ); let expected_hints = vec!["2".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get hints from the last edit landed only" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 1, "Only one update should be registered in the cache after all cancellations" ); }); let mut edits = Vec::new(); for async_later_change in [ "another change #1", "another change #2", "another change #3", ] { expected_changes.push(async_later_change); let task_editor = editor.clone(); edits.push(cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { _ = task_editor.update(&mut cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| s.select_ranges([13..13])); editor.handle_input(async_later_change, cx); }); })); } let _ = future::join_all(edits).await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let current_text = editor.text(cx); for change in &expected_changes { assert!( current_text.contains(change), "Should apply all changes made" ); } assert_eq!( lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 3, "Should query new hints one more time, for the last edit only" ); let expected_hints = vec!["3".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should get hints from the last edit landed only" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 2, "Should update the cache version once more, for the new change" ); }); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_large_buffer_inlay_requests_split(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { inlay_hint_provider: Some(lsp::OneOf::Left(true)), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/a", json!({ "": format!("fn main() {{\n{}\n}}", "let i = 5;\n".repeat(500)), "": "// Test file", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/a".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages().add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/a/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); cx.executor().start_waiting(); let fake_server =; let editor = cx.add_window(|cx| Editor::for_buffer(buffer, Some(project), cx)); let lsp_request_ranges = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())); let lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)); let closure_lsp_request_ranges = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_ranges); let closure_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_count); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_ranges = Arc::clone(&closure_lsp_request_ranges); let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&closure_lsp_request_count); async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap(), ); task_lsp_request_ranges.lock().push(params.range); let i = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::Release) + 1; Ok(Some(vec![lsp::InlayHint { position: params.range.end, label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(i.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }])) } }) .next() .await; fn editor_visible_range( editor: &WindowHandle, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, ) -> Range { let ranges = editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.excerpts_for_inlay_hints_query(None, cx) }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( ranges.len(), 1, "Single buffer should produce a single excerpt with visible range" ); let (_, (excerpt_buffer, _, excerpt_visible_range)) = ranges.into_iter().next().unwrap(); excerpt_buffer.update(cx, |buffer, _| { let snapshot = buffer.snapshot(); let start = buffer .anchor_before(excerpt_visible_range.start) .to_point(&snapshot); let end = buffer .anchor_after(excerpt_visible_range.end) .to_point(&snapshot); start..end }) } // in large buffers, requests are made for more than visible range of a buffer. // invisible parts are queried later, to avoid excessive requests on quick typing. // wait the timeout needed to get all requests. cx.executor().advance_clock(Duration::from_millis( INVISIBLE_RANGES_HINTS_REQUEST_DELAY_MILLIS + 100, )); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let initial_visible_range = editor_visible_range(&editor, cx); let lsp_initial_visible_range = lsp::Range::new( lsp::Position::new( initial_visible_range.start.row, initial_visible_range.start.column, ), lsp::Position::new( initial_visible_range.end.row, initial_visible_range.end.column, ), ); let expected_initial_query_range_end = lsp::Position::new(initial_visible_range.end.row * 2, 2); let mut expected_invisible_query_start = lsp_initial_visible_range.end; expected_invisible_query_start.character += 1; _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let ranges = lsp_request_ranges.lock().drain(..).collect::>(); assert_eq!(ranges.len(), 2, "When scroll is at the edge of a big document, its visible part and the same range further should be queried in order, but got: {ranges:?}"); let visible_query_range = &ranges[0]; assert_eq!(visible_query_range.start, lsp_initial_visible_range.start); assert_eq!(visible_query_range.end, lsp_initial_visible_range.end); let invisible_query_range = &ranges[1]; assert_eq!(invisible_query_range.start, expected_invisible_query_start, "Should initially query visible edge of the document"); assert_eq!(invisible_query_range.end, expected_initial_query_range_end, "Should initially query visible edge of the document"); let requests_count = lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Acquire); assert_eq!(requests_count, 2, "Visible + invisible request"); let expected_hints = vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should have hints from both LSP requests made for a big file" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx), "Should display only hints from the visible range"); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, requests_count, "LSP queries should've bumped the cache version" ); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.scroll_screen(&ScrollAmount::Page(1.0), cx); editor.scroll_screen(&ScrollAmount::Page(1.0), cx); }); cx.executor().advance_clock(Duration::from_millis( INVISIBLE_RANGES_HINTS_REQUEST_DELAY_MILLIS + 100, )); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let visible_range_after_scrolls = editor_visible_range(&editor, cx); let visible_line_count = editor .update(cx, |editor, _| editor.visible_line_count().unwrap()) .unwrap(); let selection_in_cached_range = editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| { let ranges = lsp_request_ranges .lock() .drain(..) .sorted_by_key(|r| r.start) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( ranges.len(), 2, "Should query 2 ranges after both scrolls, but got: {ranges:?}" ); let first_scroll = &ranges[0]; let second_scroll = &ranges[1]; assert_eq!( first_scroll.end, second_scroll.start, "Should query 2 adjacent ranges after the scrolls, but got: {ranges:?}" ); assert_eq!( first_scroll.start, expected_initial_query_range_end, "First scroll should start the query right after the end of the original scroll", ); assert_eq!( second_scroll.end, lsp::Position::new( visible_range_after_scrolls.end.row + visible_line_count.ceil() as u32, 1, ), "Second scroll should query one more screen down after the end of the visible range" ); let lsp_requests = lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Acquire); assert_eq!(lsp_requests, 4, "Should query for hints after every scroll"); let expected_hints = vec![ "1".to_string(), "2".to_string(), "3".to_string(), "4".to_string(), ]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should have hints from the new LSP response after the edit" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, lsp_requests, "Should update the cache for every LSP response with hints added" ); let mut selection_in_cached_range = visible_range_after_scrolls.end; selection_in_cached_range.row -= visible_line_count.ceil() as u32; selection_in_cached_range }) .unwrap(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::center()), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([selection_in_cached_range..selection_in_cached_range]) }); }); cx.executor().advance_clock(Duration::from_millis( INVISIBLE_RANGES_HINTS_REQUEST_DELAY_MILLIS + 100, )); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |_, _| { let ranges = lsp_request_ranges .lock() .drain(..) .sorted_by_key(|r| r.start) .collect::>(); assert!(ranges.is_empty(), "No new ranges or LSP queries should be made after returning to the selection with cached hints"); assert_eq!(lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Acquire), 4); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.handle_input("++++more text++++", cx); }); cx.executor().advance_clock(Duration::from_millis( INVISIBLE_RANGES_HINTS_REQUEST_DELAY_MILLIS + 100, )); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let mut ranges = lsp_request_ranges.lock().drain(..).collect::>(); ranges.sort_by_key(|r| r.start); assert_eq!(ranges.len(), 3, "On edit, should scroll to selection and query a range around it: visible + same range above and below. Instead, got query ranges {ranges:?}"); let above_query_range = &ranges[0]; let visible_query_range = &ranges[1]; let below_query_range = &ranges[2]; assert!(above_query_range.end.character < visible_query_range.start.character || above_query_range.end.line + 1 == visible_query_range.start.line, "Above range {above_query_range:?} should be before visible range {visible_query_range:?}"); assert!(visible_query_range.end.character < below_query_range.start.character || visible_query_range.end.line + 1 == below_query_range.start.line, "Visible range {visible_query_range:?} should be before below range {below_query_range:?}"); assert!(above_query_range.start.line < selection_in_cached_range.row, "Hints should be queried with the selected range after the query range start"); assert!(below_query_range.end.line > selection_in_cached_range.row, "Hints should be queried with the selected range before the query range end"); assert!(above_query_range.start.line <= selection_in_cached_range.row - (visible_line_count * 3.0 / 2.0) as u32, "Hints query range should contain one more screen before"); assert!(below_query_range.end.line >= selection_in_cached_range.row + (visible_line_count * 3.0 / 2.0) as u32, "Hints query range should contain one more screen after"); let lsp_requests = lsp_request_count.load(Ordering::Acquire); assert_eq!(lsp_requests, 7, "There should be a visible range and two ranges above and below it queried"); let expected_hints = vec!["5".to_string(), "6".to_string(), "7".to_string()]; assert_eq!(expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should have hints from the new LSP response after the edit"); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, lsp_requests, "Should update the cache for every LSP response with hints added"); }); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_multiple_excerpts_large_multibuffer(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { inlay_hint_provider: Some(lsp::OneOf::Left(true)), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let language = Arc::new(language); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/a", json!({ "": format!("fn main() {{\n{}\n}}", (0..501).map(|i| format!("let i = {i};\n")).collect::>().join("")), "": format!("fn main() {{\n{}\n}}", (0..501).map(|j| format!("let j = {j};\n")).collect::>().join("")), }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/a".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| { project.languages().add(Arc::clone(&language)) }); let worktree_id = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.worktrees().next().unwrap().read(cx).id() }); let buffer_1 = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_buffer((worktree_id, ""), cx) }) .await .unwrap(); let buffer_2 = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_buffer((worktree_id, ""), cx) }) .await .unwrap(); let multibuffer = cx.new_model(|cx| { let mut multibuffer = MultiBuffer::new(0, Capability::ReadWrite); multibuffer.push_excerpts( buffer_1.clone(), [ ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(0, 0)..Point::new(2, 0), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(4, 0)..Point::new(11, 0), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(22, 0)..Point::new(33, 0), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(44, 0)..Point::new(55, 0), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(56, 0)..Point::new(66, 0), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(67, 0)..Point::new(77, 0), primary: None, }, ], cx, ); multibuffer.push_excerpts( buffer_2.clone(), [ ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(0, 1)..Point::new(2, 1), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(4, 1)..Point::new(11, 1), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(22, 1)..Point::new(33, 1), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(44, 1)..Point::new(55, 1), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(56, 1)..Point::new(66, 1), primary: None, }, ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(67, 1)..Point::new(77, 1), primary: None, }, ], cx, ); multibuffer }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let editor = cx.add_window(|cx| Editor::for_multibuffer(multibuffer, Some(project.clone()), cx)); let editor_edited = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let fake_server =; let closure_editor_edited = Arc::clone(&editor_edited); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_editor_edited = Arc::clone(&closure_editor_edited); async move { let hint_text = if params.text_document.uri == lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap() { "main hint" } else if params.text_document.uri == lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap() { "other hint" } else { panic!("unexpected uri: {:?}", params.text_document.uri); }; // one hint per excerpt let positions = [ lsp::Position::new(0, 2), lsp::Position::new(4, 2), lsp::Position::new(22, 2), lsp::Position::new(44, 2), lsp::Position::new(56, 2), lsp::Position::new(67, 2), ]; let out_of_range_hint = lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new( params.range.start.line + 99, params.range.start.character + 99, ), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String( "out of excerpt range, should be ignored".to_string(), ), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }; let edited = task_editor_edited.load(Ordering::Acquire); Ok(Some( std::iter::once(out_of_range_hint) .chain(positions.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, position)| { lsp::InlayHint { position, label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(format!( "{hint_text}{} #{i}", if edited { "(edited)" } else { "" }, )), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, } })) .collect(), )) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec![ "main hint #0".to_string(), "main hint #1".to_string(), "main hint #2".to_string(), "main hint #3".to_string(), "main hint #4".to_string(), "main hint #5".to_string(), ]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "When scroll is at the edge of a multibuffer, its visible excerpts only should be queried for inlay hints" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, expected_hints.len(), "Every visible excerpt hints should bump the verison"); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::Next), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([Point::new(4, 0)..Point::new(4, 0)]) }); editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::Next), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([Point::new(22, 0)..Point::new(22, 0)]) }); editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::Next), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([Point::new(50, 0)..Point::new(50, 0)]) }); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec![ "main hint #0".to_string(), "main hint #1".to_string(), "main hint #2".to_string(), "main hint #3".to_string(), "main hint #4".to_string(), "main hint #5".to_string(), "other hint #0".to_string(), "other hint #1".to_string(), "other hint #2".to_string(), ]; assert_eq!(expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "With more scrolls of the multibuffer, more hints should be added into the cache and nothing invalidated without edits"); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, expected_hints.len(), "Due to every excerpt having one hint, we update cache per new excerpt scrolled"); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::Next), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([Point::new(100, 0)..Point::new(100, 0)]) }); }); cx.executor().advance_clock(Duration::from_millis( INVISIBLE_RANGES_HINTS_REQUEST_DELAY_MILLIS + 100, )); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let last_scroll_update_version = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec![ "main hint #0".to_string(), "main hint #1".to_string(), "main hint #2".to_string(), "main hint #3".to_string(), "main hint #4".to_string(), "main hint #5".to_string(), "other hint #0".to_string(), "other hint #1".to_string(), "other hint #2".to_string(), "other hint #3".to_string(), "other hint #4".to_string(), "other hint #5".to_string(), ]; assert_eq!(expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "After multibuffer was scrolled to the end, all hints for all excerpts should be fetched"); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, expected_hints.len()); expected_hints.len() }).unwrap(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::Next), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([Point::new(4, 0)..Point::new(4, 0)]) }); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec![ "main hint #0".to_string(), "main hint #1".to_string(), "main hint #2".to_string(), "main hint #3".to_string(), "main hint #4".to_string(), "main hint #5".to_string(), "other hint #0".to_string(), "other hint #1".to_string(), "other hint #2".to_string(), "other hint #3".to_string(), "other hint #4".to_string(), "other hint #5".to_string(), ]; assert_eq!(expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "After multibuffer was scrolled to the end, further scrolls up should not bring more hints"); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, last_scroll_update_version, "No updates should happen during scrolling already scolled buffer"); });, Ordering::Release); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| { // TODO if this gets set to hint boundary (e.g. 56) we sometimes get an extra cache version bump, why? s.select_ranges([Point::new(57, 0)..Point::new(57, 0)]) }); editor.handle_input("++++more text++++", cx); }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec![ "main hint(edited) #0".to_string(), "main hint(edited) #1".to_string(), "main hint(edited) #2".to_string(), "main hint(edited) #3".to_string(), "main hint(edited) #4".to_string(), "main hint(edited) #5".to_string(), "other hint(edited) #0".to_string(), "other hint(edited) #1".to_string(), ]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "After multibuffer edit, editor gets scolled back to the last selection; \ all hints should be invalidated and requeried for all of its visible excerpts" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); let current_cache_version = editor.inlay_hint_cache().version; assert_eq!( current_cache_version, last_scroll_update_version + expected_hints.len(), "We should have updated cache N times == N of new hints arrived (separately from each excerpt)" ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_excerpts_removed(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: false, show_parameter_hints: false, show_other_hints: false, }) }); let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { inlay_hint_provider: Some(lsp::OneOf::Left(true)), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let language = Arc::new(language); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/a", json!({ "": format!("fn main() {{\n{}\n}}", (0..501).map(|i| format!("let i = {i};\n")).collect::>().join("")), "": format!("fn main() {{\n{}\n}}", (0..501).map(|j| format!("let j = {j};\n")).collect::>().join("")), }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/a".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| { project.languages().add(Arc::clone(&language)) }); let worktree_id = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.worktrees().next().unwrap().read(cx).id() }); let buffer_1 = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_buffer((worktree_id, ""), cx) }) .await .unwrap(); let buffer_2 = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_buffer((worktree_id, ""), cx) }) .await .unwrap(); let multibuffer = cx.new_model(|_| MultiBuffer::new(0, Capability::ReadWrite)); let (buffer_1_excerpts, buffer_2_excerpts) = multibuffer.update(cx, |multibuffer, cx| { let buffer_1_excerpts = multibuffer.push_excerpts( buffer_1.clone(), [ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(0, 0)..Point::new(2, 0), primary: None, }], cx, ); let buffer_2_excerpts = multibuffer.push_excerpts( buffer_2.clone(), [ExcerptRange { context: Point::new(0, 1)..Point::new(2, 1), primary: None, }], cx, ); (buffer_1_excerpts, buffer_2_excerpts) }); assert!(!buffer_1_excerpts.is_empty()); assert!(!buffer_2_excerpts.is_empty()); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); let editor = cx.add_window(|cx| Editor::for_multibuffer(multibuffer, Some(project.clone()), cx)); let editor_edited = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let fake_server =; let closure_editor_edited = Arc::clone(&editor_edited); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_editor_edited = Arc::clone(&closure_editor_edited); async move { let hint_text = if params.text_document.uri == lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap() { "main hint" } else if params.text_document.uri == lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap() { "other hint" } else { panic!("unexpected uri: {:?}", params.text_document.uri); }; let positions = [ lsp::Position::new(0, 2), lsp::Position::new(4, 2), lsp::Position::new(22, 2), lsp::Position::new(44, 2), lsp::Position::new(56, 2), lsp::Position::new(67, 2), ]; let out_of_range_hint = lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new( params.range.start.line + 99, params.range.start.character + 99, ), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String( "out of excerpt range, should be ignored".to_string(), ), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }; let edited = task_editor_edited.load(Ordering::Acquire); Ok(Some( std::iter::once(out_of_range_hint) .chain(positions.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, position)| { lsp::InlayHint { position, label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(format!( "{hint_text}{} #{i}", if edited { "(edited)" } else { "" }, )), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, } })) .collect(), )) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( vec!["main hint #0".to_string(), "other hint #0".to_string()], cached_hint_labels(editor), "Cache should update for both excerpts despite hints display was disabled" ); assert!( visible_hint_labels(editor, cx).is_empty(), "All hints are disabled and should not be shown despite being present in the cache" ); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 2, "Cache should update once per excerpt query" ); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.buffer().update(cx, |multibuffer, cx| { multibuffer.remove_excerpts(buffer_2_excerpts, cx) }) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( vec!["main hint #0".to_string()], cached_hint_labels(editor), "For the removed excerpt, should clean corresponding cached hints" ); assert!( visible_hint_labels(editor, cx).is_empty(), "All hints are disabled and should not be shown despite being present in the cache" ); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 3, "Excerpt removal should trigger a cache update" ); }); update_test_language_settings(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["main hint #0".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Hint display settings change should not change the cache" ); assert_eq!( expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx), "Settings change should make cached hints visible" ); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 4, "Settings change should trigger a cache update" ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_inside_char_boundary_range_hints(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { inlay_hint_provider: Some(lsp::OneOf::Left(true)), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/a", json!({ "": format!(r#"fn main() {{\n{}\n}}"#, format!("let i = {};\n", "√".repeat(10)).repeat(500)), "": "// Test file", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/a".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages().add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/a/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); cx.executor().start_waiting(); let fake_server =; let editor = cx.add_window(|cx| Editor::for_buffer(buffer, Some(project), cx)); let lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); let closure_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_count); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&closure_lsp_request_count); async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path("/a/").unwrap(), ); let query_start = params.range.start; let i = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::Release) + 1; Ok(Some(vec![lsp::InlayHint { position: query_start, label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(i.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }])) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([Point::new(10, 0)..Point::new(10, 0)]) }) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["1".to_string()]; assert_eq!(expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor)); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 1); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_toggle_inlay_hints(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { init_test(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: false, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); let (file_with_hints, editor, fake_server) = prepare_test_objects(cx).await; _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.toggle_inlay_hints(&crate::ToggleInlayHints, cx) }); cx.executor().start_waiting(); let lsp_request_count = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); let closure_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&lsp_request_count); fake_server .handle_request::(move |params, _| { let task_lsp_request_count = Arc::clone(&closure_lsp_request_count); async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri, lsp::Url::from_file_path(file_with_hints).unwrap(), ); let i = Arc::clone(&task_lsp_request_count).fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) + 1; Ok(Some(vec![lsp::InlayHint { position: lsp::Position::new(0, i), label: lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(i.to_string()), kind: None, text_edits: None, tooltip: None, padding_left: None, padding_right: None, data: None, }])) } }) .next() .await; cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["1".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should display inlays after toggle despite them disabled in settings" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!( editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 1, "First toggle should be cache's first update" ); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.toggle_inlay_hints(&crate::ToggleInlayHints, cx) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert!( cached_hint_labels(editor).is_empty(), "Should clear hints after 2nd toggle" ); assert!(visible_hint_labels(editor, cx).is_empty()); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 2); }); update_test_language_settings(cx, |settings| { settings.defaults.inlay_hints = Some(InlayHintSettings { enabled: true, show_type_hints: true, show_parameter_hints: true, show_other_hints: true, }) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["2".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should query LSP hints for the 2nd time after enabling hints in settings" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 3); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.toggle_inlay_hints(&crate::ToggleInlayHints, cx) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert!( cached_hint_labels(editor).is_empty(), "Should clear hints after enabling in settings and a 3rd toggle" ); assert!(visible_hint_labels(editor, cx).is_empty()); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 4); }); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.toggle_inlay_hints(&crate::ToggleInlayHints, cx) }); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let expected_hints = vec!["3".to_string()]; assert_eq!( expected_hints, cached_hint_labels(editor), "Should query LSP hints for the 3rd time after enabling hints in settings and toggling them back on" ); assert_eq!(expected_hints, visible_hint_labels(editor, cx)); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 5); }); } pub(crate) fn init_test(cx: &mut TestAppContext, f: impl Fn(&mut AllLanguageSettingsContent)) { cx.update(|cx| { let settings_store = SettingsStore::test(cx); cx.set_global(settings_store); theme::init(theme::LoadThemes::JustBase, cx); client::init_settings(cx); language::init(cx); Project::init_settings(cx); workspace::init_settings(cx); crate::init(cx); }); update_test_language_settings(cx, f); } async fn prepare_test_objects( cx: &mut TestAppContext, ) -> (&'static str, WindowHandle, FakeLanguageServer) { let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { inlay_hint_provider: Some(lsp::OneOf::Left(true)), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/a", json!({ "": "fn main() { a } // and some long comment to ensure inlays are not trimmed out", "": "// Test file", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/a".as_ref()], cx).await; _ = project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages().add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/a/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); cx.executor().run_until_parked(); cx.executor().start_waiting(); let fake_server =; let editor = cx.add_window(|cx| Editor::for_buffer(buffer, Some(project), cx)); _ = editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert!(cached_hint_labels(editor).is_empty()); assert!(visible_hint_labels(editor, cx).is_empty()); assert_eq!(editor.inlay_hint_cache().version, 0); }); ("/a/", editor, fake_server) } pub fn cached_hint_labels(editor: &Editor) -> Vec { let mut labels = Vec::new(); for (_, excerpt_hints) in &editor.inlay_hint_cache().hints { let excerpt_hints =; for id in &excerpt_hints.ordered_hints { labels.push(excerpt_hints.hints_by_id[id].text()); } } labels.sort(); labels } pub fn visible_hint_labels(editor: &Editor, cx: &ViewContext<'_, Editor>) -> Vec { let mut hints = editor .visible_inlay_hints(cx) .into_iter() .map(|hint| hint.text.to_string()) .collect::>(); hints.sort(); hints } }