use crate::{ history::SearchHistory, mode::SearchMode, ActivateRegexMode, ActivateSemanticMode, ActivateTextMode, CycleMode, NextHistoryQuery, PreviousHistoryQuery, ReplaceAll, ReplaceNext, SearchOptions, SelectNextMatch, SelectPrevMatch, ToggleCaseSensitive, ToggleIncludeIgnored, ToggleReplace, ToggleWholeWord, }; use anyhow::{Context as _, Result}; use collections::HashMap; use editor::{ actions::SelectAll, items::active_match_index, scroll::Autoscroll, Anchor, Editor, EditorEvent, MultiBuffer, MAX_TAB_TITLE_LEN, }; use editor::{EditorElement, EditorStyle}; use gpui::{ actions, div, Action, AnyElement, AnyView, AppContext, Context as _, Element, EntityId, EventEmitter, FocusHandle, FocusableView, FontStyle, FontWeight, Global, Hsla, InteractiveElement, IntoElement, KeyContext, Model, ModelContext, ParentElement, PromptLevel, Render, SharedString, Styled, Subscription, Task, TextStyle, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakModel, WeakView, WhiteSpace, WindowContext, }; use menu::Confirm; use project::{ search::{SearchInputs, SearchQuery}, Entry, Project, }; use semantic_index::{SemanticIndex, SemanticIndexStatus}; use collections::HashSet; use settings::Settings; use smol::stream::StreamExt; use std::{ any::{Any, TypeId}, mem, ops::{Not, Range}, path::PathBuf, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use theme::ThemeSettings; use workspace::{DeploySearch, NewSearch}; use ui::{ h_flex, prelude::*, v_flex, Icon, IconButton, IconName, Label, LabelCommon, LabelSize, Selectable, ToggleButton, Tooltip, }; use util::{paths::PathMatcher, ResultExt as _}; use workspace::{ item::{BreadcrumbText, Item, ItemEvent, ItemHandle}, searchable::{Direction, SearchableItem, SearchableItemHandle}, ItemNavHistory, Pane, ToolbarItemEvent, ToolbarItemLocation, ToolbarItemView, Workspace, WorkspaceId, }; const MIN_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS: f32 = 15.; const MAX_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS: f32 = 30.; actions!( project_search, [SearchInNew, ToggleFocus, NextField, ToggleFilters] ); #[derive(Default)] struct ActiveSettings(HashMap, ProjectSearchSettings>); impl Global for ActiveSettings {} pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.set_global(ActiveSettings::default()); cx.observe_new_views(|workspace: &mut Workspace, _cx| { register_workspace_action(workspace, move |search_bar, _: &ToggleFilters, cx| { search_bar.toggle_filters(cx); }); register_workspace_action(workspace, move |search_bar, _: &ToggleCaseSensitive, cx| { search_bar.toggle_search_option(SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE, cx); }); register_workspace_action(workspace, move |search_bar, _: &ToggleWholeWord, cx| { search_bar.toggle_search_option(SearchOptions::WHOLE_WORD, cx); }); register_workspace_action(workspace, move |search_bar, action: &ToggleReplace, cx| { search_bar.toggle_replace(action, cx) }); register_workspace_action(workspace, move |search_bar, _: &ActivateRegexMode, cx| { search_bar.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Regex, cx) }); register_workspace_action(workspace, move |search_bar, _: &ActivateTextMode, cx| { search_bar.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Text, cx) }); register_workspace_action( workspace, move |search_bar, _: &ActivateSemanticMode, cx| { search_bar.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Semantic, cx) }, ); register_workspace_action(workspace, move |search_bar, action: &CycleMode, cx| { search_bar.cycle_mode(action, cx) }); register_workspace_action( workspace, move |search_bar, action: &SelectPrevMatch, cx| { search_bar.select_prev_match(action, cx) }, ); register_workspace_action( workspace, move |search_bar, action: &SelectNextMatch, cx| { search_bar.select_next_match(action, cx) }, ); // Only handle search_in_new if there is a search present register_workspace_action_for_present_search(workspace, |workspace, action, cx| { ProjectSearchView::search_in_new(workspace, action, cx) }); // Both on present and dismissed search, we need to unconditionally handle those actions to focus from the editor. workspace.register_action(move |workspace, action: &DeploySearch, cx| { if workspace.has_active_modal(cx) { cx.propagate(); return; } ProjectSearchView::deploy_search(workspace, action, cx); cx.notify(); }); workspace.register_action(move |workspace, action: &NewSearch, cx| { if workspace.has_active_modal(cx) { cx.propagate(); return; } ProjectSearchView::new_search(workspace, action, cx); cx.notify(); }); }) .detach(); } struct ProjectSearch { project: Model, excerpts: Model, pending_search: Option>>, match_ranges: Vec>, active_query: Option, search_id: usize, search_history: SearchHistory, no_results: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] enum InputPanel { Query, Exclude, Include, } pub struct ProjectSearchView { focus_handle: FocusHandle, model: Model, query_editor: View, replacement_editor: View, results_editor: View, semantic_state: Option, semantic_permissioned: Option, search_options: SearchOptions, panels_with_errors: HashSet, active_match_index: Option, search_id: usize, query_editor_was_focused: bool, included_files_editor: View, excluded_files_editor: View, filters_enabled: bool, replace_enabled: bool, current_mode: SearchMode, _subscriptions: Vec, } struct SemanticState { index_status: SemanticIndexStatus, maintain_rate_limit: Option>, _subscription: Subscription, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ProjectSearchSettings { search_options: SearchOptions, filters_enabled: bool, current_mode: SearchMode, } pub struct ProjectSearchBar { active_project_search: Option>, subscription: Option, } impl ProjectSearch { fn new(project: Model, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Self { let replica_id =; let capability =; Self { project, excerpts: cx.new_model(|_| MultiBuffer::new(replica_id, capability)), pending_search: Default::default(), match_ranges: Default::default(), active_query: None, search_id: 0, search_history: SearchHistory::default(), no_results: None, } } fn clone(&self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Model { cx.new_model(|cx| Self { project: self.project.clone(), excerpts: self .excerpts .update(cx, |excerpts, cx| cx.new_model(|cx| excerpts.clone(cx))), pending_search: Default::default(), match_ranges: self.match_ranges.clone(), active_query: self.active_query.clone(), search_id: self.search_id, search_history: self.search_history.clone(), no_results: self.no_results.clone(), }) } fn search(&mut self, query: SearchQuery, cx: &mut ModelContext) { let search = self .project .update(cx, |project, cx|, cx)); self.search_id += 1; self.search_history.add(query.as_str().to_string()); self.active_query = Some(query); self.match_ranges.clear(); self.pending_search = Some(cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let mut matches = search; let this = this.upgrade()?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.match_ranges.clear(); this.excerpts.update(cx, |this, cx| this.clear(cx)); this.no_results = Some(true); }) .ok()?; while let Some((buffer, anchors)) = { let mut ranges = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.no_results = Some(false); this.excerpts.update(cx, |excerpts, cx| { excerpts.stream_excerpts_with_context_lines(buffer, anchors, 1, cx) }) }) .ok()?; while let Some(range) = { this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| this.match_ranges.push(range)) .ok()?; } this.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()).ok()?; } this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.pending_search.take(); cx.notify(); }) .ok()?; None })); cx.notify(); } fn semantic_search(&mut self, inputs: &SearchInputs, cx: &mut ModelContext) { let search = SemanticIndex::global(cx).map(|index| { index.update(cx, |semantic_index, cx| { semantic_index.search_project( self.project.clone(), inputs.as_str().to_owned(), 10, inputs.files_to_include().to_vec(), inputs.files_to_exclude().to_vec(), cx, ) }) }); self.search_id += 1; self.match_ranges.clear(); self.search_history.add(inputs.as_str().to_string()); self.no_results = None; self.pending_search = Some(cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let results = search?.await.log_err()?; let matches = results .into_iter() .map(|result| (result.buffer, vec![result.range.start..result.range.start])); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.no_results = Some(true); this.excerpts.update(cx, |excerpts, cx| { excerpts.clear(cx); }); }) .ok()?; for (buffer, ranges) in matches { let mut match_ranges = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.no_results = Some(false); this.excerpts.update(cx, |excerpts, cx| { excerpts.stream_excerpts_with_context_lines(buffer, ranges, 3, cx) }) }) .ok()?; while let Some(match_range) = { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.match_ranges.push(match_range); while let Ok(Some(match_range)) = match_ranges.try_next() { this.match_ranges.push(match_range); } cx.notify(); }) .ok()?; } } this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.pending_search.take(); cx.notify(); }) .ok()?; None })); cx.notify(); } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ViewEvent { UpdateTab, Activate, EditorEvent(editor::EditorEvent), Dismiss, } impl EventEmitter for ProjectSearchView {} impl Render for ProjectSearchView { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { const PLEASE_AUTHENTICATE: &str = "API Key Missing: Please set 'OPENAI_API_KEY' in Environment Variables. If you authenticated using the Assistant Panel, please restart Zed to Authenticate."; if self.has_matches() { div() .flex_1() .size_full() .track_focus(&self.focus_handle) .child(self.results_editor.clone()) } else { let model =; let has_no_results = model.no_results.unwrap_or(false); let is_search_underway = model.pending_search.is_some(); let mut major_text = if is_search_underway { Label::new("Searching...") } else if has_no_results { Label::new("No results") } else { Label::new(format!("{} search all files", self.current_mode.label())) }; let mut show_minor_text = true; let semantic_status = self.semantic_state.as_ref().and_then(|semantic| { let status = semantic.index_status; match status { SemanticIndexStatus::NotAuthenticated => { major_text = Label::new("Not Authenticated"); show_minor_text = false; Some(PLEASE_AUTHENTICATE.to_string()) } SemanticIndexStatus::Indexed => Some("Indexing complete".to_string()), SemanticIndexStatus::Indexing { remaining_files, rate_limit_expiry, } => { if remaining_files == 0 { Some("Indexing...".to_string()) } else { if let Some(rate_limit_expiry) = rate_limit_expiry { let remaining_seconds = rate_limit_expiry.duration_since(Instant::now()); if remaining_seconds > Duration::from_secs(0) { Some(format!( "Remaining files to index (rate limit resets in {}s): {}", remaining_seconds.as_secs(), remaining_files )) } else { Some(format!("Remaining files to index: {}", remaining_files)) } } else { Some(format!("Remaining files to index: {}", remaining_files)) } } } SemanticIndexStatus::NotIndexed => None, } }); let major_text = div().justify_center().max_w_96().child(major_text); let minor_text: Option = if let Some(no_results) = model.no_results { if model.pending_search.is_none() && no_results { Some("No results found in this project for the provided query".into()) } else { None } } else { if let Some(mut semantic_status) = semantic_status { semantic_status.extend(self.landing_text_minor().chars()); Some(semantic_status.into()) } else { Some(self.landing_text_minor()) } }; let minor_text =|text| { div() .items_center() .max_w_96() .child(Label::new(text).size(LabelSize::Small)) }); v_flex() .flex_1() .size_full() .justify_center() .bg(cx.theme().colors().editor_background) .track_focus(&self.focus_handle) .child( h_flex() .size_full() .justify_center() .child(h_flex().flex_1()) .child(v_flex().child(major_text).children(minor_text)) .child(h_flex().flex_1()), ) } } } impl FocusableView for ProjectSearchView { fn focus_handle(&self, _: &AppContext) -> gpui::FocusHandle { self.focus_handle.clone() } } impl Item for ProjectSearchView { type Event = ViewEvent; fn tab_tooltip_text(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { let query_text =; query_text .is_empty() .not() .then(|| query_text.into()) .or_else(|| Some("Project Search".into())) } fn act_as_type<'a>( &'a self, type_id: TypeId, self_handle: &'a View, _: &'a AppContext, ) -> Option { if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some(self_handle.clone().into()) } else if type_id == TypeId::of::() { Some(self.results_editor.clone().into()) } else { None } } fn deactivated(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.deactivated(cx)); } fn tab_content(&self, _: Option, selected: bool, cx: &WindowContext<'_>) -> AnyElement { let last_query: Option = self .model .read(cx) .search_history .current() .as_ref() .map(|query| { let query = query.replace('\n', ""); let query_text = util::truncate_and_trailoff(&query, MAX_TAB_TITLE_LEN); query_text.into() }); let tab_name = last_query .filter(|query| !query.is_empty()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "Project search".into()); h_flex() .gap_2() .child(Icon::new(IconName::MagnifyingGlass).color(if selected { Color::Default } else { Color::Muted })) .child(Label::new(tab_name).color(if selected { Color::Default } else { Color::Muted })) .into_any() } fn telemetry_event_text(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { Some("project search") } fn for_each_project_item( &self, cx: &AppContext, f: &mut dyn FnMut(EntityId, &dyn project::Item), ) { self.results_editor.for_each_project_item(cx, f) } fn is_singleton(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { false } fn can_save(&self, _: &AppContext) -> bool { true } fn is_dirty(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn has_conflict(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { } fn save( &mut self, project: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx|, cx)) } fn save_as( &mut self, _: Model, _: PathBuf, _: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { unreachable!("save_as should not have been called") } fn reload( &mut self, project: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.reload(project, cx)) } fn clone_on_split( &self, _workspace_id: WorkspaceId, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Option> where Self: Sized, { let model = self.model.update(cx, |model, cx| model.clone(cx)); Some(cx.new_view(|cx| Self::new(model, cx, None))) } fn added_to_workspace(&mut self, workspace: &mut Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.added_to_workspace(workspace, cx)); } fn set_nav_history(&mut self, nav_history: ItemNavHistory, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.results_editor.update(cx, |editor, _| { editor.set_nav_history(Some(nav_history)); }); } fn navigate(&mut self, data: Box, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> bool { self.results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.navigate(data, cx)) } fn to_item_events(event: &Self::Event, mut f: impl FnMut(ItemEvent)) { match event { ViewEvent::UpdateTab => { f(ItemEvent::UpdateBreadcrumbs); f(ItemEvent::UpdateTab); } ViewEvent::EditorEvent(editor_event) => { Editor::to_item_events(editor_event, f); } ViewEvent::Dismiss => f(ItemEvent::CloseItem), _ => {} } } fn breadcrumb_location(&self) -> ToolbarItemLocation { if self.has_matches() { ToolbarItemLocation::Secondary } else { ToolbarItemLocation::Hidden } } fn breadcrumbs(&self, theme: &theme::Theme, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { self.results_editor.breadcrumbs(theme, cx) } fn serialized_item_kind() -> Option<&'static str> { None } fn deserialize( _project: Model, _workspace: WeakView, _workspace_id: workspace::WorkspaceId, _item_id: workspace::ItemId, _cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task>> { unimplemented!() } } impl ProjectSearchView { fn toggle_filters(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.filters_enabled = !self.filters_enabled; cx.update_global(|state: &mut ActiveSettings, cx| { state.0.insert(, self.current_settings(), ); }); } fn current_settings(&self) -> ProjectSearchSettings { ProjectSearchSettings { search_options: self.search_options, filters_enabled: self.filters_enabled, current_mode: self.current_mode, } } fn toggle_search_option(&mut self, option: SearchOptions, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.search_options.toggle(option); cx.update_global(|state: &mut ActiveSettings, cx| { state.0.insert(, self.current_settings(), ); }); } fn index_project(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(semantic_index) = SemanticIndex::global(cx) { // Semantic search uses no options self.search_options = SearchOptions::none(); let project =; semantic_index.update(cx, |semantic_index, cx| { semantic_index .index_project(project.clone(), cx) .detach_and_log_err(cx); }); self.semantic_state = Some(SemanticState { index_status:, maintain_rate_limit: None, _subscription: cx.observe(&semantic_index, Self::semantic_index_changed), }); self.semantic_index_changed(semantic_index, cx); } } fn semantic_index_changed( &mut self, semantic_index: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let project =; if let Some(semantic_state) = self.semantic_state.as_mut() { cx.notify(); semantic_state.index_status =; if let SemanticIndexStatus::Indexing { rate_limit_expiry: Some(_), .. } = &semantic_state.index_status { if semantic_state.maintain_rate_limit.is_none() { semantic_state.maintain_rate_limit = Some(cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { loop { cx.background_executor().timer(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; this.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()).log_err(); } })); return; } } else { semantic_state.maintain_rate_limit = None; } } } fn clear_search(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.model.update(cx, |model, cx| { model.pending_search = None; model.no_results = None; model.match_ranges.clear(); model.excerpts.update(cx, |excerpts, cx| { excerpts.clear(cx); }); }); } fn activate_search_mode(&mut self, mode: SearchMode, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let previous_mode = self.current_mode; if previous_mode == mode { return; } self.clear_search(cx); self.current_mode = mode; self.active_match_index = None; match mode { SearchMode::Semantic => { let has_permission = self.semantic_permissioned(cx); self.active_match_index = None; cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let has_permission = has_permission.await?; if !has_permission { let answer = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let project =; let project_name = project .read(cx) .worktree_root_names(cx) .collect::>() .join("/"); let is_plural = project_name.chars().filter(|letter| *letter == '/').count() > 0; let prompt_text = format!("Would you like to index the '{}' project{} for semantic search? This requires sending code to the OpenAI API", project_name, if is_plural { "s" } else {""}); cx.prompt( PromptLevel::Info, prompt_text.as_str(), None, &["Continue", "Cancel"], ) })?; if answer.await? == 0 { this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.semantic_permissioned = Some(true); })?; } else { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.semantic_permissioned = Some(false); debug_assert_ne!(previous_mode, SearchMode::Semantic, "Tried to re-enable semantic search mode after user modal was rejected"); this.activate_search_mode(previous_mode, cx); })?; return anyhow::Ok(()); } } this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.index_project(cx); })?; anyhow::Ok(()) }).detach_and_log_err(cx); } SearchMode::Regex | SearchMode::Text => { self.semantic_state = None; self.active_match_index = None;; } } cx.update_global(|state: &mut ActiveSettings, cx| { state.0.insert(, self.current_settings(), ); }); cx.notify(); } fn replace_next(&mut self, _: &ReplaceNext, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let model =; if let Some(query) = model.active_query.as_ref() { if model.match_ranges.is_empty() { return; } if let Some(active_index) = self.active_match_index { let query = query.clone().with_replacement(self.replacement(cx)); self.results_editor.replace( &(Box::new(model.match_ranges[active_index].clone()) as _), &query, cx, ); self.select_match(Direction::Next, cx) } } } pub fn replacement(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> String { } fn replace_all(&mut self, _: &ReplaceAll, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let model =; if let Some(query) = model.active_query.as_ref() { if model.match_ranges.is_empty() { return; } if self.active_match_index.is_some() { let query = query.clone().with_replacement(self.replacement(cx)); let matches = model .match_ranges .iter() .map(|item| Box::new(item.clone()) as _) .collect::>(); for item in matches { self.results_editor.replace(&item, &query, cx); } } } } fn new( model: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext, settings: Option, ) -> Self { let project; let excerpts; let mut replacement_text = None; let mut query_text = String::new(); let mut subscriptions = Vec::new(); // Read in settings if available let (mut options, current_mode, filters_enabled) = if let Some(settings) = settings { ( settings.search_options, settings.current_mode, settings.filters_enabled, ) } else { (SearchOptions::NONE, Default::default(), false) }; { let model =; project = model.project.clone(); excerpts = model.excerpts.clone(); if let Some(active_query) = model.active_query.as_ref() { query_text = active_query.as_str().to_string(); replacement_text = active_query.replacement().map(ToOwned::to_owned); options = SearchOptions::from_query(active_query); } } subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&model, |this, _, cx| this.model_changed(cx))); let query_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::single_line(cx); editor.set_placeholder_text("Text search all files", cx); editor.set_text(query_text, cx); editor }); // Subscribe to query_editor in order to reraise editor events for workspace item activation purposes subscriptions.push( cx.subscribe(&query_editor, |_, _, event: &EditorEvent, cx| { cx.emit(ViewEvent::EditorEvent(event.clone())) }), ); let replacement_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::single_line(cx); editor.set_placeholder_text("Replace in project..", cx); if let Some(text) = replacement_text { editor.set_text(text, cx); } editor }); let results_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::for_multibuffer(excerpts, Some(project.clone()), cx); editor.set_searchable(false); editor }); subscriptions.push(cx.observe(&results_editor, |_, _, cx| cx.emit(ViewEvent::UpdateTab))); subscriptions.push( cx.subscribe(&results_editor, |this, _, event: &EditorEvent, cx| { if matches!(event, editor::EditorEvent::SelectionsChanged { .. }) { this.update_match_index(cx); } // Reraise editor events for workspace item activation purposes cx.emit(ViewEvent::EditorEvent(event.clone())); }), ); let included_files_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::single_line(cx); editor.set_placeholder_text("Include: crates/**/*.toml", cx); editor }); // Subscribe to include_files_editor in order to reraise editor events for workspace item activation purposes subscriptions.push( cx.subscribe(&included_files_editor, |_, _, event: &EditorEvent, cx| { cx.emit(ViewEvent::EditorEvent(event.clone())) }), ); let excluded_files_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { let mut editor = Editor::single_line(cx); editor.set_placeholder_text("Exclude: vendor/*, *.lock", cx); editor }); // Subscribe to excluded_files_editor in order to reraise editor events for workspace item activation purposes subscriptions.push( cx.subscribe(&excluded_files_editor, |_, _, event: &EditorEvent, cx| { cx.emit(ViewEvent::EditorEvent(event.clone())) }), ); let focus_handle = cx.focus_handle(); subscriptions.push(cx.on_focus_in(&focus_handle, |this, cx| { if this.focus_handle.is_focused(cx) { if this.has_matches() { this.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).focus(cx); } else { this.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).focus(cx); } } })); // Check if Worktrees have all been previously indexed let mut this = ProjectSearchView { focus_handle, replacement_editor, search_id:, model, query_editor, results_editor, semantic_state: None, semantic_permissioned: None, search_options: options, panels_with_errors: HashSet::default(), active_match_index: None, query_editor_was_focused: false, included_files_editor, excluded_files_editor, filters_enabled, current_mode, replace_enabled: false, _subscriptions: subscriptions, }; this.model_changed(cx); this } fn semantic_permissioned(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Task> { if let Some(value) = self.semantic_permissioned { return Task::ready(Ok(value)); } SemanticIndex::global(cx) .map(|semantic| { let project =; semantic.update(cx, |this, cx| this.project_previously_indexed(&project, cx)) }) .unwrap_or(Task::ready(Ok(false))) } pub fn new_search_in_directory( workspace: &mut Workspace, dir_entry: &Entry, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { if !dir_entry.is_dir() { return; } let Some(filter_str) = dir_entry.path.to_str() else { return; }; let model = cx.new_model(|cx| ProjectSearch::new(workspace.project().clone(), cx)); let search = cx.new_view(|cx| ProjectSearchView::new(model, cx, None)); workspace.add_item_to_active_pane(Box::new(search.clone()), cx); search.update(cx, |search, cx| { search .included_files_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.set_text(filter_str, cx)); search.filters_enabled = true; search.focus_query_editor(cx) }); } // Re-activate the most recently activated search in this pane or the most recent if it has been closed. // If no search exists in the workspace, create a new one. fn deploy_search( workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &workspace::DeploySearch, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let existing = workspace .active_pane() .read(cx) .items() .find_map(|item| item.downcast::()); Self::existing_or_new_search(workspace, existing, cx) } fn search_in_new(workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &SearchInNew, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search_view) = workspace .active_item(cx) .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) { let new_query = search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { let new_query = search_view.build_search_query(cx); if new_query.is_some() { if let Some(old_query) = { search_view.query_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.set_text(old_query.as_str(), cx); }); search_view.search_options = SearchOptions::from_query(&old_query); } } new_query }); if let Some(new_query) = new_query { let model = cx.new_model(|cx| { let mut model = ProjectSearch::new(workspace.project().clone(), cx);, cx); model }); workspace.add_item_to_active_pane( Box::new(cx.new_view(|cx| ProjectSearchView::new(model, cx, None))), cx, ); } } } // Add another search tab to the workspace. fn new_search( workspace: &mut Workspace, _: &workspace::NewSearch, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { Self::existing_or_new_search(workspace, None, cx) } fn existing_or_new_search( workspace: &mut Workspace, existing: Option>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let query = workspace.active_item(cx).and_then(|item| { let editor = item.act_as::(cx)?; let query = editor.query_suggestion(cx); if query.is_empty() { None } else { Some(query) } }); let search = if let Some(existing) = existing { workspace.activate_item(&existing, cx); existing } else { let settings = cx .global::() .0 .get(&workspace.project().downgrade()); let settings = if let Some(settings) = settings { Some(settings.clone()) } else { None }; let model = cx.new_model(|cx| ProjectSearch::new(workspace.project().clone(), cx)); let view = cx.new_view(|cx| ProjectSearchView::new(model, cx, settings)); workspace.add_item_to_active_pane(Box::new(view.clone()), cx); view }; search.update(cx, |search, cx| { if let Some(query) = query { search.set_query(&query, cx); } search.focus_query_editor(cx) }); } fn search(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let mode = self.current_mode; match mode { SearchMode::Semantic => { if self.semantic_state.is_some() { if let Some(query) = self.build_search_query(cx) { self.model .update(cx, |model, cx| model.semantic_search(query.as_inner(), cx)); } } } _ => { if let Some(query) = self.build_search_query(cx) { self.model.update(cx, |model, cx|, cx)); } } } } fn build_search_query(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option { // Do not bail early in this function, as we want to fill out `self.panels_with_errors`. let text =; let included_files = match Self::parse_path_matches(& { Ok(included_files) => { let should_unmark_error = self.panels_with_errors.remove(&InputPanel::Include); if should_unmark_error { cx.notify(); } included_files } Err(_e) => { let should_mark_error = self.panels_with_errors.insert(InputPanel::Include); if should_mark_error { cx.notify(); } vec![] } }; let excluded_files = match Self::parse_path_matches(& { Ok(excluded_files) => { let should_unmark_error = self.panels_with_errors.remove(&InputPanel::Exclude); if should_unmark_error { cx.notify(); } excluded_files } Err(_e) => { let should_mark_error = self.panels_with_errors.insert(InputPanel::Exclude); if should_mark_error { cx.notify(); } vec![] } }; let current_mode = self.current_mode; let query = match current_mode { SearchMode::Regex => { match SearchQuery::regex( text, self.search_options.contains(SearchOptions::WHOLE_WORD), self.search_options.contains(SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE), self.search_options.contains(SearchOptions::INCLUDE_IGNORED), included_files, excluded_files, ) { Ok(query) => { let should_unmark_error = self.panels_with_errors.remove(&InputPanel::Query); if should_unmark_error { cx.notify(); } Some(query) } Err(_e) => { let should_mark_error = self.panels_with_errors.insert(InputPanel::Query); if should_mark_error { cx.notify(); } None } } } _ => match SearchQuery::text( text, self.search_options.contains(SearchOptions::WHOLE_WORD), self.search_options.contains(SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE), self.search_options.contains(SearchOptions::INCLUDE_IGNORED), included_files, excluded_files, ) { Ok(query) => { let should_unmark_error = self.panels_with_errors.remove(&InputPanel::Query); if should_unmark_error { cx.notify(); } Some(query) } Err(_e) => { let should_mark_error = self.panels_with_errors.insert(InputPanel::Query); if should_mark_error { cx.notify(); } None } }, }; if !self.panels_with_errors.is_empty() { return None; } query } fn parse_path_matches(text: &str) -> anyhow::Result> { text.split(',') .map(str::trim) .filter(|maybe_glob_str| !maybe_glob_str.is_empty()) .map(|maybe_glob_str| { PathMatcher::new(maybe_glob_str) .with_context(|| format!("parsing {maybe_glob_str} as path matcher")) }) .collect() } fn select_match(&mut self, direction: Direction, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(index) = self.active_match_index { let match_ranges =; let new_index = self.results_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.match_index_for_direction(&match_ranges, index, direction, 1, cx) }); let range_to_select = match_ranges[new_index].clone(); self.results_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { let range_to_select = editor.range_for_match(&range_to_select); editor.unfold_ranges([range_to_select.clone()], false, true, cx); editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::fit()), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges([range_to_select]) }); }); } } fn focus_query_editor(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.query_editor.update(cx, |query_editor, cx| { query_editor.select_all(&SelectAll, cx); }); self.query_editor_was_focused = true; let editor_handle = self.query_editor.focus_handle(cx); cx.focus(&editor_handle); } fn set_query(&mut self, query: &str, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text(query, cx)); } fn focus_results_editor(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.query_editor.update(cx, |query_editor, cx| { let cursor = query_editor.selections.newest_anchor().head(); query_editor.change_selections(None, cx, |s| s.select_ranges([cursor.clone()..cursor])); }); self.query_editor_was_focused = false; let results_handle = self.results_editor.focus_handle(cx); cx.focus(&results_handle); } fn model_changed(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let match_ranges =; if match_ranges.is_empty() { self.active_match_index = None; } else { self.active_match_index = Some(0); self.update_match_index(cx); let prev_search_id = mem::replace(&mut self.search_id,; let is_new_search = self.search_id != prev_search_id; self.results_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { if is_new_search { let range_to_select = match_ranges .first() .clone() .map(|range| editor.range_for_match(range)); editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::fit()), cx, |s| { s.select_ranges(range_to_select) }); } editor.highlight_background::( match_ranges, |theme| theme.search_match_background, cx, ); }); if is_new_search && self.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx) { self.focus_results_editor(cx); } } cx.emit(ViewEvent::UpdateTab); cx.notify(); } fn update_match_index(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let results_editor =; let new_index = active_match_index( &, &results_editor.selections.newest_anchor().head(), &results_editor.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx), ); if self.active_match_index != new_index { self.active_match_index = new_index; cx.notify(); } } pub fn has_matches(&self) -> bool { self.active_match_index.is_some() } fn landing_text_minor(&self) -> SharedString { match self.current_mode { SearchMode::Text | SearchMode::Regex => "Include/exclude specific paths with the filter option. Matching exact word and/or casing is available too.".into(), SearchMode::Semantic => "\nSimply explain the code you are looking to find. ex. 'prompt user for permissions to index their project'".into() } } fn border_color_for(&self, panel: InputPanel, cx: &WindowContext) -> Hsla { if self.panels_with_errors.contains(&panel) { Color::Error.color(cx) } else { cx.theme().colors().border } } fn move_focus_to_results(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if !self.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx) && ! { cx.stop_propagation(); return self.focus_results_editor(cx); } } } impl ProjectSearchBar { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { active_project_search: None, subscription: None, } } fn cycle_mode(&self, _: &CycleMode, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { view.update(cx, |this, cx| { let new_mode = crate::mode::next_mode(&this.current_mode, SemanticIndex::enabled(cx)); this.activate_search_mode(new_mode, cx); let editor_handle = this.query_editor.focus_handle(cx); cx.focus(&editor_handle); }); } } fn confirm(&mut self, _: &Confirm, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search_view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { if !search_view .replacement_editor .focus_handle(cx) .is_focused(cx) { cx.stop_propagation();; } }); } } fn tab(&mut self, _: &editor::actions::Tab, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.cycle_field(Direction::Next, cx); } fn tab_previous(&mut self, _: &editor::actions::TabPrev, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.cycle_field(Direction::Prev, cx); } fn cycle_field(&mut self, direction: Direction, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let active_project_search = match &self.active_project_search { Some(active_project_search) => active_project_search, None => { return; } }; active_project_search.update(cx, |project_view, cx| { let mut views = vec![&project_view.query_editor]; if project_view.replace_enabled { views.push(&project_view.replacement_editor); } if project_view.filters_enabled { views.extend([ &project_view.included_files_editor, &project_view.excluded_files_editor, ]); } let current_index = match views .iter() .enumerate() .find(|(_, view)| view.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx)) { Some((index, _)) => index, None => return, }; let new_index = match direction { Direction::Next => (current_index + 1) % views.len(), Direction::Prev if current_index == 0 => views.len() - 1, Direction::Prev => (current_index - 1) % views.len(), }; let next_focus_handle = views[new_index].focus_handle(cx); cx.focus(&next_focus_handle); cx.stop_propagation(); }); } fn toggle_search_option(&mut self, option: SearchOptions, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> bool { if let Some(search_view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.toggle_search_option(option, cx);; }); cx.notify(); true } else { false } } fn toggle_replace(&mut self, _: &ToggleReplace, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search) = &self.active_project_search { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.replace_enabled = !this.replace_enabled; let editor_to_focus = if !this.replace_enabled { this.query_editor.focus_handle(cx) } else { this.replacement_editor.focus_handle(cx) }; cx.focus(&editor_to_focus); cx.notify(); }); } } fn toggle_filters(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> bool { if let Some(search_view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.toggle_filters(cx); search_view .included_files_editor .update(cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); search_view .excluded_files_editor .update(cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); cx.refresh(); cx.notify(); }); cx.notify(); true } else { false } } fn move_focus_to_results(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search_view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.move_focus_to_results(cx); }); cx.notify(); } } fn activate_search_mode(&self, mode: SearchMode, cx: &mut ViewContext) { // Update Current Mode if let Some(search_view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.activate_search_mode(mode, cx); }); cx.notify(); } } fn is_option_enabled(&self, option: SearchOptions, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { if let Some(search) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { } else { false } } fn next_history_query(&mut self, _: &NextHistoryQuery, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search_view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { let new_query = search_view.model.update(cx, |model, _| { if let Some(new_query) = { new_query } else { model.search_history.reset_selection(); String::new() } }); search_view.set_query(&new_query, cx); }); } } fn previous_history_query(&mut self, _: &PreviousHistoryQuery, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search_view) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { if { if let Some(new_query) = search_view .model .read(cx) .search_history .current() .map(str::to_string) { search_view.set_query(&new_query, cx); return; } } if let Some(new_query) = search_view.model.update(cx, |model, _| { model.search_history.previous().map(str::to_string) }) { search_view.set_query(&new_query, cx); } }); } } fn select_next_match(&mut self, _: &SelectNextMatch, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_match(Direction::Next, cx); }) } } fn select_prev_match(&mut self, _: &SelectPrevMatch, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(search) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_match(Direction::Prev, cx); }) } } fn new_placeholder_text(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Option { let previous_query_keystrokes = cx .bindings_for_action(&PreviousHistoryQuery {}) .into_iter() .next() .map(|binding| { binding .keystrokes() .iter() .map(|k| k.to_string()) .collect::>() }); let next_query_keystrokes = cx .bindings_for_action(&NextHistoryQuery {}) .into_iter() .next() .map(|binding| { binding .keystrokes() .iter() .map(|k| k.to_string()) .collect::>() }); let new_placeholder_text = match (previous_query_keystrokes, next_query_keystrokes) { (Some(previous_query_keystrokes), Some(next_query_keystrokes)) => Some(format!( "Search ({}/{} for previous/next query)", previous_query_keystrokes.join(" "), next_query_keystrokes.join(" ") )), (None, Some(next_query_keystrokes)) => Some(format!( "Search ({} for next query)", next_query_keystrokes.join(" ") )), (Some(previous_query_keystrokes), None) => Some(format!( "Search ({} for previous query)", previous_query_keystrokes.join(" ") )), (None, None) => None, }; new_placeholder_text } fn render_text_input(&self, editor: &View, cx: &ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let settings = ThemeSettings::get_global(cx); let text_style = TextStyle { color: if { cx.theme().colors().text_disabled } else { cx.theme().colors().text }, font_family:, font_features: settings.ui_font.features, font_size: rems(0.875).into(), font_weight: FontWeight::NORMAL, font_style: FontStyle::Normal, line_height: relative(1.3).into(), background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, white_space: WhiteSpace::Normal, }; EditorElement::new( &editor, EditorStyle { background: cx.theme().colors().editor_background, local_player: cx.theme().players().local(), text: text_style, ..Default::default() }, ) } } impl Render for ProjectSearchBar { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let Some(search) = self.active_project_search.clone() else { return div(); }; let mut key_context = KeyContext::default(); key_context.add("ProjectSearchBar"); if let Some(placeholder_text) = self.new_placeholder_text(cx) { search.update(cx, |search, cx| { search.query_editor.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.set_placeholder_text(placeholder_text, cx) }) }); } let search =; let semantic_is_available = SemanticIndex::enabled(cx); let query_column = h_flex() .flex_1() .px_2() .py_1() .border_1() .border_color(search.border_color_for(InputPanel::Query, cx)) .rounded_lg() .min_w(rems(MIN_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .max_w(rems(MAX_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| this.confirm(action, cx))) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| this.previous_history_query(action, cx))) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| this.next_history_query(action, cx))) .child(self.render_text_input(&search.query_editor, cx)) .child( h_flex() .child( IconButton::new("project-search-filter-button", IconName::Filter) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::for_action("Toggle filters", &ToggleFilters, cx)) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.toggle_filters(cx); })) .selected( self.active_project_search .as_ref() .map(|search| .unwrap_or_default(), ), ) .when(search.current_mode != SearchMode::Semantic, |this| { this.child( IconButton::new( "project-search-case-sensitive", IconName::CaseSensitive, ) .tooltip(|cx| { Tooltip::for_action( "Toggle case sensitive", &ToggleCaseSensitive, cx, ) }) .selected(self.is_option_enabled(SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE, cx)) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.toggle_search_option(SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE, cx); })), ) .child( IconButton::new("project-search-whole-word", IconName::WholeWord) .tooltip(|cx| { Tooltip::for_action("Toggle whole word", &ToggleWholeWord, cx) }) .selected(self.is_option_enabled(SearchOptions::WHOLE_WORD, cx)) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.toggle_search_option(SearchOptions::WHOLE_WORD, cx); })), ) }), ); let mode_column = v_flex().items_start().justify_start().child( h_flex() .gap_2() .child( h_flex() .child( ToggleButton::new("project-search-text-button", "Text") .style(ButtonStyle::Filled) .size(ButtonSize::Large) .selected(search.current_mode == SearchMode::Text) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Text, cx) })) .tooltip(|cx| { Tooltip::for_action("Toggle text search", &ActivateTextMode, cx) }) .first(), ) .child( ToggleButton::new("project-search-regex-button", "Regex") .style(ButtonStyle::Filled) .size(ButtonSize::Large) .selected(search.current_mode == SearchMode::Regex) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Regex, cx) })) .tooltip(|cx| { Tooltip::for_action( "Toggle regular expression search", &ActivateRegexMode, cx, ) }) .map(|this| { if semantic_is_available { this.middle() } else { this.last() } }), ) .when(semantic_is_available, |this| { this.child( ToggleButton::new("project-search-semantic-button", "Semantic") .style(ButtonStyle::Filled) .size(ButtonSize::Large) .selected(search.current_mode == SearchMode::Semantic) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Semantic, cx) })) .tooltip(|cx| { Tooltip::for_action( "Toggle semantic search", &ActivateSemanticMode, cx, ) }) .last(), ) }), ) .child( IconButton::new("project-search-toggle-replace", IconName::Replace) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.toggle_replace(&ToggleReplace, cx); })) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::for_action("Toggle replace", &ToggleReplace, cx)), ), ); let match_text = search .active_match_index .and_then(|index| { let index = index + 1; let match_quantity =; if match_quantity > 0 { debug_assert!(match_quantity >= index); Some(format!("{index}/{match_quantity}").to_string()) } else { None } }) .unwrap_or_else(|| "No matches".to_string()); let matches_column = h_flex() .child(div().min_w(rems(6.)).child(Label::new(match_text))) .child( IconButton::new("project-search-prev-match", IconName::ChevronLeft) .disabled(search.active_match_index.is_none()) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { if let Some(search) = this.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_match(Direction::Prev, cx); }) } })) .tooltip(|cx| { Tooltip::for_action("Go to previous match", &SelectPrevMatch, cx) }), ) .child( IconButton::new("project-search-next-match", IconName::ChevronRight) .disabled(search.active_match_index.is_none()) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { if let Some(search) = this.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.select_match(Direction::Next, cx); }) } })) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::for_action("Go to next match", &SelectNextMatch, cx)), ); let search_line = h_flex() .gap_2() .flex_1() .child(query_column) .child(mode_column) .child(matches_column); let replace_line = search.replace_enabled.then(|| { let replace_column = h_flex() .flex_1() .min_w(rems(MIN_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .max_w(rems(MAX_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .h_8() .px_2() .py_1() .border_1() .border_color(cx.theme().colors().border) .rounded_lg() .child(self.render_text_input(&search.replacement_editor, cx)); let replace_actions = h_flex().when(search.replace_enabled, |this| { this.child( IconButton::new("project-search-replace-next", IconName::ReplaceNext) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { if let Some(search) = this.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.replace_next(&ReplaceNext, cx); }) } })) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::for_action("Replace next match", &ReplaceNext, cx)), ) .child( IconButton::new("project-search-replace-all", IconName::ReplaceAll) .on_click(cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { if let Some(search) = this.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.replace_all(&ReplaceAll, cx); }) } })) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::for_action("Replace all matches", &ReplaceAll, cx)), ) }); h_flex() .gap_2() .child(replace_column) .child(replace_actions) }); let filter_line = search.filters_enabled.then(|| { h_flex() .w_full() .gap_2() .child( h_flex() .flex_1() .min_w(rems(MIN_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .max_w(rems(MAX_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .h_8() .px_2() .py_1() .border_1() .border_color(search.border_color_for(InputPanel::Include, cx)) .rounded_lg() .child(self.render_text_input(&search.included_files_editor, cx)) .when(search.current_mode != SearchMode::Semantic, |this| { this.child( SearchOptions::INCLUDE_IGNORED.as_button( search .search_options .contains(SearchOptions::INCLUDE_IGNORED), cx.listener(|this, _, cx| { this.toggle_search_option( SearchOptions::INCLUDE_IGNORED, cx, ); }), ), ) }), ) .child( h_flex() .flex_1() .min_w(rems(MIN_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .max_w(rems(MAX_INPUT_WIDTH_REMS)) .h_8() .px_2() .py_1() .border_1() .border_color(search.border_color_for(InputPanel::Exclude, cx)) .rounded_lg() .child(self.render_text_input(&search.excluded_files_editor, cx)), ) }); v_flex() .key_context(key_context) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ToggleFocus, cx| this.move_focus_to_results(cx))) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ToggleFilters, cx| { this.toggle_filters(cx); })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ActivateTextMode, cx| { this.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Text, cx) })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ActivateRegexMode, cx| { this.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Regex, cx) })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ActivateSemanticMode, cx| { this.activate_search_mode(SearchMode::Semantic, cx) })) .capture_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| {, cx); cx.stop_propagation(); })) .capture_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| { this.tab_previous(action, cx); cx.stop_propagation(); })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| this.confirm(action, cx))) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| { this.cycle_mode(action, cx); })) .when(search.current_mode != SearchMode::Semantic, |this| { this.on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| { this.toggle_replace(action, cx); })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ToggleWholeWord, cx| { this.toggle_search_option(SearchOptions::WHOLE_WORD, cx); })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ToggleCaseSensitive, cx| { this.toggle_search_option(SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE, cx); })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| { if let Some(search) = this.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.replace_next(action, cx); }) } })) .on_action(cx.listener(|this, action, cx| { if let Some(search) = this.active_project_search.as_ref() { search.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.replace_all(action, cx); }) } })) .when(search.filters_enabled, |this| { this.on_action(cx.listener(|this, _: &ToggleIncludeIgnored, cx| { this.toggle_search_option(SearchOptions::INCLUDE_IGNORED, cx); })) }) }) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::select_next_match)) .on_action(cx.listener(Self::select_prev_match)) .gap_2() .w_full() .child(search_line) .children(replace_line) .children(filter_line) } } impl EventEmitter for ProjectSearchBar {} impl ToolbarItemView for ProjectSearchBar { fn set_active_pane_item( &mut self, active_pane_item: Option<&dyn ItemHandle>, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> ToolbarItemLocation { cx.notify(); self.subscription = None; self.active_project_search = None; if let Some(search) = active_pane_item.and_then(|i| i.downcast::()) { search.update(cx, |search, cx| { if search.current_mode == SearchMode::Semantic { search.index_project(cx); } }); self.subscription = Some(cx.observe(&search, |_, _, cx| cx.notify())); self.active_project_search = Some(search); ToolbarItemLocation::PrimaryLeft {} } else { ToolbarItemLocation::Hidden } } fn row_count(&self, cx: &WindowContext<'_>) -> usize { if let Some(search) = self.active_project_search.as_ref() { if { return 2; } } 1 } } fn register_workspace_action( workspace: &mut Workspace, callback: fn(&mut ProjectSearchBar, &A, &mut ViewContext), ) { workspace.register_action(move |workspace, action: &A, cx| { if workspace.has_active_modal(cx) { cx.propagate(); return; } workspace.active_pane().update(cx, |pane, cx| { pane.toolbar().update(cx, move |workspace, cx| { if let Some(search_bar) = workspace.item_of_type::() { search_bar.update(cx, move |search_bar, cx| { if search_bar.active_project_search.is_some() { callback(search_bar, action, cx); cx.notify(); } else { cx.propagate(); } }); } }); }) }); } fn register_workspace_action_for_present_search( workspace: &mut Workspace, callback: fn(&mut Workspace, &A, &mut ViewContext), ) { workspace.register_action(move |workspace, action: &A, cx| { if workspace.has_active_modal(cx) { cx.propagate(); return; } let should_notify = workspace .active_pane() .read(cx) .toolbar() .read(cx) .item_of_type::() .map(|search_bar| .unwrap_or(false); if should_notify { callback(workspace, action, cx); cx.notify(); } else { cx.propagate(); } }); } #[cfg(test)] pub mod tests { use super::*; use editor::DisplayPoint; use gpui::{Action, TestAppContext}; use project::FakeFs; use semantic_index::semantic_index_settings::SemanticIndexSettings; use serde_json::json; use settings::{Settings, SettingsStore}; use workspace::DeploySearch; #[gpui::test] async fn test_project_search(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "": "const THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;", "": "const FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let search = cx.new_model(|cx| ProjectSearch::new(project, cx)); let search_view = cx.add_window(|cx| ProjectSearchView::new(search.clone(), cx, None)); search_view .update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("TWO", cx));; }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;\n\n\nconst TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;" ); let match_background_color = cx.theme().colors().search_match_background; assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.all_text_background_highlights(cx)), &[ ( DisplayPoint::new(2, 32)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 35), match_background_color ), ( DisplayPoint::new(2, 37)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 40), match_background_color ), ( DisplayPoint::new(5, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(5, 9), match_background_color ) ] ); assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(0)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selections.display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 32)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 35)] ); search_view.select_match(Direction::Next, cx); }).unwrap(); search_view .update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(1)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selections.display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 37)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 40)] ); search_view.select_match(Direction::Next, cx); }) .unwrap(); search_view .update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(2)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selections.display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(5, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(5, 9)] ); search_view.select_match(Direction::Next, cx); }) .unwrap(); search_view .update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(0)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selections.display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 32)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 35)] ); search_view.select_match(Direction::Prev, cx); }) .unwrap(); search_view .update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(2)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selections.display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(5, 6)..DisplayPoint::new(5, 9)] ); search_view.select_match(Direction::Prev, cx); }) .unwrap(); search_view .update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(search_view.active_match_index, Some(1)); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.selections.display_ranges(cx)), [DisplayPoint::new(2, 37)..DisplayPoint::new(2, 40)] ); }) .unwrap(); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_deploy_project_search_focus(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "": "const THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;", "": "const FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let workspace = window.clone(); let search_bar = window.build_view(cx, |_| ProjectSearchBar::new()); let active_item =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .unwrap() .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }); assert!( active_item.is_none(), "Expected no search panel to be active" ); window .update(cx, move |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.panes().len(), 1); workspace.panes()[0].update(cx, move |pane, cx| { pane.toolbar() .update(cx, |toolbar, cx| toolbar.add_item(search_bar, cx)) }); ProjectSearchView::deploy_search(workspace, &workspace::DeploySearch, cx) }) .unwrap(); let Some(search_view) =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .unwrap() .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }) else { panic!("Search view expected to appear after new search event trigger") }; cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) .unwrap(); }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Empty search view should be focused after the toggle focus event: no results panel to focus on", ); }); }).unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { let query_editor = &search_view.query_editor; assert!( query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view should be focused after the new search view is activated", ); let query_text =; assert!( query_text.is_empty(), "New search query should be empty but got '{query_text}'", ); let results_text = search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)); assert!( results_text.is_empty(), "Empty search view should have no results but got '{results_text}'" ); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.query_editor.update(cx, |query_editor, cx| { query_editor.set_text("sOMETHINGtHATsURELYdOESnOTeXIST", cx) });; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { let results_text = search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)); assert!( results_text.is_empty(), "Search view for mismatching query should have no results but got '{results_text}'" ); assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view should be focused after mismatching query had been used in search", ); }); }).unwrap(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with mismatching query should be focused after the toggle focus event: still no results panel to focus on", ); }); }).unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("TWO", cx));; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;\n\n\nconst TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "Search view results should match the query" ); assert!( search_view.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with mismatching query should be focused after search results are available", ); }); }).unwrap(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) .unwrap(); }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with matching query should still have its results editor focused after the toggle focus event", ); }); }).unwrap(); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { ProjectSearchView::deploy_search(workspace, &workspace::DeploySearch, cx) }) .unwrap(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "two", "Query should be updated to first search result after search view 2nd open in a row"); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;\n\n\nconst TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "Results should be unchanged after search view 2nd open in a row" ); assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Focus should be moved into query editor again after search view 2nd open in a row" ); }); }).unwrap(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) .unwrap(); }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with matching query should switch focus to the results editor after the toggle focus event", ); }); }).unwrap(); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_new_project_search_focus(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "": "const THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;", "": "const FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let workspace = window.clone(); let search_bar = window.build_view(cx, |_| ProjectSearchBar::new()); let active_item =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .unwrap() .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }); assert!( active_item.is_none(), "Expected no search panel to be active" ); window .update(cx, move |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.panes().len(), 1); workspace.panes()[0].update(cx, move |pane, cx| { pane.toolbar() .update(cx, |toolbar, cx| toolbar.add_item(search_bar, cx)) }); ProjectSearchView::new_search(workspace, &workspace::NewSearch, cx) }) .unwrap(); let Some(search_view) =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .unwrap() .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }) else { panic!("Search view expected to appear after new search event trigger") }; cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) .unwrap(); }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Empty search view should be focused after the toggle focus event: no results panel to focus on", ); }); }).unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { let query_editor = &search_view.query_editor; assert!( query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view should be focused after the new search view is activated", ); let query_text =; assert!( query_text.is_empty(), "New search query should be empty but got '{query_text}'", ); let results_text = search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)); assert!( results_text.is_empty(), "Empty search view should have no results but got '{results_text}'" ); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.query_editor.update(cx, |query_editor, cx| { query_editor.set_text("sOMETHINGtHATsURELYdOESnOTeXIST", cx) });; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { let results_text = search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)); assert!( results_text.is_empty(), "Search view for mismatching query should have no results but got '{results_text}'" ); assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view should be focused after mismatching query had been used in search", ); }); }) .unwrap(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with mismatching query should be focused after the toggle focus event: still no results panel to focus on", ); }); }).unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("TWO", cx));; }) }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;\n\n\nconst TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "Search view results should match the query" ); assert!( search_view.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with mismatching query should be focused after search results are available", ); })).unwrap(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) .unwrap(); }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with matching query should still have its results editor focused after the toggle focus event", ); }); }).unwrap(); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { ProjectSearchView::new_search(workspace, &workspace::NewSearch, cx) }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); let Some(search_view_2) =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .unwrap() .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }) else { panic!("Search view expected to appear after new search event trigger") }; assert!( search_view_2 != search_view, "New search view should be open after `workspace::NewSearch` event" ); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "TWO", "First search view should not have an updated query"); assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;\n\n\nconst TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "Results of the first search view should not update too" ); assert!( !search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Focus should be moved away from the first search view" ); }); }).unwrap(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view_2.update(cx, |search_view_2, cx| { assert_eq!(, "two", "New search view should get the query from the text cursor was at during the event spawn (first search view's first result)" ); assert_eq!( search_view_2 .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "", "No search results should be in the 2nd view yet, as we did not spawn a search for it" ); assert!( search_view_2.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Focus should be moved into query editor of the new window" ); }); }).unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view_2.update(cx, |search_view_2, cx| { search_view_2 .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("FOUR", cx));; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view_2.update(cx, |search_view_2, cx| { assert_eq!( search_view_2 .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", "New search view with the updated query should have new search results" ); assert!( search_view_2.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with mismatching query should be focused after search results are available", ); }); }).unwrap(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { window .update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.dispatch_action(ToggleFocus.boxed_clone()) }) .unwrap(); }) .detach(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window.update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view_2.update(cx, |search_view_2, cx| { assert!( search_view_2.results_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "Search view with matching query should switch focus to the results editor after the toggle focus event", ); });}).unwrap(); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_new_project_search_in_directory(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "a": { "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", }, "b": { "": "const THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;", "": "const FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", }, }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let worktree_id = project.read_with(cx, |project, cx| { project.worktrees().next().unwrap().read(cx).id() }); let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let workspace = window.root(cx).unwrap(); let search_bar = window.build_view(cx, |_| ProjectSearchBar::new()); let active_item =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }); assert!( active_item.is_none(), "Expected no search panel to be active" ); window .update(cx, move |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.panes().len(), 1); workspace.panes()[0].update(cx, move |pane, cx| { pane.toolbar() .update(cx, |toolbar, cx| toolbar.add_item(search_bar, cx)) }); }) .unwrap(); let one_file_entry = cx.update(|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .project() .read(cx) .entry_for_path(&(worktree_id, "a/").into(), cx) .expect("no entry for /a/ file") }); assert!(one_file_entry.is_file()); window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { ProjectSearchView::new_search_in_directory(workspace, &one_file_entry, cx) }) .unwrap(); let active_search_entry =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }); assert!( active_search_entry.is_none(), "Expected no search panel to be active for file entry" ); let a_dir_entry = cx.update(|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .project() .read(cx) .entry_for_path(&(worktree_id, "a").into(), cx) .expect("no entry for /a/ directory") }); assert!(a_dir_entry.is_dir()); window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { ProjectSearchView::new_search_in_directory(workspace, &a_dir_entry, cx) }) .unwrap(); let Some(search_view) =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) }) else { panic!("Search view expected to appear after new search in directory event trigger") }; cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert!( search_view.query_editor.focus_handle(cx).is_focused(cx), "On new search in directory, focus should be moved into query editor" ); search_view.excluded_files_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert!( editor.display_text(cx).is_empty(), "New search in directory should not have any excluded files" ); }); search_view.included_files_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { assert_eq!( editor.display_text(cx), a_dir_entry.path.to_str().unwrap(), "New search in directory should have included dir entry path" ); }); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("const", cx));; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!( search_view .results_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.display_text(cx)), "\n\nconst ONE: usize = 1;\n\n\nconst TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "New search in directory should have a filter that matches a certain directory" ); }) }) .unwrap(); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_search_query_history(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "": "const THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;", "": "const FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let workspace = window.root(cx).unwrap(); let search_bar = window.build_view(cx, |_| ProjectSearchBar::new()); window .update(cx, { let search_bar = search_bar.clone(); move |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.panes().len(), 1); workspace.panes()[0].update(cx, move |pane, cx| { pane.toolbar() .update(cx, |toolbar, cx| toolbar.add_item(search_bar, cx)) }); ProjectSearchView::new_search(workspace, &workspace::NewSearch, cx) } }) .unwrap(); let search_view =|cx| { workspace .read(cx) .active_pane() .read(cx) .active_item() .and_then(|item| item.downcast::()) .expect("Search view expected to appear after new search event trigger") }); // Add 3 search items into the history + another unsubmitted one. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.search_options = SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE; search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("ONE", cx));; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("TWO", cx));; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("THREE", cx));; }) }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view.query_editor.update(cx, |query_editor, cx| { query_editor.set_text("JUST_TEXT_INPUT", cx) }); }) }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); // Ensure that the latest input with search settings is active. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "JUST_TEXT_INPUT" ); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); // Next history query after the latest should set the query to the empty string. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.next_history_query(&NextHistoryQuery, cx); }) }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, ""); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.next_history_query(&NextHistoryQuery, cx); }) }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, ""); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); // First previous query for empty current query should set the query to the latest submitted one. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.previous_history_query(&PreviousHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "THREE"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); // Further previous items should go over the history in reverse order. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.previous_history_query(&PreviousHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "TWO"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); // Previous items should never go behind the first history item. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.previous_history_query(&PreviousHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "ONE"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.previous_history_query(&PreviousHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "ONE"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); // Next items should go over the history in the original order. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.next_history_query(&NextHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "TWO"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { search_view .query_editor .update(cx, |query_editor, cx| query_editor.set_text("TWO_NEW", cx));; }); }) .unwrap(); cx.background_executor.run_until_parked(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "TWO_NEW"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); // New search input should add another entry to history and move the selection to the end of the history. window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.previous_history_query(&PreviousHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "THREE"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.previous_history_query(&PreviousHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "TWO"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.next_history_query(&NextHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "THREE"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.next_history_query(&NextHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, "TWO_NEW"); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_bar.update(cx, |search_bar, cx| { search_bar.next_history_query(&NextHistoryQuery, cx); }); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |_, cx| { search_view.update(cx, |search_view, cx| { assert_eq!(, ""); assert_eq!(search_view.search_options, SearchOptions::CASE_SENSITIVE); }); }) .unwrap(); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_deploy_search_with_multiple_panes(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { init_test(cx); // Setup 2 panes, both with a file open and one with a project search. let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background_executor.clone()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let worktree_id = project.update(cx, |this, cx| { this.worktrees().next().unwrap().read(cx).id() }); let window = cx.add_window(|cx| Workspace::test_new(project, cx)); let panes: Vec<_> = window .update(cx, |this, _| this.panes().to_owned()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(panes.len(), 1); let first_pane = panes.get(0).cloned().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cx.update(|cx|, 0); window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.open_path( (worktree_id, ""), Some(first_pane.downgrade()), true, cx, ) }) .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(cx.update(|cx|, 1); let second_pane = window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.split_and_clone(first_pane.clone(), workspace::SplitDirection::Right, cx) }) .unwrap() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(cx.update(|cx|, 1); assert!(window .update(cx, |_, cx| second_pane .focus_handle(cx) .contains_focused(cx)) .unwrap()); let search_bar = window.build_view(cx, |_| ProjectSearchBar::new()); window .update(cx, { let search_bar = search_bar.clone(); let pane = first_pane.clone(); move |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.panes().len(), 2); pane.update(cx, move |pane, cx| { pane.toolbar() .update(cx, |toolbar, cx| toolbar.add_item(search_bar, cx)) }); } }) .unwrap(); // Add a project search item to the second pane window .update(cx, { let search_bar = search_bar.clone(); let pane = second_pane.clone(); move |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.panes().len(), 2); pane.update(cx, move |pane, cx| { pane.toolbar() .update(cx, |toolbar, cx| toolbar.add_item(search_bar, cx)) }); ProjectSearchView::new_search(workspace, &workspace::NewSearch, cx) } }) .unwrap(); cx.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!(cx.update(|cx|, 2); assert_eq!(cx.update(|cx|, 1); // Focus the first pane window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.active_pane(), &second_pane); second_pane.update(cx, |this, cx| { assert_eq!(this.active_item_index(), 1); this.activate_prev_item(false, cx); assert_eq!(this.active_item_index(), 0); }); workspace.activate_pane_in_direction(workspace::SplitDirection::Left, cx); }) .unwrap(); window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.active_pane(), &first_pane); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(, 2); }) .unwrap(); // Deploy a new search cx.dispatch_action(window.into(), DeploySearch); // Both panes should now have a project search in them window .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { assert_eq!(workspace.active_pane(), &first_pane); first_pane.update(cx, |this, _| { assert_eq!(this.active_item_index(), 1); assert_eq!(this.items_len(), 2); }); second_pane.update(cx, |this, cx| { assert!(!cx.focus_handle().contains_focused(cx)); assert_eq!(this.items_len(), 2); }); }) .unwrap(); // Focus the second pane's non-search item window .update(cx, |_workspace, cx| { second_pane.update(cx, |pane, cx| pane.activate_next_item(true, cx)); }) .unwrap(); // Deploy a new search cx.dispatch_action(window.into(), DeploySearch); // The project search view should now be focused in the second pane // And the number of items should be unchanged. window .update(cx, |_workspace, cx| { second_pane.update(cx, |pane, _cx| { assert!(pane .active_item() .unwrap() .downcast::() .is_some()); assert_eq!(pane.items_len(), 2); }); }) .unwrap(); } pub fn init_test(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.update(|cx| { let settings = SettingsStore::test(cx); cx.set_global(settings); SemanticIndexSettings::register(cx); theme::init(theme::LoadThemes::JustBase, cx); language::init(cx); client::init_settings(cx); editor::init(cx); workspace::init_settings(cx); Project::init_settings(cx); super::init(cx); }); } }