use anyhow::ensure; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use async_trait::async_trait; use collections::HashMap; use gpui::{AppContext, Task}; use gpui::{AsyncAppContext, SharedString}; use language::language_settings::language_settings; use language::LanguageName; use language::LanguageToolchainStore; use language::Toolchain; use language::ToolchainList; use language::ToolchainLister; use language::{ContextProvider, LspAdapter, LspAdapterDelegate}; use lsp::LanguageServerBinary; use lsp::LanguageServerName; use node_runtime::NodeRuntime; use pet_core::os_environment::Environment; use pet_core::python_environment::PythonEnvironmentKind; use pet_core::Configuration; use project::lsp_store::language_server_settings; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use smol::lock::OnceCell; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::{ any::Any, borrow::Cow, ffi::OsString, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }; use task::{TaskTemplate, TaskTemplates, VariableName}; use util::ResultExt; const SERVER_PATH: &str = "node_modules/pyright/langserver.index.js"; const NODE_MODULE_RELATIVE_SERVER_PATH: &str = "pyright/langserver.index.js"; enum TestRunner { UNITTEST, PYTEST, } impl FromStr for TestRunner { type Err = (); fn from_str(s: &str) -> std::result::Result { match s { "unittest" => Ok(Self::UNITTEST), "pytest" => Ok(Self::PYTEST), _ => Err(()), } } } fn server_binary_arguments(server_path: &Path) -> Vec { vec![server_path.into(), "--stdio".into()] } pub struct PythonLspAdapter { node: NodeRuntime, } impl PythonLspAdapter { const SERVER_NAME: LanguageServerName = LanguageServerName::new_static("pyright"); pub fn new(node: NodeRuntime) -> Self { PythonLspAdapter { node } } } #[async_trait(?Send)] impl LspAdapter for PythonLspAdapter { fn name(&self) -> LanguageServerName { Self::SERVER_NAME.clone() } async fn check_if_user_installed( &self, delegate: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, _: Arc, _: &AsyncAppContext, ) -> Option { let node = delegate.which("node".as_ref()).await?; let (node_modules_path, _) = delegate .npm_package_installed_version(Self::SERVER_NAME.as_ref()) .await .log_err()??; let path = node_modules_path.join(NODE_MODULE_RELATIVE_SERVER_PATH); Some(LanguageServerBinary { path: node, env: None, arguments: server_binary_arguments(&path), }) } async fn fetch_latest_server_version( &self, _: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, ) -> Result> { Ok(Box::new( self.node .npm_package_latest_version(Self::SERVER_NAME.as_ref()) .await?, ) as Box<_>) } async fn fetch_server_binary( &self, latest_version: Box, container_dir: PathBuf, _: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, ) -> Result { let latest_version = latest_version.downcast::().unwrap(); let server_path = container_dir.join(SERVER_PATH); self.node .npm_install_packages( &container_dir, &[(Self::SERVER_NAME.as_ref(), latest_version.as_str())], ) .await?; Ok(LanguageServerBinary { path: self.node.binary_path().await?, env: None, arguments: server_binary_arguments(&server_path), }) } async fn check_if_version_installed( &self, version: &(dyn 'static + Send + Any), container_dir: &PathBuf, _: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, ) -> Option { let version = version.downcast_ref::().unwrap(); let server_path = container_dir.join(SERVER_PATH); let should_install_language_server = self .node .should_install_npm_package( Self::SERVER_NAME.as_ref(), &server_path, &container_dir, &version, ) .await; if should_install_language_server { None } else { Some(LanguageServerBinary { path: self.node.binary_path().await.ok()?, env: None, arguments: server_binary_arguments(&server_path), }) } } async fn cached_server_binary( &self, container_dir: PathBuf, _: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, ) -> Option { get_cached_server_binary(container_dir, &self.node).await } async fn process_completions(&self, items: &mut [lsp::CompletionItem]) { // Pyright assigns each completion item a `sortText` of the form ``. // Where `XX` is the sorting category, `YYYY` is based on most recent usage, // and `name` is the symbol name itself. // // Because the symbol name is included, there generally are not ties when // sorting by the `sortText`, so the symbol's fuzzy match score is not taken // into account. Here, we remove the symbol name from the sortText in order // to allow our own fuzzy score to be used to break ties. // // see for item in items { let Some(sort_text) = &mut item.sort_text else { continue; }; let mut parts = sort_text.split('.'); let Some(first) = else { continue }; let Some(second) = else { continue }; let Some(_) = else { continue }; sort_text.replace_range(first.len() + second.len() + 1.., ""); } } async fn label_for_completion( &self, item: &lsp::CompletionItem, language: &Arc, ) -> Option { let label = &item.label; let grammar = language.grammar()?; let highlight_id = match item.kind? { lsp::CompletionItemKind::METHOD => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("function.method")?, lsp::CompletionItemKind::FUNCTION => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("function")?, lsp::CompletionItemKind::CLASS => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("type")?, lsp::CompletionItemKind::CONSTANT => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("constant")?, _ => return None, }; Some(language::CodeLabel { text: label.clone(), runs: vec![(0..label.len(), highlight_id)], filter_range: 0..label.len(), }) } async fn label_for_symbol( &self, name: &str, kind: lsp::SymbolKind, language: &Arc, ) -> Option { let (text, filter_range, display_range) = match kind { lsp::SymbolKind::METHOD | lsp::SymbolKind::FUNCTION => { let text = format!("def {}():\n", name); let filter_range = 4..4 + name.len(); let display_range = 0..filter_range.end; (text, filter_range, display_range) } lsp::SymbolKind::CLASS => { let text = format!("class {}:", name); let filter_range = 6..6 + name.len(); let display_range = 0..filter_range.end; (text, filter_range, display_range) } lsp::SymbolKind::CONSTANT => { let text = format!("{} = 0", name); let filter_range =; let display_range = 0..filter_range.end; (text, filter_range, display_range) } _ => return None, }; Some(language::CodeLabel { runs: language.highlight_text(&text.as_str().into(), display_range.clone()), text: text[display_range].to_string(), filter_range, }) } async fn workspace_configuration( self: Arc, adapter: &Arc, toolchains: Arc, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let toolchain = toolchains .active_toolchain(adapter.worktree_id(), LanguageName::new("Python"), cx) .await; cx.update(move |cx| { let mut user_settings = language_server_settings(adapter.as_ref(), &Self::SERVER_NAME, cx) .and_then(|s| s.settings.clone()) .unwrap_or_default(); // If python.pythonPath is not set in user config, do so using our toolchain picker. if let Some(toolchain) = toolchain { if user_settings.is_null() { user_settings = Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default()); } let object = user_settings.as_object_mut().unwrap(); if let Some(python) = object .entry("python") .or_insert(Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())) .as_object_mut() { python .entry("pythonPath") .or_insert(Value::String(toolchain.path.into())); } } user_settings }) } } async fn get_cached_server_binary( container_dir: PathBuf, node: &NodeRuntime, ) -> Option { let server_path = container_dir.join(SERVER_PATH); if server_path.exists() { Some(LanguageServerBinary { path: node.binary_path().await.log_err()?, env: None, arguments: server_binary_arguments(&server_path), }) } else { log::error!("missing executable in directory {:?}", server_path); None } } pub(crate) struct PythonContextProvider; const PYTHON_TEST_TARGET_TASK_VARIABLE: VariableName = VariableName::Custom(Cow::Borrowed("PYTHON_TEST_TARGET")); const PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH: VariableName = VariableName::Custom(Cow::Borrowed("PYTHON_ACTIVE_ZED_TOOLCHAIN")); impl ContextProvider for PythonContextProvider { fn build_context( &self, variables: &task::TaskVariables, location: &project::Location, _: Option>, toolchains: Arc, cx: &mut gpui::AppContext, ) -> Task> { let test_target = { let test_runner = selected_test_runner(, cx); let runner = match test_runner { TestRunner::UNITTEST => self.build_unittest_target(variables), TestRunner::PYTEST => self.build_pytest_target(variables), }; runner }; let worktree_id =|f| f.worktree_id(cx)); cx.spawn(move |mut cx| async move { let active_toolchain = if let Some(worktree_id) = worktree_id { toolchains .active_toolchain(worktree_id, "Python".into(), &mut cx) .await .map_or_else( || "python3".to_owned(), |toolchain| format!("\"{}\"", toolchain.path), ) } else { String::from("python3") }; let toolchain = (PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH, active_toolchain); Ok(task::TaskVariables::from_iter([test_target?, toolchain])) }) } fn associated_tasks( &self, file: Option>, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option { let test_runner = selected_test_runner(file.as_ref(), cx); let mut tasks = vec![ // Execute a selection TaskTemplate { label: "execute selection".to_owned(), command: PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH.template_value(), args: vec![ "-c".to_owned(), VariableName::SelectedText.template_value_with_whitespace(), ], ..TaskTemplate::default() }, // Execute an entire file TaskTemplate { label: format!("run '{}'", VariableName::File.template_value()), command: PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH.template_value(), args: vec![VariableName::File.template_value_with_whitespace()], ..TaskTemplate::default() }, ]; tasks.extend(match test_runner { TestRunner::UNITTEST => { [ // Run tests for an entire file TaskTemplate { label: format!("unittest '{}'", VariableName::File.template_value()), command: PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH.template_value(), args: vec![ "-m".to_owned(), "unittest".to_owned(), VariableName::File.template_value_with_whitespace(), ], ..TaskTemplate::default() }, // Run test(s) for a specific target within a file TaskTemplate { label: "unittest $ZED_CUSTOM_PYTHON_TEST_TARGET".to_owned(), command: PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH.template_value(), args: vec![ "-m".to_owned(), "unittest".to_owned(), PYTHON_TEST_TARGET_TASK_VARIABLE.template_value_with_whitespace(), ], tags: vec![ "python-unittest-class".to_owned(), "python-unittest-method".to_owned(), ], ..TaskTemplate::default() }, ] } TestRunner::PYTEST => { [ // Run tests for an entire file TaskTemplate { label: format!("pytest '{}'", VariableName::File.template_value()), command: PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH.template_value(), args: vec![ "-m".to_owned(), "pytest".to_owned(), VariableName::File.template_value_with_whitespace(), ], ..TaskTemplate::default() }, // Run test(s) for a specific target within a file TaskTemplate { label: "pytest $ZED_CUSTOM_PYTHON_TEST_TARGET".to_owned(), command: PYTHON_ACTIVE_TOOLCHAIN_PATH.template_value(), args: vec![ "-m".to_owned(), "pytest".to_owned(), PYTHON_TEST_TARGET_TASK_VARIABLE.template_value_with_whitespace(), ], tags: vec![ "python-pytest-class".to_owned(), "python-pytest-method".to_owned(), ], ..TaskTemplate::default() }, ] } }); Some(TaskTemplates(tasks)) } } fn selected_test_runner(location: Option<&Arc>, cx: &AppContext) -> TestRunner { const TEST_RUNNER_VARIABLE: &str = "TEST_RUNNER"; language_settings(Some(LanguageName::new("Python")), location, cx) .tasks .variables .get(TEST_RUNNER_VARIABLE) .and_then(|val| TestRunner::from_str(val).ok()) .unwrap_or(TestRunner::PYTEST) } impl PythonContextProvider { fn build_unittest_target( &self, variables: &task::TaskVariables, ) -> Result<(VariableName, String)> { let python_module_name = python_module_name_from_relative_path( variables.get(&VariableName::RelativeFile).unwrap_or(""), ); let unittest_class_name = variables.get(&VariableName::Custom(Cow::Borrowed("_unittest_class_name"))); let unittest_method_name = variables.get(&VariableName::Custom(Cow::Borrowed( "_unittest_method_name", ))); let unittest_target_str = match (unittest_class_name, unittest_method_name) { (Some(class_name), Some(method_name)) => { format!("{}.{}.{}", python_module_name, class_name, method_name) } (Some(class_name), None) => format!("{}.{}", python_module_name, class_name), (None, None) => python_module_name, (None, Some(_)) => return Ok((VariableName::Custom(Cow::Borrowed("")), String::new())), // should never happen, a TestCase class is the unit of testing }; let unittest_target = ( PYTHON_TEST_TARGET_TASK_VARIABLE.clone(), unittest_target_str, ); Ok(unittest_target) } fn build_pytest_target( &self, variables: &task::TaskVariables, ) -> Result<(VariableName, String)> { let file_path = variables .get(&VariableName::RelativeFile) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No file path given"))?; let pytest_class_name = variables.get(&VariableName::Custom(Cow::Borrowed("_pytest_class_name"))); let pytest_method_name = variables.get(&VariableName::Custom(Cow::Borrowed("_pytest_method_name"))); let pytest_target_str = match (pytest_class_name, pytest_method_name) { (Some(class_name), Some(method_name)) => { format!("{}::{}::{}", file_path, class_name, method_name) } (Some(class_name), None) => { format!("{}::{}", file_path, class_name) } (None, Some(method_name)) => { format!("{}::{}", file_path, method_name) } (None, None) => file_path.to_string(), }; let pytest_target = (PYTHON_TEST_TARGET_TASK_VARIABLE.clone(), pytest_target_str); Ok(pytest_target) } } fn python_module_name_from_relative_path(relative_path: &str) -> String { let path_with_dots = relative_path.replace('/', "."); path_with_dots .strip_suffix(".py") .unwrap_or(&path_with_dots) .to_string() } pub(crate) struct PythonToolchainProvider { term: SharedString, } impl Default for PythonToolchainProvider { fn default() -> Self { Self { term: SharedString::new_static("Virtual Environment"), } } } static ENV_PRIORITY_LIST: &'static [PythonEnvironmentKind] = &[ // Prioritize non-Conda environments. PythonEnvironmentKind::Poetry, PythonEnvironmentKind::Pipenv, PythonEnvironmentKind::VirtualEnvWrapper, PythonEnvironmentKind::Venv, PythonEnvironmentKind::VirtualEnv, PythonEnvironmentKind::Pixi, PythonEnvironmentKind::Conda, PythonEnvironmentKind::Pyenv, PythonEnvironmentKind::GlobalPaths, PythonEnvironmentKind::Homebrew, ]; fn env_priority(kind: Option) -> usize { if let Some(kind) = kind { ENV_PRIORITY_LIST .iter() .position(|blessed_env| blessed_env == &kind) .unwrap_or(ENV_PRIORITY_LIST.len()) } else { // Unknown toolchains are less useful than non-blessed ones. ENV_PRIORITY_LIST.len() + 1 } } #[async_trait] impl ToolchainLister for PythonToolchainProvider { async fn list( &self, worktree_root: PathBuf, project_env: Option>, ) -> ToolchainList { let env = project_env.unwrap_or_default(); let environment = EnvironmentApi::from_env(&env); let locators = pet::locators::create_locators( Arc::new(pet_conda::Conda::from(&environment)), Arc::new(pet_poetry::Poetry::from(&environment)), &environment, ); let mut config = Configuration::default(); config.workspace_directories = Some(vec![worktree_root]); for locator in locators.iter() { locator.configure(&config); } let reporter = pet_reporter::collect::create_reporter(); pet::find::find_and_report_envs(&reporter, config, &locators, &environment, None); let mut toolchains = reporter .environments .lock() .ok() .map_or(Vec::new(), |mut guard| std::mem::take(&mut guard)); toolchains.sort_by(|lhs, rhs| { env_priority(lhs.kind) .cmp(&env_priority(rhs.kind)) .then_with(|| { if lhs.kind == Some(PythonEnvironmentKind::Conda) { environment .get_env_var("CONDA_PREFIX".to_string()) .map(|conda_prefix| { let is_match = |exe: &Option| { exe.as_ref().map_or(false, |e| e.starts_with(&conda_prefix)) }; match (is_match(&lhs.executable), is_match(&rhs.executable)) { (true, false) => Ordering::Less, (false, true) => Ordering::Greater, _ => Ordering::Equal, } }) .unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal) } else { Ordering::Equal } }) .then_with(|| lhs.executable.cmp(&rhs.executable)) }); let mut toolchains: Vec<_> = toolchains .into_iter() .filter_map(|toolchain| { let name = if let Some(version) = &toolchain.version { format!("Python {version} ({:?})", toolchain.kind?) } else { format!("{:?}", toolchain.kind?) } .into(); Some(Toolchain { name, path: toolchain.executable.as_ref()?.to_str()?.to_owned().into(), language_name: LanguageName::new("Python"), as_json: serde_json::to_value(toolchain).ok()?, }) }) .collect(); toolchains.dedup(); ToolchainList { toolchains, default: None, groups: Default::default(), } } fn term(&self) -> SharedString { self.term.clone() } } pub struct EnvironmentApi<'a> { global_search_locations: Arc>>, project_env: &'a HashMap, pet_env: pet_core::os_environment::EnvironmentApi, } impl<'a> EnvironmentApi<'a> { pub fn from_env(project_env: &'a HashMap) -> Self { let paths = project_env .get("PATH") .map(|p| std::env::split_paths(p).collect()) .unwrap_or_default(); EnvironmentApi { global_search_locations: Arc::new(Mutex::new(paths)), project_env, pet_env: pet_core::os_environment::EnvironmentApi::new(), } } fn user_home(&self) -> Option { self.project_env .get("HOME") .or_else(|| self.project_env.get("USERPROFILE")) .map(|home| pet_fs::path::norm_case(PathBuf::from(home))) .or_else(|| self.pet_env.get_user_home()) } } impl<'a> pet_core::os_environment::Environment for EnvironmentApi<'a> { fn get_user_home(&self) -> Option { self.user_home() } fn get_root(&self) -> Option { None } fn get_env_var(&self, key: String) -> Option { self.project_env .get(&key) .cloned() .or_else(|| self.pet_env.get_env_var(key)) } fn get_know_global_search_locations(&self) -> Vec { if self.global_search_locations.lock().unwrap().is_empty() { let mut paths = std::env::split_paths(&self.get_env_var("PATH".to_string()).unwrap_or_default()) .collect::>(); log::trace!("Env PATH: {:?}", paths); for p in self.pet_env.get_know_global_search_locations() { if !paths.contains(&p) { paths.push(p); } } let mut paths = paths .into_iter() .filter(|p| p.exists()) .collect::>(); self.global_search_locations .lock() .unwrap() .append(&mut paths); } self.global_search_locations.lock().unwrap().clone() } } pub(crate) struct PyLspAdapter { python_venv_base: OnceCell, String>>, } impl PyLspAdapter { const SERVER_NAME: LanguageServerName = LanguageServerName::new_static("pylsp"); pub(crate) fn new() -> Self { Self { python_venv_base: OnceCell::new(), } } async fn ensure_venv(delegate: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate) -> Result> { let python_path = Self::find_base_python(delegate) .await .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not find Python installation for PyLSP"))?; let work_dir = delegate .language_server_download_dir(&Self::SERVER_NAME) .await .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not get working directory for PyLSP"))?; let mut path = PathBuf::from(work_dir.as_ref()); path.push("pylsp-venv"); if !path.exists() { util::command::new_smol_command(python_path) .arg("-m") .arg("venv") .arg("pylsp-venv") .current_dir(work_dir) .spawn()? .output() .await?; } Ok(path.into()) } // Find "baseline", user python version from which we'll create our own venv. async fn find_base_python(delegate: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate) -> Option { for path in ["python3", "python"] { if let Some(path) = delegate.which(path.as_ref()).await { return Some(path); } } None } async fn base_venv(&self, delegate: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate) -> Result, String> { self.python_venv_base .get_or_init(move || async move { Self::ensure_venv(delegate) .await .map_err(|e| format!("{e}")) }) .await .clone() } } const BINARY_DIR: &str = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { "Scripts" } else { "bin" }; #[async_trait(?Send)] impl LspAdapter for PyLspAdapter { fn name(&self) -> LanguageServerName { Self::SERVER_NAME.clone() } async fn check_if_user_installed( &self, delegate: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, toolchains: Arc, cx: &AsyncAppContext, ) -> Option { let venv = toolchains .active_toolchain( delegate.worktree_id(), LanguageName::new("Python"), &mut cx.clone(), ) .await?; let pylsp_path = Path::new(venv.path.as_ref()).parent()?.join("pylsp"); pylsp_path.exists().then(|| LanguageServerBinary { path: venv.path.to_string().into(), arguments: vec![pylsp_path.into()], env: None, }) } async fn fetch_latest_server_version( &self, _: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, ) -> Result> { Ok(Box::new(()) as Box<_>) } async fn fetch_server_binary( &self, _: Box, _: PathBuf, delegate: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, ) -> Result { let venv = self.base_venv(delegate).await.map_err(|e| anyhow!(e))?; let pip_path = venv.join(BINARY_DIR).join("pip3"); ensure!( util::command::new_smol_command(pip_path.as_path()) .arg("install") .arg("python-lsp-server") .output() .await? .status .success(), "python-lsp-server installation failed" ); ensure!( util::command::new_smol_command(pip_path.as_path()) .arg("install") .arg("python-lsp-server[all]") .output() .await? .status .success(), "python-lsp-server[all] installation failed" ); ensure!( util::command::new_smol_command(pip_path) .arg("install") .arg("pylsp-mypy") .output() .await? .status .success(), "pylsp-mypy installation failed" ); let pylsp = venv.join(BINARY_DIR).join("pylsp"); Ok(LanguageServerBinary { path: pylsp, env: None, arguments: vec![], }) } async fn cached_server_binary( &self, _: PathBuf, delegate: &dyn LspAdapterDelegate, ) -> Option { let venv = self.base_venv(delegate).await.ok()?; let pylsp = venv.join(BINARY_DIR).join("pylsp"); Some(LanguageServerBinary { path: pylsp, env: None, arguments: vec![], }) } async fn process_completions(&self, _items: &mut [lsp::CompletionItem]) {} async fn label_for_completion( &self, item: &lsp::CompletionItem, language: &Arc, ) -> Option { let label = &item.label; let grammar = language.grammar()?; let highlight_id = match item.kind? { lsp::CompletionItemKind::METHOD => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("function.method")?, lsp::CompletionItemKind::FUNCTION => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("function")?, lsp::CompletionItemKind::CLASS => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("type")?, lsp::CompletionItemKind::CONSTANT => grammar.highlight_id_for_name("constant")?, _ => return None, }; Some(language::CodeLabel { text: label.clone(), runs: vec![(0..label.len(), highlight_id)], filter_range: 0..label.len(), }) } async fn label_for_symbol( &self, name: &str, kind: lsp::SymbolKind, language: &Arc, ) -> Option { let (text, filter_range, display_range) = match kind { lsp::SymbolKind::METHOD | lsp::SymbolKind::FUNCTION => { let text = format!("def {}():\n", name); let filter_range = 4..4 + name.len(); let display_range = 0..filter_range.end; (text, filter_range, display_range) } lsp::SymbolKind::CLASS => { let text = format!("class {}:", name); let filter_range = 6..6 + name.len(); let display_range = 0..filter_range.end; (text, filter_range, display_range) } lsp::SymbolKind::CONSTANT => { let text = format!("{} = 0", name); let filter_range =; let display_range = 0..filter_range.end; (text, filter_range, display_range) } _ => return None, }; Some(language::CodeLabel { runs: language.highlight_text(&text.as_str().into(), display_range.clone()), text: text[display_range].to_string(), filter_range, }) } async fn workspace_configuration( self: Arc, adapter: &Arc, toolchains: Arc, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let toolchain = toolchains .active_toolchain(adapter.worktree_id(), LanguageName::new("Python"), cx) .await; cx.update(move |cx| { let mut user_settings = language_server_settings(adapter.as_ref(), &Self::SERVER_NAME, cx) .and_then(|s| s.settings.clone()) .unwrap_or_else(|| { json!({ "plugins": { "pycodestyle": {"enabled": false}, "rope_autoimport": {"enabled": true, "memory": true}, "pylsp_mypy": {"enabled": false} }, "rope": { "ropeFolder": null }, }) }); // If user did not explicitly modify their python venv, use one from picker. if let Some(toolchain) = toolchain { if user_settings.is_null() { user_settings = Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default()); } let object = user_settings.as_object_mut().unwrap(); if let Some(python) = object .entry("plugins") .or_insert(Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())) .as_object_mut() { if let Some(jedi) = python .entry("jedi") .or_insert(Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())) .as_object_mut() { jedi.entry("environment".to_string()) .or_insert_with(|| Value::String(toolchain.path.clone().into())); } if let Some(pylint) = python .entry("pylsp_mypy") .or_insert(Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())) .as_object_mut() { pylint.entry("overrides".to_string()).or_insert_with(|| { Value::Array(vec![ Value::String("--python-executable".into()), Value::String(toolchain.path.into()), Value::String("--cache-dir=/dev/null".into()), Value::Bool(true), ]) }); } } } user_settings = Value::Object(serde_json::Map::from_iter([( "pylsp".to_string(), user_settings, )])); user_settings }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use gpui::{BorrowAppContext, Context, ModelContext, TestAppContext}; use language::{language_settings::AllLanguageSettings, AutoindentMode, Buffer}; use settings::SettingsStore; use std::num::NonZeroU32; #[gpui::test] async fn test_python_autoindent(cx: &mut TestAppContext) { cx.executor().set_block_on_ticks(usize::MAX..=usize::MAX); let language = crate::language("python", tree_sitter_python::LANGUAGE.into()); cx.update(|cx| { let test_settings = SettingsStore::test(cx); cx.set_global(test_settings); language::init(cx); cx.update_global::(|store, cx| { store.update_user_settings::(cx, |s| { s.defaults.tab_size = NonZeroU32::new(2); }); }); }); cx.new_model(|cx| { let mut buffer = Buffer::local("", cx).with_language(language, cx); let append = |buffer: &mut Buffer, text: &str, cx: &mut ModelContext| { let ix = buffer.len(); buffer.edit([(ix..ix, text)], Some(AutoindentMode::EachLine), cx); }; // indent after "def():" append(&mut buffer, "def a():\n", cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "def a():\n "); // preserve indent after blank line append(&mut buffer, "\n ", cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n "); // indent after "if" append(&mut buffer, "if a:\n ", cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n "); // preserve indent after statement append(&mut buffer, "b()\n", cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n "); // preserve indent after statement append(&mut buffer, "else", cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else"); // dedent "else"" append(&mut buffer, ":", cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else:"); // indent lines after else append(&mut buffer, "\n", cx); assert_eq!( buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else:\n " ); // indent after an open paren. the closing paren is not indented // because there is another token before it on the same line. append(&mut buffer, "foo(\n1)", cx); assert_eq!( buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else:\n foo(\n 1)" ); // dedent the closing paren if it is shifted to the beginning of the line let argument_ix = buffer.text().find('1').unwrap(); buffer.edit( [(argument_ix..argument_ix + 1, "")], Some(AutoindentMode::EachLine), cx, ); assert_eq!( buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else:\n foo(\n )" ); // preserve indent after the close paren append(&mut buffer, "\n", cx); assert_eq!( buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else:\n foo(\n )\n " ); // manually outdent the last line let end_whitespace_ix = buffer.len() - 4; buffer.edit( [(end_whitespace_ix..buffer.len(), "")], Some(AutoindentMode::EachLine), cx, ); assert_eq!( buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else:\n foo(\n )\n" ); // preserve the newly reduced indentation on the next newline append(&mut buffer, "\n", cx); assert_eq!( buffer.text(), "def a():\n \n if a:\n b()\n else:\n foo(\n )\n\n" ); // reset to a simple if statement buffer.edit([(0..buffer.len(), "if a:\n b(\n )")], None, cx); // dedent "else" on the line after a closing paren append(&mut buffer, "\n else:\n", cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "if a:\n b(\n )\nelse:\n "); buffer }); } }