mod change; mod delete; use crate::{ motion::Motion, state::{Mode, Operator}, Vim, }; use change::init as change_init; use gpui::{actions, MutableAppContext, ViewContext}; use language::SelectionGoal; use workspace::Workspace; use self::{change::change_over, delete::delete_over}; actions!( vim, [ InsertAfter, InsertFirstNonWhitespace, InsertEndOfLine, InsertLineAbove, InsertLineBelow, DeleteLeft, DeleteRight, ChangeToEndOfLine, DeleteToEndOfLine, ] ); pub fn init(cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { cx.add_action(insert_after); cx.add_action(insert_first_non_whitespace); cx.add_action(insert_end_of_line); cx.add_action(insert_line_above); cx.add_action(insert_line_below); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &DeleteLeft, cx| { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { delete_over(vim, Motion::Left, cx); }) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &DeleteRight, cx| { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { delete_over(vim, Motion::Right, cx); }) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &ChangeToEndOfLine, cx| { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { change_over(vim, Motion::EndOfLine, cx); }) }); cx.add_action(|_: &mut Workspace, _: &DeleteToEndOfLine, cx| { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { delete_over(vim, Motion::EndOfLine, cx); }) }); change_init(cx); } pub fn normal_motion(motion: Motion, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { match vim.state.operator_stack.pop() { None => move_cursor(vim, motion, cx), Some(Operator::Change) => change_over(vim, motion, cx), Some(Operator::Delete) => delete_over(vim, motion, cx), Some(Operator::Namespace(_)) => { // Can't do anything for a namespace operator. Ignoring } } vim.clear_operator(cx); }); } fn move_cursor(vim: &mut Vim, motion: Motion, cx: &mut MutableAppContext) { vim.update_active_editor(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.move_cursors(cx, |map, cursor, goal| motion.move_point(map, cursor, goal)) }); } fn insert_after(_: &mut Workspace, _: &InsertAfter, cx: &mut ViewContext) { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { vim.switch_mode(Mode::Insert, cx); vim.update_active_editor(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.move_cursors(cx, |map, cursor, goal| { Motion::Right.move_point(map, cursor, goal) }); }); }); } fn insert_first_non_whitespace( _: &mut Workspace, _: &InsertFirstNonWhitespace, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { vim.switch_mode(Mode::Insert, cx); vim.update_active_editor(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.move_cursors(cx, |map, cursor, goal| { Motion::FirstNonWhitespace.move_point(map, cursor, goal) }); }); }); } fn insert_end_of_line(_: &mut Workspace, _: &InsertEndOfLine, cx: &mut ViewContext) { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { vim.switch_mode(Mode::Insert, cx); vim.update_active_editor(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.move_cursors(cx, |map, cursor, goal| { Motion::EndOfLine.move_point(map, cursor, goal) }); }); }); } fn insert_line_above(_: &mut Workspace, _: &InsertLineAbove, cx: &mut ViewContext) { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { vim.switch_mode(Mode::Insert, cx); vim.update_active_editor(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.transact(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.move_cursors(cx, |map, cursor, goal| { let (indent, _) = map.line_indent(cursor.row()); let (cursor, _) = Motion::EndOfLine.move_point(map, cursor, goal); (cursor, SelectionGoal::Column(indent)) }); editor.insert("\n", cx); editor.move_cursors(cx, |_, mut cursor, goal| { if let SelectionGoal::Column(column) = goal { *cursor.column_mut() = column; } (cursor, SelectionGoal::None) }); }); }); }); } fn insert_line_below(_: &mut Workspace, _: &InsertLineAbove, cx: &mut ViewContext) { Vim::update(cx, |vim, cx| { vim.switch_mode(Mode::Insert, cx); vim.update_active_editor(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.transact(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.move_cursors(cx, |map, cursor, goal| { let (indent, _) = map.line_indent(cursor.row()); let (cursor, _) = Motion::StartOfLine.move_point(map, cursor, goal); (cursor, SelectionGoal::Column(indent)) }); editor.insert("\n", cx); editor.move_cursors(cx, |_, mut cursor, goal| { *cursor.row_mut() -= 1; if let SelectionGoal::Column(column) = goal { *cursor.column_mut() = column; } (cursor, SelectionGoal::None) }); }); }); }); } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use indoc::indoc; use util::test::marked_text; use crate::{ state::{ Mode::{self, *}, Namespace, Operator, }, vim_test_context::VimTestContext, }; #[gpui::test] async fn test_h(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["h"]); cx.assert("The q|uick", "The |quick"); cx.assert("|The quick", "|The quick"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick |brown"}, indoc! {" The quick |brown"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_backspace(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["backspace"]); cx.assert("The q|uick", "The |quick"); cx.assert("|The quick", "|The quick"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick |brown"}, indoc! {" The quick |brown"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_j(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["j"]); cx.assert( indoc! {" The |quick brown fox"}, indoc! {" The quick brow|n fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brow|n fox"}, indoc! {" The quick brow|n fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quic|k brown"}, indoc! {" The quick brow|n"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick |brown"}, indoc! {" The quick |brown"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_k(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["k"]); cx.assert( indoc! {" The |quick brown fox"}, indoc! {" The |quick brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brow|n fox"}, indoc! {" The |quick brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quic|k"}, indoc! {" Th|e quick"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_l(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["l"]); cx.assert("The q|uick", "The qu|ick"); cx.assert("The quic|k", "The quic|k"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quic|k brown"}, indoc! {" The quic|k brown"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_jump_to_line_boundaries(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-$"]); cx.assert("T|est test", "Test tes|t"); cx.assert("Test tes|t", "Test tes|t"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The |quick brown"}, indoc! {" The quic|k brown"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quic|k brown"}, indoc! {" The quic|k brown"}, ); let mut cx = cx.binding(["0"]); cx.assert("Test |test", "|Test test"); cx.assert("|Test test", "|Test test"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The |quick brown"}, indoc! {" |The quick brown"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" |The quick brown"}, indoc! {" |The quick brown"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_jump_to_end(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-G"]); cx.assert( indoc! {" The |quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}, indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps over| the lazy dog"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps over| the lazy dog"}, indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps over| the lazy dog"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The qui|ck brown"}, indoc! {" The quick brow|n"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The qui|ck "}, indoc! {" The quick |"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_w(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let (_, cursor_offsets) = marked_text(indoc! {" The |quick|-|brown | | |fox_jumps |over |th||e"}); cx.set_state( indoc! {" |The quick-brown fox_jumps over the"}, Mode::Normal, ); for cursor_offset in cursor_offsets { cx.simulate_keystroke("w"); cx.assert_newest_selection_head_offset(cursor_offset); } // Reset and test ignoring punctuation let (_, cursor_offsets) = marked_text(indoc! {" The |quick-brown | | |fox_jumps |over |th||e"}); cx.set_state( indoc! {" |The quick-brown fox_jumps over the"}, Mode::Normal, ); for cursor_offset in cursor_offsets { cx.simulate_keystroke("shift-W"); cx.assert_newest_selection_head_offset(cursor_offset); } } #[gpui::test] async fn test_e(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let (_, cursor_offsets) = marked_text(indoc! {" Th|e quic|k|-brow|n fox_jump|s ove|r th|e"}); cx.set_state( indoc! {" |The quick-brown fox_jumps over the"}, Mode::Normal, ); for cursor_offset in cursor_offsets { cx.simulate_keystroke("e"); cx.assert_newest_selection_head_offset(cursor_offset); } // Reset and test ignoring punctuation let (_, cursor_offsets) = marked_text(indoc! {" Th|e quick-brow|n fox_jump|s ove|r th||e"}); cx.set_state( indoc! {" |The quick-brown fox_jumps over the"}, Mode::Normal, ); for cursor_offset in cursor_offsets { cx.simulate_keystroke("shift-E"); cx.assert_newest_selection_head_offset(cursor_offset); } } #[gpui::test] async fn test_b(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let (_, cursor_offsets) = marked_text(indoc! {" ||The |quick|-|brown | | |fox_jumps |over |the"}); cx.set_state( indoc! {" The quick-brown fox_jumps over th|e"}, Mode::Normal, ); for cursor_offset in cursor_offsets.into_iter().rev() { cx.simulate_keystroke("b"); cx.assert_newest_selection_head_offset(cursor_offset); } // Reset and test ignoring punctuation let (_, cursor_offsets) = marked_text(indoc! {" ||The |quick-brown | | |fox_jumps |over |the"}); cx.set_state( indoc! {" The quick-brown fox_jumps over th|e"}, Mode::Normal, ); for cursor_offset in cursor_offsets.into_iter().rev() { cx.simulate_keystroke("shift-B"); cx.assert_newest_selection_head_offset(cursor_offset); } } #[gpui::test] async fn test_g_prefix_and_abort(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; // Can abort with escape to get back to normal mode cx.simulate_keystroke("g"); assert_eq!(cx.mode(), Normal); assert_eq!( cx.active_operator(), Some(Operator::Namespace(Namespace::G)) ); cx.simulate_keystroke("escape"); assert_eq!(cx.mode(), Normal); assert_eq!(cx.active_operator(), None); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_gg(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["g", "g"]); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps over |the lazy dog"}, indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}, indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps over the la|zy dog"}, indoc! {" The quic|k brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" brown fox jumps over the la|zy dog"}, indoc! {" | brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_a(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["a"]).mode_after(Mode::Insert); cx.assert("The q|uick", "The qu|ick"); cx.assert("The quic|k", "The quick|"); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_insert_end_of_line(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-A"]).mode_after(Mode::Insert); cx.assert("The q|uick", "The quick|"); cx.assert("The q|uick ", "The quick |"); cx.assert("|", "|"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox"}, indoc! {" The quick| brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" | The quick"}, indoc! {" | The quick"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_jump_to_first_non_whitespace(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-^"]); cx.assert("The q|uick", "|The quick"); cx.assert(" The q|uick", " |The quick"); cx.assert("|", "|"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox"}, indoc! {" |The quick brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" | The quick"}, indoc! {" | The quick"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" | The quick"}, indoc! {" | The quick"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_insert_first_non_whitespace(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-I"]).mode_after(Mode::Insert); cx.assert("The q|uick", "|The quick"); cx.assert(" The q|uick", " |The quick"); cx.assert("|", "|"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox"}, indoc! {" |The quick brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" | The quick"}, indoc! {" | The quick"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_delete_to_end_of_line(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-D"]); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox"}, indoc! {" The |q brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_x(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["x"]); cx.assert("|Test", "|est"); cx.assert("Te|st", "Te|t"); cx.assert("Tes|t", "Te|s"); cx.assert( indoc! {" Tes|t test"}, indoc! {" Te|s test"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_delete_left(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-X"]); cx.assert("Te|st", "T|st"); cx.assert("T|est", "|est"); cx.assert("|Test", "|Test"); cx.assert( indoc! {" Test |test"}, indoc! {" Test |test"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_o(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["o"]).mode_after(Mode::Insert); cx.assert( "|", indoc! {" |"}, ); cx.assert( "The |quick", indoc! {" The quick |"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown |fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" The quick brown fox | jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps |over"}, indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps over |"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" The quick | brown fox jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" fn test() { println!(|); }"}, indoc! {" fn test() { println!(); | }"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" fn test(|) { println!(); }"}, indoc! {" fn test() { | println!(); }"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_insert_line_above(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["shift-O"]).mode_after(Mode::Insert); cx.assert( "|", indoc! {" | "}, ); cx.assert( "The |quick", indoc! {" | The quick"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown |fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" The quick | brown fox jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps |over"}, indoc! {" The quick brown fox | jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" | The quick brown fox jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" fn test() { println!(|); }"}, indoc! {" fn test() { | println!(); }"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" fn test(|) { println!(); }"}, indoc! {" | fn test() { println!(); }"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_dd(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["d", "d"]); cx.assert("|", "|"); cx.assert("The |quick", "|"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown |fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" The quick jumps |over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps |over"}, indoc! {" The quick brown |fox"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" brown| fox jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, indoc! {" The quick |brown fox"}, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_cc(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let cx = VimTestContext::new(cx, true).await; let mut cx = cx.binding(["c", "c"]).mode_after(Mode::Insert); cx.assert("|", "|"); cx.assert("The |quick", "|"); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown |fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" The quick | jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick brown fox jumps |over"}, indoc! {" The quick brown fox |"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The q|uick brown fox jumps over"}, indoc! {" | brown fox jumps over"}, ); cx.assert( indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, indoc! {" The quick | brown fox"}, ); } }