#![cfg_attr(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "windows"), allow(dead_code))] use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use clap::Parser; use cli::{ipc::IpcOneShotServer, CliRequest, CliResponse, IpcHandshake}; use collections::HashMap; use parking_lot::Mutex; use std::{ env, fs, io, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::ExitStatus, sync::Arc, thread::{self, JoinHandle}, }; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use util::paths::PathWithPosition; struct Detect; trait InstalledApp { fn zed_version_string(&self) -> String; fn launch(&self, ipc_url: String) -> anyhow::Result<()>; fn run_foreground(&self, ipc_url: String) -> io::Result; } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command( name = "zed", disable_version_flag = true, after_help = "To read from stdin, append '-' (e.g. 'ps axf | zed -')" )] struct Args { /// Wait for all of the given paths to be opened/closed before exiting. #[arg(short, long)] wait: bool, /// Add files to the currently open workspace #[arg(short, long, overrides_with = "new")] add: bool, /// Create a new workspace #[arg(short, long, overrides_with = "add")] new: bool, /// A sequence of space-separated paths that you want to open. /// /// Use `path:line:row` syntax to open a file at a specific location. /// Non-existing paths and directories will ignore `:line:row` suffix. paths_with_position: Vec, /// Print Zed's version and the app path. #[arg(short, long)] version: bool, /// Run zed in the foreground (useful for debugging) #[arg(long)] foreground: bool, /// Custom path to Zed.app or the zed binary #[arg(long)] zed: Option, /// Run zed in dev-server mode #[arg(long)] dev_server_token: Option, } fn parse_path_with_position(argument_str: &str) -> Result { let path = PathWithPosition::parse_str(argument_str); let curdir = env::current_dir()?; let canonicalized = path.map_path(|path| match fs::canonicalize(&path) { Ok(path) => Ok(path), Err(e) => { if let Some(mut parent) = path.parent() { if parent == Path::new("") { parent = &curdir } match fs::canonicalize(parent) { Ok(parent) => Ok(parent.join(path.file_name().unwrap())), Err(_) => Err(e), } } else { Err(e) } } })?; Ok(canonicalized.to_string(|path| path.display().to_string())) } fn main() -> Result<()> { // Exit flatpak sandbox if needed #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { flatpak::try_restart_to_host(); flatpak::ld_extra_libs(); } // Intercept version designators #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] if let Some(channel) = std::env::args().nth(1).filter(|arg| arg.starts_with("--")) { // When the first argument is a name of a release channel, we're gonna spawn off a cli of that version, with trailing args passed along. use std::str::FromStr as _; if let Ok(channel) = release_channel::ReleaseChannel::from_str(&channel[2..]) { return mac_os::spawn_channel_cli(channel, std::env::args().skip(2).collect()); } } let args = Args::parse(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] let args = flatpak::set_bin_if_no_escape(args); let app = Detect::detect(args.zed.as_deref()).context("Bundle detection")?; if args.version { println!("{}", app.zed_version_string()); return Ok(()); } let (server, server_name) = IpcOneShotServer::::new().context("Handshake before Zed spawn")?; let url = format!("zed-cli://{server_name}"); let open_new_workspace = if args.new { Some(true) } else if args.add { Some(false) } else { None }; let env = Some(std::env::vars().collect::>()); let exit_status = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)); let mut paths = vec![]; let mut urls = vec![]; let mut stdin_tmp_file: Option = None; for path in args.paths_with_position.iter() { if path.starts_with("zed://") || path.starts_with("http://") || path.starts_with("https://") || path.starts_with("file://") || path.starts_with("ssh://") { urls.push(path.to_string()); } else if path == "-" && args.paths_with_position.len() == 1 { let file = NamedTempFile::new()?; paths.push(file.path().to_string_lossy().to_string()); let (file, _) = file.keep()?; stdin_tmp_file = Some(file); } else { paths.push(parse_path_with_position(path)?) } } let sender: JoinHandle> = thread::spawn({ let exit_status = exit_status.clone(); move || { let (_, handshake) = server.accept().context("Handshake after Zed spawn")?; let (tx, rx) = (handshake.requests, handshake.responses); tx.send(CliRequest::Open { paths, urls, wait: args.wait, open_new_workspace, dev_server_token: args.dev_server_token, env, })?; while let Ok(response) = rx.recv() { match response { CliResponse::Ping => {} CliResponse::Stdout { message } => println!("{message}"), CliResponse::Stderr { message } => eprintln!("{message}"), CliResponse::Exit { status } => { exit_status.lock().replace(status); return Ok(()); } } } Ok(()) } }); let pipe_handle: JoinHandle> = thread::spawn(move || { if let Some(mut tmp_file) = stdin_tmp_file { let mut stdin = std::io::stdin().lock(); if io::IsTerminal::is_terminal(&stdin) { return Ok(()); } let mut buffer = [0; 8 * 1024]; loop { let bytes_read = io::Read::read(&mut stdin, &mut buffer)?; if bytes_read == 0 { break; } io::Write::write(&mut tmp_file, &buffer[..bytes_read])?; } io::Write::flush(&mut tmp_file)?; } Ok(()) }); if args.foreground { app.run_foreground(url)?; } else { app.launch(url)?; sender.join().unwrap()?; pipe_handle.join().unwrap()?; } if let Some(exit_status) = exit_status.lock().take() { std::process::exit(exit_status); } Ok(()) } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] mod linux { use std::{ env, ffi::OsString, io, os::unix::net::{SocketAddr, UnixDatagram}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{self, ExitStatus}, thread, time::Duration, }; use anyhow::anyhow; use cli::FORCE_CLI_MODE_ENV_VAR_NAME; use fork::Fork; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use crate::{Detect, InstalledApp}; static RELEASE_CHANNEL: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| include_str!("../../zed/RELEASE_CHANNEL").trim().to_string()); struct App(PathBuf); impl Detect { pub fn detect(path: Option<&Path>) -> anyhow::Result { let path = if let Some(path) = path { path.to_path_buf().canonicalize()? } else { let cli = env::current_exe()?; let dir = cli .parent() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no parent path for cli"))?; // libexec is the standard, lib/zed is for Arch (and other non-libexec distros), // ./zed is for the target directory in development builds. let possible_locations = ["../libexec/zed-editor", "../lib/zed/zed-editor", "./zed"]; possible_locations .iter() .find_map(|p| dir.join(p).canonicalize().ok().filter(|path| path != &cli)) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("could not find any of: {}", possible_locations.join(", ")) })? }; Ok(App(path)) } } impl InstalledApp for App { fn zed_version_string(&self) -> String { format!( "Zed {}{} – {}", if *RELEASE_CHANNEL == "stable" { "".to_string() } else { format!(" {} ", *RELEASE_CHANNEL) }, option_env!("RELEASE_VERSION").unwrap_or_default(), self.0.display(), ) } fn launch(&self, ipc_url: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let sock_path = paths::support_dir().join(format!("zed-{}.sock", *RELEASE_CHANNEL)); let sock = UnixDatagram::unbound()?; if sock.connect(&sock_path).is_err() { self.boot_background(ipc_url)?; } else { sock.send(ipc_url.as_bytes())?; } Ok(()) } fn run_foreground(&self, ipc_url: String) -> io::Result { std::process::Command::new(self.0.clone()) .arg(ipc_url) .status() } } impl App { fn boot_background(&self, ipc_url: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let path = &self.0; match fork::fork() { Ok(Fork::Parent(_)) => Ok(()), Ok(Fork::Child) => { std::env::set_var(FORCE_CLI_MODE_ENV_VAR_NAME, ""); if let Err(_) = fork::setsid() { eprintln!("failed to setsid: {}", std::io::Error::last_os_error()); process::exit(1); } if let Err(_) = fork::close_fd() { eprintln!("failed to close_fd: {}", std::io::Error::last_os_error()); } let error = exec::execvp(path.clone(), &[path.as_os_str(), &OsString::from(ipc_url)]); // if exec succeeded, we never get here. eprintln!("failed to exec {:?}: {}", path, error); process::exit(1) } Err(_) => Err(anyhow!(io::Error::last_os_error())), } } fn wait_for_socket( &self, sock_addr: &SocketAddr, sock: &mut UnixDatagram, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { for _ in 0..100 { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); if sock.connect_addr(&sock_addr).is_ok() { return Ok(()); } } sock.connect_addr(&sock_addr) } } } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] mod flatpak { use std::ffi::OsString; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use std::{env, process}; const EXTRA_LIB_ENV_NAME: &'static str = "ZED_FLATPAK_LIB_PATH"; const NO_ESCAPE_ENV_NAME: &'static str = "ZED_FLATPAK_NO_ESCAPE"; /// Adds bundled libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH if running under flatpak pub fn ld_extra_libs() { let mut paths = if let Ok(paths) = env::var("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") { env::split_paths(&paths).collect() } else { Vec::new() }; if let Ok(extra_path) = env::var(EXTRA_LIB_ENV_NAME) { paths.push(extra_path.into()); } env::set_var("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", env::join_paths(paths).unwrap()); } /// Restarts outside of the sandbox if currently running within it pub fn try_restart_to_host() { if let Some(flatpak_dir) = get_flatpak_dir() { let mut args = vec!["/usr/bin/flatpak-spawn".into(), "--host".into()]; args.append(&mut get_xdg_env_args()); args.push("--env=ZED_UPDATE_EXPLANATION=Please use flatpak to update zed".into()); args.push( format!( "--env={EXTRA_LIB_ENV_NAME}={}", flatpak_dir.join("lib").to_str().unwrap() ) .into(), ); args.push(flatpak_dir.join("bin").join("zed").into()); let mut is_app_location_set = false; for arg in &env::args_os().collect::>()[1..] { args.push(arg.clone()); is_app_location_set |= arg == "--zed"; } if !is_app_location_set { args.push("--zed".into()); args.push(flatpak_dir.join("libexec").join("zed-editor").into()); } let error = exec::execvp("/usr/bin/flatpak-spawn", args); eprintln!("failed restart cli on host: {:?}", error); process::exit(1); } } pub fn set_bin_if_no_escape(mut args: super::Args) -> super::Args { if env::var(NO_ESCAPE_ENV_NAME).is_ok() && env::var("FLATPAK_ID").map_or(false, |id| id.starts_with("dev.zed.Zed")) { if args.zed.is_none() { args.zed = Some("/app/libexec/zed-editor".into()); env::set_var("ZED_UPDATE_EXPLANATION", "Please use flatpak to update zed"); } } args } fn get_flatpak_dir() -> Option { if env::var(NO_ESCAPE_ENV_NAME).is_ok() { return None; } if let Ok(flatpak_id) = env::var("FLATPAK_ID") { if !flatpak_id.starts_with("dev.zed.Zed") { return None; } let install_dir = Command::new("/usr/bin/flatpak-spawn") .arg("--host") .arg("flatpak") .arg("info") .arg("--show-location") .arg(flatpak_id) .output() .unwrap(); let install_dir = PathBuf::from(String::from_utf8(install_dir.stdout).unwrap().trim()); Some(install_dir.join("files")) } else { None } } fn get_xdg_env_args() -> Vec { let xdg_keys = [ "XDG_DATA_HOME", "XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "XDG_CACHE_HOME", "XDG_STATE_HOME", ]; env::vars() .filter(|(key, _)| xdg_keys.contains(&key.as_str())) .map(|(key, val)| format!("--env=FLATPAK_{}={}", key, val).into()) .collect() } } // todo("windows") #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] mod windows { use crate::{Detect, InstalledApp}; use std::io; use std::path::Path; use std::process::ExitStatus; struct App; impl InstalledApp for App { fn zed_version_string(&self) -> String { unimplemented!() } fn launch(&self, _ipc_url: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { unimplemented!() } fn run_foreground(&self, _ipc_url: String) -> io::Result { unimplemented!() } } impl Detect { pub fn detect(_path: Option<&Path>) -> anyhow::Result { Ok(App) } } } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] mod mac_os { use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use core_foundation::{ array::{CFArray, CFIndex}, string::kCFStringEncodingUTF8, url::{CFURLCreateWithBytes, CFURL}, }; use core_services::{kLSLaunchDefaults, LSLaunchURLSpec, LSOpenFromURLSpec, TCFType}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{ ffi::OsStr, fs, io, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{Command, ExitStatus}, ptr, }; use cli::FORCE_CLI_MODE_ENV_VAR_NAME; use crate::{Detect, InstalledApp}; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct InfoPlist { #[serde(rename = "CFBundleShortVersionString")] bundle_short_version_string: String, } enum Bundle { App { app_bundle: PathBuf, plist: InfoPlist, }, LocalPath { executable: PathBuf, plist: InfoPlist, }, } fn locate_bundle() -> Result { let cli_path = std::env::current_exe()?.canonicalize()?; let mut app_path = cli_path.clone(); while app_path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("app")) { if !app_path.pop() { return Err(anyhow!("cannot find app bundle containing {:?}", cli_path)); } } Ok(app_path) } impl Detect { pub fn detect(path: Option<&Path>) -> anyhow::Result { let bundle_path = if let Some(bundle_path) = path { bundle_path .canonicalize() .with_context(|| format!("Args bundle path {bundle_path:?} canonicalization"))? } else { locate_bundle().context("bundle autodiscovery")? }; match bundle_path.extension().and_then(|ext| ext.to_str()) { Some("app") => { let plist_path = bundle_path.join("Contents/Info.plist"); let plist = plist::from_file::<_, InfoPlist>(&plist_path).with_context(|| { format!("Reading *.app bundle plist file at {plist_path:?}") })?; Ok(Bundle::App { app_bundle: bundle_path, plist, }) } _ => { println!("Bundle path {bundle_path:?} has no *.app extension, attempting to locate a dev build"); let plist_path = bundle_path .parent() .with_context(|| format!("Bundle path {bundle_path:?} has no parent"))? .join("WebRTC.framework/Resources/Info.plist"); let plist = plist::from_file::<_, InfoPlist>(&plist_path).with_context(|| { format!("Reading dev bundle plist file at {plist_path:?}") })?; Ok(Bundle::LocalPath { executable: bundle_path, plist, }) } } } } impl InstalledApp for Bundle { fn zed_version_string(&self) -> String { let is_dev = matches!(self, Self::LocalPath { .. }); format!( "Zed {}{} – {}", self.plist().bundle_short_version_string, if is_dev { " (dev)" } else { "" }, self.path().display(), ) } fn launch(&self, url: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { match self { Self::App { app_bundle, .. } => { let app_path = app_bundle; let status = unsafe { let app_url = CFURL::from_path(app_path, true) .with_context(|| format!("invalid app path {app_path:?}"))?; let url_to_open = CFURL::wrap_under_create_rule(CFURLCreateWithBytes( ptr::null(), url.as_ptr(), url.len() as CFIndex, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, ptr::null(), )); // equivalent to: open zed-cli:... -a /Applications/Zed\ Preview.app let urls_to_open = CFArray::from_copyable(&[url_to_open.as_concrete_TypeRef()]); LSOpenFromURLSpec( &LSLaunchURLSpec { appURL: app_url.as_concrete_TypeRef(), itemURLs: urls_to_open.as_concrete_TypeRef(), passThruParams: ptr::null(), launchFlags: kLSLaunchDefaults, asyncRefCon: ptr::null_mut(), }, ptr::null_mut(), ) }; anyhow::ensure!( status == 0, "cannot start app bundle {}", self.zed_version_string() ); } Self::LocalPath { executable, .. } => { let executable_parent = executable .parent() .with_context(|| format!("Executable {executable:?} path has no parent"))?; let subprocess_stdout_file = fs::File::create( executable_parent.join("zed_dev.log"), ) .with_context(|| format!("Log file creation in {executable_parent:?}"))?; let subprocess_stdin_file = subprocess_stdout_file.try_clone().with_context(|| { format!("Cloning descriptor for file {subprocess_stdout_file:?}") })?; let mut command = std::process::Command::new(executable); let command = command .env(FORCE_CLI_MODE_ENV_VAR_NAME, "") .stderr(subprocess_stdout_file) .stdout(subprocess_stdin_file) .arg(url); command .spawn() .with_context(|| format!("Spawning {command:?}"))?; } } Ok(()) } fn run_foreground(&self, ipc_url: String) -> io::Result { let path = match self { Bundle::App { app_bundle, .. } => app_bundle.join("Contents/MacOS/zed"), Bundle::LocalPath { executable, .. } => executable.clone(), }; std::process::Command::new(path).arg(ipc_url).status() } } impl Bundle { fn plist(&self) -> &InfoPlist { match self { Self::App { plist, .. } => plist, Self::LocalPath { plist, .. } => plist, } } fn path(&self) -> &Path { match self { Self::App { app_bundle, .. } => app_bundle, Self::LocalPath { executable, .. } => executable, } } } pub(super) fn spawn_channel_cli( channel: release_channel::ReleaseChannel, leftover_args: Vec, ) -> Result<()> { use anyhow::bail; let app_id_prompt = format!("id of app \"{}\"", channel.display_name()); let app_id_output = Command::new("osascript") .arg("-e") .arg(&app_id_prompt) .output()?; if !app_id_output.status.success() { bail!("Could not determine app id for {}", channel.display_name()); } let app_name = String::from_utf8(app_id_output.stdout)?.trim().to_owned(); let app_path_prompt = format!("kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == '{app_name}'"); let app_path_output = Command::new("mdfind").arg(app_path_prompt).output()?; if !app_path_output.status.success() { bail!( "Could not determine app path for {}", channel.display_name() ); } let app_path = String::from_utf8(app_path_output.stdout)?.trim().to_owned(); let cli_path = format!("{app_path}/Contents/MacOS/cli"); Command::new(cli_path).args(leftover_args).spawn()?; Ok(()) } }