mod color; mod theme_printer; mod util; mod vscode; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::Write; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use std::str::FromStr; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use clap::Parser; use convert_case::{Case, Casing}; use gpui::serde_json; use indexmap::IndexMap; use json_comments::StripComments; use log::LevelFilter; use serde::Deserialize; use simplelog::{TermLogger, TerminalMode}; use theme::{Appearance, UserThemeFamily}; use crate::theme_printer::UserThemeFamilyPrinter; use crate::vscode::VsCodeTheme; use crate::vscode::VsCodeThemeConverter; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct FamilyMetadata { pub name: String, pub author: String, pub themes: Vec, /// Overrides for specific syntax tokens. /// /// Use this to ensure certain Zed syntax tokens are matched /// to an exact set of scopes when it is not otherwise possible /// to rely on the default mappings in the theme importer. #[serde(default)] pub syntax: IndexMap>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] pub enum ThemeAppearanceJson { Light, Dark, } impl From for Appearance { fn from(value: ThemeAppearanceJson) -> Self { match value { ThemeAppearanceJson::Light => Self::Light, ThemeAppearanceJson::Dark => Self::Dark, } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct ThemeMetadata { pub name: String, pub file_name: String, pub appearance: ThemeAppearanceJson, } #[derive(Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Whether to warn when values are missing from the theme. #[arg(long)] warn_on_missing: bool, } fn main() -> Result<()> { const SOURCE_PATH: &str = "assets/themes/src/vscode"; const OUT_PATH: &str = "crates/theme2/src/themes"; let args = Args::parse(); let log_config = { let mut config = simplelog::ConfigBuilder::new(); config .set_level_color(log::Level::Trace, simplelog::Color::Cyan) .set_level_color(log::Level::Info, simplelog::Color::Blue) .set_level_color(log::Level::Warn, simplelog::Color::Yellow) .set_level_color(log::Level::Error, simplelog::Color::Red); if !args.warn_on_missing { config.add_filter_ignore_str("theme_printer"); } }; TermLogger::init(LevelFilter::Trace, log_config, TerminalMode::Mixed) .expect("could not initialize logger"); log::info!("Loading themes source..."); let vscode_themes_path = PathBuf::from_str(SOURCE_PATH)?; if !vscode_themes_path.exists() { return Err(anyhow!(format!( "Couldn't find {}, make sure it exists", SOURCE_PATH ))); } let mut theme_families = Vec::new(); for theme_family_dir in fs::read_dir(&vscode_themes_path)? { let theme_family_dir = theme_family_dir?; if !theme_family_dir.file_type()?.is_dir() { continue; } let theme_family_slug = theme_family_dir .path() .file_stem() .ok_or(anyhow!("no file stem")) .map(|stem| stem.to_string_lossy().to_string())?; let family_metadata_file = File::open(theme_family_dir.path().join("family.json")) .context(format!( "no `family.json` found for '{}'", theme_family_slug ))?; let license_file_path = theme_family_dir.path().join("LICENSE"); if !license_file_path.exists() { log::info!("Skipping theme family '{}' because it does not have a LICENSE file. This theme will only be imported once a LICENSE file is provided.", theme_family_slug); continue; } let family_metadata: FamilyMetadata = serde_json::from_reader(family_metadata_file) .context(format!( "failed to parse `family.json` for '{theme_family_slug}'" ))?; let mut themes = Vec::new(); for theme_metadata in family_metadata.themes { log::info!("Converting '{}' theme", &; let theme_file_path = theme_family_dir.path().join(&theme_metadata.file_name); let theme_file = match File::open(&theme_file_path) { Ok(file) => file, Err(_) => { log::info!("Failed to open file at path: {:?}", theme_file_path); continue; } }; let theme_without_comments = StripComments::new(theme_file); let vscode_theme: VsCodeTheme = serde_json::from_reader(theme_without_comments) .context(format!("failed to parse theme {theme_file_path:?}"))?; let converter = VsCodeThemeConverter::new( vscode_theme, theme_metadata, family_metadata.syntax.clone(), ); let theme = converter.convert()?; themes.push(theme); } let theme_family = UserThemeFamily { name:, author:, themes, }; theme_families.push(theme_family); } let themes_output_path = PathBuf::from_str(OUT_PATH)?; if !themes_output_path.exists() { log::info!("Creating directory: {:?}", themes_output_path); fs::create_dir_all(&themes_output_path)?; } let mut mod_rs_file = File::create(themes_output_path.join(format!("")))?; let mut theme_modules = Vec::new(); for theme_family in theme_families { let theme_family_slug =; let mut output_file = File::create(themes_output_path.join(format!("{theme_family_slug}.rs")))?; log::info!( "Creating file: {:?}", themes_output_path.join(format!("{theme_family_slug}.rs")) ); let theme_module = format!( r#" // This file was generated by the `theme_importer`. // Be careful when modifying it by hand. use gpui::rgba; #[allow(unused)] use crate::{{ Appearance, StatusColorsRefinement, ThemeColorsRefinement, UserHighlightStyle, UserSyntaxTheme, UserTheme, UserThemeFamily, UserThemeStylesRefinement, UserFontWeight, UserFontStyle }}; pub fn {theme_family_slug}() -> UserThemeFamily {{ {theme_family_definition} }} "#, theme_family_definition = format!("{:#?}", UserThemeFamilyPrinter::new(theme_family)) ); output_file.write_all(theme_module.as_bytes())?; theme_modules.push(theme_family_slug); } let themes_vector_contents = format!( r#" use crate::UserThemeFamily; pub(crate) fn all_user_themes() -> Vec {{ vec![{all_themes}] }} "#, all_themes = theme_modules .iter() .map(|module| format!("{}()", module)) .collect::>() .join(", ") ); let mod_rs_contents = format!( r#" // This file was generated by the `theme_importer`. // Be careful when modifying it by hand. {mod_statements} {use_statements} {themes_vector_contents} "#, mod_statements = theme_modules .iter() .map(|module| format!("mod {module};")) .collect::>() .join("\n"), use_statements = theme_modules .iter() .map(|module| format!("pub use {module}::*;")) .collect::>() .join("\n"), themes_vector_contents = themes_vector_contents ); mod_rs_file.write_all(mod_rs_contents.as_bytes())?; log::info!("Formatting themes..."); let format_result = format_themes_crate() // We need to format a second time to catch all of the formatting issues. .and_then(|_| format_themes_crate()); if let Err(err) = format_result { log::error!("Failed to format themes: {}", err); } log::info!("Done!"); Ok(()) } fn format_themes_crate() -> std::io::Result { Command::new("cargo") .args(["fmt", "--package", "theme2"]) .output() }