use crate::{ fonts::{FontId, Metrics, Properties}, geometry::vector::{vec2f, Vector2F}, platform, text_layout::LineWrapper, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use ordered_float::OrderedFloat; use parking_lot::{RwLock, RwLockUpgradableReadGuard}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, sync::Arc, }; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub struct FamilyId(usize); struct Family { name: Arc, font_ids: Vec, } pub struct FontCache(RwLock); pub struct FontCacheState { fonts: Arc, families: Vec, font_selections: HashMap>, metrics: HashMap, wrapper_pool: HashMap<(FontId, OrderedFloat), Vec>, } pub struct LineWrapperHandle { wrapper: Option, font_cache: Arc, } unsafe impl Send for FontCache {} impl FontCache { pub fn new(fonts: Arc) -> Self { Self(RwLock::new(FontCacheState { fonts, families: Default::default(), font_selections: Default::default(), metrics: Default::default(), wrapper_pool: Default::default(), })) } pub fn family_name(&self, family_id: FamilyId) -> Result> { self.0 .read() .families .get(family_id.0) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid family id")) .map(|family| } pub fn load_family(&self, names: &[&str]) -> Result { for name in names { let state = self.0.upgradable_read(); if let Some(ix) = state.families.iter().position(|f| == *name) { return Ok(FamilyId(ix)); } let mut state = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(state); if let Ok(font_ids) = state.fonts.load_family(name) { if font_ids.is_empty() { continue; } let family_id = FamilyId(state.families.len()); for font_id in &font_ids { if state.fonts.glyph_for_char(*font_id, 'm').is_none() { return Err(anyhow!("font must contain a glyph for the 'm' character")); } } state.families.push(Family { name: Arc::from(*name), font_ids, }); return Ok(family_id); } } Err(anyhow!( "could not find a non-empty font family matching one of the given names" )) } pub fn default_font(&self, family_id: FamilyId) -> FontId { self.select_font(family_id, &Properties::default()).unwrap() } pub fn select_font(&self, family_id: FamilyId, properties: &Properties) -> Result { let inner = self.0.upgradable_read(); if let Some(font_id) = inner .font_selections .get(&family_id) .and_then(|f| f.get(properties)) { Ok(*font_id) } else { let mut inner = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(inner); let family = &inner.families[family_id.0]; let font_id = inner .fonts .select_font(&family.font_ids, properties) .unwrap_or(family.font_ids[0]); inner .font_selections .entry(family_id) .or_default() .insert(properties.clone(), font_id); Ok(font_id) } } pub fn metric(&self, font_id: FontId, f: F) -> T where F: FnOnce(&Metrics) -> T, T: 'static, { let state = self.0.upgradable_read(); if let Some(metrics) = state.metrics.get(&font_id) { f(metrics) } else { let metrics = state.fonts.font_metrics(font_id); let metric = f(&metrics); let mut state = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(state); state.metrics.insert(font_id, metrics); metric } } pub fn bounding_box(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> Vector2F { let bounding_box = self.metric(font_id, |m| m.bounding_box); let width = bounding_box.width() * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size); let height = bounding_box.height() * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size); vec2f(width, height) } pub fn em_width(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { let glyph_id; let bounds; { let state =; glyph_id = state.fonts.glyph_for_char(font_id, 'm').unwrap(); bounds = state.fonts.typographic_bounds(font_id, glyph_id).unwrap(); } bounds.width() * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size) } pub fn em_advance(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { let glyph_id; let advance; { let state =; glyph_id = state.fonts.glyph_for_char(font_id, 'm').unwrap(); advance = state.fonts.advance(font_id, glyph_id).unwrap(); } advance.x() * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size) } pub fn line_height(&self, font_size: f32) -> f32 { (font_size * 1.618).round() } pub fn cap_height(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { self.metric(font_id, |m| m.cap_height) * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size) } pub fn x_height(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { self.metric(font_id, |m| m.x_height) * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size) } pub fn ascent(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { self.metric(font_id, |m| m.ascent) * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size) } pub fn descent(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { self.metric(font_id, |m| -m.descent) * self.em_scale(font_id, font_size) } pub fn em_scale(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { font_size / self.metric(font_id, |m| m.units_per_em as f32) } pub fn baseline_offset(&self, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> f32 { let line_height = self.line_height(font_size); let ascent = self.ascent(font_id, font_size); let descent = self.descent(font_id, font_size); let padding_top = (line_height - ascent - descent) / 2.; padding_top + ascent } pub fn line_wrapper(self: &Arc, font_id: FontId, font_size: f32) -> LineWrapperHandle { let mut state = self.0.write(); let wrappers = state .wrapper_pool .entry((font_id, OrderedFloat(font_size))) .or_default(); let wrapper = wrappers .pop() .unwrap_or_else(|| LineWrapper::new(font_id, font_size, state.fonts.clone())); LineWrapperHandle { wrapper: Some(wrapper), font_cache: self.clone(), } } } impl Drop for LineWrapperHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { let mut state = self.font_cache.0.write(); let wrapper = self.wrapper.take().unwrap(); state .wrapper_pool .get_mut(&(wrapper.font_id, OrderedFloat(wrapper.font_size))) .unwrap() .push(wrapper); } } impl Deref for LineWrapperHandle { type Target = LineWrapper; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { self.wrapper.as_ref().unwrap() } } impl DerefMut for LineWrapperHandle { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { self.wrapper.as_mut().unwrap() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{ fonts::{Style, Weight}, platform::{test, Platform as _}, }; #[test] fn test_select_font() { let platform = test::platform(); let fonts = FontCache::new(platform.fonts()); let arial = fonts.load_family(&["Arial"]).unwrap(); let arial_regular = fonts.select_font(arial, &Properties::new()).unwrap(); let arial_italic = fonts .select_font(arial, &Properties::new().style(Style::Italic)) .unwrap(); let arial_bold = fonts .select_font(arial, &Properties::new().weight(Weight::BOLD)) .unwrap(); assert_ne!(arial_regular, arial_italic); assert_ne!(arial_regular, arial_bold); assert_ne!(arial_italic, arial_bold); } }