pub(crate) mod wit; use crate::ExtensionManifest; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context as _, Result}; use fs::{normalize_path, Fs}; use futures::{ channel::{ mpsc::{self, UnboundedSender}, oneshot, }, future::BoxFuture, Future, FutureExt, StreamExt as _, }; use gpui::BackgroundExecutor; use language::LanguageRegistry; use node_runtime::NodeRuntime; use semantic_version::SemanticVersion; use std::{ path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::{Arc, OnceLock}, }; use util::http::HttpClient; use wasmtime::{ component::{Component, ResourceTable}, Engine, Store, }; use wasmtime_wasi as wasi; use wit::Extension; pub(crate) struct WasmHost { engine: Engine, http_client: Arc, node_runtime: Arc, pub(crate) language_registry: Arc, fs: Arc, pub(crate) work_dir: PathBuf, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct WasmExtension { tx: UnboundedSender, pub(crate) manifest: Arc, #[allow(unused)] pub zed_api_version: SemanticVersion, } pub(crate) struct WasmState { manifest: Arc, pub(crate) table: ResourceTable, ctx: wasi::WasiCtx, pub(crate) host: Arc, } type ExtensionCall = Box< dyn Send + for<'a> FnOnce(&'a mut Extension, &'a mut Store) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()>, >; fn wasm_engine() -> wasmtime::Engine { static WASM_ENGINE: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); WASM_ENGINE .get_or_init(|| { let mut config = wasmtime::Config::new(); config.wasm_component_model(true); config.async_support(true); wasmtime::Engine::new(&config).unwrap() }) .clone() } impl WasmHost { pub fn new( fs: Arc, http_client: Arc, node_runtime: Arc, language_registry: Arc, work_dir: PathBuf, ) -> Arc { Arc::new(Self { engine: wasm_engine(), fs, work_dir, http_client, node_runtime, language_registry, }) } pub fn load_extension( self: &Arc, wasm_bytes: Vec, manifest: Arc, executor: BackgroundExecutor, ) -> impl 'static + Future> { let this = self.clone(); async move { let zed_api_version = parse_wasm_extension_version(&, &wasm_bytes)?; let component = Component::from_binary(&this.engine, &wasm_bytes) .context("failed to compile wasm component")?; let mut store = wasmtime::Store::new( &this.engine, WasmState { ctx: this.build_wasi_ctx(&manifest).await?, manifest: manifest.clone(), table: ResourceTable::new(), host: this.clone(), }, ); let (mut extension, instance) = Extension::instantiate_async(&mut store, zed_api_version, &component).await?; extension .call_init_extension(&mut store) .await .context("failed to initialize wasm extension")?; let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded::(); executor .spawn(async move { let _instance = instance; while let Some(call) = { (call)(&mut extension, &mut store).await; } }) .detach(); Ok(WasmExtension { manifest, tx, zed_api_version, }) } } async fn build_wasi_ctx(&self, manifest: &Arc) -> Result { use cap_std::{ambient_authority, fs::Dir}; let extension_work_dir = self.work_dir.join(; self.fs .create_dir(&extension_work_dir) .await .context("failed to create extension work dir")?; let work_dir_preopen = Dir::open_ambient_dir(&extension_work_dir, ambient_authority()) .context("failed to preopen extension work directory")?; let current_dir_preopen = work_dir_preopen .try_clone() .context("failed to preopen extension current directory")?; let extension_work_dir = extension_work_dir.to_string_lossy(); let perms = wasi::FilePerms::all(); let dir_perms = wasi::DirPerms::all(); Ok(wasi::WasiCtxBuilder::new() .inherit_stdio() .preopened_dir(current_dir_preopen, dir_perms, perms, ".") .preopened_dir(work_dir_preopen, dir_perms, perms, &extension_work_dir) .env("PWD", &extension_work_dir) .env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "full") .build()) } pub fn path_from_extension(&self, id: &Arc, path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let extension_work_dir = self.work_dir.join(id.as_ref()); normalize_path(&extension_work_dir.join(path)) } pub fn writeable_path_from_extension(&self, id: &Arc, path: &Path) -> Result { let extension_work_dir = self.work_dir.join(id.as_ref()); let path = normalize_path(&extension_work_dir.join(path)); if path.starts_with(&extension_work_dir) { Ok(path) } else { Err(anyhow!("cannot write to path {}", path.display())) } } } pub fn parse_wasm_extension_version( extension_id: &str, wasm_bytes: &[u8], ) -> Result { for part in wasmparser::Parser::new(0).parse_all(wasm_bytes) { if let wasmparser::Payload::CustomSection(s) = part? { if == "zed:api-version" { let version = parse_wasm_extension_version_custom_section(; if let Some(version) = version { return Ok(version); } else { bail!( "extension {} has invalid zed:api-version section: {:?}", extension_id, ); } } } } bail!("extension {} has no zed:api-version section", extension_id) } fn parse_wasm_extension_version_custom_section(data: &[u8]) -> Option { if data.len() == 6 { Some(SemanticVersion::new( u16::from_be_bytes([data[0], data[1]]) as _, u16::from_be_bytes([data[2], data[3]]) as _, u16::from_be_bytes([data[4], data[5]]) as _, )) } else { None } } impl WasmExtension { pub async fn call(&self, f: Fn) -> T where T: 'static + Send, Fn: 'static + Send + for<'a> FnOnce(&'a mut Extension, &'a mut Store) -> BoxFuture<'a, T>, { let (return_tx, return_rx) = oneshot::channel(); self.tx .clone() .unbounded_send(Box::new(move |extension, store| { async { let result = f(extension, store).await; return_tx.send(result).ok(); } .boxed() })) .expect("wasm extension channel should not be closed yet"); return_rx.await.expect("wasm extension channel") } } impl WasmState { fn work_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { } } impl wasi::WasiView for WasmState { fn table(&mut self) -> &mut ResourceTable { &mut self.table } fn ctx(&mut self) -> &mut wasi::WasiCtx { &mut self.ctx } }