use crate::persistence::model::DockData; use crate::DraggedDock; use crate::{status_bar::StatusItemView, Workspace}; use gpui::{ div, px, Action, AnchorCorner, AnyView, AppContext, Axis, ClickEvent, Entity, EntityId, EventEmitter, FocusHandle, FocusableView, IntoElement, KeyContext, MouseButton, ParentElement, Render, SharedString, Styled, Subscription, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, WindowContext, }; use schemars::JsonSchema; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use settings::SettingsStore; use std::sync::Arc; use ui::{h_flex, ContextMenu, IconButton, Tooltip}; use ui::{prelude::*, right_click_menu}; const RESIZE_HANDLE_SIZE: Pixels = Pixels(6.); pub enum PanelEvent { ZoomIn, ZoomOut, Activate, Close, } pub trait Panel: FocusableView + EventEmitter { fn persistent_name() -> &'static str; fn position(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> DockPosition; fn position_is_valid(&self, position: DockPosition) -> bool; fn set_position(&mut self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut ViewContext); fn size(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Pixels; fn set_size(&mut self, size: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext); fn icon(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option; fn icon_tooltip(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str>; fn toggle_action(&self) -> Box; fn icon_label(&self, _: &WindowContext) -> Option { None } fn is_zoomed(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { false } fn starts_open(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { false } fn set_zoomed(&mut self, _zoomed: bool, _cx: &mut ViewContext) {} fn set_active(&mut self, _active: bool, _cx: &mut ViewContext) {} } pub trait PanelHandle: Send + Sync { fn panel_id(&self) -> EntityId; fn persistent_name(&self) -> &'static str; fn position(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> DockPosition; fn position_is_valid(&self, position: DockPosition, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool; fn set_position(&self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut WindowContext); fn is_zoomed(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool; fn set_zoomed(&self, zoomed: bool, cx: &mut WindowContext); fn set_active(&self, active: bool, cx: &mut WindowContext); fn size(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Pixels; fn set_size(&self, size: Option, cx: &mut WindowContext); fn icon(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option; fn icon_tooltip(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str>; fn toggle_action(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Box; fn icon_label(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option; fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle; fn to_any(&self) -> AnyView; } impl PanelHandle for View where T: Panel, { fn panel_id(&self) -> EntityId { Entity::entity_id(self) } fn persistent_name(&self) -> &'static str { T::persistent_name() } fn position(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> DockPosition { } fn position_is_valid(&self, position: DockPosition, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { } fn set_position(&self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut WindowContext) { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.set_position(position, cx)) } fn is_zoomed(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> bool { } fn set_zoomed(&self, zoomed: bool, cx: &mut WindowContext) { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.set_zoomed(zoomed, cx)) } fn set_active(&self, active: bool, cx: &mut WindowContext) { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.set_active(active, cx)) } fn size(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Pixels { } fn set_size(&self, size: Option, cx: &mut WindowContext) { self.update(cx, |this, cx| this.set_size(size, cx)) } fn icon(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { } fn icon_tooltip(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str> { } fn toggle_action(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Box { } fn icon_label(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { } fn to_any(&self) -> AnyView { self.clone().into() } fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { } } impl From<&dyn PanelHandle> for AnyView { fn from(val: &dyn PanelHandle) -> Self { val.to_any() } } pub struct Dock { position: DockPosition, panel_entries: Vec, is_open: bool, active_panel_index: usize, focus_handle: FocusHandle, pub(crate) serialized_dock: Option, _focus_subscription: Subscription, } impl FocusableView for Dock { fn focus_handle(&self, _: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { self.focus_handle.clone() } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, JsonSchema, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub enum DockPosition { Left, Bottom, Right, } impl DockPosition { fn to_label(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Left => "left", Self::Bottom => "bottom", Self::Right => "right", } } pub fn axis(&self) -> Axis { match self { Self::Left | Self::Right => Axis::Horizontal, Self::Bottom => Axis::Vertical, } } } struct PanelEntry { panel: Arc, _subscriptions: [Subscription; 3], } pub struct PanelButtons { dock: View, } impl Dock { pub fn new(position: DockPosition, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> View { let focus_handle = cx.focus_handle(); let dock = cx.new_view(|cx: &mut ViewContext| { let focus_subscription = cx.on_focus(&focus_handle, |dock, cx| { if let Some(active_entry) = dock.panel_entries.get(dock.active_panel_index) { active_entry.panel.focus_handle(cx).focus(cx) } }); Self { position, panel_entries: Default::default(), active_panel_index: 0, is_open: false, focus_handle: focus_handle.clone(), _focus_subscription: focus_subscription, serialized_dock: None, } }); cx.on_focus_in(&focus_handle, { let dock = dock.downgrade(); move |workspace, cx| { let Some(dock) = dock.upgrade() else { return; }; let Some(panel) = else { return; }; if panel.is_zoomed(cx) { workspace.zoomed = Some(panel.to_any().downgrade()); workspace.zoomed_position = Some(position); } else { workspace.zoomed = None; workspace.zoomed_position = None; } workspace.dismiss_zoomed_items_to_reveal(Some(position), cx); workspace.update_active_view_for_followers(cx) } }) .detach(); cx.observe(&dock, move |workspace, dock, cx| { if { if let Some(panel) = { if panel.is_zoomed(cx) { workspace.zoomed = Some(panel.to_any().downgrade()); workspace.zoomed_position = Some(position); return; } } } if workspace.zoomed_position == Some(position) { workspace.zoomed = None; workspace.zoomed_position = None; } }) .detach(); dock } pub fn position(&self) -> DockPosition { self.position } pub fn is_open(&self) -> bool { self.is_open } pub fn panel(&self) -> Option> { self.panel_entries .iter() .find_map(|entry| entry.panel.to_any().clone().downcast().ok()) } pub fn panel_index_for_type(&self) -> Option { self.panel_entries .iter() .position(|entry| entry.panel.to_any().downcast::().is_ok()) } pub fn panel_index_for_persistent_name( &self, ui_name: &str, _cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option { self.panel_entries .iter() .position(|entry| entry.panel.persistent_name() == ui_name) } pub fn active_panel_index(&self) -> usize { self.active_panel_index } pub(crate) fn set_open(&mut self, open: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if open != self.is_open { self.is_open = open; if let Some(active_panel) = self.panel_entries.get(self.active_panel_index) { active_panel.panel.set_active(open, cx); } cx.notify(); } } pub fn set_panel_zoomed(&mut self, panel: &AnyView, zoomed: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { for entry in &mut self.panel_entries { if entry.panel.panel_id() == panel.entity_id() { if zoomed != entry.panel.is_zoomed(cx) { entry.panel.set_zoomed(zoomed, cx); } } else if entry.panel.is_zoomed(cx) { entry.panel.set_zoomed(false, cx); } } cx.notify(); } pub fn zoom_out(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { for entry in &mut self.panel_entries { if entry.panel.is_zoomed(cx) { entry.panel.set_zoomed(false, cx); } } } pub(crate) fn add_panel( &mut self, panel: View, workspace: WeakView, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { let subscriptions = [ cx.observe(&panel, |_, _, cx| cx.notify()), cx.observe_global::({ let workspace = workspace.clone(); let panel = panel.clone(); move |this, cx| { let new_position =; if new_position == this.position { return; } let Ok(new_dock) = workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| { if panel.is_zoomed(cx) { workspace.zoomed_position = Some(new_position); } match new_position { DockPosition::Left => &workspace.left_dock, DockPosition::Bottom => &workspace.bottom_dock, DockPosition::Right => &workspace.right_dock, } .clone() }) else { return; }; let was_visible = this.is_open() && this.visible_panel().map_or(false, |active_panel| { active_panel.panel_id() == Entity::entity_id(&panel) }); this.remove_panel(&panel, cx); new_dock.update(cx, |new_dock, cx| { new_dock.add_panel(panel.clone(), workspace.clone(), cx); if was_visible { new_dock.set_open(true, cx); new_dock.activate_panel(new_dock.panels_len() - 1, cx); } }); } }), cx.subscribe(&panel, move |this, panel, event, cx| match event { PanelEvent::ZoomIn => { this.set_panel_zoomed(&panel.to_any(), true, cx); if !panel.focus_handle(cx).contains_focused(cx) { cx.focus_view(&panel); } workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { workspace.zoomed = Some(panel.downgrade().into()); workspace.zoomed_position = Some(; }) .ok(); } PanelEvent::ZoomOut => { this.set_panel_zoomed(&panel.to_any(), false, cx); workspace .update(cx, |workspace, cx| { if workspace.zoomed_position == Some(this.position) { workspace.zoomed = None; workspace.zoomed_position = None; } cx.notify(); }) .ok(); } PanelEvent::Activate => { if let Some(ix) = this .panel_entries .iter() .position(|entry| entry.panel.panel_id() == Entity::entity_id(&panel)) { this.set_open(true, cx); this.activate_panel(ix, cx); cx.focus_view(&panel); } } PanelEvent::Close => { if this .visible_panel() .map_or(false, |p| p.panel_id() == Entity::entity_id(&panel)) { this.set_open(false, cx); } } }), ]; let name = panel.persistent_name().to_string(); self.panel_entries.push(PanelEntry { panel: Arc::new(panel.clone()), _subscriptions: subscriptions, }); if let Some(serialized) = self.serialized_dock.clone() { if serialized.active_panel == Some(name) { self.activate_panel(self.panel_entries.len() - 1, cx); if serialized.visible { self.set_open(true, cx); } if serialized.zoom { if let Some(panel) = self.active_panel() { panel.set_zoomed(true, cx) }; } } } else if { self.activate_panel(self.panel_entries.len() - 1, cx); self.set_open(true, cx); } cx.notify() } pub fn remove_panel(&mut self, panel: &View, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(panel_ix) = self .panel_entries .iter() .position(|entry| entry.panel.panel_id() == Entity::entity_id(panel)) { if panel_ix == self.active_panel_index { self.active_panel_index = 0; self.set_open(false, cx); } else if panel_ix < self.active_panel_index { self.active_panel_index -= 1; } self.panel_entries.remove(panel_ix); cx.notify(); } } pub fn panels_len(&self) -> usize { self.panel_entries.len() } pub fn activate_panel(&mut self, panel_ix: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if panel_ix != self.active_panel_index { if let Some(active_panel) = self.panel_entries.get(self.active_panel_index) { active_panel.panel.set_active(false, cx); } self.active_panel_index = panel_ix; if let Some(active_panel) = self.panel_entries.get(self.active_panel_index) { active_panel.panel.set_active(true, cx); } cx.notify(); } } pub fn visible_panel(&self) -> Option<&Arc> { let entry = self.visible_entry()?; Some(&entry.panel) } pub fn active_panel(&self) -> Option<&Arc> { Some(&self.panel_entries.get(self.active_panel_index)?.panel) } fn visible_entry(&self) -> Option<&PanelEntry> { if self.is_open { self.panel_entries.get(self.active_panel_index) } else { None } } pub fn zoomed_panel(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option> { let entry = self.visible_entry()?; if entry.panel.is_zoomed(cx) { Some(entry.panel.clone()) } else { None } } pub fn panel_size(&self, panel: &dyn PanelHandle, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { self.panel_entries .iter() .find(|entry| entry.panel.panel_id() == panel.panel_id()) .map(|entry| entry.panel.size(cx)) } pub fn active_panel_size(&self, cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { if self.is_open { self.panel_entries .get(self.active_panel_index) .map(|entry| entry.panel.size(cx)) } else { None } } pub fn resize_active_panel(&mut self, size: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some(entry) = self.panel_entries.get_mut(self.active_panel_index) { let size =|size| size.max(RESIZE_HANDLE_SIZE).round()); entry.panel.set_size(size, cx); cx.notify(); } } pub fn toggle_action(&self) -> Box { match self.position { DockPosition::Left => crate::ToggleLeftDock.boxed_clone(), DockPosition::Bottom => crate::ToggleBottomDock.boxed_clone(), DockPosition::Right => crate::ToggleRightDock.boxed_clone(), } } fn dispatch_context() -> KeyContext { let mut dispatch_context = KeyContext::default(); dispatch_context.add("Dock"); dispatch_context } } impl Render for Dock { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let dispatch_context = Self::dispatch_context(); if let Some(entry) = self.visible_entry() { let size = entry.panel.size(cx); let position = self.position; let mut handle = div() .id("resize-handle") .on_drag(DraggedDock(position), |dock, cx| { cx.stop_propagation(); cx.new_view(|_| dock.clone()) }) .on_click(cx.listener(|v, e: &ClickEvent, cx| { if e.down.button == MouseButton::Left && e.down.click_count == 2 { v.resize_active_panel(None, cx); cx.stop_propagation(); } })) .z_index(1) .block_mouse(); match self.position() { DockPosition::Left => { handle = handle .absolute() .right(px(0.)) .top(px(0.)) .h_full() .w(RESIZE_HANDLE_SIZE) .cursor_col_resize(); } DockPosition::Bottom => { handle = handle .absolute() .top(px(0.)) .left(px(0.)) .w_full() .h(RESIZE_HANDLE_SIZE) .cursor_row_resize(); } DockPosition::Right => { handle = handle .absolute() .top(px(0.)) .left(px(0.)) .h_full() .w(RESIZE_HANDLE_SIZE) .cursor_col_resize(); } } div() .key_context(dispatch_context) .track_focus(&self.focus_handle) .flex() .bg(cx.theme().colors().panel_background) .border_color(cx.theme().colors().border) .overflow_hidden() .map(|this| match self.position().axis() { Axis::Horizontal => this.w(size).h_full().flex_row(), Axis::Vertical => this.h(size).w_full().flex_col(), }) .map(|this| match self.position() { DockPosition::Left => this.border_r(), DockPosition::Right => this.border_l(), DockPosition::Bottom => this.border_t(), }) .child( div() .map(|this| match self.position().axis() { Axis::Horizontal => this.min_w(size).h_full(), Axis::Vertical => this.min_h(size).w_full(), }) .child(entry.panel.to_any().cached()), ) .child(handle) } else { div() .key_context(dispatch_context) .track_focus(&self.focus_handle) } } } impl PanelButtons { pub fn new(dock: View, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> Self { cx.observe(&dock, |_, _, cx| cx.notify()).detach(); Self { dock } } } impl Render for PanelButtons { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let dock =; let active_index = dock.active_panel_index; let is_open = dock.is_open; let dock_position = dock.position; let (menu_anchor, menu_attach) = match dock.position { DockPosition::Left => (AnchorCorner::BottomLeft, AnchorCorner::TopLeft), DockPosition::Bottom | DockPosition::Right => { (AnchorCorner::BottomRight, AnchorCorner::TopRight) } }; let buttons = dock .panel_entries .iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, entry)| { let icon = entry.panel.icon(cx)?; let icon_tooltip = entry.panel.icon_tooltip(cx)?; let name = entry.panel.persistent_name(); let panel = entry.panel.clone(); let is_active_button = i == active_index && is_open; let (action, tooltip) = if is_active_button { let action = dock.toggle_action(); let tooltip: SharedString = format!("Close {} dock", dock.position.to_label()).into(); (action, tooltip) } else { let action = entry.panel.toggle_action(cx); (action, icon_tooltip.into()) }; Some( right_click_menu(name) .menu(move |cx| { const POSITIONS: [DockPosition; 3] = [ DockPosition::Left, DockPosition::Right, DockPosition::Bottom, ]; ContextMenu::build(cx, |mut menu, cx| { for position in POSITIONS { if position != dock_position && panel.position_is_valid(position, cx) { let panel = panel.clone(); menu = menu.entry( format!("Dock {}", position.to_label()), None, move |cx| { panel.set_position(position, cx); }, ) } } menu }) }) .anchor(menu_anchor) .attach(menu_attach) .trigger( IconButton::new(name, icon) .icon_size(IconSize::Small) .selected(is_active_button) .on_click({ let action = action.boxed_clone(); move |_, cx| cx.dispatch_action(action.boxed_clone()) }) .tooltip(move |cx| { Tooltip::for_action(tooltip.clone(), &*action, cx) }), ), ) }); h_flex().gap_0p5().children(buttons) } } impl StatusItemView for PanelButtons { fn set_active_pane_item( &mut self, _active_pane_item: Option<&dyn crate::ItemHandle>, _cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { // Nothing to do, panel buttons don't depend on the active center item } } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub mod test { use super::*; use gpui::{actions, div, ViewContext, WindowContext}; pub struct TestPanel { pub position: DockPosition, pub zoomed: bool, pub active: bool, pub focus_handle: FocusHandle, pub size: Pixels, } actions!(test, [ToggleTestPanel]); impl EventEmitter for TestPanel {} impl TestPanel { pub fn new(position: DockPosition, cx: &mut WindowContext) -> Self { Self { position, zoomed: false, active: false, focus_handle: cx.focus_handle(), size: px(300.), } } } impl Render for TestPanel { fn render(&mut self, _cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { div().id("test").track_focus(&self.focus_handle) } } impl Panel for TestPanel { fn persistent_name() -> &'static str { "TestPanel" } fn position(&self, _: &gpui::WindowContext) -> super::DockPosition { self.position } fn position_is_valid(&self, _: super::DockPosition) -> bool { true } fn set_position(&mut self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.position = position; cx.update_global::(|_, _| {}); } fn size(&self, _: &WindowContext) -> Pixels { self.size } fn set_size(&mut self, size: Option, _: &mut ViewContext) { self.size = size.unwrap_or(px(300.)); } fn icon(&self, _: &WindowContext) -> Option { None } fn icon_tooltip(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str> { None } fn toggle_action(&self) -> Box { ToggleTestPanel.boxed_clone() } fn is_zoomed(&self, _: &WindowContext) -> bool { self.zoomed } fn set_zoomed(&mut self, zoomed: bool, _cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.zoomed = zoomed; } fn set_active(&mut self, active: bool, _cx: &mut ViewContext) { = active; } } impl FocusableView for TestPanel { fn focus_handle(&self, _cx: &AppContext) -> FocusHandle { self.focus_handle.clone() } } }