mod ignore; mod lsp_command; pub mod search; pub mod worktree; #[cfg(test)] mod project_tests; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use client::{proto, Client, PeerId, TypedEnvelope, UserStore}; use clock::ReplicaId; use collections::{hash_map, BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet}; use futures::{future::Shared, AsyncWriteExt, Future, FutureExt, StreamExt, TryFutureExt}; use gpui::{ AnyModelHandle, AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Entity, ModelContext, ModelHandle, MutableAppContext, Task, UpgradeModelHandle, WeakModelHandle, }; use language::{ point_to_lsp, proto::{ deserialize_anchor, deserialize_line_ending, deserialize_version, serialize_anchor, serialize_version, }, range_from_lsp, range_to_lsp, Anchor, Bias, Buffer, CachedLspAdapter, CharKind, CodeAction, CodeLabel, Completion, Diagnostic, DiagnosticEntry, DiagnosticSet, Event as BufferEvent, File as _, Language, LanguageRegistry, LanguageServerName, LocalFile, OffsetRangeExt, Operation, Patch, PointUtf16, TextBufferSnapshot, ToOffset, ToPointUtf16, Transaction, }; use lsp::{ DiagnosticSeverity, DiagnosticTag, DocumentHighlightKind, LanguageServer, LanguageString, MarkedString, }; use lsp_command::*; use parking_lot::Mutex; use postage::watch; use rand::prelude::*; use search::SearchQuery; use serde::Serialize; use settings::{FormatOnSave, Formatter, Settings}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use similar::{ChangeTag, TextDiff}; use std::{ cell::RefCell, cmp::{self, Ordering}, convert::TryInto, ffi::OsString, hash::Hash, mem, num::NonZeroU32, ops::Range, os::unix::{ffi::OsStrExt, prelude::OsStringExt}, path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}, rc::Rc, str, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst}, Arc, }, time::Instant, }; use thiserror::Error; use util::{defer, post_inc, ResultExt, TryFutureExt as _}; pub use db::Db; pub use fs::*; pub use worktree::*; pub trait Item: Entity { fn entry_id(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option; } pub struct ProjectStore { projects: Vec>, } // Language server state is stored across 3 collections: // language_servers => // a mapping from unique server id to LanguageServerState which can either be a task for a // server in the process of starting, or a running server with adapter and language server arcs // language_server_ids => a mapping from worktreeId and server name to the unique server id // language_server_statuses => a mapping from unique server id to the current server status // // Multiple worktrees can map to the same language server for example when you jump to the definition // of a file in the standard library. So language_server_ids is used to look up which server is active // for a given worktree and language server name // // When starting a language server, first the id map is checked to make sure a server isn't already available // for that worktree. If there is one, it finishes early. Otherwise, a new id is allocated and and // the Starting variant of LanguageServerState is stored in the language_servers map. pub struct Project { worktrees: Vec, active_entry: Option, languages: Arc, language_servers: HashMap, language_server_ids: HashMap<(WorktreeId, LanguageServerName), usize>, language_server_statuses: BTreeMap, language_server_settings: Arc>, last_workspace_edits_by_language_server: HashMap, next_language_server_id: usize, client: Arc, next_entry_id: Arc, next_diagnostic_group_id: usize, user_store: ModelHandle, project_store: ModelHandle, fs: Arc, client_state: Option, collaborators: HashMap, client_subscriptions: Vec, _subscriptions: Vec, opened_buffer: (watch::Sender<()>, watch::Receiver<()>), shared_buffers: HashMap>, #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] loading_buffers: HashMap< ProjectPath, postage::watch::Receiver, Arc>>>, >, #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] loading_local_worktrees: HashMap, Shared, Arc>>>>, opened_buffers: HashMap, incomplete_buffers: HashMap>, buffer_snapshots: HashMap>, buffers_being_formatted: HashSet, nonce: u128, _maintain_buffer_languages: Task<()>, } #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum JoinProjectError { #[error("host declined join request")] HostDeclined, #[error("host closed the project")] HostClosedProject, #[error("host went offline")] HostWentOffline, #[error("{0}")] Other(#[from] anyhow::Error), } enum OpenBuffer { Strong(ModelHandle), Weak(WeakModelHandle), Operations(Vec), } enum WorktreeHandle { Strong(ModelHandle), Weak(WeakModelHandle), } enum ProjectClientState { Local { remote_id: u64, _detect_unshare: Task>, }, Remote { sharing_has_stopped: bool, remote_id: u64, replica_id: ReplicaId, _detect_unshare: Task>, }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Collaborator { pub peer_id: PeerId, pub replica_id: ReplicaId, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Event { ActiveEntryChanged(Option), WorktreeAdded, WorktreeRemoved(WorktreeId), DiskBasedDiagnosticsStarted { language_server_id: usize, }, DiskBasedDiagnosticsFinished { language_server_id: usize, }, DiagnosticsUpdated { path: ProjectPath, language_server_id: usize, }, RemoteIdChanged(Option), DisconnectedFromHost, CollaboratorLeft(PeerId), } pub enum LanguageServerState { Starting(Task>>), Running { language: Arc, adapter: Arc, server: Arc, }, } #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct LanguageServerStatus { pub name: String, pub pending_work: BTreeMap, pub has_pending_diagnostic_updates: bool, progress_tokens: HashSet, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)] pub struct LanguageServerProgress { pub message: Option, pub percentage: Option, #[serde(skip_serializing)] pub last_update_at: Instant, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct ProjectPath { pub worktree_id: WorktreeId, pub path: Arc, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Serialize)] pub struct DiagnosticSummary { pub language_server_id: usize, pub error_count: usize, pub warning_count: usize, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Location { pub buffer: ModelHandle, pub range: Range, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct LocationLink { pub origin: Option, pub target: Location, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DocumentHighlight { pub range: Range, pub kind: DocumentHighlightKind, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Symbol { pub language_server_name: LanguageServerName, pub source_worktree_id: WorktreeId, pub path: ProjectPath, pub label: CodeLabel, pub name: String, pub kind: lsp::SymbolKind, pub range: Range, pub signature: [u8; 32], } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct HoverBlock { pub text: String, pub language: Option, } impl HoverBlock { fn try_new(marked_string: MarkedString) -> Option { let result = match marked_string { MarkedString::LanguageString(LanguageString { language, value }) => HoverBlock { text: value, language: Some(language), }, MarkedString::String(text) => HoverBlock { text, language: None, }, }; if result.text.is_empty() { None } else { Some(result) } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Hover { pub contents: Vec, pub range: Option>, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct ProjectTransaction(pub HashMap, language::Transaction>); impl DiagnosticSummary { fn new<'a, T: 'a>( language_server_id: usize, diagnostics: impl IntoIterator>, ) -> Self { let mut this = Self { language_server_id, error_count: 0, warning_count: 0, }; for entry in diagnostics { if entry.diagnostic.is_primary { match entry.diagnostic.severity { DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR => this.error_count += 1, DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING => this.warning_count += 1, _ => {} } } } this } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.error_count == 0 && self.warning_count == 0 } pub fn to_proto(&self, path: &Path) -> proto::DiagnosticSummary { proto::DiagnosticSummary { path: path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), language_server_id: self.language_server_id as u64, error_count: self.error_count as u32, warning_count: self.warning_count as u32, } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct ProjectEntryId(usize); impl ProjectEntryId { pub const MAX: Self = Self(usize::MAX); pub fn new(counter: &AtomicUsize) -> Self { Self(counter.fetch_add(1, SeqCst)) } pub fn from_proto(id: u64) -> Self { Self(id as usize) } pub fn to_proto(&self) -> u64 { self.0 as u64 } pub fn to_usize(&self) -> usize { self.0 } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum FormatTrigger { Save, Manual, } impl FormatTrigger { fn from_proto(value: i32) -> FormatTrigger { match value { 0 => FormatTrigger::Save, 1 => FormatTrigger::Manual, _ => FormatTrigger::Save, } } } impl Project { pub fn init(client: &Arc) { client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_add_collaborator); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_buffer_reloaded); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_buffer_saved); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_start_language_server); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_update_language_server); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_remove_collaborator); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_update_project); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_unshare_project); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_create_buffer_for_peer); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_update_buffer_file); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_update_buffer); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_update_diagnostic_summary); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_update_worktree); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_create_project_entry); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_rename_project_entry); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_copy_project_entry); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_delete_project_entry); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_apply_additional_edits_for_completion); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_apply_code_action); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_reload_buffers); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_format_buffers); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_get_code_actions); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_get_completions); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_lsp_command::); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_lsp_command::); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_lsp_command::); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_lsp_command::); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_lsp_command::); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_lsp_command::); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_lsp_command::); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_search_project); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_get_project_symbols); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_open_buffer_for_symbol); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_open_buffer_by_id); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_open_buffer_by_path); client.add_model_request_handler(Self::handle_save_buffer); client.add_model_message_handler(Self::handle_update_diff_base); } pub fn local( client: Arc, user_store: ModelHandle, project_store: ModelHandle, languages: Arc, fs: Arc, cx: &mut MutableAppContext, ) -> ModelHandle { cx.add_model(|cx: &mut ModelContext| { let handle = cx.weak_handle(); project_store.update(cx, |store, cx| store.add_project(handle, cx)); Self { worktrees: Default::default(), collaborators: Default::default(), opened_buffers: Default::default(), shared_buffers: Default::default(), incomplete_buffers: Default::default(), loading_buffers: Default::default(), loading_local_worktrees: Default::default(), buffer_snapshots: Default::default(), client_state: None, opened_buffer: watch::channel(), client_subscriptions: Vec::new(), _subscriptions: vec![cx.observe_global::(Self::on_settings_changed)], _maintain_buffer_languages: Self::maintain_buffer_languages(&languages, cx), active_entry: None, languages, client, user_store, project_store, fs, next_entry_id: Default::default(), next_diagnostic_group_id: Default::default(), language_servers: Default::default(), language_server_ids: Default::default(), language_server_statuses: Default::default(), last_workspace_edits_by_language_server: Default::default(), language_server_settings: Default::default(), buffers_being_formatted: Default::default(), next_language_server_id: 0, nonce: StdRng::from_entropy().gen(), } }) } pub async fn remote( remote_id: u64, client: Arc, user_store: ModelHandle, project_store: ModelHandle, languages: Arc, fs: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result, JoinProjectError> { client.authenticate_and_connect(true, &cx).await?; let response = client .request(proto::JoinProject { project_id: remote_id, }) .await?; let replica_id = response.replica_id as ReplicaId; let mut worktrees = Vec::new(); for worktree in response.worktrees { let worktree = cx .update(|cx| Worktree::remote(remote_id, replica_id, worktree, client.clone(), cx)); worktrees.push(worktree); } let this = cx.add_model(|cx: &mut ModelContext| { let handle = cx.weak_handle(); project_store.update(cx, |store, cx| store.add_project(handle, cx)); let mut this = Self { worktrees: Vec::new(), loading_buffers: Default::default(), opened_buffer: watch::channel(), shared_buffers: Default::default(), incomplete_buffers: Default::default(), loading_local_worktrees: Default::default(), active_entry: None, collaborators: Default::default(), _maintain_buffer_languages: Self::maintain_buffer_languages(&languages, cx), languages, user_store: user_store.clone(), project_store, fs, next_entry_id: Default::default(), next_diagnostic_group_id: Default::default(), client_subscriptions: vec![client.add_model_for_remote_entity(remote_id, cx)], _subscriptions: Default::default(), client: client.clone(), client_state: Some(ProjectClientState::Remote { sharing_has_stopped: false, remote_id, replica_id, _detect_unshare: cx.spawn_weak(move |this, mut cx| { async move { let mut status = client.status(); let is_connected =, |s| s.is_connected()); // Even if we're initially connected, any future change of the status means we momentarily disconnected. if !is_connected || { if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.disconnected_from_host(cx)) } } Ok(()) } .log_err() }), }), language_servers: Default::default(), language_server_ids: Default::default(), language_server_settings: Default::default(), language_server_statuses: response .language_servers .into_iter() .map(|server| { ( as usize, LanguageServerStatus { name:, pending_work: Default::default(), has_pending_diagnostic_updates: false, progress_tokens: Default::default(), }, ) }) .collect(), last_workspace_edits_by_language_server: Default::default(), next_language_server_id: 0, opened_buffers: Default::default(), buffers_being_formatted: Default::default(), buffer_snapshots: Default::default(), nonce: StdRng::from_entropy().gen(), }; for worktree in worktrees { this.add_worktree(&worktree, cx); } this }); let user_ids = response .collaborators .iter() .map(|peer| peer.user_id) .collect(); user_store .update(&mut cx, |user_store, cx| user_store.get_users(user_ids, cx)) .await?; let mut collaborators = HashMap::default(); for message in response.collaborators { let collaborator = Collaborator::from_proto(message); collaborators.insert(collaborator.peer_id, collaborator); } this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.collaborators = collaborators; }); Ok(this) } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub async fn test( fs: Arc, root_paths: impl IntoIterator, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, ) -> ModelHandle { if !|cx| cx.has_global::()) { cx.update(|cx| { cx.set_global(Settings::test(cx)); cx.set_global(HomeDir(Path::new("/tmp/").to_path_buf())) }); } let languages = Arc::new(LanguageRegistry::test()); let http_client = client::test::FakeHttpClient::with_404_response(); let client = cx.update(|cx| client::Client::new(http_client.clone(), cx)); let user_store = cx.add_model(|cx| UserStore::new(client.clone(), http_client, cx)); let project_store = cx.add_model(|_| ProjectStore::new()); let project = cx.update(|cx| Project::local(client, user_store, project_store, languages, fs, cx)); for path in root_paths { let (tree, _) = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree(path, true, cx) }) .await .unwrap(); tree.read_with(cx, |tree, _| tree.as_local().unwrap().scan_complete()) .await; } project } fn on_settings_changed(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) { let settings =; let mut language_servers_to_start = Vec::new(); for buffer in self.opened_buffers.values() { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { let buffer =; if let Some((file, language)) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()).zip(buffer.language()) { if settings.enable_language_server(Some(& { let worktree =; language_servers_to_start.push((, worktree.as_local().unwrap().abs_path().clone(), language.clone(), )); } } } } let mut language_servers_to_stop = Vec::new(); for language in self.languages.to_vec() { if let Some(lsp_adapter) = language.lsp_adapter() { if !settings.enable_language_server(Some(& { let lsp_name = &; for (worktree_id, started_lsp_name) in self.language_server_ids.keys() { if lsp_name == started_lsp_name { language_servers_to_stop.push((*worktree_id, started_lsp_name.clone())); } } } } } // Stop all newly-disabled language servers. for (worktree_id, adapter_name) in language_servers_to_stop { self.stop_language_server(worktree_id, adapter_name, cx) .detach(); } // Start all the newly-enabled language servers. for (worktree_id, worktree_path, language) in language_servers_to_start { self.start_language_server(worktree_id, worktree_path, language, cx); } cx.notify(); } pub fn buffer_for_id(&self, remote_id: u64, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { self.opened_buffers .get(&remote_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) } pub fn languages(&self) -> &Arc { &self.languages } pub fn client(&self) -> Arc { self.client.clone() } pub fn user_store(&self) -> ModelHandle { self.user_store.clone() } pub fn project_store(&self) -> ModelHandle { self.project_store.clone() } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub fn check_invariants(&self, cx: &AppContext) { if self.is_local() { let mut worktree_root_paths = HashMap::default(); for worktree in self.worktrees(cx) { let worktree =; let abs_path = worktree.as_local().unwrap().abs_path().clone(); let prev_worktree_id = worktree_root_paths.insert(abs_path.clone(),; assert_eq!( prev_worktree_id, None, "abs path {:?} for worktree {:?} is not unique ({:?} was already registered with the same path)", abs_path,, prev_worktree_id ) } } else { let replica_id = self.replica_id(); for buffer in self.opened_buffers.values() { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { let buffer =; assert_eq!( buffer.deferred_ops_len(), 0, "replica {}, buffer {} has deferred operations", replica_id, buffer.remote_id() ); } } } } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub fn has_open_buffer(&self, path: impl Into, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { let path = path.into(); if let Some(worktree) = self.worktree_for_id(path.worktree_id, cx) { self.opened_buffers.iter().any(|(_, buffer)| { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn( { if file.worktree == worktree && file.path() == &path.path { return true; } } } false }) } else { false } } pub fn fs(&self) -> &Arc { &self.fs } pub fn remote_id(&self) -> Option { match self.client_state.as_ref()? { ProjectClientState::Local { remote_id, .. } | ProjectClientState::Remote { remote_id, .. } => Some(*remote_id), } } pub fn replica_id(&self) -> ReplicaId { match &self.client_state { Some(ProjectClientState::Remote { replica_id, .. }) => *replica_id, _ => 0, } } fn metadata_changed(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) { if let Some(ProjectClientState::Local { remote_id, .. }) = &self.client_state { let project_id = *remote_id; // Broadcast worktrees only if the project is online. let worktrees = self .worktrees .iter() .filter_map(|worktree| { worktree .upgrade(cx) .map(|worktree| }) .collect(); self.client .send(proto::UpdateProject { project_id, worktrees, }) .log_err(); let worktrees = self.visible_worktrees(cx).collect::>(); let scans_complete = futures::future::join_all( worktrees .iter() .filter_map(|worktree| Some(, ); let worktrees = worktrees.into_iter().map(|handle| handle.downgrade()); cx.spawn_weak(move |_, cx| async move { scans_complete.await;|cx| { for worktree in worktrees { if let Some(worktree) = worktree .upgrade(cx) .and_then(|worktree| { worktree.send_extension_counts(project_id); } } }) }) .detach(); } self.project_store.update(cx, |_, cx| cx.notify()); cx.notify(); } pub fn collaborators(&self) -> &HashMap { &self.collaborators } pub fn worktrees<'a>( &'a self, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> impl 'a + DoubleEndedIterator> { self.worktrees .iter() .filter_map(move |worktree| worktree.upgrade(cx)) } pub fn visible_worktrees<'a>( &'a self, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> impl 'a + DoubleEndedIterator> { self.worktrees.iter().filter_map(|worktree| { worktree.upgrade(cx).and_then(|worktree| { if { Some(worktree) } else { None } }) }) } pub fn worktree_root_names<'a>(&'a self, cx: &'a AppContext) -> impl Iterator { self.visible_worktrees(cx) .map(|tree| } pub fn worktree_for_id( &self, id: WorktreeId, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option> { self.worktrees(cx) .find(|worktree| == id) } pub fn worktree_for_entry( &self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option> { self.worktrees(cx) .find(|worktree| } pub fn worktree_id_for_entry( &self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option { self.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx) .map(|worktree| } pub fn contains_paths(&self, paths: &[PathBuf], cx: &AppContext) -> bool { paths.iter().all(|path| self.contains_path(path, cx)) } pub fn contains_path(&self, path: &Path, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { for worktree in self.worktrees(cx) { let worktree =; if worktree.map_or(false, |w| w.contains_abs_path(path)) { return true; } } false } pub fn create_entry( &mut self, project_path: impl Into, is_directory: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option>> { let project_path = project_path.into(); let worktree = self.worktree_for_id(project_path.worktree_id, cx)?; if self.is_local() { Some(worktree.update(cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree .as_local_mut() .unwrap() .create_entry(project_path.path, is_directory, cx) })) } else { let client = self.client.clone(); let project_id = self.remote_id().unwrap(); Some(cx.spawn_weak(|_, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::CreateProjectEntry { worktree_id: project_path.worktree_id.to_proto(), project_id, path: project_path.path.as_os_str().as_bytes().to_vec(), is_directory, }) .await?; let entry = response .entry .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing entry in response"))?; worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree.as_remote_mut().unwrap().insert_entry( entry, response.worktree_scan_id as usize, cx, ) }) .await })) } } pub fn copy_entry( &mut self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, new_path: impl Into>, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option>> { let worktree = self.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx)?; let new_path = new_path.into(); if self.is_local() { worktree.update(cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree .as_local_mut() .unwrap() .copy_entry(entry_id, new_path, cx) }) } else { let client = self.client.clone(); let project_id = self.remote_id().unwrap(); Some(cx.spawn_weak(|_, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::CopyProjectEntry { project_id, entry_id: entry_id.to_proto(), new_path: new_path.as_os_str().as_bytes().to_vec(), }) .await?; let entry = response .entry .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing entry in response"))?; worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree.as_remote_mut().unwrap().insert_entry( entry, response.worktree_scan_id as usize, cx, ) }) .await })) } } pub fn rename_entry( &mut self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, new_path: impl Into>, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option>> { let worktree = self.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx)?; let new_path = new_path.into(); if self.is_local() { worktree.update(cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree .as_local_mut() .unwrap() .rename_entry(entry_id, new_path, cx) }) } else { let client = self.client.clone(); let project_id = self.remote_id().unwrap(); Some(cx.spawn_weak(|_, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::RenameProjectEntry { project_id, entry_id: entry_id.to_proto(), new_path: new_path.as_os_str().as_bytes().to_vec(), }) .await?; let entry = response .entry .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing entry in response"))?; worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree.as_remote_mut().unwrap().insert_entry( entry, response.worktree_scan_id as usize, cx, ) }) .await })) } } pub fn delete_entry( &mut self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option>> { let worktree = self.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx)?; if self.is_local() { worktree.update(cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree.as_local_mut().unwrap().delete_entry(entry_id, cx) }) } else { let client = self.client.clone(); let project_id = self.remote_id().unwrap(); Some(cx.spawn_weak(|_, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::DeleteProjectEntry { project_id, entry_id: entry_id.to_proto(), }) .await?; worktree .update(&mut cx, move |worktree, cx| { worktree.as_remote_mut().unwrap().delete_entry( entry_id, response.worktree_scan_id as usize, cx, ) }) .await })) } } pub fn shared(&mut self, project_id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Task> { if self.client_state.is_some() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("project was already shared"))); } let mut worktree_share_tasks = Vec::new(); for open_buffer in self.opened_buffers.values_mut() { match open_buffer { OpenBuffer::Strong(_) => {} OpenBuffer::Weak(buffer) => { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { *open_buffer = OpenBuffer::Strong(buffer); } } OpenBuffer::Operations(_) => unreachable!(), } } for worktree_handle in self.worktrees.iter_mut() { match worktree_handle { WorktreeHandle::Strong(_) => {} WorktreeHandle::Weak(worktree) => { if let Some(worktree) = worktree.upgrade(cx) { *worktree_handle = WorktreeHandle::Strong(worktree); } } } } for (server_id, status) in &self.language_server_statuses { self.client .send(proto::StartLanguageServer { project_id, server: Some(proto::LanguageServer { id: *server_id as u64, name:, }), }) .log_err(); } for worktree in self.worktrees(cx).collect::>() { worktree.update(cx, |worktree, cx| { let worktree = worktree.as_local_mut().unwrap(); worktree_share_tasks.push(worktree.share(project_id, cx)); }); } self.client_subscriptions .push(self.client.add_model_for_remote_entity(project_id, cx)); self.metadata_changed(cx); cx.emit(Event::RemoteIdChanged(Some(project_id))); cx.notify(); let mut status = self.client.status(); self.client_state = Some(ProjectClientState::Local { remote_id: project_id, _detect_unshare: cx.spawn_weak(move |this, mut cx| { async move { let is_connected =, |s| s.is_connected()); // Even if we're initially connected, any future change of the status means we momentarily disconnected. if !is_connected || { if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { let _ = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.unshare(cx)); } } Ok(()) } .log_err() }), }); cx.foreground().spawn(async move { futures::future::try_join_all(worktree_share_tasks).await?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn unshare(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Result<()> { if self.is_remote() { return Err(anyhow!("attempted to unshare a remote project")); } if let Some(ProjectClientState::Local { remote_id, .. }) = self.client_state.take() { self.collaborators.clear(); self.shared_buffers.clear(); self.client_subscriptions.clear(); for worktree_handle in self.worktrees.iter_mut() { if let WorktreeHandle::Strong(worktree) = worktree_handle { let is_visible = worktree.update(cx, |worktree, _| { worktree.as_local_mut().unwrap().unshare(); worktree.is_visible() }); if !is_visible { *worktree_handle = WorktreeHandle::Weak(worktree.downgrade()); } } } for open_buffer in self.opened_buffers.values_mut() { if let OpenBuffer::Strong(buffer) = open_buffer { *open_buffer = OpenBuffer::Weak(buffer.downgrade()); } } self.metadata_changed(cx); cx.notify(); self.client.send(proto::UnshareProject { project_id: remote_id, })?; Ok(()) } else { Err(anyhow!("attempted to unshare an unshared project")) } } fn disconnected_from_host(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) { if let Some(ProjectClientState::Remote { sharing_has_stopped, .. }) = &mut self.client_state { *sharing_has_stopped = true; self.collaborators.clear(); for worktree in &self.worktrees { if let Some(worktree) = worktree.upgrade(cx) { worktree.update(cx, |worktree, _| { if let Some(worktree) = worktree.as_remote_mut() { worktree.disconnected_from_host(); } }); } } cx.emit(Event::DisconnectedFromHost); cx.notify(); // Wake up all futures currently waiting on a buffer to get opened, // to give them a chance to fail now that we've disconnected. *self.opened_buffer.0.borrow_mut() = (); } } pub fn is_read_only(&self) -> bool { match &self.client_state { Some(ProjectClientState::Remote { sharing_has_stopped, .. }) => *sharing_has_stopped, _ => false, } } pub fn is_local(&self) -> bool { match &self.client_state { Some(ProjectClientState::Remote { .. }) => false, _ => true, } } pub fn is_remote(&self) -> bool { !self.is_local() } pub fn create_buffer( &mut self, text: &str, language: Option>, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result> { if self.is_remote() { return Err(anyhow!("creating buffers as a guest is not supported yet")); } let buffer = cx.add_model(|cx| { Buffer::new(self.replica_id(), text, cx) .with_language(language.unwrap_or_else(|| language::PLAIN_TEXT.clone()), cx) }); self.register_buffer(&buffer, cx)?; Ok(buffer) } pub fn open_path( &mut self, path: impl Into, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let task = self.open_buffer(path, cx); cx.spawn_weak(|_, cx| async move { let buffer = task.await?; let project_entry_id = buffer .read_with(&cx, |buffer, cx| { File::from_dyn(buffer.file()).and_then(|file| file.project_entry_id(cx)) }) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no project entry"))?; Ok((project_entry_id, buffer.into())) }) } pub fn open_local_buffer( &mut self, abs_path: impl AsRef, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { if let Some((worktree, relative_path)) = self.find_local_worktree(abs_path.as_ref(), cx) { self.open_buffer((, relative_path), cx) } else { Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("no such path"))) } } pub fn open_buffer( &mut self, path: impl Into, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let project_path = path.into(); let worktree = if let Some(worktree) = self.worktree_for_id(project_path.worktree_id, cx) { worktree } else { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("no such worktree"))); }; // If there is already a buffer for the given path, then return it. let existing_buffer = self.get_open_buffer(&project_path, cx); if let Some(existing_buffer) = existing_buffer { return Task::ready(Ok(existing_buffer)); } let mut loading_watch = match self.loading_buffers.entry(project_path.clone()) { // If the given path is already being loaded, then wait for that existing // task to complete and return the same buffer. hash_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e.get().clone(), // Otherwise, record the fact that this path is now being loaded. hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => { let (mut tx, rx) = postage::watch::channel(); entry.insert(rx.clone()); let load_buffer = if { self.open_local_buffer_internal(&project_path.path, &worktree, cx) } else { self.open_remote_buffer_internal(&project_path.path, &worktree, cx) }; cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let load_result = load_buffer.await; *tx.borrow_mut() = Some(this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { // Record the fact that the buffer is no longer loading. this.loading_buffers.remove(&project_path); let buffer = load_result.map_err(Arc::new)?; Ok(buffer) })); }) .detach(); rx } }; cx.foreground().spawn(async move { loop { if let Some(result) = loading_watch.borrow().as_ref() { match result { Ok(buffer) => return Ok(buffer.clone()), Err(error) => return Err(anyhow!("{}", error)), } }; } }) } fn open_local_buffer_internal( &mut self, path: &Arc, worktree: &ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let load_buffer = worktree.update(cx, |worktree, cx| { let worktree = worktree.as_local_mut().unwrap(); worktree.load_buffer(path, cx) }); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let buffer = load_buffer.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.register_buffer(&buffer, cx))?; Ok(buffer) }) } fn open_remote_buffer_internal( &mut self, path: &Arc, worktree: &ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let rpc = self.client.clone(); let project_id = self.remote_id().unwrap(); let remote_worktree_id =; let path = path.clone(); let path_string = path.to_string_lossy().to_string(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let response = rpc .request(proto::OpenBufferByPath { project_id, worktree_id: remote_worktree_id.to_proto(), path: path_string, }) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.wait_for_buffer(response.buffer_id, cx) }) .await }) } /// LanguageServerName is owned, because it is inserted into a map fn open_local_buffer_via_lsp( &mut self, abs_path: lsp::Url, language_server_id: usize, language_server_name: LanguageServerName, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let abs_path = abs_path .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("can't convert URI to path"))?; let (worktree, relative_path) = if let Some(result) = this.read_with(&cx, |this, cx| this.find_local_worktree(&abs_path, cx)) { result } else { let worktree = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.create_local_worktree(&abs_path, false, cx) }) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.language_server_ids.insert( (, language_server_name), language_server_id, ); }); (worktree, PathBuf::new()) }; let project_path = ProjectPath { worktree_id: worktree.read_with(&cx, |worktree, _|, path: relative_path.into(), }; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.open_buffer(project_path, cx)) .await }) } pub fn open_buffer_by_id( &mut self, id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { if let Some(buffer) = self.buffer_for_id(id, cx) { Task::ready(Ok(buffer)) } else if self.is_local() { Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("buffer {} does not exist", id))) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let request = self .client .request(proto::OpenBufferById { project_id, id }); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let buffer_id = request.await?.buffer_id; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.wait_for_buffer(buffer_id, cx)) .await }) } else { Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("cannot open buffer while disconnected"))) } } pub fn save_buffer_as( &mut self, buffer: ModelHandle, abs_path: PathBuf, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let worktree_task = self.find_or_create_local_worktree(&abs_path, true, cx); let old_path = File::from_dyn(|f| Some(f.as_local()?.abs_path(cx))); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { if let Some(old_path) = old_path { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.unregister_buffer_from_language_server(&buffer, old_path, cx); }); } let (worktree, path) = worktree_task.await?; worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree .as_local_mut() .unwrap() .save_buffer_as(buffer.clone(), path, cx) }) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.assign_language_to_buffer(&buffer, cx); this.register_buffer_with_language_server(&buffer, cx); }); Ok(()) }) } pub fn get_open_buffer( &mut self, path: &ProjectPath, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option> { let worktree = self.worktree_for_id(path.worktree_id, cx)?; self.opened_buffers.values().find_map(|buffer| { let buffer = buffer.upgrade(cx)?; let file = File::from_dyn(; if file.worktree == worktree && file.path() == &path.path { Some(buffer) } else { None } }) } fn register_buffer( &mut self, buffer: &ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<()> { let remote_id =; let open_buffer = if self.is_remote() || self.is_shared() { OpenBuffer::Strong(buffer.clone()) } else { OpenBuffer::Weak(buffer.downgrade()) }; match self.opened_buffers.insert(remote_id, open_buffer) { None => {} Some(OpenBuffer::Operations(operations)) => { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.apply_ops(operations, cx))? } Some(OpenBuffer::Weak(existing_handle)) => { if existing_handle.upgrade(cx).is_some() { Err(anyhow!( "already registered buffer with remote id {}", remote_id ))? } } Some(OpenBuffer::Strong(_)) => Err(anyhow!( "already registered buffer with remote id {}", remote_id ))?, } cx.subscribe(buffer, |this, buffer, event, cx| { this.on_buffer_event(buffer, event, cx); }) .detach(); self.assign_language_to_buffer(buffer, cx); self.register_buffer_with_language_server(buffer, cx); cx.observe_release(buffer, |this, buffer, cx| { if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()) { if file.is_local() { let uri = lsp::Url::from_file_path(file.abs_path(cx)).unwrap(); if let Some((_, server)) = this.language_server_for_buffer(buffer, cx) { server .notify::( lsp::DidCloseTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new(uri), }, ) .log_err(); } } } }) .detach(); *self.opened_buffer.0.borrow_mut() = (); Ok(()) } fn register_buffer_with_language_server( &mut self, buffer_handle: &ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { let buffer =; let buffer_id = buffer.remote_id(); if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()) { if file.is_local() { let uri = lsp::Url::from_file_path(file.abs_path(cx)).unwrap(); let initial_snapshot = buffer.text_snapshot(); let mut language_server = None; let mut language_id = None; if let Some(language) = buffer.language() { let worktree_id = file.worktree_id(cx); if let Some(adapter) = language.lsp_adapter() { language_id = adapter.language_ids.get(; language_server = self .language_server_ids .get(&(worktree_id, .and_then(|id| self.language_servers.get(id)) .and_then(|server_state| { if let LanguageServerState::Running { server, .. } = server_state { Some(server.clone()) } else { None } }); } } if let Some(local_worktree) = { if let Some(diagnostics) = local_worktree.diagnostics_for_path(file.path()) { self.update_buffer_diagnostics(buffer_handle, diagnostics, None, cx) .log_err(); } } if let Some(server) = language_server { server .notify::( lsp::DidOpenTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp::TextDocumentItem::new( uri, language_id.unwrap_or_default(), 0, initial_snapshot.text(), ), }, ) .log_err(); buffer_handle.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.set_completion_triggers( server .capabilities() .completion_provider .as_ref() .and_then(|provider| provider.trigger_characters.clone()) .unwrap_or_default(), cx, ) }); self.buffer_snapshots .insert(buffer_id, vec![(0, initial_snapshot)]); } } } } fn unregister_buffer_from_language_server( &mut self, buffer: &ModelHandle, old_path: PathBuf, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.update_diagnostics(Default::default(), cx); self.buffer_snapshots.remove(&buffer.remote_id()); if let Some((_, language_server)) = self.language_server_for_buffer(buffer, cx) { language_server .notify::( lsp::DidCloseTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path(old_path).unwrap(), ), }, ) .log_err(); } }); } fn on_buffer_event( &mut self, buffer: ModelHandle, event: &BufferEvent, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option<()> { match event { BufferEvent::Operation(operation) => { if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let request = self.client.request(proto::UpdateBuffer { project_id, buffer_id:, operations: vec![language::proto::serialize_operation(operation)], }); cx.background().spawn(request).detach_and_log_err(cx); } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let _ = self .client .send(proto::RegisterProjectActivity { project_id }); } } BufferEvent::Edited { .. } => { let language_server = self .language_server_for_buffer(, cx) .map(|(_, server)| server.clone())?; let buffer =; let file = File::from_dyn(buffer.file())?; let abs_path = file.as_local()?.abs_path(cx); let uri = lsp::Url::from_file_path(abs_path).unwrap(); let buffer_snapshots = self.buffer_snapshots.get_mut(&buffer.remote_id())?; let (version, prev_snapshot) = buffer_snapshots.last()?; let next_snapshot = buffer.text_snapshot(); let next_version = version + 1; let content_changes = buffer .edits_since::<(PointUtf16, usize)>(prev_snapshot.version()) .map(|edit| { let edit_start =; let edit_end = edit_start + (edit.old.end.0 - edit.old.start.0); let new_text = next_snapshot .text_for_range( .collect(); lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent { range: Some(lsp::Range::new( point_to_lsp(edit_start), point_to_lsp(edit_end), )), range_length: None, text: new_text, } }) .collect(); buffer_snapshots.push((next_version, next_snapshot)); language_server .notify::( lsp::DidChangeTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier::new( uri, next_version, ), content_changes, }, ) .log_err(); } BufferEvent::Saved => { let file = File::from_dyn(; let worktree_id = file.worktree_id(cx); let abs_path = file.as_local()?.abs_path(cx); let text_document = lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path(abs_path).unwrap(), }; for (_, _, server) in self.language_servers_for_worktree(worktree_id) { server .notify::( lsp::DidSaveTextDocumentParams { text_document: text_document.clone(), text: None, }, ) .log_err(); } // After saving a buffer, simulate disk-based diagnostics being finished for languages // that don't support a disk-based progress token. let (lsp_adapter, language_server) = self.language_server_for_buffer(, cx)?; if lsp_adapter.disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token.is_none() { let server_id = language_server.server_id(); self.disk_based_diagnostics_finished(server_id, cx); self.broadcast_language_server_update( server_id, proto::update_language_server::Variant::DiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdated( proto::LspDiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdated {}, ), ); } } _ => {} } None } fn language_servers_for_worktree( &self, worktree_id: WorktreeId, ) -> impl Iterator, &Arc, &Arc)> { self.language_server_ids .iter() .filter_map(move |((language_server_worktree_id, _), id)| { if *language_server_worktree_id == worktree_id { if let Some(LanguageServerState::Running { adapter, language, server, }) = self.language_servers.get(id) { return Some((adapter, language, server)); } } None }) } fn maintain_buffer_languages( languages: &LanguageRegistry, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task<()> { let mut subscription = languages.subscribe(); cx.spawn_weak(|project, mut cx| async move { while let Some(()) = { if let Some(project) = project.upgrade(&cx) { project.update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { let mut buffers_without_language = Vec::new(); for buffer in project.opened_buffers.values() { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { if { buffers_without_language.push(buffer); } } } for buffer in buffers_without_language { project.assign_language_to_buffer(&buffer, cx); project.register_buffer_with_language_server(&buffer, cx); } }); } } }) } fn assign_language_to_buffer( &mut self, buffer: &ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option<()> { // If the buffer has a language, set it and start the language server if we haven't already. let full_path =; let new_language = self.languages.select_language(&full_path)?; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { if buffer.language().map_or(true, |old_language| { !Arc::ptr_eq(old_language, &new_language) }) { buffer.set_language_registry(self.languages.clone()); buffer.set_language(Some(new_language.clone()), cx); } }); let file = File::from_dyn(; let worktree =; let worktree_id =; let worktree_abs_path = worktree.abs_path().clone(); self.start_language_server(worktree_id, worktree_abs_path, new_language, cx); None } fn merge_json_value_into(source: serde_json::Value, target: &mut serde_json::Value) { use serde_json::Value; match (source, target) { (Value::Object(source), Value::Object(target)) => { for (key, value) in source { if let Some(target) = target.get_mut(&key) { Self::merge_json_value_into(value, target); } else { target.insert(key.clone(), value); } } } (source, target) => *target = source, } } fn start_language_server( &mut self, worktree_id: WorktreeId, worktree_path: Arc, language: Arc, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { if !cx .global::() .enable_language_server(Some(& { return; } let adapter = if let Some(adapter) = language.lsp_adapter() { adapter } else { return; }; let key = (worktree_id,; let mut initialization_options = adapter.initialization_options.clone(); let lsp = &; let override_options =|s| s.initialization_options.clone()).flatten(); match (&mut initialization_options, override_options) { (Some(initialization_options), Some(override_options)) => { Self::merge_json_value_into(override_options, initialization_options); } (None, override_options) => initialization_options = override_options, _ => {} } self.language_server_ids .entry(key.clone()) .or_insert_with(|| { let server_id = post_inc(&mut self.next_language_server_id); let language_server = self.languages.start_language_server( server_id, language.clone(), worktree_path, self.client.http_client(), cx, ); self.language_servers.insert( server_id, LanguageServerState::Starting(cx.spawn_weak(|this, mut cx| async move { let language_server = language_server?.await.log_err()?; let language_server = language_server .initialize(initialization_options) .await .log_err()?; let this = this.upgrade(&cx)?; language_server .on_notification::({ let this = this.downgrade(); let adapter = adapter.clone(); move |mut params, cx| { let this = this; let adapter = adapter.clone(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { adapter.process_diagnostics(&mut params).await; if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.update_diagnostics( server_id, params, &adapter.disk_based_diagnostic_sources, cx, ) .log_err(); }); } }) .detach(); } }) .detach(); language_server .on_request::({ let settings = this.read_with(&cx, |this, _| { this.language_server_settings.clone() }); move |params, _| { let settings = settings.lock().clone(); async move { Ok(params .items .into_iter() .map(|item| { if let Some(section) = &item.section { settings .get(section) .cloned() .unwrap_or(serde_json::Value::Null) } else { settings.clone() } }) .collect()) } } }) .detach(); // Even though we don't have handling for these requests, respond to them to // avoid stalling any language server like `gopls` which waits for a response // to these requests when initializing. language_server .on_request::({ let this = this.downgrade(); move |params, mut cx| async move { if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { if let Some(status) = this.language_server_statuses.get_mut(&server_id) { if let lsp::NumberOrString::String(token) = params.token { status.progress_tokens.insert(token); } } }); } Ok(()) } }) .detach(); language_server .on_request::(|_, _| async { Ok(()) }) .detach(); language_server .on_request::({ let this = this.downgrade(); let adapter = adapter.clone(); let language_server = language_server.clone(); move |params, cx| { Self::on_lsp_workspace_edit( this, params, server_id, adapter.clone(), language_server.clone(), cx, ) } }) .detach(); let disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token = adapter.disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token.clone(); language_server .on_notification::({ let this = this.downgrade(); move |params, mut cx| { if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.on_lsp_progress( params, server_id, disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token.clone(), cx, ); }); } } }) .detach(); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { // If the language server for this key doesn't match the server id, don't store the // server. Which will cause it to be dropped, killing the process if this .language_server_ids .get(&key) .map(|id| id != &server_id) .unwrap_or(false) { return None; } // Update language_servers collection with Running variant of LanguageServerState // indicating that the server is up and running and ready this.language_servers.insert( server_id, LanguageServerState::Running { adapter: adapter.clone(), language, server: language_server.clone(), }, ); this.language_server_statuses.insert( server_id, LanguageServerStatus { name:, pending_work: Default::default(), has_pending_diagnostic_updates: false, progress_tokens: Default::default(), }, ); language_server .notify::( lsp::DidChangeConfigurationParams { settings: this.language_server_settings.lock().clone(), }, ) .ok(); if let Some(project_id) = this.remote_id() { this.client .send(proto::StartLanguageServer { project_id, server: Some(proto::LanguageServer { id: server_id as u64, name:, }), }) .log_err(); } // Tell the language server about every open buffer in the worktree that matches the language. for buffer in this.opened_buffers.values() { if let Some(buffer_handle) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { let buffer =; let file = if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()) { file } else { continue; }; let language = if let Some(language) = buffer.language() { language } else { continue; }; if != key.0 || language.lsp_adapter().map(|a| != Some(key.1.clone()) { continue; } let file = file.as_local()?; let versions = this .buffer_snapshots .entry(buffer.remote_id()) .or_insert_with(|| vec![(0, buffer.text_snapshot())]); let (version, initial_snapshot) = versions.last().unwrap(); let uri = lsp::Url::from_file_path(file.abs_path(cx)).unwrap(); language_server .notify::( lsp::DidOpenTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp::TextDocumentItem::new( uri, adapter .language_ids .get( .cloned() .unwrap_or_default(), *version, initial_snapshot.text(), ), }, ) .log_err()?; buffer_handle.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.set_completion_triggers( language_server .capabilities() .completion_provider .as_ref() .and_then(|provider| { provider.trigger_characters.clone() }) .unwrap_or_default(), cx, ) }); } } cx.notify(); Some(language_server) }) })), ); server_id }); } // Returns a list of all of the worktrees which no longer have a language server and the root path // for the stopped server fn stop_language_server( &mut self, worktree_id: WorktreeId, adapter_name: LanguageServerName, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task<(Option, Vec)> { let key = (worktree_id, adapter_name); if let Some(server_id) = self.language_server_ids.remove(&key) { // Remove other entries for this language server as well let mut orphaned_worktrees = vec![worktree_id]; let other_keys = self.language_server_ids.keys().cloned().collect::>(); for other_key in other_keys { if self.language_server_ids.get(&other_key) == Some(&server_id) { self.language_server_ids.remove(&other_key); orphaned_worktrees.push(other_key.0); } } self.language_server_statuses.remove(&server_id); cx.notify(); let server_state = self.language_servers.remove(&server_id); cx.spawn_weak(|this, mut cx| async move { let mut root_path = None; let server = match server_state { Some(LanguageServerState::Starting(started_language_server)) => { started_language_server.await } Some(LanguageServerState::Running { server, .. }) => Some(server), None => None, }; if let Some(server) = server { root_path = Some(server.root_path().clone()); if let Some(shutdown) = server.shutdown() { shutdown.await; } } if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.language_server_statuses.remove(&server_id); cx.notify(); }); } (root_path, orphaned_worktrees) }) } else { Task::ready((None, Vec::new())) } } pub fn restart_language_servers_for_buffers( &mut self, buffers: impl IntoIterator>, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Option<()> { let language_server_lookup_info: HashSet<(WorktreeId, Arc, PathBuf)> = buffers .into_iter() .filter_map(|buffer| { let file = File::from_dyn(; let worktree =; let worktree_id =; let worktree_abs_path = worktree.abs_path().clone(); let full_path = file.full_path(cx); Some((worktree_id, worktree_abs_path, full_path)) }) .collect(); for (worktree_id, worktree_abs_path, full_path) in language_server_lookup_info { let language = self.languages.select_language(&full_path)?; self.restart_language_server(worktree_id, worktree_abs_path, language, cx); } None } fn restart_language_server( &mut self, worktree_id: WorktreeId, fallback_path: Arc, language: Arc, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { let adapter = if let Some(adapter) = language.lsp_adapter() { adapter } else { return; }; let server_name =; let stop = self.stop_language_server(worktree_id, server_name.clone(), cx); cx.spawn_weak(|this, mut cx| async move { let (original_root_path, orphaned_worktrees) = stop.await; if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { // Attempt to restart using original server path. Fallback to passed in // path if we could not retrieve the root path let root_path = original_root_path .map(|path_buf| Arc::from(path_buf.as_path())) .unwrap_or(fallback_path); this.start_language_server(worktree_id, root_path, language, cx); // Lookup new server id and set it for each of the orphaned worktrees if let Some(new_server_id) = this .language_server_ids .get(&(worktree_id, server_name.clone())) .cloned() { for orphaned_worktree in orphaned_worktrees { this.language_server_ids .insert((orphaned_worktree, server_name.clone()), new_server_id); } } }); } }) .detach(); } fn on_lsp_progress( &mut self, progress: lsp::ProgressParams, server_id: usize, disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token: Option, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { let token = match progress.token { lsp::NumberOrString::String(token) => token, lsp::NumberOrString::Number(token) => { log::info!("skipping numeric progress token {}", token); return; } }; let lsp::ProgressParamsValue::WorkDone(progress) = progress.value; let language_server_status = if let Some(status) = self.language_server_statuses.get_mut(&server_id) { status } else { return; }; if !language_server_status.progress_tokens.contains(&token) { return; } let is_disk_based_diagnostics_progress = disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token .as_ref() .map_or(false, |disk_based_token| { token.starts_with(disk_based_token) }); match progress { lsp::WorkDoneProgress::Begin(report) => { if is_disk_based_diagnostics_progress { language_server_status.has_pending_diagnostic_updates = true; self.disk_based_diagnostics_started(server_id, cx); self.broadcast_language_server_update( server_id, proto::update_language_server::Variant::DiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdating( proto::LspDiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdating {}, ), ); } else { self.on_lsp_work_start( server_id, token.clone(), LanguageServerProgress { message: report.message.clone(), percentage:|p| p as usize), last_update_at: Instant::now(), }, cx, ); self.broadcast_language_server_update( server_id, proto::update_language_server::Variant::WorkStart(proto::LspWorkStart { token, message: report.message, percentage:|p| p as u32), }), ); } } lsp::WorkDoneProgress::Report(report) => { if !is_disk_based_diagnostics_progress { self.on_lsp_work_progress( server_id, token.clone(), LanguageServerProgress { message: report.message.clone(), percentage:|p| p as usize), last_update_at: Instant::now(), }, cx, ); self.broadcast_language_server_update( server_id, proto::update_language_server::Variant::WorkProgress( proto::LspWorkProgress { token, message: report.message, percentage:|p| p as u32), }, ), ); } } lsp::WorkDoneProgress::End(_) => { language_server_status.progress_tokens.remove(&token); if is_disk_based_diagnostics_progress { language_server_status.has_pending_diagnostic_updates = false; self.disk_based_diagnostics_finished(server_id, cx); self.broadcast_language_server_update( server_id, proto::update_language_server::Variant::DiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdated( proto::LspDiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdated {}, ), ); } else { self.on_lsp_work_end(server_id, token.clone(), cx); self.broadcast_language_server_update( server_id, proto::update_language_server::Variant::WorkEnd(proto::LspWorkEnd { token, }), ); } } } } fn on_lsp_work_start( &mut self, language_server_id: usize, token: String, progress: LanguageServerProgress, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { if let Some(status) = self.language_server_statuses.get_mut(&language_server_id) { status.pending_work.insert(token, progress); cx.notify(); } } fn on_lsp_work_progress( &mut self, language_server_id: usize, token: String, progress: LanguageServerProgress, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { if let Some(status) = self.language_server_statuses.get_mut(&language_server_id) { let entry = status .pending_work .entry(token) .or_insert(LanguageServerProgress { message: Default::default(), percentage: Default::default(), last_update_at: progress.last_update_at, }); if progress.message.is_some() { entry.message = progress.message; } if progress.percentage.is_some() { entry.percentage = progress.percentage; } entry.last_update_at = progress.last_update_at; cx.notify(); } } fn on_lsp_work_end( &mut self, language_server_id: usize, token: String, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { if let Some(status) = self.language_server_statuses.get_mut(&language_server_id) { status.pending_work.remove(&token); cx.notify(); } } async fn on_lsp_workspace_edit( this: WeakModelHandle, params: lsp::ApplyWorkspaceEditParams, server_id: usize, adapter: Arc, language_server: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let this = this .upgrade(&cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("project project closed"))?; let transaction = Self::deserialize_workspace_edit( this.clone(), params.edit, true, adapter.clone(), language_server.clone(), &mut cx, ) .await .log_err(); this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { if let Some(transaction) = transaction { this.last_workspace_edits_by_language_server .insert(server_id, transaction); } }); Ok(lsp::ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse { applied: true, failed_change: None, failure_reason: None, }) } fn broadcast_language_server_update( &self, language_server_id: usize, event: proto::update_language_server::Variant, ) { if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { self.client .send(proto::UpdateLanguageServer { project_id, language_server_id: language_server_id as u64, variant: Some(event), }) .log_err(); } } pub fn set_language_server_settings(&mut self, settings: serde_json::Value) { for server_state in self.language_servers.values() { if let LanguageServerState::Running { server, .. } = server_state { server .notify::( lsp::DidChangeConfigurationParams { settings: settings.clone(), }, ) .ok(); } } *self.language_server_settings.lock() = settings; } pub fn language_server_statuses( &self, ) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator { self.language_server_statuses.values() } pub fn update_diagnostics( &mut self, language_server_id: usize, params: lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams, disk_based_sources: &[String], cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<()> { let abs_path = params .uri .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("URI is not a file"))?; let mut diagnostics = Vec::default(); let mut primary_diagnostic_group_ids = HashMap::default(); let mut sources_by_group_id = HashMap::default(); let mut supporting_diagnostics = HashMap::default(); for diagnostic in ¶ms.diagnostics { let source = diagnostic.source.as_ref(); let code = diagnostic.code.as_ref().map(|code| match code { lsp::NumberOrString::Number(code) => code.to_string(), lsp::NumberOrString::String(code) => code.clone(), }); let range = range_from_lsp(diagnostic.range); let is_supporting = diagnostic .related_information .as_ref() .map_or(false, |infos| { infos.iter().any(|info| { primary_diagnostic_group_ids.contains_key(&( source, code.clone(), range_from_lsp(info.location.range), )) }) }); let is_unnecessary = diagnostic.tags.as_ref().map_or(false, |tags| { tags.iter().any(|tag| *tag == DiagnosticTag::UNNECESSARY) }); if is_supporting { supporting_diagnostics.insert( (source, code.clone(), range), (diagnostic.severity, is_unnecessary), ); } else { let group_id = post_inc(&mut self.next_diagnostic_group_id); let is_disk_based = source.map_or(false, |source| disk_based_sources.contains(source)); sources_by_group_id.insert(group_id, source); primary_diagnostic_group_ids .insert((source, code.clone(), range.clone()), group_id); diagnostics.push(DiagnosticEntry { range, diagnostic: Diagnostic { code: code.clone(), severity: diagnostic.severity.unwrap_or(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: diagnostic.message.clone(), group_id, is_primary: true, is_valid: true, is_disk_based, is_unnecessary, }, }); if let Some(infos) = &diagnostic.related_information { for info in infos { if info.location.uri == params.uri && !info.message.is_empty() { let range = range_from_lsp(info.location.range); diagnostics.push(DiagnosticEntry { range, diagnostic: Diagnostic { code: code.clone(), severity: DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION, message: info.message.clone(), group_id, is_primary: false, is_valid: true, is_disk_based, is_unnecessary: false, }, }); } } } } } for entry in &mut diagnostics { let diagnostic = &mut entry.diagnostic; if !diagnostic.is_primary { let source = *sources_by_group_id.get(&diagnostic.group_id).unwrap(); if let Some(&(severity, is_unnecessary)) = supporting_diagnostics.get(&( source, diagnostic.code.clone(), entry.range.clone(), )) { if let Some(severity) = severity { diagnostic.severity = severity; } diagnostic.is_unnecessary = is_unnecessary; } } } self.update_diagnostic_entries( language_server_id, abs_path, params.version, diagnostics, cx, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn update_diagnostic_entries( &mut self, language_server_id: usize, abs_path: PathBuf, version: Option, diagnostics: Vec>, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let (worktree, relative_path) = self .find_local_worktree(&abs_path, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no worktree found for diagnostics"))?; let project_path = ProjectPath { worktree_id:, path: relative_path.into(), }; if let Some(buffer) = self.get_open_buffer(&project_path, cx) { self.update_buffer_diagnostics(&buffer, diagnostics.clone(), version, cx)?; } let updated = worktree.update(cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree .as_local_mut() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("not a local worktree"))? .update_diagnostics( language_server_id, project_path.path.clone(), diagnostics, cx, ) })?; if updated { cx.emit(Event::DiagnosticsUpdated { language_server_id, path: project_path, }); } Ok(()) } fn update_buffer_diagnostics( &mut self, buffer: &ModelHandle, mut diagnostics: Vec>, version: Option, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<()> { fn compare_diagnostics(a: &Diagnostic, b: &Diagnostic) -> Ordering { Ordering::Equal .then_with(|| b.is_primary.cmp(&a.is_primary)) .then_with(|| a.is_disk_based.cmp(&b.is_disk_based)) .then_with(|| a.severity.cmp(&b.severity)) .then_with(|| a.message.cmp(&b.message)) } let snapshot = self.buffer_snapshot_for_lsp_version(buffer, version, cx)?; diagnostics.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| { Ordering::Equal .then_with(|| a.range.start.cmp(&b.range.start)) .then_with(|| b.range.end.cmp(&a.range.end)) .then_with(|| compare_diagnostics(&a.diagnostic, &b.diagnostic)) }); let mut sanitized_diagnostics = Vec::new(); let edits_since_save = Patch::new( snapshot .edits_since::( .collect(), ); for entry in diagnostics { let start; let end; if entry.diagnostic.is_disk_based { // Some diagnostics are based on files on disk instead of buffers' // current contents. Adjust these diagnostics' ranges to reflect // any unsaved edits. start = edits_since_save.old_to_new(entry.range.start); end = edits_since_save.old_to_new(entry.range.end); } else { start = entry.range.start; end = entry.range.end; } let mut range = snapshot.clip_point_utf16(start, Bias::Left) ..snapshot.clip_point_utf16(end, Bias::Right); // Expand empty ranges by one character if range.start == range.end { range.end.column += 1; range.end = snapshot.clip_point_utf16(range.end, Bias::Right); if range.start == range.end && range.end.column > 0 { range.start.column -= 1; range.start = snapshot.clip_point_utf16(range.start, Bias::Left); } } sanitized_diagnostics.push(DiagnosticEntry { range, diagnostic: entry.diagnostic, }); } drop(edits_since_save); let set = DiagnosticSet::new(sanitized_diagnostics, &snapshot); buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.update_diagnostics(set, cx)); Ok(()) } pub fn reload_buffers( &self, buffers: HashSet>, push_to_history: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let mut local_buffers = Vec::new(); let mut remote_buffers = None; for buffer_handle in buffers { let buffer =; if buffer.is_dirty() { if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()) { if file.is_local() { local_buffers.push(buffer_handle); } else { remote_buffers.get_or_insert(Vec::new()).push(buffer_handle); } } } } let remote_buffers = self.remote_id().zip(remote_buffers); let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let mut project_transaction = ProjectTransaction::default(); if let Some((project_id, remote_buffers)) = remote_buffers { let response = client .request(proto::ReloadBuffers { project_id, buffer_ids: remote_buffers .iter() .map(|buffer| buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.remote_id())) .collect(), }) .await? .transaction .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing transaction"))?; project_transaction = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.deserialize_project_transaction(response, push_to_history, cx) }) .await?; } for buffer in local_buffers { let transaction = buffer .update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.reload(cx)) .await?; buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| { if let Some(transaction) = transaction { if !push_to_history { buffer.forget_transaction(; } project_transaction.0.insert(cx.handle(), transaction); } }); } Ok(project_transaction) }) } pub fn format( &self, buffers: HashSet>, push_to_history: bool, trigger: FormatTrigger, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let mut local_buffers = Vec::new(); let mut remote_buffers = None; for buffer_handle in buffers { let buffer =; if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()) { if let Some(buffer_abs_path) = file.as_local().map(|f| f.abs_path(cx)) { if let Some((_, server)) = self.language_server_for_buffer(buffer, cx) { local_buffers.push((buffer_handle, buffer_abs_path, server.clone())); } } else { remote_buffers.get_or_insert(Vec::new()).push(buffer_handle); } } else { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); } } let remote_buffers = self.remote_id().zip(remote_buffers); let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let mut project_transaction = ProjectTransaction::default(); if let Some((project_id, remote_buffers)) = remote_buffers { let response = client .request(proto::FormatBuffers { project_id, trigger: trigger as i32, buffer_ids: remote_buffers .iter() .map(|buffer| buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.remote_id())) .collect(), }) .await? .transaction .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing transaction"))?; project_transaction = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.deserialize_project_transaction(response, push_to_history, cx) }) .await?; } // Do not allow multiple concurrent formatting requests for the // same buffer. this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { local_buffers .retain(|(buffer, _, _)| this.buffers_being_formatted.insert(; }); let _cleanup = defer({ let this = this.clone(); let mut cx = cx.clone(); let local_buffers = &local_buffers; move || { this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { for (buffer, _, _) in local_buffers { this.buffers_being_formatted.remove(&; } }); } }); for (buffer, buffer_abs_path, language_server) in &local_buffers { let (format_on_save, formatter, tab_size) = buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, cx| { let settings =; let language_name = buffer.language().map(|language|; ( settings.format_on_save(language_name.as_deref()), settings.formatter(language_name.as_deref()), settings.tab_size(language_name.as_deref()), ) }); let transaction = match (formatter, format_on_save) { (_, FormatOnSave::Off) if trigger == FormatTrigger::Save => continue, (Formatter::LanguageServer, FormatOnSave::On | FormatOnSave::Off) | (_, FormatOnSave::LanguageServer) => Self::format_via_lsp( &this, &buffer, &buffer_abs_path, &language_server, tab_size, &mut cx, ) .await .context("failed to format via language server")?, ( Formatter::External { command, arguments }, FormatOnSave::On | FormatOnSave::Off, ) | (_, FormatOnSave::External { command, arguments }) => { Self::format_via_external_command( &buffer, &buffer_abs_path, &command, &arguments, &mut cx, ) .await .context(format!( "failed to format via external command {:?}", command ))? } }; if let Some(transaction) = transaction { if !push_to_history { buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.forget_transaction( }); } project_transaction.0.insert(buffer.clone(), transaction); } } Ok(project_transaction) }) } async fn format_via_lsp( this: &ModelHandle, buffer: &ModelHandle, abs_path: &Path, language_server: &Arc, tab_size: NonZeroU32, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result> { let text_document = lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new(lsp::Url::from_file_path(abs_path).unwrap()); let capabilities = &language_server.capabilities(); let lsp_edits = if capabilities .document_formatting_provider .as_ref() .map_or(false, |provider| *provider != lsp::OneOf::Left(false)) { language_server .request::(lsp::DocumentFormattingParams { text_document, options: lsp::FormattingOptions { tab_size: tab_size.into(), insert_spaces: true, insert_final_newline: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, work_done_progress_params: Default::default(), }) .await? } else if capabilities .document_range_formatting_provider .as_ref() .map_or(false, |provider| *provider != lsp::OneOf::Left(false)) { let buffer_start = lsp::Position::new(0, 0); let buffer_end = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| point_to_lsp(buffer.max_point_utf16())); language_server .request::(lsp::DocumentRangeFormattingParams { text_document, range: lsp::Range::new(buffer_start, buffer_end), options: lsp::FormattingOptions { tab_size: tab_size.into(), insert_spaces: true, insert_final_newline: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, work_done_progress_params: Default::default(), }) .await? } else { None }; if let Some(lsp_edits) = lsp_edits { let edits = this .update(cx, |this, cx| { this.edits_from_lsp(buffer, lsp_edits, None, cx) }) .await?; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.finalize_last_transaction(); buffer.start_transaction(); for (range, text) in edits { buffer.edit([(range, text)], None, cx); } if buffer.end_transaction(cx).is_some() { let transaction = buffer.finalize_last_transaction().unwrap().clone(); Ok(Some(transaction)) } else { Ok(None) } }) } else { Ok(None) } } async fn format_via_external_command( buffer: &ModelHandle, buffer_abs_path: &Path, command: &str, arguments: &[String], cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result> { let working_dir_path = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| { let file = File::from_dyn(buffer.file())?; let worktree =; let mut worktree_path = worktree.abs_path().to_path_buf(); if worktree.root_entry()?.is_file() { worktree_path.pop(); } Some(worktree_path) }); if let Some(working_dir_path) = working_dir_path { let mut child = smol::process::Command::new(command) .args(arguments.iter().map(|arg| { arg.replace("{buffer_path}", &buffer_abs_path.to_string_lossy()) })) .current_dir(&working_dir_path) .stdin(smol::process::Stdio::piped()) .stdout(smol::process::Stdio::piped()) .stderr(smol::process::Stdio::piped()) .spawn()?; let stdin = child .stdin .as_mut() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("failed to acquire stdin"))?; let text = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.as_rope().clone()); for chunk in text.chunks() { stdin.write_all(chunk.as_bytes()).await?; } stdin.flush().await?; let output = child.output().await?; if !output.status.success() { return Err(anyhow!( "command failed with exit code {:?}:\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}", output.status.code(), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr), )); } let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?; let diff = buffer .read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.diff(stdout, cx)) .await; Ok(buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.apply_diff(diff, cx).cloned())) } else { Ok(None) } } pub fn definition( &self, buffer: &ModelHandle, position: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let position = position.to_point_utf16(; self.request_lsp(buffer.clone(), GetDefinition { position }, cx) } pub fn type_definition( &self, buffer: &ModelHandle, position: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let position = position.to_point_utf16(; self.request_lsp(buffer.clone(), GetTypeDefinition { position }, cx) } pub fn references( &self, buffer: &ModelHandle, position: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let position = position.to_point_utf16(; self.request_lsp(buffer.clone(), GetReferences { position }, cx) } pub fn document_highlights( &self, buffer: &ModelHandle, position: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let position = position.to_point_utf16(; self.request_lsp(buffer.clone(), GetDocumentHighlights { position }, cx) } pub fn symbols(&self, query: &str, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Task>> { if self.is_local() { let mut requests = Vec::new(); for ((worktree_id, _), server_id) in self.language_server_ids.iter() { let worktree_id = *worktree_id; if let Some(worktree) = self .worktree_for_id(worktree_id, cx) .and_then(|worktree| { if let Some(LanguageServerState::Running { adapter, language, server, }) = self.language_servers.get(server_id) { let adapter = adapter.clone(); let language = language.clone(); let worktree_abs_path = worktree.abs_path().clone(); requests.push( server .request::( lsp::WorkspaceSymbolParams { query: query.to_string(), ..Default::default() }, ) .log_err() .map(move |response| { ( adapter, language, worktree_id, worktree_abs_path, response.unwrap_or_default(), ) }), ); } } } cx.spawn_weak(|this, cx| async move { let responses = futures::future::join_all(requests).await; let this = if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { this } else { return Ok(Default::default()); }; let symbols = this.read_with(&cx, |this, cx| { let mut symbols = Vec::new(); for ( adapter, adapter_language, source_worktree_id, worktree_abs_path, response, ) in responses { symbols.extend(response.into_iter().flatten().filter_map(|lsp_symbol| { let abs_path = lsp_symbol.location.uri.to_file_path().ok()?; let mut worktree_id = source_worktree_id; let path; if let Some((worktree, rel_path)) = this.find_local_worktree(&abs_path, cx) { worktree_id =; path = rel_path; } else { path = relativize_path(&worktree_abs_path, &abs_path); } let project_path = ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: path.into(), }; let signature = this.symbol_signature(&project_path); let language = this .languages .select_language(&project_path.path) .unwrap_or(adapter_language.clone()); let language_server_name =; Some(async move { let label = language .label_for_symbol(&, lsp_symbol.kind) .await; Symbol { language_server_name, source_worktree_id, path: project_path, label: label.unwrap_or_else(|| { CodeLabel::plain(, None) }), kind: lsp_symbol.kind, name:, range: range_from_lsp(lsp_symbol.location.range), signature, } }) })); } symbols }); Ok(futures::future::join_all(symbols).await) }) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let request = self.client.request(proto::GetProjectSymbols { project_id, query: query.to_string(), }); cx.spawn_weak(|this, cx| async move { let response = request.await?; let mut symbols = Vec::new(); if let Some(this) = this.upgrade(&cx) { let new_symbols = this.read_with(&cx, |this, _| { response .symbols .into_iter() .map(|symbol| this.deserialize_symbol(symbol)) .collect::>() }); symbols = futures::future::join_all(new_symbols) .await .into_iter() .filter_map(|symbol| symbol.log_err()) .collect::>(); } Ok(symbols) }) } else { Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())) } } pub fn open_buffer_for_symbol( &mut self, symbol: &Symbol, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { if self.is_local() { let language_server_id = if let Some(id) = self.language_server_ids.get(&( symbol.source_worktree_id, symbol.language_server_name.clone(), )) { *id } else { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!( "language server for worktree and language not found" ))); }; let worktree_abs_path = if let Some(worktree_abs_path) = self .worktree_for_id(symbol.path.worktree_id, cx) .and_then(|worktree| .map(|local_worktree| local_worktree.abs_path()) { worktree_abs_path } else { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("worktree not found for symbol"))); }; let symbol_abs_path = worktree_abs_path.join(&symbol.path.path); let symbol_uri = if let Ok(uri) = lsp::Url::from_file_path(symbol_abs_path) { uri } else { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("invalid symbol path"))); }; self.open_local_buffer_via_lsp( symbol_uri, language_server_id, symbol.language_server_name.clone(), cx, ) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let request = self.client.request(proto::OpenBufferForSymbol { project_id, symbol: Some(serialize_symbol(symbol)), }); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let response = request.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.wait_for_buffer(response.buffer_id, cx) }) .await }) } else { Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("project does not have a remote id"))) } } pub fn hover( &self, buffer: &ModelHandle, position: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let position = position.to_point_utf16(; self.request_lsp(buffer.clone(), GetHover { position }, cx) } pub fn completions( &self, source_buffer_handle: &ModelHandle, position: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let source_buffer_handle = source_buffer_handle.clone(); let source_buffer =; let buffer_id = source_buffer.remote_id(); let language = source_buffer.language().cloned(); let worktree; let buffer_abs_path; if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn(source_buffer.file()) { worktree = file.worktree.clone(); buffer_abs_path = file.as_local().map(|f| f.abs_path(cx)); } else { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); }; let position = position.to_point_utf16(source_buffer); let anchor = source_buffer.anchor_after(position); if { let buffer_abs_path = buffer_abs_path.unwrap(); let lang_server = if let Some((_, server)) = self.language_server_for_buffer(source_buffer, cx) { server.clone() } else { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); }; cx.spawn(|_, cx| async move { let completions = lang_server .request::(lsp::CompletionParams { text_document_position: lsp::TextDocumentPositionParams::new( lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path(buffer_abs_path).unwrap(), ), point_to_lsp(position), ), context: Default::default(), work_done_progress_params: Default::default(), partial_result_params: Default::default(), }) .await .context("lsp completion request failed")?; let completions = if let Some(completions) = completions { match completions { lsp::CompletionResponse::Array(completions) => completions, lsp::CompletionResponse::List(list) => list.items, } } else { Default::default() }; let completions = source_buffer_handle.read_with(&cx, |this, _| { let snapshot = this.snapshot(); let clipped_position = this.clip_point_utf16(position, Bias::Left); let mut range_for_token = None; completions.into_iter().filter_map(move |lsp_completion| { // For now, we can only handle additional edits if they are returned // when resolving the completion, not if they are present initially. if lsp_completion .additional_text_edits .as_ref() .map_or(false, |edits| !edits.is_empty()) { return None; } let (old_range, mut new_text) = match lsp_completion.text_edit.as_ref() { // If the language server provides a range to overwrite, then // check that the range is valid. Some(lsp::CompletionTextEdit::Edit(edit)) => { let range = range_from_lsp(edit.range); let start = snapshot.clip_point_utf16(range.start, Bias::Left); let end = snapshot.clip_point_utf16(range.end, Bias::Left); if start != range.start || end != range.end { log::info!("completion out of expected range"); return None; } ( snapshot.anchor_before(start)..snapshot.anchor_after(end), edit.new_text.clone(), ) } // If the language server does not provide a range, then infer // the range based on the syntax tree. None => { if position != clipped_position { log::info!("completion out of expected range"); return None; } let Range { start, end } = range_for_token .get_or_insert_with(|| { let offset = position.to_offset(&snapshot); let (range, kind) = snapshot.surrounding_word(offset); if kind == Some(CharKind::Word) { range } else { offset..offset } }) .clone(); let text = lsp_completion .insert_text .as_ref() .unwrap_or(&lsp_completion.label) .clone(); ( snapshot.anchor_before(start)..snapshot.anchor_after(end), text, ) } Some(lsp::CompletionTextEdit::InsertAndReplace(_)) => { log::info!("unsupported insert/replace completion"); return None; } }; LineEnding::normalize(&mut new_text); let language = language.clone(); Some(async move { let label = if let Some(language) = language { language.label_for_completion(&lsp_completion).await } else { None }; Completion { old_range, new_text, label: label.unwrap_or_else(|| { CodeLabel::plain( lsp_completion.label.clone(), lsp_completion.filter_text.as_deref(), ) }), lsp_completion, } }) }) }); Ok(futures::future::join_all(completions).await) }) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let rpc = self.client.clone(); let message = proto::GetCompletions { project_id, buffer_id, position: Some(language::proto::serialize_anchor(&anchor)), version: serialize_version(&source_buffer.version()), }; cx.spawn_weak(|_, mut cx| async move { let response = rpc.request(message).await?; source_buffer_handle .update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.wait_for_version(deserialize_version(response.version)) }) .await; let completions = response.completions.into_iter().map(|completion| { language::proto::deserialize_completion(completion, language.clone()) }); futures::future::try_join_all(completions).await }) } else { Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())) } } pub fn apply_additional_edits_for_completion( &self, buffer_handle: ModelHandle, completion: Completion, push_to_history: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let buffer =; let buffer_id = buffer.remote_id(); if self.is_local() { let lang_server = if let Some((_, server)) = self.language_server_for_buffer(buffer, cx) { server.clone() } else { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); }; cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let resolved_completion = lang_server .request::(completion.lsp_completion) .await?; if let Some(edits) = resolved_completion.additional_text_edits { let edits = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.edits_from_lsp(&buffer_handle, edits, None, cx) }) .await?; buffer_handle.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.finalize_last_transaction(); buffer.start_transaction(); for (range, text) in edits { buffer.edit([(range, text)], None, cx); } let transaction = if buffer.end_transaction(cx).is_some() { let transaction = buffer.finalize_last_transaction().unwrap().clone(); if !push_to_history { buffer.forget_transaction(; } Some(transaction) } else { None }; Ok(transaction) }) } else { Ok(None) } }) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(|_, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(proto::ApplyCompletionAdditionalEdits { project_id, buffer_id, completion: Some(language::proto::serialize_completion(&completion)), }) .await?; if let Some(transaction) = response.transaction { let transaction = language::proto::deserialize_transaction(transaction)?; buffer_handle .update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.wait_for_edits(transaction.edit_ids.iter().copied()) }) .await; if push_to_history { buffer_handle.update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.push_transaction(transaction.clone(), Instant::now()); }); } Ok(Some(transaction)) } else { Ok(None) } }) } else { Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("project does not have a remote id"))) } } pub fn code_actions( &self, buffer_handle: &ModelHandle, range: Range, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let buffer_handle = buffer_handle.clone(); let buffer =; let snapshot = buffer.snapshot(); let relevant_diagnostics = snapshot .diagnostics_in_range::(range.to_offset(&snapshot), false) .map(|entry| entry.to_lsp_diagnostic_stub()) .collect(); let buffer_id = buffer.remote_id(); let worktree; let buffer_abs_path; if let Some(file) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()) { worktree = file.worktree.clone(); buffer_abs_path = file.as_local().map(|f| f.abs_path(cx)); } else { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); }; let range = buffer.anchor_before(range.start)..buffer.anchor_before(range.end); if { let buffer_abs_path = buffer_abs_path.unwrap(); let lang_server = if let Some((_, server)) = self.language_server_for_buffer(buffer, cx) { server.clone() } else { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); }; let lsp_range = range_to_lsp(range.to_point_utf16(buffer)); cx.foreground().spawn(async move { if lang_server.capabilities().code_action_provider.is_none() { return Ok(Default::default()); } Ok(lang_server .request::(lsp::CodeActionParams { text_document: lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path(buffer_abs_path).unwrap(), ), range: lsp_range, work_done_progress_params: Default::default(), partial_result_params: Default::default(), context: lsp::CodeActionContext { diagnostics: relevant_diagnostics, only: None, }, }) .await? .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .filter_map(|entry| { if let lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(lsp_action) = entry { Some(CodeAction { range: range.clone(), lsp_action, }) } else { None } }) .collect()) }) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let rpc = self.client.clone(); let version = buffer.version(); cx.spawn_weak(|_, mut cx| async move { let response = rpc .request(proto::GetCodeActions { project_id, buffer_id, start: Some(language::proto::serialize_anchor(&range.start)), end: Some(language::proto::serialize_anchor(&range.end)), version: serialize_version(&version), }) .await?; buffer_handle .update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.wait_for_version(deserialize_version(response.version)) }) .await; response .actions .into_iter() .map(language::proto::deserialize_code_action) .collect() }) } else { Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())) } } pub fn apply_code_action( &self, buffer_handle: ModelHandle, mut action: CodeAction, push_to_history: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { if self.is_local() { let buffer =; let (lsp_adapter, lang_server) = if let Some((adapter, server)) = self.language_server_for_buffer(buffer, cx) { (adapter.clone(), server.clone()) } else { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); }; let range = action.range.to_point_utf16(buffer); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { if let Some(lsp_range) = action .lsp_action .data .as_mut() .and_then(|d| d.get_mut("codeActionParams")) .and_then(|d| d.get_mut("range")) { *lsp_range = serde_json::to_value(&range_to_lsp(range)).unwrap(); action.lsp_action = lang_server .request::(action.lsp_action) .await?; } else { let actions = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.code_actions(&buffer_handle, action.range, cx) }) .await?; action.lsp_action = actions .into_iter() .find(|a| a.lsp_action.title == action.lsp_action.title) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("code action is outdated"))? .lsp_action; } if let Some(edit) = action.lsp_action.edit { if edit.changes.is_some() || edit.document_changes.is_some() { return Self::deserialize_workspace_edit( this, edit, push_to_history, lsp_adapter.clone(), lang_server.clone(), &mut cx, ) .await; } } if let Some(command) = action.lsp_action.command { this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.last_workspace_edits_by_language_server .remove(&lang_server.server_id()); }); lang_server .request::(lsp::ExecuteCommandParams { command: command.command, arguments: command.arguments.unwrap_or_default(), ..Default::default() }) .await?; return Ok(this.update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.last_workspace_edits_by_language_server .remove(&lang_server.server_id()) .unwrap_or_default() })); } Ok(ProjectTransaction::default()) }) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let client = self.client.clone(); let request = proto::ApplyCodeAction { project_id, buffer_id:, action: Some(language::proto::serialize_code_action(&action)), }; cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let response = client .request(request) .await? .transaction .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing transaction"))?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.deserialize_project_transaction(response, push_to_history, cx) }) .await }) } else { Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("project does not have a remote id"))) } } async fn deserialize_workspace_edit( this: ModelHandle, edit: lsp::WorkspaceEdit, push_to_history: bool, lsp_adapter: Arc, language_server: Arc, cx: &mut AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let fs = this.read_with(cx, |this, _| this.fs.clone()); let mut operations = Vec::new(); if let Some(document_changes) = edit.document_changes { match document_changes { lsp::DocumentChanges::Edits(edits) => { operations.extend(edits.into_iter().map(lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Edit)) } lsp::DocumentChanges::Operations(ops) => operations = ops, } } else if let Some(changes) = edit.changes { operations.extend(changes.into_iter().map(|(uri, edits)| { lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Edit(lsp::TextDocumentEdit { text_document: lsp::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier { uri, version: None, }, edits: edits.into_iter().map(lsp::OneOf::Left).collect(), }) })); } let mut project_transaction = ProjectTransaction::default(); for operation in operations { match operation { lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Op(lsp::ResourceOp::Create(op)) => { let abs_path = op .uri .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("can't convert URI to path"))?; if let Some(parent_path) = abs_path.parent() { fs.create_dir(parent_path).await?; } if abs_path.ends_with("/") { fs.create_dir(&abs_path).await?; } else { fs.create_file(&abs_path, .await?; } } lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Op(lsp::ResourceOp::Rename(op)) => { let source_abs_path = op .old_uri .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("can't convert URI to path"))?; let target_abs_path = op .new_uri .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("can't convert URI to path"))?; fs.rename( &source_abs_path, &target_abs_path,, ) .await?; } lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Op(lsp::ResourceOp::Delete(op)) => { let abs_path = op .uri .to_file_path() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("can't convert URI to path"))?; let options =; if abs_path.ends_with("/") { fs.remove_dir(&abs_path, options).await?; } else { fs.remove_file(&abs_path, options).await?; } } lsp::DocumentChangeOperation::Edit(op) => { let buffer_to_edit = this .update(cx, |this, cx| { this.open_local_buffer_via_lsp( op.text_document.uri, language_server.server_id(),, cx, ) }) .await?; let edits = this .update(cx, |this, cx| { let edits = op.edits.into_iter().map(|edit| match edit { lsp::OneOf::Left(edit) => edit, lsp::OneOf::Right(edit) => edit.text_edit, }); this.edits_from_lsp( &buffer_to_edit, edits, op.text_document.version, cx, ) }) .await?; let transaction = buffer_to_edit.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.finalize_last_transaction(); buffer.start_transaction(); for (range, text) in edits { buffer.edit([(range, text)], None, cx); } let transaction = if buffer.end_transaction(cx).is_some() { let transaction = buffer.finalize_last_transaction().unwrap().clone(); if !push_to_history { buffer.forget_transaction(; } Some(transaction) } else { None }; transaction }); if let Some(transaction) = transaction { project_transaction.0.insert(buffer_to_edit, transaction); } } } } Ok(project_transaction) } pub fn prepare_rename( &self, buffer: ModelHandle, position: T, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>>> { let position = position.to_point_utf16(; self.request_lsp(buffer, PrepareRename { position }, cx) } pub fn perform_rename( &self, buffer: ModelHandle, position: T, new_name: String, push_to_history: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { let position = position.to_point_utf16(; self.request_lsp( buffer, PerformRename { position, new_name, push_to_history, }, cx, ) } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] pub fn search( &self, query: SearchQuery, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task, Vec>>>> { if self.is_local() { let snapshots = self .visible_worktrees(cx) .filter_map(|tree| { let tree =; Some(tree.snapshot()) }) .collect::>(); let background = cx.background().clone(); let path_count: usize = snapshots.iter().map(|s| s.visible_file_count()).sum(); if path_count == 0 { return Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())); } let workers = background.num_cpus().min(path_count); let (matching_paths_tx, mut matching_paths_rx) = smol::channel::bounded(1024); cx.background() .spawn({ let fs = self.fs.clone(); let background = cx.background().clone(); let query = query.clone(); async move { let fs = &fs; let query = &query; let matching_paths_tx = &matching_paths_tx; let paths_per_worker = (path_count + workers - 1) / workers; let snapshots = &snapshots; background .scoped(|scope| { for worker_ix in 0..workers { let worker_start_ix = worker_ix * paths_per_worker; let worker_end_ix = worker_start_ix + paths_per_worker; scope.spawn(async move { let mut snapshot_start_ix = 0; let mut abs_path = PathBuf::new(); for snapshot in snapshots { let snapshot_end_ix = snapshot_start_ix + snapshot.visible_file_count(); if worker_end_ix <= snapshot_start_ix { break; } else if worker_start_ix > snapshot_end_ix { snapshot_start_ix = snapshot_end_ix; continue; } else { let start_in_snapshot = worker_start_ix .saturating_sub(snapshot_start_ix); let end_in_snapshot = cmp::min(worker_end_ix, snapshot_end_ix) - snapshot_start_ix; for entry in snapshot .files(false, start_in_snapshot) .take(end_in_snapshot - start_in_snapshot) { if matching_paths_tx.is_closed() { break; } abs_path.clear(); abs_path.push(&snapshot.abs_path()); abs_path.push(&entry.path); let matches = if let Some(file) = fs.open_sync(&abs_path).await.log_err() { query.detect(file).unwrap_or(false) } else { false }; if matches { let project_path = (, entry.path.clone()); if matching_paths_tx .send(project_path) .await .is_err() { break; } } } snapshot_start_ix = snapshot_end_ix; } } }); } }) .await; } }) .detach(); let (buffers_tx, buffers_rx) = smol::channel::bounded(1024); let open_buffers = self .opened_buffers .values() .filter_map(|b| b.upgrade(cx)) .collect::>(); cx.spawn(|this, cx| async move { for buffer in &open_buffers { let snapshot = buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.snapshot()); buffers_tx.send((buffer.clone(), snapshot)).await?; } let open_buffers = Rc::new(RefCell::new(open_buffers)); while let Some(project_path) = { if buffers_tx.is_closed() { break; } let this = this.clone(); let open_buffers = open_buffers.clone(); let buffers_tx = buffers_tx.clone(); cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { if let Some(buffer) = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.open_buffer(project_path, cx)) .await .log_err() { if open_buffers.borrow_mut().insert(buffer.clone()) { let snapshot = buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.snapshot()); buffers_tx.send((buffer, snapshot)).await?; } } Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(()) }) .detach(); } Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(()) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); let background = cx.background().clone(); cx.background().spawn(async move { let query = &query; let mut matched_buffers = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..workers { matched_buffers.push(HashMap::default()); } background .scoped(|scope| { for worker_matched_buffers in matched_buffers.iter_mut() { let mut buffers_rx = buffers_rx.clone(); scope.spawn(async move { while let Some((buffer, snapshot)) = { let buffer_matches = query .search(snapshot.as_rope()) .await .iter() .map(|range| { snapshot.anchor_before(range.start) ..snapshot.anchor_after(range.end) }) .collect::>(); if !buffer_matches.is_empty() { worker_matched_buffers .insert(buffer.clone(), buffer_matches); } } }); } }) .await; Ok(matched_buffers.into_iter().flatten().collect()) }) } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let request = self.client.request(query.to_proto(project_id)); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let response = request.await?; let mut result = HashMap::default(); for location in response.locations { let target_buffer = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.wait_for_buffer(location.buffer_id, cx) }) .await?; let start = location .start .and_then(deserialize_anchor) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing target start"))?; let end = location .end .and_then(deserialize_anchor) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing target end"))?; result .entry(target_buffer) .or_insert(Vec::new()) .push(start..end) } Ok(result) }) } else { Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())) } } fn request_lsp( &self, buffer_handle: ModelHandle, request: R, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> where ::Result: Send, { let buffer =; if self.is_local() { let file = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()).and_then(File::as_local); if let Some((file, language_server)) = self.language_server_for_buffer(buffer, cx) .map(|(_, server)| server.clone()), ) { let lsp_params = request.to_lsp(&file.abs_path(cx), cx); return cx.spawn(|this, cx| async move { if !request.check_capabilities(language_server.capabilities()) { return Ok(Default::default()); } let response = language_server .request::(lsp_params) .await .context("lsp request failed")?; request .response_from_lsp(response, this, buffer_handle, cx) .await }); } } else if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let rpc = self.client.clone(); let message = request.to_proto(project_id, buffer); return cx.spawn(|this, cx| async move { let response = rpc.request(message).await?; request .response_from_proto(response, this, buffer_handle, cx) .await }); } Task::ready(Ok(Default::default())) } pub fn find_or_create_local_worktree( &mut self, abs_path: impl AsRef, visible: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task, PathBuf)>> { let abs_path = abs_path.as_ref(); if let Some((tree, relative_path)) = self.find_local_worktree(abs_path, cx) { Task::ready(Ok((tree, relative_path))) } else { let worktree = self.create_local_worktree(abs_path, visible, cx); cx.foreground() .spawn(async move { Ok((worktree.await?, PathBuf::new())) }) } } pub fn find_local_worktree( &self, abs_path: &Path, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option<(ModelHandle, PathBuf)> { for tree in &self.worktrees { if let Some(tree) = tree.upgrade(cx) { if let Some(relative_path) = tree .read(cx) .as_local() .and_then(|t| abs_path.strip_prefix(t.abs_path()).ok()) { return Some((tree.clone(), relative_path.into())); } } } None } pub fn is_shared(&self) -> bool { match &self.client_state { Some(ProjectClientState::Local { .. }) => true, _ => false, } } fn create_local_worktree( &mut self, abs_path: impl AsRef, visible: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let fs = self.fs.clone(); let client = self.client.clone(); let next_entry_id = self.next_entry_id.clone(); let path: Arc = abs_path.as_ref().into(); let task = self .loading_local_worktrees .entry(path.clone()) .or_insert_with(|| { cx.spawn(|project, mut cx| { async move { let worktree = Worktree::local( client.clone(), path.clone(), visible, fs, next_entry_id, &mut cx, ) .await; project.update(&mut cx, |project, _| { project.loading_local_worktrees.remove(&path); }); let worktree = worktree?; let project_id = project.update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.add_worktree(&worktree, cx); project.remote_id() }); if let Some(project_id) = project_id { worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree.as_local_mut().unwrap().share(project_id, cx) }) .await .log_err(); } Ok(worktree) } .map_err(Arc::new) }) .shared() }) .clone(); cx.foreground().spawn(async move { match task.await { Ok(worktree) => Ok(worktree), Err(err) => Err(anyhow!("{}", err)), } }) } pub fn remove_worktree(&mut self, id_to_remove: WorktreeId, cx: &mut ModelContext) { self.worktrees.retain(|worktree| { if let Some(worktree) = worktree.upgrade(cx) { let id =; if id == id_to_remove { cx.emit(Event::WorktreeRemoved(id)); false } else { true } } else { false } }); self.metadata_changed(cx); cx.notify(); } fn add_worktree(&mut self, worktree: &ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext) { cx.observe(worktree, |_, _, cx| cx.notify()).detach(); if { cx.subscribe(worktree, |this, worktree, event, cx| match event { worktree::Event::UpdatedEntries => this.update_local_worktree_buffers(worktree, cx), worktree::Event::UpdatedGitRepositories(updated_repos) => { this.update_local_worktree_buffers_git_repos(worktree, updated_repos, cx) } }) .detach(); } let push_strong_handle = { let worktree =; self.is_shared() || worktree.is_visible() || worktree.is_remote() }; if push_strong_handle { self.worktrees .push(WorktreeHandle::Strong(worktree.clone())); } else { self.worktrees .push(WorktreeHandle::Weak(worktree.downgrade())); } self.metadata_changed(cx); cx.observe_release(worktree, |this, worktree, cx| { this.remove_worktree(, cx); cx.notify(); }) .detach(); cx.emit(Event::WorktreeAdded); cx.notify(); } fn update_local_worktree_buffers( &mut self, worktree_handle: ModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { let snapshot =; let mut buffers_to_delete = Vec::new(); let mut renamed_buffers = Vec::new(); for (buffer_id, buffer) in &self.opened_buffers { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { if let Some(old_file) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()) { if old_file.worktree != worktree_handle { return; } let new_file = if let Some(entry) = snapshot.entry_for_id(old_file.entry_id) { File { is_local: true, entry_id:, mtime: entry.mtime, path: entry.path.clone(), worktree: worktree_handle.clone(), is_deleted: false, } } else if let Some(entry) = snapshot.entry_for_path(old_file.path().as_ref()) { File { is_local: true, entry_id:, mtime: entry.mtime, path: entry.path.clone(), worktree: worktree_handle.clone(), is_deleted: false, } } else { File { is_local: true, entry_id: old_file.entry_id, path: old_file.path().clone(), mtime: old_file.mtime(), worktree: worktree_handle.clone(), is_deleted: true, } }; let old_path = old_file.abs_path(cx); if new_file.abs_path(cx) != old_path { renamed_buffers.push((cx.handle(), old_path)); } if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { self.client .send(proto::UpdateBufferFile { project_id, buffer_id: *buffer_id as u64, file: Some(new_file.to_proto()), }) .log_err(); } buffer.file_updated(Arc::new(new_file), cx).detach(); } }); } else { buffers_to_delete.push(*buffer_id); } } for buffer_id in buffers_to_delete { self.opened_buffers.remove(&buffer_id); } for (buffer, old_path) in renamed_buffers { self.unregister_buffer_from_language_server(&buffer, old_path, cx); self.assign_language_to_buffer(&buffer, cx); self.register_buffer_with_language_server(&buffer, cx); } } fn update_local_worktree_buffers_git_repos( &mut self, worktree: ModelHandle, repos: &[GitRepositoryEntry], cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { for (_, buffer) in &self.opened_buffers { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { let file = match File::from_dyn( { Some(file) => file, None => continue, }; if file.worktree != worktree { continue; } let path = file.path().clone(); let repo = match repos.iter().find(|repo| repo.manages(&path)) { Some(repo) => repo.clone(), None => return, }; let relative_repo = match path.strip_prefix(repo.content_path) { Ok(relative_repo) => relative_repo.to_owned(), Err(_) => return, }; let remote_id = self.remote_id(); let client = self.client.clone(); cx.spawn(|_, mut cx| async move { let diff_base = cx .background() .spawn(async move { repo.repo.lock().load_index_text(&relative_repo) }) .await; let buffer_id = buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.set_diff_base(diff_base.clone(), cx); buffer.remote_id() }); if let Some(project_id) = remote_id { client .send(proto::UpdateDiffBase { project_id, buffer_id: buffer_id as u64, diff_base, }) .log_err(); } }) .detach(); } } } pub fn set_active_path(&mut self, entry: Option, cx: &mut ModelContext) { let new_active_entry = entry.and_then(|project_path| { let worktree = self.worktree_for_id(project_path.worktree_id, cx)?; let entry =; Some( }); if new_active_entry != self.active_entry { self.active_entry = new_active_entry; cx.emit(Event::ActiveEntryChanged(new_active_entry)); } } pub fn language_servers_running_disk_based_diagnostics( &self, ) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.language_server_statuses .iter() .filter_map(|(id, status)| { if status.has_pending_diagnostic_updates { Some(*id) } else { None } }) } pub fn diagnostic_summary(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> DiagnosticSummary { let mut summary = DiagnosticSummary::default(); for (_, path_summary) in self.diagnostic_summaries(cx) { summary.error_count += path_summary.error_count; summary.warning_count += path_summary.warning_count; } summary } pub fn diagnostic_summaries<'a>( &'a self, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { self.visible_worktrees(cx).flat_map(move |worktree| { let worktree =; let worktree_id =; worktree .diagnostic_summaries() .map(move |(path, summary)| (ProjectPath { worktree_id, path }, summary)) }) } pub fn disk_based_diagnostics_started( &mut self, language_server_id: usize, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { cx.emit(Event::DiskBasedDiagnosticsStarted { language_server_id }); } pub fn disk_based_diagnostics_finished( &mut self, language_server_id: usize, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) { cx.emit(Event::DiskBasedDiagnosticsFinished { language_server_id }); } pub fn active_entry(&self) -> Option { self.active_entry } pub fn entry_for_path(&self, path: &ProjectPath, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { self.worktree_for_id(path.worktree_id, cx)? .read(cx) .entry_for_path(&path.path) .cloned() } pub fn path_for_entry(&self, entry_id: ProjectEntryId, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { let worktree = self.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx)?; let worktree =; let worktree_id =; let path = worktree.entry_for_id(entry_id)?.path.clone(); Some(ProjectPath { worktree_id, path }) } // RPC message handlers async fn handle_unshare_project( this: ModelHandle, _: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { if this.is_local() { this.unshare(cx)?; } else { this.disconnected_from_host(cx); } Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_add_collaborator( this: ModelHandle, mut envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let collaborator = envelope .payload .collaborator .take() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("empty collaborator"))?; let collaborator = Collaborator::from_proto(collaborator); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.collaborators .insert(collaborator.peer_id, collaborator); cx.notify(); }); Ok(()) } async fn handle_remove_collaborator( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let peer_id = PeerId(envelope.payload.peer_id); let replica_id = this .collaborators .remove(&peer_id) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown peer {:?}", peer_id))? .replica_id; for buffer in this.opened_buffers.values() { if let Some(buffer) = buffer.upgrade(cx) { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.remove_peer(replica_id, cx)); } } this.shared_buffers.remove(&peer_id); cx.emit(Event::CollaboratorLeft(peer_id)); cx.notify(); Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_update_project( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, client: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let replica_id = this.replica_id(); let remote_id = this.remote_id().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid project"))?; let mut old_worktrees_by_id = this .worktrees .drain(..) .filter_map(|worktree| { let worktree = worktree.upgrade(cx)?; Some((, worktree)) }) .collect::>(); for worktree in envelope.payload.worktrees { if let Some(old_worktree) = old_worktrees_by_id.remove(&WorktreeId::from_proto( { this.worktrees.push(WorktreeHandle::Strong(old_worktree)); } else { let worktree = Worktree::remote(remote_id, replica_id, worktree, client.clone(), cx); this.add_worktree(&worktree, cx); } } this.metadata_changed(cx); for (id, _) in old_worktrees_by_id { cx.emit(Event::WorktreeRemoved(id)); } Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_update_worktree( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let worktree_id = WorktreeId::from_proto(envelope.payload.worktree_id); if let Some(worktree) = this.worktree_for_id(worktree_id, cx) { worktree.update(cx, |worktree, _| { let worktree = worktree.as_remote_mut().unwrap(); worktree.update_from_remote(envelope.payload); }); } Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_create_project_entry( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let worktree = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let worktree_id = WorktreeId::from_proto(envelope.payload.worktree_id); this.worktree_for_id(worktree_id, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("worktree not found")) })?; let worktree_scan_id = worktree.read_with(&cx, |worktree, _| worktree.scan_id()); let entry = worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { let worktree = worktree.as_local_mut().unwrap(); let path = PathBuf::from(OsString::from_vec(envelope.payload.path)); worktree.create_entry(path, envelope.payload.is_directory, cx) }) .await?; Ok(proto::ProjectEntryResponse { entry: Some((&entry).into()), worktree_scan_id: worktree_scan_id as u64, }) } async fn handle_rename_project_entry( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let entry_id = ProjectEntryId::from_proto(envelope.payload.entry_id); let worktree = this.read_with(&cx, |this, cx| { this.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("worktree not found")) })?; let worktree_scan_id = worktree.read_with(&cx, |worktree, _| worktree.scan_id()); let entry = worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { let new_path = PathBuf::from(OsString::from_vec(envelope.payload.new_path)); worktree .as_local_mut() .unwrap() .rename_entry(entry_id, new_path, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid entry")) })? .await?; Ok(proto::ProjectEntryResponse { entry: Some((&entry).into()), worktree_scan_id: worktree_scan_id as u64, }) } async fn handle_copy_project_entry( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let entry_id = ProjectEntryId::from_proto(envelope.payload.entry_id); let worktree = this.read_with(&cx, |this, cx| { this.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("worktree not found")) })?; let worktree_scan_id = worktree.read_with(&cx, |worktree, _| worktree.scan_id()); let entry = worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { let new_path = PathBuf::from(OsString::from_vec(envelope.payload.new_path)); worktree .as_local_mut() .unwrap() .copy_entry(entry_id, new_path, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid entry")) })? .await?; Ok(proto::ProjectEntryResponse { entry: Some((&entry).into()), worktree_scan_id: worktree_scan_id as u64, }) } async fn handle_delete_project_entry( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let entry_id = ProjectEntryId::from_proto(envelope.payload.entry_id); let worktree = this.read_with(&cx, |this, cx| { this.worktree_for_entry(entry_id, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("worktree not found")) })?; let worktree_scan_id = worktree.read_with(&cx, |worktree, _| worktree.scan_id()); worktree .update(&mut cx, |worktree, cx| { worktree .as_local_mut() .unwrap() .delete_entry(entry_id, cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid entry")) })? .await?; Ok(proto::ProjectEntryResponse { entry: None, worktree_scan_id: worktree_scan_id as u64, }) } async fn handle_update_diagnostic_summary( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let worktree_id = WorktreeId::from_proto(envelope.payload.worktree_id); if let Some(worktree) = this.worktree_for_id(worktree_id, cx) { if let Some(summary) = envelope.payload.summary { let project_path = ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: Path::new(&summary.path).into(), }; worktree.update(cx, |worktree, _| { worktree .as_remote_mut() .unwrap() .update_diagnostic_summary(project_path.path.clone(), &summary); }); cx.emit(Event::DiagnosticsUpdated { language_server_id: summary.language_server_id as usize, path: project_path, }); } } Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_start_language_server( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let server = envelope .payload .server .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid server"))?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.language_server_statuses.insert( as usize, LanguageServerStatus { name:, pending_work: Default::default(), has_pending_diagnostic_updates: false, progress_tokens: Default::default(), }, ); cx.notify(); }); Ok(()) } async fn handle_update_language_server( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let language_server_id = envelope.payload.language_server_id as usize; match envelope .payload .variant .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid variant"))? { proto::update_language_server::Variant::WorkStart(payload) => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.on_lsp_work_start( language_server_id, payload.token, LanguageServerProgress { message: payload.message, percentage:|p| p as usize), last_update_at: Instant::now(), }, cx, ); }) } proto::update_language_server::Variant::WorkProgress(payload) => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.on_lsp_work_progress( language_server_id, payload.token, LanguageServerProgress { message: payload.message, percentage:|p| p as usize), last_update_at: Instant::now(), }, cx, ); }) } proto::update_language_server::Variant::WorkEnd(payload) => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.on_lsp_work_end(language_server_id, payload.token, cx); }) } proto::update_language_server::Variant::DiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdating(_) => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.disk_based_diagnostics_started(language_server_id, cx); }) } proto::update_language_server::Variant::DiskBasedDiagnosticsUpdated(_) => { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.disk_based_diagnostics_finished(language_server_id, cx) }); } } Ok(()) } async fn handle_update_buffer( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let payload = envelope.payload.clone(); let buffer_id = payload.buffer_id; let ops = payload .operations .into_iter() .map(language::proto::deserialize_operation) .collect::, _>>()?; let is_remote = this.is_remote(); match this.opened_buffers.entry(buffer_id) { hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut e) => match e.get_mut() { OpenBuffer::Strong(buffer) => { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.apply_ops(ops, cx))?; } OpenBuffer::Operations(operations) => operations.extend_from_slice(&ops), OpenBuffer::Weak(_) => {} }, hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => { assert!( is_remote, "received buffer update from {:?}", envelope.original_sender_id ); e.insert(OpenBuffer::Operations(ops)); } } Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_create_buffer_for_peer( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { match envelope .payload .variant .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing variant"))? { proto::create_buffer_for_peer::Variant::State(mut state) => { let mut buffer_file = None; if let Some(file) = state.file.take() { let worktree_id = WorktreeId::from_proto(file.worktree_id); let worktree = this.worktree_for_id(worktree_id, cx).ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("no worktree found for id {}", file.worktree_id) })?; buffer_file = Some(Arc::new(File::from_proto(file, worktree.clone(), cx)?) as Arc); } let buffer_id =; let buffer = cx.add_model(|_| { Buffer::from_proto(this.replica_id(), state, buffer_file).unwrap() }); this.incomplete_buffers.insert(buffer_id, buffer); } proto::create_buffer_for_peer::Variant::Chunk(chunk) => { let buffer = this .incomplete_buffers .get(&chunk.buffer_id) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!( "received chunk for buffer {} without initial state", chunk.buffer_id ) })? .clone(); let operations = chunk .operations .into_iter() .map(language::proto::deserialize_operation) .collect::>>()?; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.apply_ops(operations, cx))?; if chunk.is_last { this.incomplete_buffers.remove(&chunk.buffer_id); this.register_buffer(&buffer, cx)?; } } } Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_update_diff_base( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let buffer_id = envelope.payload.buffer_id; let diff_base = envelope.payload.diff_base; let buffer = this .opened_buffers .get_mut(&buffer_id) .and_then(|b| b.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No such buffer {}", buffer_id))?; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.set_diff_base(diff_base, cx)); Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_update_buffer_file( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let payload = envelope.payload.clone(); let buffer_id = payload.buffer_id; let file = payload.file.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid file"))?; let worktree = this .worktree_for_id(WorktreeId::from_proto(file.worktree_id), cx) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no such worktree"))?; let file = File::from_proto(file, worktree, cx)?; let buffer = this .opened_buffers .get_mut(&buffer_id) .and_then(|b| b.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no such buffer"))?; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.file_updated(Arc::new(file), cx).detach(); }); this.assign_language_to_buffer(&buffer, cx); Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_save_buffer( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let buffer_id = envelope.payload.buffer_id; let requested_version = deserialize_version(envelope.payload.version); let (project_id, buffer) = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let project_id = this.remote_id().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("not connected"))?; let buffer = this .opened_buffers .get(&buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", buffer_id))?; Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>((project_id, buffer)) })?; buffer .update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.wait_for_version(requested_version) }) .await; let (saved_version, fingerprint, mtime) = buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx|; Ok(proto::BufferSaved { project_id, buffer_id, version: serialize_version(&saved_version), mtime: Some(mtime.into()), fingerprint, }) } async fn handle_reload_buffers( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let sender_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let reload = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let mut buffers = HashSet::default(); for buffer_id in &envelope.payload.buffer_ids { buffers.insert( this.opened_buffers .get(buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", buffer_id))?, ); } Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(this.reload_buffers(buffers, false, cx)) })?; let project_transaction = reload.await?; let project_transaction = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.serialize_project_transaction_for_peer(project_transaction, sender_id, cx) }); Ok(proto::ReloadBuffersResponse { transaction: Some(project_transaction), }) } async fn handle_format_buffers( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let sender_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let format = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let mut buffers = HashSet::default(); for buffer_id in &envelope.payload.buffer_ids { buffers.insert( this.opened_buffers .get(buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", buffer_id))?, ); } let trigger = FormatTrigger::from_proto(envelope.payload.trigger); Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(this.format(buffers, false, trigger, cx)) })?; let project_transaction = format.await?; let project_transaction = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.serialize_project_transaction_for_peer(project_transaction, sender_id, cx) }); Ok(proto::FormatBuffersResponse { transaction: Some(project_transaction), }) } async fn handle_get_completions( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let position = envelope .payload .position .and_then(language::proto::deserialize_anchor) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid position"))?; let version = deserialize_version(envelope.payload.version); let buffer = this.read_with(&cx, |this, cx| { this.opened_buffers .get(&envelope.payload.buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", envelope.payload.buffer_id)) })?; buffer .update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| buffer.wait_for_version(version)) .await; let version = buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.version()); let completions = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.completions(&buffer, position, cx)) .await?; Ok(proto::GetCompletionsResponse { completions: completions .iter() .map(language::proto::serialize_completion) .collect(), version: serialize_version(&version), }) } async fn handle_apply_additional_edits_for_completion( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let (buffer, completion) = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let buffer = this .opened_buffers .get(&envelope.payload.buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", envelope.payload.buffer_id))?; let language =; let completion = language::proto::deserialize_completion( envelope .payload .completion .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid completion"))?, language.cloned(), ); Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>((buffer, completion)) })?; let completion = completion.await?; let apply_additional_edits = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.apply_additional_edits_for_completion(buffer, completion, false, cx) }); Ok(proto::ApplyCompletionAdditionalEditsResponse { transaction: apply_additional_edits .await? .as_ref() .map(language::proto::serialize_transaction), }) } async fn handle_get_code_actions( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let start = envelope .payload .start .and_then(language::proto::deserialize_anchor) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid start"))?; let end = envelope .payload .end .and_then(language::proto::deserialize_anchor) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid end"))?; let buffer = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.opened_buffers .get(&envelope.payload.buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", envelope.payload.buffer_id)) })?; buffer .update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.wait_for_version(deserialize_version(envelope.payload.version)) }) .await; let version = buffer.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.version()); let code_actions = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(this.code_actions(&buffer, start..end, cx)) })?; Ok(proto::GetCodeActionsResponse { actions: code_actions .await? .iter() .map(language::proto::serialize_code_action) .collect(), version: serialize_version(&version), }) } async fn handle_apply_code_action( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let sender_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let action = language::proto::deserialize_code_action( envelope .payload .action .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid action"))?, )?; let apply_code_action = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let buffer = this .opened_buffers .get(&envelope.payload.buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", envelope.payload.buffer_id))?; Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(this.apply_code_action(buffer, action, false, cx)) })?; let project_transaction = apply_code_action.await?; let project_transaction = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.serialize_project_transaction_for_peer(project_transaction, sender_id, cx) }); Ok(proto::ApplyCodeActionResponse { transaction: Some(project_transaction), }) } async fn handle_lsp_command( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<::Response> where ::Result: Send, { let sender_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let buffer_id = T::buffer_id_from_proto(&envelope.payload); let buffer_handle = this.read_with(&cx, |this, _| { this.opened_buffers .get(&buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(&cx)) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown buffer id {}", buffer_id)) })?; let request = T::from_proto( envelope.payload, this.clone(), buffer_handle.clone(), cx.clone(), ) .await?; let buffer_version = buffer_handle.read_with(&cx, |buffer, _| buffer.version()); let response = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.request_lsp(buffer_handle, request, cx) }) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { Ok(T::response_to_proto( response, this, sender_id, &buffer_version, cx, )) }) } async fn handle_get_project_symbols( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let symbols = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.symbols(&envelope.payload.query, cx) }) .await?; Ok(proto::GetProjectSymbolsResponse { symbols: symbols.iter().map(serialize_symbol).collect(), }) } async fn handle_search_project( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let peer_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let query = SearchQuery::from_proto(envelope.payload)?; let result = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx|, cx)) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let mut locations = Vec::new(); for (buffer, ranges) in result { for range in ranges { let start = serialize_anchor(&range.start); let end = serialize_anchor(&range.end); let buffer_id = this.create_buffer_for_peer(&buffer, peer_id, cx); locations.push(proto::Location { buffer_id, start: Some(start), end: Some(end), }); } } Ok(proto::SearchProjectResponse { locations }) }) } async fn handle_open_buffer_for_symbol( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let peer_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let symbol = envelope .payload .symbol .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid symbol"))?; let symbol = this .read_with(&cx, |this, _| this.deserialize_symbol(symbol)) .await?; let symbol = this.read_with(&cx, |this, _| { let signature = this.symbol_signature(&symbol.path); if signature == symbol.signature { Ok(symbol) } else { Err(anyhow!("invalid symbol signature")) } })?; let buffer = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.open_buffer_for_symbol(&symbol, cx)) .await?; Ok(proto::OpenBufferForSymbolResponse { buffer_id: this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.create_buffer_for_peer(&buffer, peer_id, cx) }), }) } fn symbol_signature(&self, project_path: &ProjectPath) -> [u8; 32] { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(project_path.worktree_id.to_proto().to_be_bytes()); hasher.update(project_path.path.to_string_lossy().as_bytes()); hasher.update(self.nonce.to_be_bytes()); hasher.finalize().as_slice().try_into().unwrap() } async fn handle_open_buffer_by_id( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let peer_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let buffer = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.open_buffer_by_id(, cx) }) .await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { Ok(proto::OpenBufferResponse { buffer_id: this.create_buffer_for_peer(&buffer, peer_id, cx), }) }) } async fn handle_open_buffer_by_path( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result { let peer_id = envelope.original_sender_id()?; let worktree_id = WorktreeId::from_proto(envelope.payload.worktree_id); let open_buffer = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.open_buffer( ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: PathBuf::from(envelope.payload.path).into(), }, cx, ) }); let buffer = open_buffer.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { Ok(proto::OpenBufferResponse { buffer_id: this.create_buffer_for_peer(&buffer, peer_id, cx), }) }) } fn serialize_project_transaction_for_peer( &mut self, project_transaction: ProjectTransaction, peer_id: PeerId, cx: &AppContext, ) -> proto::ProjectTransaction { let mut serialized_transaction = proto::ProjectTransaction { buffer_ids: Default::default(), transactions: Default::default(), }; for (buffer, transaction) in project_transaction.0 { serialized_transaction .buffer_ids .push(self.create_buffer_for_peer(&buffer, peer_id, cx)); serialized_transaction .transactions .push(language::proto::serialize_transaction(&transaction)); } serialized_transaction } fn deserialize_project_transaction( &mut self, message: proto::ProjectTransaction, push_to_history: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let mut project_transaction = ProjectTransaction::default(); for (buffer_id, transaction) in message.buffer_ids.into_iter().zip(message.transactions) { let buffer = this .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.wait_for_buffer(buffer_id, cx)) .await?; let transaction = language::proto::deserialize_transaction(transaction)?; project_transaction.0.insert(buffer, transaction); } for (buffer, transaction) in &project_transaction.0 { buffer .update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.wait_for_edits(transaction.edit_ids.iter().copied()) }) .await; if push_to_history { buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, _| { buffer.push_transaction(transaction.clone(), Instant::now()); }); } } Ok(project_transaction) }) } fn create_buffer_for_peer( &mut self, buffer: &ModelHandle, peer_id: PeerId, cx: &AppContext, ) -> u64 { let buffer_id =; if let Some(project_id) = self.remote_id() { let shared_buffers = self.shared_buffers.entry(peer_id).or_default(); if shared_buffers.insert(buffer_id) { let buffer =; let state = buffer.to_proto(); let operations = buffer.serialize_ops(cx); let client = self.client.clone(); cx.background() .spawn( async move { let mut operations = operations.await; client.send(proto::CreateBufferForPeer { project_id, peer_id: peer_id.0, variant: Some(proto::create_buffer_for_peer::Variant::State(state)), })?; loop { #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 5; #[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "test-support")))] const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 100; let chunk = operations .drain(..cmp::min(CHUNK_SIZE, operations.len())) .collect(); let is_last = operations.is_empty(); client.send(proto::CreateBufferForPeer { project_id, peer_id: peer_id.0, variant: Some(proto::create_buffer_for_peer::Variant::Chunk( proto::BufferChunk { buffer_id, operations: chunk, is_last, }, )), })?; if is_last { break; } } Ok(()) } .log_err(), ) .detach(); } } buffer_id } fn wait_for_buffer( &self, id: u64, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let mut opened_buffer_rx = self.opened_buffer.1.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let buffer = loop { let buffer = this.read_with(&cx, |this, cx| { this.opened_buffers .get(&id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)) }); if let Some(buffer) = buffer { break buffer; } else if this.read_with(&cx, |this, _| this.is_read_only()) { return Err(anyhow!("disconnected before buffer {} could be opened", id)); } opened_buffer_rx .next() .await .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("project dropped while waiting for buffer"))?; }; buffer.update(&mut cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.git_diff_recalc(cx)); Ok(buffer) }) } fn deserialize_symbol( &self, serialized_symbol: proto::Symbol, ) -> impl Future> { let languages = self.languages.clone(); async move { let source_worktree_id = WorktreeId::from_proto(serialized_symbol.source_worktree_id); let worktree_id = WorktreeId::from_proto(serialized_symbol.worktree_id); let start = serialized_symbol .start .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid start"))?; let end = serialized_symbol .end .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid end"))?; let kind = unsafe { mem::transmute(serialized_symbol.kind) }; let path = ProjectPath { worktree_id, path: PathBuf::from(serialized_symbol.path).into(), }; let language = languages.select_language(&path.path); Ok(Symbol { language_server_name: LanguageServerName( serialized_symbol.language_server_name.into(), ), source_worktree_id, path, label: { match language { Some(language) => { language .label_for_symbol(&, kind) .await } None => None, } .unwrap_or_else(|| CodeLabel::plain(, None)) }, name:, range: PointUtf16::new(start.row, start.column) ..PointUtf16::new(end.row, end.column), kind, signature: serialized_symbol .signature .try_into() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("invalid signature"))?, }) } } async fn handle_buffer_saved( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let version = deserialize_version(envelope.payload.version); let mtime = envelope .payload .mtime .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing mtime"))? .into(); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let buffer = this .opened_buffers .get(&envelope.payload.buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)); if let Some(buffer) = buffer { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.did_save(version, envelope.payload.fingerprint, mtime, None, cx); }); } Ok(()) }) } async fn handle_buffer_reloaded( this: ModelHandle, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let payload = envelope.payload; let version = deserialize_version(payload.version); let line_ending = deserialize_line_ending( proto::LineEnding::from_i32(payload.line_ending) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing line ending"))?, ); let mtime = payload .mtime .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing mtime"))? .into(); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let buffer = this .opened_buffers .get(&payload.buffer_id) .and_then(|buffer| buffer.upgrade(cx)); if let Some(buffer) = buffer { buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.did_reload(version, payload.fingerprint, line_ending, mtime, cx); }); } Ok(()) }) } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn edits_from_lsp( &mut self, buffer: &ModelHandle, lsp_edits: impl 'static + Send + IntoIterator, version: Option, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task, String)>>> { let snapshot = self.buffer_snapshot_for_lsp_version(buffer, version, cx); cx.background().spawn(async move { let snapshot = snapshot?; let mut lsp_edits = lsp_edits .into_iter() .map(|edit| (range_from_lsp(edit.range), edit.new_text)) .collect::>(); lsp_edits.sort_by_key(|(range, _)| range.start); let mut lsp_edits = lsp_edits.into_iter().peekable(); let mut edits = Vec::new(); while let Some((mut range, mut new_text)) = { // Clip invalid ranges provided by the language server. range.start = snapshot.clip_point_utf16(range.start, Bias::Left); range.end = snapshot.clip_point_utf16(range.end, Bias::Left); // Combine any LSP edits that are adjacent. // // Also, combine LSP edits that are separated from each other by only // a newline. This is important because for some code actions, // Rust-analyzer rewrites the entire buffer via a series of edits that // are separated by unchanged newline characters. // // In order for the diffing logic below to work properly, any edits that // cancel each other out must be combined into one. while let Some((next_range, next_text)) = lsp_edits.peek() { if next_range.start > range.end { if next_range.start.row > range.end.row + 1 || next_range.start.column > 0 || snapshot.clip_point_utf16( PointUtf16::new(range.end.row, u32::MAX), Bias::Left, ) > range.end { break; } new_text.push('\n'); } range.end = next_range.end; new_text.push_str(next_text);; } // For multiline edits, perform a diff of the old and new text so that // we can identify the changes more precisely, preserving the locations // of any anchors positioned in the unchanged regions. if range.end.row > range.start.row { let mut offset = range.start.to_offset(&snapshot); let old_text = snapshot.text_for_range(range).collect::(); let diff = TextDiff::from_lines(old_text.as_str(), &new_text); let mut moved_since_edit = true; for change in diff.iter_all_changes() { let tag = change.tag(); let value = change.value(); match tag { ChangeTag::Equal => { offset += value.len(); moved_since_edit = true; } ChangeTag::Delete => { let start = snapshot.anchor_after(offset); let end = snapshot.anchor_before(offset + value.len()); if moved_since_edit { edits.push((start..end, String::new())); } else { edits.last_mut().unwrap().0.end = end; } offset += value.len(); moved_since_edit = false; } ChangeTag::Insert => { if moved_since_edit { let anchor = snapshot.anchor_after(offset); edits.push((anchor..anchor, value.to_string())); } else { edits.last_mut().unwrap().1.push_str(value); } moved_since_edit = false; } } } } else if range.end == range.start { let anchor = snapshot.anchor_after(range.start); edits.push((anchor..anchor, new_text)); } else { let edit_start = snapshot.anchor_after(range.start); let edit_end = snapshot.anchor_before(range.end); edits.push((edit_start..edit_end, new_text)); } } Ok(edits) }) } fn buffer_snapshot_for_lsp_version( &mut self, buffer: &ModelHandle, version: Option, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Result { const OLD_VERSIONS_TO_RETAIN: i32 = 10; if let Some(version) = version { let buffer_id =; let snapshots = self .buffer_snapshots .get_mut(&buffer_id) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no snapshot found for buffer {}", buffer_id))?; let mut found_snapshot = None; snapshots.retain(|(snapshot_version, snapshot)| { if snapshot_version + OLD_VERSIONS_TO_RETAIN < version { false } else { if *snapshot_version == version { found_snapshot = Some(snapshot.clone()); } true } }); found_snapshot.ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!( "snapshot not found for buffer {} at version {}", buffer_id, version ) }) } else { Ok(( } } fn language_server_for_buffer( &self, buffer: &Buffer, cx: &AppContext, ) -> Option<(&Arc, &Arc)> { if let Some((file, language)) = File::from_dyn(buffer.file()).zip(buffer.language()) { let name = language.lsp_adapter()?.name.clone(); let worktree_id = file.worktree_id(cx); let key = (worktree_id, name); if let Some(server_id) = self.language_server_ids.get(&key) { if let Some(LanguageServerState::Running { adapter, server, .. }) = self.language_servers.get(server_id) { return Some((adapter, server)); } } } None } } impl ProjectStore { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { projects: Default::default(), } } pub fn projects<'a>( &'a self, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> impl 'a + Iterator> { self.projects .iter() .filter_map(|project| project.upgrade(cx)) } fn add_project(&mut self, project: WeakModelHandle, cx: &mut ModelContext) { if let Err(ix) = self .projects .binary_search_by_key(&, WeakModelHandle::id) { self.projects.insert(ix, project); } cx.notify(); } fn prune_projects(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) { let mut did_change = false; self.projects.retain(|project| { if project.is_upgradable(cx) { true } else { did_change = true; false } }); if did_change { cx.notify(); } } } impl WorktreeHandle { pub fn upgrade(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option> { match self { WorktreeHandle::Strong(handle) => Some(handle.clone()), WorktreeHandle::Weak(handle) => handle.upgrade(cx), } } } impl OpenBuffer { pub fn upgrade(&self, cx: &impl UpgradeModelHandle) -> Option> { match self { OpenBuffer::Strong(handle) => Some(handle.clone()), OpenBuffer::Weak(handle) => handle.upgrade(cx), OpenBuffer::Operations(_) => None, } } } pub struct PathMatchCandidateSet { pub snapshot: Snapshot, pub include_ignored: bool, pub include_root_name: bool, } impl<'a> fuzzy::PathMatchCandidateSet<'a> for PathMatchCandidateSet { type Candidates = PathMatchCandidateSetIter<'a>; fn id(&self) -> usize { } fn len(&self) -> usize { if self.include_ignored { self.snapshot.file_count() } else { self.snapshot.visible_file_count() } } fn prefix(&self) -> Arc { if self.snapshot.root_entry().map_or(false, |e| e.is_file()) { self.snapshot.root_name().into() } else if self.include_root_name { format!("{}/", self.snapshot.root_name()).into() } else { "".into() } } fn candidates(&'a self, start: usize) -> Self::Candidates { PathMatchCandidateSetIter { traversal: self.snapshot.files(self.include_ignored, start), } } } pub struct PathMatchCandidateSetIter<'a> { traversal: Traversal<'a>, } impl<'a> Iterator for PathMatchCandidateSetIter<'a> { type Item = fuzzy::PathMatchCandidate<'a>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option {|entry| { if let EntryKind::File(char_bag) = entry.kind { fuzzy::PathMatchCandidate { path: &entry.path, char_bag, } } else { unreachable!() } }) } } impl Entity for ProjectStore { type Event = (); } impl Entity for Project { type Event = Event; fn release(&mut self, cx: &mut gpui::MutableAppContext) { self.project_store.update(cx, ProjectStore::prune_projects); match &self.client_state { Some(ProjectClientState::Local { remote_id, .. }) => { self.client .send(proto::UnshareProject { project_id: *remote_id, }) .log_err(); } Some(ProjectClientState::Remote { remote_id, .. }) => { self.client .send(proto::LeaveProject { project_id: *remote_id, }) .log_err(); } _ => {} } } fn app_will_quit( &mut self, _: &mut MutableAppContext, ) -> Option>>> { let shutdown_futures = self .language_servers .drain() .map(|(_, server_state)| async { match server_state { LanguageServerState::Running { server, .. } => server.shutdown()?.await, LanguageServerState::Starting(starting_server) => { starting_server.await?.shutdown()?.await } } }) .collect::>(); Some( async move { futures::future::join_all(shutdown_futures).await; } .boxed(), ) } } impl Collaborator { fn from_proto(message: proto::Collaborator) -> Self { Self { peer_id: PeerId(message.peer_id), replica_id: message.replica_id as ReplicaId, } } } impl> From<(WorktreeId, P)> for ProjectPath { fn from((worktree_id, path): (WorktreeId, P)) -> Self { Self { worktree_id, path: path.as_ref().into(), } } } fn serialize_symbol(symbol: &Symbol) -> proto::Symbol { proto::Symbol { language_server_name: symbol.language_server_name.0.to_string(), source_worktree_id: symbol.source_worktree_id.to_proto(), worktree_id: symbol.path.worktree_id.to_proto(), path: symbol.path.path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), name:, kind: unsafe { mem::transmute(symbol.kind) }, start: Some(proto::Point { row: symbol.range.start.row, column: symbol.range.start.column, }), end: Some(proto::Point { row: symbol.range.end.row, column: symbol.range.end.column, }), signature: symbol.signature.to_vec(), } } fn relativize_path(base: &Path, path: &Path) -> PathBuf { let mut path_components = path.components(); let mut base_components = base.components(); let mut components: Vec = Vec::new(); loop { match (, { (None, None) => break, (Some(a), None) => { components.push(a); components.extend(path_components.by_ref()); break; } (None, _) => components.push(Component::ParentDir), (Some(a), Some(b)) if components.is_empty() && a == b => (), (Some(a), Some(b)) if b == Component::CurDir => components.push(a), (Some(a), Some(_)) => { components.push(Component::ParentDir); for _ in base_components { components.push(Component::ParentDir); } components.push(a); components.extend(path_components.by_ref()); break; } } } components.iter().map(|c| c.as_os_str()).collect() } impl Item for Buffer { fn entry_id(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option { File::from_dyn(self.file()).and_then(|file| file.project_entry_id(cx)) } }