use crate::{worktree::WorktreeHandle, Event, *}; use fs::LineEnding; use fs::{FakeFs, RealFs}; use futures::{future, StreamExt}; use gpui::{executor::Deterministic, test::subscribe}; use language::{ tree_sitter_rust, tree_sitter_typescript, Diagnostic, FakeLspAdapter, LanguageConfig, OffsetRangeExt, Point, ToPoint, }; use lsp::Url; use serde_json::json; use std::{cell::RefCell, os::unix, rc::Rc, task::Poll}; use unindent::Unindent as _; use util::{assert_set_eq, test::temp_tree}; #[gpui::test] async fn test_symlinks(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let dir = temp_tree(json!({ "root": { "apple": "", "banana": { "carrot": { "date": "", "endive": "", } }, "fennel": { "grape": "", } } })); let root_link_path = dir.path().join("root_link"); unix::fs::symlink(&dir.path().join("root"), &root_link_path).unwrap(); unix::fs::symlink( &dir.path().join("root/fennel"), &dir.path().join("root/finnochio"), ) .unwrap(); let project = Project::test(Arc::new(RealFs), [root_link_path.as_ref()], cx).await; project.read_with(cx, |project, cx| { let tree = project.worktrees(cx).next().unwrap().read(cx); assert_eq!(tree.file_count(), 5); assert_eq!( tree.inode_for_path("fennel/grape"), tree.inode_for_path("finnochio/grape") ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_managing_language_servers( deterministic: Arc, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, ) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let mut rust_language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut json_language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "JSON".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["json".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, None, ); let mut fake_rust_servers = rust_language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { name: "the-rust-language-server", capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { completion_provider: Some(lsp::CompletionOptions { trigger_characters: Some(vec![".".to_string(), "::".to_string()]), ..Default::default() }), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let mut fake_json_servers = json_language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { name: "the-json-language-server", capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { completion_provider: Some(lsp::CompletionOptions { trigger_characters: Some(vec![":".to_string()]), ..Default::default() }), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/the-root", json!({ "": "const A: i32 = 1;", "": "", "Cargo.toml": "a = 1", "package.json": "{\"a\": 1}", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/the-root".as_ref()], cx).await; // Open a buffer without an associated language server. let toml_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/the-root/Cargo.toml", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); // Open a buffer with an associated language server before the language for it has been loaded. let rust_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/the-root/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); rust_buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!(buffer.language().map(|l|, None); }); // Now we add the languages to the project, and ensure they get assigned to all // the relevant open buffers. project.update(cx, |project, _| { project.languages.add(Arc::new(json_language)); project.languages.add(Arc::new(rust_language)); }); deterministic.run_until_parked(); rust_buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!(buffer.language().map(|l|, Some("Rust".into())); }); // A server is started up, and it is notified about Rust files. let mut fake_rust_server =; assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentItem { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/").unwrap(), version: 0, text: "const A: i32 = 1;".to_string(), language_id: Default::default() } ); // The buffer is configured based on the language server's capabilities. rust_buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!( buffer.completion_triggers(), &[".".to_string(), "::".to_string()] ); }); toml_buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert!(buffer.completion_triggers().is_empty()); }); // Edit a buffer. The changes are reported to the language server. rust_buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.edit([(16..16, "2")], None, cx)); assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/").unwrap(), 1 ) ); // Open a third buffer with a different associated language server. let json_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/the-root/package.json", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); // A json language server is started up and is only notified about the json buffer. let mut fake_json_server =; assert_eq!( fake_json_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentItem { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/package.json").unwrap(), version: 0, text: "{\"a\": 1}".to_string(), language_id: Default::default() } ); // This buffer is configured based on the second language server's // capabilities. json_buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!(buffer.completion_triggers(), &[":".to_string()]); }); // When opening another buffer whose language server is already running, // it is also configured based on the existing language server's capabilities. let rust_buffer2 = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/the-root/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); rust_buffer2.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!( buffer.completion_triggers(), &[".".to_string(), "::".to_string()] ); }); // Changes are reported only to servers matching the buffer's language. toml_buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.edit([(5..5, "23")], None, cx)); rust_buffer2.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.edit([(0..0, "let x = 1;")], None, cx) }); assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/").unwrap(), 1 ) ); // Save notifications are reported to all servers. toml_buffer .update(cx, |buffer, cx| .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new(lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/Cargo.toml").unwrap()) ); assert_eq!( fake_json_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new(lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/Cargo.toml").unwrap()) ); // Renames are reported only to servers matching the buffer's language. fs.rename( Path::new("/the-root/"), Path::new("/the-root/"), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new(lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/").unwrap()), ); assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentItem { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/").unwrap(), version: 0, text: rust_buffer2.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text()), language_id: Default::default() }, ); rust_buffer2.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.update_diagnostics( DiagnosticSet::from_sorted_entries( vec![DiagnosticEntry { diagnostic: Default::default(), range: Anchor::MIN..Anchor::MAX, }], &buffer.snapshot(), ), cx, ); assert_eq!( buffer .snapshot() .diagnostics_in_range::<_, usize>(0..buffer.len(), false) .count(), 1 ); }); // When the rename changes the extension of the file, the buffer gets closed on the old // language server and gets opened on the new one. fs.rename( Path::new("/the-root/"), Path::new("/the-root/test3.json"), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new(lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/").unwrap(),), ); assert_eq!( fake_json_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentItem { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/test3.json").unwrap(), version: 0, text: rust_buffer2.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text()), language_id: Default::default() }, ); // We clear the diagnostics, since the language has changed. rust_buffer2.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!( buffer .snapshot() .diagnostics_in_range::<_, usize>(0..buffer.len(), false) .count(), 0 ); }); // The renamed file's version resets after changing language server. rust_buffer2.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.edit([(0..0, "// ")], None, cx)); assert_eq!( fake_json_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/test3.json").unwrap(), 1 ) ); // Restart language servers project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.restart_language_servers_for_buffers( vec![rust_buffer.clone(), json_buffer.clone()], cx, ); }); let mut rust_shutdown_requests = fake_rust_server .handle_request::(|_, _| future::ready(Ok(()))); let mut json_shutdown_requests = fake_json_server .handle_request::(|_, _| future::ready(Ok(()))); futures::join!(,; let mut fake_rust_server =; let mut fake_json_server =; // Ensure rust document is reopened in new rust language server assert_eq!( fake_rust_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, lsp::TextDocumentItem { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/").unwrap(), version: 1, text: rust_buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text()), language_id: Default::default() } ); // Ensure json documents are reopened in new json language server assert_set_eq!( [ fake_json_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, fake_json_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document, ], [ lsp::TextDocumentItem { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/package.json").unwrap(), version: 0, text: json_buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text()), language_id: Default::default() }, lsp::TextDocumentItem { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/test3.json").unwrap(), version: 1, text: rust_buffer2.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text()), language_id: Default::default() } ] ); // Close notifications are reported only to servers matching the buffer's language. cx.update(|_| drop(json_buffer)); let close_message = lsp::DidCloseTextDocumentParams { text_document: lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/the-root/package.json").unwrap(), ), }; assert_eq!( fake_json_server .receive_notification::() .await, close_message, ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_single_file_worktrees_diagnostics(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "let a = 1;", "": "let b = 2;" }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir/".as_ref(), "/dir/".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer_a = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let buffer_b = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project .update_diagnostics( 0, lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: None, diagnostics: vec![lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 4), lsp::Position::new(0, 5)), severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "error 1".to_string(), ..Default::default() }], }, &[], cx, ) .unwrap(); project .update_diagnostics( 0, lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: None, diagnostics: vec![lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 4), lsp::Position::new(0, 5)), severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING), message: "error 2".to_string(), ..Default::default() }], }, &[], cx, ) .unwrap(); }); buffer_a.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { let chunks = chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, 0..buffer.len()); assert_eq!( chunks .iter() .map(|(s, d)| (s.as_str(), *d)) .collect::>(), &[ ("let ", None), ("a", Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), (" = 1;", None), ] ); }); buffer_b.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { let chunks = chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, 0..buffer.len()); assert_eq!( chunks .iter() .map(|(s, d)| (s.as_str(), *d)) .collect::>(), &[ ("let ", None), ("b", Some(DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING)), (" = 2;", None), ] ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_hidden_worktrees_diagnostics(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/root", json!({ "dir": { "": "let a = 1;", }, "": "let b = c;" }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/root/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let (worktree, _) = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.find_or_create_local_worktree("/root/", false, cx) }) .await .unwrap(); let worktree_id = worktree.read_with(cx, |tree, _|; project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project .update_diagnostics( 0, lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: Url::from_file_path("/root/").unwrap(), version: None, diagnostics: vec![lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 8), lsp::Position::new(0, 9)), severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "unknown variable 'c'".to_string(), ..Default::default() }], }, &[], cx, ) .unwrap(); }); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_buffer((worktree_id, ""), cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { let chunks = chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, 0..buffer.len()); assert_eq!( chunks .iter() .map(|(s, d)| (s.as_str(), *d)) .collect::>(), &[ ("let b = ", None), ("c", Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), (";", None), ] ); }); project.read_with(cx, |project, cx| { assert_eq!(project.diagnostic_summaries(cx).next(), None); assert_eq!(project.diagnostic_summary(cx).error_count, 0); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_disk_based_diagnostics_progress(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let progress_token = "the-progress-token"; let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token: Some(progress_token.into()), disk_based_diagnostics_sources: vec!["disk".into()], ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "fn a() { A }", "": "const y: i32 = 1", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let worktree_id = project.read_with(cx, |p, cx| p.worktrees(cx).next().unwrap().read(cx).id()); // Cause worktree to start the fake language server let _buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let mut events = subscribe(&project, cx); let fake_server =; fake_server .start_progress(format!("{}/0", progress_token)) .await; assert_eq!(, Event::DiskBasedDiagnosticsStarted { language_server_id: 0, } ); fake_server.notify::(lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: None, diagnostics: vec![lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 10)), severity: Some(lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "undefined variable 'A'".to_string(), ..Default::default() }], }); assert_eq!(, Event::DiagnosticsUpdated { language_server_id: 0, path: (worktree_id, Path::new("")).into() } ); fake_server.end_progress(format!("{}/0", progress_token)); assert_eq!(, Event::DiskBasedDiagnosticsFinished { language_server_id: 0 } ); let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { let snapshot = buffer.snapshot(); let diagnostics = snapshot .diagnostics_in_range::<_, Point>(0..buffer.len(), false) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( diagnostics, &[DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(0, 9)..Point::new(0, 10), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "undefined variable 'A'".to_string(), group_id: 0, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } }] ) }); // Ensure publishing empty diagnostics twice only results in one update event. fake_server.notify::(lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: None, diagnostics: Default::default(), }); assert_eq!(, Event::DiagnosticsUpdated { language_server_id: 0, path: (worktree_id, Path::new("")).into() } ); fake_server.notify::(lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: None, diagnostics: Default::default(), }); cx.foreground().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!(futures::poll!(, Poll::Pending); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_restarting_server_with_diagnostics_running(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let progress_token = "the-progress-token"; let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, None, ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { disk_based_diagnostics_sources: vec!["disk".into()], disk_based_diagnostics_progress_token: Some(progress_token.into()), ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree("/dir", json!({ "": "" })).await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); // Simulate diagnostics starting to update. let fake_server =; fake_server.start_progress(progress_token).await; // Restart the server before the diagnostics finish updating. project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.restart_language_servers_for_buffers([buffer], cx); }); let mut events = subscribe(&project, cx); // Simulate the newly started server sending more diagnostics. let fake_server =; fake_server.start_progress(progress_token).await; assert_eq!(, Event::DiskBasedDiagnosticsStarted { language_server_id: 1 } ); project.read_with(cx, |project, _| { assert_eq!( project .language_servers_running_disk_based_diagnostics() .collect::>(), [1] ); }); // All diagnostics are considered done, despite the old server's diagnostic // task never completing. fake_server.end_progress(progress_token); assert_eq!(, Event::DiskBasedDiagnosticsFinished { language_server_id: 1 } ); project.read_with(cx, |project, _| { assert_eq!( project .language_servers_running_disk_based_diagnostics() .collect::>(), [0; 0] ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_toggling_enable_language_server( deterministic: Arc, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, ) { deterministic.forbid_parking(); let mut rust = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: Arc::from("Rust"), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, None, ); let mut fake_rust_servers = rust .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { name: "rust-lsp", ..Default::default() })) .await; let mut js = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: Arc::from("JavaScript"), path_suffixes: vec!["js".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, None, ); let mut fake_js_servers = js .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { name: "js-lsp", ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree("/dir", json!({ "": "", "b.js": "" })) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| { project.languages.add(Arc::new(rust)); project.languages.add(Arc::new(js)); }); let _rs_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let _js_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/b.js", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let mut fake_rust_server_1 =; assert_eq!( fake_rust_server_1 .receive_notification::() .await .text_document .uri .as_str(), "file:///dir/" ); let mut fake_js_server =; assert_eq!( fake_js_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document .uri .as_str(), "file:///dir/b.js" ); // Disable Rust language server, ensuring only that server gets stopped. cx.update(|cx| { cx.update_global(|settings: &mut Settings, _| { settings.language_overrides.insert( Arc::from("Rust"), settings::EditorSettings { enable_language_server: Some(false), ..Default::default() }, ); }) }); fake_rust_server_1 .receive_notification::() .await; // Enable Rust and disable JavaScript language servers, ensuring that the // former gets started again and that the latter stops. cx.update(|cx| { cx.update_global(|settings: &mut Settings, _| { settings.language_overrides.insert( Arc::from("Rust"), settings::EditorSettings { enable_language_server: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, ); settings.language_overrides.insert( Arc::from("JavaScript"), settings::EditorSettings { enable_language_server: Some(false), ..Default::default() }, ); }) }); let mut fake_rust_server_2 =; assert_eq!( fake_rust_server_2 .receive_notification::() .await .text_document .uri .as_str(), "file:///dir/" ); fake_js_server .receive_notification::() .await; } #[gpui::test] async fn test_transforming_diagnostics(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { disk_based_diagnostics_sources: vec!["disk".into()], ..Default::default() })) .await; let text = " fn a() { A } fn b() { BB } fn c() { CCC } " .unindent(); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree("/dir", json!({ "": text })).await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let mut fake_server =; let open_notification = fake_server .receive_notification::() .await; // Edit the buffer, moving the content down buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.edit([(0..0, "\n\n")], None, cx)); let change_notification_1 = fake_server .receive_notification::() .await; assert!(change_notification_1.text_document.version > open_notification.text_document.version); // Report some diagnostics for the initial version of the buffer fake_server.notify::(lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: Some(open_notification.text_document.version), diagnostics: vec![ lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 10)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "undefined variable 'A'".to_string(), source: Some("disk".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 9), lsp::Position::new(1, 11)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "undefined variable 'BB'".to_string(), source: Some("disk".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(2, 9), lsp::Position::new(2, 12)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), source: Some("disk".to_string()), message: "undefined variable 'CCC'".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, ], }); // The diagnostics have moved down since they were created. buffer.next_notification(cx).await; buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!( buffer .snapshot() .diagnostics_in_range::<_, Point>(Point::new(3, 0)..Point::new(5, 0), false) .collect::>(), &[ DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(3, 9)..Point::new(3, 11), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "undefined variable 'BB'".to_string(), is_disk_based: true, group_id: 1, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(4, 9)..Point::new(4, 12), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "undefined variable 'CCC'".to_string(), is_disk_based: true, group_id: 2, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } } ] ); assert_eq!( chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, 0..buffer.len()), [ ("\n\nfn a() { ".to_string(), None), ("A".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), (" }\nfn b() { ".to_string(), None), ("BB".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), (" }\nfn c() { ".to_string(), None), ("CCC".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), (" }\n".to_string(), None), ] ); assert_eq!( chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, Point::new(3, 10)..Point::new(4, 11)), [ ("B".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), (" }\nfn c() { ".to_string(), None), ("CC".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), ] ); }); // Ensure overlapping diagnostics are highlighted correctly. fake_server.notify::(lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: Some(open_notification.text_document.version), diagnostics: vec![ lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 10)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "undefined variable 'A'".to_string(), source: Some("disk".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 12)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING), message: "unreachable statement".to_string(), source: Some("disk".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ], }); buffer.next_notification(cx).await; buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!( buffer .snapshot() .diagnostics_in_range::<_, Point>(Point::new(2, 0)..Point::new(3, 0), false) .collect::>(), &[ DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(2, 9)..Point::new(2, 12), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING, message: "unreachable statement".to_string(), is_disk_based: true, group_id: 4, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(2, 9)..Point::new(2, 10), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "undefined variable 'A'".to_string(), is_disk_based: true, group_id: 3, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() }, } ] ); assert_eq!( chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, Point::new(2, 0)..Point::new(3, 0)), [ ("fn a() { ".to_string(), None), ("A".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), (" }".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING)), ("\n".to_string(), None), ] ); assert_eq!( chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, Point::new(2, 10)..Point::new(3, 0)), [ (" }".to_string(), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING)), ("\n".to_string(), None), ] ); }); // Keep editing the buffer and ensure disk-based diagnostics get translated according to the // changes since the last save. buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.edit([(Point::new(2, 0)..Point::new(2, 0), " ")], None, cx); buffer.edit( [(Point::new(2, 8)..Point::new(2, 10), "(x: usize)")], None, cx, ); buffer.edit([(Point::new(3, 10)..Point::new(3, 10), "xxx")], None, cx); }); let change_notification_2 = fake_server .receive_notification::() .await; assert!( change_notification_2.text_document.version > change_notification_1.text_document.version ); // Handle out-of-order diagnostics fake_server.notify::(lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: lsp::Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), version: Some(change_notification_2.text_document.version), diagnostics: vec![ lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 9), lsp::Position::new(1, 11)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "undefined variable 'BB'".to_string(), source: Some("disk".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 10)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING), message: "undefined variable 'A'".to_string(), source: Some("disk".to_string()), ..Default::default() }, ], }); buffer.next_notification(cx).await; buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!( buffer .snapshot() .diagnostics_in_range::<_, Point>(0..buffer.len(), false) .collect::>(), &[ DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(2, 21)..Point::new(2, 22), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING, message: "undefined variable 'A'".to_string(), is_disk_based: true, group_id: 6, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(3, 9)..Point::new(3, 14), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "undefined variable 'BB'".to_string(), is_disk_based: true, group_id: 5, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() }, } ] ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_empty_diagnostic_ranges(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let text = concat!( "let one = ;\n", // "let two = \n", "let three = 3;\n", ); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree("/dir", json!({ "": text })).await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project .update_buffer_diagnostics( &buffer, vec![ DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(0, 10)..PointUtf16::new(0, 10), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "syntax error 1".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, }, DiagnosticEntry { range: PointUtf16::new(1, 10)..PointUtf16::new(1, 10), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "syntax error 2".to_string(), ..Default::default() }, }, ], None, cx, ) .unwrap(); }); // An empty range is extended forward to include the following character. // At the end of a line, an empty range is extended backward to include // the preceding character. buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { let chunks = chunks_with_diagnostics(buffer, 0..buffer.len()); assert_eq!( chunks .iter() .map(|(s, d)| (s.as_str(), *d)) .collect::>(), &[ ("let one = ", None), (";", Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), ("\nlet two =", None), (" ", Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR)), ("\nlet three = 3;\n", None) ] ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_edits_from_lsp_with_past_version(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language.set_fake_lsp_adapter(Default::default()).await; let text = " fn a() { f1(); } fn b() { f2(); } fn c() { f3(); } " .unindent(); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": text.clone(), }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let mut fake_server =; let lsp_document_version = fake_server .receive_notification::() .await .text_document .version; // Simulate editing the buffer after the language server computes some edits. buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.edit( [( Point::new(0, 0)..Point::new(0, 0), "// above first function\n", )], None, cx, ); buffer.edit( [( Point::new(2, 0)..Point::new(2, 0), " // inside first function\n", )], None, cx, ); buffer.edit( [( Point::new(6, 4)..Point::new(6, 4), "// inside second function ", )], None, cx, ); assert_eq!( buffer.text(), " // above first function fn a() { // inside first function f1(); } fn b() { // inside second function f2(); } fn c() { f3(); } " .unindent() ); }); let edits = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.edits_from_lsp( &buffer, vec![ // replace body of first function lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 0), lsp::Position::new(3, 0)), new_text: " fn a() { f10(); } " .unindent(), }, // edit inside second function lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(4, 6), lsp::Position::new(4, 6)), new_text: "00".into(), }, // edit inside third function via two distinct edits lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(7, 5), lsp::Position::new(7, 5)), new_text: "4000".into(), }, lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(7, 5), lsp::Position::new(7, 6)), new_text: "".into(), }, ], Some(lsp_document_version), cx, ) }) .await .unwrap(); buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { for (range, new_text) in edits { buffer.edit([(range, new_text)], None, cx); } assert_eq!( buffer.text(), " // above first function fn a() { // inside first function f10(); } fn b() { // inside second function f200(); } fn c() { f4000(); } " .unindent() ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_edits_from_lsp_with_edits_on_adjacent_lines(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let text = " use a::b; use a::c; fn f() { b(); c(); } " .unindent(); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": text.clone(), }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); // Simulate the language server sending us a small edit in the form of a very large diff. // Rust-analyzer does this when performing a merge-imports code action. let edits = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.edits_from_lsp( &buffer, [ // Replace the first use statement without editing the semicolon. lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 4), lsp::Position::new(0, 8)), new_text: "a::{b, c}".into(), }, // Reinsert the remainder of the file between the semicolon and the final // newline of the file. lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 9)), new_text: "\n\n".into(), }, lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 9)), new_text: " fn f() { b(); c(); }" .unindent(), }, // Delete everything after the first newline of the file. lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 0), lsp::Position::new(7, 0)), new_text: "".into(), }, ], None, cx, ) }) .await .unwrap(); buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { let edits = edits .into_iter() .map(|(range, text)| { ( range.start.to_point(buffer)..range.end.to_point(buffer), text, ) }) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( edits, [ (Point::new(0, 4)..Point::new(0, 8), "a::{b, c}".into()), (Point::new(1, 0)..Point::new(2, 0), "".into()) ] ); for (range, new_text) in edits { buffer.edit([(range, new_text)], None, cx); } assert_eq!( buffer.text(), " use a::{b, c}; fn f() { b(); c(); } " .unindent() ); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_invalid_edits_from_lsp(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let text = " use a::b; use a::c; fn f() { b(); c(); } " .unindent(); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": text.clone(), }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); // Simulate the language server sending us edits in a non-ordered fashion, // with ranges sometimes being inverted or pointing to invalid locations. let edits = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.edits_from_lsp( &buffer, [ lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 9)), new_text: "\n\n".into(), }, lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 8), lsp::Position::new(0, 4)), new_text: "a::{b, c}".into(), }, lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 0), lsp::Position::new(99, 0)), new_text: "".into(), }, lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 9)), new_text: " fn f() { b(); c(); }" .unindent(), }, ], None, cx, ) }) .await .unwrap(); buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { let edits = edits .into_iter() .map(|(range, text)| { ( range.start.to_point(buffer)..range.end.to_point(buffer), text, ) }) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( edits, [ (Point::new(0, 4)..Point::new(0, 8), "a::{b, c}".into()), (Point::new(1, 0)..Point::new(2, 0), "".into()) ] ); for (range, new_text) in edits { buffer.edit([(range, new_text)], None, cx); } assert_eq!( buffer.text(), " use a::{b, c}; fn f() { b(); c(); } " .unindent() ); }); } fn chunks_with_diagnostics( buffer: &Buffer, range: Range, ) -> Vec<(String, Option)> { let mut chunks: Vec<(String, Option)> = Vec::new(); for chunk in buffer.snapshot().chunks(range, true) { if chunks.last().map_or(false, |prev_chunk| { prev_chunk.1 == chunk.diagnostic_severity }) { chunks.last_mut().unwrap().0.push_str(chunk.text); } else { chunks.push((chunk.text.to_string(), chunk.diagnostic_severity)); } } chunks } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_definition(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language.set_fake_lsp_adapter(Default::default()).await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const fn a() { A }", "": "const y: i32 = crate::a()", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir/".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let fake_server =; fake_server.handle_request::(|params, _| async move { let params = params.text_document_position_params; assert_eq!( params.text_document.uri.to_file_path().unwrap(), Path::new("/dir/"), ); assert_eq!(params.position, lsp::Position::new(0, 22)); Ok(Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar( lsp::Location::new( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 9), lsp::Position::new(0, 10)), ), ))) }); let mut definitions = project .update(cx, |project, cx| project.definition(&buffer, 22, cx)) .await .unwrap(); // Assert no new language server started cx.foreground().run_until_parked(); assert!(fake_servers.try_next().is_err()); assert_eq!(definitions.len(), 1); let definition = definitions.pop().unwrap(); cx.update(|cx| { let target_buffer =; assert_eq!( target_buffer .file() .unwrap() .as_local() .unwrap() .abs_path(cx), Path::new("/dir/"), ); assert_eq!(, 9..10); assert_eq!( list_worktrees(&project, cx), [("/dir/".as_ref(), true), ("/dir/".as_ref(), false)] ); drop(definition); });|cx| { assert_eq!(list_worktrees(&project, cx), [("/dir/".as_ref(), true)]); }); fn list_worktrees<'a>( project: &'a ModelHandle, cx: &'a AppContext, ) -> Vec<(&'a Path, bool)> { project .read(cx) .worktrees(cx) .map(|worktree| { let worktree =; ( worktree.as_local().unwrap().abs_path().as_ref(), worktree.is_visible(), ) }) .collect::>() } } #[gpui::test] async fn test_completions_without_edit_ranges(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "TypeScript".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["ts".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_typescript::language_typescript()), ); let mut fake_language_servers = language.set_fake_lsp_adapter(Default::default()).await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "a.ts": "", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/a.ts", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let fake_server =; let text = "let a = b.fqn"; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.set_text(text, cx)); let completions = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.completions(&buffer, text.len(), cx) }); fake_server .handle_request::(|_, _| async move { Ok(Some(lsp::CompletionResponse::Array(vec![ lsp::CompletionItem { label: "fullyQualifiedName?".into(), insert_text: Some("fullyQualifiedName".into()), ..Default::default() }, ]))) }) .next() .await; let completions = completions.await.unwrap(); let snapshot = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.snapshot()); assert_eq!(completions.len(), 1); assert_eq!(completions[0].new_text, "fullyQualifiedName"); assert_eq!( completions[0].old_range.to_offset(&snapshot), text.len() - 3..text.len() ); let text = "let a = \"atoms/cmp\""; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.set_text(text, cx)); let completions = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.completions(&buffer, text.len() - 1, cx) }); fake_server .handle_request::(|_, _| async move { Ok(Some(lsp::CompletionResponse::Array(vec![ lsp::CompletionItem { label: "component".into(), ..Default::default() }, ]))) }) .next() .await; let completions = completions.await.unwrap(); let snapshot = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.snapshot()); assert_eq!(completions.len(), 1); assert_eq!(completions[0].new_text, "component"); assert_eq!( completions[0].old_range.to_offset(&snapshot), text.len() - 4..text.len() - 1 ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_completions_with_carriage_returns(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "TypeScript".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["ts".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_typescript::language_typescript()), ); let mut fake_language_servers = language.set_fake_lsp_adapter(Default::default()).await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "a.ts": "", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/a.ts", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let fake_server =; let text = "let a = b.fqn"; buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| buffer.set_text(text, cx)); let completions = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.completions(&buffer, text.len(), cx) }); fake_server .handle_request::(|_, _| async move { Ok(Some(lsp::CompletionResponse::Array(vec![ lsp::CompletionItem { label: "fullyQualifiedName?".into(), insert_text: Some("fully\rQualified\r\nName".into()), ..Default::default() }, ]))) }) .next() .await; let completions = completions.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(completions.len(), 1); assert_eq!(completions[0].new_text, "fully\nQualified\nName"); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_apply_code_actions_with_commands(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "TypeScript".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["ts".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, None, ); let mut fake_language_servers = language.set_fake_lsp_adapter(Default::default()).await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "a.ts": "a", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/a.ts", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let fake_server =; // Language server returns code actions that contain commands, and not edits. let actions = project.update(cx, |project, cx| project.code_actions(&buffer, 0..0, cx)); fake_server .handle_request::(|_, _| async move { Ok(Some(vec![ lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(lsp::CodeAction { title: "The code action".into(), command: Some(lsp::Command { title: "The command".into(), command: "_the/command".into(), arguments: Some(vec![json!("the-argument")]), }), ..Default::default() }), lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(lsp::CodeAction { title: "two".into(), ..Default::default() }), ])) }) .next() .await; let action = actions.await.unwrap()[0].clone(); let apply = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.apply_code_action(buffer.clone(), action, true, cx) }); // Resolving the code action does not populate its edits. In absence of // edits, we must execute the given command. fake_server.handle_request::( |action, _| async move { Ok(action) }, ); // While executing the command, the language server sends the editor // a `workspaceEdit` request. fake_server .handle_request::({ let fake = fake_server.clone(); move |params, _| { assert_eq!(params.command, "_the/command"); let fake = fake.clone(); async move { fake.server .request::( lsp::ApplyWorkspaceEditParams { label: None, edit: lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some( [( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/dir/a.ts").unwrap(), vec![lsp::TextEdit { range: lsp::Range::new( lsp::Position::new(0, 0), lsp::Position::new(0, 0), ), new_text: "X".into(), }], )] .into_iter() .collect(), ), ..Default::default() }, }, ) .await .unwrap(); Ok(Some(json!(null))) } } }) .next() .await; // Applying the code action returns a project transaction containing the edits // sent by the language server in its `workspaceEdit` request. let transaction = apply.await.unwrap(); assert!(transaction.0.contains_key(&buffer)); buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "Xa"); buffer.undo(cx); assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "a"); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_save_file(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "file1": "the old contents", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/file1", cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer .update(cx, |buffer, cx| { assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "the old contents"); buffer.edit([(0..0, "a line of text.\n".repeat(10 * 1024))], None, cx); }) .await .unwrap(); let new_text = fs.load(Path::new("/dir/file1")).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(new_text, buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text())); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_save_in_single_file_worktree(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "file1": "the old contents", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir/file1".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/file1", cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer .update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.edit([(0..0, "a line of text.\n".repeat(10 * 1024))], None, cx); }) .await .unwrap(); let new_text = fs.load(Path::new("/dir/file1")).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(new_text, buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text())); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_save_as(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree("/dir", json!({})).await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.create_buffer("", None, cx).unwrap() }); buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.edit([(0..0, "abc")], None, cx); assert!(buffer.is_dirty()); assert!(!buffer.has_conflict()); }); project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.save_buffer_as(buffer.clone(), "/dir/file1".into(), cx) }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(fs.load(Path::new("/dir/file1")).await.unwrap(), "abc"); buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, cx| { assert_eq!(buffer.file().unwrap().full_path(cx), Path::new("dir/file1")); assert!(!buffer.is_dirty()); assert!(!buffer.has_conflict()); }); let opened_buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/dir/file1", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(opened_buffer, buffer); } #[gpui::test(retries = 5)] async fn test_rescan_and_remote_updates( deterministic: Arc, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, ) { let dir = temp_tree(json!({ "a": { "file1": "", "file2": "", "file3": "", }, "b": { "c": { "file4": "", "file5": "", } } })); let project = Project::test(Arc::new(RealFs), [dir.path()], cx).await; let rpc = project.read_with(cx, |p, _| p.client.clone()); let buffer_for_path = |path: &'static str, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext| { let buffer = project.update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer(dir.path().join(path), cx)); async move { buffer.await.unwrap() } }; let id_for_path = |path: &'static str, cx: &gpui::TestAppContext| { project.read_with(cx, |project, cx| { let tree = project.worktrees(cx).next().unwrap(); .entry_for_path(path) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no entry for path {}", path)) .id }) }; let buffer2 = buffer_for_path("a/file2", cx).await; let buffer3 = buffer_for_path("a/file3", cx).await; let buffer4 = buffer_for_path("b/c/file4", cx).await; let buffer5 = buffer_for_path("b/c/file5", cx).await; let file2_id = id_for_path("a/file2", cx); let file3_id = id_for_path("a/file3", cx); let file4_id = id_for_path("b/c/file4", cx); // Create a remote copy of this worktree. let tree = project.read_with(cx, |project, cx| project.worktrees(cx).next().unwrap()); let initial_snapshot = tree.read_with(cx, |tree, _| tree.as_local().unwrap().snapshot()); let remote = cx.update(|cx| { Worktree::remote( 1, 1, proto::WorktreeMetadata { id:, root_name: initial_snapshot.root_name().into(), abs_path: initial_snapshot.abs_path().as_os_str().as_bytes().to_vec(), visible: true, }, rpc.clone(), cx, ) }); remote.update(cx, |remote, _| { let update = initial_snapshot.build_initial_update(1); remote.as_remote_mut().unwrap().update_from_remote(update); }); deterministic.run_until_parked();|cx| { assert!(!; assert!(!; assert!(!; assert!(!; }); // Rename and delete files and directories. tree.flush_fs_events(cx).await; std::fs::rename(dir.path().join("a/file3"), dir.path().join("b/c/file3")).unwrap(); std::fs::remove_file(dir.path().join("b/c/file5")).unwrap(); std::fs::rename(dir.path().join("b/c"), dir.path().join("d")).unwrap(); std::fs::rename(dir.path().join("a/file2"), dir.path().join("a/")).unwrap(); tree.flush_fs_events(cx).await; let expected_paths = vec![ "a", "a/file1", "a/", "b", "d", "d/file3", "d/file4", ];|app| { assert_eq!( .paths() .map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap()) .collect::>(), expected_paths ); assert_eq!(id_for_path("a/", cx), file2_id); assert_eq!(id_for_path("d/file3", cx), file3_id); assert_eq!(id_for_path("d/file4", cx), file4_id); assert_eq!(, Path::new("a/") ); assert_eq!(, Path::new("d/file3") ); assert_eq!(, Path::new("d/file4") ); assert_eq!(, Path::new("b/c/file5") ); assert!(!; assert!(!; assert!(!; assert!(; }); // Update the remote worktree. Check that it becomes consistent with the // local worktree. remote.update(cx, |remote, cx| { let update = &initial_snapshot, 1, 1, true, ); remote.as_remote_mut().unwrap().update_from_remote(update); }); deterministic.run_until_parked(); remote.read_with(cx, |remote, _| { assert_eq!( remote .paths() .map(|p| p.to_str().unwrap()) .collect::>(), expected_paths ); }); } #[gpui::test(iterations = 10)] async fn test_buffer_identity_across_renames( deterministic: Arc, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, ) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "a": { "file1": "", } }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs, [Path::new("/dir")], cx).await; let tree = project.read_with(cx, |project, cx| project.worktrees(cx).next().unwrap()); let tree_id = tree.read_with(cx, |tree, _|; let id_for_path = |path: &'static str, cx: &gpui::TestAppContext| { project.read_with(cx, |project, cx| { let tree = project.worktrees(cx).next().unwrap(); .entry_for_path(path) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("no entry for path {}", path)) .id }) }; let dir_id = id_for_path("a", cx); let file_id = id_for_path("a/file1", cx); let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_buffer((tree_id, "a/file1"), cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| assert!(!buffer.is_dirty())); project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.rename_entry(dir_id, Path::new("b"), cx) }) .unwrap() .await .unwrap(); deterministic.run_until_parked(); assert_eq!(id_for_path("b", cx), dir_id); assert_eq!(id_for_path("b/file1", cx), file_id); buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| assert!(!buffer.is_dirty())); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_buffer_deduping(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "a.txt": "a-contents", "b.txt": "b-contents", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; // Spawn multiple tasks to open paths, repeating some paths. let (buffer_a_1, buffer_b, buffer_a_2) = project.update(cx, |p, cx| { ( p.open_local_buffer("/dir/a.txt", cx), p.open_local_buffer("/dir/b.txt", cx), p.open_local_buffer("/dir/a.txt", cx), ) }); let buffer_a_1 = buffer_a_1.await.unwrap(); let buffer_a_2 = buffer_a_2.await.unwrap(); let buffer_b = buffer_b.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(buffer_a_1.read_with(cx, |b, _| b.text()), "a-contents"); assert_eq!(buffer_b.read_with(cx, |b, _| b.text()), "b-contents"); // There is only one buffer per path. let buffer_a_id =; assert_eq!(, buffer_a_id); // Open the same path again while it is still open. drop(buffer_a_1); let buffer_a_3 = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/a.txt", cx)) .await .unwrap(); // There's still only one buffer per path. assert_eq!(, buffer_a_id); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_buffer_is_dirty(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "file1": "abc", "file2": "def", "file3": "ghi", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer1 = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/file1", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let events = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())); // initially, the buffer isn't dirty. buffer1.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { cx.subscribe(&buffer1, { let events = events.clone(); move |_, _, event, _| match event { BufferEvent::Operation(_) => {} _ => events.borrow_mut().push(event.clone()), } }) .detach(); assert!(!buffer.is_dirty()); assert!(events.borrow().is_empty()); buffer.edit([(1..2, "")], None, cx); }); // after the first edit, the buffer is dirty, and emits a dirtied event. buffer1.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { assert!(buffer.text() == "ac"); assert!(buffer.is_dirty()); assert_eq!( *events.borrow(), &[language::Event::Edited, language::Event::DirtyChanged] ); events.borrow_mut().clear(); buffer.did_save( buffer.version(), buffer.as_rope().fingerprint(), buffer.file().unwrap().mtime(), None, cx, ); }); // after saving, the buffer is not dirty, and emits a saved event. buffer1.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { assert!(!buffer.is_dirty()); assert_eq!(*events.borrow(), &[language::Event::Saved]); events.borrow_mut().clear(); buffer.edit([(1..1, "B")], None, cx); buffer.edit([(2..2, "D")], None, cx); }); // after editing again, the buffer is dirty, and emits another dirty event. buffer1.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { assert!(buffer.text() == "aBDc"); assert!(buffer.is_dirty()); assert_eq!( *events.borrow(), &[ language::Event::Edited, language::Event::DirtyChanged, language::Event::Edited, ], ); events.borrow_mut().clear(); // After restoring the buffer to its previously-saved state, // the buffer is not considered dirty anymore. buffer.edit([(1..3, "")], None, cx); assert!(buffer.text() == "ac"); assert!(!buffer.is_dirty()); }); assert_eq!( *events.borrow(), &[language::Event::Edited, language::Event::DirtyChanged] ); // When a file is deleted, the buffer is considered dirty. let events = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())); let buffer2 = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/file2", cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer2.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.subscribe(&buffer2, { let events = events.clone(); move |_, _, event, _| events.borrow_mut().push(event.clone()) }) .detach(); }); fs.remove_file("/dir/file2".as_ref(), Default::default()) .await .unwrap(); cx.foreground().run_until_parked(); buffer2.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| assert!(buffer.is_dirty())); assert_eq!( *events.borrow(), &[ language::Event::DirtyChanged, language::Event::FileHandleChanged ] ); // When a file is already dirty when deleted, we don't emit a Dirtied event. let events = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())); let buffer3 = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/file3", cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer3.update(cx, |_, cx| { cx.subscribe(&buffer3, { let events = events.clone(); move |_, _, event, _| events.borrow_mut().push(event.clone()) }) .detach(); }); buffer3.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.edit([(0..0, "x")], None, cx); }); events.borrow_mut().clear(); fs.remove_file("/dir/file3".as_ref(), Default::default()) .await .unwrap(); cx.foreground().run_until_parked(); assert_eq!(*events.borrow(), &[language::Event::FileHandleChanged]);|cx| assert!(; } #[gpui::test] async fn test_buffer_file_changes_on_disk(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let initial_contents = "aaa\nbbbbb\nc\n"; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "the-file": initial_contents, }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/the-file", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let anchors = (0..3) .map(|row| buffer.read_with(cx, |b, _| b.anchor_before(Point::new(row, 1)))) .collect::>(); // Change the file on disk, adding two new lines of text, and removing // one line. buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert!(!buffer.is_dirty()); assert!(!buffer.has_conflict()); }); let new_contents = "AAAA\naaa\nBB\nbbbbb\n"; "/dir/the-file".as_ref(), &new_contents.into(), LineEnding::Unix, ) .await .unwrap(); // Because the buffer was not modified, it is reloaded from disk. Its // contents are edited according to the diff between the old and new // file contents. cx.foreground().run_until_parked(); buffer.update(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!(buffer.text(), new_contents); assert!(!buffer.is_dirty()); assert!(!buffer.has_conflict()); let anchor_positions = anchors .iter() .map(|anchor| anchor.to_point(&*buffer)) .collect::>(); assert_eq!( anchor_positions, [Point::new(1, 1), Point::new(3, 1), Point::new(3, 5)] ); }); // Modify the buffer buffer.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.edit([(0..0, " ")], None, cx); assert!(buffer.is_dirty()); assert!(!buffer.has_conflict()); }); // Change the file on disk again, adding blank lines to the beginning. "/dir/the-file".as_ref(), &"\n\n\nAAAA\naaa\nBB\nbbbbb\n".into(), LineEnding::Unix, ) .await .unwrap(); // Because the buffer is modified, it doesn't reload from disk, but is // marked as having a conflict. cx.foreground().run_until_parked(); buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert!(buffer.has_conflict()); }); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_buffer_line_endings(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "file1": "a\nb\nc\n", "file2": "one\r\ntwo\r\nthree\r\n", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer1 = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/file1", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let buffer2 = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/dir/file2", cx)) .await .unwrap(); buffer1.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "a\nb\nc\n"); assert_eq!(buffer.line_ending(), LineEnding::Unix); }); buffer2.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "one\ntwo\nthree\n"); assert_eq!(buffer.line_ending(), LineEnding::Windows); }); // Change a file's line endings on disk from unix to windows. The buffer's // state updates correctly. "/dir/file1".as_ref(), &"aaa\nb\nc\n".into(), LineEnding::Windows, ) .await .unwrap(); cx.foreground().run_until_parked(); buffer1.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { assert_eq!(buffer.text(), "aaa\nb\nc\n"); assert_eq!(buffer.line_ending(), LineEnding::Windows); }); // Save a file with windows line endings. The file is written correctly. buffer2 .update(cx, |buffer, cx| { buffer.set_text("one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\n", cx); }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( fs.load("/dir/file2".as_ref()).await.unwrap(), "one\r\ntwo\r\nthree\r\nfour\r\n", ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_grouped_diagnostics(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/the-dir", json!({ "": " fn foo(mut v: Vec) { for x in &v { v.push(1); } } " .unindent(), }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/the-dir".as_ref()], cx).await; let buffer = project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.open_local_buffer("/the-dir/", cx)) .await .unwrap(); let buffer_uri = Url::from_file_path("/the-dir/").unwrap(); let message = lsp::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri: buffer_uri.clone(), diagnostics: vec![ lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 8), lsp::Position::new(1, 9)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING), message: "error 1".to_string(), related_information: Some(vec![lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformation { location: lsp::Location { uri: buffer_uri.clone(), range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 8), lsp::Position::new(1, 9)), }, message: "error 1 hint 1".to_string(), }]), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 8), lsp::Position::new(1, 9)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::HINT), message: "error 1 hint 1".to_string(), related_information: Some(vec![lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformation { location: lsp::Location { uri: buffer_uri.clone(), range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 8), lsp::Position::new(1, 9)), }, message: "original diagnostic".to_string(), }]), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(2, 8), lsp::Position::new(2, 17)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR), message: "error 2".to_string(), related_information: Some(vec![ lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformation { location: lsp::Location { uri: buffer_uri.clone(), range: lsp::Range::new( lsp::Position::new(1, 13), lsp::Position::new(1, 15), ), }, message: "error 2 hint 1".to_string(), }, lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformation { location: lsp::Location { uri: buffer_uri.clone(), range: lsp::Range::new( lsp::Position::new(1, 13), lsp::Position::new(1, 15), ), }, message: "error 2 hint 2".to_string(), }, ]), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 13), lsp::Position::new(1, 15)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::HINT), message: "error 2 hint 1".to_string(), related_information: Some(vec![lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformation { location: lsp::Location { uri: buffer_uri.clone(), range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(2, 8), lsp::Position::new(2, 17)), }, message: "original diagnostic".to_string(), }]), ..Default::default() }, lsp::Diagnostic { range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(1, 13), lsp::Position::new(1, 15)), severity: Some(DiagnosticSeverity::HINT), message: "error 2 hint 2".to_string(), related_information: Some(vec![lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformation { location: lsp::Location { uri: buffer_uri, range: lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(2, 8), lsp::Position::new(2, 17)), }, message: "original diagnostic".to_string(), }]), ..Default::default() }, ], version: None, }; project .update(cx, |p, cx| p.update_diagnostics(0, message, &[], cx)) .unwrap(); let buffer = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.snapshot()); assert_eq!( buffer .diagnostics_in_range::<_, Point>(0..buffer.len(), false) .collect::>(), &[ DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 8)..Point::new(1, 9), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING, message: "error 1".to_string(), group_id: 0, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 8)..Point::new(1, 9), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::HINT, message: "error 1 hint 1".to_string(), group_id: 0, is_primary: false, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 13)..Point::new(1, 15), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::HINT, message: "error 2 hint 1".to_string(), group_id: 1, is_primary: false, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 13)..Point::new(1, 15), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::HINT, message: "error 2 hint 2".to_string(), group_id: 1, is_primary: false, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(2, 8)..Point::new(2, 17), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "error 2".to_string(), group_id: 1, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } } ] ); assert_eq!( buffer.diagnostic_group::(0).collect::>(), &[ DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 8)..Point::new(1, 9), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING, message: "error 1".to_string(), group_id: 0, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 8)..Point::new(1, 9), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::HINT, message: "error 1 hint 1".to_string(), group_id: 0, is_primary: false, ..Default::default() } }, ] ); assert_eq!( buffer.diagnostic_group::(1).collect::>(), &[ DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 13)..Point::new(1, 15), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::HINT, message: "error 2 hint 1".to_string(), group_id: 1, is_primary: false, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(1, 13)..Point::new(1, 15), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::HINT, message: "error 2 hint 2".to_string(), group_id: 1, is_primary: false, ..Default::default() } }, DiagnosticEntry { range: Point::new(2, 8)..Point::new(2, 17), diagnostic: Diagnostic { severity: DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR, message: "error 2".to_string(), group_id: 1, is_primary: true, ..Default::default() } } ] ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_rename(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { cx.foreground().forbid_parking(); let mut language = Language::new( LanguageConfig { name: "Rust".into(), path_suffixes: vec!["rs".to_string()], ..Default::default() }, Some(tree_sitter_rust::language()), ); let mut fake_servers = language .set_fake_lsp_adapter(Arc::new(FakeLspAdapter { capabilities: lsp::ServerCapabilities { rename_provider: Some(lsp::OneOf::Right(lsp::RenameOptions { prepare_provider: Some(true), work_done_progress_options: Default::default(), })), ..Default::default() }, ..Default::default() })) .await; let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;" }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; project.update(cx, |project, _| project.languages.add(Arc::new(language))); let buffer = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); let fake_server =; let response = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.prepare_rename(buffer.clone(), 7, cx) }); fake_server .handle_request::(|params, _| async move { assert_eq!(params.text_document.uri.as_str(), "file:///dir/"); assert_eq!(params.position, lsp::Position::new(0, 7)); Ok(Some(lsp::PrepareRenameResponse::Range(lsp::Range::new( lsp::Position::new(0, 6), lsp::Position::new(0, 9), )))) }) .next() .await .unwrap(); let range = response.await.unwrap().unwrap(); let range = buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| range.to_offset(buffer)); assert_eq!(range, 6..9); let response = project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.perform_rename(buffer.clone(), 7, "THREE".to_string(), true, cx) }); fake_server .handle_request::(|params, _| async move { assert_eq!( params.text_document_position.text_document.uri.as_str(), "file:///dir/" ); assert_eq!( params.text_document_position.position, lsp::Position::new(0, 7) ); assert_eq!(params.new_name, "THREE"); Ok(Some(lsp::WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some( [ ( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), vec![lsp::TextEdit::new( lsp::Range::new(lsp::Position::new(0, 6), lsp::Position::new(0, 9)), "THREE".to_string(), )], ), ( lsp::Url::from_file_path("/dir/").unwrap(), vec![ lsp::TextEdit::new( lsp::Range::new( lsp::Position::new(0, 24), lsp::Position::new(0, 27), ), "THREE".to_string(), ), lsp::TextEdit::new( lsp::Range::new( lsp::Position::new(0, 35), lsp::Position::new(0, 38), ), "THREE".to_string(), ), ], ), ] .into_iter() .collect(), ), ..Default::default() })) }) .next() .await .unwrap(); let mut transaction = response.await.unwrap().0; assert_eq!(transaction.len(), 2); assert_eq!( transaction .remove_entry(&buffer) .unwrap() .0 .read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text()), "const THREE: usize = 1;" ); assert_eq!( transaction .into_keys() .next() .unwrap() .read_with(cx, |buffer, _| buffer.text()), "const TWO: usize = one::THREE + one::THREE;" ); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_search(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let fs = FakeFs::new(cx.background()); fs.insert_tree( "/dir", json!({ "": "const ONE: usize = 1;", "": "const TWO: usize = one::ONE + one::ONE;", "": "const THREE: usize = one::ONE + two::TWO;", "": "const FOUR: usize = one::ONE + three::THREE;", }), ) .await; let project = Project::test(fs.clone(), ["/dir".as_ref()], cx).await; assert_eq!( search(&project, SearchQuery::text("TWO", false, true), cx) .await .unwrap(), HashMap::from_iter([ ("".to_string(), vec![6..9]), ("".to_string(), vec![37..40]) ]) ); let buffer_4 = project .update(cx, |project, cx| { project.open_local_buffer("/dir/", cx) }) .await .unwrap(); buffer_4.update(cx, |buffer, cx| { let text = "two::TWO"; buffer.edit([(20..28, text), (31..43, text)], None, cx); }); assert_eq!( search(&project, SearchQuery::text("TWO", false, true), cx) .await .unwrap(), HashMap::from_iter([ ("".to_string(), vec![6..9]), ("".to_string(), vec![37..40]), ("".to_string(), vec![25..28, 36..39]) ]) ); async fn search( project: &ModelHandle, query: SearchQuery, cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext, ) -> Result>>> { let results = project .update(cx, |project, cx|, cx)) .await?; Ok(results .into_iter() .map(|(buffer, ranges)| { buffer.read_with(cx, |buffer, _| { let path = buffer.file().unwrap().path().to_string_lossy().to_string(); let ranges = ranges .into_iter() .map(|range| range.to_offset(buffer)) .collect::>(); (path, ranges) }) }) .collect()) } }