use std::{io::Write, path::Path}; use wasmtime::{Config, Engine}; fn main() { let base = Path::new("../../plugins"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", base.display()); let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(base.join("bin")); let _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(base.join("bin")).expect("Could not make plugins bin directory"); let (profile_flags, profile_target) = match std::env::var("PROFILE").unwrap().as_str() { "debug" => (&[][..], "debug"), "release" => (&["--release"][..], "release"), unknown => panic!("unknown profile `{}`", unknown), }; let build_successful = std::process::Command::new("cargo") .args([ "build", "--target", "wasm32-wasi", "--manifest-path", base.join("Cargo.toml").to_str().unwrap(), ]) .args(profile_flags) .status() .expect("Could not build plugins") .success(); assert!(build_successful); let binaries = std::fs::read_dir(base.join("target/wasm32-wasi").join(profile_target)) .expect("Could not find compiled plugins in target"); let engine = create_default_engine(); for file in binaries { let is_wasm = || { let path = file.ok()?.path(); if path.extension()? == "wasm" { Some(path) } else { None } }; if let Some(path) = is_wasm() { let out_path = base.join("bin").join(path.file_name().unwrap()); std::fs::copy(&path, &out_path).expect("Could not copy compiled plugin to bin"); precompile(&out_path, &engine); } } } /// Creates a default engine for compiling Wasm. /// N.B.: this must create the same `Engine` as /// the `create_default_engine` function /// in `plugin_runtime/src/`. fn create_default_engine() -> Engine { let mut config = Config::default(); config.async_support(true); // config.epoch_interruption(true); Engine::new(&config).expect("Could not create engine") } fn precompile(path: &Path, engine: &Engine) { let bytes = std::fs::read(path).expect("Could not read wasm module"); let compiled = engine .precompile_module(&bytes) .expect("Could not precompile module"); let out_path = path.parent().unwrap().join(&format!( "{}.pre", path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy() )); let mut out_file = std::fs::File::create(out_path) .expect("Could not create output file for precompiled module"); out_file.write_all(&compiled).unwrap(); }