use crate::{ color::Color, fonts::{FontId, GlyphId, Underline}, geometry::{ rect::RectF, vector::{vec2f, Vector2F}, }, platform, platform::FontSystem, scene, window::WindowContext, SceneBuilder, }; use ordered_float::OrderedFloat; use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock, RwLockUpgradableReadGuard}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::{ borrow::Borrow, collections::HashMap, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, iter, sync::Arc, }; pub struct TextLayoutCache { prev_frame: Mutex>>, curr_frame: RwLock>>, fonts: Arc, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct RunStyle { pub color: Color, pub font_id: FontId, pub underline: Underline, } impl TextLayoutCache { pub fn new(fonts: Arc) -> Self { Self { prev_frame: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()), curr_frame: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), fonts, } } pub fn finish_frame(&self) { let mut prev_frame = self.prev_frame.lock(); let mut curr_frame = self.curr_frame.write(); std::mem::swap(&mut *prev_frame, &mut *curr_frame); curr_frame.clear(); } pub fn layout_str<'a>( &'a self, text: &'a str, font_size: f32, runs: &'a [(usize, RunStyle)], ) -> Line { let key = &CacheKeyRef { text, font_size: OrderedFloat(font_size), runs, } as &dyn CacheKey; let curr_frame = self.curr_frame.upgradable_read(); if let Some(layout) = curr_frame.get(key) { return Line::new(layout.clone(), runs); } let mut curr_frame = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(curr_frame); if let Some((key, layout)) = self.prev_frame.lock().remove_entry(key) { curr_frame.insert(key, layout.clone()); Line::new(layout, runs) } else { let layout = Arc::new(self.fonts.layout_line(text, font_size, runs)); let key = CacheKeyValue { text: text.into(), font_size: OrderedFloat(font_size), runs: SmallVec::from(runs), }; curr_frame.insert(key, layout.clone()); Line::new(layout, runs) } } } trait CacheKey { fn key(&self) -> CacheKeyRef; } impl<'a> PartialEq for (dyn CacheKey + 'a) { fn eq(&self, other: &dyn CacheKey) -> bool { self.key() == other.key() } } impl<'a> Eq for (dyn CacheKey + 'a) {} impl<'a> Hash for (dyn CacheKey + 'a) { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.key().hash(state) } } #[derive(Eq)] struct CacheKeyValue { text: String, font_size: OrderedFloat, runs: SmallVec<[(usize, RunStyle); 1]>, } impl CacheKey for CacheKeyValue { fn key(&self) -> CacheKeyRef { CacheKeyRef { text: self.text.as_str(), font_size: self.font_size, runs: self.runs.as_slice(), } } } impl PartialEq for CacheKeyValue { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.key().eq(&other.key()) } } impl Hash for CacheKeyValue { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.key().hash(state); } } impl<'a> Borrow for CacheKeyValue { fn borrow(&self) -> &(dyn CacheKey + 'a) { self as &dyn CacheKey } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct CacheKeyRef<'a> { text: &'a str, font_size: OrderedFloat, runs: &'a [(usize, RunStyle)], } impl<'a> CacheKey for CacheKeyRef<'a> { fn key(&self) -> CacheKeyRef { *self } } impl<'a> PartialEq for CacheKeyRef<'a> { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.text == other.text && self.font_size == other.font_size && self.runs.len() == other.runs.len() && self.runs.iter().zip(other.runs.iter()).all( |((len_a, style_a), (len_b, style_b))| { len_a == len_b && style_a.font_id == style_b.font_id }, ) } } impl<'a> Hash for CacheKeyRef<'a> { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.text.hash(state); self.font_size.hash(state); for (len, style_id) in self.runs { len.hash(state); style_id.font_id.hash(state); } } } #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)] pub struct Line { layout: Arc, style_runs: SmallVec<[StyleRun; 32]>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct StyleRun { len: u32, color: Color, underline: Underline, } #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct LineLayout { pub width: f32, pub ascent: f32, pub descent: f32, pub runs: Vec, pub len: usize, pub font_size: f32, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Run { pub font_id: FontId, pub glyphs: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Glyph { pub id: GlyphId, pub position: Vector2F, pub index: usize, pub is_emoji: bool, } impl Line { fn new(layout: Arc, runs: &[(usize, RunStyle)]) -> Self { let mut style_runs = SmallVec::new(); for (len, style) in runs { style_runs.push(StyleRun { len: *len as u32, color: style.color, underline: style.underline, }); } Self { layout, style_runs } } pub fn runs(&self) -> &[Run] { &self.layout.runs } pub fn width(&self) -> f32 { self.layout.width } pub fn font_size(&self) -> f32 { self.layout.font_size } pub fn x_for_index(&self, index: usize) -> f32 { for run in &self.layout.runs { for glyph in &run.glyphs { if glyph.index >= index { return glyph.position.x(); } } } self.layout.width } pub fn font_for_index(&self, index: usize) -> Option { for run in &self.layout.runs { for glyph in &run.glyphs { if glyph.index >= index { return Some(run.font_id); } } } None } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.layout.len } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.layout.len == 0 } pub fn index_for_x(&self, x: f32) -> Option { if x >= self.layout.width { None } else { for run in self.layout.runs.iter().rev() { for glyph in run.glyphs.iter().rev() { if glyph.position.x() <= x { return Some(glyph.index); } } } Some(0) } } pub fn paint( &self, scene: &mut SceneBuilder, origin: Vector2F, visible_bounds: RectF, line_height: f32, cx: &mut WindowContext, ) { let padding_top = (line_height - self.layout.ascent - self.layout.descent) / 2.; let baseline_offset = vec2f(0., padding_top + self.layout.ascent); let mut style_runs = self.style_runs.iter(); let mut run_end = 0; let mut color = Color::black(); let mut underline = None; for run in &self.layout.runs { let max_glyph_width = cx .font_cache .bounding_box(run.font_id, self.layout.font_size) .x(); for glyph in &run.glyphs { let glyph_origin = origin + baseline_offset + glyph.position; if glyph_origin.x() > visible_bounds.upper_right().x() { break; } let mut finished_underline = None; if glyph.index >= run_end { if let Some(style_run) = { if let Some((_, underline_style)) = underline { if style_run.underline != underline_style { finished_underline = underline.take(); } } if style_run.underline.thickness.into_inner() > 0. { underline.get_or_insert(( vec2f( glyph_origin.x(), origin.y() + baseline_offset.y() + 0.618 * self.layout.descent, ), Underline { color: Some( style_run.underline.color.unwrap_or(style_run.color), ), thickness: style_run.underline.thickness, squiggly: style_run.underline.squiggly, }, )); } run_end += style_run.len as usize; color = style_run.color; } else { run_end = self.layout.len; finished_underline = underline.take(); } } if glyph_origin.x() + max_glyph_width < visible_bounds.origin().x() { continue; } if let Some((underline_origin, underline_style)) = finished_underline { scene.push_underline(scene::Underline { origin: underline_origin, width: glyph_origin.x() - underline_origin.x(), thickness: underline_style.thickness.into(), color: underline_style.color.unwrap(), squiggly: underline_style.squiggly, }); } if glyph.is_emoji { scene.push_image_glyph(scene::ImageGlyph { font_id: run.font_id, font_size: self.layout.font_size, id:, origin: glyph_origin, }); } else { scene.push_glyph(scene::Glyph { font_id: run.font_id, font_size: self.layout.font_size, id:, origin: glyph_origin, color, }); } } } if let Some((underline_start, underline_style)) = underline.take() { let line_end_x = origin.x() + self.layout.width; scene.push_underline(scene::Underline { origin: underline_start, width: line_end_x - underline_start.x(), color: underline_style.color.unwrap(), thickness: underline_style.thickness.into(), squiggly: underline_style.squiggly, }); } } pub fn paint_wrapped( &self, scene: &mut SceneBuilder, origin: Vector2F, visible_bounds: RectF, line_height: f32, boundaries: &[ShapedBoundary], cx: &mut WindowContext, ) { let padding_top = (line_height - self.layout.ascent - self.layout.descent) / 2.; let baseline_offset = vec2f(0., padding_top + self.layout.ascent); let mut boundaries = boundaries.into_iter().peekable(); let mut color_runs = self.style_runs.iter(); let mut style_run_end = 0; let mut color = Color::black(); let mut underline: Option<(Vector2F, Underline)> = None; let mut glyph_origin = origin; let mut prev_position = 0.; for (run_ix, run) in self.layout.runs.iter().enumerate() { for (glyph_ix, glyph) in run.glyphs.iter().enumerate() { glyph_origin.set_x(glyph_origin.x() + glyph.position.x() - prev_position); if boundaries .peek() .map_or(false, |b| b.run_ix == run_ix && b.glyph_ix == glyph_ix) {; if let Some((underline_origin, underline_style)) = underline { scene.push_underline(scene::Underline { origin: underline_origin, width: glyph_origin.x() - underline_origin.x(), thickness: underline_style.thickness.into(), color: underline_style.color.unwrap(), squiggly: underline_style.squiggly, }); } glyph_origin = vec2f(origin.x(), glyph_origin.y() + line_height); } prev_position = glyph.position.x(); let mut finished_underline = None; if glyph.index >= style_run_end { if let Some(style_run) = { style_run_end += style_run.len as usize; color = style_run.color; if let Some((_, underline_style)) = underline { if style_run.underline != underline_style { finished_underline = underline.take(); } } if style_run.underline.thickness.into_inner() > 0. { underline.get_or_insert(( glyph_origin + vec2f(0., baseline_offset.y() + 0.618 * self.layout.descent), Underline { color: Some( style_run.underline.color.unwrap_or(style_run.color), ), thickness: style_run.underline.thickness, squiggly: style_run.underline.squiggly, }, )); } } else { style_run_end = self.layout.len; color = Color::black(); finished_underline = underline.take(); } } if let Some((underline_origin, underline_style)) = finished_underline { scene.push_underline(scene::Underline { origin: underline_origin, width: glyph_origin.x() - underline_origin.x(), thickness: underline_style.thickness.into(), color: underline_style.color.unwrap(), squiggly: underline_style.squiggly, }); } let glyph_bounds = RectF::new( glyph_origin, cx.font_cache .bounding_box(run.font_id, self.layout.font_size), ); if glyph_bounds.intersects(visible_bounds) { if glyph.is_emoji { scene.push_image_glyph(scene::ImageGlyph { font_id: run.font_id, font_size: self.layout.font_size, id:, origin: glyph_bounds.origin() + baseline_offset, }); } else { scene.push_glyph(scene::Glyph { font_id: run.font_id, font_size: self.layout.font_size, id:, origin: glyph_bounds.origin() + baseline_offset, color, }); } } } } if let Some((underline_origin, underline_style)) = underline.take() { let line_end_x = glyph_origin.x() + self.layout.width - prev_position; scene.push_underline(scene::Underline { origin: underline_origin, width: line_end_x - underline_origin.x(), thickness: underline_style.thickness.into(), color: underline_style.color.unwrap(), squiggly: underline_style.squiggly, }); } } } impl Run { pub fn glyphs(&self) -> &[Glyph] { &self.glyphs } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Boundary { pub ix: usize, pub next_indent: u32, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct ShapedBoundary { pub run_ix: usize, pub glyph_ix: usize, } impl Boundary { fn new(ix: usize, next_indent: u32) -> Self { Self { ix, next_indent } } } pub struct LineWrapper { font_system: Arc, pub(crate) font_id: FontId, pub(crate) font_size: f32, cached_ascii_char_widths: [f32; 128], cached_other_char_widths: HashMap, } impl LineWrapper { pub const MAX_INDENT: u32 = 256; pub fn new(font_id: FontId, font_size: f32, font_system: Arc) -> Self { Self { font_system, font_id, font_size, cached_ascii_char_widths: [f32::NAN; 128], cached_other_char_widths: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn wrap_line<'a>( &'a mut self, line: &'a str, wrap_width: f32, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { let mut width = 0.0; let mut first_non_whitespace_ix = None; let mut indent = None; let mut last_candidate_ix = 0; let mut last_candidate_width = 0.0; let mut last_wrap_ix = 0; let mut prev_c = '\0'; let mut char_indices = line.char_indices(); iter::from_fn(move || { for (ix, c) in char_indices.by_ref() { if c == '\n' { continue; } if self.is_boundary(prev_c, c) && first_non_whitespace_ix.is_some() { last_candidate_ix = ix; last_candidate_width = width; } if c != ' ' && first_non_whitespace_ix.is_none() { first_non_whitespace_ix = Some(ix); } let char_width = self.width_for_char(c); width += char_width; if width > wrap_width && ix > last_wrap_ix { if let (None, Some(first_non_whitespace_ix)) = (indent, first_non_whitespace_ix) { indent = Some( Self::MAX_INDENT.min((first_non_whitespace_ix - last_wrap_ix) as u32), ); } if last_candidate_ix > 0 { last_wrap_ix = last_candidate_ix; width -= last_candidate_width; last_candidate_ix = 0; } else { last_wrap_ix = ix; width = char_width; } let indent_width =|indent| indent as f32 * self.width_for_char(' ')); width += indent_width.unwrap_or(0.); return Some(Boundary::new(last_wrap_ix, indent.unwrap_or(0))); } prev_c = c; } None }) } pub fn wrap_shaped_line<'a>( &'a mut self, str: &'a str, line: &'a Line, wrap_width: f32, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { let mut first_non_whitespace_ix = None; let mut last_candidate_ix = None; let mut last_candidate_x = 0.0; let mut last_wrap_ix = ShapedBoundary { run_ix: 0, glyph_ix: 0, }; let mut last_wrap_x = 0.; let mut prev_c = '\0'; let mut glyphs = line .runs() .iter() .enumerate() .flat_map(move |(run_ix, run)| { run.glyphs() .iter() .enumerate() .map(move |(glyph_ix, glyph)| { let character = str[glyph.index..].chars().next().unwrap(); ( ShapedBoundary { run_ix, glyph_ix }, character, glyph.position.x(), ) }) }) .peekable(); iter::from_fn(move || { while let Some((ix, c, x)) = { if c == '\n' { continue; } if self.is_boundary(prev_c, c) && first_non_whitespace_ix.is_some() { last_candidate_ix = Some(ix); last_candidate_x = x; } if c != ' ' && first_non_whitespace_ix.is_none() { first_non_whitespace_ix = Some(ix); } let next_x = glyphs.peek().map_or(line.width(), |(_, _, x)| *x); let width = next_x - last_wrap_x; if width > wrap_width && ix > last_wrap_ix { if let Some(last_candidate_ix) = last_candidate_ix.take() { last_wrap_ix = last_candidate_ix; last_wrap_x = last_candidate_x; } else { last_wrap_ix = ix; last_wrap_x = x; } return Some(last_wrap_ix); } prev_c = c; } None }) } fn is_boundary(&self, prev: char, next: char) -> bool { (prev == ' ') && (next != ' ') } #[inline(always)] fn width_for_char(&mut self, c: char) -> f32 { if (c as u32) < 128 { let mut width = self.cached_ascii_char_widths[c as usize]; if width.is_nan() { width = self.compute_width_for_char(c); self.cached_ascii_char_widths[c as usize] = width; } width } else { let mut width = self .cached_other_char_widths .get(&c) .copied() .unwrap_or(f32::NAN); if width.is_nan() { width = self.compute_width_for_char(c); self.cached_other_char_widths.insert(c, width); } width } } fn compute_width_for_char(&self, c: char) -> f32 { self.font_system .layout_line( &c.to_string(), self.font_size, &[( 1, RunStyle { font_id: self.font_id, color: Default::default(), underline: Default::default(), }, )], ) .width } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::fonts::{Properties, Weight}; #[crate::test(self)] fn test_wrap_line(cx: &mut crate::AppContext) { let font_cache = cx.font_cache().clone(); let font_system = cx.platform().fonts(); let family = font_cache .load_family(&["Courier"], &Default::default()) .unwrap(); let font_id = font_cache.select_font(family, &Default::default()).unwrap(); let mut wrapper = LineWrapper::new(font_id, 16., font_system); assert_eq!( wrapper .wrap_line("aa bbb cccc ddddd eeee", 72.0) .collect::>(), &[ Boundary::new(7, 0), Boundary::new(12, 0), Boundary::new(18, 0) ], ); assert_eq!( wrapper .wrap_line("aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 72.0) .collect::>(), &[ Boundary::new(4, 0), Boundary::new(11, 0), Boundary::new(18, 0) ], ); assert_eq!( wrapper.wrap_line(" aaaaaaa", 72.).collect::>(), &[ Boundary::new(7, 5), Boundary::new(9, 5), Boundary::new(11, 5), ] ); assert_eq!( wrapper .wrap_line(" ", 72.) .collect::>(), &[ Boundary::new(7, 0), Boundary::new(14, 0), Boundary::new(21, 0) ] ); assert_eq!( wrapper .wrap_line(" aaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 72.) .collect::>(), &[ Boundary::new(7, 0), Boundary::new(14, 3), Boundary::new(18, 3), Boundary::new(22, 3), ] ); } #[crate::test(self, retries = 5)] fn test_wrap_shaped_line(cx: &mut crate::AppContext) { // This is failing intermittently on CI and we don't have time to figure it out let font_cache = cx.font_cache().clone(); let font_system = cx.platform().fonts(); let text_layout_cache = TextLayoutCache::new(font_system.clone()); let family = font_cache .load_family(&["Helvetica"], &Default::default()) .unwrap(); let font_id = font_cache.select_font(family, &Default::default()).unwrap(); let normal = RunStyle { font_id, color: Default::default(), underline: Default::default(), }; let bold = RunStyle { font_id: font_cache .select_font( family, &Properties { weight: Weight::BOLD, ..Default::default() }, ) .unwrap(), color: Default::default(), underline: Default::default(), }; let text = "aa bbb cccc ddddd eeee"; let line = text_layout_cache.layout_str( text, 16.0, &[(4, normal), (5, bold), (6, normal), (1, bold), (7, normal)], ); let mut wrapper = LineWrapper::new(font_id, 16., font_system); assert_eq!( wrapper .wrap_shaped_line(text, &line, 72.0) .collect::>(), &[ ShapedBoundary { run_ix: 1, glyph_ix: 3 }, ShapedBoundary { run_ix: 2, glyph_ix: 3 }, ShapedBoundary { run_ix: 4, glyph_ix: 2 } ], ); } }