use gpui::{ actions, div, prelude::*, rgb, App, AppContext, Menu, MenuItem, ViewContext, WindowOptions, }; struct SetMenus; impl Render for SetMenus { fn render(&mut self, _cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { div() .flex() .bg(rgb(0x2e7d32)) .size_full() .justify_center() .items_center() .text_xl() .text_color(rgb(0xffffff)) .child("Set Menus Example") } } fn main() { App::new().run(|cx: &mut AppContext| { // Bring the menu bar to the foreground (so you can see the menu bar) cx.activate(true); // Register the `quit` function so it can be referenced by the `MenuItem::action` in the menu bar cx.on_action(quit); // Add menu items cx.set_menus(vec![Menu { name: "set_menus".into(), items: vec![MenuItem::action("Quit", Quit)], }]); cx.open_window(WindowOptions::default(), |cx| { cx.new_view(|_cx| SetMenus {}) }) .unwrap(); }); } // Associate actions using the `actions!` macro (or `impl_actions!` macro) actions!(set_menus, [Quit]); // Define the quit function that is registered with the AppContext fn quit(_: &Quit, cx: &mut AppContext) { println!("Gracefully quitting the application . . ."); cx.quit(); }