use crate::{channel_view::ChannelView, is_channels_feature_enabled, ChatPanelSettings}; use anyhow::Result; use call::ActiveCall; use channel::{ChannelChat, ChannelChatEvent, ChannelMessageId, ChannelStore}; use client::Client; use collections::HashMap; use db::kvp::KEY_VALUE_STORE; use editor::Editor; use gpui::{ actions, div, list, prelude::*, px, serde_json, AnyElement, AppContext, AsyncWindowContext, ClickEvent, ElementId, EventEmitter, FocusableView, ListOffset, ListScrollEvent, ListState, Model, Render, Subscription, Task, View, ViewContext, VisualContext, WeakView, }; use language::LanguageRegistry; use menu::Confirm; use message_editor::MessageEditor; use project::Fs; use rich_text::RichText; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use settings::{Settings, SettingsStore}; use std::sync::Arc; use theme::ActiveTheme as _; use time::{OffsetDateTime, UtcOffset}; use ui::{prelude::*, Avatar, Button, Icon, IconButton, Label, TabBar, Tooltip}; use util::{ResultExt, TryFutureExt}; use workspace::{ dock::{DockPosition, Panel, PanelEvent}, Workspace, }; mod message_editor; const MESSAGE_LOADING_THRESHOLD: usize = 50; const CHAT_PANEL_KEY: &'static str = "ChatPanel"; pub fn init(cx: &mut AppContext) { cx.observe_new_views(|workspace: &mut Workspace, _| { workspace.register_action(|workspace, _: &ToggleFocus, cx| { workspace.toggle_panel_focus::(cx); }); }) .detach(); } pub struct ChatPanel { client: Arc, channel_store: Model, languages: Arc, message_list: ListState, active_chat: Option<(Model, Subscription)>, input_editor: View, local_timezone: UtcOffset, fs: Arc, width: Option, active: bool, pending_serialization: Task>, subscriptions: Vec, workspace: WeakView, is_scrolled_to_bottom: bool, markdown_data: HashMap, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct SerializedChatPanel { width: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Event { DockPositionChanged, Focus, Dismissed, } actions!(chat_panel, [ToggleFocus]); impl ChatPanel { pub fn new(workspace: &mut Workspace, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> View { let fs = workspace.app_state().fs.clone(); let client = workspace.app_state().client.clone(); let channel_store = ChannelStore::global(cx); let languages = workspace.app_state().languages.clone(); let input_editor = cx.new_view(|cx| { MessageEditor::new( languages.clone(), channel_store.clone(), cx.new_view(|cx| Editor::auto_height(4, cx)), cx, ) }); let workspace_handle = workspace.weak_handle(); cx.new_view(|cx: &mut ViewContext| { let view = cx.view().downgrade(); let message_list = ListState::new(0, gpui::ListAlignment::Bottom, px(1000.), move |ix, cx| { if let Some(view) = view.upgrade() { view.update(cx, |view, cx| { view.render_message(ix, cx).into_any_element() }) } else { div().into_any() } }); message_list.set_scroll_handler(cx.listener(|this, event: &ListScrollEvent, cx| { if event.visible_range.start < MESSAGE_LOADING_THRESHOLD { this.load_more_messages(cx); } this.is_scrolled_to_bottom = event.visible_range.end == event.count; })); let mut this = Self { fs, client, channel_store, languages, message_list, active_chat: Default::default(), pending_serialization: Task::ready(None), input_editor, local_timezone: cx.local_timezone(), subscriptions: Vec::new(), workspace: workspace_handle, is_scrolled_to_bottom: true, active: false, width: None, markdown_data: Default::default(), }; let mut old_dock_position = this.position(cx); this.subscriptions.push(cx.observe_global::( move |this: &mut Self, cx| { let new_dock_position = this.position(cx); if new_dock_position != old_dock_position { old_dock_position = new_dock_position; cx.emit(Event::DockPositionChanged); } cx.notify(); }, )); this }) } pub fn is_scrolled_to_bottom(&self) -> bool { self.is_scrolled_to_bottom } pub fn active_chat(&self) -> Option> { self.active_chat.as_ref().map(|(chat, _)| chat.clone()) } pub fn load( workspace: WeakView, cx: AsyncWindowContext, ) -> Task>> { cx.spawn(|mut cx| async move { let serialized_panel = if let Some(panel) = cx .background_executor() .spawn(async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE.read_kvp(CHAT_PANEL_KEY) }) .await .log_err() .flatten() { Some(serde_json::from_str::(&panel)?) } else { None }; workspace.update(&mut cx, |workspace, cx| { let panel = Self::new(workspace, cx); if let Some(serialized_panel) = serialized_panel { panel.update(cx, |panel, cx| { panel.width = serialized_panel.width; cx.notify(); }); } panel }) }) } fn serialize(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { let width = self.width; self.pending_serialization = cx.background_executor().spawn( async move { KEY_VALUE_STORE .write_kvp( CHAT_PANEL_KEY.into(), serde_json::to_string(&SerializedChatPanel { width })?, ) .await?; anyhow::Ok(()) } .log_err(), ); } fn set_active_chat(&mut self, chat: Model, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if self.active_chat.as_ref().map(|e| &e.0) != Some(&chat) { let channel_id =; { self.markdown_data.clear(); let chat =; self.message_list.reset(chat.message_count()); let channel_name =|channel|; self.input_editor.update(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.set_channel(channel_id, channel_name, cx); }); }; let subscription = cx.subscribe(&chat, Self::channel_did_change); self.active_chat = Some((chat, subscription)); self.acknowledge_last_message(cx); cx.notify(); } } fn channel_did_change( &mut self, _: Model, event: &ChannelChatEvent, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) { match event { ChannelChatEvent::MessagesUpdated { old_range, new_count, } => { self.message_list.splice(old_range.clone(), *new_count); if { self.acknowledge_last_message(cx); } } ChannelChatEvent::NewMessage { channel_id, message_id, } => { if ! { self.channel_store.update(cx, |store, cx| { store.new_message(*channel_id, *message_id, cx) }) } } } cx.notify(); } fn acknowledge_last_message(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if && self.is_scrolled_to_bottom { if let Some((chat, _)) = &self.active_chat { chat.update(cx, |chat, cx| { chat.acknowledge_last_message(cx); }); } } } fn render_channel(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> AnyElement { v_stack() .full() .on_action(cx.listener(Self::send)) .child( h_stack().z_index(1).child( TabBar::new("chat_header") .child( h_stack() .w_full() .h(rems(ui::Tab::HEIGHT_IN_REMS)) .px_2() .child(Label::new( self.active_chat .as_ref() .and_then(|c| { Some(format!("#{}", }) .unwrap_or_default(), )), ) .end_child( IconButton::new("notes", Icon::File) .on_click(cx.listener(Self::open_notes)) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::text("Open notes", cx)), ) .end_child( IconButton::new("call", Icon::AudioOn) .on_click(cx.listener(Self::join_call)) .tooltip(|cx| Tooltip::text("Join call", cx)), ), ), ) .child(div().flex_grow().px_2().py_1().map(|this| { if self.active_chat.is_some() { this.child(list(self.message_list.clone()).full()) } else { this } })) .child( div() .z_index(1) .p_2() .bg(cx.theme().colors().background) .child(self.input_editor.clone()), ) .into_any() } fn render_message(&mut self, ix: usize, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { let active_chat = &self.active_chat.as_ref().unwrap().0; let (message, is_continuation_from_previous, is_continuation_to_next, is_admin) = active_chat.update(cx, |active_chat, cx| { let is_admin = self .channel_store .read(cx) .is_channel_admin(active_chat.channel_id); let last_message = active_chat.message(ix.saturating_sub(1)); let this_message = active_chat.message(ix).clone(); let next_message = active_chat.message(ix.saturating_add(1).min(active_chat.message_count() - 1)); let is_continuation_from_previous = != && ==; let is_continuation_to_next = != && ==; if let ChannelMessageId::Saved(id) = { if this_message .mentions .iter() .any(|(_, user_id)| Some(*user_id) == self.client.user_id()) { active_chat.acknowledge_message(id); } } ( this_message, is_continuation_from_previous, is_continuation_to_next, is_admin, ) }); let _is_pending = message.is_pending(); let text = self.markdown_data.entry(|| { Self::render_markdown_with_mentions(&self.languages,, &message) }); let now = OffsetDateTime::now_utc(); let belongs_to_user = Some( == self.client.user_id(); let message_id_to_remove = if let (ChannelMessageId::Saved(id), true) = (, belongs_to_user || is_admin) { Some(id) } else { None }; let element_id: ElementId = match { ChannelMessageId::Saved(id) => ("saved-message", id).into(), ChannelMessageId::Pending(id) => ("pending-message", id).into(), }; v_stack() .w_full() .id(element_id) .relative() .overflow_hidden() .group("") .when(!is_continuation_from_previous, |this| { this.child( h_stack() .gap_2() .child(Avatar::new(message.sender.avatar_uri.clone())) .child(Label::new(message.sender.github_login.clone())) .child( Label::new(format_timestamp( message.timestamp, now, self.local_timezone, )) .color(Color::Muted), ), ) }) .when(!is_continuation_to_next, |this| // HACK: This should really be a margin, but margins seem to get collapsed. this.pb_2()) .child(text.element("body".into(), cx)) .child( div() .absolute() .top_1() .right_2() .w_8() .visible_on_hover("") .children(|message_id| { IconButton::new(("remove", message_id), Icon::XCircle).on_click( cx.listener(move |this, _, cx| { this.remove_message(message_id, cx); }), ) })), ) } fn render_markdown_with_mentions( language_registry: &Arc, current_user_id: u64, message: &channel::ChannelMessage, ) -> RichText { let mentions = message .mentions .iter() .map(|(range, user_id)| rich_text::Mention { range: range.clone(), is_self_mention: *user_id == current_user_id, }) .collect::>(); rich_text::render_markdown(message.body.clone(), &mentions, language_registry, None) } fn render_sign_in_prompt(&self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> AnyElement { Button::new("sign-in", "Sign in to use chat") .on_click(cx.listener(move |this, _, cx| { let client = this.client.clone(); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { if client .authenticate_and_connect(true, &cx) .log_err() .await .is_some() { this.update(&mut cx, |_, cx| { cx.focus_self(); }) .ok(); } }) .detach(); })) .into_any_element() } fn send(&mut self, _: &Confirm, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((chat, _)) = self.active_chat.as_ref() { let message = self .input_editor .update(cx, |editor, cx| editor.take_message(cx)); if let Some(task) = chat .update(cx, |chat, cx| chat.send_message(message, cx)) .log_err() { task.detach(); } } } fn remove_message(&mut self, id: u64, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((chat, _)) = self.active_chat.as_ref() { chat.update(cx, |chat, cx| chat.remove_message(id, cx).detach()) } } fn load_more_messages(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((chat, _)) = self.active_chat.as_ref() { chat.update(cx, |channel, cx| { if let Some(task) = channel.load_more_messages(cx) { task.detach(); } }) } } pub fn select_channel( &mut self, selected_channel_id: u64, scroll_to_message_id: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext, ) -> Task> { let open_chat = self .active_chat .as_ref() .and_then(|(chat, _)| { ( == selected_channel_id) .then(|| Task::ready(anyhow::Ok(chat.clone()))) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { self.channel_store.update(cx, |store, cx| { store.open_channel_chat(selected_channel_id, cx) }) }); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let chat = open_chat.await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.set_active_chat(chat.clone(), cx); })?; if let Some(message_id) = scroll_to_message_id { if let Some(item_ix) = ChannelChat::load_history_since_message(chat.clone(), message_id, (*cx).clone()) .await { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { if this.active_chat.as_ref().map_or(false, |(c, _)| *c == chat) { this.message_list.scroll_to(ListOffset { item_ix, offset_in_item: px(0.0), }); cx.notify(); } })?; } } Ok(()) }) } fn open_notes(&mut self, _: &ClickEvent, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((chat, _)) = &self.active_chat { let channel_id =; if let Some(workspace) = self.workspace.upgrade() { ChannelView::open(channel_id, workspace, cx).detach(); } } } fn join_call(&mut self, _: &ClickEvent, cx: &mut ViewContext) { if let Some((chat, _)) = &self.active_chat { let channel_id =; ActiveCall::global(cx) .update(cx, |call, cx| call.join_channel(channel_id, cx)) .detach_and_log_err(cx); } } } impl EventEmitter for ChatPanel {} impl Render for ChatPanel { fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext) -> impl IntoElement { div() .full() .child(if self.client.user_id().is_some() { self.render_channel(cx) } else { self.render_sign_in_prompt(cx) }) .min_w(px(150.)) } } impl FocusableView for ChatPanel { fn focus_handle(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> gpui::FocusHandle { } } impl Panel for ChatPanel { fn position(&self, cx: &gpui::WindowContext) -> DockPosition { ChatPanelSettings::get_global(cx).dock } fn position_is_valid(&self, position: DockPosition) -> bool { matches!(position, DockPosition::Left | DockPosition::Right) } fn set_position(&mut self, position: DockPosition, cx: &mut ViewContext) { settings::update_settings_file::(self.fs.clone(), cx, move |settings| { settings.dock = Some(position) }); } fn size(&self, cx: &gpui::WindowContext) -> Pixels { self.width .unwrap_or_else(|| ChatPanelSettings::get_global(cx).default_width) } fn set_size(&mut self, size: Option, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.width = size; self.serialize(cx); cx.notify(); } fn set_active(&mut self, active: bool, cx: &mut ViewContext) { = active; if active { self.acknowledge_last_message(cx); if !is_channels_feature_enabled(cx) { cx.emit(Event::Dismissed); } } } fn persistent_name() -> &'static str { "ChatPanel" } fn icon(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> Option { Some(ui::Icon::MessageBubbles) } fn icon_tooltip(&self, _cx: &WindowContext) -> Option<&'static str> { Some("Chat Panel") } fn toggle_action(&self) -> Box { Box::new(ToggleFocus) } } impl EventEmitter for ChatPanel {} fn format_timestamp( mut timestamp: OffsetDateTime, mut now: OffsetDateTime, local_timezone: UtcOffset, ) -> String { timestamp = timestamp.to_offset(local_timezone); now = now.to_offset(local_timezone); let today =; let date =; let mut hour = timestamp.hour(); let mut part = "am"; if hour > 12 { hour -= 12; part = "pm"; } if date == today { format!("{:02}:{:02}{}", hour, timestamp.minute(), part) } else if date.next_day() == Some(today) { format!("yesterday at {:02}:{:02}{}", hour, timestamp.minute(), part) } else { format!("{:02}/{}/{}", date.month() as u32,, date.year()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use gpui::HighlightStyle; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use rich_text::Highlight; use util::test::marked_text_ranges; #[gpui::test] fn test_render_markdown_with_mentions() { let language_registry = Arc::new(LanguageRegistry::test()); let (body, ranges) = marked_text_ranges("*hi*, «@abc», let's **call** «@fgh»", false); let message = channel::ChannelMessage { id: ChannelMessageId::Saved(0), body, timestamp: OffsetDateTime::now_utc(), sender: Arc::new(client::User { github_login: "fgh".into(), avatar_uri: "avatar_fgh".into(), id: 103, }), nonce: 5, mentions: vec![(ranges[0].clone(), 101), (ranges[1].clone(), 102)], }; let message = ChatPanel::render_markdown_with_mentions(&language_registry, 102, &message); // Note that the "'" was replaced with ’ due to smart punctuation. let (body, ranges) = marked_text_ranges("«hi», «@abc», let’s «call» «@fgh»", false); assert_eq!(message.text, body); assert_eq!( message.highlights, vec![ ( ranges[0].clone(), HighlightStyle { font_style: Some(gpui::FontStyle::Italic), ..Default::default() } .into() ), (ranges[1].clone(), Highlight::Mention), ( ranges[2].clone(), HighlightStyle { font_weight: Some(gpui::FontWeight::BOLD), ..Default::default() } .into() ), (ranges[3].clone(), Highlight::SelfMention) ] ); } }