use crate::{ call_settings::CallSettings, participant::{LocalParticipant, ParticipantLocation, RemoteParticipant}, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use audio::{Audio, Sound}; use client::{ proto::{self, PeerId}, Client, ParticipantIndex, TypedEnvelope, User, UserStore, }; use collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet}; use fs::Fs; use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt}; use gpui::{ AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Context, EventEmitter, Model, ModelContext, Task, WeakModel, }; use language::LanguageRegistry; use live_kit_client::{ LocalAudioTrack, LocalTrackPublication, LocalVideoTrack, RemoteAudioTrackUpdate, RemoteVideoTrackUpdate, }; use postage::{sink::Sink, stream::Stream, watch}; use project::Project; use settings::Settings; use std::{future::Future, mem, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use util::{post_inc, ResultExt, TryFutureExt}; pub const RECONNECT_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30); #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Event { ParticipantLocationChanged { participant_id: proto::PeerId, }, RemoteVideoTracksChanged { participant_id: proto::PeerId, }, RemoteAudioTracksChanged { participant_id: proto::PeerId, }, RemoteProjectShared { owner: Arc, project_id: u64, worktree_root_names: Vec, }, RemoteProjectUnshared { project_id: u64, }, RemoteProjectJoined { project_id: u64, }, RemoteProjectInvitationDiscarded { project_id: u64, }, Left, } pub struct Room { id: u64, channel_id: Option, live_kit: Option, status: RoomStatus, shared_projects: HashSet>, joined_projects: HashSet>, local_participant: LocalParticipant, remote_participants: BTreeMap, pending_participants: Vec>, participant_user_ids: HashSet, pending_call_count: usize, leave_when_empty: bool, client: Arc, user_store: Model, follows_by_leader_id_project_id: HashMap<(PeerId, u64), Vec>, client_subscriptions: Vec, _subscriptions: Vec, room_update_completed_tx: watch::Sender>, room_update_completed_rx: watch::Receiver>, pending_room_update: Option>, maintain_connection: Option>>, } impl EventEmitter for Room {} impl Room { pub fn channel_id(&self) -> Option { self.channel_id } pub fn is_sharing_project(&self) -> bool { !self.shared_projects.is_empty() } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub fn is_connected(&self) -> bool { if let Some(live_kit) = self.live_kit.as_ref() { matches!( *, live_kit_client::ConnectionState::Connected { .. } ) } else { false } } fn new( id: u64, channel_id: Option, live_kit_connection_info: Option, client: Arc, user_store: Model, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Self { let live_kit_room = if let Some(connection_info) = live_kit_connection_info { let room = live_kit_client::Room::new(); let mut status = room.status(); // Consume the initial status of the room. let _ = status.try_recv(); let _maintain_room = cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { while let Some(status) = { let this = if let Some(this) = this.upgrade() { this } else { break; }; if status == live_kit_client::ConnectionState::Disconnected { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.leave(cx).log_err()) .ok(); break; } } }); let _maintain_video_tracks = cx.spawn({ let room = room.clone(); move |this, mut cx| async move { let mut track_video_changes = room.remote_video_track_updates(); while let Some(track_change) = { let this = if let Some(this) = this.upgrade() { this } else { break; }; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.remote_video_track_updated(track_change, cx).log_err() }) .ok(); } } }); let _maintain_audio_tracks = cx.spawn({ let room = room.clone(); |this, mut cx| async move { let mut track_audio_changes = room.remote_audio_track_updates(); while let Some(track_change) = { let this = if let Some(this) = this.upgrade() { this } else { break; }; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.remote_audio_track_updated(track_change, cx).log_err() }) .ok(); } } }); let connect = room.connect(&connection_info.server_url, &connection_info.token); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { connect.await?; if !cx.update(|cx| Self::mute_on_join(cx))? { this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.share_microphone(cx))? .await?; } anyhow::Ok(()) }) .detach_and_log_err(cx); Some(LiveKitRoom { room, screen_track: LocalTrack::None, microphone_track: LocalTrack::None, next_publish_id: 0, muted_by_user: false, deafened: false, speaking: false, _maintain_room, _maintain_tracks: [_maintain_video_tracks, _maintain_audio_tracks], }) } else { None }; let maintain_connection = cx.spawn({ let client = client.clone(); move |this, cx| Self::maintain_connection(this, client.clone(), cx).log_err() }); Audio::play_sound(Sound::Joined, cx); let (room_update_completed_tx, room_update_completed_rx) = watch::channel(); Self { id, channel_id, live_kit: live_kit_room, status: RoomStatus::Online, shared_projects: Default::default(), joined_projects: Default::default(), participant_user_ids: Default::default(), local_participant: Default::default(), remote_participants: Default::default(), pending_participants: Default::default(), pending_call_count: 0, client_subscriptions: vec![ client.add_message_handler(cx.weak_model(), Self::handle_room_updated) ], _subscriptions: vec![ cx.on_release(Self::released), cx.on_app_quit(Self::app_will_quit), ], leave_when_empty: false, pending_room_update: None, client, user_store, follows_by_leader_id_project_id: Default::default(), maintain_connection: Some(maintain_connection), room_update_completed_tx, room_update_completed_rx, } } pub(crate) fn create( called_user_id: u64, initial_project: Option>, client: Arc, user_store: Model, cx: &mut AppContext, ) -> Task>> { cx.spawn(move |mut cx| async move { let response = client.request(proto::CreateRoom {}).await?; let room_proto =|| anyhow!("invalid room"))?; let room = cx.build_model(|cx| { Self::new(, None, response.live_kit_connection_info, client, user_store, cx, ) })?; let initial_project_id = if let Some(initial_project) = initial_project { let initial_project_id = room .update(&mut cx, |room, cx| { room.share_project(initial_project.clone(), cx) })? .await?; Some(initial_project_id) } else { None }; match room .update(&mut cx, |room, cx| { room.leave_when_empty = true;, initial_project_id, cx) })? .await { Ok(()) => Ok(room), Err(error) => Err(anyhow!("room creation failed: {:?}", error)), } }) } pub(crate) async fn join_channel( channel_id: u64, client: Arc, user_store: Model, cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result> { Self::from_join_response( client.request(proto::JoinChannel { channel_id }).await?, client, user_store, cx, ) } pub(crate) async fn join( room_id: u64, client: Arc, user_store: Model, cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result> { Self::from_join_response( client.request(proto::JoinRoom { id: room_id }).await?, client, user_store, cx, ) } fn released(&mut self, cx: &mut AppContext) { if self.status.is_online() { self.leave_internal(cx).detach_and_log_err(cx); } } fn app_will_quit(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> impl Future { let task = if self.status.is_online() { let leave = self.leave_internal(cx); Some(cx.background_executor().spawn(async move { leave.await.log_err(); })) } else { None }; async move { if let Some(task) = task { task.await; } } } pub fn mute_on_join(cx: &AppContext) -> bool { CallSettings::get_global(cx).mute_on_join || client::IMPERSONATE_LOGIN.is_some() } fn from_join_response( response: proto::JoinRoomResponse, client: Arc, user_store: Model, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result> { let room_proto =|| anyhow!("invalid room"))?; let room = cx.build_model(|cx| { Self::new(, response.channel_id, response.live_kit_connection_info, client, user_store, cx, ) })?; room.update(&mut cx, |room, cx| { room.leave_when_empty = room.channel_id.is_none(); room.apply_room_update(room_proto, cx)?; anyhow::Ok(()) })??; Ok(room) } fn should_leave(&self) -> bool { self.leave_when_empty && self.pending_room_update.is_none() && self.pending_participants.is_empty() && self.remote_participants.is_empty() && self.pending_call_count == 0 } pub(crate) fn leave(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Task> { cx.notify(); cx.emit(Event::Left); self.leave_internal(cx) } fn leave_internal(&mut self, cx: &mut AppContext) -> Task> { if self.status.is_offline() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("room is offline"))); } log::info!("leaving room"); Audio::play_sound(Sound::Leave, cx); self.clear_state(cx); let leave_room = self.client.request(proto::LeaveRoom {}); cx.background_executor().spawn(async move { leave_room.await?; anyhow::Ok(()) }) } pub(crate) fn clear_state(&mut self, cx: &mut AppContext) { for project in self.shared_projects.drain() { if let Some(project) = project.upgrade() { project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.unshare(cx).log_err(); }); } } for project in self.joined_projects.drain() { if let Some(project) = project.upgrade() { project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.disconnected_from_host(cx); project.close(cx); }); } } self.status = RoomStatus::Offline; self.remote_participants.clear(); self.pending_participants.clear(); self.participant_user_ids.clear(); self.client_subscriptions.clear(); self.live_kit.take(); self.pending_room_update.take(); self.maintain_connection.take(); } async fn maintain_connection( this: WeakModel, client: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let mut client_status = client.status(); loop { let _ = client_status.try_recv(); let is_connected = client_status.borrow().is_connected(); // Even if we're initially connected, any future change of the status means we momentarily disconnected. if !is_connected || { log::info!("detected client disconnection"); this.upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("room was dropped"))? .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.status = RoomStatus::Rejoining; cx.notify(); })?; // Wait for client to re-establish a connection to the server. { let mut reconnection_timeout = cx.background_executor().timer(RECONNECT_TIMEOUT).fuse(); let client_reconnection = async { let mut remaining_attempts = 3; while remaining_attempts > 0 { if client_status.borrow().is_connected() { log::info!("client reconnected, attempting to rejoin room"); let Some(this) = this.upgrade() else { break }; match this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.rejoin(cx)) { Ok(task) => { if task.await.log_err().is_some() { return true; } else { remaining_attempts -= 1; } } Err(_app_dropped) => return false, } } else if client_status.borrow().is_signed_out() { return false; } log::info!( "waiting for client status change, remaining attempts {}", remaining_attempts );; } false } .fuse(); futures::pin_mut!(client_reconnection); futures::select_biased! { reconnected = client_reconnection => { if reconnected { log::info!("successfully reconnected to room"); // If we successfully joined the room, go back around the loop // waiting for future connection status changes. continue; } } _ = reconnection_timeout => { log::info!("room reconnection timeout expired"); } } } break; } } // The client failed to re-establish a connection to the server // or an error occurred while trying to re-join the room. Either way // we leave the room and return an error. if let Some(this) = this.upgrade() { log::info!("reconnection failed, leaving room"); let _ = this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.leave(cx))?; } Err(anyhow!( "can't reconnect to room: client failed to re-establish connection" )) } fn rejoin(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Task> { let mut projects = HashMap::default(); let mut reshared_projects = Vec::new(); let mut rejoined_projects = Vec::new(); self.shared_projects.retain(|project| { if let Some(handle) = project.upgrade() { let project =; if let Some(project_id) = project.remote_id() { projects.insert(project_id, handle.clone()); reshared_projects.push(proto::UpdateProject { project_id, worktrees: project.worktree_metadata_protos(cx), }); return true; } } false }); self.joined_projects.retain(|project| { if let Some(handle) = project.upgrade() { let project =; if let Some(project_id) = project.remote_id() { projects.insert(project_id, handle.clone()); rejoined_projects.push(proto::RejoinProject { id: project_id, worktrees: project .worktrees() .map(|worktree| { let worktree =; proto::RejoinWorktree { id:, scan_id: worktree.completed_scan_id() as u64, } }) .collect(), }); } return true; } false }); let response = self.client.request_envelope(proto::RejoinRoom { id:, reshared_projects, rejoined_projects, }); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let response = response.await?; let message_id = response.message_id; let response = response.payload; let room_proto =|| anyhow!("invalid room"))?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.status = RoomStatus::Online; this.apply_room_update(room_proto, cx)?; for reshared_project in response.reshared_projects { if let Some(project) = projects.get(& { project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.reshared(reshared_project, cx).log_err(); }); } } for rejoined_project in response.rejoined_projects { if let Some(project) = projects.get(& { project.update(cx, |project, cx| { project.rejoined(rejoined_project, message_id, cx).log_err(); }); } } anyhow::Ok(()) })? }) } pub fn id(&self) -> u64 { } pub fn status(&self) -> RoomStatus { self.status } pub fn local_participant(&self) -> &LocalParticipant { &self.local_participant } pub fn remote_participants(&self) -> &BTreeMap { &self.remote_participants } pub fn remote_participant_for_peer_id(&self, peer_id: PeerId) -> Option<&RemoteParticipant> { self.remote_participants .values() .find(|p| p.peer_id == peer_id) } pub fn pending_participants(&self) -> &[Arc] { &self.pending_participants } pub fn contains_participant(&self, user_id: u64) -> bool { self.participant_user_ids.contains(&user_id) } pub fn followers_for(&self, leader_id: PeerId, project_id: u64) -> &[PeerId] { self.follows_by_leader_id_project_id .get(&(leader_id, project_id)) .map_or(&[], |v| v.as_slice()) } /// Returns the most 'active' projects, defined as most people in the project pub fn most_active_project(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> Option<(u64, u64)> { let mut project_hosts_and_guest_counts = HashMap::, u32)>::default(); for participant in self.remote_participants.values() { match participant.location { ParticipantLocation::SharedProject { project_id } => { project_hosts_and_guest_counts .entry(project_id) .or_default() .1 += 1; } ParticipantLocation::External | ParticipantLocation::UnsharedProject => {} } for project in &participant.projects { project_hosts_and_guest_counts .entry( .or_default() .0 = Some(; } } if let Some(user) = { for project in &self.local_participant.projects { project_hosts_and_guest_counts .entry( .or_default() .0 = Some(; } } project_hosts_and_guest_counts .into_iter() .filter_map(|(id, (host, guest_count))| Some((id, host?, guest_count))) .max_by_key(|(_, _, guest_count)| *guest_count) .map(|(id, host, _)| (id, host)) } async fn handle_room_updated( this: Model, envelope: TypedEnvelope, _: Arc, mut cx: AsyncAppContext, ) -> Result<()> { let room = envelope .payload .room .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid room"))?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| this.apply_room_update(room, cx))? } fn apply_room_update( &mut self, mut room: proto::Room, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<()> { // Filter ourselves out from the room's participants. let local_participant_ix = room .participants .iter() .position(|participant| Some(participant.user_id) == self.client.user_id()); let local_participant =|ix| room.participants.swap_remove(ix)); let pending_participant_user_ids = room .pending_participants .iter() .map(|p| p.user_id) .collect::>(); let remote_participant_user_ids = room .participants .iter() .map(|p| p.user_id) .collect::>(); let (remote_participants, pending_participants) = self.user_store.update(cx, move |user_store, cx| { ( user_store.get_users(remote_participant_user_ids, cx), user_store.get_users(pending_participant_user_ids, cx), ) }); self.pending_room_update = Some(cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let (remote_participants, pending_participants) = futures::join!(remote_participants, pending_participants); this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.participant_user_ids.clear(); if let Some(participant) = local_participant { this.local_participant.projects = participant.projects; } else { this.local_participant.projects.clear(); } if let Some(participants) = remote_participants.log_err() { for (participant, user) in room.participants.into_iter().zip(participants) { let Some(peer_id) = participant.peer_id else { continue; }; let participant_index = ParticipantIndex(participant.participant_index); this.participant_user_ids.insert(participant.user_id); let old_projects = this .remote_participants .get(&participant.user_id) .into_iter() .flat_map(|existing| &existing.projects) .map(|project| .collect::>(); let new_projects = participant .projects .iter() .map(|project| .collect::>(); for project in &participant.projects { if !old_projects.contains(& { cx.emit(Event::RemoteProjectShared { owner: user.clone(), project_id:, worktree_root_names: project.worktree_root_names.clone(), }); } } for unshared_project_id in old_projects.difference(&new_projects) { this.joined_projects.retain(|project| { if let Some(project) = project.upgrade() { project.update(cx, |project, cx| { if project.remote_id() == Some(*unshared_project_id) { project.disconnected_from_host(cx); false } else { true } }) } else { false } }); cx.emit(Event::RemoteProjectUnshared { project_id: *unshared_project_id, }); } let location = ParticipantLocation::from_proto(participant.location) .unwrap_or(ParticipantLocation::External); if let Some(remote_participant) = this.remote_participants.get_mut(&participant.user_id) { remote_participant.peer_id = peer_id; remote_participant.projects = participant.projects; remote_participant.participant_index = participant_index; if location != remote_participant.location { remote_participant.location = location; cx.emit(Event::ParticipantLocationChanged { participant_id: peer_id, }); } } else { this.remote_participants.insert( participant.user_id, RemoteParticipant { user: user.clone(), participant_index, peer_id, projects: participant.projects, location, muted: true, speaking: false, video_tracks: Default::default(), audio_tracks: Default::default(), }, ); Audio::play_sound(Sound::Joined, cx); if let Some(live_kit) = this.live_kit.as_ref() { let video_tracks =; let audio_tracks =; let publications = live_kit .room .remote_audio_track_publications(&; for track in video_tracks { this.remote_video_track_updated( RemoteVideoTrackUpdate::Subscribed(track), cx, ) .log_err(); } for (track, publication) in audio_tracks.iter().zip(publications.iter()) { this.remote_audio_track_updated( RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::Subscribed( track.clone(), publication.clone(), ), cx, ) .log_err(); } } } } this.remote_participants.retain(|user_id, participant| { if this.participant_user_ids.contains(user_id) { true } else { for project in &participant.projects { cx.emit(Event::RemoteProjectUnshared { project_id:, }); } false } }); } if let Some(pending_participants) = pending_participants.log_err() { this.pending_participants = pending_participants; for participant in &this.pending_participants { this.participant_user_ids.insert(; } } this.follows_by_leader_id_project_id.clear(); for follower in room.followers { let project_id = follower.project_id; let (leader, follower) = match (follower.leader_id, follower.follower_id) { (Some(leader), Some(follower)) => (leader, follower), _ => { log::error!("Follower message {follower:?} missing some state"); continue; } }; let list = this .follows_by_leader_id_project_id .entry((leader, project_id)) .or_insert(Vec::new()); if !list.contains(&follower) { list.push(follower); } } this.pending_room_update.take(); if this.should_leave() { log::info!("room is empty, leaving"); let _ = this.leave(cx); } this.user_store.update(cx, |user_store, cx| { let participant_indices_by_user_id = this .remote_participants .iter() .map(|(user_id, participant)| (*user_id, participant.participant_index)) .collect(); user_store.set_participant_indices(participant_indices_by_user_id, cx); }); this.check_invariants(); this.room_update_completed_tx.try_send(Some(())).ok(); cx.notify(); }) .ok(); })); cx.notify(); Ok(()) } pub fn room_update_completed(&mut self) -> impl Future { let mut done_rx = self.room_update_completed_rx.clone(); async move { while let Some(result) = { if result.is_some() { break; } } } } fn remote_video_track_updated( &mut self, change: RemoteVideoTrackUpdate, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<()> { match change { RemoteVideoTrackUpdate::Subscribed(track) => { let user_id = track.publisher_id().parse()?; let track_id = track.sid().to_string(); let participant = self .remote_participants .get_mut(&user_id) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("subscribed to track by unknown participant"))?; participant.video_tracks.insert(track_id.clone(), track); cx.emit(Event::RemoteVideoTracksChanged { participant_id: participant.peer_id, }); } RemoteVideoTrackUpdate::Unsubscribed { publisher_id, track_id, } => { let user_id = publisher_id.parse()?; let participant = self .remote_participants .get_mut(&user_id) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unsubscribed from track by unknown participant"))?; participant.video_tracks.remove(&track_id); cx.emit(Event::RemoteVideoTracksChanged { participant_id: participant.peer_id, }); } } cx.notify(); Ok(()) } fn remote_audio_track_updated( &mut self, change: RemoteAudioTrackUpdate, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<()> { match change { RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::ActiveSpeakersChanged { speakers } => { let mut speaker_ids = speakers .into_iter() .filter_map(|speaker_sid| speaker_sid.parse().ok()) .collect::>(); speaker_ids.sort_unstable(); for (sid, participant) in &mut self.remote_participants { if let Ok(_) = speaker_ids.binary_search(sid) { participant.speaking = true; } else { participant.speaking = false; } } if let Some(id) = self.client.user_id() { if let Some(room) = &mut self.live_kit { if let Ok(_) = speaker_ids.binary_search(&id) { room.speaking = true; } else { room.speaking = false; } } } cx.notify(); } RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::MuteChanged { track_id, muted } => { let mut found = false; for participant in &mut self.remote_participants.values_mut() { for track in participant.audio_tracks.values() { if track.sid() == track_id { found = true; break; } } if found { participant.muted = muted; break; } } cx.notify(); } RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::Subscribed(track, publication) => { let user_id = track.publisher_id().parse()?; let track_id = track.sid().to_string(); let participant = self .remote_participants .get_mut(&user_id) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("subscribed to track by unknown participant"))?; participant.audio_tracks.insert(track_id.clone(), track); participant.muted = publication.is_muted(); cx.emit(Event::RemoteAudioTracksChanged { participant_id: participant.peer_id, }); } RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::Unsubscribed { publisher_id, track_id, } => { let user_id = publisher_id.parse()?; let participant = self .remote_participants .get_mut(&user_id) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unsubscribed from track by unknown participant"))?; participant.audio_tracks.remove(&track_id); cx.emit(Event::RemoteAudioTracksChanged { participant_id: participant.peer_id, }); } } cx.notify(); Ok(()) } fn check_invariants(&self) { #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] { for participant in self.remote_participants.values() { assert!(self.participant_user_ids.contains(&; assert_ne!(, self.client.user_id().unwrap()); } for participant in &self.pending_participants { assert!(self.participant_user_ids.contains(&; assert_ne!(, self.client.user_id().unwrap()); } assert_eq!( self.participant_user_ids.len(), self.remote_participants.len() + self.pending_participants.len() ); } } pub(crate) fn call( &mut self, called_user_id: u64, initial_project_id: Option, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { if self.status.is_offline() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("room is offline"))); } cx.notify(); let client = self.client.clone(); let room_id =; self.pending_call_count += 1; cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let result = client .request(proto::Call { room_id, called_user_id, initial_project_id, }) .await; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.pending_call_count -= 1; if this.should_leave() { this.leave(cx).detach_and_log_err(cx); } })?; result?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn join_project( &mut self, id: u64, language_registry: Arc, fs: Arc, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task>> { let client = self.client.clone(); let user_store = self.user_store.clone(); cx.emit(Event::RemoteProjectJoined { project_id: id }); cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let project = Project::remote(id, client, user_store, language_registry, fs, cx.clone()).await?; this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.joined_projects.retain(|project| { if let Some(project) = project.upgrade() { ! } else { false } }); this.joined_projects.insert(project.downgrade()); })?; Ok(project) }) } pub(crate) fn share_project( &mut self, project: Model, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { if let Some(project_id) = { return Task::ready(Ok(project_id)); } let request = self.client.request(proto::ShareProject { room_id:, worktrees:, }); cx.spawn(|this, mut cx| async move { let response = request.await?; project.update(&mut cx, |project, cx| { project.shared(response.project_id, cx) })??; // If the user's location is in this project, it changes from UnsharedProject to SharedProject. this.update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { this.shared_projects.insert(project.downgrade()); let active_project = this.local_participant.active_project.as_ref(); if active_project.map_or(false, |location| *location == project) { this.set_location(Some(&project), cx) } else { Task::ready(Ok(())) } })? .await?; Ok(response.project_id) }) } pub(crate) fn unshare_project( &mut self, project: Model, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<()> { let project_id = match { Some(project_id) => project_id, None => return Ok(()), }; self.client.send(proto::UnshareProject { project_id })?; project.update(cx, |this, cx| this.unshare(cx)) } pub(crate) fn set_location( &mut self, project: Option<&Model>, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Task> { if self.status.is_offline() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("room is offline"))); } let client = self.client.clone(); let room_id =; let location = if let Some(project) = project { self.local_participant.active_project = Some(project.downgrade()); if let Some(project_id) = { proto::participant_location::Variant::SharedProject( proto::participant_location::SharedProject { id: project_id }, ) } else { proto::participant_location::Variant::UnsharedProject( proto::participant_location::UnsharedProject {}, ) } } else { self.local_participant.active_project = None; proto::participant_location::Variant::External(proto::participant_location::External {}) }; cx.notify(); cx.background_executor().spawn(async move { client .request(proto::UpdateParticipantLocation { room_id, location: Some(proto::ParticipantLocation { variant: Some(location), }), }) .await?; Ok(()) }) } pub fn is_screen_sharing(&self) -> bool { self.live_kit.as_ref().map_or(false, |live_kit| { !matches!(live_kit.screen_track, LocalTrack::None) }) } pub fn is_sharing_mic(&self) -> bool { self.live_kit.as_ref().map_or(false, |live_kit| { !matches!(live_kit.microphone_track, LocalTrack::None) }) } pub fn is_muted(&self, cx: &AppContext) -> bool { self.live_kit .as_ref() .and_then(|live_kit| match &live_kit.microphone_track { LocalTrack::None => Some(Self::mute_on_join(cx)), LocalTrack::Pending { muted, .. } => Some(*muted), LocalTrack::Published { muted, .. } => Some(*muted), }) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn is_speaking(&self) -> bool { self.live_kit .as_ref() .map_or(false, |live_kit| live_kit.speaking) } pub fn is_deafened(&self) -> Option { self.live_kit.as_ref().map(|live_kit| live_kit.deafened) } #[track_caller] pub fn share_microphone(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Task> { if self.status.is_offline() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("room is offline"))); } else if self.is_sharing_mic() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("microphone was already shared"))); } let publish_id = if let Some(live_kit) = self.live_kit.as_mut() { let publish_id = post_inc(&mut live_kit.next_publish_id); live_kit.microphone_track = LocalTrack::Pending { publish_id, muted: false, }; cx.notify(); publish_id } else { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("live-kit was not initialized"))); }; cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let publish_track = async { let track = LocalAudioTrack::create(); this.upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("room was dropped"))? .update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.live_kit .as_ref() .map(|live_kit| })? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("live-kit was not initialized"))? .await }; let publication = publish_track.await; this.upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("room was dropped"))? .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let live_kit = this .live_kit .as_mut() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("live-kit was not initialized"))?; let (canceled, muted) = if let LocalTrack::Pending { publish_id: cur_publish_id, muted, } = &live_kit.microphone_track { (*cur_publish_id != publish_id, *muted) } else { (true, false) }; match publication { Ok(publication) => { if canceled {; } else { if muted { cx.background_executor() .spawn(publication.set_mute(muted)) .detach(); } live_kit.microphone_track = LocalTrack::Published { track_publication: publication, muted, }; cx.notify(); } Ok(()) } Err(error) => { if canceled { Ok(()) } else { live_kit.microphone_track = LocalTrack::None; cx.notify(); Err(error) } } } })? }) } pub fn share_screen(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Task> { if self.status.is_offline() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("room is offline"))); } else if self.is_screen_sharing() { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("screen was already shared"))); } let (displays, publish_id) = if let Some(live_kit) = self.live_kit.as_mut() { let publish_id = post_inc(&mut live_kit.next_publish_id); live_kit.screen_track = LocalTrack::Pending { publish_id, muted: false, }; cx.notify(); (, publish_id) } else { return Task::ready(Err(anyhow!("live-kit was not initialized"))); }; cx.spawn(move |this, mut cx| async move { let publish_track = async { let displays = displays.await?; let display = displays .first() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no display found"))?; let track = LocalVideoTrack::screen_share_for_display(&display); this.upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("room was dropped"))? .update(&mut cx, |this, _| { this.live_kit .as_ref() .map(|live_kit| })? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("live-kit was not initialized"))? .await }; let publication = publish_track.await; this.upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("room was dropped"))? .update(&mut cx, |this, cx| { let live_kit = this .live_kit .as_mut() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("live-kit was not initialized"))?; let (canceled, muted) = if let LocalTrack::Pending { publish_id: cur_publish_id, muted, } = &live_kit.screen_track { (*cur_publish_id != publish_id, *muted) } else { (true, false) }; match publication { Ok(publication) => { if canceled {; } else { if muted { cx.background_executor() .spawn(publication.set_mute(muted)) .detach(); } live_kit.screen_track = LocalTrack::Published { track_publication: publication, muted, }; cx.notify(); } Audio::play_sound(Sound::StartScreenshare, cx); Ok(()) } Err(error) => { if canceled { Ok(()) } else { live_kit.screen_track = LocalTrack::None; cx.notify(); Err(error) } } } })? }) } pub fn toggle_mute(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Result>> { let should_mute = !self.is_muted(cx); if let Some(live_kit) = self.live_kit.as_mut() { if matches!(live_kit.microphone_track, LocalTrack::None) { return Ok(self.share_microphone(cx)); } let (ret_task, old_muted) = live_kit.set_mute(should_mute, cx)?; live_kit.muted_by_user = should_mute; if old_muted == true && live_kit.deafened == true { if let Some(task) = self.toggle_deafen(cx).ok() { task.detach(); } } Ok(ret_task) } else { Err(anyhow!("LiveKit not started")) } } pub fn toggle_deafen(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Result>> { if let Some(live_kit) = self.live_kit.as_mut() { (*live_kit).deafened = !live_kit.deafened; let mut tasks = Vec::with_capacity(self.remote_participants.len()); // Context notification is sent within set_mute itself. let mut mute_task = None; // When deafening, mute user's mic as well. // When undeafening, unmute user's mic unless it was manually muted prior to deafening. if live_kit.deafened || !live_kit.muted_by_user { mute_task = Some(live_kit.set_mute(live_kit.deafened, cx)?.0); }; for participant in self.remote_participants.values() { for track in live_kit .room .remote_audio_track_publications(& { let deafened = live_kit.deafened; tasks.push(cx.foreground_executor().spawn(track.set_enabled(!deafened))); } } Ok(cx.foreground_executor().spawn(async move { if let Some(mute_task) = mute_task { mute_task.await?; } for task in tasks { task.await?; } Ok(()) })) } else { Err(anyhow!("LiveKit not started")) } } pub fn unshare_screen(&mut self, cx: &mut ModelContext) -> Result<()> { if self.status.is_offline() { return Err(anyhow!("room is offline")); } let live_kit = self .live_kit .as_mut() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("live-kit was not initialized"))?; match mem::take(&mut live_kit.screen_track) { LocalTrack::None => Err(anyhow!("screen was not shared")), LocalTrack::Pending { .. } => { cx.notify(); Ok(()) } LocalTrack::Published { track_publication, .. } => {; cx.notify(); Audio::play_sound(Sound::StopScreenshare, cx); Ok(()) } } } #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))] pub fn set_display_sources(&self, sources: Vec) { self.live_kit .as_ref() .unwrap() .room .set_display_sources(sources); } } struct LiveKitRoom { room: Arc, screen_track: LocalTrack, microphone_track: LocalTrack, /// Tracks whether we're currently in a muted state due to auto-mute from deafening or manual mute performed by user. muted_by_user: bool, deafened: bool, speaking: bool, next_publish_id: usize, _maintain_room: Task<()>, _maintain_tracks: [Task<()>; 2], } impl LiveKitRoom { fn set_mute( self: &mut LiveKitRoom, should_mute: bool, cx: &mut ModelContext, ) -> Result<(Task>, bool)> { if !should_mute { // clear user muting state. self.muted_by_user = false; } let (result, old_muted) = match &mut self.microphone_track { LocalTrack::None => Err(anyhow!("microphone was not shared")), LocalTrack::Pending { muted, .. } => { let old_muted = *muted; *muted = should_mute; cx.notify(); Ok((Task::Ready(Some(Ok(()))), old_muted)) } LocalTrack::Published { track_publication, muted, } => { let old_muted = *muted; *muted = should_mute; cx.notify(); Ok(( cx.background_executor() .spawn(track_publication.set_mute(*muted)), old_muted, )) } }?; if old_muted != should_mute { if should_mute { Audio::play_sound(Sound::Mute, cx); } else { Audio::play_sound(Sound::Unmute, cx); } } Ok((result, old_muted)) } } enum LocalTrack { None, Pending { publish_id: usize, muted: bool, }, Published { track_publication: LocalTrackPublication, muted: bool, }, } impl Default for LocalTrack { fn default() -> Self { Self::None } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum RoomStatus { Online, Rejoining, Offline, } impl RoomStatus { pub fn is_offline(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, RoomStatus::Offline) } pub fn is_online(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, RoomStatus::Online) } }